Black family and White Slut
- 2 years ago
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While those in Celia system were preparing to review their recent engagement, the group headed to An Clochán exited FTL near the orbit of the 7th planet in Sol system. They chose this location due to the current position of the planets as it gave them a clear path to Mars.
Siobhan, Sarah, Chester and Kathleen as one said, "Breacadh, this is Órarduine Task Group Grey Eagle."
"Good, the recent FTL transition was you."
"We are currently 15 degrees above the ecliptic plane, about 30 lm from you and 140 degrees west of Sol."
"Aye. We're now seeing your IFF. Many here have been anxiously anticipating your arrival."
"Our ETA for Mars orbit is 5 hours 17 minutes."
"Okay to post?"
"Based on what we've heard, the AW base may have a potential problem. Four Dutsuz cruisers arrived two days ago and from your perspective they are about 20 lm behind us. Their progress toward us has been quite slow. Due to them being Dutsuz, and after what happened in Celia recently, as a precaution we have gone to RL3. This has caused some issues with our residents."
"Who is at the base?"
"One Spec Op team and the usual maintenance staff."
"Okay. We will contact them. Monitor our communication."
"Sol41 Approach Control, this is Chester of Keriann's Clan with Órarduine Task Group Grey Eagle," said Chester. "We've just entered the system 30 lm from you at 10 degrees up and 140 degrees west."
"Órarduine Task Group Grey Eagle, we've noted your arrival and IFF. Destination?"
"An Clochán. Our ETA to Mars orbit is roughly 5 hours 17 minutes. Breacadh indicated that you seemed to be having difficulty with four inbound cruisers."
"He is a master of understatement at times but an excellent associate. There are four Dutsuz cruisers heading our way very slowly. Communication with them has been difficult. According to the bits and pieces we've gotten, they have major problems with most systems. Their IFF codes appear to be valid but their transmissions aren't long enough to fully verify them. The Spec Ops team here think that could be due to significant damage received during an engagement. Unfortunately, we don't have an operational ship to send out to check."
"We'll take a look."
An hour later on the lead cruiser of Task Group Grey Eagle, Sarah, Chester, and the other Command Staff members watched their monitor as two of their cruisers moved away from them. Once the cruisers were a short distance away, their velocity increased as they changed their vector 42 degrees to starboard, with a 10 degree rise from that of the task group. When they were well away from the task group, they cloaked and disappeared. From all outward appearances, it appeared that they had left the solar system.
"Breacadh," said Chester, "please advise Sol41 AC using a secure link that we've sent 2 cruisers to check out the Dutsuz ships. We should know what they find in about 3 hours."
"Aye. I will set up a link so you can communicate with them through here."
It was late afternoon on Dóchas when the review of the Durale engagement finished. The representatives from each Command Staff were still sitting around the table connected with the other participants through their telepathic link.
Jackie looked at Rusty and said, "You and Keriann have had more experience with threats like this than the rest of us. What is your impression of this episode?"
Rusty smiled as he looked at Keriann who returned his smile as she nodded to him, indicating that he should respond. He said, "Intelligence data never tells you the full story, nor does it have all the information you could use or would like.
"From my perspective, we responded appropriately as we had hard information on what we were facing. Could the situation have been recognized earlier? Perhaps. However, we have to remember that we are monitoring a vast area.
"It is obvious that the Iridien's estimate of the number of Durale ships is in error, perhaps significantly. Their apparent strategy for this attack is not one I would have chosen. If you are doing a hit and run, then you need to be in and out quickly. The probability of destroying all the targets is reduced, but it does have the potential of minimizing your losses.
"The two engagements we've had with the Durale since the first one in Sol System seem to indicate a general fear of us. Since we are a small group I am not sure I understand this or the basis for it."
Keriann said, "If those in power have an attitude like Olua's, then they probably think that we did something underhanded which led to the destruction of their ships in Sol System. So the attack could have been for revenge, which isn't usually logically based." Several of the others nodded in agreement with her assessment.
"Good point. However, I am not sure I answered the question Jackie asked. Once the intruders were detected, I think we did well in identifying them and then responding. If they had not been in the debris field then our reconnaissance probes should have detected them much earlier. I thought that our review identified several other approaches to similar situations that could yield a quicker response."
Keriann said, "In terms of losses and injuries, I think we did very well. Obviously we never want any losses, especially of people, but unfortunately that is not very realistic. Nobody ever wants to be the statistic. However, in many respects, I think it weighs on us more than it does on the families as we will always wonder what could have been done differently."
Sally asked, "Should we hold off on sending anything to the Alliance until after the interrogations?"
"No," responded Molly. "We should give them all the known details, including how the Durale arrived, how many there were and what they were carrying. Once that is known by the Alliance, it will be interesting to see whether the politicians admit to what was obviously attempted. I think that their military leaders will immediately see the intent of the attack."
"Some may seek to verify some of the data," responded Conan. "The implications of what they attempted are scary, especially to any planet dweller."
"We should let our visitors from the Alliance know that they can interrogate the prisoners," added Maureen.
Shannon said, "The information packet for the Alliance is nearly ready. Currently they will go to the Iridien, Atewa and Monque Worlds. The packet will include a request to forward it to the other members."
"Why the limited number of worlds?" queried Brandan.
"Resources and coordinates," responded Mia of Shannon's Clan. "The biggest issue is the uncertainty of the coordinates for the other worlds. So from our perspective, it is better to ask that the information be forwarded with an indication as to why."
"Good point," responded Sally. After looking at the other Command Staff members she added, "We are in agreement. Send it as soon as it is ready."
"Aye. One other item then we will back out of this link. It will be a couple of days to a week before we have the initial interrogations and a review of the captured documents completed."
"Very good," replied the Command Staffs. "That is a little sooner than the time we were given earlier."
"The first estimate was very pessimistic."
"Shannon, what are the arrangements for the prisoners after their interrogations are complete?" asked Brittany.
"As we complete each one, we let Clarence know. A Security Team then transfers them to the island. Once on the island, they will be given a set of rules for living there. There will be primitive shelters available along with a food source. Spiders and a controller will monitor the island. The lions have set up a rotation for monitoring it as well."
"Good. At some point, we should ask the Dutsuz to pick them up."
"They may not want them," responded Ron of Jackie's Clan, "and the prisoners may not want to return."
Terry said, "We can deal with that when the time comes."
"We agree," responded the Command Staffs.
"Amy," said Rusty, "how are the canopies over the excavations working out?"
"Great. When the idea was first suggested many of us had doubts, as we expected to have problems with the wind causing them to lift up. Well, that can still happen, but with the way they are setup they will fall to the side, and collapse to be well out-of-the-way. Since they've been up we've had some pretty strong winds and not had any problems. Best of all, it has rained and the excavations stayed reasonably dry.
"I would like to thank the woman who suggested it, but each time I see her I've been in the midst of something. By the time I'm free she is gone. I've even walked over to where I saw her standing. While I didn't find her, I did find some good locations for viewing our activity. We've begun using some of them because of the perspective they give you. The layout we planned is going to look very nice when the buildings are all up, and even while they are going up."
Maeve smiled as she said, "I think your view is tainted by so many years on a spaceship."
Amy's Clan laughed as she replied, "Could be. Next time you are down I'll show you the locations."
"We'll look forward to it. By the way, how is the knoll coming along?"
"From a distance, it looks very nice. However, I've been told that it is off limits to our clans until the ceremony. We have the impression that the committee sees the site as being a significant place related to our settling here. I don't think I expressed that very well, but..."
"We understand," replied several Command Staffs.
Sarah's Clan said, "We've all felt something unique when we first visited that location."
Maeve added, "The closest comparison I can make is what we felt when we visited the apparent grotto. Even so, there is a significant difference."
Joyce said, "It is nearly time to freshen up for dinner. Is everyone satisfied with what we accomplished with the review?"
Jackie's Clan responded with, "We are. Overall it gave us a good perspective of the actions each of us took and how they came together. While we think we will anyway, we should do this every time we have an engagement. In some ways we see it as being similar to what we do after we meet groups from other nations or worlds."
"We agree," replied the other Command Staffs.
"Let's adjourn," said Jill. "Are you all going to join us for dinner?"
"While it is a great temptation, we are going back to Phoenix," responded Conan. "Thank you for the invite, but we need to get caught up on activities there."
"The same for us," added Jackie with the other Command Staffs also nodding indicating their intent to return to their ships.
As they began giving each other goodbye hugs Jim said, "We will be staying here tonight and returning to Tara Ardchlár for breakfast."
"Command Staff Órarduine Grey Eagle DBN01, this is Sharon on Grey Eagle PBM08, we are alongside one of the four ships and have checked out all of them."
"What do they look like?" questioned Siobhan.
"Escapees from a junkyard. We've sent spiders, along with a ferret, to each one. Based on the readings we are getting it appears that there are only a few bots active on each ship. We will know more in about half an hour.
"Looking ahead, Breacadh do you still have the information on the Dutsuz bots?"
"How about the system information from the Dutsuz ships we boarded?"
"Yes. Your ship's AI should have access to both."
"You are right. I guess we would have realized that when we started our planning."
"What are you thinking?" asked Sarah.
"Basically, taking control of the ships so that we can get them into a Mars orbit. This may require us to 'hot-wire' them. It would be a big help if the bots are active since they will know the systems. If the crew members are still alive, presumably in emergency hibernation, then we need to get them into either Sol41 or An Clochán before reviving them.
"We are going to sketch out some ideas then rest while waiting for the spiders and ferrets to tell us what they've found."
"Okay. Let's discuss your plans once you have them firmed up."
"Aye. We'll get back to you, probably in 2 hours or so."
"Breacadh, would you pass the information on to Sol41?"
Sharon said, "Grey Eagle DBN01 this is Grey Eagle PBM08, we have a plan for approaching the Dutsuz cruisers. Do you have time to review it with us?"
"Yes," replied Siobhan. "The rest of us, along with Zoe's group, are in the link. What do you have?"
"Since we last spoke, Morrigan and Brigit have joined us here. As to the status of the ships, the atmosphere won't support biologicals so there are only a few active bots on each ship. All ships have very limited power. Roughly half the crew has survived and they are in emergency hibernation containers. The bots main priority appears to be keeping the hibernation containers functioning by scavenging resources from other parts of the ship. The difficulty Sol41 has with communications is due to the condition of the equipment. Actually, our techs are surprised it worked as much as it apparently did. The ferrets indicate that only essential equipment is operating and they weren't able to download very much information as a result.
"We've identified the command cruiser and will approach that one first. We've reviewed Caoilinn's, Christina's and Edana's report of them boarding the Dutsuz ships. As a first step 4 of us, along with Morrigan, will teleport to the bridge on the lead ship. We will all wear tac suits with clear helmets. First goal is to establish contact with the bots. From there it really depends on what we learn.
"We think we should try to bring the ships back to life so that they can move to Mars orbit under their own power. An alternative is to hard link with one of their cruisers and ferry it back. Our AI says we have enough power to ferry them one at a time. We could also use some more technical assistance."
"Okay," responded Chester, "when you establish contact with the bots, don't presume that they will welcome you. Regardless of how that relationship works out, you should carefully search each ship. The spiders have done a lot of that for you but they are not perfect."
"Agreed. Márie and Angie were going with us. We plan to have four more ready to teleport there. If the bots are not cooperative, we have the information needed to put them into master command mode. Hopefully, that won't be necessary."
"We will send two more cruisers along with more technicians. This will give you enough ships to ferry them if needed."
"Aye. We are going to review the diagrams of the ships layout then board the first one. We will start in an hour."
"Be careful. We'll let you know when the cruisers depart."
"Aye. We plan to."
"Sol41 Approach Control this is Grey Eagle DBN01," said Charles.
"Sol41 here."
"Did you get the summary on the Dutsuz cruiser status?"
"We did."
"We are preparing to send some of our technicians out to assist with getting power restored to them. Would you have any technicians who are familiar with Dutsuz cruisers that could go along?"
"Charles, this is Dicharz, Sol41 commander. Do the ships have an atmosphere?"
"As we understand it, no not currently. Whether this was done to minimize power consumption, or for some other reason, we don't know. There are several bots active on each ship. Our information indicates that their focus is on keeping the remaining crew alive."
"Can you tell if it was a mutiny?"
"No. However, the damage assessment indicates that it was due to combat. There is nothing in the interior images that suggest an internal fight. Why?"
"Curious mostly, but not all our technicians are qualified to work in environmental suits. We should have a dozen who could assist. How soon?"
"We could pick them up there in 30 minutes or so."
"Okay. They'll be ready with their gear."
Kylie of Maureen's Clan said, "I don't see any reason to wait so why don't we land at An Clochán now?"
Kathleen responded with, "We can, but being up here simplifies communication with the Grey Eagle Six. What do you have in mind?"
"The 2 cruisers we sent were the M model. If we landed, we could quickly rearrange things so that we could send 4 Badb N model cruisers. They have more space and power so if ferrying became necessary it would be easier to do. With more space, it may be possible to shift some hibernation containers to our ships."
"Excellent idea," responded several.
"Let's do it," added Sarah. "An Clochán Approach Control, Task Group Grey Eagle requesting clearance to land."
"Grey Eagle you are cleared all the way to ramp. There is no other traffic."
Sarah said, "Attention Grey Eagle Group, we will begin our descent to An Clochán momentarily. We need to have DBN01, PBN06, EBN11, and IBN17 depart shortly after landing to join PBM08 and EBM10. As soon as we have EBN11 unloaded, apart from the Security team and crew, it will move over to Sol41's ramp to pick up technicians. Stand by for details on what needs to go with the 4 cruisers. Execute descent protocol."
"Aye," responded the bridge of the other 9 ships.
"Sol41," said Calvin, "it will now be about an hour before EBN11 arrives on your ramp."
"Good. We can use the extra time. It looks like there will be 25 technicians and 4 Spec Ops. The Spec Ops have essentially recovered and are getting bored so they thought they could be of assistance."
"That is great."
It wasn't long before Grey Eagle group reached An Clochán. Once on the ground the crews quickly began making the required transfers between ships. Initially they focused on EBN11 so that it could move over to Sol41. By the time DBN01, PBN06, and IBN15 were reconfigured, EBN11 was ready to depart from Sol41.
Christina said, "An Clochán FOC. Sol41 FOC, EBN11 ready to depart."
"Cleared," came the response.
Shortly after that Alana said, "An Clochán FOC, Grey Eagle's Delta group preparing to depart."
"Cleared to orbit," came the response.
As the other three cruisers began lifting off the Command Staff said, "May the Gods and Goddesses be with you. Please be careful."
"We will," replied those on the four ships.
Those remaining watched from near the entrance to An Clochán as the ships lifted off. The three ships were only a short distance away when EBN11 joined them. With its arrival their velocity rapidly increased as they headed toward the four stranded Dutsuz ships.
Mairia said, "What an amazing sight."
"How so?" asked Belinda of Zoe's group.
"Well maybe I didn't express myself very well, but what we just saw resembles scenes from movies I saw growing up, only this is real."
"It certainly is."
The group picked up their gear and headed for the airlock. On entering the locker room Calvin said, "Breacadh, let each department know that some of us will visit them in thirty minutes or so."
"Okay. When do you want to meet the guests as a group?"
"How about right after dinner?" responded Sarah. "That is when we would normally have a family meeting. Where is the best location?"
"The cave area that was used for final assembly is one possibility. That area will be easier to set up than where we had our previous large family meetings. Also, our meal times are lasting longer than before."
"Why is that?"
"We have more people and the replicators aren't as fast as going through the buffet line."
"Do we need to sleep on the ships?"
"We have enough accommodations. Besides, you staying here will give our guests a better impression."
"We'd prefer that. What is the status of New Comrie?"
"Chantel is active. It is useable. We have 6 staff members there. It is uncloaked. We are fairly certain that 4 countries have figured out its location. It isn't clear whether they've improved their detection capabilities, or we weren't careful enough with cloaking our operations there. Melinda asked me earlier about its availability."
"She will need several Security Teams to accompany them. Melinda knows which ones."
"She gave me the list. The communication resources she needs are operational. Also, there are several people waiting in the reception area to meet you. Effie in the Security Center has requested that you visit there first, or as soon as you can. They have some concerns regarding several guests."
"Okay, we are almost ready to leave. Our group will meet with them. The groups meeting with the different department staffs will take their gear to the suites first."
"I'll let Effie know the timing. All the department staffs are anxious to meet with you all."
As soon as Zoe's group stepped out of the locker room into the reception area, the crowd erupted in cheers. Those grew louder when the Command Staff members joined them.
"Good afternoon," said the Command Staff when the cheers had tapered off. "We are pleased that you have chosen to join us. Right now there are a few things we need to check on so we will only answer a few questions. However, we've scheduled a general meeting for right after dinner this evening and Breacadh will be announcing the details. During the meeting we plan to cover several general topics then answer questions. First question."
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Couples & ladies who want to enjoy orgasmic sex can get in touch at It so happened that I had to visit Chennai on official duty. My visit was for two weeks as I had to scrutinize some records of a Multi National Company. I reached there and contacted my friend He was actually staying as a Paying Guest at one house. He enquired about my plans and suggested that instead of spending huge amount on hotel bills, I could stay in his house. That was really nice of him. He was also staying alone and...
The darkness of the night had just set in to its fullest extent. Markus yawned as he removed himself from Andrea's nethers after another long sex session while Jeanne watched a TV show. "Oh! Oh! I have a fun idea! I've been saving this one up and I want to do it!" His wife, already covered in cum, stood up and began to clean herself up. "Alright, I'll bite. What are you going to do now?" Mark asked with a tired, dismissive tone. "Don't be so negative, it's going to be fun!" Andrea...
A sexy afternoonA some might know I am a trained masseur. It is a pleasure to pamper my client with my variety of strokes, and to see them gradually relax on the table under the caring guidance of my hands and arms. A few of my clients have fallen asleep during the treatment, and I see this as one of the best compliments that I can get.On the other hand (literally), I am a sucker for the feminine body with its curves and the softness of its skin. I do get turned on by the feel of her body as it...
The following morning I was woken up by Aunt Linda's voice: "Hey, you sleepy-heads! Time for breakfast!" By the time Bethy, Tyler and I got to the table it was already after 11:00, and by the tousled look of everyone there, no one had gone to church this morning, having preferred to sleep in. The spirited activity of the previous day at Lake Wetauga had taken its toll on everyone... lopsided hair, little crusties in everyone's eyes, and in everyone's face a general look of relaxation...
The Dress II (A shopping date) by Diann First, please allow me to recap a bit from the last part. I'm a thirty-year- old transvestite (living with my mother, helping her cope with severe arthritis) who found a magical dress in a second hand shop. The magic changes whoever wears it into a beautiful woman when they put it on, and the change reverses once the person is totally naked. After taking a few minutes to get used to the new me, I went to the nearby mall and made a couple...
Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife (Part 4) Don Abdul (c)2010 It had been a couple of weeks since Lynda returned from her Caribbean vacation, and although the memories of her ‘Caribbean Double Chocolate Dip’ kept her usually voracious sexual appetite in check for a while, libido was on the rise again. The dull ache in her loins was once again becoming unbearably distracting. She was rather surprised that it had taken so long for the sexual monster inside of her to stir again, but then she had...
Nicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...
Golf is a wonderful sport. Being outdoors, being able to drink a beer while playing. And there's meeting a wonderful man.Yes, that's right. Paul and I have been dating for seven months now. I met him while volunteering at a local golf tournament, checking tickets, and acting as a liaison between the country club and the caddies.Paul was a caddie and I noticed him right away, his tall six-foot frame and athletic build from what I gathered was from swimming and running. I quickly daydreamed...
ThreesomesWhat can happen when you cheat. Dear Diary. March 18th 1985: Dear diary, well it finally happened. Two weeks after our anniversary and I cheated on my husband. Funny, Roy talked to me about having kids again just yesterday. I am glad I took the pill today. Branden came a lot…. I don’t know what Roy would think of his child-hood friend now that he just had amazing sex with his own wife for hours today…. But he did and his wife loved it…… March 19th 1985: Roy...
Cheating WifeFrom the day Xavier got the apartment, Lily had been hard at work on her back, on her knees, and on all fours, letting endless strangers have their way with her. She had been nervous at first, but after the first few men, she no longer cared. She would simply let them empty themselves into her, maybe suck them off, take a shower, and then get ready for the next guy. Xavier would come back in the evening with food and gifts, claiming he had spent the day busy at work. Everything he bought...
Braylin Bailey is super jealous that her friends have been selling nudes online and making big bucks. She has finally figured out a way to get in on the action. All she needs is cooperation from her stepbrother, Jay. She wants Jay to act as the photographer as she shows off her tight body with her busty chest and luscious curves. Jay resists at first, but Braylin offers him a 30% cut. That’s a pretty good deal for recording his stepsister getting naked, so Jay tells her that if they get...
xmoviesforyou100% fiction! Linda had been acting strange for over a month, quiet, kind of sad, not her usual bouncy self. She’s my sister, she had just turned eighteen and as I did every year I kidded her that now I couldn’t call her my kid sister (I was exactly ten months older than her). But this year it didn’t get a rise out of her. Ma noticed it and tried to get her to tell her what was wrong but she said she was okay, the same thing she told me when I tried to help. I hated to see her this way ‘cause I...
IncestSex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ==================================================Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for their...
I returned home around 6 p.m. to find Robert in the downstairs shower. His gym clothes were strewn in front of the bathroom door indicating he had just come from a workout.My normal routine would be to come home, change out of my work clothes and into my night clothes, and then prepare dinner, clean up, etc. As I listened to the shower running in the downstairs bathroom, my mind raced with thoughts of what had occurred just last night. I decided that Robert might interpret me changing into my...
Tabooby Phillip Johnson Chapter Forty Three It was just after one thirty when they hit town, and Buck called Mitch and Layla as he waited at a stop light. ‘Hi Buck, where are you?’ ‘About twelve minutes from your house.’ ‘Really? Then come over, Mitch will be back any minute and the iced tea is made.’ ‘We need something a little stronger than that.’ ‘Margaritas coming up then.’ ‘Thanks, love you,’ and he hung up. ‘You never tell her you love her.’ ‘That’s in case we kill her and forget to...
Hello, I’m Russell from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I’m a regular reader of ISS. Today i’ve decided to narrate my very own personal sexperience for my fellow ISS readers. Then I had seen few explicit-vulgar movies & read some cheap sex-story books (Choti). My experience was pressing & licking young maid’s boobs which I was forced by that maid when I was just 8yrs old. From then I became a great fan of Boobs, I used to caress girls’ boobs whenever I had chance. I did it with my cousin sisters & other...
IncestI climbed into bed next to her. She had been asleep for a while. Looking her over my body sparked back to life again. The way her flat muscular stomach raised up and then fell back down. The way her firm perky breasts were trying to break out of her thin white t-shirt. The way her black thong clung to her pussy like it was holding on for dear life. I could not help but reach out and softly touch her body … this however is not where my night began, but we will get back to it soon enough.
As we have a doorbell with a cam, my husband took his phone to see who was at the door. He started the cam view and we found out it was indeed Irene who was standing in front of the door. With her beautiful half long red hair, her lightly freckled face and blue grey eyes she was a tempting lady looking into the camera. She had a small cabin case with her for extra clothes as we invited her for the weekend and obviously her toys. When my husband answered the ‘call’, she couldn’t avoid saying...
The Star By Julia Chapter 1 Pete was told that these people were going to help him get back on his feet. He was told there were great opportunities here. What he did know was that his wife Jackie had sold him, and that once he went there, he wasn't going to leave. He was going to be enslaved, abused and made into a porn star. But he had no idea what he was walking into. Jackie, his wife set it all up and as usual, he did what she wanted. He never considered that she would...
Ledger, Brena, and Andrew sat quietly in the common room of the Rusty Shovel Inn and Tavern. They had been quietly discussing the upcoming trip across the continent over a light tea. They had concluded that the ale and beer here were to be avoided at all costs. “Brena,” said Ledger. “Whatever those leaves happened to be, keep a good supply of them for the trip. I may not need them, but others might.” He sipped his tea and grimaced. “That ale messed my taste up. Nothing taste good right now,”...
While Emma and I waited for everyone to get home we talked some more as we hung the clothes up in my closet. It felt good that every skirt, blouse and dress I hung up, I was taking my boy clothes off their hanger, I was replacing Andy with Ashley and it made me so happy. I told her about Ben and how he'd reacted when he saw me and told him I was becoming a girl. She made a good point saying "You guys have been friends a long time, it was probably a lot for him to take in ya...
THEN: Gautam Chatterjee suspected his wife, Kiran, of cheating on him with a neighbor Junaid Khan. Due to this, he was having vile thoughts about the two of them and he could not help but get aroused by these thoughts. Therefore, he sought the help of Baba Sadachari who put him through drills of self-control with a devadasi/maid. Seema was an eighteen-year-old run-away village girl who had run out of options to pay her college fees after the rejection of a scholarship. Right after she was asked...
Two nights after Laura's 2 a.m. tryst with Vondi, she got a frantic phone call from Shavon, whose husband would be leaving town that evening. She was desperate to see Laura, and a few hours later they ended up in her bed fucking in a frenzy. Laura told her nothing about seeing Vondi alone, and did not tell Vondi about seeing Shavon either. She wondered how long this juggling act would remain possible, but for her the joys of fucking with them together were outweighed by the intense delights...
Ultimate h?s part 1 Gwen Stacy took Spiderman's dick like a pro. She was back against the alley wall as Spiderman pummeled her with his huge cock. Gwen Stacy's big tits swung freely as her legs wrapped around Spiderman's back. Her hips gyrated up and down as spiderman thrust into her receiving pelvis. Stacy's hips ground into Spiderman's dick. Her pussy wrapped around his cock milky it as the hot rod pulled in and out sucking her pussy lips with it as it moved. Gwen's black high heel...
When someone came around to wake me up, I was still able to see the girl like me just by finding the egg I fertilized growing inside her. One thing I found about having this thing in my head was that I always felt full of energy and ready to go even if I just went to sleep. We could not have been asleep very long. When I found my jeans and boxers, they were still really wet, so I just got on my shorts. Even though everyone worried about bugs and sunburn, many of us decided we would risk it...
joey is my student from a top girls school in singapore. her mum becomes good friend with me and we had met regularly for drinks. one day she invited to her house after dinner (her hubbie was overseas and joey was in a camp). as i entered, she greeted me at the door, dressed in a provocative white dress (something like a nite gown). her body contours were conspicuously visible and her shapely breasts were jus stunningly attractive. it was obvious that she did not wear any bra as the nipples...
Erotic(Warning. The male is punished. He accepts this because he forgot something. If you can’t handle being in a shackle, spanked, and more. Then leave now. The men that read this will feel as if they are the King.) You are the King of your castle and have been away for a very long time. Doing kingly duties; from stopping wars to adding on to the borders of your land, making alliances and fighting those who go against your rules. You have been gone for close to 5 months. Leaving your queen and son...
This is a continuation of my previous story, after which I ended up giving a gigolo service. I landed back in Mumbai from Brazil. At the airport, many people identified me as the porn MMS guy. There was a spy camera in the washroom where I had sex with the janitor lady, and it got leaked. I called her to know what had happened. I got to know that she got sacked from her job after the video went viral. She was working as a domestic help somewhere. My mom had come to pick me up. She was very...
He met Rose in the park across from the headquarters building. She brought the Walmart bag with his clothes from the previous day. "So do I kiss you, or pretend we didn't have sex last night?" he asked. "We didn't have sex last night," she said emphatically. "Okay, if you feel like you need to deny it, I will play along," he said. "You might not want to talk like that with most people. They might have you locked away in a padded room," Rose said seriously. "Ah well, no cerebral...
Each day Mary would come and bring a bath. Hot water was hauled up from somewhere and poured into a bath where I wallowed till it chilled. I dried off and rested by the fire. I had an array of books, each erotica. I understood more now. Each afternoon I was severed lunch. Each night I was served dinner. After dinner the fun would begin. I never knew what. Sometimes it would be Felicia and Richard. Most nights it was just Richard. We began to talk and he finally explained himself. "I needed...
Introduction: What happens in the family stays in the family – or does it? Ok – before you get started, understand this is Chapter 13 of a story that was originally published as Incest Games, by Jolene Homes. There are those who will say I am plagiarizing, however, this is an exact word for word copy of the originally printed work – which can be found at – search for Jolene Homes. Look it up. It was going to be titled Family Games, however the...
However, in most cases, nobody cares or is evening paying you any attention at all. Around mid morning today, I got myself motivated enough to get to the pool. I was wearing my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos bunch of selfies of me wearing those speedos on my blog if you are interested). As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, when I go for a swim at the local pool, I usually jump out of the pool, wrap a towel around my waist, throw on a t-shirt and drive home. When I got home today I thought...
I've always been shy and maybe rather obsessional. I got a job with a fabrication company in their stores and worked my way up until I was head storekeeper by the time I was thirty-one. I did try to date, but somehow it didn't work. The girls were all nice enough, but always wanted to change me, or the way I did things. You know, 'Aisle Altar Hymn'? Some were untidy, or wanted me to buy a more sporty car – my old Morris Traveller fits my need and personality perfectly – and who would want...