American Royalty 1: Coming Of AgeChapter 8: Unpredictable Seas—Liam free porn video

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Liam was more nervous about his coffee date with Meredith than he’d been about their first date. Meredith came to the door to announce her presence and Liam called out to Erich that he was leaving. He half expected Erich to join them at the last minute so he was not out unchaperoned. Apparently, however, Meredith was considered one of the adults authorized to escort him when he was away from Buxton House. Meredith immediately gave him a little kiss on the cheek and led him to her car.

“I’m glad to be out of the house and off with you,” Liam said. “My parents got home last evening and the entire household is topsy-turvy getting them settled after their big trip. At least they are jetlagged and won’t bother me for dinner with them until tomorrow.”

“Don’t you enjoy dinner with your parents, Liam?”

“Oh, I like spending time with them and the food is always delicious. But it always seems to be such a production for them. The meal must be paired with exactly the right wine. The dishes must be served at exactly the right temperature. There must be time for a cocktail before dinner and coffee after. I understand the need for all those things when we have guests and are seated in the formal dining room, but the table in their dining nook is scarcely larger than the one we ate at in the kitchen. And I can’t in any way imagine them eating their game hens with their fingers and feeding each other.”

“Oh, they might surprise you about that if you knew what happened behind closed doors. It is sad they don’t expose more of their real life to you. That is a sign of the merchant class, though. The trappings of success keep them separate from others.”

“Regardless, I am happy to be out of the house and in your company.”

“I’m happy, too.” Meredith parked in front of a large chain coffee shop and they went inside. She whispered that she would like an iced latte and went to find a table for them. Liam was left in line to fend for himself. He succeeded in ordering the correct drink for Meredith and simply hot coffee for himself. He found Meredith and took their drinks to the table.

“You know, I never get to do that. If I’m out and want a coffee or ice cream, Erich always jumps out and gets it for me. I felt rather grown up ordering for myself. Can we do that again sometime?”

“Well, you should know now what to expect when you take Hana out Saturday night. After the concert, you should walk her across the street to Chez Panisse and, after consulting with her about what she would like, order a dessert and coffee for each of you.”

“Is she ... nice? It seems so strange to ask a complete stranger on a date. Do I really need to do this?”

“Don’t complain, Liam. I’ve done most of the work on this one. The next time we arrange a date for you, you’ll have to figure most of this out for yourself.”

“I’ll have to keep doing this, won’t I?” Liam sighed heavily. He really just wanted to spend all his time with Meredith. She was lively and witty and sensual. What a kisser! He had visions of what they would do alone for a night. He shifted in his seat.

“Please try to look at it as a pleasant activity. It is difficult for me as well. You ... have captured a large part of my heart but we also have a mission. We don’t need to find you a wife right away. But we should establish you with women of appropriate classes on a regular basis. It will help to divert attention away from how much time you and I spend together.”

Liam was still stuck on the idea of finding a wife. In his heart, he imagined that would be Meredith. His grandmother had explained the facts of life to him and he knew he would no longer be considered royal if he married a servant. Giving up his class as a royal didn’t bother him so much as finding any other class that had the remotest interest to him. He would rather die than become like his parents. That ruled out the merchant class. He could never force himself into the mindset of collecting and cashing in on favors like Lonnie and Susan. That ruled out the politico class. Meredith’s parents seemed to be fun-loving and very much in love but even though Liam dabbled in drawing and painting, he had no passion for the arts. He had no trade, no craft, no profession, and no interest in the military. If he married Meredith, he would truly be outcaste.

“I suppose I must. Please help me through this, Meredith.”

“You are probably unaware of this but most young men your age would be delighted to have their girlfriend fix them up with other women on a regular basis. Imagine what Lonnie would be doing if Susan decided to bring him a new woman every few weeks.”

“He would be insufferable!” Both laughed and Liam relaxed. “I’m still so new at this I can’t tell what is the difference between dating because I care about someone and dating because I need to relate to someone or some class. Meredith, do you feel obligated to date me?”

“There is a great deal of difference between what I am advising you to do and what we do. Liam, I am very fond of you and find myself only interested in spending time with you. We need to be sure we are fully in control of our emotions before we can progress to the next level of dating. It doesn’t mean we cannot care for each other but it means we must understand the limitations of what we can be to each other.”

“That is difficult but I will be your student.”

“Good. Now, here is Hana’s phone number. You should talk to her this evening. Make sure you have made all the arrangements in advance so you can tell her when you will pick her up. Consult with Erich regarding the timing you will need in order to make it from our dormitory to the concert hall. Plan on an hour after the concert for coffee and dessert at Chez Panisse. Call them for a reservation. That means you will need to know the length of the performance. And that will set the timing up for when Erich should pick you up.”

“Are all dates so complex? It doesn’t seem any of our dates have been so complicated.”

“Think about it. On our first date, your stableman had horses ready when I arrived. Erich had a room prepared for me to change in and a maid to help me. Cook had a meal prepared to be served on the minute. And at precisely nine o’clock, Erich showed up with my bag and I left. I’m not saying there will never be impromptu dates that are unplanned but when you are meeting a young woman for the first time, she should have confidence that you have made all the arrangements.”

“I will do my best. What about picking her up and taking her home?”

“I can supply you with the address of my dormitory. Our apartment is on the second floor, number 2C. It would be nice if you brought her some small gift. A flower. A small box of chocolates. Just a little token that you appreciate her company. I will be absent when you pick her up so you will not have me to distract you from her. When you return, you will, of course, escort her to her door, thank her for the lovely evening and wait until she is securely inside before you leave. Of course, you will call her in the morning—after ten—to tell her that you enjoyed yourself and hope you can repeat the adventure in the future. You must say thank you and that you enjoyed her company, but only mention your desire to repeat in the future if you mean it. Women take such statements seriously.”

“There is so much to remember but I will do my best to make you proud of me.”

“That will be determined by how much Hana is pleased with the date. But I have confidence in you. You will do fine.”

Making the Call

Liam paced around his room staring at the phone. He had written down notes for what he should say. It didn’t make a difference. His mouth was dry and his hands were sweating. Dinner with his grandmother had done nothing to calm him down.

“We were getting on so well,” Liam complained. “But now she wants me to date other women. She’s actually set up things so I should call her roommate tonight and invite her out on Saturday.”

“And have you prepared for the call?” Regina calmly cut another bit of the chicken marsala and put it in her mouth without looking up at Liam. He scowled. He’d been about to put another bite in his mouth and halted it to answer the question.

“I’ve consulted on the schedule with Erich and confirmed that he will drive us. I’ve purchased the tickets to the orchestra. I’ve made the reservation at Chez Panisse. I still need to get chocolates or a flower, but I thought that would be better left until Saturday.” He shoved the bite in his mouth before his grandmother could interrupt the motion again.

“It sounds like you are well-prepared. What is stopping you from calling the young lady?” His grandmother was being infuriatingly calm when Liam wanted to rant or to be comforted. Anything but having her simply accept that things were normal.

“It’s ... Meredith. I thought we would be ... with each other. I mean ... Grandmother, I’ve fallen in love with her. I don’t want anyone else. Even when she was giving me instructions on what I needed for Saturday, all I could think of was that I wished I was taking her out.” Liam laid his flatware on his plate and hung his head. A tear was threatening to drop from his eye.

“You are sixteen, Liam. You will fall in love with everyone. Every woman you go out with. No. Don’t protest. If you do not give this young woman a chance to enjoy your company, or if you deliberately sabotage your date, you will demonstrate that you might not be ready to take on the role and responsibilities of being a royal. Yes, love Meredith. I’ve no doubt she is falling in love with you. But she understands that you must meet and marry someone closer to your class. Miss Ito could be acceptable. Fall in love with her and see what comes of it. The next woman Meredith introduces you to might be a military or a politico. Fall in love with her and see what comes next. But the one thing you must never do, Liam, is force your expectations into the situation. Because you love Meredith and she loves you does not mean you will marry and live happily ever after. Life is not a fairy tale. If you become involved with Miss Ito and have sex with her, it does not mean you will marry her and live happily ever after. Dancing with Miss Ritter does not mean she will behave in what you consider to be an appropriate manner. You might well sleep with her as well but in that instance, I encourage you to be sure you want to be in her debt. She will always hold that chit.”

“I understand, Grandmother. But it makes me sad. I have only known Meredith as an adult for three weeks and already I want to imagine life with her by my side.”

“Well ... I hesitate to tell you this. Do I have your confidence that you will not share what I am about to say with anyone? It doesn’t mean that no one else knows, but no one is ever to mention it.” Grandmother looked toward the door which was closed tightly. Liam nodded.

“Whatever it is, Grandmother, I swear never to discuss it.”

“Not marrying a person does not mean you will not be together for many years. When I was your age, I fell in love. I fell in love with the mentor who was instructing me on how to behave in a royal fashion. He danced with me. He treated me like a princess before I ever imagined I was one. And he became my lover—my happily ever after. After introducing me to several other young men, he introduced me to William Cyning and told me I should give him a chance. I became William’s bride and over time, I developed a very real fondness for him.”

“But you never forgot your first lover?” Liam was enrapt by his grandmother’s story and had forgotten entirely to continue eating. It seemed so sad that she had left the lover to marry his grandfather.

“Forget? How could I? I see him every day. He often spends the night in my suite—with me. And he continues to help a young royal become the man he can be. He is your valet.”

“Erich? Erich was your ... mentor? Like Meredith is mine? Grandmother...”

“Now, we shall never mention this matter again. Erich has been a part of my life in every way for nearly fifty years. If you and Meredith can both manage your emotions, understanding that your stations in life place certain requirements on you, you may still have her in your life fifty years from now. But don’t under any circumstances build that as your expectation. Let life take the course it chooses.”

Liam dialed the number he had been given and held his breath. The phone rang and before he could chicken out a light voice answered.

“Good evening. This is Hana Ito.” She sounded nice.

“Miss Ito, this is Liam Cyning.”

“Mr. Cyning. What a pleasant surprise to hear from you. How may I help you?”

“I know we have not met, but your roommate suggested that we might find some common interest if I were to invite you out.”

“Ah, yes. Meredith mentioned you to me. I remember now.”

“It happens I have tickets for the symphony this Saturday evening which I foolishly purchased without having a companion to share them with. Would you consider attending the performance with me? And perhaps dessert after?”

“Oh, that does sound lovely, Mr. Cyning. Let me check my work schedule. I’m often tied up at the hospital at odd hours. May I ask you to hold for a moment?”

“Yes, certainly.” Liam listened as the phone was set down and papers rustled. This was curious. Meredith had presented the idea that Hana was already prepared for the invitation. What was going on?

“It happens that I am free Saturday evening and the orchestra is featuring one of my favorite pieces by Berlioz. Mr. Cyning, I would be thrilled to join you for the evening.”

“Shall I call for you at, shall we say, seven-fifteen? My driver will take us to the theater and pick us up after we have had dessert at Chez Panisse.”

“Oh! Chez Panisse! You shall spoil me on our first meeting. I will look forward to our engagement. Seven-fifteen on Saturday. I will not keep you waiting.”

“I hope you have a very good evening, Miss Ito.”

“And good evening to you as well, Mr. Cyning.”

They hung up the phone and Liam sighed. It felt like every bone in his body had just melted and he flopped on his bed. He had done it. He had spoken to a woman he had never met before and asked her out. And she accepted. And now he was on the hook to take her to the concert and see that she had a good time.

He debated calling Meredith and then realized she might be sitting with Hana at this very moment, reliving the phone conversation. As a gentleman, he realized calling her now might make things awkward for her. He would simply lie there in bed and when he stopped shaking, he would take a shower and go to sleep.

Sage Advise

“Women are so confusing!” Liam lined up a shot in the billiards room, stroked the cue silkily through his fingers. The cue ball hit the red three ball and caromed into the yellow-striped nine ball to sink it in the corner pocket.

“Already?” Lonnie might have been responding to either Liam’s statement or the shot.

“It’s easier when you have an hour or two each day to practice.”

“You see, that’s the thing with women. They’re easier if you practice an hour or two a day. Now tell me the problem and let the master give you some guidance.” The boys placed their cues in the rack and went to a small table where they’d left their soft drinks. Liam thought the room was comfortable while visitors were often intimidated by it. He thought the room made Lonnie nervous because he fidgeted much more when they played at Buxton House than in the school rec hall.

“Well, first of all, there’s talking to them. I never know what to say. I wrote down everything I intended to say to Miss Ito before I called her. And even then, I forgot half of it. I thought she knew the details and had already agreed to the date. She acted like my calling was the first she’d heard of it. What was with that?”

“You never seem to have difficulty talking to Meredith, either on the phone or in person.”

“It was difficult at first but we seem to be playing in the same orchestra. Now everything seems natural. I didn’t even understand half of what your Susan was saying when we were together Saturday. Talking to her was like speaking a foreign language.”

“Well, that’s just Susan. She’s getting better, but she hasn’t matured mentally as much as she has physically. And oh, my God! Has she matured physically! Not that Meredith isn’t a dish. You have it so good with her!”

Liam contemplated his glass for a moment. If only.

“We haven’t gotten that far yet. Just a few little kisses.”

“You’ve been together for four weeks! What’s taking you so long?”

“I just let her set the pace and ... I don’t want to scare her away. I’m really...”

“You’re really whipped. See here, lad, you need to take the lead. I knew the minute I saw her that Susan was that girl. I wasn’t about to wait to seal the deal. I had my hands on her breasts on the first date and sex the second. A woman needs to be taken firmly in hand. Don’t ask. Just move in. You would be surprised how quickly she rises to the level of passion you are feeling.”

“I don’t know.”

“Try it with your date this weekend. Who is it, again? Ito? When you see what you want, reach out and take it. You’ll see.”

Testing the Waters

Liam knew what he wanted. He wanted Meredith. He couldn’t get her out of his mind all week. He called again Thursday morning.

“Hello, this is Meredith.”

“I miss you. May I pick you up this afternoon for another coffee date?”

“No. I have a class.”


“It’s out at five. We could have an early dinner.”

“Oh, yes! That would be even better. What time would you like me to pick you up?”

“I need to walk back to my dormitory and change clothes after class. Six o’clock? Let’s make this smart casual. Button up shirt and tie with nice slacks. Perhaps the chinos. No jacket. I’ll dress smart casual, as well.”

“I can hardly wait to see you.”

“Any time, Liam. Any time.”

Liam could hardly contain himself. Perhaps he’d ask Meredith back to the house. Or to come over on Sunday. They could walk hand-in-hand through the woods. Or ride and sit on the log to kiss. Anything. As long as he could hold her hand and kiss her.

He was ready to leave twenty minutes before the time Erich had given him as proper to leave for her dormitory. He stood by the door waiting impatiently, knowing that it was a social crime to arrive early for your date. She might not be ready yet and feel rushed. But if you were too late, she would become impatient and think you didn’t care. He’d read contemporary romances in addition to his classic readings. Being mistakenly late for a date caused the woman to doubt your desire to be with her. Being too early was a source of irritation. He really had to be careful about this.

He figured being as close to exactly on time would be the best course of action.

Erich finally brought the car around and Liam ran to get in. He sat in the seat fairly bouncing with his impatience as they made the twenty-mile drive into town. True to his word, Erich pulled up in front of the dormitory at five minutes until six. Liam didn’t move. He held his wristwatch in front of his face willing the minutes to tick faster. At one minute before the hour, he jumped out of the car and ran to the dormitory. Meredith had given him directions to her apartment so he could pick up Hana on Saturday. Second floor, second door on the right. He stopped in front of the door and paused to catch his breath. Then he raised his hand and knocked. A moment later, Meredith opened the door and smiled at him.

“You are right on time.” She raised herself on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Handsome man.”

“Beautiful, lovely woman.” She allowed him to take her hand and lead her to the car. Erich, of course, was standing by to open the door for them. Meredith slid in first, only going to the center of the seat, and then pulled her full skirt close to her so Liam wouldn’t sit on it. He slid in next to her and took her hand again.

Their hands fit so perfectly together. He never wanted to let go.

The dress she wore was navy blue with white polka dots. It had a halter top, leaving her arms and shoulders bare. A white trim collar was not at her throat but rather at the rise of her bosom, emphasizing its shape. Red pumps and a red ribbon in her hair matched the red clutch she carried in the hand Liam wasn’t holding.

“You look stunning. Are you sure I’m dressed well enough to be seen with you? I love ... the look. These um ... straps and your ... um ... bare shoulders. I shall be unable to look at anything else all evening.”

“I hope you will look in my eyes. That way I will know it is me that you like and not just my ... dress.”

In a few minutes time, Erich pulled up in front of the large chain restaurant and hurried around the car to hold the door for Liam and Meredith. There was a line waiting to get in but Liam gave the hostess his name and she checked her list. They were led immediately to a table as those who had not made reservations looked at them harshly.

“You have learned how to open doors with just your name.” Meredith grinned at him across the table.

“I just made a reservation. Anyone could have done the same.” He looked at the line outside. A few people turned and left. The others were gradually being seated.

“Perhaps. But the fact that you called and gave your name almost certainly assured you of a table. If the restaurant was reserved to capacity, they would apologize to the next person with a reservation and tell them the previous party had not left yet. That is why you must always be careful of when and how you use your name.”

“Perhaps I could use an alias?”

“If you truly want to see how all the other classes are treated, that would be a good idea.”

“Does no one else get favored treatment?”

“Oh, many people do. Your parents, even without the Cyning name, would be known and moved to the top of the list. I would not be surprised if Lonnie’s name was known well enough to get preferential treatment. And there are some entertainers in the artist class who would be seated immediately.”

Liam had prepared a list of things to talk about should he be unable to think of anything. The couple got through small talk about Meredith’s classes and Liam’s preparations for school in a few weeks. He had received all the clothes from Monsieur LeFevre and from the department store. He wanted to keep conversation going so brought up another topic that had puzzled him.

“Tell me about the other classes. I’ve been doing some reading in our library. There are books there that I never knew about—or at least that never sparked my curiosity. From what I’ve read, I gather there are ten classes but I haven’t gotten into how people are placed in them. Can you enlighten me?”

“Your inquisitive nature is part of the mix that makes up the royal class. It will be seen in your ability to negotiate—as you easily did with Monsieur LeFevre. You effectively got him away from that ghastly blue suit he attempted to put you in and instead to the charcoal pinstripe. Do not mistake that as merely a sales tactic. He was testing you by putting out something in poor taste to see if you would convince him otherwise. You demonstrated your ability as well by your choice of the Alpaca wool for your jacket. Another thing that distinguishes you is your leadership ability. You might create a following and you need to be sure they are people you want in your train. It is not merely your good looks, but your respect for others that will do this.”

“I know most about the royal class through your tutorage. I know a bit about servant class through example. I’ve met politicos and my parents are merchants. You’ve arranged for me to get firsthand exposure to a religious this weekend. I find, though, that I have virtually no knowledge of the other five classes.”

“First of all, the text you have read must have been Roald’s Compendium of Class and History. It is a good book but is a bit out of date. It’s commonly accepted that there are twelve classes now. I suspect there are or will be others added to the list as our society matures and becomes more complex. In addition to the twelve, there are four subclasses which are either temporary or may be subsumed under any of the other classes. For example, what class were you in before your sixteenth birthday?”

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 11 Professionalmdashan Interlude

“Having a will is important for everyone, not only those who own a lot of property. Without a will, anything the deceased owned will be managed by the state and after taxes and fees will revert to the next of kin. If no next of kin can be found, it will revert to the state. But avoiding probate is an inadequate reason to have a will. Think of your family and loved ones. In times of great stress, like the death of a loved one, family members tend to focus on small things they think they can...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 19 Tradesmanmdashan Interlude

John Sturdivant took his work seriously. He had first been a carpenter but found he was interested in other aspects of the home building industry. He learned plumbing. He learned electrical installation. He’d even worked for a while on a concrete crew pouring foundations. He knew how a house was and should be put together. His contracting license had been secured years ago. “What do you think, boss?” They were cleaning up at the end of the workday and the boys often talked about the day’s...

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The Price of Royalty

The Price of Loyalty A few words at the start: R__, a member of the support group, inspired my story Sweet Confusions with an offhand comment about a leather jacket. She later told me that my first story included a lot of her fantasies and asked that I write a special one for her as a birthday present. This is that story. Chapter 1: The two men looked across the table at each other. One, older and better dressed was composed, the other, younger, in his early...

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AmericanMan At War

American-Man At War By Paul G. Jutras "1,2, 3, 4...." Christine said as she stood in gold three inch pumps and a backless evening gown with spaghetti straps. With the clicking of drumsticks the band prepared to join in. Soto began to played the guitar in his usual leather jacket, pants and boots and red tee shirt. Mark played the drums, Luke the keyboard in their yellow and red striped coveralls, and Starshine the tambourine in her purple blouse, leopard print mini skirt...

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American Girl In Bangkok

American Girl in Bangkok By Tiffany Parker The following story is a work of fiction and is copyright property of the author. Please don't repost it without permission. But most importantly, I hope you enjoy reading it. Chapter 1 Kaylee impatiently bided time while sitting in the middle seat in coach on the long trans-pacific flight. She was excited about her trip to Bangkok that would complete her journey and provide her the gender affirmation surgery she desperately...

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The Unpredictable Life of Howard Episode One

Just when the world seemed settled, the unpredicted hit Howard straight between the eyes. Like the weather, he was on a rollercoaster. Nothing stayed the same. There were only a few things he was sure of, like night follows day and winter turns to spring. Other than that, there wasn't much that Howard could count on.After sixteen years of marriage, his wife packed up and left for Colorado to move in with a man she met on the Internet.A month later, Howard left work with a box filled with his...

Straight Sex
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American Husband Takes the Veil in Saudi

Opportunities for foreign assignments with large, American owned companies can be very lucrative. In some cases, expatriates can earn up to three times their normal salary, while at the same time having housing and food provided for free. My wife and I recently got such an opportunity to go to Saudi Arabia for two years, and it came at a perfect time in our lives.My name is Alan, and my wife, Karen, and I were forty-two years old at the time. Our two kids were in college and living away from...

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American Ladyboy

American Ladyboy By Cassandra Morgan No matter where in the world you are, no matter languages are being spoken around you, calculus is boring, it seems they teach the subject so people will know how to torture spies. And so, half a globe away, Benjy Hawkins sat in his math class with his head resting on his arms, which were folded over his desk. The teacher droned on, his lilting accent punctuating his speech. The subject, and the speech, was more than Benjy could bear on a...

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AmericanMan Returns

American-Man Returns by Paul G Jutras The high desert winds kicked up as the hovering cruise ship sailed over the endless sands. Inside the ball room, Christine Jackmarr and her band rocked on with music from before World War Three. Once Christine was merely Chris Jackmarr. A normal teenage boy with dreams of being a rock star. Then one Halloween, a cosmic time loop resulted in the death of his old body and the reincarnation of his soul in his own relative of the year...

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american slut in Paris revised

There was a small family resturant down the street from the hotel we were staying at. A nice place, the main thing that stuck in my mind was all the blue tile on the walls and floor. A little while after we began our meal, I decided to go grab a smoke and draw, maybe wander around a little. I am what you would call a considerate smoker and chose to light up outside, being it was daylight my mother figured I couldn't get into too much trouble by wandering. I walked out to the...

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American As

Last winter, during a January marked by both voluntary and involuntary shutdowns of Washington, DC, I went to a large room at 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan to swear allegiance to a government that at the time was having trouble staying open for business. With about fifty other people from a broad swath around the globe, I walked in a citizen of another place and walked out an American. There were several Chinese people like myself in the group, but I was the only Canadian. We all came...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 6 Gunner

I knew now, knew without the slightest doubt, what my subconscious had been trying to tell me. The Oasis aftermath. The Gunthers. Or the Meriwethers. Or maybe both. Almost certainly Gunner. I had been the instigator of the Gunthers’ downfall. Was probably the symbol. Hated symbol. And the Gunther collapse was tied directly to the arrests of David and Charles Meriwether. The Buckshot Video was similar to the FaceTime video I’d saved on my laptop. When Greta Gunther blew the head off one of...

2 years ago
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The Unpredictable Life of Howard Episode Three

The success of Tracy's film led to Candi and Linda getting into the 'acting' business along with their escort work. The girls were now driving BMWs and wearing fashionable clothes. It attracted other girls asking to join the 'friendship circle'.Howard was called on to do another audition for the escort enterprise. The woman was not from high school but a young, divorced mother of twin boys. Her name was Beth and she was only twenty-three. Four years earlier, she was Miss Florida.When they met...

Straight Sex
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The Unpredictable Life of Howard Episode Two

The plan was hatched a few weeks after Candi and Linda heard Howard's idea. He was to alert the girls when his company's clients were in town, and where they would be dining. They were to make themselves available without Howard being directly involved.Howard's message was simple. "Trattoria Capri at nine thirty."The summer night was warm with a pleasant breeze when the girls sat at a table visible from the bar. They arrived early. It was nine o'clock and they ordered pizza. The girls wore...

Straight Sex
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A Photographer8217s Unpredictable Job 8211 Part 3 Fantastic Photos

I was feeling ashamed because I still was without a shirt. Komal and Rohit were laughing and cheering over there. They kissed each other and Rohit played with Komal’s breasts many times Komal grabbed Rohit’s penis over the jeans many times. This all seemed exciting but I was not that time. Sapna came back after a few minutes. She went directly to the shelf and picked some clothes from there. Now she came to the table where drinks and some food was and took a drink. She removed her t-shirt and...

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A Photographer8217s Unpredictable Job 8211 Part 2 Nude Photoshoot

All arrangements for a photo shoot was there. Sapna came there behind me and rushed to lockers at the side of the wall. She opened one and pulled out a t-shirt. She removed her lehenga there and I could see her back naked as she saw me in the bathroom a few minutes ago. And she wore that t-shirt and a panty. That was a long t-shirt and cover her till knees. Now she came to me and said –“Listen we have to do a photo shoot in a few minutes. My assistant is on leave so I told Ibrahim (Boss-who...

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American Muslims Pt 06

Note to Reader: The following tale is centred on the Al-Nablusi family, who are Palestinian-Americans, and it follows them on a journey through love, sex, spirituality, tradition versus modernity. The father Faris Al-Nablusi, whose family originate from Nablus in the West Bank but he was born in Haifa, is a professor of Cognitive and Neuroscience at Berkeley and has been granted tenure. His wife Samira Hamoudi, who is from Nazareth, and is a lecturer of comparative literature at Berkeley- they...

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“Erin, there’s nothing wrong with meeting females on the party-line. In fact, that’s how most of the lesbians here in Philly stay connected. Look, I’ll call and you can just listen.” “Aight B, but I can’t guarantee a damn thang.”… Before Erin knew it she had been on the party-line for two whole hours, holding serious conversation with at least ten different girls. It was amusing to her that the girls could create so many different names like ‘Hot Tamali, Sexxxy Tail, and Peanut...

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Black Royalty in the Zulu Empire

The Region of Botswana, South Africa, circa 1211 A.D. The sun rose over the beautiful City of Dumazile, crown jewel of the Zulu people. Andile Bafana lay in his bed, feeling a tiredness that had nothing to do with the mercilessness of the Southern African sun that was high in the sky. The six-foot-three, ebony-skinned young man finally got up. As the son of King Fundani, Warrior Chief of the Zulu people and the grandson of Zulu Emperor Gabangaye, he had certain expectations he had to meet....

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Tape SlavesChapter 18 The Royalty

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask rather what you can do for your country." JOHN F KENNEDY "I am the state." LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE Gina moved into the doctor's house. The next day, he took her into his study. "Watch this." He stood facing a wall and spoke a few words in a language Gina couldn't recognize. The wall slid open revealing a secret passage. "That was Arabic for 'Open Sesame!' I love that phrase. You'll need to set up a password for your voice pattern,...

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American Stream Girl

“So it just switches on at midnight, and then it just starts? They see you do everything?” Nicole asked. Then her voice dropped. “Everything…”“That’s the deal,” I said. “One year, but with what they are paying... No more slow nights or stripping. It’s enough money that we’ll be set. Of course, I think I’ll still keep going, but…”“But, Rachel…”She cupped her voice into a whisper, leaning closer in bed.“Like, they see you going-”“I’m just not gonna think about that,” I said, putting up the mental...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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American Desi 8211 Salt Lake City

A couple of summers before I turned fifty, I was touring the American West by car. On a warm August day, I found myself in Salt Lake City. Having visiting local museums – a favorite hobby of mine – I decided it was time to leave. Next destination: Las Vegas. The drive from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas traces a stunning array of American vistas. Even though by continent-sized American distances, the drive is a modest mere 5 hours, the sheer variety of terrain along the way, however, is simply...

Gay Male
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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 12

My cell rang. FaceTime request. Birdy Cummings. Odd, she was supposed to call me on one of my burner phones. A specific one. Before I answered, I connected the phone to my MacBook. Hurriedly, and I was glad I’d practiced the drill, I completed the 11 steps necessary to be able to record the call on my laptop. “Hello.” “Winter! I’m so sorry! Run!” Birdy with a shotgun jammed to her chin. Silence for a moment, then Birdy screamed, an anguished, almost inhuman shriek. Something was being done...

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American love to our Canadian guy

I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Cancun, the land of sin, sex and getting wasted. College years and 4 of us girls decided to go have a wild time in Mexico. All of us are pretty girls and we knew we will have no problem getting hot guys to fuck. And we were all open to having fun of all kinds, together or individually. We rented 2 rooms facing the pool with balconies that connected. We all had...

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American Geisha 2

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. American Geisha 2 By Paul G Jutras John and Sarah were American citizens, who had to move to Japan when the business that John worked for relocated his job there. The two waited at the airport for their son to arrive on the morning plane and join them. "Where is he?" John said, looking at his watch. "The plane should have landed by now." "They're...

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American Pie Got Me Laid

Hi All horny guys and gals…my name is Raj male 24 indore..thank you for your responses to my previous story ” unforgettable 15 days” for those who haven’t read it. is the link ..send me your responses on my mail id … coming back to todays story…its about my desire to make love with an elderly women…….I love elderly women i find them very sexy…my ex was 4 years elder to me and it was awesome making love to...

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American love to our Canadian guy

I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Cancun, the land of sin, sex and getting wasted. College years and 4 of us girls decided to go have a wild time in Mexico. All of us are pretty girls and we knew we will have no problem getting hot guys to fuck. And we were all open to having fun of all kinds, together or individually. We rented 2 rooms facing the pool with balconies that connected. We all had...

Group Sex
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American Dad

In this story you will choose a member of the Smith family and embark on adventures exploring sexual situations. Also I assume people writing in here have at least watched some American Dad so any references will be appreciated. This is the world of American Dad but through a hyper sexualized lens where the Smiths are all intense sexual deviants. The characters core personalities are mostly the same but to fix a hyper sexualized narrative. All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.

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American Dad Pulling Double Booty Redone

Disclaimer: I do not in any shape or form own American Dad, it rightfully belongs to Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman. American Dad! Pulling Double Booty By Dark Dragen. Stan Smith was in his car with his daughter Hayley going to a hotel for the weekend, and he was anxious about this. Now you would wonder why a man who works for the C.I.A would be anxious about taking his daughter on a weekend trip for. Well to understand this, you have to go back a month or so at the start...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 2 New Business

In order to come up with the down to buy BaBoomz, (hey, up with the down!) Vanessa and I have to divest ourselves of our shares in four American solar panel distributors. In sub-Saharan Africa. But it had become time to sell anyway. Gertie explained the evolving situation to us over drinks at BEAR’s on Broadway, “The fucking Chinese are everywhere. They finally started manufacturing their panels in Africa. So it was just a natural extension for them to move into distribution.” Louie-Louie...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 10

I was vaguely aware of a tearful Vanessa hugging me, whispering, “Sorry, so sorry.” My screams had brought Walker and Pilar racing into the kitchen. They must have been terrified. First by my wailing shrieks, then the sight of Vanessa and me sobbing. I was dimly aware of sirens all around us. The Wrigley is only a couple of blocks north of Union Station and there was pandemonium all around us. Horns were blaring; we could hear the sounds of cars crashing into each other as panicked drivers...

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American Pickers Peggy

His name is Pretty Boy, that’s been his nickname since he was 13, given to him by his still best friend Tom. Now at 35 Pretty Boy is what some would call a serial rapist. He prefers to call himself a purveyor of women. With an entourage of 3 guys and 1 woman his ego is constantly being nourished as they worship him and share in his unbelievable talents. Pretty Boy’s real name is Nate and what most people don’t know is that he is evil; pure, unadulterated evil. With his movie star...

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American dad parody fucking mom and Haley

Introduction: This is a sex parody to the show American Dad, where Steve winds up fucking his sister Haley, and his MILF of a mother Francine. (How it started) It was a quite day in the Smiths house due to the down pour of rain outside. Steve was playing video games, when he felt a surprising urge to jerk off. So Steve closed the door, whipped out a big tit Asians magazine, and got to business. Steve was in a deep jerk off session, and was about to climax. Steve started speeding up, when...

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American Roulette

The lights on the stage lowered and a figure emerged from the right side of the stage. The lights then shone brightly when the figure--a woman--reached the middle of the stage. She was sharply dressed in a suit and tie. The rest of the stage was colorfully decorated with props and items to be used during the contest. Seats for the live audience formed a semicircle around the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer spoke, her voice amplified around the auditorium. “Welcome to this week’s...

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American Maid

American Maid. Here is a tale that was inspired by chance. No I am not doing the tale to that Country & Western hit or that Cartoon character from Fox T. V. ' s show The Tick. Peace Belle. I just got back to my office from a meeting with the Wellman Clinic's Board of Directors. The Wellman Clinic is a top notch clinic that deals with sexual abuse. I am Belle Starr. I am the Director of Special Operations for the Wellman Clinic. In my office was Jose Cuervo sitting on my desk...

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American young mans Christmas gift to hot sexy aunty

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read . Velamma had volunteered to help Steve, an American to collect donations for an NGO. She was wearing tight jeans and a top that showed her sexy curves. Steve selected a random house and knocked on the door while Velamma watched. Since no one was answering the door, Steve decided to peak through one of the windows on the backside of the house. But Steve was awestruck when he saw something that we never...

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American CousinChapter 4 Discovered

Wednesday dawned in a quiet Grey blanket. James awoke slowly, longing for a little more sleep. He hugged the pillow to him and closed his eyes against the light. His hand on the plump pillow reminded him of his hostess; the lovely, round, soft, firm bosomy Valerie. Suddenly he was wide-awake. The events of the previous night sprang into his consciousness along with the thought of her panties left crumpled and loaded with his cum on the sink. He recalled the sound of Gerald's moans as she...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 3 A Whisper From The Past

Pilar is tireless, gotta give her that. She entered Hobo in a couple of sheepdog contests mainly as a lark. And because her beloved border collie would enjoy it, love being outdoors, running, jumping, herding. Turns out he’s good at it. And Pilar must be too. Although it’s harder to tell with the handler. But between them, they started finishing in the money. Well, taking home a ribbon anyway. So Pilar applied herself. Talked with other trainers, owners, breeders. Studied countless videos....

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 16 Goodbye Party

American Snapshot: In Montana it is illegal to guide sheep onto a railroad track with the intent of damaging the train. Vanessa and I agreed to bring Walker and Pilar back home. We couldn’t hide them forever, although Rebecca Montgomery was enjoying their company enormously. But school. Friends. Life. An FBI agent was still posted in the Wrigley lobby. Gunther wouldn’t be able to board the elevator even if he were foolish enough, or desperate enough, to return for another try. Nor would...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 5

My informal group -- the Winter Irregulars -- expanded. By one. Improbably, she’s now the youngest of my freelancers. Highly recommended by the former title holder, Buster Fagin. At 12 he’s four years older than his newest recruit, a chubby redhead named Betty Jane (“Call me BJ”) Kowalski. Since I’m so concerned with Age of Consent laws, how about Child Labor laws? I can explain, Officer. She doesn’t actually work for me; I’m just a one-woman outfit. Sure I slip them a few bucks from time...

2 years ago
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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 7

Walker: “Women like silent men.” Pilar: “They think they’re listening.” Bear’s frustration was growing. Understandably so. The love of his life, Barry Hopkins, was not only being blackmailed, his life had been threatened. Everyone -- Daddy, Hank Morristown, Bear -- believed that the laser beam centered on Barry’s chest was an absolute threat. Menacing. Bear pulled me aside, “Five minutes, Winter. Five minutes.” Time alone with Mr. Laser. “If I can. Promise.” Illegal to turn Bear loose...

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Coming Back for Homecoming

“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 130 Homecoming

Every day after school the next week, we had basketball tryouts. There must have been fifty of us because Coach Hancock and Coach Mitchell were picking both the varsity and JV teams. Every guy in the school seemed to be there to try out. They ran drills. They ran dribbling practice. They ran shooting skills. They ran layups. They ran rebounds. Mostly, they ran us. I don't think I'd ever run so much. Fortunately, I'd biked a lot. My legs and lungs were strong. Whitney told me I had to do...

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