DarkbitchChapter 6 free porn video

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"It were a vain endeavour,
Though I should gaze for ever
On that green light that lingers in the west:
I may not hope from outward forms to win
The passion and the life, whose fountains are within."
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Dejection: An Ode

Crouched within a coppice next to the palace, a blue-haired girl tensely waited. Her deep cerulean eyes slowly and methodically scanned the scene before her, betraying absolutely no emotion. The scene reflected in them was static: the hulking mass of the nearly-finished palace back and to the left; the wide, empty path in front, recently covered with a violet-gray, slightly rubbery material that cushioned falls; a dull evening mist in the air, a vague gray sky, no wind, and a total absence of ambient sound. Hidden in the trees across the street, she just barely saw, on her third pass, a squat, perfectly square black building. The artificial-intelligence construct currently monopolizing Kaia's senses and motor functions rifled through the girl's memories; at first it wished to find out directly what the building was, but Kaia had never given it any thought. Then it began collecting her memories and searching for the times she had passed the building, aggregating what sensory data she had inadvertently gathered about its environs and trying to piece its purpose together thence. But that wasn't successful either; Kaia had seen a few people, mostly students, moving to or from the general direction of the building, but there was no pattern. Kaia simply hadn't looked in that general direction often enough to give the construct any information.

At last, the construct decided that it needed to risk seeking information from another source. Kaia's body rose slightly, still half-crouching, and cautiously moved deeper into the coppice, away from the road but parallel to the side of the palace's entranceway. As she continued on, the wall began to incline slightly outwards in the direction of the coppice, which had been trimmed in parallel with it. Abruptly, the stand of trees and shrubbery ended, several dozen yards before the wall took a sharp turn further outwards to enclose a long, wide section overlooking a lake. As she crept to the edge of the foliage, Kaia's ears began hearing faint, irregular noises from somewhere high in the air. The construct scanned the skies for the sound's source, and found it five or six stories above the palace's ground level, where dozens of workers moved quickly around an obscure web of scaffolding, surface black marble and various interior materials. Huge, musclebound girls broke off pieces of marble and other materials from giant slabs on the ground, and tossed them thirty or forty feet in the air to the workers, who noisily cut marble or wood with huge swords, or bent metal with their bare hands.

The construct didn't want to wade into the thick of the construction project, as Kaia's body, its presence inexplicable, might be physically overpowered before all the threats could be mentally subdued. It searched Kaia's memories regarding the new palace, hoping to find out who was in charge. This time, it seemed to be successful. Earlier in the afternoon, when Kaia was tending to the Darkbitch, she had heard her discussing Akiko's progress in orchestrating the construction. Kaia had heard Akiko say that she no longer needed to be present at the construction site, as she could monitor the workers mentally. The construct analyzed this detail for a while. It ultimately concluded that there was a good chance Akiko would drop by anyway, either to make sure everything was going fine or to make some change that was easier to make in person. So it bid Kaia's body wait, and watch.

Tossing her long blonde locks over one massive shoulder, Eri tried to look authoritative as she led her cheerleaders into the old gym for its final game. By now she had grown taller, bustier and more muscular than the rest of the team, which made intimidating them easier. Still, she felt on the defensive by the third or so of the cheerleaders who were also prefects, cocks wobbling under their miniskirts. She had to be harsh with them, she thought as she dragged one of those prefects, the chocolate-brown Tara, to one end of the plush courtside bench where the cheerleaders sat, forcing the girl to her knees, lifting up her skirt and commanding her to lick. Even though all the girls were required to serve the athletes during games, the prefects were more interested in their more assertive role at the end of games, when they helped the winning team punish the losers. That wasn't surprising, but it wasn't any excuse either -- the prefects knew they had to be submissive cheerleaders part of the time in order to reap their privileges at the end.

The sound of conversation in the distance alerted Eri to the arrival of the two teams. Easing Tara off her cunt, she casually scanned the rest of the cheerleaders, trying not to let on that she didn't remember who was carrying the bag. Within a few seconds she spotted it between the long legs of Bree, the former head cheerleader -- a soft square cube, zipped up on three sides a quarter of the way down. Rather than waste her breath, she quickly strode the length of the bench and snatched the bag from the floor. Startled out of staring at the huge ass of the Asian girl in front of her, Bree leapt up to attention, ready to do whatever Eri ordered. The head cheerleader didn't look at her as she tossed the bag to Ino, the captain of the black-clad Army team and the first one out of the gate. As she opened the bag, Ino greeted Sydney, the green-haired captain in her Academy team's white uniform, while the other players dispersed in the vague direction of the team benches located on either end of the far side of the field.

A coldly furious but silent Eri shoved Bree onto her lap, pulled up the girl's skirt and began spanking her ass. But even this spectacle didn't hold the attention of the cheerleaders for long, as Ino and Sydney finished up passing out the contents of the bags -- slender black collars inlaid with a glowing purple material. After dealing with a slightly confusing latch, the players slipped them on, ten on each team -- a few for the first time, none for more than the fifteenth or so. But, when the transformation hit, ecstasy on their faces was as intense even for those practiced at it. Twenty girls who already ranged from about seven to eight feet tall, with musculature anywhere from "really toned" to "actually rather hulking," metamorphosed into virtual deities. Even the slenderest now had huge muscles rippling under their skin-tight uniforms, and most could easily reach up and grab at least the nets of those fourteen-foot rims that normally seemed so intimidating.

As she maneuvered a chastened Bree back between her legs, a sighing Eri leaned back against the soft, velour-like material of the bench's high back and let her eyes drift to the players, a handful of whom were still staring at themselves and at the other players in giddy shock. But the new recruits quickly fell into the routine encouraged by the skill-giving-by-touch that Jade had given them earlier: a shootaround, beginning with layup drills. Or, that's what they ostensibly were, but the first few times through the line, the girls were determined to show off their power. The captains shot first, and Ino, who remained the tallest player on the floor at well over ten feet, started things off by lofting the ball such that it bounced high off the top of the backboard, leaping about five and a half feet in the air, twisting her body backwards, catching the ball just as it was falling past the basket, and driving home a reverse jam a few inches left of center. She caught Sydney's eyes and pointed directly at the green-haired tearaway, as if to challenge her to do better. The Academy captain, at nine and a half feet dwarfed by most of her teammates, gave a devilish grin and turned away, her eyes lighting up as she headed towards the basket. She took a catlike leap of astonishing grace and power that seemed to go on forever; when her boobs, accentuated by the skin-tight white fabric, had reached the rim, she swiftly descended, fading to the center to hammer down a crushing left-handed tomahawk. Spinning back to face the Army basket, she mimed firing a gun at Ino as she glided smoothly to the floor.

Eri wasn't sure whether her climax came more from Bree's tongue or from the dunk.

Methodically but quickly, Akiko's powerful legs ascended the last of ten flights of stairs, while her arms, still studded with a few water droplets from the pool, carefully cradled the sleeping Darkbitch. The bedroom she was approaching wasn't the closest one to the pool by a long shot, but it was the primary one, whose location and layout the Darkbitch had intimately planned -- Akiko didn't want the Darkbitch to be confused or disoriented when she woke up. Which, thought the head of the Army as she entered the cavernous, windowless white-and-violet room and gently laid her raven-haired Goddess atop the lavender sheets of the central bed, would hopefully be soon. The Darkbitch always enjoyed attending the Army-Academy basketball games, and then there was the ceremony afterwards. Of course, if the Darkbitch were asleep, the ceremony would simply be postponed -- no one wanted to disturb her. In fact, if she found out her world had stopped to wait for her, she might not be that upset.

With a slight smile, Akiko closed the door behind her Goddess and strode down the hall to the rear balcony. The tenth story had been built when most of the lower floors were little more than skeletons, so that the Darkbitch could have her isolated bedroom as soon as possible. Now the workers had finished most of the floors below her, and had set up shop on the eighth story balcony, receiving material from below, fashioning it and taking the result to furnish the rooms inside. The balconies were being laid out so as to resemble one side of a black stone pyramid from a distance: as one's eye traveled down from the top, each progressive balcony would be closer to the lakefront. (Since all the balconies were the same size, this meant that higher floors were progressively smaller.)

Akiko walked to the edge of the balcony, took one good look and leaped. So as not to crush any of the workers by her sudden appearance, she dove such that she could grab onto the far railing. Swinging herself back around to face the balcony, as her boobs bounced wildly in the camo bikini, she lifted herself up and waved to the workers; those who could see her dropped what the were doing and bowed to their Lady. Those who didn't were quickly elbowed or whispered to by nearby workers, but before everyone could turn around she had already dropped down to the balcony immediately below her. She ran up to the edge, hurdled the railing and landed on the one below, and repeated the process all the way down to the ground. To avoid the possibly chaotic process of cutting through the pool, where girls were still toweling off and retrieving uniforms, Akiko decided to walk beside the building to reach the front hall, to see if Jade had finished preparing for the prefect ceremony, and to help her if she needed it.

When Akiko was halfway to the front of the palace, its rear wing blocking the workers' view of her, she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. She whirled around and recognized Kaia, apparently dressed but looking a bit disheveled -- most likely, she thought, the cyan-haired girl had just come from a quick makeout session in the nearby tree grove. The cockeyed smile on Kaia's face and her rather vague stare bolstered her impression.

"Hello, Kaia. Is there some reason you need me?"

"Sorry for the intrusion, my Lady, but a friend and I were having an argument, and, well, um ... do you prefer Nielsen or Sibelius?"

"Well, Carl Nielsen had the better ideas," replied Akiko readily, "and you've got to love someone who ended his last symphony with a metaphorical fart. But, overall, I think I find Sibelius more pleasant to listen to. Just cue up the Lemminkainen Suite, and..."

... and she fell on her ass, because Kaia had just kneed Akiko in her barely-covered groin. Within a second or two she had scrambled to her feet, but couldn't see Kaia. Presumably the girl had darted behind a tree, so Akiko did the first thing she could think of, and began simply uprooting the trees, one by one, and tossing them aside. As she headed deeper into the forest, she felt a sharp sting in her head, one of the last warning signs for a psychic attack. Embarassed that she hadn't recognized it sooner, Akiko looked around and realized that she had inexplicably blazed a trail in one direction instead of uproting all the nearest trees -- Kaia was probably still standing five feet from where she started. In her anger, she had never noticed she was being gently guided. She tried to do a psychic scan for Kaia, but she couldn't see anyone anymore, not even the workers.

As Akiko charged back to where she started, she struggled to contain her anger and focus, but the pain was getting worse. She knew she couldn't fight off the psychic attack with her own mental defenses, so her only hope was to find the much weaker Kaia and knock her out before the control was solidified. She began uprooting trees again, but found it much harder going this time, as if her strength was being sapped. After several tries, she finally found Kaia, smiling vaguely behind one of the trees, and reached out to put her in a headlock. As the pain reached a crescendo, Akiko's arm passed right through the illusion. As she lost consciousness and fell forward onto the soft grass, Kaia emerged from behind another tree and stood over her body, her cute face once again totally emotionless.

And Aki was alone in her mind with her old memories.

Harsh light from above, the difficult and unshielded summer sun. This is where men are made.

General Robert Ware had a barricade and fifty good men behind him. What was in front of him, he wasn't sure. Jaw squared and eyes dark, the fit forty-something stared down a dusty Kansas country road, trying to decide if the faint glimmer he saw in the far distance was just the heat, or if it signaled the crumbling of reality.

Ware had grown up steeped in old books on military history and on the memoirs of warriors. He hadn't idealized the army itself -- obviously, it was a hard life -- but he certainly had expected the vocation of an officer to be something serious, adequate to his intellectual interests, requiring not just leadership but strategy and foresight. In Yemen and then in Somalia, he found himself useless, unable to plan because his missions had never been defined, and without enough power to define them himself. So, when a cadre of high-ranking intelligence officers, accompanied by a strange, tall woman with deep red eyes, approached him on a brief vacation stateside, asking him to leave his post and join a secret expedition against the gravest threat America had ever faced -- well, they had picked the right man.

"I know your job is wasted on you," the woman had insisted in smooth, languorous tones. "But this one won't be."

And when he had accepted, Robert was pretty sure that she had taken him to bed. He didn't remember protesting that he had a wife. Or was that after the divorce? Either way, he couldn't really remember anything about it. Maybe he had imagined it all. It certainly hadn't been necessary to secure his loyalty. What else could he be loyal to? Who would turn down a chance to save the country, when he had been hoping to do just that for his entire life?

So Ware called his troops together and ordered them to march. He told them not to stop until he gave the order, no matter what happened. And so they marched, not even Ware knowing where the road would end but eager to get there, to eliminate the uncertainty. And when about two miles of utility poles and dirty had gone by, he felt a faint prickling around him, like a charge of static electricity. Before he even had time to register the sensation, Kansas was gone, and he was marching through one of the World War II campaigns that had filled his boyhood. He was in the H�rtgen Forest in the Ardennes, or the Volkhovsky Forest in Russia. He allowed himself a grin. All these dire warnings, and it was just a forest. He'd burn it down, and they'd take care of these girls, whatever voodoo powers they had.

Looking behind him, he was even more buoyed to see that his troops had already mostly concealed themselves behind the dense foliage. He opened his mouth to give his first order, but before he could speak, an intense pain seized his chest, then spread outwards. He thought he was having a heart attack, until he saw his men falling over one by one, no longer caring for their cover, screaming wildly or just gasping for air. And before long, Robert was on the ground too. The last thing he saw before he passed out was one of his best soldiers wildly spasming in front of him, his hair a long, silky black mane, his breasts swelling and distorting the dark green fabric of his uniform. And he somehow knew the same thing was about to happen to him.

Hours later, Akiko, Supreme Commander of the Darkbitch Army, sprung up from a relaxing nap to her full height. Hands on hips, she scanned the forest for her soldiers, and was gratified to find most of them clustered together, waiting for orders. The rest were presumably still asleep, but she somehow knew they wound find their way back to her, wherever she was. Akiko faced in the direction where she knew her headquarters would be, and led her troops n their first march in the Darkbitch's service. No matter how long the journey, she did not intend to slacken her pace.

After preparing Eri and meeting with the new basketball recruits, Jade had hurried to what she was already thinking of as the Old Castle to prepare its entrance hall, one last time, for the prefect ceremony. She had corralled about a dozen volunteers from the thin stream of girls heading to the game to help. As she had used her ability to give them the apposite skills, they were doing a predictably superb job, but she still insisted on close supervision. Now, they were fling out, done with their tasks, and Jade was double-checking everything in the ceremonial room. Climbing aboard its alabaster base, she lifted the specially built glass-and-ivory throne with one hand to check for spots under it. Finding none, she replaced the heavy throne it just as easily and soundlessly.

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A young woman is introduced to beastiality

Alan and Allison were newcomers to the small northern sea side town; they had decided to move north after selling their small business in the south. Tired of the long cold winters they had moved up the coast in search of a warm tropical climate. Travelling in a caravan, stopping at different resorts until quite by chance, decided to take a small road off the highway, ending up at a caravan park close to the beach. It was perfect, not too far north where the summers would be too hot, but far...

3 years ago
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Complete Sex Slave To My Master Pt 3 BDSM

Hello Readers, I live in Pune and am back in continuation of my previous story ‘Complete Slave To My Master’. Please go through the first 2 stories story to understand the background of the BDSM. Since we had a good time last night and it was a weekend, I woke up a little late and Vibha was still sleeping.  Since both of us were nude, I started playing with Vibha’s body. Pressing her boobs and fingering her pussy and kissing her back. This made her awake and she also started moaning and turned...

1 year ago
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A Hotwifes Rocky Mountain Adventure

Katie and I had both recently turned twenty-seven years old and had been married for only a few years. We met after college and somehow just knew we were right for each other.She had been quite sexually adventurous in college and we were comfortably open about things, so our marital sex life was great. We'd had a few threesomes and such, which was great. She'd learned to enjoy the ladies as well, and truly loved showing off her oral skills whenever hard cock was available. We’d been working...

Group Sex
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Best Friend Nu Subeh Choda Khoob

Hi, mera name vipul hai or mai punjab se hu. Iss story mai apko pta chalega kaise maine first time apni best friend ko choda. Meri height 5.11inch hai and dick size kbhi measure ni kra but bda he hai. Iss story ki heroine hai aanchal jisko maine khoob choda. Aanchal ki age 22 year hai sry mai apni age btana bhool gya meri age 22 he hai. If any girl bhabhi aunty wife lady koi bhi age ki ho mere sath pyr time sprnd krne chahe sex krne chahe to mujhe email pr contact kr skti hai . Hamari meeting...

1 year ago
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Shadi Dhuda Sneha Ki Garam Chudai

Hello every one this is Aftab! I’m regular reader of Iss, I really believe some stories in this site is too hot! So today i wanted to share one of my real happened incident to you guy’s hhmmm…… any one from Mumbai or Hyderabad want to know about more incident happened in Mumbai or Hyd so they can mail me on First little intro about myself I’m Aftab, Handsome guy from Hyderabad, 25 yrs of age, 6ft tall, and well maintain body, I daily go to gym… mmm.. as I want to be an actor, ( i even work in...

2 years ago
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Looking back1

I first saw her running around their yard with her little brother. She had on a frilly bikini and even then her voluptuousness showed. She was sexy. She was cute. She had long light brown hair and a tiny waist set off by a high, round ass. I was to later learn she smelled wonderful, innocent, like baby powder. Her skin was pale and creamy. I was working on a survey crew on a road paving job while home from college when our instrument man spotted her through his transit. We each took...

1 year ago
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Rise of Roxy Ch 04

Mrs Smith looked up as Roxy entered and said, ‘It’s about time you showed up.’ ‘Then if I’m not welcome I’ll go.’ The tutor shuffled papers and muttered, ‘And how would that rebellious comment look on my report?’ ‘Oh so you spy for your masters?’ ‘I’ve heard you referred to as a hot little bitch. Silly me I thought that referred to your acting ability.’ Roxy grinned and said then Mrs Smith should do her job and ensure Roxy was steered in the right direction to earn accolades for her acting...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Train Ride

“Oh my God I hate trains” whispered Becky as even more people packed in tighter at the last station before her stop. It didn’t help that over the weekend after a party in which they had all had a great time she had tried to seduce her husband. He didn’t even try to make an excuse this time, just said he didn’t want to and she had debased herself grovelling to try and get him to do it with her. It had been months now since they had been intimate. She particularly hated Monday mornings as she...

4 years ago
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ValerieChapter 27

The rest of the week including my work shifts went quickly enough, though other than a liaison with Jean, nothing of a sexual nature went on other than my seemingly relentless pursuit of Jan, which pleased and gratified her immensely. Sarah, our neighbour on the other side, had been an absolute delight in bed, but wished to keep things at arm's length for the moment. She did promise that sooner or later we'd get together for a bit of mutual fun. Seemed she had to be very discreet as her...

3 years ago
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Didi8217s Bold Move

Hi my name is Rahul I am 21 years old 6 feet Tall well built I am a MBA student and my Didi is 4 years elder to me her name is Smitha she is 25 years old and is working in a Play school as a teacher. Today I am going to narrate a story of my first time sexual experience with my Didi. It started 3 years ago when I was 19 years old and my Didi was 22 years old. Before I actually start narrating the incident I want to tell you that I belong to a middle class family where both our parents are...

1 year ago
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My Wifes First Time

What precipitated the following incident was my not being able to maintain an erection for the past few years due to a medical problem. I can get an erection, but by the time I'm ready to penetrate my wife my penis goes limp, thus creating her frustration. My wife and I went on vacation to Florida with our best friends, Roger and his wife. The first day there Roger and I drank quite a few drinks while our wives were out shopping. By the time they came back to the house we were feeling no pain...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Deflowering of the Petal

The girl stood by the door lightly chewing on the nail of her middle finger. She was wearing a low-cut floral sundress accented by a snug fitting white sweater. The dress fanned out and hit just above the knee hugging her frame tighter as it went up to draw attention to her waist and shapely curves. Her legs were adorned with white knee high hose, and her feet were pushed into shiny black mary janes. She felt a bit silly wearing the knee highs like a school girl, but she knew her Daddy adored...

1 year ago
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Darlenes Thanksgiving Chapter 4

Darlene's Tale The world was gray. The low clouds that spread from horizon to horizon were gray. A slow, steady drizzle turned the pavement gray beneath my wheels. The landscape, changing slowly form the low rolling hills of my home to modest mountains of central Pennsylvania were gray. Even the bare trees were dark gray against the light gray of the hills. I felt gray. Dressed as Don, without so much as a wisp of spandex or silk on my body, the only feminine attributes I...

2 years ago
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Summer Camp Part 1

Back in the 80’s when I turned eighteen my parents thought I was spending to much time at home playing dungeons and dragons. They wanted me to get out and socialize more with real people. My parent thought if they volunteered me to work the summer as a camp councilor for a local kid’s camp it would help me get more involved with kids my age.   The first few weeks were orientation, the kids did not show up until later in the summer. I just turned eighteen and was the youngest of the group....

3 years ago
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the meal

The mealit was a saturday night about 7pm. Me bob(my fella)and a few friends had all planned to go out for dinner. I couldn t decide what to wear all i know is that i was in the mood to look sexy so i went upstrairs to get ready. A few friends had all ready turned up at the house. while upstairs i shouted one of my girl mate upstairs to help me find something to wear but i secertley wanted her to watch me get undress as that turns me on so much i had a see though white bra and knickers on so...

1 year ago
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Alice Is Raped

When Alice and Helen had moved into Stanley's house his twin sons Bill and Bob were 17 years old. They didn't care much. They thought that Helen was hot and would have loved to fuck her hard, but she was their father's woman and so they only dreamed of doing so. The 12-year old Alice was gawky and as far as they were concerned just a trailer-trash brat. She was not of sexual interest to them. But in the time it took Stanley to enslave Helen (See HELEN IS ENSLAVED), Alice blossomed. Within...

1 year ago
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Best Friends Forever II Eating Out

Best Friends Forever II: Eating Out! Alexa had invited her best friend Amanda over for the weekend with her parents visiting out of town, and it had began like she had hoped in seducing her friend by first taking a skinny dip in their pool, and following up with fingering Amanda’s tight wet pussy until she cum hard in her arms. As the two splashed around, and become more and more comfortable with their naked bodies on display to each other, the moonlight glistened down from above upon the...

4 years ago
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Journey into Servitude

By Dale Gutzman It was understandable that the young 18 year old was nervous. He was about to be assfucked for the very first time. This is a big moment in the life of anyyoung man, especially a young man who up until a few nights ago, thought hewas totally straight. The first fuck can be traumatic for any boy, knowingthat his tight little puckered asshole is about to be penetrated by a long,thick hunk of Male fuckmeat. And even though you promise you will go slowand easy, both you and he know...

4 years ago
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Soul Mates

As we toasted marshmallows to make s’mores, it was only natural that we told each other ghost stories—some from when we were kids, some we had heard over the years. The random unexpected events in those spooky tales were not unlike what had led us to that campfire.I had met Julia some twenty years earlier when she was sleeping with a friend of mine. By the time they broke up, I had moved to another part of the country, but we had kept in touch ever since. Although we enjoyed each other’s...

3 years ago
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My First Day as a Hooker or a Busted Date Part 3

"So what did you have in mind?" I said in my best sultry voice while turning part way around. My back was arched slightly to make my ass stick out just right. It must have made the two young men a little nervous. One, for being so forward and assuming in my nature and what would you expect. My body was well worked over finishing less than a hour ago by four delicious cocks and the opportunity to make a couple more quite happy was, well, when on a roll, to be taken advantage of. And two, that's...

3 years ago
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Emma Becomes a Slutwife

Chapter 1Our marriage of just over 4 years has been thrown totally upside down over the past few weeks. Changedbeyond all recognition. I've now been well and truly cuckolded by Emma, who has astonished me! First byher blatant unfaithfulness, and then by transforming herself into an extremely slutty 'hotwife'! I didn't see itcoming. But, to be honest, I'm not at all unhappy at the outcome.About a month ago Emma announced she was going on a 'girls night out' on Friday evening. Although it'snot...

1 year ago
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Talking the wife into going to a swingers club

After our trip to the adult theater i noticed that my wife was dressing a little more sexier then normal.and she started talking real dirty when we fucked. so i decided to try and talk her in to going to swingers club if nothing else but to watch.one night after i got done fucking her good and hard she said honey i want to ask you something but i don`t want you to get mad or upset. go ahead i won`t get mad i told her. we had so much fun at the movies i thought we should try out the red rooster...

4 years ago
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A Surprise Thank You 2

Lisa was first to notice their camera was streaming them live on the web, but she could only shriek a warning to Dan as she was having a momentous orgasm at the time. Dan then saw it too and was so far into dry-humping Lisa he couldn't stop to turn the camera off. He soon followed Lisa and climaxed, with cum shooting up all over her pussy and belly. They both moaned with satisfaction and slowed their humping to a gentle rocking. Oh My God, was all Lisa could say as she read some of the...

3 years ago
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The Best Laid PlansChapter 8

Holly said, “I consider you my husband now. I know I need you, but I don’t think I can survive in the wilderness without female friends. There is too much ‘woman’s work’ for one woman. Now that there is the first of what I hope are many babies to care for, that means even more work. I ask you, as my husband, to consider my friend Mary’s feelings and invite her to join our family as both my sister and your wife.” I smiled and said, I’d be proud to do whatever I can to make you and your sister...

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Down on the Farm Part 1

I own and operate a 200 acre Pick-your-own farm near the metro area. I grow Christmas trees, apples and pumpkins. I've tried veggies in the past but found they were too labor intensive during June which was a busy time for the other crops. Last year during pumpkin season, a pleasant middle aged woman approached me and asked if I'd considered growing veggies as she would like to have a place to come and pick fresh from quantity. I explained my time constraints during the month of June and if she...

3 years ago
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Legend Kaama Veriyan

Naan ippozhuthu oru legendary kaama veriyanin kaama kathaigalai ungalidam solla pogiren, ivan peraiviyaleye kaamathirkaagave padaika patan. Niraiya pengalin kuthiyil oothu kanju vadiya vaikum thiramai ivanidam eralamaaga irukirathu. Pinbu ivanathu sexiyaana paarvai pengalai kaama valaiyil vizhavaikum. Ivan auntygalaiyum sex seithu oopaan, ivanuku evalavu pengalai oothalum avanin kaama thaagam enbathu adangaatha ondru. Ivan niraiya virgin pengalai oothu kizhithu irukiraan pinbu avan ivargal...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Chapter 26

I never got a chance to show Donnell.  I had practiced more in anticipation but he stopped answering my phone calls and text messages.  I was devastated.  Depressed.  Heartbroken.  Even though we knew each other for a short time I missed him.  Did he find out I had a boyfriend?  Did he not think I was pretty?  I had to find out and I did.Robbie came into the bar two weeks later on a Monday night and his presence shook me to my core.  I had hoped to see Donnell with him but Robbie had come...

3 years ago
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Exhibitionist for trash collectors

So for those of you who have followed some of our stories are stories wrong real and you will see that we like to do a little exhibitionist whether it's in the car and adult bookstore or at hotel we moved about 3 years ago to a new subdivision that has about a hundred homes and has a few streets at Vero off the main road we happen to live on I'm one of the side streets that has 10 homes on it that is shaped like a j and dead-ends we happen to live in the middle of that street so when you drive...

1 year ago
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Jack and JillChapter 28

"I'll kill that Mother Fucker. Do you hear me? I'll kill him. I swear to God I'll cut his fucking balls off and shove them down his fucking throat!" We were on the way to the hospital. I'd been able to get Mom to let me drive without too much argument. There was no way she could see, much less drive the way the tears pouring out. "Mom, we don't know that he's involved in this." "You saw them at the game. What do you think they were doing under that blanket? Why the hell do you...

3 years ago
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Percys Halloween

This is my first story. Comment if you like it, or if you figure out the refrence! :D *** "No!" Percy refused. He crossed his arms and glared at his friends. "I'm not doing it!" "C'mon, Percy," Grover pleaded. "Connor, Travis, and I are doing it, so you have to too!" "Yeah," Connor butted in. "You said you would be in our Halloween group, so you have to dress up in the same theme we do!" "That was before I knew what it was!" Percy argued. "I am NOT doing it!" "I didn't...

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