Swinger Zone Central
- 1 year ago
- 31
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When I returned to my room after my first class on Thursday, I found a note on my door.
It read, Paul, please find me when you get in. Signed, Cary.
I dropped my backpack on my bed—the other side of the room was still bare—and headed down the hall to Cary’s room.
“Hi, Paul,” he said as soon as he opened the door. “Your new roommate’s ready to move in. But Wade said he wanted to talk to you first. Do you have a few minutes?”
“Sure,” I said.
With that, he locked his door and we pressed the button for the elevator. Downstairs, we went behind the front desk and into a back hallway. At the end of the hall, Cary knocked on the hall director’s half-open door.
“Come in.”
Wade looked up as the door swung open. When he saw us, he stood.
“Thanks for coming, Paul,” he said. “We’re sorry for all the confusion with your roommates.”
“It’s cool,” I said.
“No, it’s not,” he said. “But thank you for being understanding. Please, have a seat.” When I did, he sat as well. “Cary told me that he explained about Terry,” he said. “And after Mr. Younkin was arrested yesterday, we felt it best to move his things before his parents came to claim them. Once again, I’m sorry for the confusion, and I’m sorry no one told you beforehand.”
“I’ll survive,” I said. “But thanks.”
He nodded and then picked up a folder. “Your new roommate is named William Vaughan,” he said. “But I understand he goes by ‘Billy.’ He’s been living on the seventh floor in Hess,” he continued. “That’s the Vault over there, so he’ll be very happy to be living with you.”
“Cool,” I said.
“He’s a theater major, and he’s from Knoxville. I met him earlier this morning, and he seems like a nice guy. I think you’ll like him.”
“To be honest, if I get to meet him, I’ll be doing better than the last two guys,” I said.
“We’re very sorry for that,” Wade said again. “Cary raised his concerns with me when your first roommate, Terry, missed the floor meeting. But by the time we had any information, he was already moving out.”
“It’s cool,” I said with a shrug.
“When’s your last class today?” Wade asked.
“I’m done at one thirty. I should be back here by one forty-five. Why?”
“When would you like me to tell Billy he can move in?” he asked.
“Any time after that, I guess,” I said.
“How about three o’clock?”
“Sounds great.”
“Does that work for you, Cary?” Wade asked.
Cary nodded.
“Okay,” Wade said. “I’ll call Billy and let him know. I’ve told him a little about you, and he’s eager to meet you.” Then he stood and reached across the desk.
I rose and clasped his hand.
“Thanks for being so understanding, Paul,” he said. “We try not to screw up like this, but events moved faster than we did this time. Once again, I apologize.”
“It’s cool,” I said.
“I’ve told the other RAs what’s going on with you and your roommate, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask either Cary or one of the guys at the front desk. And if you ever need to speak to me, for any reason, my door’s always open.”
“Thanks, Wade,” I said.
“No, thank you.”
With that, Cary and I left.
“He seems pretty cool,” I said to him as we walked down the hall.
“He is,” Cary said. “And he’s a lot better than the last hall director.”
He nodded emphatically. “We had all kinds of problems last year. We haven’t had many so far this year.”
“Except my roommates,” I said.
“Well, except them, yes,” Cary admitted. At the front desk, he bid me farewell.
“See you at three,” I said as I walked toward the elevators.
“Well, I’ve got a roommate,” I said to Kendall later that night, as we talked on the phone. “He’s actually pretty cool. Meeting him was kinda anticlimactic, though. I mean, after two roommates that I never saw, I guess I expected something more when I met this guy. But it was more like five minutes of conversation and that’s it.”
“Is he there now?” she asked.
“Uh-uh. He and his friend went back to his house to get some more stuff,” I said. “Since he was living in Hess—and he wasn’t supposed to be—he didn’t bring a lot of stuff from home.”
“Ah, that makes sense. What’s he like?”
“Pretty cool, I guess. He’s a little shorter than me, but skinny. He’s got dark hair and ... um ... hazel eyes, I think. I don’t really remember.”
“You probably weren’t gazing adoringly into his eyes,” she said with a soft chuckle.
“Um... no. Anyway, he seems like a nice enough guy. At least I’ve met him, which is more than I can say about the last two guys. And he seemed happy to be living in Carrick. He was in the Virgin Vault at Hess.”
“Oh, bless his heart,” she said.
“No kidding. I don’t know if he’s got a girlfriend or anything, though. He’s good-looking, I guess, so I’m sure he does. Anyway,” I said, changing the subject, “what’re you up to tonight?”
“O. Chem. homework for tomorrow morning,” she said. “Yuck.”
“Yeah,” I said. “I’ve got Calc. homework, some reading for Am. Lit., and a boatload of stuff to go over for Joska’s class.”
“It sounds like you’re busy.”
“Me too,” she said. “So we’d better get to work.”
“I love you,” she said.
“I love you too.”
“Breakfast tomorrow?”
“Same time, same place,” I said.
“Okay. Bye.”
When I walked back into the foyer, I hung up the phone but then decided to call Gina.
“Hey, what’s up?” I said when she answered.
“Not much. What’re you doing?” she asked.
“I was about to start my homework, but I wanted to talk to you before I got busy.”
“Oh,” she said. “Okay.”
“I met my roommate.”
“Cool. What’s he like?”
I repeated the description I’d given Kendall. As I talked about my roommate, however, I remembered that I hadn’t ever apologized for being a jerk about my room key.
“Listen,” I said, “I’m sorry for Tuesday, about the room key.”
“I was just mad ‘cause I’d been waiting for two hours, and I had to get to class, and ... well ... anyway, I’m sorry.”
“That’s cool. I didn’t realize it had taken so long. I had to go to the bookstore after class, and I met this girl who lives down the hall. When I left your room yesterday morning, I forgot my watch, so I didn’t know it had been so long.”
“Anyway, it’s cool. Did you find my watch?”
“No,” I said. “Where’d you leave it?”
“On the counter, next to your hair dryer.”
The long phone cord stretched as I walked into my room. I rooted around on the counter, but didn’t find her watch. “Sorry,” I said. “It’s not here.”
“Great,” she said sarcastically.
“If I don’t find it, I’ll buy you a new one.”
“Whatever. Anyway, I’ve got to read for my Western Civ. class, so I’d better go.”
“Okay. Sorry about your watch.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“I love you,” I said.
“Yeah, I love you too.”
Super, I thought when I hung up the phone. I apologize and then I end up feeling even more guilty.
But it wasn’t my fault she left her watch in my room. My unlamented former roommate probably took it as a souvenir, or to finance his coke habit. I wondered what else he might have taken. I was standing there brooding about it when T.J. came out of his room.
“Hey, Loverboy,” he said.
Don’t start with me, you little racist prick, I thought viciously. Then I bit back an equally heated reply.
“Can I use the phone, or do you have other girlfriends to call?” he asked. “Just kiddin’,” he added almost as an afterthought.
“Be my guest,” I said icily.
It took every ounce of willpower I possessed not to slam the door when I went into my room.
“Hey,” Trip asked as we walked back to the dorm after class on Friday, “what’re you up to this weekend?”
“Kendall, Gina, and I were gonna listen to the football game tomorrow.” UT was playing Southern Cal, in Los Angeles. Kendall and her roommates were having a couple of people over to listen to the game on the radio. “You wanna come?” I asked him.
“Do you think they’d mind?”
“I don’t think so,” I said. “But I’ll call and ask just to be sure.”
“Cool. And while I’m inviting myself,” he said, “would it be okay if Luke came too?”
“Probably. What about Jeff?”
“He’s doing something with his family this weekend,” he said. “I think it’s his sister’s birthday or something.”
“Oh, okay.”
“What about your new roommate? Billy, right?”
“Right,” I said with a nod. “I dunno what he’s doing. I haven’t really seen him much. I mean, he spent the night last night, which is the first time I’ve actually slept in the same room as my roommate, but I left before he got up. So I don’t know what he’s up to.”
“What about Hector?” I asked, referring to Jeff’s roommate.
“He doesn’t spend much time in the suite,” Trip said. “He’s cool and all, but he’s got a girlfriend who lives in Hess. So he’s over there a lot. What about your suitemates, the good ol’ boys?”
“T.J. and Glen?” I asked, my tone dark. “Let’s just say that I probably won’t be spending much time with them.”
“That bad?”
“Kinda,” I replied. “T.J. just gets on my nerves. And I don’t think I’ve heard Glen say more than four words.”
“I know what you mean,” he said. Then we reached the dorm and he changed the subject. “Rush starts next Tuesday,” he said. “Luke really wants to go. I think Jeff does too. You up for it?”
“I dunno,” I hedged. “Fraternities are cool and all, but I just don’t know if I’ll have time for it. I mean, architecture’s a lot of work. You know that. And I want some free time with Kendall.”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“She seems pretty cool,” he said. “And smart, too.”
I nodded.
“Anyway,” he continued, returning to the original subject, “I think Rush would be fun. I’m like you, though, I don’t really think I’ll have time for a fraternity. But I wanted to check ‘em out and see what the guys’re like. I don’t wanna rule anything out without at least trying it first. And Luke’s really enthusiastic about it. C’mon,” he said, “you’ll have fun.”
“I dunno. I just don’t see the need. I mean, I can party without a bunch of Animal House rejects. You know?”
“They’re not all like that, I’m sure. But still,” he said, “you should give it a try. At least you can keep me company while I keep Luke out of trouble.”
“That could be a full-time job.”
“You’re probably right,” he said with a laugh. “But c’mon. You’ll have fun.”
“What’re the dues?” I asked, still trying to come up with excuses not to go. “I mean, joining a fraternity isn’t free, is it?”
“There’s a Rush fee,” he said, “but it’s ten dollars. I don’t know what the dues are if you actually join a fraternity, but they can’t be all that bad. I mean, I don’t brag about it, but I can afford it. If not, my dad’ll help me out.” Then he looked at me and sized me up. “I don’t mean to be rude, but you don’t look like you’re hurting for money.”
I shook my head in agreement, although I didn’t want to ask my parents for more money, especially to pay for something I wasn’t even sure I wanted to do. But I knew that they would help pay for a fraternity if it was more than I could afford.
“But we’re getting ahead of ourselves here,” Trip continued. “No one’s even asked us to join a fraternity, much less told us about the dues. So let’s just go and have fun.”
“I guess,” I said after a moment’s consideration. Trip honestly seemed to have the same attitude about fraternities that I did. But he also wanted to go, if only for Luke’s sake. And that’s what friends are for, right?
“Great!” he said. Then, “Have you got a coat and tie?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“It’s kinda formal,” he said. “You need to wear a coat and tie. I dunno why, but that’s the way it is.”
“No problem,” I said.
“Hey, Luke still wants to go shoot some hoops. You up for it?” he asked.
Back in my room, I changed into a pair of workout shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt. Then I looked at myself in the mirror. Was I gaining weight? I’d been trying to watch what I ate, so I hoped not. I still needed to start a regular workout schedule, but I didn’t know when I’d have time. I need to make time, I told myself sternly.
Unfortunately, I had a lot of other priorities vying for my attention: Kendall, Gina, classes, friends like Trip and Luke, and more. That meant I had less time for myself, and less time to work out.
With a sigh, I looked at myself in the mirror again. Then I smoothed my shirt down and sucked in my stomach. For a long moment, I simply stared at my profile. Finally, I decided that I probably was gaining weight, even if I couldn’t see it. As I put on my socks and sneakers, I resolved to eat less and start working out again.
“You ready to go?” Trip called as he banged on my door.
“Yep,” I said as I swung it open.
Luke and Jeff were waiting in the hallway.
“Guys, I can’t play basketball for shit,” Jeff said as we left the dorm.
“Me either,” I echoed. “I mean, I know how to play and all, but I’m probably not very good.”
“Luke, why don’t you team up with Jeff?” Trip suggested. “And I’ll take Paul. Cool?”
“All right,” Luke said.
“Luke and I both played basketball in high school,” Trip explained.
“I thought you played baseball,” I said.
“I played both—basketball in the winter and baseball in the summer,” he said.
“What about you?” I asked Luke. “Did you play baseball too?”
“Mais, non. In the summer, I went to the movie theater. Baseball fields aren’t air conditioned.”
“You got that right,” Trip said. Then he looked at me. “Luke played football.”
“Cornerback,” Luke said. “But after football season, I played basketball to keep in shape.”
“Jeez,” I said. “I just wrestled.”
“You mean you rolled around with other guys?” Jeff asked. “Fuckin’ A. What are you, a fag?”
“I’ll show you ‘fag,’” I said as I lunged for him with a laugh.
Unfortunately, he darted out of my reach. Laughing and shouting, Trip and Luke ran after us. A minute or two later, we screamed into HPER like a band of marauding barbarians.
Several older guys—professors, probably—frowned at us, so we calmed down. Then we headed toward the back of the large building, to where the basketball courts were located. At the desk, we signed in and checked out a basketball using Trip’s ID. Then we waited for a court to free up. Since it was Friday afternoon, the place was busy, but a half-court eventually cleared and we ambled onto it.
“Okay,” Trip said, “two on two, friendly rules. No charging and no elbows. Check the ball to the other team at the top of the key. One point per basket. First team to twenty-one wins, but you gotta win by two points. Okay?”
We all nodded.
“You okay with being skins?” Trip then asked me.
“Not a problem.”
“Good,” Jeff said. Then he nodded at Luke. “‘Cause that hairy fuck should keep his shirt on.”
“What about you, you skinny dork?” Luke asked without heat.
Trip and I merely grinned at each other and stripped off our shirts. He was actually a lot more muscular than I’d originally thought. He didn’t have my bulk, but he wasn’t nearly as skinny as Jeff.
“Look at Mr. Olympia,” Jeff said as I tossed my shirt to the side.
“Don’t make me run after you again,” I warned jokingly.
“Yeah,” Luke said, “you don’t wanna hear him wheeze and whine like before.”
“I did not wheeze and whine.”
“C’mon y’all,” Trip said, interrupting Luke’s retort. “Shoot free throws to see who gets the ball first?”
“Mais, yes,” Luke said seriously, his comeback forgotten.
Trip dribbled the ball a few times, went to the free throw line, and promptly sank a basket. Luke sank his as well. They each took two more shots, until Luke missed one. Grinning, Trip dribbled the ball to the top of the key and passed it to Luke, who bounced the ball once and then passed it back.
With that, we began to play.
Trip and Luke guarded each other, while Jeff and I tried not to make fools of ourselves. Jeff was gangly and awkward, but he was having fun. I wasn’t much better, but at least I could dribble the ball without it ricocheting off my feet. Trip and Luke were both pretty good, and guarded each other like the skilled players they were. Jeff and I were mostly there for passing and the occasional outside shot (which we invariably missed).
Trip and I won the first game 21–14. Chagrined, Luke came back and walked all over Trip in the second game—scoring 20 of their 21 points—to win 21–8. The third game was a little more even, with Luke and Jeff narrowly beating us, 23–21. Trip and I won the fourth game, 21–17. (I even managed to score six points!) Trip’s height won out in the fifth game, and we beat them 22–20.
Laughing and joking, we picked up our stuff and returned the ball. Then we headed back to the dorm. As we walked, we talked about the games and how bad Jeff and I were.
“You didn’t do too bad,” Trip said to me.
“Thanks, man.”
“You did,” Luke said to Jeff.
“Shut the fuck up,” Jeff said. “I’m not good with my hands.”
“No wonder your sex life is suffering,” Luke said.
“Does your mother know your girlfriend, Rosy Palm?” Jeff shot back.
“You leave Rosy out of this,” Luke said. Then he raised his right hand. “Don’t listen to him, mon chèr. Mother likes you.”
“You’re disgusting, Luke,” Jeff said with a laugh.
Suddenly, Luke reached for Jeff, but Jeff was too quick. He dashed ahead of us, with Luke in hot pursuit. Trip and I merely grinned at each other and ran to catch up.
The football game was still on in the living room, but Kendall and I had slipped into the kitchen to get more snacks (which I studiously avoided).
“Trip and Luke want me to go to Rush with them,” I told her.
She stiffened. “Are you going to?”
“I was thinking about it.”
“Why?” she asked plaintively, turning toward me. “You’re not going to become like one of them, are you?”
“One of who?”
“A frat rat, that’s who.”
“Of course not,” I said.
“Then why are you going to Rush?”
“I thought it’d be fun,” I said with a shrug.
“It’s just one big party. All the guys want to do is get drunk and get laid,” she said caustically.
“I just wanna see what it’s like,” I said. “I don’t wanna join a frat.”
“Then why are you going?” she asked again.
“Luke wants to go. And so does Trip. Besides, I thought it’d be fun,” I said. Then I pulled her close. “Just because I go to a fraternity party—or even a bunch of them—doesn’t make me like those guys. I’m the same guy you fell in love with. Okay?”
She looked down and then reluctantly nodded. “I know,” she said. Then she wiped her eyes. “But those guys are all alike. They treat women like pieces of meat, Paul.”
“I’m sure they’re not all like that,” I said.
“You don’t know them, then.”
I started to argue with her, but then I Got It: this was one of her blind spots. When she got emotional about something, she tended to lose her objectivity. For a moment, I wondered why she got so upset about fraternity guys, but then I remembered Big Mistake Guy—the one she’d had sex with when she’d been drunk. From her meager description, I suspected that she’d been at a fraternity party with Bridget and Toni. I seethed as I thought about what he must have done.
“It’s okay,” she said, looking up, her eyes full of unshed tears. “You go and have fun.” Then she wiped her cheeks and smiled wanly. “I know you’re not like them. You’ll never be like them.”
Stunned by her vehemence, I simply hugged her tight and shushed softly in her ear.
“And if you do decide to join a fraternity,” she said when we separated, “I’ll just have to learn to live with it.”
“I won’t,” I said. Then I shook my head. “I really don’t have the slightest interest in joining a fraternity. I’m just going because Trip asked me to. And he’s a lot like me; he doesn’t want to join one either. We won’t do anything stupid.”
“Promise me you won’t,” she said.
“I promise.”
Then she hugged me tight. “I love you so much,” she whispered.
“I love you too,” I said. “Very much.”
After a few moments, we separated and she smiled. She was trying to look cheerful, but I could see the uncertainty behind her eyes.
“It’ll be fine,” I assured her. “I’m just going to have a little fun. Okay?”
“Now, we’d better get back to the living room, before they send a search and rescue party after us.”
With a tentative smile, she nodded and began picking up bowls of snacks.
Believe it or not, I was actually kind of excited about it. I really didn’t think I wanted to join a fraternity, but it wasn’t as simple as I’d made it sound to Kendall. I was sure that not all fraternity guys were like Big Mistake Guy. A number of them probably were like him, but certainly not all of them.
Nonetheless, I had promised to call Kendall when I got home, no matter how late it was. I think she just wanted to hear my voice and assure herself that I wasn’t turning into a dreaded frat rat.
Gina, on the other hand, was excited that I was going to Rush. She had talked to Bridget several times, and was enthusiastic about Sorority Rush. After talking to Gina, however, I realized that Fraternity Rush and Sorority Rush were two vastly different experiences.
For Sorority Rush, the girls—I mean women—all dressed up and gathered at the Panhellenic building. UT sororities didn’t have houses, so they used the large building for all of their functions. Once there, each sorority had a chapter room of their own, where they put on skits, played games, and basically promoted the sorority’s virtues.
The sorority members talked to prospective pledges, but from things Gina said, it seemed like the results were predetermined. Some girls literally applied months in advance. They even had to send pictures with their applications. (Gina and Bridget had taken a couple of Polaroids for Gina’s hastily prepared application.) Before Rush Week even began, the sorority members more or less decided who they wanted to extend bids to.
In reality, it sounded like a popularity contest—or a racket—but Bridget had assured Gina that she would definitely fit in with the Tri-Delts. And since Bridget was actually fairly important within the sorority’s hierarchy, Gina was excited about the prospect.
Fraternity Rush, on the other hand, resembled nothing so much as one giant party. Each night, from seven until ten o’clock, prospective members simply went from one frat house to the next. Each house had a sign-in book, which was usually staffed by a covey of attractive coeds. The coeds were actually the fraternity’s “little sisters,” girls from a loosely associated sorority. (Sororities had their Rush earlier in the evening, so the girls could go to the parties.)
After each night’s party, the fraternity brothers would get together and talk about all the guys who had signed the book (whether or not he was cool, whose younger brother he was, etc.). They would do the same on Wednesday night, getting a better feel for the guys who came back a second night. Thursday night’s parties were by invitation only, so prospective pledges had to check with a list posted by the Intra-Fraternity Council, to see which fraternities had invited them back.
In all cases, Formal Rush only lasted until ten o’clock. The parties afterward were the real attraction. Since UT was technically a dry campus, each frat house would hire an off-duty police officer to “guard” the house. The officer was actually insurance against the frat house getting busted for having alcohol on the premises. It was a useful pretense, for everyone involved.
At the end of Rush Week, on Friday, fraternities and sororities extended bids to prospective members. Since it would be embarrassing to extend a bid and have it declined, they were very, very selective with their offers.
On Tuesday, as I showered and shaved in preparation for the first night of Rush, I wondered what it would be like.
Would the fraternity guys be like me? Would they be party animals? Would they have wild, drunken orgies? Would they be jerks? What if two fraternities offered me a bid? Would I choose either (and disappoint Kendall)? Would I turn them down (and disappoint Gina)?
“Treacherous imagination,” I muttered as I cinched my necktie and straightened my collar. Then I put on my dark blue blazer, dusted some imaginary lint from the lapel, and studied myself in the mirror. “Time to go,” I said to myself.
“Yee-haw!” T.J. whooped as I opened the door. “Lookee here, Glen, Froggy went a’courtin’.”
To my surprise, T.J. and Glen were both dressed in coat and tie as well. Not surprisingly, they were just leaving their room.
“Are you going to Rush too?” I asked rhetorically.
“What’s it look like?” T.J. asked.
So much for being nice, I thought.
“Just kiddin’,” he said. “Yeah, we’re going. You too, huh?”
I nodded.
“You wanna walk down there together?” he asked. “We can hang out.”
“No thanks. I’m meeting some friends first.”
“Okay. Take it easy.”
With that, they headed out. T.J. could be a sarcastic son of a bitch, but his invitation had seemed genuinely friendly. I shook my head in puzzlement and then walked across the hall.
“Cool tie,” Trip said by way of greeting as I entered his room.
“Thanks,” I said. “My girlfriend bought it for me.”
“Kendall’s got good taste,” he said.
“I think so, thanks,” I said. In reality, I had meant Gina, but I reminded myself—again—to watch what I said when I mentioned “my girlfriend.”
“You ready to go, Luke?” Trip asked.
“Mais, yes.”
“Hey, Jeff!” Trip shouted across the foyer. “You ready?”
“I can’t get this fucking tie tied,” Jeff grumbled as he walked across the hall.
When I turned and looked at Jeff, I had to stifle a chuckle. His tie looked like it was knotted with a double-double Windsor knot. It was as fat as a fist and the tie itself didn’t even extend to his waist (since he’d used so much of its length in the knot).
“Give it here,” Trip said.
Jeff gratefully loosened the tie and lifted it over his head. Unfortunately, when Trip managed to get the knot untied, the fabric was hopelessly wrinkled.
“Here,” he said without hesitation, “you can borrow one of mine.” Then he opened his closet, glanced at Jeff’s pale yellow shirt, and selected a tie to match. “This should bring out the blue in your eyes too,” Trip said as he held it up to Jeff’s collar.
“‘Bring out the blue in my eyes’?” Jeff repeated. “Shit, dude, you sound like a fag.”
“You want the tie or not?” Trip asked.
“Okay, okay, I want it,” Jeff said.
“Then don’t give me a hard time about fashion advice.”
“Sorry,” Jeff said, chastened.
“It’s cool,” Trip said. “You want me to tie it for you?” When Jeff nodded, Trip put the tie around his own neck. Then he tied it with a few quick, practiced flips. Finally, he loosened and removed it, then handed it to Jeff.
When Jeff put it on, Trip helped him straighten his collar and adjust the knot.
“There,” Trip said. “That’s better.”
“Thank you, dear,” Jeff said.
Trip gave Jeff two playful slaps on the cheek. “You’re welcome, honey.”
“Get a room, you two,” Luke said. Then, “Come on, we’re gonna be late.”
“Okay,” Trip said. “Is everyone ready?” When we all nodded, he grinned. “Then let’s go.”
We joined a steady throng of guys who were walking from the dorms toward the fraternity houses. For the most part, they were dressed like us: blue blazers, khaki pants, light shirts, and patterned ties. We were like sheep.
“Just like sheep,” Trip commented, echoing my thoughts.
“But we’re party sheep,” Luke said. “I’ve been talking to this guy in my English class, and he says the Pikes, ΑΤΩs, ΣΑΕs, and Fijis have the best parties.”
“Cool,” Trip said.
“Yeah,” Jeff added. “Fuckin’ A.”
That night, we went to every house in Fraternity Park, from the Phi Sig house to the Lambda Chi house, thirteen in all. I signed guestbook after guestbook and tried not to stare at the exceedingly cute girls with the books.
The first night of Rush was mostly for prospective members to get acquainted with each fraternity. Some of the fraternity guys were really cool, while some treated us like dirt. For the most part, however, they were ordinary guys.
After Formal Rush ended, we made our way to the Fiji house. (The fraternity was actually Phi Gamma Delta, but no one ever called them that. I have no idea why.) Luke had really hit it off with some of the Fiji guys, and the rest of us didn’t care enough to go anywhere else, so we headed to “Fiji Island.”
Hi, this happened last Thursday. Hopefully it will give reader an idea of what really happens in a swinger house.THE PROPOSALSo my good friend Camila invited me to attend a swinger party that she visits before and I accept her invite. She is 24 and a very beautiful woman. I meet her through other friends that I had relations. She also has this secret slut life like me. The party was free for single women. Couples paid a fee and alone males were only by invite.THE CLOTHINGI decided to wear...
Hey, my name is Wayne and I work for a pretty cool company here in Dayton, Ohio. I'm an estimator for a commercial electrical company and have a decent working relationship with everyone there. I've been married to my wife for the last ten years but we had been dating since she met me on my 21st birthday when I was out with my buddies for a few drinks. She was the waitress that served us our drinks. Long story short, I married her five years later. Now Beth, my wife, and I had talked a few...
The summer started like the one before. There was the big company picnic and introductions. I felt at home in almost the truest sense where there’s a comfortable familiarity and the ackwardness of not truly fitting in the group. It was good seeing the old faces and I had to deal with the new. One night at the local tavern I was hoping to play pool when I saw a couple of the costume shop ladies playing. One I already knew. But this other woman was a sight to behold. She wasn’t the most beautiful...
Swinger[Story] Swinger Sex Party at the Robert’s House by Melissa Roberts Yesterday evening my mother said to me, ‘Melissa, my br*other Paul, his wife Cindy and their son Andy are coming over at nine o’clock for another swinger sex party like we had last month. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the recreation room bar because you will be making drinks for everyone again. Your br*other Michael has already put several video cameras on tripods so we can make another DVD. ‘Mom, can we switch partners...
Helena and I had gone to that new club outside of town.Somebody had told my girlfriend that it was a swinger bar; but Helena said we could go there and pick up a couple of black guys and drag them to another place…I was home alone on that long week end and horny for cock.My loving hubby had not touched me for about a whole week…We sat there at the bar. The place was already crowded and it looked a swinger club. But Helena told me to stay a while more…We ordered two margaritas and just waited...
[Story] Swinger Sex Party at the Robert's House by Melissa RobertsYesterday evening my mother said to me, "Melissa, my br*other Paul, his wife Cindy and their son Andy are coming over at nine o'clock for another swinger sex party like we had last month. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the recreation room bar because you will be making drinks for everyone again. Your br*other Michael has already put several video cameras on tripods so we can make another DVD."Mom, can we switch partners this...
Hola mis amores, soy Elvira, y en esta ocasión especial de estas fechas, nos trae recuerdos muy cachondos a mi pareja y a mi; hace unos años vivimos de las primeras experiencias swinger con una pareja, ya habiamos tenido antes algunos escarceos con parejas pero aun nos quedaba el gusanito y la calentura de coger rico y como se debe, como matrimonio; pues bien, llegabamos de misa ese viernes santo, y recibio Uli una llamada, era de un hombre llamado Alfonso, que haba visto nuestro anuncio y...
My name is Steve. I'm 31 and have a 8 1/2 inch cock. I'm pretty much a player since I graduated college. I was engaged to be married during my forth year but at my bachelor party I got a blow job from one of the strippers. My fiancee got news about it and that was that. As I look back on that night the stripper actually got me off in more ways than one. I've been a confirmed bachelor ever since. I have dated various girls since but I find myself going to strip club occasionally. The thought of...
First let me introduce myself. I’m SwissMature, 51, from Switzerland living and travelling between London, Basel and Malaga. I love visiting swinger clubs and playing with men and women. This is my first Erotica telling about my experience in a dark room.After a hot nudity sauna and steam bath I was craving for some hot sex – pussy and cock licking. So I walked down the corridor looking into the different rooms. I was attracted by red light shining out of one of the doors. I’ve looked inside...
My wife and I stayed at the Rooftop Swinger Resort in Hollywood Florida over the Memorial Day Weekend 2010. Anyway, we arrrived Friday afternoon and went up to the pool late in the day. There were these two tall, black men with huge uncut penis’s laying on the side of the pool. My wife sensually rubbed sun protection allover her sexy MILF body as the two black gentlemen suddenly became aroused at the pleasant sight they just viewed. She then waltzed to the lady’s room in her high heels and...
I have been swinging with my husband Gary for several years and we both love the extra dimension it gives to our marriage. There have been a couple of little difficulties along the way but we both enjoy involving others in our sexlife as much now as we did when we started. We like to swap with other couples at a club we use in the Midlands and have attended a few swinging parties. It really turns both of us on particularly when I am with other men with definitely the favorite for both of us me...
Part 1 of two part series This is a story about how I met my swinger friends. A 26-year-old man; one, I have attended a Tantra session with a couple. Anyone who understands the concept of Tantra might know how it works. It's a "Pink" Tantra, so no nudity lol. Women will form a circle inside, and men will circle the women you should move from one woman to another. I got paired with a beautiful mature (in the '40s) Woman. The task is to kiss women on the place she points you with her consent. The...
SwingerShe pulled me down to her level and whispered in my ear, “I can’t wait to see you nakedâ€. It was quite the introduction! My date clearly enjoyed seeing everyone fawn over me as she knew that if anyone wanted to get their hands on me, that they had to go through her. Again, it had been another full week of reaching out to see how she was doing and no response. I had come to expect this type of non-communicative form. I was just on my way out and locking up my store for the evening, when my phone...
AffairIt was a few weeks before Halloween, my girl and myself was looking for some sexy costumes and something to do this year. One of us was looking for costumes and the other was… It was a few weeks before Halloween, my girl and myself was looking for some sexy costumes and something to do this year. One of us was looking for costumes and the other was looking for something to do. She yelled out and said I know what we can do for Halloween, but it will be expensive. She didn't say anything...
StraightIndian wife, tells her first swinger experience. I m now a pro ;) Part 1. If you are looking for action, you may jump to part 2, but I highly recommend reading this background, it will only make you enjoy part 2 3 months after marriage I and my hubby came from india to the US. I was house wife, and my hubby was working as a sales officer. He had been in US for a while and has always been very open minded. On the other hand I was a shy narrow minded girl, whose world was just her husband and...
SwingerWhen I woke up the next morning, Sunday, I was a little disoriented. I was on my left side, with my back to the wall and my arms around Gina. It took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t in my room at home. When I did, I grinned to myself. Call me goofy, but I was excited to be living in the dorm. Sure, it wasn’t as nice as my house, but it was still my first home away from home. Gina stirred when I kissed her shoulder. Then I reached up and turned off my alarm (it was only a little after...
The next morning, my alarm went off at six. I lay there and stared at the ceiling as pre-dawn light filtered in through the blinds. For a while, I thought about Gina. I could understand why she was a little depressed, but I didn’t know what to do about it. And I could see why Kendall thought Gina might be upset about having to share me again. Kendall, Gina, and I had only really spent time together—as a threesome—when we were at camp. And the world of Susan’s camp was different from the real...
Introduction: A man gets more than he bargains for at a party. Swinger Dad From the time I was in my mid teens, I always imagined I would get married and have a lot of kids. I wanted to get married young and have as many kids as my wife and I could afford, I just felt like being a dad was in my blood. When I was 19, I met a beautiful girl named Jessica and we were fast friends. We fell in love and got married within just a few months of meetingshe was still 18. Barely a month after we were...
First let me start with saying, we are not swingers. My wife and I have always been pretty sex positive and are very open about using fantasy for play, but we have never actually been with any other couples or invited singles into our play. My wife had always liked talking about fantasies that involved other people, but insisted that she would never be into a threesome or other people. For several months, the fantasy topic that seems to have elicited the most wetness from my wife was for us to...
I am sexy looking, 34, with enhanced 34ee breasts, long waist length blonde hair and a good figure. I am from South America, on my second marriage to a pervert English guy.I love my hubby but he is a pervert. He is 61, and we married 6 years ago after knowing each other for 4 years. We met in London, I liked his sense of humour, we had a few dates and we fell in love. He gets off on getting me to dress real slutty, taking pics of me, and going out places where friends wont spot us, as I will...
I recently attended a naturist spa which has private rooms. I have been many times before but often couples just disappeared into these rooms after having a sauna or Jacuzzi. Last week was different. I had decided to go along for the afternoon just for a relaxing sauna, not really expecting anything. When I arrived it was the usual thing, a few of single guys and no females apart from the topless staff. I went into the sauna for 15 minutes and when I came out there was no one else about. I went...
Being Friday afternoon, my wife and I wanted to do something fun, erotic, sexually charged. We decided to post an ad on our local website to see if we could drum up another man for our sexual appetite. Tonight we were looking for a man with a very large cock. So I wrote up an ad, put in the pictures, and had my wife approve it. This is what we said, “We are a couple in search of a third for sexual fun. She is 40wf, BBW, redhead, 42DD's, shaved smooth, and loves oral (giving and receiving. I am...
“Where exactly are we going?” Melanie asked as she followed her boyfriend Floyd around the corner. They had been traipsing through back alleys for a while, looking for a place neither of them was sure existed. “You’re the one who said you were getting bored and wanted to spice things up,” Floyd grumbled. “I didn’t think you’d suggest a swinger’s club,” Melanie chuckled. “You used to say you loved me so much and that you’d never...
“Look around you, ladies and gentlemen,” Professor Joska said as soon as he walked into the classroom. “Two of your peers—or should I say former peers?—have had the good sense to drop this class.” Then he gazed at us, his strong-jawed face stern and uncompromising. “There’s no shame in admitting defeat. If you don’t think you’re up to the task, then get up and leave now,” he said as he took a pen from his jacket pocket. “I’ll sign any drop slips now. Anyone? No?” I think most of us were too...
I didn’t think places like this actually existed, or if they did, I figured Berlin, San Francisco, Amsterdam, some other den of sin, sodomy and vice… but Melbourne? Well, there I was so there you go. To be fair the ‘dungeon’ I was housed in was just a converted brick garage on a half-acre block in the inner eastern suburbs, not actually within the bowels of some gothic castle. But it is quite surprising what you can do with some velvet hangings, soft...
Since I am new to this forum, I thought I ought to make a contribution. In addition, I would hope that there are some people out there who would enjoy playing these kinds of games with a 50’ish-tear-old man. I’ve changed names to protect us all, but “Jane” was really someone special! Several years ago, I ran an ad on a swinger’s website that started “Voyeur’s delight. I’ll please your lady as you would like to see her please.” I made...
My wife Beth is living the swinger lifestyle. She has had sex with multiple guys and posted her encounters on the internet. She is very popular, not only because she is willing to do this, but also because she has a smoking hot body for being 35. It seems if she is not fucking some guy she is working out. Her legs and ass are toned and tight. Her stomach is flat and has lots of definition. She has been tanning and it’s obvious that she does it nude. Her firm large 36D breasts are the same...
How It All Began I retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...
How It All Began I retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...
After I found my husband cheating on me I had told him I was becoming a swinger and was going to fuck as many guys as I wanted as his punishment, however I feel he didn’t think I actually would go along with it, so when I brought two young studs home from work with me his face was a picture, who are these he cried, these are going to be my lovers for the night meet Jason & Mark, this is my husband guys the cheater I told my love doves, you must be mad to cheat on such a fine woman Jason told my...
My loving Victor finally accepted to join me in a quick trip to Jacksonville.An old girlfriend, Jennifer, was having some marital troubles and she wanted me there to comfort her. Hubby said he had no problem; a couple of vacation days would fit fine to him.Jennifer was delighted to have me there at her house.During the second day, I was trapped on one of my naughty moods. So I begged Victor that we could go to a swinger club that Helena had told me in Jacksonville. After a couple drinks at a...
After moving to Savannah, my sexy Ana and I soon started swinging with a couple called Sean and Tamara.They were black and both about our age, late thirties…Sean and I worked for the same company though not in the same department. I was even his senior.He and his sensual black wife had swinger experience and they always seemed ready for everything and uninhibited. One night, after we had met them in the pub for some drinks, Anita asked them if they would like to come home for another last...
Met a nice couple in a generic online forum, he said they were interested in finding a nice guy for a fantasy fulfillment, which piqued my interest. We chatted a bit more and exchanged pics and he dropped the bomb on me....his hot girlfriend wanted to try dvp, which is double vaginal penetration. It only took a moment for me to figure out that would require my cock to touch his...uggh. That seemed like a pretty advanced precedure for a newbie like me. He must have sensed my hesitancy and said...
Couples swinger party true storyThis story starts a good sometime after Sara . I had got married sometime after that I found out my wife was fucking a guy at work so I decided if she was going to that we would start swinging so I could have fun to . One week I decided to host a couples party . So I looked into hotels I found one that had two bedrooms a livingroom and a small kicthen . I reserverd the room in indianapolis indiana and sent out party invites . I had 5 couples and one single male...
Anita and her first swinger partyLife was a little boring when Ana and I moved to Oakland. My sweet wife told me she was a little bit scared about so many black men on the streets, acting like thugs. She confessed me sometimes she had the fantasy of being taken by some of these black men on a dark alley and being fucked wildly by all of them, with no mercy at all.So, thinking she could go out in the middle of the night to try a chance of fulfill her fantasies; I suggested her to try the...
There I was under a blanket reading again trying to escape from my reality of cleaning, cooking, refereeing and the constant frustration of being a stay at home mom. I was reading another sci-fi romance novel when I heard the rumble of my husband Ryan's car coming down the hill toward our house. It was the first day in a long time that the sun was out, it was winter in Seattle and sunshine was a welcomed change after months of overcast and rainy weather. I heard the door shut and Ryan's voice...
So I was officially now a swinger...I had fucked, and I mean, fucked a total stranger in front of my hubby. As you can see in my pics I am a hot uninhibited blonde and usually the centre of all the lustful attention in the club but I soon learnt how "up for it" I had become. After that first fuck I couldnt wait until our next visit...I still didnt want hubby fucking other women..he could kiss and feel them but that was it...but thats all he wanted too. He had let me fuck another guy, and so I...
I've spent a lot of time talking my wife into going to a swinger party and one evening we had the chance. I explained to her that part of the deal was wife-swapping with other couples in the same room with me. I explained that I would be in the room with her at all times, so she wouldn't have to worry about her personal safety. On the way there, she said she would try but couldn't promise how far she'd go. She said she just wanted to take it slow and play it by ear.When we arrived, there was...
By JenniferMy mother used to host swinger parties when my father was at work or out of town. there would be 4 or 5 couples that would come over along with 3 or 4 black guys by themselves. Mom would send me upstairs to my room and tell me to stay there but I would always sneak down to peek. One time one of the black guys brought one of the wives up stairs to a bedroom so i fallowed to watch, he took her into my room and he mounted her on my bed. I watched them for a while until they both came,...
Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...
I am a member of a swing site and organised a little party at my place with some friends from the site one of the woman arrived and asked if there was space to park in the underground car park so i said i would pop down and see and buzz her in when she parked i was beside her door and she looked up at me smiled and pulled her coat open to show me she was nearly naked she pulled her tits out and started to play with her nipples I just had to get my cock out at such a beautiful sight She opened...
My First Swinger Experience Part-2After we laid in bed together, the three of us. Jean-Luc asked me which hotel I was staying at, since it was obvious that I was not staying at their nudist resort, I told him that I was staying at the hotel just up the breach. Then he shocked me by inviting me to come stay with them, he said, you should check out of your hotel and come spend the rest of the week here with us, give us a chance to transform you into a true nudist. I laughed as I seriously...
My first swinger experience, Part-1This is a true story, I was visiting a French Caribbean island, it was beautiful, clear blue waters and a lovely beaches. I enjoyed long runs on the beach in the early mornings and at sun set, this day I unknowingly happen to come across a nude beach, it is called Orient Beach.www.orientbeach.comIt was not until I was half way down the beach that I started to notice that some people were walking naked along the beach, I tried to stay focused on my run but as I...
Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...
After I found my husband cheating on me I had told him I was becoming a swinger and was going to fuck as many guys as I wanted as his punishment, however I feel he didn’t think I actually would go along with it, so when I brought two young studs home from work with me his face was a picture, who are these he cried, these are going to be my lovers for the night meet Jason & Mark, this is my husband guys the cheater I told my love doves, you must be mad to cheat on such a fine woman Jason...
How It All BeganI retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...
How It All BeganI retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...
My wife Beth is living the swinger lifestyle. She has had sex with multiple guys and posted her encounters on the internet. She is very popular, not only because she is willing to do this, but also because she has a smoking hot body for being 35. It seems if she is not fucking some guy she is working out. Her legs and ass are toned and tight. Her stomach is flat and has lots of definition. She has been tanning and it's obvious that she does it nude. Her firm large 36D breasts are the same...
Wife LoversWe meet some casual friends Deepti & Prakash for dinner and my wife Neha suggested they come back to our house afterwards When we return home we invite them in for a while, we get some wine and chat for a bit then we show off our new large flat screen TV. It just so happens that the DVD in the drive is a lesbian porno movie my wife Neha adores (gets her so hot) – I was surprised… and realized she must have been watching it earlier in the day on her own… interesting. Deepti was also apparently...
That night my lovely hubby dragged me to a nice local bar.He had said that it was a classy place; but I later discovered by myself, that it was a swinger bar… Besides, I was unaware Victor had arranged a surprise for me.I was wearing only a dark green low cut dress; no bra nor a thong; but seamed stockings and a pair of sexy black stilettos.Victor loved that outfit, because he could fondle my pussy anytime.We sat at the bar enjoying some margaritas and the music. I soon noticed some of the...
After Lisa told me what happened when I was out of town working, I was shocked, but the glow on her face and the sparkle in her eyes made me feel at ease. I was curious about the club so I told her we were going to go back on the next amateur night so I could see her do a strip tease dance on stage for me. Saturday night came and we were at the club, and after a dandelion I ordered our drinks, making sure he Singapore Sling was made with good rum. About an hour went by with the girls who worked...
SwingerAs I massaged her inner thighs and stuck my tongue inside of her, tasting her juices, I felt my husband spank my ass and pull down my panties. He put two fingers inside of me and shook my whole body with his intensity. I could hear Amanda moaning beneath Derek’s lips which were pressed against hers in a passionate kiss. As Barry showered, I could hear the couple in the next villa going at it. Hard. At first it was just a bit of rocking and moaning, but after ten minutes or so, the woman started...
SwingerOne summer I flew out to see a lover of mine who was a married swinger. She picked me up from the airport. She was wearing a sun dress with no bra. As we got onto the highway I kept looking over at her great legs. I finally couldn't resist myself and I leaned over to her. I slowly slipped a strap of her dress off of her shoulder and exposed her nipple on her right breast. I teased her by gently caressing her nipple and making circles around the tip. I began kissing her neck, nibbling her ear,...
VoyeurSwingers, we thought, were nasty. That is, until we ourselves became swingers. Our story like many stories starts with a marriage of 19 years. My wife Nancy and I enjoyed sex, but it had become predictable, not spontaneous, somewhat boring!Then we started considering becoming swingers, but not quickly and not all at once.We used to have fantasies of having sex with other couples while we would have sex. I would tell my wife that she was being fucked by another man as I was fucking her in her...
How is all this happened, I do not know? But it happened, a period of our life that is etched in our memories for many years to come. That was three years ago and it lasted about six months ... Where to start to tell this story?It's as simple as complicated, so I'll start from the beginning and do the usual introductions.Married for fifteen years. Carla My wife is a small woman of 1.55 m, full of energy, blonde hair shoulder-length, always dressed, makeup and fragrance. It says the bubbly,...
Reddit Swingers, aka r/Swingers! Swinging is not for everyone, and you fucking know it. But the fact that you are here reading this tells me you wouldn't mind getting down with any kind of swinger, cuckold, or hotwife situation. I don't know how you freaks pull it off. I mean, it takes an extremely fucked up individual to swap partners, don't you think? Well, that is if you have a partner that is down for that shit to start with. Some of you motherfuckers don't realize how fucking lucky you...
Reddit NSFW ListFrom the time I was in my mid teens, I always imagined I would get married and have a lot of kids. I wanted to get married young and have as many kids as my wife and I could afford; I just felt like being a dad was ‘in my blood’. When I was 19, I met a beautiful girl named Jessica and we were fast friends. We fell in love and got married within just a few months of meeting—she was still 18. Barely a month after we were married, Jess was pregnant and we were on the path to having the large...
My name is Larry and I own a consulting company that supports a number of large businesses and hotels in Las Vegas. I’m in my early forties, tall, with dark hair and complexion. My wife, Roxy, is also very tall about 6 feet and a knockout with killer legs and nice jugs. She is extremely erotic and when she walks into a room I see all the guys and most of the girl’s spring to attention. She never wears a bra and generally is in a very short skirt. I love to show her off and get a big...