Mallard HeirChapter 04 free porn video

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Jenny and Mort are cleaning up after their breakfast when Eric and Frank arrive. Mort takes them to help him unload the gear from the truck. They set up the cleaning gear and the collapsible table with the direct current power saw Mort bought yesterday.

Mort starts the generator and is soon busy cutting the boards in the workshop to the sizes he wants for the new shutters. While he does that Jenny has the boys moving the furniture up from the basement so the furniture can be cleaned. By the time all of the furniture is carried upstairs to put it on the porch Mort has all of the shutters cut and he’s resetting the table to work with the router he has. For this task the table is lowered in the frame so the router can work on the wood from above.

Frank walks over to see what Mort is doing, and he asks, “Mort, have you had much experience working with a router?”

Turning to him Mort replies, “No, why?”

“I noticed you want a fancy pattern on the boards and it’ll take a lot of work to do it with the router and bits you have. If you want to leave that until tomorrow I can bring my tools up to do it for you real fast.”

Eric hears what they’re talking about and he says, “He fancies himself as a good carpenter. But he does make good furniture with all the fancy tools he’s spent all of his money on.”

Mort looks at both for a moment before he says, “Right. Help me put this lot away and we’ll get set up to do the cleaning after we have lunch.”

After lunch Frank is sent off to get his gear while Mort and Eric work on cleaning the smaller furniture items from the basement. Jenny dries and polishes them then they’re put in the lounge room.

Frank is soon back with his tools and he’s setting up to work on the shutters to carve the pattern Mort wants in them. The finished effect is to look like a shutter with louvres but it’s really solid wood with grooves so it’s stronger. Frank has all the shutters done before the end of the day.

Mort looks at the finished shutters and smiles at the way Frank has put in the cutaways for the brass hinges used with the existing shutters to make them a perfect fit and real tight. Frank has done a very good job on them. Mort pays him extra for the fancy work by claiming the extra pay is for using his tools. Mort thinks it was wise of Frank to buy battery powered tools for doing his fancy woodwork as then he’s not dependent on the local power while working on a job.

All of the furniture is now clean and smart looking, even the kitchen table with the chairs they’ve been using are clean and look real nice.

While Jenny cooks dinner Mort sends an email to Sissy asking her to find and hire someone with a ground penetrating radar unit they can use to check the rock under the house area. He wants to know where the water in the two hand pumps is coming from because he can’t see it seeping through the rock. He also asks if she knows when the man to work on the house exterior will be available to clean and restore the wood because he’s now thinking of having him do the interior walls if he can get the electrical work done by then. Mort also searches for some low power lighting and he finds the website of a company who make an LED lamp that looks like the old coal oil lamps Henry used, so Mort works out how many of the lamps he needs for all the buildings then he places a large order for the number he needs to do the job properly.

After dinner there’s more talk and discussion about the house as well as what they’ll do after the wedding. Their finds mean they don’t have to work but both of them do want to work, but they aren’t sure about what work to do yet. Neither of them knows anything about farming and they don’t want to do that. Anyway, they can’t because Mort has already promised to let those using his farmland to continue farming it as share-croppers to increase their income as per their existing agreements. However, the two have got a lot of time to look at things and decide what they’ll do in the future. Mort knows he can work at writing programs and selling them so he’s not worried at all.


Jenny and Mort are up for an early breakfast. They’re busy removing the old shutters and windows when the boys turn up. The old windows were just four small glass panes in a box frame hinged to the window frame. Like the shutters the windows were either open or shut, but had to be opened and swung to the side to open or close the shutters. The old frames need to have a section routed out to allow the new units on order to be secured to them. The new ones are sash style windows with insect screens and the whole unit fits inside the existing swinging window frames. Thus they can swing aside to open and close the shutters but can be opened part way while still keeping the insects out.

Mort shows Frank the plans for the work to be done on the windows to install the new ones he’s ordered then leaves him to work on the wood frames. The other three get busy on the rest of the window work. Eric is given the job of removing the old brass fittings for Jenny to make them look like new with the special cleaner Mort bought. Mort is hard at work removing the shutters and windows. Once they’re all out he starts fitting the new shutters with the brass fittings Jenny finished cleaning.

After lunch Mort uses a scrubbing brush to clean all of the window frames before he and Eric get busy installing the new shutters. They start on the upstairs fittings because Mort needs to hold Eric while he attaches the outside catches to the side of the house. Then they take turns to hold shutters while the other screws the hinges into place.

At the end of the day the new shutters are on all of the windows and they’re tight fits. The window units are ready for the new components and the brass fittings are all cleaned to look like new. The boys are paid for the day and everything is packed up.

After an early dinner Jenny helps Mort to go through the house to put all the windows back in. She holds the swinging frames while he screws the hinges to them and then to the main window frames. When the new windows arrive they’ll just slide in and be screwed into place.

They clean up and go to bed, very tired from a good day’s work.

The Rest of the Week

After breakfast Denny has his supplier’s delivery truck drop his load of insulation, reels of cable, pipes, and fittings to Mallard House since it’s all for Mort. Jenny goes into town while Mort and the boys start work upstairs carefully removing the boards of the interior walls of the master bedroom so they can see how the walls are constructed.

Mort studies the house plans, both the current one and the intended one, and he thinks about how to set out the wiring. He discusses it with the boys who have some good suggestions for him. The lights Mort has on order are wall mount units with a few chandeliers for the big rooms. Thus the wires for the lights will be strung around the room above the height of the doors and they’ll put the power outlets down near the floor so they won’t be seen, except in the kitchen. The junction box for each floor will be on the wall near the chimney but not against it: the upstairs one in the hall, with the downstairs one in the kitchen, and the one in the basement on that wall too. Mort plans to have the power line feed into the basement so the main fuse box will be there as well.

Frank gets the tools to drill the minimal size holes in the uprights to run the plastic pipe for the electrical wiring in while Eric pulls out the length of the cabling needed and Mort gets the insulation ready to install. Due to the location of the chimney and fireplace all of the pipes run above the door before the power and network cables drop down to just above the floor, then they all run around the room to almost back to the fireplace. It’s slow work while they thread the pipe through the wall studs, feed the wire through the pipe to a fitting box, and a loop of cable in the fitting box. Soon after they start they find it’s best to put the insulation in place before the plastic pipe goes in. The fun starts when they nail the wall boards back into place. Every board with a fitting to be attached to it has to have a hole drilled for the wire to stick through so they’ll know where the other part of the fittings go.

They break for lunch with just the first room done. They now know the job is a lot bigger than they thought it would be. While they eat the lunch Jenny made for them she’s busy on the phone calling people. A little later Ben turns up, looks at the plans, talks with Mort and Jenny about what they want, then he makes a couple of calls.

Thirty minutes later there’s a dozen people at work carefully taking the boards off all of the upstairs interior walls and the walls for the north half of the house downstairs. Ben is directing the activities while Mort wonders how he lost control of it. Jenny moves up beside Mort and says, “Just relax and let Ben do this. He’s had the training and experience to do this well.” Mort looks at her then nods his agreement. He can tell Ben knows what he’s doing, it’s just he wanted to do it but he now accepts it’s too big for just him to do it by himself if he wants it done soon.

By the time they finish work for the day all of the walls are opened up except the dining room, parlour, most of the kitchen, and the room they already did. The frames for the moved walls are in their new locations and the frames for the couple of new walls are in place.

After dinner Jenny and Mort have a long talk about their day and their future plans. One thing they both agree on is they don’t want to go away for their honeymoon. They both want to stay right here while they make their house into their home.


This morning the work crew is a little smaller with people putting in the insulation, plastic conduit pipes, and electrical wiring. Ben likes the way Mort set all of the power points right up against a wall stud so the bracket can be affixed to it, so he continues that with the rest of the work.

By the end of the day the top floor is back together except for the wet areas of the toilets, bathroom, and the en-suite. Mort can’t believe what he saw as months of work is done in just two days!


The full work crew is back at work today and Ben has a large load of boards in his truck. After getting the crew started Ben tells Mort, “I’d rather you stayed out of the house today, please, Mort.” When he gets a frown in reply he adds, “I know what I’m doing but it won’t look that way until I get this part finished. So I don’t want you worrying about how things look before they’re done.” Mort sighs as he nods agreement.

Mort says, “I’ll spend the day in the basement going through the boxes and trunks we have down there. Please line the entry with book cases to store all of the books we have.” Ben promises to do so for Mort.

At the end of the day Ben shows Mort what they’ve done. The attic is now fully insulated and lined with boards. Along the wall over the wet areas are eight large water tanks with pipes leading to them and away from them into the floor. Ben points at them while saying, “Each bathroom area has its own hot water tank, but they won’t heat water until you have the electricity sorted out. The heating elements are low voltage ones to match the same as the lights. I figure you got them to match the wind turbines you’re getting. There’s a cold water tank for each bathroom and the laundry.” Mort sighs because he’d forgotten about a laundry. “The big grey tank is for grey water to work the toilets. The bath water will go to an outside holding tank then be pumped back to this tank. It’s all set to drain into the leach field. There’s a little more work to do outside and then it’ll be finished.” Mort smiles as they go downstairs.

All the rooms look nice, especially the wet areas with the toilets, basins, and baths in place. The bathrooms all have new highly polished boards for their walls, everything else has the original woodwork. Each of the bathrooms have one of the original windows in them but the toilets all have a new louvre ventilation hole with an insect screen. Ben says, “We’ve hidden ventilation holes for the bathrooms and all the wet areas also have some electrical heating you can leave on all the time. The vents are as protected as we can make them so the rooms shouldn’t get too cold from the wind, but they will lose some heat all of the time.”

The north end of the kitchen now looks like the cupboards Mort had planned to put there, but Ben opens the doors up to show the one nearest the east wall has a sink in it plus spaces for a washing machine and dryer. Ben says, “This is your laundry, and beside it is where the freezer and fridge will go. We still have to finish the kitchen as well as doing the stairs, entry, parlour, dining room, and basement. I was stunned to be told about the basement. Oh, before I forget, when you get them priced I want to buy those two coach guns.” Mort looks at Ben, “Jenny showed me the guns because I had to move them to do some work. They’re in the parlour at the moment.”

Mort is about to ask how much all this is costing, and then decides it doesn’t matter because he recently had a major windfall. Ben grins and says, “Jenny organised for me to bill Sissy for each day’s supplies and work. She pays fast so I’m not out of pocket. The whole community is benefiting from the work here. We all need the money. You bringing some money in with you and wanting the locals to do all the work is going a long way to killing off many of the old family problems.”

“That’s good, Ben. I don’t know what the old issues were and I don’t care about them. But I do believe in being a good neighbour. That’s why I buy what I can from Denny, even though I know I can get better prices from other stores. However, he’s not always happy to order things in, so I do have to go outside for them.”

“I know that, Mort. But I think he may be changing his policy now.”

After they all leave Mort says to Jenny, “I did want to fix the place up myself, but you were right to call in Ben and the work crew. They’ve done a better job than I could, and they thought of a few things I didn’t think of. Thank you.”

She smiles at his praise and replies, “I was worried you were upset with me for taking over your project.” Their talk moves to other things before they get to sleep after the usual evening activities.


The crew arrives while Jenny and Mort are still eating breakfast. After Jenny says what’s going upstairs and into which rooms some get busy moving a lot of the furniture upstairs while the rest get busy outside. Mort goes back to checking what’s in the trunks they have.

At the end of the day Mort knows what he has stored downstairs and the outside work is done. While he checks the finished work with Mort Ben says, “Right, we now have the pipes from the toilets, basins, and baths going to the privy. The toilets and laundry go to the leach field while the baths go to a large storage tank under the privy. In it are the tanks and pumps to filter the water and pump it back to the house.”

Mort asks, “Are they low voltage pumps? Did you put in new power lines for them?”

“Better than that, Mort. They’re set to work with your other gear, but they also work off the solar cells we mounted on the roof of the privy so you can use them now. However, I’d be careful with the water usage until you get the water supply sorted out.” Mort turns to him and he adds, “I know the water is pumped to the kitchen by hand but I can’t see where it’s coming from so I couldn’t add a new line and pump to the water source. There’s a temporary set up where you can hand pump water up into the tanks in the attic and the rest of the system will look after itself from there. But you do need to find the source of the water and to add a proper pump line to the tanks from the water supply.”

“Jenny and I will appreciate not having to walk outside for the toilet so we’re miles ahead of last week. Ben, I like how you’ve used the no longer needed privy to be the shed to protect the gear working the new system. It means the place looks just like it always looked like before. Sissy is looking for a guy with the gear to see what’s under the ground here so I can find where the water is coming from and going to. That’s part of what the drilling was for the other day. I was hoping to find the underground water source to tap into it.”

“You’ve done a lot of work to restore this place, Mort. Will you let the people continue to farm the attached land?” Mort nods yes. “Good. The extra crops from your land is all that keeps some people in business and financially secure. I saw how bad the furniture looked when I first came here, but it sure looks great now. You could sell it for a fortune.”

“Not if I want to live! Jenny put a lot of work into polishing all of the furniture when I got the dirt and grime off. She wants to use it, so it all stays.” Ben laughs while agreeing with his sentiment.

In the evening Mort warns Jenny, “Don’t go too far in setting up the rooms yet. There’s a man hired to rejuvenate and seal all the wood of the exterior and interior. So the furniture will need to be moved when he arrives to do that.” She smiles as she nods to show she heard him.


After they both wash and dress in clean clothes Jenny and Mort go to Kevin’s Kitchen to have breakfast with her family before going to church. On the drive to breakfast Mort is certain he’s permanently lost his new red pickup to Jenny as she loves driving it about. So he needs to make arrangements to fix up and use Henry’s old pickup truck or to buy himself a new pickup truck. He thinks about the points for and against both transport options.

During the post church drive to a new picnic spot most of the talk is about the preparations for next week’s wedding, and Mort realises a lot of it must have been done by Jenny while he was working on other things. He also wonders why he hasn’t heard back from Laura about her and Mike coming to watch him get married, that’s so unlike her. Then he thinks, I bet Laura and Jenny have spoken and are planning to surprise me with her turning up unannounced. I best not disturb their plans.

Their lunch is early and fast today. Then they’re off to a bigger town to buy a wedding suit for Mort, some mattresses for all of their beds, and a whole pile of every sort of linen for the house. It’s a good thing the truck has the extended body with the longer bed because they need it to store and carry all of the gear Jenny buys for the house. However, the mattresses will be delivered by a truck on Tuesday because they’re too big for the pickup to carry.

Driving through town they see a lot of cars and trucks parked at the hotel so both Mort and Jenny wonder what that’s about.

When they get home it takes them a long time to unload the truck to put everything away in the house. They’re late getting to bed but they do sleep soundly when they get to bed.


Mort is thinking about what to do today when a long parade of cars and trucks drives up to park in front of the house. The first out of a car is a tall blond man who says, “I hope this is Mallard House and you’re Mort! I’m Sven Erickson.” Mort grins as the look and the name match, but his Maine accent just doesn’t fit. While they shake hands Sven adds, “I had a cancellation of a job so we’ve come to do your job now. It’s good you’re ahead of schedule because I like to keep my people working.”

“Why would anyone cancel a job booked with you? It’s so hard to be able to get these jobs scheduled and done, to start with!”

“I don’t think he wanted to cancel the work, but when the idiot who owned the ship kept her out in rough seas too long he had no choice. I have to wait until they can raise her again. She’s sitting on the bottom in about a hundred feet of water. Now, please show me the work.”

“As you can see, this is an old house. I don’t know if it will come out as like new, but please do your best. Although the shutters were made last week the wood is very old so please do them as well. I want all of the buildings done, both inside and outside.” They walk into the house and Mort shows him the downstairs bathroom. “I had a few changes made last week and the wood in the bathrooms is all new and sealed. So, if you think it doesn’t need doing I’ll understand.”

Sven looks at the walls and says, “Whoever did this does good work. However, I think it’ll benefit from having a coat of our sealant put on over this to make it last longer. Can we move the furniture between rooms while we work on a room?”

“Yes. Just make sure it goes back to where it came from or Jenny will be after you with a shotgun.” Sven laughs while he nods to show he understands. He goes to start getting his work crew busy.

Mort follows him downstairs and the next man introduces himself as, “Barry Evans. I’m here to evaluate where to put the turbines. Is there an easier way to get up the ridge?”

While shaking his hand Mort replies, “There may be, but I don’t know of any. I’m new here and I’ve not had much time to look around.”

“OK. I’ll get my climbing gear out. I was warned I may need it.” He leaves to get to work climbing up to the ridge.

Mort walks over to where a man is standing beside an odd looking oversized lawn mower type device while checking something on it. The man looks up and says, “Larry Mason. I’m here to check what’s under the ground for you. Where do you want me to check?”

They walk inside and Mort points to the hand pump then takes him to the stables to point to the hand pump there. He says, “As far as I can tell we’re on a huge lump of rock, so I’ve no idea where the water for those pumps is coming from or how they found it when the house was built over two hundred years ago. I want to tap into it with a more modern pump, so I need to find it to do so.”

“I’ve got a good map of the area in my car, let me get it to see what they show about the water around here.” A few minutes later they’re studying a map on the kitchen table which is now sitting in the yard. Some of Sven’s people have a steam cleaner type machine at work in the kitchen and have moved everything out of it while they work.

Mort looks at the map and points to where Mallard House is. Larry says, “Just south of here is a creek. The way it starts in the forest makes it look like it just surfaces there. It looks close so let’s go see.” The two men walk into the forest for about a hundred feet. Soon after they enter the forest it starts to slope down a little and they find a stream coming out of the ground at a level about twenty feet below that of the house.

Larry says, “Now to trace this back to your place.” They make a note of roughly where it is and return to the cleared land around the house. Larry gets his out Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), turns it on, waits a moment, and walks along the clearing near to where the stream is. In a moment something shows on his screen. He starts walking a pattern on a line back to the stables. From there he goes back to the forest edge on a wider pattern before taking a line from the stables to the house. Then he widens the pattern to cover the whole of the clearing south of the house. He works across the front of the house after asking people to move their vehicles for him while he covers the whole of the front before doing the space north to the garden. He works his way along the area between the house and the ridge while working all the way back to the stables.

The search pattern Larry is working will take a while so Mort turns to see what Sven’s people are doing. He’s shocked to see two men on the roof of the house with some sort of steam cleaners. They know what they’re doing up there so he leaves them to it. He does like the way the wood they’ve cleaned looks so much nicer than what isn’t cleaned.

It’s almost lunchtime when Larry returns to talk to a very bored Mort. There’s not much Mort can do because all of the workers are experts at their work and they only need him to keep out of their way. He now thinks he should’ve gone into town with Jenny.

Larry has a map on his computer from the data collected by his GPR unit. He shows it to Mort as he says, “Tell me what you know!”

Mort points out the salient points while saying, “Leach field under the garden. Drain pipe from the old privy. New grey water collection tank under the privy. Pipes between the house and privy to carry the water and sewerage. That’s all I know about.” All this is north of the house but there’s also some things to the east and something south of the house.

“This is a large slab of granite and it goes deep into the ridge. I can’t tell how deep with this gear, but I’d say very deep. There’s nothing to the west except rock and dirt. The slab of rock is about two hundred feet deep for most of the clearing. To the south it thins out a lot and I think the stream is flowing out from under its lip. There’s a fracture the water is flowing through from the house, by the stables, and down the hill. The real oddity is this here.” He points to a part at the edge of the house. “To be sure I’d need to get at the ground under the house, but this looks to be the edge of a chamber under the house. And this here is a tunnel from the chamber into the ridge while this is a tunnel from under the house into the ridge. They’re cut through the rock so it took a lot of work to do it. There’s also a huge amount of gravel in the leach field area. So I think that’s where the rock cuttings went.”

Mort studies the map of the ground under him. He looks at Larry and says, “Thanks for this. Do you have a device that will read through a wall?” Larry nods yes. “Good. I think we need to see what you can tell me about the east wall of the basement.” Larry grins, stands, pushes his machine back to his panel van and starts to fold it up.

Hearing another car pull up Mort turns to see who it is. Jenny gets out of the pickup and says, “Get the hampers from the back, please, Mort. I’ve got everyone’s lunch.” A lot of ears and heads pop up on hearing the magic word ’lunch,’ so he grins. He has several willing helpers to carry the three big hampers from the back of the pickup to the tables and chairs in the back yard. All work stops while they all have lunch. Jenny has a great mix of foods so everyone finds something to their liking, she also has a large range of drinks for them to chose from.

After they finish eating Mort helps Jenny pack up the hampers and put them into the truck. Larry is ready with a large briefcase device when Mort turns to him.

Down in the basement Larry places the device against the cupboards beside the fireplace and moves it along. Mort moves things out of the way while Larry checks what’s behind the wood back of the cupboards. At that point Mort wonders why they’re cupboards and not just shelves built into the rock. An hour later Larry has a scan of the whole wall. He examines the picture he has and points to an area below where the pump in the kitchen is as he says, “There’s a cavity behind here but I think it’s filled with water, while the wall looks like it’s been bricked up with large rock blocks and mortar.” Mort slowly nods as he wonders why. Pointing to the area under the stairs Larry adds, “There’s a doorway behind the wood back. Also, I think most of these cupboards will lift out of there. There’s nothing to show them being attached to the wall.”

Mort grins as he asks, “Care to test the theory?” Larry puts his unit down well away from the wall and the two of them tip one of the empty cupboards forward. They soon have it leaning out then they move it away from the wall. Once they get it out they can see the cupboard sat on a narrow plank to tip it backwards and the others are the same way. In a few minutes all of the cupboards are away from the wall, except the one built into the area under the stairs. They can now see the bricked area.

Larry runs his device over the bricked area again and says, “There’s a water filled cavity behind there. I’m sure of it. Also, it looks like the water is flowing out to the south. The part directly in line with the north end is much deeper than the rest.”

Mort asks, “Larry, do you know much about geology?” He gets a nod in reply. “From what you know of this region is it possible for a person to be digging a tunnel from here through this ridge and then come across an underground stream deeper in the ridge?”

“It’s very possible. If it had a good flow it would likely to then flow down their tunnel. Do you think that’s what happened here?”

“Yes. I also think they may have used gunpowder to create the fault you mentioned in order to get the water to flow away. Once they got that happening they would’ve been able to brick this up and empty the swimming pool their basement had become.”

“All possible. But we’ll never know for sure.”

“True, Larry. But I now know there’s a large cavity of flowing water beyond that wall, so I can drill down into it to set up a pump for my water supply. I’ll also seal this wall and reinforce this section to make sure the water stays on the other side. Now let’s have a look at this doorway and tunnel.”

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after one and a half years with goddess sarita things were getting less hard as I knew what and how goddess wanted so punishment was very rare.. but due to long time in chastity I could not take off my mind of my cage and I was thinking of some how getting it off and cum for once when goddess is at work was Monday goddess woke up un chained me from the bed let me take a dump and get fresh then I prepared breakfast.. goddess finished breakfast asked me to do the house works and left for...

3 years ago
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The Tales From The Tavern I Lied To You

The tavern was loaded that night. Babette, the waitress, was running in all directions, hardly keeping up with the orders of the customers. While the dining room was pretty crowded, only five people were sitting at the bar that was also belonging to the tavern. It was called ‘Big ol’ Tom’s tavern – the place where stories are told’. Big ol’ Tom’s customers had always been telling stories, it had been a year-long tradition. The better part of these anecdotes were tales of love, passion and sex....

1 year ago
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GinnyChapter 10

The new term started and Ginny and I had persuaded Shirley to try to become computer literate so she was taking courses at the community college on Microsoft Windows and also Office. We felt this was a good way to get her back in some kind of atmosphere of learning. She had watched us using the computer for so many things that she had expressed a desire to learn how to use it. We could have taken the time to show her ourselves, but we felt it would be more beneficial for her to go somewhere...

1 year ago
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The student becomes the master part 2

The Student Becomes the Master Part 2 For those of you that read the first part (which is highly recommended to understand what happens next), let us recall how the last part ended. My hot teacher had made me stay behind class after I had been misbehaving, and after a bit of small talk, I screwed her fucking brains out on the desk. After I had busted my nut in her tight little pussy, we got all our clothes back on to try and disguise what had actually happened during the ‘detention’, and were...

First Time
3 years ago
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Sable In The Stable

I'm in the house taking a small break. I happen to go to fetlife and read that Sable, my sub, read and interesting story (about texting while driving and being punished for it) and commented that she speeds a lot and does text while driving! I also see she was texting on fetlife. As we all know the text is much smaller than regular text messages. Thus making it harder to drive correctly! I am NOT pleased.We live in a beautiful house with many acres of land. I have some farm hands that I've sent...

1 year ago
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What exactly is a Real Porn Clip? Most of my daily viewing arguably falls into the broad category, but for some, it’s more precisely defined. The word Real, in particular, has certain connotations. It’s often associated with amateur porn, since it’s more likely to be unplanned and unscripted. Still, that only leads to more questions: if Real means Amateur, what does Amateur mean? has a particular vision of Real Porn, and a growing number of masturbators around the world agree....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Vixen Matriculates

After a year of pornographic movie-making at her father’s upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus and flabby vagina. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting,. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided...

3 years ago
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Jija Ji Ki Chudakkad Behen

Hi dosto main hu rahul 25 living in delhi . Ye kahani mere jija ji ki chudakkad bahan aur mere bich huyi encounter ki hai jisko dekh kar main kajaantabtha I salo se pgal tha aur dekh kar patak kar chodne ka mann karta tha par main sirf uske naam ki muth maar k hi ji raha tha wo madarchod hai hi randi umar 34 ke around 2 bachho ki maa aur 36 ke bade bade tight boobs aur 32 ki kamar aur gand 38 se kam nahi balki aur 40 ki aur uper se uska rang saanvla kasam se jis nihago se dekhti thi mujhe...

2 years ago
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Prologue 01: The Truce is MadeCarlo Benito didn’t want to make the truce, but something had to be done to stop the killing. The five gangs were dropping each other’s members on an almost daily basis and the cops didn’t seem to care. One of the West Forty-Nines said that he had information that the cops were waiting for them to kill each other off before they stepped in and took down the winner.A truce was absolutely necessary, and this time it had to be a truce that could be enforced. There had...

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Toman of the Cherokee 60

  "You wondering how they are going to justify sending a hunter?" I heard pops breaking my train of thought. "Yeah pops that had occurred to me. We are going to have to leave Pops; I can't endanger the rest of the tribe like this." I told him a little afraid that the hunter would kill everyone just to get to me.   Shaking his head Pops started to chuckle a moment. "Really Pops I fail to see what is so damn funny!" I yelled at him.   "Toman you have far more control than your...

3 years ago
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Boyfriend Ka Gift 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, mera nam Kanika hai and mai mumbai se belong karti hu.Meri age 26 hai and aab meri shaadi ko 2 saal ho chuke hai.Mai bahut salo se iss ki regular reader rahi hu so aaj apni bhi 1 story submit kar rahi hu mujhe lagta hai ki aap ise pasand karoge. Ha toh baat tab ki hai jab mai college ke final year mai thi aur mera pehla aur last boyfriend tha ritesh uske pehle mai ladko se dur rehna pasand karti thi but phir bhi jawaan hu last year ke starting mai hi ritesh boyfriend ban chuka tha...

3 years ago
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Visiting Tom III

Mr. Robinson helped me off the table, and grabbed my pajama pants, and we went to the bathroom. He took off his robe and ran water in the sink. After getting his chest and crotch wet, he put shaving cream on. I watched as he pulled the razor across his chest. He asked if I wanted to help,I said sure. He turned towards me and said to pull his sick a little bit. I reached up and stroked his dick softly and it started to stiffen. That's it,he said. How about squeezing my balls some. Ok,I said....

4 years ago
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Hand Jobs and Dime BagsChapter 6

I decided to ask Benjie and whoever had expressed an interest in fucking me if they would also be interested in modeling. When Kevin and I got there, it turned out to be Brady Crabtree and his older brother Dave. Dave had a car, so he agreed to drive us all back to my house after we fucked. With the negotiations out of the way, I stripped and got on the bed, prepared to be fucked. Kevin lubed me up and then got out of the way for Benjie to fuck me. As before, it was quick and relatively...

2 years ago
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Bimbo House Camp out

"Jake Stallion here outside a new camping site set up on part of the land for Bimbo World Park. Today we are starting the first ever Bimbo House Special set out of one of the Bimbo House houses. I have not been told anything about the number of women or their ages so this is going to be a new experience in bimbo making for me as well as all of our watchers. The camp is made up of a main hall and 6 cabins as well as 5 acres of land the women will have access to use. We have cameras set up to see...

Mind Control
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My Best Friends Wife

After almost eight years of marriage, I was bored. It's as simple as that. I was bored.When my relationship started, we got along well, hung out with others, had sex 3-4 times a week, and actually had fun. I don't know what changed it. Whether it was a combination of us getting older and her personality going down the toilet or mine getting more outgoing and active. She wanted to be more of a homebody and do almost nothing socially, or did it have to do with the fact that once she had a second...

2 years ago
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Chatty Chipmunk and Ozzie the Owl

Once upon a time, long ago, in the land of impossible dreams lived a rather impressive little female chipmunk by the name of "Chatty Chipmunk". Now, little Miss Chatty was very respectable little chipmunk but her reputation for telling tall tales made most of the other forest creatures suspect that the perfectly proportioned 16 year old chipmunk was a bit "loose". She generally headed over to the next forest when she wanted to "get it on" with others of her species so there was no basis...

3 years ago
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Finally Home

He couldn’t wait to get home. He had been out of town for only a week, but it had seemed like an eternity away from her. As he climbed into the cab idling at the curb outside the airport, he thought about calling her one last time. After glancing at his watch, he decided against it and settled back for the late night ride through deserted streets. His flight had been delayed, just one of the hundreds of things he could have done without this week, and he was getting home hours later than he...

1 year ago
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Moms Special Present

I live with my mom since my parents have been divorced for 12 years. My mom is 5'6, a nicely formed body with c-cup tits and a nice round ass. I have always caught myself checking out my own mom, but when its just the two of us living together its hard to miss. Mom always has dates, but she never really likes to be tied down with just one man so she has been single for a while.It all started the night before my 19th birthday. It was a friday night and instead of going out I decided that I would...

3 years ago
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Hard Time Book 3Chapter 7

I decided to winter with the Oaks and talked to Mickey about that. He was glad we were staying that long. He truly wanted us to settle with the Oaks though recognized that the likelihood of that was small. Given this long period, we could make plans, learn skills and develop items that would help us all in the future. The radios were a reality and worked well. We needed a battery source for the roving squad but accepted that they would have to call in when it was convenient. That produced a...

4 years ago
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Wife Fucked By Stranger In Thailand

This is my second story in Indian Sex Stories dot net. Thanks, everyone for your lovely feedback. This story is a fiction from one of my most favorite fantasy “Wife Sharing”. The leads of this story will be Rahul and Nisha. My name is Rahul and I’m from Tamil Nadu. 6-foot-tall, athletic body with a wheatish complexion and I have a decent 5.5’’ tool. My Wife’s name is Nisha. We got married a year ago. I am 27 and my wife is 25 years old. To describe her beauty, she has very rich skin tone with a...

3 years ago
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Lactating Surrogate Mother

We lived in a large town deep in the southern part of India. My father worked in a bank and my mother maintained home. In about five months time I was about to turn fourteen. I was lonely and longing for mother’s love. My mother and father disliked me very much but loved my sister and brother. When I tried to hug my mother she pushed me away but showed her affection to my brother and sister. I strongly resented this bias. Quite often she lost her temper on me and beat me with a cane.The time...

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A new dominance

After we have finished in the cubicle, we clean up as best we can and you leave a few minutes before me to pay the bill for our meal. When I come out you are waiting for me with my coat over your arm. I ask about dessert and you tell me we will be having that back at your place. I do not argue with you and we head back to the car arm in arm. When we reach the car you push me up against the passenger door and thrust your hand up my dress and kick my legs apart. You abuse my cunt with your...

3 years ago
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A Political Education Ch 01

Carla Wove was excited….. ready for anything. She was here…. finally. She was attending the state political convention. Professor Needling put his arm around her waist, guiding her through the busy crowd of convention goers. They were moving towards the sign-in desk. His hand slid downward. It stopped at her ass. Carla let it rest there. It was the least she could do. She had already done everything she could to get him to take her to the convention. She had written papers, done research,...

2 years ago
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The Office Escapade

******************************************************************************************** Just for the record, the people portrayed in this story are fantasy characters. The office is real. The first names are real. The events and actions of the characters are not. This story is intended to be read only as a fun, erotic fantasy. Aside from a few, non-identifying details to make the story more entertaining for select readers, Yvonne has NOT -- in any way -- divulged any...

3 years ago
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The Journey5

Her head was bent, with her right cheek resting on the cool glass, and her torso was arched towards but just above the polished transparent surface. An intricately woven ivory and gold leather corset began just under the slopes of her flattened breasts, gracing her rib cage and shallow belly, and ending just before the soft globes of her high lifted ass. The width between her spread knees was almost unnaturally wide. From her vantage point on the slowly revolving dais, she could see the...

4 years ago
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Me My Girlfriend and Her Mom Part 3

The following days blended together into a nonstop sex romp. If I wasn’t having sex with Ashley, I was sodomizing Jill. We always fucked in Ashley’s bed, Jill getting off on her daughter’s scent with Ashley’s panties stuffed into her mouth as a gag. Whenever she could, Jill would listen in on Ashley and me screwing, standing on the other side of the door and touching herself. The door would be slightly open, a crack just wide enough for her to see me empty myself into her daughter....

1 year ago
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Amy and The Unicorn

The cab ride to the club seemed very long as Amy and Eric contemplated the evening ahead.  It was their first night in the city of Vancouver, and they knew very little about their destination except what they had read on line.  The club's web site had advertised a pre-holiday "Lingerie or Less" party as the theme for this months event. Eric had previously submitted their personal information, in addition to their photographs, under fictitious names and they had been approved pending paying a...

1 year ago
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My new family

I had moved from a small Village in to the City to try to find work as there was nothing in the village or close by but I had managed to scrape the deposit together to get myself a small bedsit close to the centre of town. It wasn’t much but at least it was cosy, it also meant that I could easily get out to the pubs and clubs. At 21 years of age I needed a job which seemed very sparse to find right now. On the plus side though it meant that I could go out dressed whenever I wanted without...

3 years ago
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BDSM Games

BDSM GamesSynopsis- There is several BDSM games which can be played by the Masters with their slaves.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.? If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.Please e-mail comments to...

2 years ago
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Me My Father In Law

Hi, this is Santhi Prakash from Chennai. I am happy to share my experience in the version of the story which happen a couple of months back with my FIL. I am married to Prakash who at present works in a company as an admin personal at Mumbai. Now I am 34 and I am a mother of a 6 year old girl child, who is studying in a school at Chennai. I have been working as an accountant in a private company in Chennai and since my child too studies at Chennai, we did not think of moving from Chennai. I...

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Masculine Funk

One Wednesday evening, as I was sitting at the bar in a coastal city that renowned for its humidity, I was enjoying the balmy atmosphere as I sipped on a beer. I was very happy that a colleague had recommended this ‘arty’ area to me.The guest lodge I was staying in was charming, and all the shops and restaurants in Roper Road, as the area was referred to, had a lovely vibe. Of course, of special interest to me was the gay flag that I had observed hanging from the first floor of one of buildings...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Luncheon by Vickie Tern Maureen and Claudia were already there when Nicole and I arrived, utterly absorbed in their own conversation, making small gestures to each other with bejeweled, beautifully manicured hands. I saw that they were as carefully dressed and made up as we were, in brocade and silk with subtle eye-shadowing, and I felt glad I'd taken Nicole's advice and worn an outfit I'd originally thought way too dressy for a noon luncheon. This...

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Banged In Police Station

By: Anahitagarwal My husband never allows me to drive his new Honda Jazz fearing that I may damage it. This May, he was out of station for a conference, and I decided to take it out for a movie with friends. Since there was no parking space inside the multiplex, I decided to park it outside, as we were getting late. After the movie was over, and my friend left for her home, I was shocked to find my car missing from the scene. I was afraid that how my husband is going to react when he finds...

3 years ago
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Katyusha Babies

The overland bus leaned into the mountainous turn, as if to give the passengers a better view at the steep mountain side. Desert dust, no plants, only a few large boulders pigmented the drab sight. Regardless, the class was cheery. The rare field trip let them see something other than a ruined city. Mountain peaks, drop offs, and large boulders were still a novel sight, despite their blandness. Never less, the trip itself was exciting enough. The eighteen and nineteen year olds were on their...

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IIT Mumbai Mein Akhri Semester

Hi, this is Daksh Kashyap, graduated from IIT Mumbai. Pichle part ‘IIT Placement Preparation Mein Chudai’ mein maine bataya ki kaise Bidisha ke sath fir se chudai start ho gayi aur meri crush Anvesha ko choda. Ye kahani mein main Anvesha ki gand kaise mari aur last semester kaise bitaya, uske bare mein bataunga. 7 December ko maine Anvesha ko choda tha. Fir 10 December ko humdono ghar (Delhi) jane wale the. Humesha flight se hi jate the par es bar 1st ac train ki booking karayi. Kyuki Isme...

2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 56

Since it was after ten when I finished with Lucinda and Gerome, I wasn’t at all surprised to find Marge and Sandy gone. I was disappointed but not surprised. I rode home in the Soul and stopped at one of those cheap gas outlets. I saw something interesting on their shelf by the check out register. It was a box of mini cookies mixed in with the candy bars. The boxing was cute, I had to admit. We could go with an updated brownie bite stuffed with pot. Lucinda in her true army vet way of...

4 years ago
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Best Friends Mom

I guess it was when i first got together wit my girl's best friend. We hung out for awhile for the summer and there was chemistry going back and forth between us. My girl was getting pretty boring with to many expectations so i was loosing interest. I first realized my fantasy of older women when i saw this girl's mom. Ever since dinner one night at her house, i've fantasized about her. She was such a beautiful woman, 39 years old, great looking body, Long red hair, perfect double d breasts. I...

2 years ago
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Akka selvi udan kaama uravu

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil kudumba kama kathaiyai padithu magizhuvom, en peyar kamal vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku kuda pirantha akka oruthi irukiraal aval peyar selvi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku en akkavai migavum pidikum. Naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu vanthen, akka veetil irunthaal. Avaluku thirumanam seivatharku mapilai paarthu kondu irukiraargal. En sontha akka udan nadantha kaama uravai patri ungaludan pagirugiren, en kalluriyil en nanbargal kama inaiyathalangalil kama kathai...

1 year ago
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My Sisterinlaw BethChapter 17

We were starting to spend as much time together as our schedules allowed. We talked every day, sometimes several times a day, on the phone. The next week flew by and soon we were approaching the weekend again. I had made no plans, but was hoping to see Jennifer as much as possible over the weekend. I was sitting home Thursday night watching TV when my phone rang. Figuring it was Jen, I answered quickly. I was wrong. “Hey Jeff, how are you doing?” asked Beth. “I am doing ok Beth, how are...

2 years ago
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A May Through December RomanceChapter 6

I flew us back to Odessa, taking us to the home of the mother of this whole family. I realized, at one point, that I was married to a godmother. She was the titular head of the Gasst enterprises, the Karloff entities, and matriarch of her own family. The more I learned, the more I understood she was not just a doctor. She actually owned and ran a huge chunk of the Ukraine industrial complex. She set about selling all but about half of her holdings to other companies that would benefit,...

1 year ago
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Sex Without my Husband

Sex Without My HusbandHello, my name is Nicki, married with three c***dren. My husband always tells me I'm a knockout. I have some of the not-so-great leftovers from having my babies but I try to keep in fairly good shape. I have shoulder-length brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a great pair of boobs and smile. My husband is always telling me I am a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be proud to call his wife. It is funny the effect one person can have on another. Take my story...

1 year ago
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All in the FamilysChapter 7

Dot had made an effort to look good for their picnic at Stephanie's on Sunday afternoon. She had her hair cut Saturday, and bought a new black bikini with a high waist silouette, that barely covered her twat, but slimmed her hips. The bra had a loop around her neck, and could be adjusted to pull her boobs up, making them pillow. It was sexy looking, and when she modeled it for Jack Saturday night, he threw her down on the bed and made her cum twice. Matty was again spending the weekend...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 220 Producer

Literary Criticism was only a one semester course, so my new class schedule put Public Oral Communication in that time slot. I couldn't believe I was going to be in yet another speech class, but it was a degree requirement. My record in giving speeches according to the rules of public speaking was uneven. Still, you would think I'd get some credit for doing a half-hour demonstration every week on television. But, no. And I was missing my second class. Instead, Rhonda had a death grip on...

3 years ago
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Did she know

It was one of those long hot summer days that turned cool when the sun went down. We lived on the beach that was right outside of the sliding glass doors beyond the back deck. I had been at the beach most of the day swimming. I had seen my older sister hanging out with some of her friends but I had kept to myself and had been pushing myself at swimming as hard as I could. I had come home and watched some TV but nothing good was on. I shut it off and headed to the kitchen to get something to...

4 years ago
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My Uncle JackChapter 8

When they all entered the room there was about 10 guys. Jack said "well Emma is the fuck slut over there, and Rachael is the slutty sucker. It's a ten pound for each." So first it was my uncle to use and abuse us, then Emma's dad next, then one after the other it was the guys. I was getting more cum then my little mouth could handle. After they fuck Emma I was told me to clean their cocks. Before I finished swallowing one load of cum the next guy was waiting for his turn. I did enjoy it...

3 years ago
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118 in the Shade of Gray

I'm Carlotta "Carly" Tibbs, proprietor of the Yosemite Sam Shooting Range and Sex Toy Emporium. It's one-stop shopping in balmy Bullhead City, Arizona for all gun-toting preverts in the great southwest. I was behind the counter marking down our selection of anal beads made of Saguaro cactus (worst marketing idea since New Coke) when she walked in from the oppressive heat, sweating like Kevin Spacey at an all-boys summer camp. She being Candy DeApple, a friend from long ago. She had packed...

1 year ago
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Zen and the Art of SelfDefense Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Unexpected Reversal I am speechless as I try my hardest to understand exactly what she is asking, or maybe even telling me. After a moment of considering the implications, as my mind just races through everything, I finally get out, " want me, to be a.a girl?" It's very difficult for me to accept that concept, from another person. Looking directly into my eyes, like she's trying to peer into my soul, she quietly and with a sincerity that goes beyond anything...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Bhabi

Hi friends, I am prince a regular reader of ISS me 24 years sal ka ek hata kata ladka hun, meri height 5′ 10″ hai. This is my first experience which am going to share with you. Yeh kahani Mere Padosan ki hai, Un dino me surat me ek kiraye ke ghar lekar apna job kar raha tha. Sayad October ka mahina hoga, Jab me surat aya tabi yahan par koi mere jan pahchan ki nehin the. Iske karan mujhe ghar lene ki thodi taklif hui mere ek dost ne mujhe bataya ki ushki ek dost mere liye room arrange kardega...

3 years ago
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Im his bitch

I’m not gay, and I don’t think of myself as bisexual, or even bi-curious, but Brandon turned me on sometimes. One day we were playing basketball. I was a shirt and Brandon was a skins. Halfway through the game, I said I had to go because I was starting to get a hard-on. I would have had a hard time hiding it because my dick is slightly above-average for my age (about 5” long hard). Seeing the sweat glistening on Brandon’s tan, muscular body was what gave me a boner. He also turned me on...

3 years ago
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A sons dream cum true

I had been preparing this for months and have wanted to dick her for as long as I can remember. My plan brought a masked black man into her house, with a 9 mil in his hand and a 9 inch cock in his pants. He has agreed to only three things. With in 5 min of coming thru her door he first strip us naked then hold my head in-between her legs with my face buried in her pussy for 10 min. Last but not least, lift my face from her pussy and place my cock-head directly between her pussy lips and thrust...

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