Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5 Chapter 8 Checkpoint 96
- 4 years ago
- 52
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Even though I had little medical knowledge, my time serving in the Devi’s sick bay and getting basic med training at the Academy I was helping with the triage of wounded and somehow remembered Dr. Dwyer my old Nilfeheim doctor as I derma-patched an eleven year old’s scrape wounds he had suffered falling while running and hiding inside an service crawl.
The Casualty numbers were depressing. “943 dead among them many civilians and 1532 wounded of which more than 500 were very critical. Over 3000 raiders had participated, of which 2400 had died and the rest surrendered.
The damage to the base was not as severe as it looked and most of the environmental base functions were still working; as ordered I had sent my report to the Devastator and Fleet Command, but only got a short acknowledgement that they received the reports.
Rock Hound came over and looked over the long line of wounded. As he was the highest ranking Union Fleet Officer he was now the acting base commander and said to me. “The Makki-Grodno has just arrived and they are deploying every Med-bot and all personnel they have. Fleet Command just confirmed they have diverted the USS Albert Schweitzer.
Just as he said that, Med Bots arrived and with them the CMO of the Battle Ship followed by a large number of Med Techs.
The CMO exchanged only a few words with us and then went to work.
Now with the crew of a Battle ship reinforcing our efforts, things looked up and my services in the first aid line weren’t needed anymore.
I walked off and sat down on the knee high wall of a fountain that was no longer working and wiped my face. I felt tired and exhausted.
That Deepa was the NAVINT Commandant was of course a secret that had to be maintained even during this crisis. I knew she and the surviving agents of the NAVINT outpost were busy erasing any traces that their subsurface base was ever used by the intelligence service.
She had told me that she would leave Outpost 96 in a new disguise and that it was better I did not know who she would be.
As I sat there more and more Navy personnel filled the concourse. Teams of engineers rushed one way with their robotic tool boxes right behind them. A group of Special Forces Marines in full Quasimodo battle suits followed Cyber Dog K-9 units scanning the place obviously looking for survivors and pirate attackers that tried to hide.
A tall man, with a Marine Corps high and tight regulation hair cut, wearing an all black uniform walked briskly in my direction, several high ranking officers in his wake.
I got up and stood in attention. “Midshipman Olafson reporting as ordered, Sir.”
I did not know how he did it or what it was, but him just being here made everything looks half as bad. I knew, that whoever this Red Dragon was, he had not made his calculations including Admiral Stahl. He would find a way to track him down.
He simply sat down and said. “Have a seat, son. No need to salute right now.”
I sat down next to him and looked at his sharp profile and followed his ice gray eyes scanning the surroundings.
He waved at his entourage. “Make yourself useful, assess the damage. Get repairs started and make sure all this is recorded in detail. I want to know the names of each raider, dead or alive. I want to know where they came from. I want the wrecks in space gathered to the last bolt and analyzed and know who built them owned them and piloted them.”
The men acknowledged and scrambled to execute his orders.
Only then did he turn his head. “I received reports from the Army Commander, the Commander of the Wolfcraft squadron. Of course Deepa also keept me informed.
I would like to say I am very proud of your conduct.”
His praise touched me deeply and I wanted to say something but he held up his hand and stopped me. “Eric, I know how you feel. You lost men flying with you, you let the transports pass and land and you feel responsible for all this, but at no point did you fail or do anything wrong. Despite all the things I know about you and what you have achieved, you are still just a Midshipman. Yet you have performed and served like a real Officer and there was nothing you could have done to prevent this. Don’t count the dead Eric; count the living that you saved with your actions. Without you, no one would have made it.”
He actually padded my shoulder. “If it means anything to you, Midshipman Olafson, you earned my respect.”
The numb feeling I had since I had held the dead Holdian commander, the blame and guilt I felt for not doing the right things left me and I felt much better. The Eternal Soldier, the one man I looked up too more than anyone else, respected me. The pride I felt was deep but still tempered by the recent event. “Thank you Sir.”
He got up. “Let’s go back to the Devi there are certain people who can’t wait seeing you, and I do have a surprise for you as well.”
“Sir what about the Red Dragon? What about Checkpoint 96?”
He turned and said. “We will hunt him, son. We will find everyone that was responsible for this and make them pay.”
He then gestured across the station. “It will be rebuilt and reinforced. It is terrible what happened here and every life lost will be missed by someone, but in the great scheme of things it was just a needle prick. We will survive and come out stronger.”
“Before we go sir, I want to make sure that the former Commandant of this base is honored and that her name and conduct is not forgotten. She might just have been a little Holdian in stature, but her spirit and person was as big and tall as the very best of us, Sir.”
He made a solemn face. “I know, she was one of those I had picked just I had picked you. I will make sure she receives the highest honors and goes home as a hero should.”
A shuttle was talking us up to the Devastator, as the ship was too big for the space port facilities.
Everything on the Devastator was gigantic, and so was this Shuttle flight deck. In the distance I could see Captain Harris and a crowd of people, but chief among them nine I would have recognized anywhere. The Admiral was right, the ninth person standing next to Har Hi, was a surprise. There was a being completely shrouded in a black flowing hooded garment, it was Narth.
I knew it was him, not another member of his species.
I approached the Captain and saluted. “Midshipman Olafson reporting back as ordered Sir, permission to come aboard.”
Captain Harris saluted back and the Master Chief of the Devi blew the boatswain whistle and gave the traditional boarding signal usually reserved vor high ranking officers and dignitaries.
Then the entire crowd behind him saluted at the sound of the whistle, all the Devastators Midshipmen, Commander Cotton and the 12th Squadron was there as well.
The Captain then said. “Permission granted, welcome back Midshipman Olafson glad to see you among the living.”
The Admiral behind me said. “I am the first to point out that military form and traditions are the backbone of our Navy, but today I say to hell with regulations. Mr. Olafson your friends are waiting.”
He barely finished what he said as my friends rushed me. Krabbel beat them all and embraced me in his long hairy legs.
It wasn’t really that long ago when I had seen the big Arachnid first in a Lobby on Arsenal IV and found his form frightening, but now I threw my arms around his body knowing what a good and gentle heart beat inside. “Krabbel,” was all I could say, my throat constricted.
Krabbel said “We all missed you so much.”
Har Hi complained. “Krabbel let us get to him as well.”
The big spider partially released me and Har Hi gave me a tight brotherly hug, and we padded each other’s backs, he said. “It’s good to have you back, brother.”
Shaka was next doing the same thing. “We thought we had lost you.”
Mao actually kissed me on both cheeks and then bear hugged me.
Circuit said while he embraced me. “It doesn’t show Eric, but I am almost exploding of joy to see you.”
I hugged him and said. “I missed you just as much, my chrome faced friend and I always can tell how you feel.”
Hans scooped me up like a little child and pressed the little air I had left out of my lungs. “Mein lieber guter Fre...” He had said something in his native language and then added.” My dear, dear friend I have missed you very much.”
Elfi gave me a long kiss and it wasn’t on the cheeks and then said. “Never do that again, we all almost died thinking you were gone.”
Wetmouth slung her arms around me, kissed me gently on the lips and then she started sobbing and cried.”I missed you so much.”
Her body felt soft and tender and she was sighing deeply, I had to blink and fight my own tears as well and said in her ear. “Everything will be alright.”
Finally there was Narth. He took my hand and something passed between us that could not be described in words and no emotion, no human experience could be used to compare. Then he said with his deep non human and yet so familiar voice. “May I execute the physical exercise of enfolding you with my upper extremities to complete the traditional greeting as I have observed your other friends do?”
I simply pulled him in and embraced him. “Will that suffice as an answer, I am so glad to see you here as well.”
“I have orders of a permanent transfer to the Olafson Gang. I am deeply pleased to say.”
Harris finally stopped the greeting orgy and said, “If we let them carry on we are going to be here till next week, so please everyone attention.”
It took us a little longer than usual but we managed to get to attention. Once more shoulder to shoulder with my friends. I knew then I was the richest man in the Universe.
The Captain said. “There is unfinished business and first and foremost, I hereby close the chapter on the Reagan Trophy.”
A Lieutenant next to him held up the large metal cup.
Harris pointed at it. “The Olafson gang has won the competition officially for the Devastator. They were instrumental in uncovering a great conspiracy. Even after they witnessed the apparent demise of their leader and friend, the team performed far and beyond any expectations and brought great honor upon the ship and themselves and made me proud to have such individuals serving with me in this Fleet of ours.”
I whispered to Har Hi next to me, saying. “You won the Challenge?”
He nodded barely noticeable and said from the side of his mouth. “I thought you would have wanted it.”
I doubt I could have felt more blessed and proud of my friends than at that moment. “Yes Har Hi, I would have wanted it.”
The Captain added the Reagan trophy ribbon to our displays and stepped back.
Now the Admiral said. “There are still eight weeks till you graduate, but for you the testing and the school education ends today. There is plenty of education and learning ahead of you of course, but school is out. You are herby dismissed from Midshipman country and allowed to move to the Officers Deck and you are as of today Acting Ensigns until your ranks are confirmed at Graduation day.”
That caused the cheer that went through the crowd and I too felt a big worry dissolve. I had made it, I wasn’t a Midshipman anymore. I had a real rank and was an Officer.
The Admiral motioned everyone to settle down. “There is more official business before I dismiss you for three days of R & R.”
He nodded to the Captain who called us into attention again and said with solemn tone. “Some of you might find it strange or unusual that I am about to do. Some of you might think I do this so often it loses meaning, but I am here as directly requested by the President of the United Stars of the Galaxies and the Assembly who were direct witnesses of the events in Hermann’s System after the defacto declaration of war by a group of pirates. The Assembly had seen the actions of Ensign Eric and I was asked to decorate this young man on their behalf, for showing great courage beyond the call of duty, to represent and stand true to the values of Union and Fleet even in the face of great adversity. To preserve and protect many lives, both through his direct action and indirectly through his commands, he is hereby presented with the Great Medal of Merit of the Union Assembly.”
He pinned a physical medal to my uniform and then motioned me to say something.
“I am deeply honored by this, but it should go all the defenders of Checkpoint 96. To the fallen Wolfcraft pilots, to the dead and wounded civilians and to the Holdian Commander, who’s name I actually never knew.”
Stahl’s face did not change as he said. “I give you my word, not one will be forgotten.”
The move from Midshipman country to the Officers deck was both a milestone in all our careers and a bittersweet moment. We no longer would stay in a shared dorm but had our own rooms. In most ships the junior officers would still share accommodations with one or two others, but the Devi had plenty of room and everyone got their own.
We all went to the Village, as the central recreation area of the Devastator was called. There we crowded into one of the street cafes and I had to tell my friends everything that happened to me and I did except for the part I could not.
In turn they told me about everything that happened to them. They told me about the events on Newport and that Wintsun was a traitor and now a wanted criminal, who somehow managed to escape Newport and that it was he who shot Narth in the Crawler Cat while I was unconscious.
Narth told me that he teleported an Antimatter bomb past the outer orbit of Newport and that this had serious consequences to his Psionic powers and health and that he was still recuperating and that it would take a long time before he would return to his old levels. He could have been restored right away, but that would have meant to integrate his essence into the body of Narth and he would have lost his individuality and that was a price he was not willing to pay.
Of course the recent events at Checkpoint 96 were the main topic that everyone around us was talking about. Someone in the Café turned on a field screen and the most popular news show on GalNet came on, the Union Clarion. Images and footage of the attack were shown once again. I could not stop myself from turning and watching.
The newscasters voice was heard over a visual of the Assembly in session and it said. “In a follow up session to Assembly resolution 59 of the fifth October 5018 regarding the Events in Union System Herman’s Star and the Battle of Outpost 96.
A proposal to disregard the Freespace treaty and risk war with the signees of said treaty was narrowly defeated in a Union Citizen vote this morning. A surprising 48 percent of the Citizens voted for decisive military action, while 52 voted for a tempered approach.
This high percentage should send a clear message to the Assembly and our representatives that the Citizens of the Union are fed up with the ongoing Pirate problems.”
The image changed and a reporter stood before SII Needle One at Omni Planet, which was the Corporate Center of SII and interviewed a high level executive of the Giga Corporation, all this information came across the screen in a ticker band.
The executive said. “On behalf of SII GalNet and as the provider of the Military GalCom network, we would like to send this message to the individual Red Dragon and the Sinister Alliance. We have sent destruct codes to your terminal. Furthermore since you have chosen to use GalNet services without paying for the call, SII Communications will take steps to collect the 45 Credits owed.”
An environmental specialist at the next table commented on that saying. “Now his goose is cooked. The Red Dragon pissed of the wrong folks.”
Somehow I didn’t like that. I wanted the Union Fleet to catch the criminal and I wanted him to be brought to justice. Dragged in chains before a Union Court and hanged and not killed by freelancing corporate assassins.
Captain Harris and the Admiral came and pulled chairs up, both were out of uniform and I had to repeat the story of my involuntary journey again. It wasn’t easy for me to lie to my friends and Captain Harris but I could not tell them about the involvement of the Sojonites of course and made up a story how I escaped. Of course Stahl knew the entire story and I was certain I noticed a blinked approval from his eyes.
Much later that day we found ourselves at the same spot underneath a big tree close to the lake that was in the center of the Village.
Once again we wore bathing suits, except of course for Narth, Krabbel and Har Hi. We had talked a lot and now we simply enjoyed being reunited and able to put the events of the past behind us.
I looked to Narth and said. “Why is it I can’t really hear you talk inside my head as we used to? I still can feel your presence and know how you feel no matter where I was but I can’t actually hear your words inside anymore.”
He had folded his legs, just like Wetmouth often did and floated a few inches of the surface of the grass. His hooded head turned and his glowing eyes had lost much of their intensity and he said. “You are blocked in the most efficient way from all external thoughts even from me your Hugavh sharer.”
“I don’t want to be blocked from you.”
“Then we must start your Psionic training. Only you can allow access through that shield and to allow only one and not all access is quite difficult to learn, but I am confident you will learn this in five to six of your decades. You are after all quite intelligent for a human.”
I boxed him in the side. “Only you can insult me and make me feel I just got a compliment. There is no faster way. I mean in fifty years, I might be retired from the Fleet.”
Narth boxed me back and said. “No Eric my friend. If I wanted to insult you, I would say thickheaded Neo Viking. This would be a proper insult if I understood the instructions of the Narth that spends much time with Neo Vikings now correctly. I personally do not understand as I have not observed that you have a thicker head than other comparable humans.”
Har Hi chuckled. “Human metaphors can be a tricky thing to understand indeed.”
The three days of rest and recreation were over. While I would not have complained about more, I was ready to go back on regular duty on the Devi without any particular huge responsibilities or associated problems.
However we were called to the Captain’s ready room, instead of receiving new duty assignments and shifts.
He was waiting for us sitting on his desk, the Reagan Trophy prominently displayed on his desk and asked us to forgo any formal behavior and to sit down. Ten Vari-From chairs had already been placed in a semi circle.
He began right after we all found a seat and said. “Three days maybe not enough but this is the Navy and the Devi isn’t a cruise ship. There are still close to eight weeks before your final year is over and you officially graduate and get your commissions and a well deserved leave of absence before you are dispersed to your new assignments and duty posts.
As you know we are at the fringes of Union space and recent events have made it clear that we must pay more attention to this area.”
A three dimensional projection of a tactical sector map appeared between him and us. Checkpoint 96 was flashing and a tiny symbol depicted the Devastator. He then reached inside the projection and pointed at a distant star system and the projection focused on it.
“This is Richter System; it has a new Class B Fleet base on planet Richter 4. There is an automated Long range sensor station on Richter 8 and the latest survey reports that there are possible ruins of a tech level one civilization on Richter 5. As you can see, Richter Base lies at the outer fringes of the Sagittarius arm and the 2500 light year void to the Orion arm.
Technically the extension of the Sagittarius Arm in that area is Freespace as well, but due to the sparse star population in this area, there is virtually no space traffic and the three closest star systems on Freespace side, as you can see here are almost 80 light years away and contain no habitable planets.”
He pointed out the stars he was talking about.
He continued. “The reason for Freespace extending into this area in the first place is this planetary system, inhabited by a Tec level three civilization, the Bitllors. They are signees of the treaty and simply declared all this empty space and those three systems their empire and no one objected. As you can see their main world is 120 light years from Richter.”
Har Hi said.”Aren’t they still using Laser push sails and Ion motors? It takes them almost a month to accelerate to Threshold speed.”
Harris nodded. “Yes and it takes them the same time to decelerate at the destination.” He looked up and said looking at Har Hi. “I know what you want to ask. Why put a Class B Star base there if an Outpost would have been more than enough to keep an eye on things there.”
Now it was Har Hi who nodded. “That is what I was wondering about, Sir. A Class B is usually home to an entire Battle Group, or even a Fleet.”
The Captain acknowledged Har Hi with a smile. “Back when the decision was made to build a base there it was to be just that. Home to the 67th fleet and have a supply station at the edge of the big gap, to provide us with a back door into the Nosirrah Conglomerate as a war with them was at that time very likely. If fleets could be moved across the gap at this point, we would have been able to attack from two sides and through the proverbial back door, reaching the Nosirrah main worlds without having to fight through a large number of well defended systems at the other end where their territory reached Union Space.”
Now it was Mao who scratched his head. “Sir that was quite a while ago. And the Nosirrah joined the Union quite a while ago and so did the Shail who were the original reason for those initial hostilities.”
Harris sighed.”This is true, but our big wonderful Navy is also a big bureaucracy. The construction of two large Class B stations was planned almost 750 years ago. One here at Richter and one across the gap at Lyon Star and as the war didn’t come the project importance was reduced from high to very low, but it was not canceled. Construction orders were given by the Fleet Asset Bureau twelve years ago and now we have two new and big bases that are more or less obsolete. However since they are there, regulations also require them to be staffed and maintained by a crew of 600 enlisted and 25 officers.
Richter Station is 10 officers short of that required compliment.
The Personnel Allocation office at Fleet Command will dispatch ten officers in six to eight weeks. Since you are officers and dismissed from school. We thought it would be a nice quiet duty assignment for you before your actual career starts.”
After the briefing, Harris held me back and handed me a sealed Order chip. “Ensign Olafson, keep this order chip sealed and do not open it unless you feel or observe anything unusual.”
I took the chip and said. “Sir, would there be a chance that I observe something unusual?”
The captain responded saying. “You will be very close to Freespace and the station sees little traffic, so keep your eyes open.”
I knew this was all I would get as an answer.
Six hours later we found ourselves on a long range shuttle flight to Richter Base.
“Duty on a Class B Fleet Base sounds like a nice posting for a few weeks.” Said Hans leaning back as we sat in the Long Range Shuttle on our way to the Richter System and he added. “Class B is huge and designed to be home to serve an entire Battle Group. There will be Shops, First Class Recreation and lots of restaurants and they will have attractions too.”
Wetmouth who sat to my left and much closer than she had ever done before and looked up from her ever present Archimedes III science scan enabled PDD and said. “As the Captain said it is a new base, it has an attached base personnel housing complex called Richter Village and according to the Fisher Index rated 9.9”
Circuit who appeared to be napping raised his shiny chrome metal head and asked with a sleepy voice. “What is the Fisher Index?”
She answered.”A fleet approved publication listing every fleet installation with detailed information like what businesses are available, recreation facilities, housing quality and prices and so forth. It is intended for civilians who decide to move to such facilities or are sent there by their companies.”
Cirruit leaned over and looked at the PDD and said. “I never heard of the Fischer Index. Does it list the shops and souvenir dealers and all that?”
She smiled as I saw by her eyes and she said. “You are more addicted to shopping than a bunch of teenage girls and yes it does.”
He spread his arms. “What can I do? This is how Mother Machine made me.”
Elfi who was watching something on GalNet said. “What kind of planet is Richter 4?”
Narth and Wetty answered almost simultaneously. Narth was a little faster as he didn’t have to consult a PDD but Narth then said. “My memorized data might not be as accurate or current as your PDD, Ensign Wetmouth, so please continue.”
“You can call me Wetty like all the others do, Narth.”
He cocked his shrouded head as he always did when he contemplated something and it made me think that he was starting to have individual habits. He then said. “Ah yes, the practice to address friends with nicknames is a common one among humans. I am however still not certain when such a nickname is used as sign for affection among friends or when it is used as an insult to those one dislikes. Furthermore one needs explicit permission from a fellow officer to be addressed in such fashion since we have all advanced to this state. Finally I have yet to understand how a nickname is generated. Some nicknames appear to be a short version of a name, and then there are those that have no bearing on the name. Is there a formula or an equation you use?”
I almost laughed out loud as Wetmouth cocked her head. “What an interesting question. No we do not use an equation to come up with nickname. Nicknames are generated by the combination of many factors. I will attempt to make a list of factors by analyzing nicknames and see if it could be expressed in a socio-humanistic formula of some kind.”
Narth slightly bowed. “Such an endeavor would be very much appreciated. My previous attempts in addressing others with nicknames were not successful.”
Har Hi turned his head and actually had a smile on his usually grim face, as it was imperative for a Dai warrior to always look serious.He said. “I should not ask but I am actually dying, to use a human phrase, to hear of one such incident. Who did you address with a nickname and what happened?”
I noticed a feeling of embarrassment from Narth as he said. “I wanted to express my respect to Admiral Stahl as I heard others call him the Eternal Soldier, but since nothing is eternal especially not in the mono directional linear time model you humans use, I called him: Temporal wrong designated person who isn’t actually a Soldier but an Admiral person.”
I could barely contain my laughter. “That’s sure a mouthful for a nickname. What did he say?”
Narth answered. “He sternly insisted that I would address him properly by name and rank.”
It was Mao’s fault he started to giggle first and then we all laughed and Elfi actually hugged Narth and said. “No worries, I am sure he understood the sentiment and to make sure you know you can call me Elfi.”
Finally Wetmouth managed to answer the original question and said. “Richter 4 is a Type Nine Rock core planet with a thin Carbon dioxide atmosphere and temperatures in the range of minus fifty and plus ten on the C scale. The planet experiences strong sand and dust storms that can last for month. There is no open surface water and no reported native life.”
Hans crossed his arms and leaned back. The sturdy Vari-form seat protested with a metallic groan. “I am not planning to go outside very much, but that is actually the kind of environment we Saturnians were genetically designed to survive and work in.”
Passing the time like this we dropped out of Quasi-space six days later and into the Richter System.
As we approached the reddish brown planet, I was reminded of Alvor’s Cove. There wasn’t much difference between those two worlds looking at them from space. Richter 4 was only a few shades darker and had distinctive reddish tones mixed into the sandy browns.
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5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...
The weeks to summer break went by faster than I liked. Mr. Walters came into class this morning and said after we greeted him. “Tomorrow will be your last day of school and you have three month to prepare for the next year. Everyone in class will advance. While your grades and results have much room for improvement, they are satisfactory. Today I want to ask if you know why we keep time the way we do?” He pointed his finger at Yngve.” You will not speak.” Since Mr. Walters gave positive...
Two days later, the Elders placed Ragnarsson flags and a shield with the Falcon symbol in a ritualistic ceremony into the Caves of Extinct clans and had the alcove bricked shut. An Elder smashed my Grandfathers signet ring with a hammer on an anvil and tossed it into the ocean. The Ragnarsson clan was no more. After the Ceremony Hogun took me downtown again, he explained that a lawyer had come to open my grandfather’s will. The building where Hogun landed the floater had three floors and...
Prelude Part 6: Naming Day A new egg-shaped stone cut from a single two-ton boulder marked the grave of the little girl. The stone had been dug out from underneath the snow; a stonemason had chiseled the name Freya Olafson and the date into the stone and then it was carried to the cemetery behind the community roundhouse. There, also under a thick layer of snow, were the rock mounds and rock markers of the graves of the most revered. On a planet with so little land, the dead usually...
I found the Halls of Hasvik easily enough as they could not be missed. Next to the huge doors ;which were as I could see now, were made of dark wood with large Ultronit bands holding large timbers together; was a smaller metal door and I knocked there. It did not take long and another man opened, he too was dressed like the other one but he was the stark opposite of the Old man I met the day before. He was fat, Midril would have appeared like a weightless Elf compared to this man. His woven...
The Devastator was an enormous ship and the outer corridor of Deck 54 circled the ship at the horizontal equator of the main hull. It was almost seventy clicks long. There were IST (Inter ship transport) stations in regular intervals, every 20 meters was a security door, open during normal operations that could be closed in an eye blink and reinforced with force field curtains. Dividing the entire ship in millions of individual sealed compartements.All Union military ships had the same...
I cursed the former owners of the ship; nothing was labeled or arranged in any way that made sense to me. Where were the controls for the viewers? Where did they put the weapon console? This would not been easy if I had time to figure things out. The Comm. system came on and a rough voice said.” I repeat, land your craft or we will destroy you.” I didn’t know who turned on the Communications or if the channels were open, but I had no time to spend time or concentration on talking. My mind...
Lothar’s beam burned through my chest. It felt as if my entire torso was on fire, but I was alive. I did not faint or pass out instead fulled by burning rage I ran towards him, his face was pure horror he still held the small weapon he did not fire a third time. I reached him in mere seconds, buried my knee in his groin and smashed the palm of my hand against his nose with the hope I would shove his nose bone up his brain. Something completely impossible f course, but I was furious and kept...
The image of Ardalf’s face as the sword slipped into his body would not leave me and I dreaded going to sleep even more than before. When I finally was so tiered I had to sleep I would dream and see the scene all over. One particular dream was especially disturbing as I saw my mother standing by the dead boy and shaking her head. Father was busy integrating the Steiner clan and he left me completely alone, even when I was at the burg and he was there. I spend most of my time at Uncle Hogun’s...
Har-Hi and I returned to our dorm and Mao greeted us.” Have you two decided to kill each other at a later time?” “Yes we decided to postpone that.” Har-Hi answered. “That is good. Because we are complete now and I am tired to be behind in everything.” I said.” We are complete in what and where are you behind?” “First things first.” Mao replied.” You got to meet the rest, just in case so you don’t bust furniture across someone else’s back.” Mao stepped into the middle of the dorm room.”...
He remembered the last moments of his life quite vividly. They had led him up to the scaffold, after they had removed all his rank insignia. Commander Stone before him actually collapsed and the marines had to drag him to his spot on the scaffold. It took all his will power not to do the same and set one foot before the other. The solemn beat of the drums stopped and the Executioner asked him if he had any last words. He had none, the night before he had written a letter to his son Swybin and...
The ‘American Spirit’ was nothing I expected a space ship to look from the inside. It was more like a luxurious villa, complete with garden, swimming pool and green lawn. We stepped through a glass sliding door under a blue sky with a single yellow sun and on the green plant surface he called grass, was a table with umbrella and a few garden chairs. Rolling hills with forests in the distance. “All simulated of course,” Alex explained. “The walls are actually only 30 meters from us, but I...
The Bowels It could have been any Maltyrian but I was certain it was Galmy. At the same as I said her name I realized she would not recognize me. She still had these inhuman big eyes and that translucent complexion. Her hair was the same midnight black as I remembered. She said. “You know me, Captain... ?” Her eyes scanned over my uniform blouse looking for my name tag. “Captain Olafson?” She was out of uniform so I could not see what rank she had attained since I seen her last. “Yes I...
The best day in my life was when I turned seven and I could go to Union school being away from the Burg and away from my father was like breathing lighter air. Everyone had to go to Union school. That was Union Law and it superseded local law. Union school was such a long part of our society that it too became an Old Tradition and therefore was good. At school I learned that Nilfeheim was a Water-World and that we all originally came from a Planet named Earth and settled here long time...
It was the last hour of our last school day. Mr. Walters handed out the final grades and said.” This is the last time I am doing this for you. When you return next year, a new teacher will try to pound some knowledge into your thick skulls. I am going to be transferred to another school, still on Nilfeheim but they thought I be best suited to try my hand on the even wilder Neo Vikings of the South Pole.” He then shook everyone’s hand and said a few words to everyone. When he reached me he...
We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...
I went down the narrow stair case to find out if there was a God living in the Old Man’s basement. Now I had reached the bottom of the narrow stair case and it expanded into a large natural grotto. The old man had a very large, and from the looks of it a natural Sub Pen under his rock. It was cold and moist and without my light it would have been pitch dark. There was no god and no mystery down here. At least there wasn’t any more garbage either. I did for a moment see a movement in the water...
Mr.Flensburger was now gone for a week and we had a new teacher. Mr. Walters was his name and he was much different to the jovial and gentle Mr. Flensburger. He was stern and had a no nonsense approach. This Monday morning, right by the main doors I saw Yngve Lofdahl waiting for me. He had a busted; bleeding lip and his left eye was swelling. Like me he was wearing a fur vest over a linen tunic that reached halfway to the knees, linen breeches and boots. Usually he always looked like he wore...
(List of Characters) Eric Olafson – A teenage Neo Viking leaves his home world for the first time. To travel and eventually to join the Union Navy Elena Olafson – technically a cousin to Eric, but since she was adopted by Eric’s father, she is now known as his sister. Isegrim Olafson – The current clan chief of the Olafson clan, and Eric’s father Lothar Olafson – Eric’s half brother The Ancient – aka Elkhart the Keeper. An old man claiming to have forgotten to die. Officially he is the...
The Devastator had excellent recreational facilities and offered something for almost any taste, but the most liked recreation area was called The Village. It was a small down town area complete with shops, cafés, micro breweries, night-clubs, restaurants, Virtu-show halls and theatres. The sky appeared real with moving clouds and a warm yellow sun. It would even rain or snow once in a while. The Village centered on a park with grass, trees, flower patches and narrow duro-crete walking paths....
As old as the Poodle was, it was surprisingly well maintained and the small crew kept it reasonably clean. I was not very comfortable, which was of course partially due to the disguise I wore. The fine and soft pelt of my costume proved to be quite warm and for some reason they kept the cabin temperature well above the thirties on the C scale. It felt just like sitting in a Nilfeheim sauna wearing a Fangsnapper fur coat. Well maybe not that extreme, but certainly close. “Cats like it warm.”...
I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...
“Five Minutes to Quasi Drop.” Har-Hi said “Sound Battle Stations. Load all Cannons. Stand by on Sharp Shooters.” This was the very first time I called Battle Stations on my own ship for real. My Command seat moved back, the integrated Auto Dresser put me into a Battle Suit and the Direct Command Dome lowered giving me an unobstructed View of space, all around the ship. Sensor Data was linked to the visual read out. The same happened to every duty station. The range of our weapons was shown...
We approached the Asteroid base of the Golden. Wrecks and heavily damaged ships of various sizes and types floated all around us. To Elfi the chatter on the various channels was overwhelming and only with SHIP’s help was she able to filter through them. Narth and Shea were busy taking scans and making image recordings, as there were ships no one of us had seen before. Well almost, Har Hi proved that the Dai indeed had a deep knowledge of areas and species unknown to the Union. As big as the...
Trying to keep a cool head and made sure I didn’t raise my voice even a notch. I didn’t like those commanding officers who barked or yelled orders. I preferred the style of Captain Zezzh and Captain Harris and said. “Mao, full shields, extend Exo-load turret and load both bomb shafts with P Bombs. Har-Hi give me a full damage and casualties report.” Mao said. “Full real shields activated all weapons active, Bomb shafts loaded and ready for P Bomb deployment.” Har-Hi looked over his...
Prelude Part 4: Volund 4999, OTT The crumbling walls of Olafson Burg were no longer on his mind. Volund was now the steward of Ragnarsson Rock. Erik Gustav had kept his word and had given him the stewardship and rule of all that was Ragnarsson on this world. There were tanneries in the extensive basements, several Nubhir farms on the permanent ice of the southern polar region, and large Fangsnapper herds. Best of all, there were five modern and well-kept fishing boats and three hunting...
The Hyperion approached Arsenal IV just as Captain Zezz said with only eight hours to spare before I had to report for my third year posting. The extended time of my stay aboard the battle ship appeared to have gone by even faster. The Klack XO touched my face with his antennae. “You have been outstanding at the OPS station. I have seen many others struggle with that position.” “Thank you Sir. Your guidance and the tutor ship of the other bridge officers was the real reason I managed.” To...
The Attack came totally unexpected. The scanner operator of the American Dream was watching GalNews about the space battle between Dai, Nogoll and Union forces like everyone else on the bridge and thus missed the fast approaching contact. I was still sitting in the Command chair, while the main viewer showed high definition recordings of the space battle of Union Fleet against the Dai and the Nogoll. Titanic fists shock the yacht so violently that Calia Lethra, Alex and everyone else...
The Space bus came out of FTL and approached the blue and white sapphire sphere that was Nilfeheim. I had 6 month before I had to return to the Academy. This was my home world and I was longing to take a long deep dive and feel the fresh cold water all around me, it was of course still Longnight. That I had left Nilfeheim just a little over a year ago was something I could hardly believe. So much has happened since then; it felt I had been gone for much longer. “I wonder how Nilfeheim is...
“No need to be afraid First Daughter!” the Old man said and the gun spun out of Freydis hand and floated in mid air. “I am Egill Skallagrímsson, the Eldest. I am sure some of you have heard of me. My friend here is Elkhart the First Keeper of Hasvik. We are not here to harm you, arrest you, kill you or stop you from what you are doing! We came because this world of ours is in grave danger, because we too believe it is high time all citizens of this world are heard and because together we are...
I tried to get up and managed but I was stiff as a frozen snapper fur in Longnight, I was more sore than I realized and colder than I ever was. This time he let me get in. The door led into a short tunnel shaped corridor passing through the tall massive rock wall. Judging by the length of the tunnel, the walls must have been at least 10 meters thick. The steel door swung close behind us, making absolutely no sound as it did. Two boys perhaps my age, wearing dark long fur coats were behind the...
The commander stood at the window of his spacious office overlooking the lake and jungle with his hands clasped behind his back watching a group of cadets struggling with a heavy wooden log. They had to carry it over an obstacle course and only by working together could this task be achieved. This ancient time tested exercise promoted team work, group coordination and leadership. This exercise had been used by Navy trainers even before the Galactic Ascent on good old Earth. Of course it...
“Have we been hailed?” Harris shook his head.”No not yet, but the sphere is transmitting genuine Union Transponder Codes.” The screen changed and a hooded Narth became visible. The Comm. Officer looked at his console and shrugged. The Narth spoke. “This is the USS Narth. “There was a pause and the Narth moved his shrouded head as if he was looking at someone then he nodded and said.” One hopes to be forgiven, by the one who has command. One was uncertain of the correct address. It is the...
I had slept a few hours at Uncle Hogun’s and went to the clinic to check on Litfas Arnske and I found him, in a low gee bed. Two elders, Adolph Lindbergh and a young man perhaps two three years older than me was with him, most likely Sif’s brother I had not yet met. As he saw me, he first smiled and then his face dropped. “You have saved my life, and it looks like my very own daughter has tried to end it. The daughter I promised, my honor is in shambles and I am not sure I want to live...
The lights flickered and Astrid said.” Looks like his Tech stop has trouble to get through our armor and hardened systems. She then pried open an access panel and said.” I am sure I can fix this!” Her hands pulled chip connectors and reset them and then she turned. Eric flip open your left armrest. Beneath is the Code sequencer. They could not have altered your Command Codes, without your permission! All they did is bypass it and tying in their own!” I did and pressed my hand on the now...
We arrived in Halstaad Fjord and were greeted by a group of elders accompanied by twenty beefy looking men, all were dressed in the traditional Neo Viking way with leather vests and trousers and shirts. They all wore identical helmets and swords and all were dressed in the same dark brown color. Egill was also with them. As we stepped ashore he said to me, I know what happened, Eric and I will take it from here. You may have noticed the men; these are the first members of the Nilfeheim...
Swybar lounged in the comfortable chair behind the conference table aboard the Red Dragon. Soon the requested supplies would arrive and make him a very dangerous man. The table was laid out with a light dinner. Both of his associates had joined him and both of them had been very respectful and lauded his genius. Swybar loved it when others realized just how smart and resourceful he was. Even the disguised Kermac treated him like an equal, as it was proper. He was no fool however and knew...
The orange haired woman took the mirror thing from her face as I left the Admirals office and she leaned forward over her desk. “There is a washroom right over there.” I gave her a thankful smile. After I had freshened up I asked her.” How did you know I needed to go?” She smiled.” I am Cheeka and I come from Phantas. “She said that as if it would explain everything. Her purple eyes sparkled amused and she added. “Phantas is an old Terran Colony, much like Nilfeheim and we all have Psionic...
Green Eden appeared to be a beautiful green, white and blue sphere. From space it looked as inviting as any garden world. The transport descended through moderate clouds and approached a heavy forested land mass. We landed on a simple dirt field that had been cleared in the jungle. At the edge of the dirt field I saw a collection of primitive looking buildings made of wood. There were no machines, no robots, no ships or vehicles and no one waiting for us. Someone from the flight deck...
According to the time displayed on my PDD it was aready 10 am. The large view ports displayed a sunny serene mountain scene with a large lake dark gree forests and snow covered peakes. Dawn was sitting at the dresser and brushing her hair. I watched her doing it. I had made love to a woman for the first time in my life and it was a wonderful, glorious feeling and she was gentle and without many words had showed me what I had to do. For the first time in my life I did no longer feel like a...
I woke from a dreamless sleep and I was glad of that, the most recent events were not the stuff that made pleasant dreams. I rubbed my eyes, the sleep inducer of my seat had been turned off and that meant we were close to the next destination. After arriving on Palomino, a pleasant garden world. I stayed in a hotel for a week, and did some thankfully uneventful sight seeing to pass the time. Seven days ago, I had boarded a space bus and after a short layover at Corri-Door (This time I...
Wulf activated his cloak and put the suit in flight mode. Like a human missile he flew towards the ware house. Another energy beam emitted from the alien craft and slammed into the ground, where he had been a second ago. “Rusty, activate weapons and open remote control. He slaved the ships weapon control to his suit and a pair of green crosshairs appeared before his eyes. As soon as he lined up the cross hairs he pressed with his thumb on a small contact on the side of his index finger and a...
Longnight had once again descended upon Nilfeheim, the second planet in the Solken system. Nilfeheim was a water planet with with very little dry land. During Longnight, the winter period that could last up to seven standard years, the oceans froze over, except for a region called the Uhim grounds. Hot vents and underwater volcanoes kept the water temperature above freezing. Nilfeheim had been settled by colonists from Earth almost 3000 years ago. The settlers, belonging to the Viking...
Hans and Mao had received UWASPS. That stood for ‘urban warfare protective security suits’. Not the Quasimodo super bulky frontal assault battle armor but a sleek body shaped suit with a vast array of sensors, very smart weapon systems and advanced stealth and camouflage capabilities, normally only used by NAVINT Counter Intelligence and Elite Special forces. Much of the suits capabilities were highly classified and a source of professional pride to those considered good enough to wear...
The doctor smiled as he removed the Derma-patcher from my face.” The thing was missing you, Eric. You haven’t been here for a while!” “It was sort of quiet; at least in the being hurt part of my life!” He padded me on the shoulder. “I was joking Eric. I am glad you don’t show as regularly as you used to. No worries the rest of this crazy world keeps me and my staff quite busy.” “So you haven’t gone to that Kentucky place of yours?” “Not yet, but I am still planning to do so. My contract...
The Commander still stared at the torn off rank insignia of the former Midshipman as his Desk, Then hisCom flashed with the top urgent icon. He touched the screen and a Holo transmission from Fleet headquarters solidified. It was the Old man himself, Admiral of the Fleet McElligott. “Where is Midshipman Olafson?” “Sir, the Ex Midshipman is just transferred to the brig. That subject has been dealt with swift and harsh. I doubt he is conscious. Thirty five lashes and off to Brisbane...
October 4999, OTT Erik Gustav had arrived once more on the planet of his birth. This time he had not taken the Space Bus but arrived with his own brand new Clarion 7 luxury yacht, the Silver Falcon. A terrible snowstorm obscured everything behind a whirling flurry of white. The two massive snow removers fought a losing battle. His seventy-meter craft had just landed and already wore a thick cover of snow and so did the Volvo Flier that waited not far from the landing ramp. He girded...