The Ring Game
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Two weeks and two days later Tasha showed up at my door, just before I would have contemplated lunch. I hadn’t heard a word from her since our meeting with Lucy and Tonya, I hoped the deal had gone away. I was wrong. The deal had closed and Tasha came down armed with a digital camera that probably cost more than my scooter.
She had come to town to close the deal and take pictures of the 2nd story part of the building which she had just bought. Part of her preparation was to discuss it with me. That. in her mind at least, would lead to my help in coordinating the work on her loft. She explained that she wanted the building complete as soon as possible.
“I have decided to move a bed into the downstairs space and live there while we work on the second floor. I’m going to have my kitchen appliances set up in the old restaurant kitchen down here,” she admitted. “That is the only decision I have made so far.”
“The smart thing to do would be to move out, and let a crew come in to build it all turnkey. You have plenty of money,” I explained. And by the way, I suggested that to begin with, but plan was for you to make it permanent.”
“Yes I’m in line to be taken care of forever, but I do not have access to a box of money. The only reason is simply because I’m a woman. I could ask my father for the money, and he might do it, but everything would have to be in his name. It is how things are done in his world. If I want it to be mine, I have to be crafty. I have to get presents from him, then convert them to cash. Most important. I have to hide the cash, so that the people who work for my father can’t find it.
“So how much do you have?” I asked.
“I have maybe a hundred thousand dollars. I also have the minimum amount a member of the royal family receives from our government. Like you, I just have to balance how I spend the extra money. So will you help me,” she asked.
“Okay help me understand. How badly do you want to live upstairs? Everything you need is down here. You can do some renovations on it a hell of a lot cheaper,” I suggested.
“But if I want it to be self supporting, I need to rent half of it. The downstairs has a lot more possibilities for that,” she explained.
“It’s good to see that you have done your homework. So, have your range and refrigeration installed down here. But no ice maker and no exhaust fan over the range. You can at least live here now, if you do that. Then have a cheap, free standing shower stall installed into one of the quit two bathrooms down here. Since we will probably want to undo it later, do as little as possible to the structure of the bathrooms.”
“Okay lets decide which bathroom first,” she suggested with a smile. “I am dying to get moved in.”
The men’s room needed painting badly, but the ladies was pretty much needed only a wash, dry, and fold service to make it usable for Tasha. I called in the lady who had cleaned my house after the fire. She agreed to come two days in the future and stay or come back until the downstairs was clean. I was on site on Thursday when the lady showed up.
“Hello Rosa,” I said.
“Where?” she asked. Her English was not good, but my Spanish was nonexistent.
I walked to the ladies bathroom where she scrubbed the walls, the floors, and the fixtures. When she was finished I put her to work cleaning the kitchen area.
I stood out back to make the call to the plumber, who had worked for me on the lock shop. “Thomas when can you come to install a shower like mine in the building next door,” I asked.
“Two days,” he said in his also not good English. His first language wasn’t Spanish. My guess was that it was some bastardized version of the Russian language.
“Bring the shower cabinet like mine, and be here on Saturday,” I demanded.
“Yes very early,” he demanded in return.
“Good,” I agreed.
Rosa quit at five, so I took the bike for a ride. I was up to eighteen miles morning and afternoon. I spent my time between Tasha’s place and mine. She was calling me every couple of hours to see what I had done.
Rosa came back the next day to clean the upstairs floors and walls. Not heavy scrubbing, but she ran a wet mop over them both. It made quite an improvement. She also cleaned the windows, at least the insides.
I called Tasha Saturday after Thomas left. “Okay Tasha you can move in now. Stop and get a couple of bathroom throw rugs on the way.”
She must have called in favors for everyone at the SJL. Because before the sun went down on Sunday, she had the throw rugs down. Not to mention all her Raleigh apartment furniture in place. Everything she needed was in place in the first floor of Sadie Mae’s saloon.
Tasha had only the one fully functional shower, and a working toilet in the same bathroom. The second toilet Thomas had removed from the ladies room, was stored in the men’s room. The whole place looked pretty comfortable to me. But I wasn’t a young woman.
“So Tasha, make a list of what you want to do upstairs, and in the order you want it done. Right now, you don’t have to be in any hurry. you have a place to live.
She gave me a friendly kiss, then said, “It’s fucking awesome.”
“Good, don’t rush the rest of it. You have time now,” I said. Even though I said it, I expected her to go all hell bent for leather to finish. She surprised me for the several hundredth time. Her surprise for me was she did nothing.
She did borrow my street bike. At five in the morning she was waiting in the parking lot behind her new home. It was where I had told her to be, if she wanted to ride with me.
We rode out of town. Her on the sleek easy to pedal road bike, and me on the clunky mountain bike. We still managed ten miles out and ten back. The ride took us out to the county high school where we made a loop around their stadium. Then we reversed our earlier course to end up behind Tasha’s home again ninety odd minutes later.
“Come on to my place for breakfast, I have some coffee and muffins,” I offered.
“Done,” she said. “Do you have strong coffee? I have heard your coffee is undrinkable.”
“You can make your own coffee next time,” I suggested with a laugh.
“Actually, I like strong coffee. I love Turkish coffee houses,” she demanded. “The muffins are also good. Where do we buy these.”
“Slow down, I’ll show you all my secrets, just give me a few days,” I said quietly.
“So I get to keep the bike?” she asked as she headed for the door.
“You can keep it, if you promise to buy a new helmet. That pink one is an embarrassment,” I complained.
Tasha was busy around her new place I assumed. She was also making her plan for the work going forward. She didn’t know so much about planning, but I planned to have a consult with her before our ride the next morning.
It was after lunch when I got the call from her. “Sarge I badly need a nap. I have the air conditioning going full blast, but I do not have you in my bed. I would like for you to come hold me while I sleep. In exchange I promise that I will hold you when you need it.”
“Okay, but no pressure,” I said.
“No pressure,” she agreed.
When the phone rang, we were ninety minutes into the nap. Tasha woke first to answer her phone. I could tell it was her phone by the ring tone. She managed to unwrap herself from me. I was surprised how much I hated the loss of her hard body pressed against mine. By the time the call from James Mason reached me, I already knew from Tasha about the standoff.
“When can you and Tasha leave for Lumberton?” Mason asked.
“I will have to check with her, but I can be ready in fifteen minutes,” I said.
“She said thirty, so let’s make it thirty,” Mason said. “Don’t worry about your expenses, I’m sending a company credit card down with Maurice your lawyer liaison,” Mason said.
“Just so you know, I make the decisions, or I’m out of there,” I stated bluntly. “I’ll take everybody’s opinion into consideration, but I make the final decisions.”
“You guys have to work that out among yourselves,” Mason said getting himself out of the middle.
I rode with Tasha to the little town of Lumberton. It was the closest we could get to the scene without Local law enforcement clearance. Maurice met us at a local diner where I was right at home. Maurice, an obviously gay male, was trying his best not to bring attention to himself. I couldn’t blame him for that, since I had no idea how Native Americans felt about the rainbow crowd.
“So Maurice,” I jumped in after the began his hello nice to be working with you speech. “How about we skip the ass kissing and get right to it. What we got here?”
“Five or maybe six local ‘Native Americans’ have occupied a federal office built on traditional Lumbee tribal land. The offices were built to help the government coordinate assistance projects.”
“They have hostages?” I asked.
“Five employees and two clients,” Maurice replied.
“How many of them are Indians?” I demanded.
“Four of the seven are Native Americans,” he replied in a slightly belligerent tone.
“So what is on their list of demands?,” I asked. “Do we have a map and photos of the building and grounds?”
“They demand full recognition and treaty rights for the Lumbee Indian tribe. Yes we do have a map and a couple of photos,” Tasha replied for him. That came from the reply of the hostage taker inside. The maps are the same ones being used by the FBI.”
“Okay, let’s find out how much juice the SJL has. Maurice get me permission to go in there. Don’t worry about the people inside. Just tell the Fib-bees not to shoot my ass full of holes.
Tasha get me a bike of some kind. Oh yeah while we are here ask the waitress for a hamburger steak and fries. Put it on the expense account Maurice,” I demanded.
“Where is our other street cop?” I demanded of Maurice.
“He quit when he heard he wouldn’t be running this team.” Maurice enjoyed giving me that news a little too much.
“Okay, Tasha, it’s on us,” I said not batting an eye or saying anything.
“One riot, one ranger,” she replied. “I always wanted to use that line.”
“Let’s try to end this peaceful huh?” I asked.
“Of course, but six of them and two of us, hell the odds are on our side,” she said.
“Bloodthirsty bitch,” I whispered.
“Too bad we can’t get Lucy down here,” she laughed.
I had finished my late lunch and even my sweet potato pie by the time Mason replied. Maurice gave me the good news. “The locals are in charge and the governor likes the SJL. It’s good PR for him.”
“Maurice, I don’t need to know all that, just who the fuck I need to talk to here,” I said.
“That would be me,” a large dark skinned man in a dark brown uniform of the Sheriff’s office replied for him. “Sheriff John Oxendine,” he said extending his hand to me.
“Ray Selfridge,” I said standing in a show of respect. “What can you tell me about our hostage takers?”
“Some of the Lumbee tribe can’t wait for all that federal money to flow. Actually most of it already is, but they want to get the treaty, so they can build a casino, I expect.” he suggested.
“Sounds reasonable. Let’s get the people out, then you can work on the rest of it.” I suggested.
“Sounds like a plan,” he replied and immediately turned to leave.
“Oh will you pass me through the road block?” I asked.
“Sure,” he agreed.
“Okay Tasha get me that map of the area,” I demanded.
“You are not going in there alone?” she suggested.
“Sure I am. How else am I going to prove how valuable I am?” I suggested.
“Bullshit, I am going with you,” she said.
“If you go, we are going in cold,” I replied.
“Then I guess I’ll find out how good a sharp number two pencil is in a gunfight.” Her laugh had wicked sound to it, especially to Maurice. He had never heard a SJL operative act so brazenly, I was sure.
“There were two twenty inch kid’s bikes sitting in front of the diner. Why are there two? I just ordered one,” I demanded.
“If one’ll do ya, two will improve you,” Tasha said with a laugh.
She was loving all this macho bullshit. I could tell most of it was for show. She wanted to start her own legend and Maurice was the messenger.
Tasha and I rode the several blocks on the grossly too small bikes. Without gears, and in the early evening heat, the bikes were a heart attack waiting to happen. I knew better than to complain in front of Tasha. I would get no sympathy from her.
We cleared the check point easily, then rode the hundred yards to the building. I heard the shot, but kept on riding until I was within easy speaking distance.
“Hello in the building. It’s time to start talking. You don’t want an attack, and we don’t either. We all want a peaceful settlement of this dispute. Let us come inside to talk.” I asked politely.
There was a couple of minutes delay before the door opened. Tasha and I walked inside. I went in first to assess the situation while there was still a wall between the gun-toting young men and Tasha. They didn’t look like gun thugs, so I allowed her inside.
“So who is in charge?” I asked.
“I’m Marty Mcfly,” one of the twenty something, year old kids in dirty jeans said.
“That was a good movie, but not a classic,” I replied. “So Marty, tell us what you want, so we all walk out of here without guns being fired?”
“We want full treaty rights for out tribe and all that goes with it. The original lands owned by our people, and reparations for their theft,” Marty said.
“So forty acres and a mule won’t be enough?” I asked.
“You think this is a joke?” he asked.
“Well let’s put it this way. I am not a government agent, so I don’t give a shit how it looks in the press. Bottom line, what is it going to take for you to allow those people to leave.
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Gay MaleI hope that you read Chapter 1, "Ribbons," before hearing the rest of my story. It will help you to understand both Kira and I better. I woke up, about 6 o'clock the next morning, in Kira's bed, naked, and with a naked Kira laying partially on me. Her head was lying across my breasts, her soft pink lips inches away from one of my erect nipples, her lovely long blonde hair, with the pastel ribbons from the night before still intertwined in her tresses. I tried not to move, as I didn't...
I’ve had this fantasy and thought, “It’ll never happen me, I’ll never have the opportunity to be with someone much younger than me,” but it did and I still can’t believe it actually happened. Hope was a student of mine and her name is synonymous with the desires I was starting to feel for her, and on a daily basis I had to suppress these feeling for obvious reasons. Hope was Latina, very pretty, but unfortunately she was very young. She had dark hair, dark eyes, and because she was so young,...
My friend Eric and I used to go out and play pool or something every Monday than afterwards we would go back to his place catch a small buzz watch a porno and jackoff. Well one Monday night ended differently. Everything was the same except while watching the porno I was suddenly aware that he was lightly rubbing my crotch and when he knew I was aware of it he than admitted that he had been curious what sucking a dick was like and asked if I would let him suck mine. I was buzzed and horny as all...
Chapter 9: Punishment I was placed on my hands and knees, my head through the middle of the stocks. Instinctively, I hung my head. Master’s hand raised it by my chin and he looked me in the eye. ‘Oh no my pet, you’re going to need to have your head up for this. And you’ll want to see what happens to Aidan, I’m sure.’ A growing murmur told me the village men were approaching and I turned my head in their direction. Sure enough, an army of them were literally running towards the courtyard,...
Masseuse Lyra Law greets her self-defense instructor Edyn Blair for her massage therapy appointment. Edyn playfully puts Lyra in a headlock as they review the moves from class. Lyra’s forgotten a lot of her lessons and she accidentally touches Edyn’s groin. As Edyn gets undressed for her session, Lyra respectfully averts her eyes. Lyra begins by massaging Edyn’s glutes and comments on the softness of her skin. They catch up on life since self-defense class. Edyn’s not...
xmoviesforyouI am Vimalesh from Kerala. I am 33 year old now. I explain a true story which occurred in my life before 7 years. I was working in a school in Andhra Pradesh then. There were four teachers from Kerala. We were from four different districts. We joined the school in the first week of a June. The school had no hostel facility. So the management arranged a house for our accommodation. The house had two portions. The main portion had three rooms and a veranda. The kitchen, one room, toilet and bath...
“See? All you have to do is push these two buttons at the same time, and it will deploy.” Oscar pointed at a pair of buttons four centimeters apart on the controller device in my gloved hand. A wire ran from it to a connection point inside one of my suit’s arm pockets. “I don’t take it off first?” I looked up at him through my open helmet. “How does it wrap around me?” “The shell is a memory shape composite. Once it starts to unfold, it snaps everything into place. You need to curl up as...
Hi this is Raj Patel from Ahmedabad. I am regular reader of all this story & I love to share my true Experience. I am working with call center in Ahmedabad as team leader & 23 yrs old with 5’9” height & 7” thick dick.This incident happen when I was 19 yrs old & studding in college. I am staying with my parents. My dad is having his own business & mother is house wife. We are staying in top floor of apartment & our apposite door only 1 lady is staying & she is 33...
~2~ Dangerous Games The hallways are beautiful. Gilded mirrors, red luscious carpet and claw footed velvet sofas. I love this kind of extravagance, I love that I can afford this lifestyle. Looking around I walk over to the velvet piece and run my hands over the soft material, sighing appreciatively I drape myself over the seat and lay my head on the arm. The velvet caresses my skin and my back arches as an involuntary shudder rolls through me, this is true ecstasy. I let my hand...
We talked on the phone for a few months. Became fast friends, but never laid eyes on one another. Just shared pics and conversation, and just passed time. Back and forth we talked, of how much we wanted one another . Due to circumstances and situations it seemed to never jump off. Then I got the job offer to move out of state. We decided to meet before I left town. As both our curiosities had risen to great proportions. We set a date and met up. I knew he was handsome by his pics,...
Five in the morning came, his alarm blasting through the apartment. He reached over and hit snooze. Still a little groggy after such a late night, I leaned up to give him a kiss. I was sad that our night had come to an end already. I had never slept so well, and I knew I slept well because I was in his arms."I had an amazing night. I'm sorry I have to go in for the morning, I'll be back as soon as I am released of my duty.""I understand, don't worry about it. I'll be fine today. I'll be even...
Straight SexThe Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 39 (Tuesday - week 6) It was a familiar dream... or a similar one. He was off somewhere playing poker with his buddies and again he was dressed in his silly sissy baby outfit, complete with pacifier and baby bottle. He was playing cards while seated in his highchair at the same table with everybody else. He felt himself wetting... and the feeling disturbed him, made him sad. It made him sad enough that he started crying. And then Mel was...
The Slavering, Chapter 03 Tesla texted, *John Father is here.* Cheri brightened when she read that. Then Cheri's secretary notified Cheri of an incoming call. *Call from John Smith* Cheri braced herself. Probably another cancelation. "Hi, Short Stuff." A woman's voice, machine. Not Dad. Dad's secretary. Cheri disliked her father's secretary even though she knew it was just a collection of code and hardware like her own secretary. "Calling to inform you that," the...
Hi friends this is my first story to ISS.This incident occured during this New Year.We are a family of four with mom,dad and younger brother.Dad is out on company work and brother is working far from home.So mom and I stay alone.Mom is about 50yrs old but still good looking.This incident happened when my dad’s friend who works abroad came to our place during New Year.Since dad and my brother weren’t home he told us let us go to a resort and spend New Year’s night there.We all agreed.That night...
Amy looked at me after thinking for a second and then remarked, "I don't think we should go back to our apartment. We should probably head to our cabin. At this time of night it shouldn't take more than two hours to drive there." She took a breath and then continued. "I'll drive. I guess with the way you are, in women's underwear and all, you should ride in the backseat."The softness of Amy's voice, that she had been using with me, was unfamiliar and a contrasted to what I was becoming...
Residing between an abandoned amusement park and a seedy strip club, the Parkside Motor Lodge and Cocktail Lounge did its best to distance itself socially from its neighbors. Turquoise script displayed its name in flickering neon while letters that glowed in icy blue and blushing pink promised that every guest would enjoy refrigerated air and the convenience of in-room adult movies. Time and an abiding disappointment in its surroundings wore heavily on the Parkside. The lounge was no more, its...
Straight SexI need to open my eyes. Come on, wake up. I blearily blink my eyes. I’m lying on my back, naked in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. How long have I been asleep? Why am I still wearing my watch? I turn my head to the right and see her. She’s lying in the bed on her side with her back to me, propped up on one elbow. Naked as well, from what I can see. The rhythmic tapping telling me she’s working on her laptop, maybe that’s what woke me. What’s she doing? An essay? Her dissertation?...
Tyssa’s Place Part 2 (Continued from Hustled at Pool) I arrived at the bar and Dave was waiting for me with a beer. I walked up and took it from him as I handed him my keys. I started to take a drink when Dave asked how the game of pool turned out. “Well, let’s just say that we beat each other. I beat her and she beat me.” “We both suck, that is why it took so long.” I commented. I had to laugh to myself, because if he really knew what I meant by all that. “By the way, here are your keys,...
Hi Friends this is Rajan again. My friend’s wife wants to continue the story and now she is narrating the sexual acts of ours. Hi friends this is Rukumani. You must have enjoyed reading our story. Now I am herewith narrating the experiences which we are continuing. This morning my Hubby’s friend Rajan (My sweet Raja) arrived at 9.30 at once he came in I had shut the door and we both hugged each other and passionately kissed. I sucked his upper lip and he sucked my lower lip and his hands...
‘I…hate you…so much…right now.’ I was flat on my back hyperventilating, too exhausted to think, let alone move. ‘Hey, I wanted to stay home and fuck you all afternoon, this was your idea.’ Shane looked down on me with an amused smirk. ‘Now get up. This floor is full of sweat and germs.’ ‘Germs are irrelevant, since I’m going to die here.’ I had foolishly requested Shane to take me his gym so I could join in his workout. Somewhere between bench lifts and five miles on the treadmill, I gave...
FICTIONAL It was getting late you come out of the hiding place that you were supposed to meet her, your balls and cock aching from not getting your promised blowjob. Just as you come back on the path in the park a large man looms out of the darkness, a thick rough voice he stops you and says “I’m a Garda and need to frisk you and search you, you seem very suspicious” You simply nod and he begins as he is frisking he spends a bit of extra time on your inner leg area and groin but you pretend not...
Introduction: Shelly is a teen tart As we walked to the park I made no shame in looking up and down Shellys young body. She had pretty green eyes and a cute young face which was styled like a whore I liked her style I liked young whore looking teen girls. I said to her do you like Billy not really hes a bit of a prick, she replied you been with him two weeks I said yeh she replied Fuck him your with me now I said good she said Lets go to the shop and get some drinks what you two drinking?...
Sandy stood in front of the large mirror in her room and examined herself. She was wearing one of her very short summer dresses. If she leaned forward a little, like now, you could see that she hadn't put on panties. Sandy straightened up again and stroked through her long blond hair. She sighed softly, wrapped in thought around Peter, her same-aged stepbrother. The damned guy had figured out something he should never have found out - something that no one in her family should ever find out...