Our First Night
- 4 years ago
- 26
- 0
Just before seven that Monday evening, Robbie untangled himself from a now sleeping Julie and went to the kitchen to made them something to eat. He decided on soup and sandwich, and set about preparing both.
He was about halfway through his preparations when a sleepy eyed but smiling Julie padded barefoot into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around him. He smiled as she hugged him tightly to her voluptuous body. He was acutely aware of the affect she was having on him, but was happy with this amazing change in their relationship.
He couldn't really understand it. She had gone through another terrifying experience that might have turned her back toward to her protective former self. Instead, it had somehow released her from those bonds, and she was now seeking his support and comfort. It was too complicated for him to understand and he chose to accept it for the good fortune that it was. It had seemed like a lifetime since he had first walked into the restaurant and ordered the pie ala mode and tea. In fact, it was almost eight months from then until this special moment.
He turned to face her, leaned forward and kissed her with an intensity that had been untapped for that long interlude. She responded with a passion he did not know she possessed. Their tongues met and they were locked in exploration of each other. His hands trailed down her back and caressed her buttocks, squeezing and kneading them as he held her close to his abdomen. She must have felt his erection as she began to grind her hips into his. They briefly ended their kiss as Julie's mouth moved to his neck and he kissed the lobe of her ear and the nape of her neck.
"I want you, Robbie," she said softly. "I need you."
"I want you too Julie. I've always wanted you. I always will."
"Make love to me, Robbie."
"Julie ... I hate to ruin this moment ... but ... I'm not sure this is a good time for us to ... I mean I didn't expect ... I didn't know ... this might happen."
"It's alright, Robbie," she said softly. "I have a diaphragm. It'll be safe."
"Julie ... that's not what I mean. You've had a bad experience. Are you sure about this? Very sure? This might be a big mistake for us."
"No Robbie, I'm sure ... very sure. You are the man I want to be my first. I love you Robbie."
"Oh Julie, you can't know how good it feels to hear you say that. I love you ... you know I love you."
She took his hand and led him to her bedroom. She turned on a small lamp on her dresser and sat on the edge of her bed. Robbie sat beside her. As if in slow motion, he began to remove her top. Robbie marveled at her body. She was not one to wear tight or revealing clothing and the flawless beauty of her body was a revelation to him.
He gently reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Slowly he drew the straps forward and off her. Her breasts were larger that he had imagined, and they were perfectly formed with dark areolas and nipples. His hands moved to them as he looked in her eyes. He gently caressed and cupped them in his hands as his thumbs began to trace circles around the nipples.
"You like?" she smiled.
"Yes, very much. Like you, they are very beautiful." He bent forward and took a nipple between his lips, using his tongue to stimulate and cause it to stiffen.
Julie arched her back and moaned softly as he began to excite her. Her head went back and her eyes closed as Robbie's mouth coveted first one breast, and then the other. She was feeling surges of electric-like pulses move through her body. Everything was new and strange and she was thrilled by these feelings.
Robbie reached for the button on her slacks and undid it, slowly pulling the zipper down. He gently pushed Julie back on the bed and pulled the waistband of her pants down. Julie arched her body to assist him and he removed the slacks and placed them over the end of the bed. She lay back on the bed gazing at him; now wearing only her white cotton underpants. Robbie leaned over and kissed her and stroked the side of her face with his fingertips.
"You are so beautiful Julie," he whispered.
"Let me see you Robbie."
He stood up and removed his shirt, pants and then socks. He stood tentatively in front of her in his jockey shorts and then, slid them slowly down over his hips and let them drop to his feet. Julie had been looking at his face and then dropped her gaze to his groin. His erection was prominent and she rolled herself across the bed and reached for his manhood.
She held it gently in her hands, looking up and Robbie's face as she did. Robbie flinched at her touch. He was excited by the beauty of this young woman and he knew he must be very careful to make sure this was a special and perfect union. He reached forward and slowly, gently began to pull her panties down and off. She helped him as she had with her slacks. She seemed relaxed and unafraid, but Robbie was sure she was nervous, and he reminded himself to be patient and gentle. He wanted this to be something she would always remember with pleasure.
"I want to make love to all of you, Julie," he said quietly.
"Yes ... please ... I want that too Robbie."
He bent over her and began kissing her lips and then progressing slowly down her neck, her shoulders, pausing once again at her breasts to taste and excite her nipples. The tip of his tongue made circles around her areolas, raising little goose bumps as the cool air in the bedroom touched the warm, wet flesh.
His kisses then proceeded down her abdomen to her navel where his tongue dipped into her tiny cavity and caused her to flinch slightly. He looked up at her face and her eyes were closed. Her hands had begun to stray towards her delta and the fingers of one hand were slowly swirling in the fine hair of her pubic mound. Her mouth was slightly open and Robbie could hear her irregular breaths as she reacted to these new sensations. He kissed the fingers that played above her private place and then gently pushed her thighs apart.
Julie continued to respond without alarm or resistance. She was trusting him, and enjoying these moments of new sensations. He was kissing her, licking and tasting her inner thighs now, and she wondered what would be next.
Robbie rose up on his haunches to gaze at the beauty before him. It didn't seem possible that all this was happening. Everything he had wanted to do with her from the moment they had met lay before him. He bent over and his lips touched her labia, first kissing lightly and then, as his tongue found her opening, stroking upwards along its length. She flinched noticeably, and he heard her sigh and felt her hips react to his touch, but she did nothing to push him away.
He began a more insistent stroking of his tongue, pushing gently past her outer lips and now beginning to taste her fluids as she became more excited. Her hips were beginning to rise toward him, and he felt the pressure of her hands on his head increase, pulling him in toward her.
Her vocal expression was becoming more evident and now her entire body was moving in some unknown ballet. Her breasts rolled back and forth on her chest and her head moved from side to side, sometimes slowly and sometimes abruptly. Her eyes occasionally opened but she seemed not to see anything, looking only at the ceiling of the dimly lit room
Julie's mind was full of pleasurable thoughts and impulses. Her young lover was gradually bringing her to an orgasm, her first with anyone but herself. She wanted to enjoy every second of this marvelous experience and Robbie was making it easy for her. She just had to lay back and let it all happen. He would look after her, her pleasure and her safety.
She felt his thumb touch her near her clitoris and then his finger below it and then she gasped as he gently pinched it and rolled the tiny protrusion between the two digits. His tongue had left her and was replaced by his finger, softly and slowly entering her body, searching her vaginal cavity.
Her hips rose involuntarily to accept his probe, and she felt the onrush of her orgasm as it washed over her. It was completely different from the orgasms she created for herself. It was more intense and enduring. She felt a slight dizziness and an overwhelming sense of pleasure as the moment passed.
"Are you ready, Julie?" he asked.
"Yes ... yes," was her quiet reply
Robbie rose up and took her hand and led it to his erection. She knew he wanted her to guide him into her, and she held him lightly as he began to enter. He pushed lightly at first, then more insistently as he moved further and further into her. Julie's knees rose, and she spread herself wider to help him move still further inside her. She wrapped her legs around Robbie's thighs and pulled him forward and still deeper into her. As Robbie became fully enclosed by her, he stopped for a moment.
"Are you OK?"
"Oh yes ... I'm fine ... I feel very ... full."
Robbie began to rock slowly back and forth, withdrawing slightly and then pushing back in. Within a few moments, his strokes were longer and Julie began to breathe heavily as her hands clasped his hips and his rhythm continued to develop. He stopped increasing his pace and found a steady tempo that seemed to keep Julie in a state of heightened arousal. He could sustain this motion for some time.
He watched her face for any sign of discomfort or concern, but saw only the bliss of sexual pleasure in her slight smile and her lovely gaze. Her eyes were open again and she watched him as he watched her. Now and then her eyes would close and after a moment or two, would open again. He could detect only a relaxed comfort in her face. He bent his head to kiss her lightly on the lips and then her neck. The sensations for him were everything he had ever hoped for in this wondrous young woman.
Julie was drifting in an erotic trance. She could feel the exciting sensations of his manhood as it stroked in and out of her in a relentlessly smooth pace. It was the very thing that her aunt had tried to describe to her, and yet she instinctively knew no one could ever begin to articulate.
She knew now what all the fuss was about. It was about this unbelievable feeling of being joined with another human in a perfect union. She was no longer frightened of it, and now she would seek it out over and over again whenever she could. She could now wait patiently for another orgasm in this nirvana of pleasure.
She had slipped into a comfortable, fluid state when she sensed a change in Robbie and an urgency and randomness in his movements. It was as if he was swelling inside her, and he was becoming more insistent as he thrust into her. She began to realize changes in her body as well. Her responses were more acute and she could feel the onset of her orgasm.
It was unlike the first and came from deep within her. It built quickly and she began to feel light headed and was aware her body was moving, her hips, her shoulders, her head. They all seemed detached from her and yet they were all interconnected. She couldn't begin to understand what was going on but she was powerless to change the inevitability of it.
Robbie knew his time was up. He had held on as long as he could, but the intoxicating scent of her sex and firm grip of her vagina on his member made the outcome of this liaison certain.
"I'm going to finish Julie. I can't stop it ... I can't," he gasped.
Julie was silent but rising to meet him as his actions became more intense. She was rolling toward her own finish and had surrendered to whatever would come along that path. As Robbie stiffened, grunted and exhaled in short bursts, she felt for the first time the spurt of his ejaculation inside her. First one and then another and then another. She too boiled over, and erupted silently in a marvelous, bursting climax.
They lay gasping and sweating in their loose embrace, struggling to regain their breath. Julie had a grin as big as a clown as she panted, lying on her side facing Robbie. All her ghosts and demons had been expunged in this one incredible instant. It was her sexual epiphany. Robbie basked in her afterglow and her joy, and felt immensely happy that he had fulfilled his dream with the woman he loved.
"Let's do that again," Julie said as her breathing returned closer to normal. "I'm ready ... let's do it again."
"It's not that simple, love," Robbie replied in a surprised voice. "I have to recover ... it doesn't happen right away ... usually."
"Can I help?" Julie asked, grinning at him as she reached for his shrinking penis.
"We've got lots of time ... there's no rush," he offered quietly. "Let's just enjoy ourselves for a few minutes, okay
Julie was silent as her eyes scanned Robbie's face. She had a look of serene pleasure as her one hand stroked his face and neck while the other gently held his manhood.
Robbie reached over and pulled Julie close to him and held her tightly against his chest. His hand slowly stroked the flawless skin on her back and buttocks, occasionally squeezing the beautifully rounded mounds as he paused there.
"This is all I've ever wanted, Julie," he murmured. "I feel so lucky to have you ... to be with you."
"Hmmm ... then show me again," she pleaded in a quiet voice. "Please Robbie."
Robbie could feel the stirrings beginning again and knew he would recover soon. As he released his hold on her, he raised himself up on one elbow and smiled at this lovely vision below him. He gently pushed her onto her back with his hand on her shoulder. He began to move himself down, stopping to kiss and lick and suck her sensitive areolas and nipples.
There was a slight salty taste to them this time from the perspiration they had generated a few minutes earlier. He looked up and Julie's eyes were closed once again and faint moans came from her lips. He lingered lovingly on her breasts, then revisited her abdomen and navel. This time there was no shock when his tongue probed the little opening. Slowly he worked his way down to her lightly covered delta, nuzzling his nose among the fine hair. His hands pushed her thighs apart as her slipped between them and began his exploration of her already aroused centre.
He could see the evidence of their recent encounter. Her outer lips were open and reddened and the inner was moistened. Some of his semen had leaked from the vaginal cavity onto her thighs and then onto the bed sheet. He briefly thought he might go the bathroom and bring a warmed, damp washcloth to clean her, but decided he didn't want to break the spell.
She was once again heading toward that dreamland where she would celebrate this joining. He moved his head forward and his tongue began to stroke up and down her inner labia. She reacted to his first touch and then her hips reclined before they once again began small, short movements in time with the strokes of his tongue.
Robbie was not a virgin and he had tasted the combined fluids of a sexual encounter before, but somehow this was entirely different. There was a strong emotional content, and the taste of his young lover was entirely different than he remembered anyone before her.
He allowed his fingers to roam over her labia and upward to her clitoris. She was moving slowly to some unheard music in her head, and he was in no hurry to end that song. He wanted to slow down this rush she seemed to be in. In the back of his mind a small voice was send out warning messages. This was all happening too fast. He wanted to regain control and dictate the pace of their lovemaking but Julie was becoming more insistent, more demanding. It was as if he had released a caged animal, and he found himself chasing her, and she was in no mood to be caught.
Julie was experiencing feelings she had never felt before. They brought her inexplicable pleasure and she wanted them to continue unabated. She grasped at Robbie and thrust herself on him, his face, his manhood, his psyche. She was insatiable and she was reckless. Her body writhed in ecstasy at his slightest touch. When his tongue penetrated her vagina she exploded in orgasmic delight.
As he reentered her with his renewed erection, another overwhelming climax almost caused her to lose consciousness. As he began to thrust into her more forcefully this time, she slapped her hands on his butt and gripped him with all her might, riding his driving motion in a maniacal trip to her next orgasm. Only Robbie's own climax and noisy gratification brought the wild episode to its conclusion.
Robbie lay on his back, panting and soaked in sweat. He had experienced nothing like this ever before and he was both sated and bewildered. This was not what he had expected and his concerns for her inexperience and his determination to be gentle were thrown to the wind as she had totally dominated the moment. She was a different person and once again, the voice in the back of his consciousness was warning him.
He turned his head to look at his lovely partner and she too was lying on her back, her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling and panting just as heavily as he was. Her beautiful body was also bathed in perspiration. A minute or so later, her head turned toward him and she was smiling and almost giggling as she reached for him.
"Oh ... that was sooooo good. I want more and more and more. Please give me more Robbie." She was still panting and one hand was covering her pubic mound and moving slowly back and forth.
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My wife and i have been married for a few years now and it has been great. She cant however match my sex drive, but thats ok. My wifes name is Jeannie. She is 5 foot 6 inch and a great looking latina woman. 36D breast with perfect size nipples and a nice round plum ass that make anyone think about grabbing it. As any married couple we learned about each others past both sexually and family. Mine was Very normal. But my wife was not. her mother died at only the age of 28 and her dad was not in...
hello my friends i m from india my name monika i m 19 years old very sexy slim and i m 5.7 inch tall last year me america me mere massi g ke pass gai thi 6 month ke vaste america bahot hi sunder desh hai me los angles me gai thi hum ne ek mahina gumma to me ghar me boor hone lagi sabhi log kam me chalay jate the to me ghar me ekeli raheti thi mene mosi ko kaha k mera ab man nai kar raha me boor ho rahi hu to masi ne kaha k tun school me admissions le lo eglish sekhne k liye mene b socha ke j...
SHAMING A SISSY HUSBAND by Throne John was in the kitchen enjoying one of what he fancifully called his 'private pansy parties'. His wife Linda had left that morning for a three day weekend visit with her sister, fifty miles away. He had taken Friday off from his part-time job so he could, he told her, keep an eye on the house. He didn't have to work more than three days a week anyway, because of his substantial trust fund. And the job he did, managing some accounts for his Uncle...
Noemie Bilas is a curvy, ebony, beauty who is here to get her face and pussy pounded. This kinky little black barbie has smooth skin and a juicy ethnic ass that bounces and shakes in a mesmerizing way. She opens her throat and takes the cock down then moans with pleasure as she is penetrated hard and fast. Watch this slut cum over and over until she drains a load into her mouth and all over her body. She appears wearing a pink outfit showing her ebony body, her big tits, big ass, and tight...
xmoviesforyouIntro: The year is 2020. Full changes in the genetic code have been possible for years now, and are severely outlawed. But the equipment required for minor changes is readily available in the hospital wards. Stolen hospital equipment was modified to fully change the genetic code of any living creature over a period of weeks, making small changes daily. A ward was set up in a bunker miles away from the civilised areas, away from prying eyes. For a price, people are made to "disappear" from the...
John, Manda. John McCall sat on the low wall overlooking the beach. The island hadn't changed much. He remembered how the sand had been just as dazzlingly white, or how the sky had been as incredibly blue. He even remembered the clump of gnarled trees, close by the sea — and how, one balmy night, he had made love at their ancient feet. Wherever he looked he saw memories, and they all hurt. Sure, the pain had numbed by now, but it was still there after all these years. He guessed it would...
HOCC: The Coxville Book Club Meeting II (finale) The sun was just rising over Coxville County. The chirping of birdsjust beginning to hit their stride of activity as the giant orange ballascended in the east. It was an early saturday morning. The dew justbeginning to evaporate from the many blades of grass and the scarcelingering shadows of the previous dusk receded with the breaking dawn asthey had every morning, for as long as any denizens of the region couldrecall. The telltale signs...
“So, Tara, welcome to our humble abode. Well, we’re all moving in together soon. If you want to be part of that move, be sure to let us know. If you’re still involved with Damien, that is. I’d be disappointed in you if you weren’t, but there’s no accounting for taste. Damien’s the best,” Cassidy told Damien’s colleague, Tara Harmon, in front of the others. “So ... you’re intimate with your girlfriend, her sister, and her mother? And you still had enough left to fuck me that well earlier...
The three of them were sitting, holding hands. Then, Andy looked at me, realized I was there, and blushed. “He is watching us,” she whispered. All three of them looked at me with sheepish expressions. I grinned at them and rose to go outside to retrieve the liter bottle of chemical and the measuring cup. When I returned, I poured fifty cubic centimeters into the cup and set it down. “Andy and Mary, go outside and wait. I will call you when I am ready.” After they left, I motioned Lisa to...
My heart pounded as I watched my cock bounce with each pulse. Mrs. Ellis continued tracing her finger lightly around my hairless chest. I seemed to shudder with every breath. My baseball coach's wife smiled when our eyes met.”Aaron,” she whispered, ”Are you ok?”I swallowed hard and stammered, ”Yes, ma'am. it's just that I've never”She pressed her finger against my lips with a soft reassurance, ”Its ok, Aaron,” she smiled, ”You did great.” Her finger continued to roam my chest. Goosebumps...
TabooThe valet fetched the Cadillac, and left it where the taxis lined up despite the business of a Friday evening. Joe tipped him well for the generous inconvenience. It took a good fifteen minutes before the rest of the group joined them. Manhattan Joe thought would be one place he would never mind waiting. The city never stopped thrilling him. People bustling. Even at night. World famous and breathtaking towers of concrete and steel looming nearby. Wrapping his arms around Moe from behind, he...
Nate checked the address on the sheet of paper. This is where his GPS had led him, but this was not the computer store he was looking for. The name on the sign said Ariana’s. It looked like some fancy ladies store. College students can’t be choosey. He heard the computer store was hiring and he needed a job, badly. Maybe someone in the store could direct him where he needed to go. He felt uncomfortable walking into the store, but he didn’t feel like he had a choice. Ariana was in the back of...
A thought from Alphqwe: As the funeral was ending there was a nearby lighting strike. The widower looked up and said “She’s your problem now.” Say thanks to jus-dafax for this one: I went shopping for a Barbie doll for my niece’s birthday. I found two that were exactly the same except one was called Regular Barbie and one was called Divorced Barbie. The Regular one cost $19.95 and the Divorced cost $299.99. Why? Well the divorced Barbie comes with Ken’s house, Ken’s car, Ken’s money,...
Fixing My Car Recently I had developed a noise in the exhaust system of my car and after checking it out I had gone to the auto parts store to get some stuff to fix it with. As I usually do I went overboard and bought a whole lot more stuff than I actually needed. However the first thing on my wife’s list was for me to mow the lawn. We live out it the country a ways and we bought the place because of the huge front lawn. At first I enjoyed mowing the lawn and taking pride in it. I...
Taking Over By Shrike "Everybody on the floor or we'll kill you." I looked up and saw the shouting person was a classicly dressed super villain in what looked like spandex, but probably was the new Neolastane. It was the latest fashion using nanotube reinforced synthetic fabric. The man threatening everyone in the pharmacy wasn't alone however. There were three more similarly classic dressed villains. They were undoubtedly MORFS survivors with superpowers. The one who yelled...
The first time i sucked a cock i was 8 years old. Brandon was the son of some friends of my parents and was a few years older than me. One night he asked if i could spend the night. After staying up late, he pulled out one of his daddys nudie magazines. We were in his bed with the covers pulled up to about waist level. We spent some time looking through it, making random comments about the women. All of a sudden he said that one time he saw a movie where the women put her...
She was sure she had heard wrongly. Surely Becca and Lissa were joking when they mentioned that Milla's daughter, Marisa, was to be rid of her maidenhead tomorrow and started bearing. She had only been here for 5 months now, and only 4 of them in the house with the rest of the family, for that is what she has become a part of here. Still she didn't think that a girl of 17 years, for today WAS her birthday, would actually be treated anyway like she or--apparently as well--the other wives...
It is my final piano lesson before my recital on Sunday. This will will be the end of my piano lessons. I am not too sad about that. My piano teacher, Mrs. North, is at the hospital sitting by her sick aunt's bedside. She is terminally ill and has only a little while to live. Her husband, also an accomplished pianist and teacher, is subbing for her. He sits beside me on the bench. I run through my recital program. I can't help but notice as I glance down at the keys that he is wearing walking...
I will not be Hugo. I will be another name with many parts, Linda says. She tells me I must learn this name and some other things as well. When she explains I am not pleased. I do not wish to pretend to be another person. But she says it must be this way in order for me to have the ID that is so important. In this place—in this time, I think again—it seems there are many people whose work it is to know each person from the time the person is born. She says that all this knowledge is...
I was coming up on my second year working for the company that led me to move out East, and before I knew it, we were getting ready for what would be my second holidays/Christmas party with them. Office parties usually suck—at least the few I had been to. They're always just you, your co-workers, and their significant others sitting around, drinking cheap booze, eating prime rib, and trying to talk about something other than work while ending up doing exactly that because you have nothing else...
Straight SexI headed toward her car. "Come on. I'll introduce you." As I approached, Lisa came into my arms and kissed me thoroughly. "Love, meet Ted Allen. He's one of two who stuck it out here. He's a good guy and is going to be a lot of help. Ted, this is my wife, Lisa." Lisa took his hand gently and said, "Ted, I'm glad to meet you. Thank you for sticking it out. I think you'll find CIC is going to be a good company." I looked around quickly. The others had gone inside. I said, "Lisa,...
Barbara Ann’s Education part 2“How old were you when this happened?” asked Barb.“I had just turned 19.” answered Janet.“Did you ever go back?” quizzed Barb.“I went back and more. Let me tell you the rest” offered Janet.With their wine glasses refilled, Janet picked up where she had left off.After her first encounter with the three men she had doubts about their sponsorship. She had planned to enter an area beauty pageant in the coming weeks. There were things including a new dress that she...
Well, hello guys. I'm finally done with the first half of my year and I can say, It's been a good one, all A+ grades. ;D Anyways, I just wanted to say that I will be posting more stories around this and/or next week because I have 2 weeks off and I can get around to writing stores for your pleasure. Also, I wanted to thank you all for showing support in the comments in my previous parts. Because of your support I am still writing stories and I think I can continue until the next...
Don't they all say 'Hindsight is a wonderful thing'? When you look back you can see everything so clearly. Impossible coincidences that were really carefully laid plans. Little inconsistencies that you never noticed. Sometimes just the odd slip of the tongue. With hindsight I can see that the trouble in my life started when I was eighteen. An ex-girlfriend, Sarah, called me up one day and invited me to a party. Did I smell a rat? Of course I didn't. We had parted as friends so why should...
"Well, Randi. I'd say you're living up to your name..." "Gosh! I'm not normally this horny... oooh, right there..." She hung her head down between her shoulderblades, focusing for a moment on thrusting her hips back against my cock while I drilled her doggy-style. "But then sex has never been this good either..." "I get that a lot." I fought back a smirk. Then I settled in, watching the red pigtails bouncing and the gentle curve of Randi's spine as she flexed and thrust on...
These are the tales of my little Arab buttercup. My Aisha, now Annie. Having brought her out of Africa, so to speak, we had settled into American life. Working in Silicon Valley was good work for me. And with my well paid job my buttercup could spend her days writing and learning to be a good American. She loved it here. She also loved me. More than anything in the world. I had rescued her from a life she had hated and never wanted to think of again. Now we had moved on in our relationship. I...