An ClochánChapter 52 free porn video

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It was the 45th of the Sixmonth at 20:15 hours when Golden Knight, Princes Manria, and IGN404 reached their assigned orbital position over Ananu. This placed them 3000 km below and 500 km ahead of the Dóchas ships. Once they had settled into position Star said to the Command Staffs, “Alana’s team is now on board IGN404. All passengers are gathering in their respective ballrooms and dining areas.”

Alana said, “Good evening Command Staffs. It sure is nice to be home.”

Aoife responded with, “We can certainly understand that feeling.” Sarah, Siobhan, Melissa, and the others who had traveled to An Clochán added, “Yes, we do.”

“While we are waiting for everyone to get settled, we have a couple of items,” said Alana. “After the passengers are moved some of our staff, along with two Security teams, will remain to assist Zyworki. The other Iridien Spec Ops teams will be assisting as well.”

“That is a lot of man power, is there that much of a threat from the crew?”

“We don’t think so but we are being very cautious. Zyworki’s team is the lead in dealing with the them. Zyworki has sent a courier to his Command Center with a report outlining the issues with IGN404’s crew. When we offered continued assistance, he immediately accepted. We indicated that the offer included assistance from our Security and Intelligence groups.”

“Good thinking and yes,” replied Sally. “Clarence and Muireann have identified a group who can assist them. They probably shouldn’t come over until the passengers are relocated.”

“Good. We’ll let Zyworki know of their availability. As to manpower, we will likely reduce it in a few days.

“We think we can cut back on the number of cruisers near us but thought we ought to talk with you all before releasing them. Four cruisers should be more than sufficient.”

“That is fine. Release those not needed back to their ships,” said Melissa of Siobhan’s Clan. “We’ll probably start rotating cruisers through those slots.”

“Even though we’ve only had time to skim your report, it appears to be very thorough and we are certainly impressed,” said Sarah. “Let’s plan on reviewing it tomorrow or the next day, depending on how the relocation of the passengers progresses. All the Security and Intelligence departments have a copy, so they may contact you about it.”

“Okay. There is one piece missing, which is the Spider data. Since we’ve been in system we received some, so we’ve started rotating them and downloads have begun. We started with those in areas that we thought would have important information.

“It looks like the passengers are all here so we can start when everyone is ready.”

“Good. Unless you need assistance before then, let’s shelve this discussion until we get together.”


Edana said, “We are ready on Princess Manria.”

Vanessa said, “We are ready on Golden Knight.”

Together the Command Staffs then said, “Good evening everyone and welcome to Celia System. We are very pleased that you’ve arrived safely. You are in time for our first Landing Day celebration which will be in 8 days. We had hoped that all of you would’ve had a pleasant voyage. Unfortunately we learnt this morning that those on IGN404 had to put up with some unpleasantness. For that we apologize. Although it was unpleasant, we hope you feel that our Staff and Security teams did everything they could to remedy the situation. Having heard about the conditions on IGN404 we believe all of its passengers should be moved to another location. Doing this creates some issues but they appear to be solvable. As was indicated before, it will be at least 6 months before we have permanent residences at Tara Ardchlár.

“We do have temporary residences there, but there is not enough room for everyone on IGN404. However, there is room on Princess Manria, Golden Knight, and our 7 Dóchas class ships. This gives us more than enough space to accommodate everyone from IGN404.

“Now before we explain how we intend to do this we should tell you a bit about the facilities at Tara. These are under very large dome tents which is divided into living areas. These areas are similar in size to those we have on our ships for sleeping and relaxing. For your other needs, there is a community toilet and shower area a short distance away. There is a covered walkway between the two. A dining area is nearby which is also where those working at Tara eat. Meal service is very similar to what you experienced on the ships, in that it is open around the clock and has four scheduled meal times.

“The first step in the move is for those on IGN404 to tell our Staffing department your preferred choice of where to live. If you are on Princess Manria or Golden Knight and wish to move, please tell the Staffing department. Since we would like to begin moving people off of IGN404 in the morning, please make your preferences known this evening. Some of you are probably thinking ‘what if I don’t like where I have chosen?’; well if that is the case then you need to talk to staffing at that time as it may be possible to move again. You can contact the Staffing department using your communicator or iPad.

“Today is the 45th day of the Sixmonth. We would like have all the moves completed by noon on the 47th. We have a family meeting planned for the evening of the 47th. No doubt some are wondering what we mean by a family meeting. It will be similar to the meetings that you’ve been having during your journey. Here, each ship has a crew meeting nearly every day. Note that we consider everyone living on a Dóchas class ship to be a crew member. A ‘family meeting’ is when the meeting includes all ships as well as those at Tara. We suspect some of you find this concept hard to believe. You are not alone in that as others thought the same until they experienced one. We believe that telepathy plays a significant role in making it possible and effective.

“If you haven’t noticed, we are speaking verbally as well as telepathically. We’ve chosen to speak this way as we are not sure that everyone is comfortable communicating telepathically. Between now and the time we have a family meeting our communication equipment will be set up on Golden Knight and Princess Manria.

“One last item. Once all the moving is complete there will be regular shuttle runs between ships and to Tara Ardchlár. Our learning centers are on the Dóchas class ships, there are also a few at Tara, however these are not set up for instructional use.

“If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask any of us. Again, we are glad you chose to join us on this great adventure. That is all we have for now. Good night.”

“Well done,” said Kara and Alana.

“How did the passengers react to it?” asked Jill.

“I would say that they are pleased,” responded Alana.

Maeve said, “Hello Kenshin, Mark, Egan, this is Maeve of Sarah’s Clan. How did the passengers react to our announcement?”

“This is Mark. They were somewhere between quite pleased and ecstatic.”


“Did Alana indicate that I was going to assist Zyworki with interviewing the crew?”

“Not explicitly. We don’t have any objections, but you should still let Staffing know where you want to call home. As to our interest, we see this as a way to gain a better understanding of what occurred, its contributors, and what we missed.

“There is also a need to establish the true cost of using the ship. It was obviously less than the contracted amount. What is your interest?”

“I agree with your goals. I’m interested in seeing what occurred here and hearing some of the conversations, I think there is more to this than we suspect. Zyworki seems to agree. While some of the crew’s comments are reasonable some are not. It is quite possible that this involves others, so how, why, and what is their interest?”

Rusty said, “Sounds like old times, and it will be interesting to hear what you learn.”

“Well only in the sense of my involvement in this operation. At least here I feel like I am on the team. That wasn’t always the case before.”

“Understood. Along with what it will cost us for the use of the ship we need an idea of the costs for transporting a passenger in terms of Iridien currency. To go along with that, it would good to know the value of a metric ton of cereal grain and a metric ton of steel in Iridien currency.”

“Good points. Much of that information should be here on the ship.”

“We agree. Keep us up to date.”

“Maeve, this is Kenshin. The passengers on Princess Manria seemed pleased with the announcement. Based on questions they asked afterward, I think quite a few are interested in moving to either Tara Ardchlár or one of our ships.”

“Please remind them that learning centers are only available on our Dóchas Class ships so they will need to go there to use them. Based on what I’ve heard, they will find these terminals to be much more effective than those they were previously using. They will also have more solo time using them. We need to make sure everyone has completed the skills inventory. Many have been surprised by the results, and that is in a good way.”

“Maybe I ought to complete the inventory so that I can speak from experience.”

“It typically doesn’t take very long. Ask one of the Security team members to arrange it for you.”

“I’ll do that. Thanks.”

“Maeve, this is Egan. The reaction of the passengers on Golden Knight was very positive. I’ll pass on the other tidbits I’ve just heard. A quick question. Carine is anxious to see your children again. How can I set that up?”

“In part you already have. I now have a fresh telepathic link to you, so when we see the children later I’ll have them contact you and you can bring Carine into it. There are other ways to do it, but in this case that is the easiest.”

“Mark, Kenshin, Egan, thanks for the feedback,” said the Command Staffs. “If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. This exchange should have refreshed your links with us.”

“Yes,” replied Egan. “They are much clearer now.”

“We agree,” added Mark and Kenshin.

“It’s dinner time, so we will chat with you again soon,” said Maeve.


Several days after the family meeting Sarah’s Clan was leaving the dining area at Tara Ardchlár when they heard, “Sarah’s Clan, do you have a moment?” Since they didn’t recognize who was speaking they paused to look around, and saw several people coming toward them waving.

“We have some time,” they responded as they turned and walked toward the group not noticing that Ge and Lil were following them.

“We’ll be right there.”

“No hurry,” responded Janet.

When the group reached them Rosina said, “Good afternoon,” then introduced herself and the others with her. She then added, “I hope I wasn’t being to forward by reaching out to you telepathically, especially since I hadn’t met you.”

“You weren’t,” replied Joyce. “Our hesitation was because we weren’t sure who called to us.”

“That is understandable since we’ve only been here a few days.”

“So, how do you like it?”

Li Yan said, “It’s great being here and better than I dreamt, much better. The first few days of the trip were great, but then the attitude of the crew seemed to change. Once the Security teams took control it was better but still a little unsettling. Thank you for arranging for us to move. We are on Taiséalai now and really like it.”

“Do you know what was behind the crew’s actions?” queried Rosina.

Sarah’s Clan laughed and then Sally said, “Some of it, and it seems to be a rather complex set of interactions.” With that she gave a short summary of what they knew. “Basically, their scheme didn’t work because the drug they used has no effect on many of us. When our people noticed it many passengers were already partially under its influence. It was at this point that our people took over the kitchen facilities, and then the ship. You are likely familiar with what happened after that.”

“Sort of,” responded Rosina. “To me events are clear, then cloudy, then clear again with no sharp transitions. We are thankful that they were caught. What will happen to them?”

“The Iridien Spec Ops have sent their Command Center the information they’ve gained from the crew. With it they’ve requested guidance on what to do with the crew and ship. So it may be a month or more before it is sorted out, but it could be quicker as it is tying up three of their units.”

“Isn’t it unusual to use Spec Ops like that?” queried Gavin.

“Yes, for some that is true,” said Rusty. “For us and those from Alliance of Worlds, Spec Ops teams have a broad set of skills. They command their ships, and depending on the ship there could be additional crew under that command. Those ships serve as either a tactical weapon in space or transportation to a planet to resolve a tactical situation. For instance, our Badb cruisers are designed for Spec Ops operations although we use them in many other ways. The Badb-2 cruisers are designed to be more of a tactical weapon and typically have a larger crew. With those additional capabilities they provide more defensive support for Dóchas class ships. However, being larger they aren’t as stealthy as the Badb ships. Besides escorting our ships the Badb-2s can serve as escorts for commercial ships. So, a Spec Ops team operating a passenger ship is unusual, but it is within their skill set. Operationally, in open space the two types of ships are very similar, the main difference being their response time to command. This difference is similar to the difference between operating a small boat and a large ship.”

“That makes sense. Were all the crew members involved?”

“We don’t think so. Some seem to have had suspicions about what was happening but their duties kept them fairly isolated, or at least it appears that way.”

“We didn’t intend to delay you this long,” said Rosina. “When we saw you we saw it as an opportunity to personally offer our thanks for giving us, our friends, and family a path to get here and out of harm’s way.”

“Well we are glad you all remembered its availability when you needed it,” replied Terry. She then added with a smile, “As to being ‘out of harm’s way’, saying that is almost tempting fate.”

“You may not believe this,” responded Li Yan, “but when I went back to Earth for that ‘job of a lifetime’, I almost didn’t take it. However, knowing I had it gave me a warm feeling. It was like a link to the good times I had with you all. A very good friend and I went back to Earth to work for the same company. We were close and spent a lot of time together. With both of us working at the same company we planned to continue our relationship. After a few months the company sent us to different sites. Even so we stayed in almost daily contact with each other. This lasted for several weeks, perhaps a month or so, then her emails suddenly stopped. Those I sent were not answered nor returned. I didn’t have any other way to contact her. It was only a short time after that that we were told to cease all off-site communication. All outside communication had to go through our supervisor. With this change the job slowly became a nightmare for all of us, especially those of us who had had any contact with you all. Then one night I had a dream about when I was working for you. This dream reoccurred several times until the part about a safe harbor made sense. Before I invoked the safe harbor request, and because I didn’t know what would happen after I initiated it, I was especially friendly with a few obnoxious overbearing supervisors in the hopes that they would take the blame for whatever happened.

“After I arrived at An Clochán I learnt that a similar request had been used to rescue my friend and quite a few others. Anyway, I think all of us consider ourselves very lucky to be here. Our intent today was just to express our thanks to you personally.”

“We are glad to have you back with us,” responded Sarah’s Clan both telepathically and verbally.

Aoife followed this with, “Li Yan, have you found your friend here?”

“Yes. I had a chance to speak with her yesterday. We talked for a few minutes and she seemed very different from the person I knew. I am glad she is safe and well. Perhaps we will become close friends again.”

“The activities taking place at some of the sites on Earth were shocking to see, and living with them was likely a real living nightmare,” responded Judy. “It is taking some a lot longer to heal and put those memories behind them. We think all of them will fully recover. As to those running the sites, they are no more.”

To shift the focus Janet asked, “What did you think of our family meeting a few days ago?”

The group laughed and Rosina said, “At the time we thought it was the most amazing thing we had ever seen. After thinking about it, it really reminded me of the meetings we had when I worked at An Clochán. As for those experiencing it for the first, I think all were pleasantly surprised.”

“Did you think it helped with understanding the direction we are taking?”

“Yes,” responded Li Yan, “definitely. I see us becoming a large extended family before spreading out. For me, by taking the approach we are we maintain our security while growing our technical knowledge base as we build a home. I am not sure we could accomplish all of that if we split into small groups spread across the planet.”

“I agree,” added Gavin. “The attack you repulsed several weeks ago sort of highlights the security issue.”

“Oh that reminds me,” said Rosina, “congratulations on being elected to the Council of Celia.”

“Thank you.”

“What do you think of the learning centers?” asked Janet.

Gavin replied, “Now that my telepathy is fully functional, I think they are great. There were some aspects of my skills assessment that surprised me, but after thoughtfully considering the results, I can’t find any fault with them. In fact it is likely that I wouldn’t have noticed some of the points raised. I was surprised by my knowledge weakness in areas that I thought I was pretty strong in. Guess it just means I need to study more.”

Several of Sarah’s Clan chuckled before Sarah said, “We still have those surprises.”

Erin said, “What are you all doing this afternoon?”

“We came down to help prepare for the Landing Day Celebration,” replied Rosina.

“I am glad we arrived before it took place,” added Li Yan.

“We need to find the group we are here to assist,” said Gavin.

Li Yan said, “I’ve enjoyed chatting with you all and again, thanks for assisting us in reaching a safe harbor.” As she spoke the others in the group nodded in agreement.

“We are pleased to have you here with us.”

After they exchanged hugs, the group watched Sarah’s Clan head for their shuttle. They had only gone a short way when Rosina softly said, “May the Gods and Goddesses walk with you as you lead us into the future.”

“What did you say?” asked Gavin.

“I asked the Gods and Goddesses to walk with them as they lead us, although I didn’t say it quite that way.”

“So you think that there are deities here?”

“Yes! This is a beautiful location, as is the whole island. While a God or Goddess probably didn’t get into the details, it is easy for me to believe that they guided its development.”

Before Gavin could say anything more Li Yan said, “We need to find the group we are to help.”

“You know, now that I think of it, the Órarduine have always referred to deities as Gods and Goddesses.”

“Sometimes the Mentors almost seem like Goddesses, but that is based on what I think a Goddess should be like.”

“You’ve raised some interesting questions,” added Li Yan. “So, who are the deities here? Are they the same as Earth’s? If they are different, is there more than one? How will we learn who they are? How do we show thanks? I could go on.”

“I think that is enough for now. With respect to Earth, some read more into the commandments than is stated. Ah ... there is the group we are to help.”

“We thought you all would be here earlier,” said Eyna.

“We saw Sarah’s Clan and stopped to give them thanks.”


“Yea,” replied Li Yan, “we thanked them for getting us out of the craphole we willingly fell in to.”

When the laughter died down Rosina said, “An accurate description for an episode in our lives that hopefully will not have reenactments, or even reruns.”

“Not sure what you mean but we’ve a lot to do during the next few days.”

It was approaching 05:00 hours on the 3rd day of the Sevmonth in orbit over Ananu when Alison muttered, “Wow.”

“What?” asked a startled Alena.

“Well, we went to bed a little on the late side, shared our love, had a good night’s rest, and we are still up early.”

“It wasn’t all that late when we went to sleep, and I did sleep very well even though I dreamt about us.”

“The same for me,” said Joyce.

Alena said after a moment’s pause, “Do you realize that our dreams were almost identical? Well they were identical apart from the fact that I think each of us had a different perspective.”

“I agree,” added Janet after a moment. “This is the first time I can remember each of us having essentially the same dream.”

“We’ve had similar ones before,” mentioned Claudette.

“Yes, but I don’t remember them being nearly identical except for perspective.”


“We should wait and see if it happens again,” said Aoife, “before we draw any conclusions or try to determine if there is a reason behind them.”

“Agreed,” replied everyone.

“I’m going to exercise,” said Sarah as she moved toward that area along with Rusty and Alison. “We need to be in the hangar at 06:00 hours as dawn is at 06:50.”

“We’re coming,” replied several spouses.

They had just finished putting on their formal ceremonial robes when Aine arrived. “Good morning, Aine,” said Sarah’s Clan.

“Good morning. You all look great.”

“So do you,” said Alena.

Aine was wearing a silvery white robe that was identical to the rich purple coloured robes Sarah’s Clan was wearing. As she moved the material of her robe shimmered. It was very similar to the way the Órarduine’s robes shimmered when they moved.

“Thanks. It is really comfortable although it does feel strange to have something constantly touching my body. Our stay with you this time has been much longer than previous visits so I suspect I’ve adapted to being essentially naked most of the time. In spite of that all of us really like the way this fabric feels and looks. It is so comfortable that we may wear it on some of our trips.”

“We agree with you, it feels strange to be wearing a covering and not working. The soft way it slides over our legs when we walk is a bit arousing. I think once the ceremony is over we will likely opt for our normal appearance.

“So, your sisters are wearing robes as well?”

“Yes. I suspect we will put them away right after the ceremony.”

“We plan on doing the same.

“That robe really gives you a regal appearance, so much so that some may think you are a goddess.”

“The same is true for you all. For some groups we meet being thought of in that way would be a concern, so we will likely continue wearing our traditional costumes. I like the way you’ve placed the Órarduine mark on the back of your robes.”

“We considered putting just one large mark on the back, but with the opening for our mane it didn’t look right.”

“It looks great. The way it is shaded the 3D aspect of the symbols embedded in the octahedron really stand out.”


“Are we ready?”


“Are the children going with us?”

“They told us that they would meet us there,” replied Sarah.

“Sarah, I think they actually said that they would meet us later on Ananu,” added Alena. “In any case, they either left before we woke up or they didn’t come back last night.”

“They are up to something,” said Joyce. When she noticed Aine’s expression change slightly, she added, “I’ll bet Aine knows something.”

“Well, not really.”

“Okay then, you have a suspicion.”

“That may be closer. If it is what I suspect then you will like it. It is time, let’s go.”

They met Amy’s Clan and Morrigan at the entrance to the hanger bay.

After greeting each other Rusty looked around and said, “It’s been a long time since the hangar was this empty. Now, it looks strange and also a bit unsettling.”

“Yes, it does,” replied Jim of Amy’s Clan.

“See you on the island,” said Jill of Sarah’s Clan as the two clans moved toward their shuttles.

“Yes,” replied Amy’s Clan.

One after the other the shuttles carrying the Command Staff Clans slowly moved away from their parent ships. Each then turned toward Ananu’s North Pole as they moved into a chevron formation before beginning their descent toward the planet. The shuttle carrying Sarah’s Clan led the formation, with subsequent positions being in order of acceptance of the Command Staff role. Once they were well north of Gaillimh Island they made a sweeping turn to the west as their descent continued. Their turn continued until they were heading east toward Gaillimh Island. This approach would bring them to a special landing area just short of the eastern knoll.

A large number of Órarduine were already assembled around the new pavilion on the eastern knoll with more arriving. They were gathered in a circle around the knoll’s crest with an opening between the landing area and the pavilion. The open air pavilion was centered on the knoll’s crest. The pavilion consisted of 4 levels of octagons with each centered on the one below. The sides of the top octagon were 4 meters in length. Descending from the top, the radius of each level increased by 3 meters. At the corners of the lowest level stood 4 meter tall round columns with a beam at the top connecting them to adjacent columns. Centered on the top level stood a large Órarduine mark, with one apex of the octahedron resting on a pedestal.

When the Command Staffs’ shuttles were on final approach they shifted to single file. Sarah’s Clan landed first and once they disembarked they formed four columns and began walking toward the octagon. As they took their first step the musicians began playing the Órarduine March.

As Sarah’s Clan began moving their shuttle lifted off to let the shuttle carrying Amy’s Clan land. Amy’s Clan exited to also form four columns and begin walking toward the pavilion. Amy’s Clan was followed by Siobhan’s, Maureen’s, Keriann’s, Kathryn’s, Molly’s and then Jackie’s Clans. The timing was such that each Clan reached their position around the pavilion at the same moment. Sarah’s Clan was at the eastern-most side flanked by Amy’s and Siobhan’s Clans.

As each Clan reached their position, they paused and then turned to face the pavilion. At each point of the octagon’s second level stood a mentor. Aine was at the point between Sarah’s Clan and Siobhan’s Clan. Morrigan was at the point between them and Amy’s Clan.

With everyone in position, the Órarduine mark began to slowly rotate on each axis in a random pattern. This gave everyone an opportunity to see each face. At this point the Command Staffs stepped onto the platform. After a few moments the images on the octahedron’s faces began to alternate between the image of a Command Staff and the Órarduine mark. This continued until the music stopped.

The Mentors then said as one, “We are gathered here this morning to hear these eight clans accept the challenge you’ve asked of them. By their actions today they commit to being the first members of The Council of Celia. Each clan, in the order that they were chosen for the position of Command Staff in the Órarduine World, will in turn say the oath.”

Just as the sun broke the horizon the Mentors said, “Sarah’s Clan.” As they spoke a golden glow began to slowly illuminate the pavilion and its immediate area. Its appearance and the resulting glow prompted a collective gasp from the audience. Those who took a moment to look around were puzzled as there didn’t appear to be a source for the light.

As one Sarah’s Clan said, “In the presence of the Gods, Goddesses, and our family we, Sarah’s Clan, as one and as individuals, do solemnly and sincerely promise and declare that we will maintain the Constitution of Celia World and uphold its laws, that we will fulfill our duties faithfully and conscientiously in accordance with our Constitution and laws, and that we will dedicate our abilities to the service and welfare of the people of Celia World. May the Gods and Goddesses continue to direct and sustain us.”

“Amy’s Clan,” said the Mentors.

Same as An Clochán
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Chloe said, ‘Oh thank you Randy. Thank you for fucking me. Thank you for getting rid of my virginity. It was a trip. Can we fuck again?’ as she recovered from the faint she had succumbed to after her first sexual encounter. She had just surrendered her virginity to Dexter Randall Hamilton, the star quarterback for the University of Minnesota, the school Chloe was attending on scholarship in the aerospace engineering program. Once again Randy was surprised by the brazen aggressive manner of...

1 year ago
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Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...

3 years ago
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Anything She Wanted Part 2 The Weekend Laceys View

It was Saturday morning, the start of what looked to be a promising weekend. I could feel the cool air running over my naked body. Last night had been a first. I had taken control of my friend and roommate and used him to fulfil a fantasy I had always wanted to watch. I had him play with another man while I enjoyed the view. The payment for this was that I was his for the weekend. Last night after watching him play with Brad, an old boyfriend of mine, I pumped his cock to orgasm and sent to his...

3 years ago
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The Ride of my Life

By Millie Dynamite I sat in the back of the cab my head spinning. I didn’t realize I had drank that much – I always get so angry and horny when I drink. I would beat her and fuck her – that’s why you have a wife, there always there when you need a punching bag or wet hole. I noticed the man driving the cab was a big black nigger. The lazy bastard said nothing just drove in silence and smoked an obnoxious cigar. I asked if he could put it out while I was in the cab. All he did was open the...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 12

"It's for you,." Tami announced, looking... not surprised. Wary? I'd been sitting between Robbie and Tami on the sofa in Tami's living room, watching Ever After on television and wondering if this might be a good night to suggest the threesome that Robbie owed me. "Hello?" I said, after taking the phone. It was only nine-thirty on a Saturday night, so I didn't think it'd be Mom or Dad. "Tony?" A girl's voice, but I didn't recognize it. "This is Tony." "I didn't know who...

2 years ago
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Pumping Water And Humping Kajal 8211 Part 1

This happened when I was in my early twenties, during my college days. Vinay here from Chennai, 36 years old, feedback, comments and connect @ . Staying with cousins is always fun and the fun element is enhanced when they are of our same age. Narrating below how my cousin sister and I ended having sex during my 6 month stay at her place. It was our tender passions, raw emotions, and the urge to experience sex which led to this raunchy encounter. I came to Chennai for my internship for 6 months....

4 years ago
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Time MachineChapter 18

Time passed fast even in 'yester-time, ' and soon it was time to go to Irene's wedding. Anita had nagged me to no ends and finally I had given in and been taking her with me. We arrived at the church early since we didn't know if there would be so many people there that it would make it impossible for us to get past them. There was no one there when we arrived except an elderly gentleman who lay out psalm books in front of every pew. Prior to us leaving I had to promise Anita that...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Charles and I ch2

Chapter 2 After our camping trip and the session with my sister Charles and I spent a lot of time jacking-off together or sucking each others cock. We were looking forward too my sister “making” us eat her pussy again and maybe letting us fuck her. Mr. Jones had been hurt in a fire so he was not able to have sex with us either. We did visit him at least every other day; he liked to watch us suck each other which we did when his wife was gone. He even showed us the video he had made on our...

4 years ago
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Grace and the Longest TiePrologue

THE PRESENT I was being awaken. Someone was between my legs licking my pussy. What was happening? Everything was coming back. It wasn’t a dream, then. I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a dress. Well, half a dress. The top and the veil. I peered down my body. I was still wearing the thick white corset that covered my body from below my breasts down to the beginning of my ass that I had been given the night before. And what was licking me between my legs was one of the three dogs...

2 years ago
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Love Lost Tragedy Eternal

Hi there, my name is Damien and I want to tell you a story. It’s a pretty shitty story at that so bear with me. I am in a unique situation, but I’ll let the story fill you in the details. Here we go…….. Prelude Spending 60 days in country on my first time with Zero Section of the CIA’s SOG section and surprisingly it was boring. Composed mostly of watching, listening and looking at some local nationals for intel on possible operations when you saw her. 5’2 Redhead semi-shapely woman in PT...

3 years ago
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A Welcome Transformation

A Welcome Transformation - by Wendy H. I awake in the darkness, my wife stirring in her sleep beside me as I turn off the alarm clock. I sit up in bed and try to clear the cobwebs from my brain. I've been ill for a long while, and things seem hazy, hazier than half-sleep would make them. I try to remember the past few days, but nothing but random, meaningless images will come. It must have been quite a bug. I feel fine now. It's back to work, I guess. Taking a deep...

1 year ago
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Raziya Fucked By Arun 8211 Part 2

Hello once again this me Arun once again.. I’m working for the government of Kerala.. This is the second part of how I enjoyed Raziya.. Please forward your feedbacks to Catch the first part Raziya fucked by Arun only on Indian sex stories. . Coming to the story. Happening in Kerala Gods own country :) After the first incident at the beach of kayamkulam were we enjoyed, it was a damn lustrous that we do it again… so we thought we would meet again in march as I was busy in the month of...

2 years ago
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Pepper Learns to Drive

“Maybe you shouldn’t ride her today,” I teased. “What!? Why not, I love Mystic, she’s the best horse in the world, and she loves me too daddy. Why can’t I ride her?” I looked at my teen daughter and judged her to be about the prettiest, most loveable daughter in the world. I felt a surge of Father’s Pride that she was so vibrant, so intelligent, so spirited. A father couldn’t ask for a better child, a better person in his life. Yeah, I loved my daughter Pepper without question, without...

1 year ago
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Vinnys Mistake

Well, as you may have read in my last fun encounter with Vinny, like an idiot I allowed some pictures to be taken. Big mistake! If my husband sees them, I could be in a lot of trouble, maybe even jeopardize my marriage. Yes, we have a “don't ask, don't tell” polyamorous relationship but I love my husband with all my heart. The latest sex I’d had was with my husband followed by a swingers’ party — and, before that, it was my awesome night with Vinny. That said, let me go back to what happened...

1 year ago
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Jen Wife in the glory hole part two

That first night Jen worked the glory hole, she swallowed five loads of cum. She loved it so much that she is on the rotation a couple nights a week. I looked forward to her coming home and telling me about how many dicks she sucked, if she fucked any of them, and where she took each load. Even if she had fucked three or four guys, I would be so horny that I would bend her over the end of the bed and give her one last fuck and blow my load deep in her used cunt. There was even a couple times at...

1 year ago
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Hank Wakes Up The Neighbors Part Three

Penny did not really know what to expect from her 1st night as Connie's slave, after Hank had her pack up her clothes and move them into Connie's house. Sally and Yasmin moved in that very night, while Pastor Gilbertson went about his business as normal for now, fully aware that he would have to show up at Mina's every time she wished. He dreaded the thought of what she would do to him, since he had earned her hatred by attacking her verbally for being an unwed mother. Connie met Penny in a...

2 years ago
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Kaama Veriyan Ennai Tharumaaraga Oothan

Niraiya aangal avargalin intha inaiya thalathil pathivu seithu irukiraargal. Aanal pengal matum kuraivaagave pathivu seithu irukiraargal, naan oru pen vibachaari. Niraiya aangal ennai oothu irukiraargal innum sola ponal naan niraiya aanalai oothu irukiren. Ennai irupathile miga kaamamaaga ootha oru kaama veriyanai patri ungalidam solla pogiren. Intha kathaiyai manam balaveenamaanavargal padika thevai illai en endraal ithil kaara saaramaaga sila sambavangal nadanthu irukum. En siru vayathile en...

2 years ago
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Kansas City Huddle

My small dick flayed back and forth as he rammed his thick cock into my ass. Pre-cum oozed from the head of my tiny clit as a woman encouraged him to fuck my brains out. Another thick cock was pushed into my mouth and down my throat, as I was face-fucked by another stud that wreaked alcohol. He held my head and and fucked my mouth mercilessly. I thought forsure I was tasting my own blood from my lips. Within a minute, he was bolting a volley of sperm into my gullet as I gagged on another...

1 year ago
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My Sisters Lotion pt 3

"Here comes that stupid bitch now..." I thought to myself while laying on my bed, listening for my sister to pad up the stairs and to the bathroom which I shared a wall with. Just because we stopped talking shit to each other’s faces didn't mean I stopped relishing in the delight of degrading her in my thoughts. Or jacking off to her for that matter. I pressed my ear to the wall and listened intently. I took my time idly sliding a spit-covered finger up and down the underside of my growing...

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Commander Rainey

I was sitting with my back to the door when Commander Rainey came in. My feet were up on the windowsill, the weekend’s watch roster on my lap. I’d like to say I was working on it, but really I was kind of staring into space. She tapped twice on the open door.“Come in,” I said without turning, thinking it was one of my girls.“I’m already in,” she answered. I turned to see her halfway to my desk. She waved me down as I started to stand.“Sit, sit. No need to discover military protocol this late in...

Straight Sex
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A Rainy Night in Paris Ch 10

‘Alex, darling, where have you been hiding yourself?’ Amanda gushed, flinging herself into his arms and trying to kiss him. Alex turned his head, avoiding her lips and worked to disentangling himself from her incoming hug as much as he could. She smelled of cigarette smoke and bad perfume, which he deplored. It always made him wonder how bad her sense of smell had become. He disliked her on several levels. He did not smoke and could not stand to be around those who did for extended periods of...

2 years ago
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CRSChapter 3

"Boy. I'm glad I made sure you set the alarm last night, or I'd still be sleeping off the most wonderful, fantastic, mind-blowing experience I have ever had. What you did to me was something else. How did you learn all that stuff you were doing to me last night? You have never made me feel like you did last night," said a very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Bridget. "Well I had a little help with some techniques that I have wanted to try out for some time now, but then with being in the...

4 years ago
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Signal 3 3 5

Signal Three-Three-Five (Fire is out-Returning to quarters) By: Lorraine B. © 2006 Lorraine Bank The red and black paint of the all the apparatus shone, the chrome twinkled in the dimly lighted firehouse. The lights and sirens were silent on the emergency trucks. The ready deck was quiet as most of the fire companies' personnel were in bed, with the exception for a few watching television or playing cards. It was their turn to unwind from the day of fighting the red, white and...

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VisitorsChapter 2

Breakfast the next morning was an unremarkable affair. Maybe the girls seemed to be staring at me a bit more than they had yesterday, but Selly chatted about nothing of consequence, and so did I. It was, as it happened, the beginning of the girls' long summer school holiday. Selly planned on taking time to settle in before making enquiries about re-training. Mainly, she was worried that computer software would have become much more sophisticated and capable since the last time she'd had to...

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ConflictedChapter 5

It was about a thirty minute drive from downtown to Greek Row. Brian had given me fairly specific directions, at least as far as he was able to, but Stacey knew her way over there pretty well. It took us a few more minutes to find the specific sorority house, though seeing as how it was the only one with a huge crowd of people in front of it, it wasn't that hard. Stacey left her 4Runner parked on someone's lawn, and she just shrugged when I asked her if that wasn't going to get her...

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The God Pill Winter JenningsChapter 8

I guess you’d say What can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin’ ‘bout my girl (my girl) Sometimes Vanessa and I glam it up. Just for the fun of it. She was taking a Friday night off from both Euforia and BEAR on Broadway. A sure signal that she had both operations running the way she wanted. We were wearing bandage dresses, tight, form-fitting. Vanessa’s was black with fringes hanging from mid thigh to mid calf. They swirled as she strode through the night, drawing...

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The Twelve Lays of Christmas Ch 05

Hi readers — Happy Holidays! If you’d like some background on Brandi, check out ‘There Is Baking and There Is Cooking!’ Day Six Cherie left the Pear Tree with Thomas’ latest order and made her way to La Petite Chou to deliver it. She wondered if he’d have time for a long ‘lunch’? She was feeling the need to be with him again, he had a wonderful effect on her. After their previous evening, she’d gone home and practically attacked Irina, they girl-fucked until the wee small hours of the...

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Looking after BBC neighbour

Tony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 years old. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both wrapped up to his forearms. On the drive home he explained what had happened...

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The Roommates John Nick and Nicole

This story contains scenes of an erotic nature, and is not intended for minors. Further if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story. All characters in this story are the creation of the author (unless otherwise noted), and any resemblance to...

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An exhibitionist wife Car wash tease

Last weekend we went away for a short break staying in a caravan that belonged to a work colleague of Mrs O. The site was situated next to a canal and the caravan itself was in the plot nearest the canal itself seperated by only a waist high wire mesh fence. Directly opposite and next to the towpath was a small stand that sold coffee and sandwiches and had a few benches around which got fairly busy during the day picking up passing trade and seemed popular with both walkers and cyclists.On the...

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InterracialPickups Amber Ivy 05022017

The Casting Call. You know it works. A coveted job comes to market in an area like acting or modeling, and 500 girls show up to be “the next big thing”. That’s all Amber Ivy cares about…well, that and getting a spread in her very favorite “pin-up” style magazine! The shoot calls for a pretty, pin-up model to ride a bike down the pier on a beach. What the shoot doesn’t call for is sucking and fucking…but sometimes, that’s what it takes to get...

2 years ago
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Part 2 White teen boy taken by a black man

    All of that week after my encounter I was really unsettled about what I had let that gay black man do to me yet I have to admit that I ejaculated once in the bathroom at home as I recalled that weird episode.   It was on a Friday after I went to the local park to play some B-ball.   After the game I sat on the park bench near the street.    I noticed a nice car parked about 50 yards down the street and a black man was sitting inside although I couldn’t see him...

Gay Male
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First LoveChapter 31

As soon as he showered after track practice, he went over to Mike's. He walked over; he didn't want his mom to ask to speak to Mike's mom when she dropped him off. He had tried to dress cool, in blue jeans and a long-sleeved cotton shirt. He wondered if there would be any girls there, any new girls. He was pretty sure Jen would show up, but he knew she wasn't interested in him. But maybe she'll think I'm cute, he had reasoned, brushing his hair as he looked in the mirror. He even...

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Girls School Punishment

Girls School Punishment It all started with a dare from my friends. At age 16 we were always getting into mischief and this day was to be my day to prove myself. The local girls school had a policy of no males on the school grounds. A very strict lesbian headmistress who hated all men ran the school. All the teachers and staff were female. I was dared to sneak onto the school grounds and steal the schools flag, which was at the assembly courtyard in the middle of the main...

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The Ideal First Time Part 8211 1

Every man is super hyped and excited about his first time. But not many men’s experience lives up to the expectation or the image he has set in his mind about sex. Many women and even men, crave for their first time to be with someone they deeply love. But inner frustration, lust, horniness and many other feelings take over and you end up losing your virginity to someone else. Sometimes, it goes very well and sometimes it doesn’t. My experience belongs to the former category. Hello wonderful...

1 year ago
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It Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time Chapter II

It Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time Chapter II Juliette Lima After I was allowed to arise from our bed Marie grasped my penis and led me into our en suite bathroom. "Well now Juliette, you do call yourself Juliette when you write your stories, don't you? Are you enjoying your escapade? I found your writings online and then found the thumb drive you stored them on. When I saw the fundraiser I knew that you were the perfect candidate. Now I don't think the folks raising money...

3 years ago
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SusanChapter 14

When Mass was over, Steve and Barbara walked Caitie back to her own apartment and then returned to the Collins’. To her surprise, as they were walking along the sidewalk on the East Side of Manhattan, Steve put out his hand and took Barbara’s hand in his. Then as much to her own surprise as to his, after they had walked another block, she looked up at him and said softly, “Thank you, Sir Steve. This feels so good.” “What does?” he asked, amazed. “Your holding my hand the way you are,” she...

3 years ago
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Bad Boys Make Being The Babysitter Blow

I see the sun starting to come in from the east facing picture window in front of the bed that I am tied to. Johnny’s parents are coming back today. The boys have to let me go now. I have suffered this whole weekend, being tortured and humiliated. Confusing feelings of lust and shame cloud my head as I lie here, watching the sun come up. Naked, with silly little magic marker drawings all over my body, I’m tied to a bed in front of an open window, watching the world come to life. Families...

2 years ago
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Fernanda Peituda Safada her true story

This story is about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda also known as Peituda Safada.She is working at strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba BrazilFernanda (Peituda Safada) her true storyOver time I had long chats with Fernanda and became to know her very well, she also told me a lot about her daily/nightly activities at the club in Curitiba.So what follows gives a detailed description of her hot live, I got permission from Fernanda to post it all here, she is proud in her work and likes that I...

4 years ago
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Husband8217s Boss Fucks Me Like A Maniac 8211 Story Of An Extramarital Affair

Hello readers, this is Pragya from Mumbai. I am 38 years old and my stats are 34-30-32. Today I am going to narrate the story of my first extramarital affair where my husband’s boss fucked me like a maniac! This incident happened almost 15 years back when I was still a young lady. I was born and brought up in a small town in Tamilnadu called Srirangam. My parents, like any other conservative parents, got me married, right after college. My life was that of a quintessential housewife and my...

2 years ago
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Dekhi Mardon Ki Mardangi

Traveling in a crowded bus in a rainy season, and that too alone by a young lady is a experience that I would like to share with my readers.It was a dark rainy night with lots of lightening and sounds. Our electricity boards were quick enough to shut down all the street lights that plunged the city into darkness. I stood at the bus stop desperately wishing that I get a seat in the bus. I’m a young housewife of about 24 years with a super sexy figure of 36-26-38. Due to heavy rains I was...

4 years ago
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Jesse and Dylan

             Please leave me a comment, this is my first story here and I want to know what you all think of it, please let me know about any modifications or improvements you think I should make.  Thank you! Enjoy!           It was late when he finally came home that night. The cold had driven him home earlier than normal; it was almost time for the first snow to come again in the city. After being at work for a few hours, he decided to go home and he’d catch up with the guys later in...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 8 A Platonic Hug

We smoked Alabama in our game that weekend. Dan got a lot of playing time, substituting for both starting defenders, me on the right and Martin on the left. Martin and I ended up playing about three- quarters of the game, and Dan was on the field for about forty minutes, too. On the long trip back from Tuscaloosa, Coach Pick told the team about a tournament we were going to. "Second week of October, boys," said Pick as our bus rolled through northern Florida. "Let your professors know...

3 years ago
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Fathers Day

Me and my husband have been separated since I let my sister move in with us. They have always got on but after a few weeks the arguments started and he moved out. So on Father’s Day I thought I’d try and persuade him to move back in, I made sure the house was empty, my sister took everyone to the park for a bit with some friends so I could be alone with him. He rang the bell and I went running to the door in just my knickers and a vest top. I’d made sure I wasn’t wearing much for him. He...

3 years ago
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Lunches but More PT2

She had cried almost half the night. Her mom “forced” her to stop. By “forcing” her, her mother simply stopped by to say hi and talk. Seeing as Melissa’s eyes were red and wet her mom knew something was seriously wrong. The mother tried getting to the root of the problem but Melissa’s issues in this case were her own. In essence her mother had told Melissa it was time. It was time to decide where she wanted to go and what she wanted to study. She made her point. In the subtle but firm manner...

3 years ago
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Dont Ever Give Up Ch 02

Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ********************** ‘You know, I heard a rumor somewhere.. someone said you...

1 year ago
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A series of circumstances 2

This is the second of the Cathy series. It was Sunday and although I had been fucked good the night before by my son and his best friend I was having second thoughts about becoming a cum bucket. Brian ate dinner and went to his room, he had fucked me twice that afternoon and it was great. Again he insisted I put panties back on to keep the cum in, which I did. I went up stairs and walked into his room, the computer was showing a woman being fucked by a huge cock, oh my god it Teddy’s...

3 years ago
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Yes Friends With Benefits Works

So when I talk about myself, it should be very open and detail at this place because I know the people who will read this, they should relate this to themselves and enjoy until they have a strong orgasm. Myself Aarush I’m 24 from Mumbai, belongs to a middle class family and that’s why I’m trustworthy and loyal in such a private things. I have had experienced a very deep romantic sex with 4 women’s and almost 13 times and believe me guys I’m still a single guy because I don’t believe in fake...

2 years ago
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Mallu MILF Asha 8211 Part 5

Hello, my dear readers, this is your mallu milf Asha, again. I feel so loved seeing all your encouraging messages. Thank you so much all of you. This is an immediate continuation to the last part of my , with me still inside the boys hostel. Reading the earlier episodes first may make this one more enjoyable. Happy reading! Two hours had easily gone by and I was still inside the boys hostel. I still could not believe I was being used as a paid street whore, by boys of my son’s age. I was...

2 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 18

We have nine ... count 'em ... nine interesting nearly identical kittens. They have enough variation in their spots that they are identifiable, it's a mind teaser but it is possible. Mom left us when they were seven weeks old. So, bottle fed babies. With nine of the little buggers, it's a chore. At nine weeks they weren't ready to be weened ... are we ever? At least, Pyewacket was around long enough to get them past the icky part. The icky part is where she used the roughness and...

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