Consensual Non Consent true story
- 3 years ago
- 78
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As my Uber turned the corner, I cast one final fleeting and longing glance back to the delipidated house where my wife Lisa was getting her brains fucked out by Carlos, the young gangbanger from her office, all tattoos and muscles.
As we sped away from the scene, I cursed that I had to head home to relieve our babysitter Sharon. The thought that my beautiful thirty-five-year-old wife was getting the fucking of a lifetime from Carlos and his big dick was as hot as hell to me. I knew in my soul that this didn’t represent any kind of threat to Lisa and me. She didn’t love the guy, but was enjoying playing out some kind of long-held fantasy.
The conservatively raised half-Cuban girl being bedded and pleasured by the kind of bad boy gangbanger that Lisa’s mother had always warned her against. And the fact that the guy had a huge cock, reeked of testosterone and danger and that she had her husband’s permission made this a no brainer for my wife.
The drive home took around twenty minutes, each minute my mind filled by the sights and sounds I’d left behind. Lisa’s pussy, exclusively mine for the last fifteen years, stretched obscenely around Carlos’s fat nine-inch dick. My previously faithful wife’s nails raking through the multiple gang tattoos on her work colleague’s chest as she responded to his manhood, much deeper in her guts than she was used to.
The sight of Lisa’s nipples, so much more swollen and harder than normal, sitting proudly atop her swinging boobs as she’d rode Carlos or allowed herself to be banged from behind by him. The sight of their mouths lewdly locked together for long minutes, hardly caring for the necessity of breathing as they gave themselves to each other sexually for the first time, forcing me to wonder where this thing was headed after tonight.
As I arrived home, I thanked Sharon and paid her, wondering if she noticed anything strange or off in my appearance and demeanor. As she closed the front door, I headed upstairs to check on Libby and Caleb. Like parents all over the world, I smiled down at their lovely peaceful faces, filled with love and memories but also a new feeling, wondering how the game Lisa and I were playing fitted in with their innocent lives and needs from their parents. I took a deep breath and sighed.
I wasn’t worried, but I’d have to have been pretty stupid to have zero doubts or second thoughts. It was clear to me that this thing between Lisa and Carlos, the young thug who’d turned my wife’s head these last three months, was a thing of lust and sex, not love. But any man would be a fool to ignore how things can start as one thing and morph in ways never anticipated or dreamed of.
I must have stayed there for a good fifteen or twenty minutes, gazing at our two peaceful little angels, which soothed the raw emotions raging through my aroused but racked mind. Giving them each the gentlest of kisses on the forehead, I headed downstairs and wondered what to do next and how long my purgatory of waiting for Lisa was likely to last. It was just before midnight and as the next day being Saturday there was no pressing cause for Lisa to return. My wife’s young thug lover had proudly told Lisa he was only just getting started with her. A fit young guy like him, all muscles and ego and maybe with a little chemical help, could probably go for hours and hours.
This thought, like so many other things tonight, a double-edged sword which excited and troubled me in equal measure, dominated my brain as I realized I was likely to be in for a long wait. It was with a sense of inevitability and resignation that I poured myself a large drink and sat down for the long wait. Settling in to fill my time with a cocktail of different activities to fill what I reckoned would be a two to three-hour wait. Sometimes enjoying myself replaying my mental video of earlier sights and sounds. Sometimes surfing porn sites. Sometimes trying my damnedest to concentrate on the best that Netflix had to offer, with limited success.
Despite the potent mix of arousal and anxiety, several large glasses of whiskey finally took effect and I dozed off, only to be woken up by the sound of a key in the front door lock. A surge of adrenaline woke me up as I desperately tried to pull myself together, ready and in a fit state to face Lisa, and quite possibly Carlos.
I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I saw only Lisa appear around the corner of the front door, no sign of her Latino beau. She had a satisfied, ‘cat who got the cream’ look on her face, but also looked tired and more than a little drunk.
“Hi honey,” she smiled, slightly slurring her words, sounding like she might add a stereotypical hiccup at any moment.
I felt like a fool, but I was temporarily lost for words, as the two of us just stared at each other. Me looking dumbstruck and shell-shocked, and her looking pleased with herself but not wanting to show it. My chest was pumping, my hands shaking and I could feel the sweat on my forehead, wondering how this was going to play out. It seemed like our eyes were locked together for ages before I finally managed to pull myself together enough to speak.
“Your finally back. Did you have a nice time?” I asked, trying my best to keep my voice even without any hint of accusation or sarcasm, not sure whether I achieved it as my nervy state didn’t aid self-control.
Lisa’s bright red lips, lip-stick smudged and messed, parted into a self-satisfied smile. “I had a lovely time thanks, my love.”
Lisa looked and sounded as if that was all she was going to say, but she seemed to think again, adding with a teasing grin, “My date was the perfect gentleman.”
‘A perfect gentleman’, my ass. A perfect gentleman wouldn’t have screwed the hell out of my beautiful wife, the mother of my children, on a first date. A perfect gentleman wouldn’t have impaled a woman he knew to be married on as much of his huge cock as she could take. And then when she couldn’t take any more, used his big muscles to push with all his strength until she’d taken the last two fat inches of his cock. Putting them heaven knows where in her ruined little pussy.
A perfect gentleman wouldn’t have banged a wife and mother relentlessly until she gave up more orgasms in one evening than she normally enjoyed in a month with her poor husband. So, yeah, I wasn’t sure ‘a perfect gentleman’ was the right description for Lisa’s date. Mister Carlos. Mister Gangbanger with the tats, the muscles and the buzz of bad boy danger.
My brain felt like an overloaded circuit board as it tried to process all of these thoughts about Carlos ‘the perfect gentleman’ – at the same time as my tired and recently sleeping eyes took in all the details of Lisa’s appearance. The way her make-up, so perfect and carefully applied when she’d kissed me goodbye, was now smudged and ruined by several hours of hungry male attention. The way my wife’s large 34D boobs pressed braless against the thin fabric of her yellow mini dress. Her nipples, still obvious and excited from her hours of love play with another man. Her face flushed and pink like someone who's been on a long bracing country walk, although in Lisa’s case the cause of her flushed cheeks was altogether less innocent and wholesome.
The way the considerable portion of her chest exposed by her yellow neckline showed plenty of reddened finger marks, and at least three love bites. Love bites which were matched on both sides of Lisa’s elegant neck. The way my wife’s eyes sparkled from the excitement and newness of the last few hours. Her eyes only slightly dulled by tiredness and alcohol, and no doubt energized by thoughts of likely future trysts,
“Honey, are you okay?” her voice just momentarily no longer teasing, showing instead a hint of concern.
I suddenly heard Lisa’s voice as it snapped me out of my brain overload and trance.
“Uhh, yeah, sorry. I was a million miles away.”
Lisa looked at me, and I could tell she was in two minds as to whether to say something, eventually deciding against if I judged her expression correctly.
Instead of whatever she’d planned to say, she opted for platitude and to turn the switch a little higher on the ‘let’s tease hubby a bit’ knob.
“Boy, I’m whacked. My date loves to dance. My feet feel like they’ll take a week to recover. If you don’t mind honey, I’m going upstairs to get some sleep.”
The way my beautiful and teasing wife said ‘dance’ sent another jolt of electricity down my spine. 'Yeah, right. He loves to dance. And you love to let him ‘dance’ you. To be strictly accurate, my darling wife, you love letting him ‘dance’ the fuck out of you. To dance the fuck out of you till you can’t dance anymore. Until you’re all danced out, my darling.'
Slowly my shell-shocked state was beginning to recede and the normal Adam was returning. As Lisa walked past me heading for the stairs, I reached out and stopped her by the arm.
“Is that it, honey? Is that all you’re going to tell me? He was ‘the perfect gentleman’. He ‘loves to dance.’ Is that all you’re going to tell me? I’ve been to hell and back here, waiting for you. Aren’t you going to tell me anything more? Like what’s his name, where you went, what you did?”
When she wants, Lisa can be a world-class actress, in a ‘hammy’ kind of way.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, honey. I just thought it would be more fun if I kept you guessing. Kept you on your toes, like a good hubby,” her tone and smile that of the biggest tease this side of the state line.
As she watched her loving and frustrated husband’s jaw drop to the floor as she dangled me out to dry, she slipped a playful verbal stiletto clean threw my ribs, kissing me tenderly on the cheek so I wouldn’t see it coming. “Adam, honey, I did warn you that I might not be ready to talk about it or let you watch for some time. Honey, you do remember that was part of our deal, don’t you? I do hope you’re going to be a gentleman and stick to our deal.”
I felt like screaming and shouting, ‘right, just like your perfect gentleman date, the perfect gentleman who’s just banged you to heaven and back, banged you so hard I’m surprised you're still able to walk.’ But I bit my tongue and released Lisa’s arm and watched her walk towards the stairs, swinging her ass to give me another message. ‘Yes, Adam, you’ve got a wife who is sexy as hell, who despite being thirty-five and a mother of two is rediscovering the fun she had before she met you at college and who’s going to tease you until you go out of your mind.’
As the tight and high hemline of that new yellow mini dress, bought for her date, not me, swished left and right and as her matching five-inch heels click-clacked across the floor I finally lost it. I strode up behind Lisa and pulled the short hem up until it was on her hips and thrust my hand between her legs as I pushed her forward so her hands were resting on the third or fourth step of the stairs.
“Adam,” my startled wife squealed in genuine shock and surprise. But I didn’t care one jot, as my left hand pushed down on her left shoulder and my right hand stroked her fat swollen pussy, not remotely surprised that her ‘perfect gentleman’ had seemingly kept her panties as a trophy of his night conquering my wife.
‘Adam,” she repeated as I spun her around by her shoulder, this time the tone she used telling me ‘no’ rather than signaling surprise. But I ignored her voice, insane with lust and determined to see the full extent of what the young gangbanger had done to her and to reclaim her for myself as best I could.
Lisa was now sitting on the bottom step facing me, the hem of her dress still wrapped around her waist putting her pussy on display. I dropped my hand from her shoulder and feverishly pushed one leg open, surprised by the way she smiled at me and willingly pushed her other leg wide in the other direction. Almost proud as she helped me to put her battered and damaged pussy on display, proudly displaying the damage done by her ‘perfect gentleman’ as he’d danced the fuck out of her.
There was no hint of shame or embarrassment as she caught me staring at her battered and bloated pussy. Swollen and still gaping open a good half an hour after she’d returned from her four or five-hour fuckfest with her young Latin lover. Her love lips distended and stretched, wide in what seemed a permanent ‘O’ shape, offering a perfect inverted plaster cast of the young gangbangers thick over-sized cock.
I gazed between my wife’s legs as she stared at my face, my brain flashing on red alert as I suddenly thought about contraception and safety. I’d seen it at the time but had been too excited and anxious to really understand, but now I could think of nothing else as I saw the way the young gangbanger's semen bubbled and oozed outwards from the depths of my wife’s body. I wondered just how many loads he’d pumped deep into my wife before he’d claimed her panties, patted her on her ass and sent her on her way back to her hubby.
Seeing his juices bubbling away, the weirdest of salves for Lisa’s destroyed pussy, left me feeling weirdly excited. A man shouldn’t feel like this, watching another guy’s competing DNA winking at him from within the love channel of his wife. But I did feel like this, even as I made a mental note that Lisa had to get a morning-after pill when the shops opened, as a persistent little voice whispered about the dangers of STDs.
“Dancing does strange things to the body, you know,” my unabashed wife told me through a half-playful half evil smile.
Still staring at what had once been my exclusive property (at least if you ignore all her boyfriends before we dated) I was torn by an overwhelming desire to touch and explore her newly changed pussy. But some hidden fear and hesitation held my hand in check every time it made to move forward. Maybe like a guy feels as he makes to reach out and pet a particularly dangerous breed of dog, or a venomous snake or spider or something.
Finally, I overcame my fear and revulsion and touched my fingers to those sore lips and bloated ‘O’ shape. Lisa was so slick and wet, and I felt a real physical shiver run down my spine as I realized I was for the first time in my life touching another guy’s jizz. Touching his semen and seed as it bubbled out from deep within my woman.
I guess most guys are deeply homophobic at core, and I felt a deep revulsion at the thought my fingers were now coated with a mix of the young gangbangers seed and the juices my wife had made to lubricate his passage deep into her body. As her body and its feminine wiles had made her body ready for the man she’d wanted tonight, while she thought her loving husband was at home looking after her kids. But what I felt was a revulsion mixed with an irresistible fascination. And it was this fascination that drove me to thrust first one, then two and finally three fingers deep and repeatedly into Lisa’s gaping pussy.
“You slut, look at your battered pussy, Lisa. What have you done?” I told her, my voice tight with a strangled exasperation, my face still staring at the battered war zone, rather than looking up and at the woman herself.
“Dancing’s hard work. Physically exhausting, honey. You can’t expect it to do nothing. Have no impact.”
Maybe it should have annoyed me, Lisa’s continued pretense that this was all just about dancing. Her continued refusal to admit what she’d done and give me any details. But I found it strangely exciting. All part of the game we’d been playing from earlier that night when I’d come home to see her dressing for a date about which I’d known nothing. Even though she’d assisted me in splaying her legs wide so we could both admire the evidence of her repeated adulterous indiscretions, she still wasn’t giving it up. Still sticking to her story.
With three fingers knuckle deep in Lisa’s slick pussy, I slowly rotated them. First left, then back right. Repeating a couple of times just for good measure.
“You’re a slut, Mrs. Lisa Reilly. You know that? You’re a stretched, well-fucked, full of spunk, adulterous, cheating slut.”
My voice was still strangled with emotion, but Lisa could tell there was no hint of anger or hurt in my voice. Just an excited admission that Lisa had finally done what I’d been gently nagging her to do this last year.
With a smile that mixed love and gentle mockery, she touched the side of my face.
“Maybe, darling. But I’m your slut, baby. Always your slut. Now I need my big strong man to take me and fuck me. To take me to bed and reclaim me. Before the kids wake up and we’re back to being mummy and daddy for the rest of the day.”
Shit, I loved this woman. I may have been the one who’d nagged for the last year, but who was I kidding. I was far outmatched by this sexy, exciting and smart woman. My mind went back to how sexy and provocative she’d been back at college, in the first flush of excitement before work and kids had dulled her palette. Back then she’d always been eager and keen to try new things, and as we’d discovered each other I’d known then that she’d had more lovers and more experience than me.
And now, as she sat, legs splayed wide with another guy’s jizz bubbling from between her legs, I was watching the living breathing resurrection of that woman. As just for a few hours she cast off the shackles of the daily grind. I knew we both loved our kids and our life more than anything, but just for a few hours, it felt wild and wonderful to escape into an alternative, parallel world.
I may not have had the wide shoulders and muscular frame of her young gangbanger date, but I was plenty strong enough to pick Lisa up in my arms and carry her up the stairs to reclaim what was mine. Grateful for the width of the staircase in our old house, as Lisa’s legs and their five-inch heeled extensions only banged the sides a couple of times.
I stood her by the end of the bed and pulled that tight little mini dress all the way up and over her shoulders, Lisa for once silent and submissive as she obediently raised her arms towards the sky to make my job easier. Thinking how her young Latin friend had stripped her in the opposite direction, as her sexy body was exposed for a second time in one night for the pleasure of the city’s male population.
Seeing the marks and branding left on her by Carlos had been exciting enough the first time, but now seeing them again but without the backdrop of clothing seemed to make them even more exciting. It was like they were on display, the young gangbanger's branding of the woman he’d now claimed as his. Before sending her back temporarily to the man to whom she had belonged, in the past, before his big Latin dick had claimed her and changed all of that.
They say that for us humans, sex takes place mainly in the mind, and that’s exactly how I felt as I stopped staring at Lisa’s newly branded body and threw her onto the bed, taking care to make sure those slutty heels stayed in place. Originally bought and strapped on for another man’s pleasure, I wanted them in place for my pleasure now, whether Lisa wanted it or not.
I dropped my boxers and pants in record time, and leaped onto the bed with an energy I’d not known in many a year, maybe not since Lisa and I had first dated and enjoyed our daily explorations. As I grasped my cock and placed it at the entrance to Lisa’s body, just for a moment I was struck by how much smaller the thing in my hand was than what Lisa had touched and held and played with earlier.
Maybe only half as thick and just more than half the length. But it was a thought I found strangely compelling and exciting. Painful and embarrassing for sure, but there was an inexplicable masochistic pleasure to dwelling on this unflattering comparison.
Mentally shaking my head to shake off this thought, I sank my normal sized cock into the hole it had sunk into so many times before. The hole where we’d loved and laughed and made two wonderful mini-humans, who were sleeping peacefully just down the corridor as mummy and daddy played a new and exciting game. Slept peacefully as daddy gladly remembered why he’d fitted a lock on the door just after they were born.
Lisa’s hole felt different. Wetter, slicker and a whole lot looser. I sank all the way in without trying, suddenly balls deep in Lisa’s welcoming body.
“I love you, Adam, honey,” she lovingly smiled up at me. These were exactly the words my heart and soul needed to hear at that moment in time. My feelings totally screwed up and mixed. Fifty percent love for this woman, fifty percent arousal, and fifty percent fear and anxiety at how easily I’d slid in. As I recalled just how much bigger the last cock Lisa had taken was compared to the one, I was able to give her.
Just for a moment, the sex part of my brain went on pause, as I looked into the eyes of this wonderful woman. A woman whose every thought and hope I felt I knew. I felt I knew and shared every inch of her mind, soul and heart. Our bodily union a mirror and expression of that union of two souls and hearts.
“I love you, Lisa,” I smiled down at her, pushing with every ounce of my energy to get as far into Lisa as I could, my insecurities after seeing her young gangbanger forcing me to try my best.
The way she looked up at me made it all feel better, that look telling me that whatever physical pleasures she’d enjoyed earlier, this was different. This was love, and I was the man she loved and to whom she’d given her heart.
My worry that I’d lost a big or a little piece of Lisa tonight eased and rowed back into the distance, as I leant down and our lips and tongues touched and then rediscovered each other. What started as tentative and exploratory, soon transforming into the hunger of a passionate reconnection. What was wonderful was the way I sensed Lisa needed to reconnect and feel me deep inside her just as much as I needed to feel the same union.
As our lips and tongues reconnected after a first night apart for fifteen years, my hips started their natural motion as I worked myself in and out of Lisa, my wife quietly moaning her pleasure as I felt the frictionless sensation of a stretch and already filled pussy. Partly glad that the lack of friction and tightness delayed my climax, partly both humbled and aroused by the same lack and what it meant. Trying to ignore these thoughts, my hips kept pumping and Lisa kept moaning and gently smiling.
There were no intense climaxes or squeals or sobs of passion as Carlos had dragged from her over and over again. Instead, there were two sets of eyes connected and understanding the same thing. Part of the game, a gentle tease in Lisa’s eyes as she willed me on, her legs now wrapped around my back and pulling me.
“Come on, honey. Do me, fuck me. Reclaim me, honey, take me back,” her voice gentle and loving, but with just an undercurrent of something else, something comparing me and telling me how I was doing versus her earlier young Latin lover.
We made love like this for some time, and I soon sensed that Lisa wasn’t going to cum again. At first, this spurred me on to try harder, then it made me a little sad but then this sadness was joined by a strange bittersweet pleasure as I gave myself over to enjoying her obvious love towards me. It was like she was saying it didn’t matter darling, I’ve had enough climaxes tonight, just cum in me and enjoy yourself. So that’s what I did as I moaned and looked into her eyes one last time before we kissed and I thrust, feeling her wrap me up even tighter as I pumped and pumped and finally came back down from the mountain top.
I was surprised at how energized and loving Lisa was throughout the whole of the next day. It was Saturday and so it was a family day. Despite how tired she’d looked when she returned home from her five-hour fuckfest with Carlos, she seemed full of beans. She was up before me and spent much of the day doing things with Caleb and Libby.
She had a wonderful glow and energy about her, and she seemed to want to cuddle and snuggle up to me at every opportunity. I wasn’t complaining, and it was maybe what my ego and heart needed at this delicate point after what had happened the night before. It was like Lisa was trying to say ‘thanks’ and ‘I love you’ through actions and gestures rather than words, which I guess was wise given the kids were around.
Towards evening time, I caught Lisa texting a couple of times. My IQ told me that she could have been texting or messaging any number of her close girlfriends. But there was something in her expression and body language that told me that she was secretly communicating with Carlos. It was something in her slightly closed shoulder and body shape, allied to a slightly furtive and flushed face that told me this was no normal message to one of her girlfriends.
Lisa was new to this game and so when the kids were safely watching a movie and Lisa disappeared to the toilet for a minute, I took the opportunity to quickly examine the texts,
C: I loved fucking you last night L… you’ve got a great body and a sweet pussy… You know I’m going to fuck you again on Monday at work. don’t you...? Horse
L: It was wonderful… I thought you were going to split me in two … If I’d have known how amazing it would have been, I’d have let you fuck me months ago, L
C: I guess we got a lot of catching up to do… can you get away from your husband tonight or tomorrow night… I want to fuck that sweet pussy of yours some more L… Horse
L: LOL… I’m not sure. I had some explaining to do, told him I went out with girlfriends and we drank too much. Luckily, he didn’t look at my body too closely. Let me see what I can do, L
C: I’ll make it worth your while… I’ll fuck you real, good… make you beg for mercy… fuck your sweet little pussy until you can hardly walk and then send you back to hubby… Horse
I only just managed to put Lisa’s phone down just in time, and later that evening when I had a chance to look again the incriminating messages had been deleted. Only Day One, and Lisa was learning fast how to play this new ‘cheating’ game.
When Caleb and Libby had gone to bed, I toyed with pushing Lisa to tell me more about her secret night of passion with her young gangbanger, but decided against it as something about keeping it in the dark seemed to make it more exciting and erotic.
I volunteered to put the kids to bed and read them their bedtime story, and as I quietly pulled Caleb’s bedroom door shut and went into our bedroom, I half wondered if I’d see Lisa again donning some sexy outfit to head out for some fictitious meeting or dancing appointment.
In honesty, I was fifty percent happy and fifty percent disappointed when I opened our bedroom door to see Lisa sitting propped up in bed reading her latest book.
Sunday followed a very similar pattern, and I can honestly say it was maybe one of the best and most exciting days I’d enjoyed since we’d married fifteen years ago. We headed to the local zoo and we were a happy family enjoying a great day out. But two or three exciting and enriching things were definitely new and improved.
Lisa had the same energy and glow as she’d had on Saturday, and she was absolutely wonderful with the kids. Maybe spurred on by the new excitement and experiences in her own life, maybe spurred on by a sense of guilt? Who knows? The kids and I both benefited from this new, more energized and loving mum and wife.
Don’t get me wrong, she’d been an amazing mum and wife before. This was just like going from Gold to a Lifetime Achievement and Hall of Fame place.
And for me, there was the frisson of excitement of wondering at any moment if her phone would buzz with a new incoming message and she’d somehow find a way to read it and reply without me seeing it. And as the day went on, this frisson was joined by its big brother as I wondered if and when Lisa would concoct some story as to why she’d be going out that evening.
We got back from the zoo at around five p.m. and I’d volunteered to cook dinner. Lisa was somewhere upstairs and the munchkins were for once playing nice like a ten-year-old brother and eight-year-old sister rarely do, and I’d just about resigned myself to another quiet evening at home when there was a ring at the front door.
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HOW I GOT MY MOM TO START CHEATING BLACK ON MY DAD I want to write my story to share so that maybe some others can take this chance too. I was reading stories here on the Internet for a couple years and I could never tell what was real. My favorite stories are all where a white mother would get to cheat on her husband to start having sex with some black men. I think it is just the dirtiest sex that I can imagine.My own mom is named Leta Karlstrom and I always knew she was really sexy. It was...
It was a beautiful afternoon, so I decided to wash and dry clothes and hang them out on the line for a change. I know it sounds old fashioned, but living in the country, a lot of people still use clothes lines. Drying on a breeze, clothes get to smell really fresh.I washed a couple loads and hung them out. Lovely. But, back in the house — disaster. There was water all over the floor, pouring from my washer. My first step was to quickly turn off the supply to the machine. I started to mop up the...
CheatingThe evening wasn't going well! My wife and I had been invited to the evening reception at a friend's wedding. On the way, we had an argument and so had ended up sitting at the reception not talking to each other.My twenty-five-year-old wife Jane was beautiful and sexy and looked stunning in the short dress she was wearing. I had been looking forward to being with her and having a good time, but that was spoiled now. The DJ put on a slow song and the best man came over and asked my wife to...
CheatingI have a style that keeps me away from using too much bad language or giving too much detail... I expect the reader to fill in the details. On the other hand I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to write a smut laden story full of genital dripping filth. I have had this urge before but the characters in the story wouldn’t allow me to do as I wished and hijacked the piece into one of my previous efforts.I am hoping to overcome my natural resistance to bad language and use lots of it in an over...
I just found out that my daughter told my husband of 19 years that I have had numerous affairs with co-workers while we lived in West Virginia and that I had not stopped cheating on him after we moved here to Florida. I feel so betrayed by my daughter that she would tell him about more than 10 affairs that she knew of while we lived in West Virginia. She even told him that she knew that I never stopped screwing around on him when we moved here to get away from what I had done in West Virginia....
His eyes darted wildly to either side of the house as he rang the doorbell for a second time, fearing that his girlfriend would show up early to see her friend. Todd was meeting Harper, his girlfriend’s best friend, at her house for a quick fuck before the two girls were going to meet to practice some new cheers.Harper liked playing things dangerously and cutting things close, Todd not so much; he didn’t find the concept of almost getting caught as sexy as she did. It wasn’t as if he had much...
CheatingWell what did I do to deserve this!!! Here I was tied up and blindfolded in my own BDSM playroom. So I cheated on my wife with my neighbor Carol, it was just a blowjob and after all; Carol was the one who asked to suck my thick seven inch cock. I did not deserve to be tied up to our bed and “ambushed” by my wife and Carol. My wife must have been really pissed; I got five lashes with a thick leather belt followed by being “pegged” by my wife in my virgin asshole. It really hurt at first, but...
I was a confused and bewildered man as I stood there in the unkempt backyard of Lisa’s boyfriend's dilapidated wood-sided house. My iron-hard cock and adrenaline rush confirmed just how excited I was as I watched Lisa’s willing participation in this mini-gangbang. But another part of my brain and heart wondered where this road we were on was leading. I’d been enjoying the excitement and rush, knowing this was just about sex and love and didn’t represent any kind of a threat to the love and...
Wife LoversIt all happened in a whirlwind. One minute I was cooking the family dinner, kids sat contentedly in front of Uncle Netflix, wife location undetermined somewhere upstairs. Next minute the doorbell goes, the clip-clop of heels on wooden staircase, kiss on cheek and a brief ‘don’t wait up honey’ and door opened and closed.And then there were three.I heard the car reverse out, saw its lights swing through the kitchen window and was just in time to see the logo of the cab company as it accelerated...
Wife Lovers“Mr. Chandler!!!!” Todd turned at hearing his name called. A sixteen year old beauty was facing him. Wholesome good looks, perky breasts, and a tiny waist perched atop a delightful bubble butt, tapering down to a pair of gorgeous gams, aptly displayed by her Daisy Dukes. Her low slung shorts exposed her hip bones, and her belly shirt showed off her tight stomach. Her belly button peeked out of the bottom of her shirt. She showed off a deep summer tan. But not that he would notice that sort of...
One night I went to see a friend of mine at his house, when I got there and he let me in, we sat in front of the tv watching a movie and chatted for a bit. He said that he was going to get something from the other room and left. A few minutes later he called out to me saying he wanted to show me something so I got up and walked down the hallway, looking in each room to see where he was. When I got to the room he was in, I found him laying naked on the bed, I walked up to him and he started...
I looked over my left shoulder and good looks slapped me in my face. He could have been Brad Pitt’s twin brother. He was about 6’2” with tan skinned and dark blond hair. He repeated his question, “May I join you tomorrow? You two had quite an orgasmic excursion.” Well damn. How could this man discern what was going on underneath our skirts? Let me deny his claims and dodge the embarrassment. I squinted my eyes a bit in an attempt to express stupid confusion and I said, “Excuse me, what did you...
I was on vacation in the Big Easy. I meandered into a crowded watering hole in the French Quarter, and planted my round bum on the sole vacant barstool in the joint. I gently gestured to the bartender who was busy preparing a slew of mixed drinks. She nodded and mouthed, “One minute.” I smiled again, adjusted my bra strap, and nodded back. Five minutes later, I ordered a hurricane and opened a tab. The room buzzed with light laughter and chitchat. I watched a smoke plume travel toward the...
I was on vacation in the Big Easy. I meandered into a crowded watering hole in the French Quarter, and planted my round bum on the sole vacant barstool in the joint. I gently gestured to the bartender who was busy preparing a slew of mixed drinks. She nodded and mouthed, “One minute.” I smiled again, adjusted my bra strap, and nodded back. Five minutes later, I ordered a hurricane and opened a tab. The room buzzed with light laughter and chitchat. I watched a smoke plume travel toward the...
LesbianWe meet at a motel where I have a room. You come in through a side door and make your way to my number so you are not seen by the front desk. Knocking, the door opens allowing you to quickly slip in. As I look over the beautiful girl in front of me I can only stare as I admire your sexy body. The shorts and tight shirt show off the wonderful curves you possess while you stand there with lips slightly parted breathing heavy. You look as nervous as I am and I can see you trembling. I reach out...
I’ve spent a large amount of time reading stories on this site, finally thought to put up one of mine too. This would not be your quick story, so read ahead expecting the same, it has the background and the story slowly built up. This being my first story, I would welcome and appreciate all your reviews and advices via email on . The incident in this story is absolutely true and I would withhold names for obvious privacy reasons. I am currently 22 years old and the girl, though my senior is of...
One night I went to see a friend of mine at his house, when I got there and he let me in, we sat in front of the tv watching a movie and chatted for a bit. He said that he was going to get something from the other room and left. A few minutes later he called out to me saying he wanted to show me something so I got up and walked down the hallway, looking in each room to see where he was. When I got to the room he was in, I found him laying naked on the bed, I walked up to him and he started...
TabooSome people get off on control, or being controlled. Of losing power to another, of holding it over someone else. These people can, on occasion, find each other. Sometimes, the people in these relationships, or groups, can get carried away. They might even think of it as part of the fun. Other times, they may have rules set in place that keeps things sane. No matter what the circumstance is, no matter how many people are involved, only one thing is constant: a shared desire. A craving to...
Mind ControlFree Indirect Discourse At long last the night had arrived. Sandy checked over the apartment one more time just to be sure everything was perfect. She had an impressive assortment of wine and liquor and a beautiful tray of finger food arranged on her modest coffee table. She had brought in several chairs from the dining room to make sure that everyone would have a place to sit. Plus, the dining room chairs would be easy to arrange once the entertainment arrived – she wanted to make sure...
Catherine With the induction complete, Mistress Catherine could now address the audience that was staring, stunned, at the two hypnotized women before them. With a playful smile she asked, "Is there anyone here who doesn't believe in hypnosis?" The women watching the spectacle in front of them merely laughed. "So whatever shall we do with these two?" There was a brief moment of silence before Shirley broke the ice: "Tell Penny to give Sandy a huge raise!" This got everyone...
Catherine The four women who had just watched one of their best friends have sex with her boss right in front of them paused for just a moment before erupting in clapping and cheers. Eve turned on the room lights and then turned off the two spotlights before the women collected themselves enough to speak. "That was absolutely amazing," said Shirley. "Do you still think that Penny didn't want that to happen?" Mistress Catherine asked her. "No, I think it was pretty clear that she was...
Moments after Eve had gotten herself cleaned up, a light rain began to fall, spattering the windshield. Just over the patter of the drops, the two women heard voices. Looking towards the apartment complex, Eve saw the front door open and three young women walked out: Shirley, Mila, and Casey. Mindy was mysteriously absent. "Hmmm" Mistress thought, "perhaps I can move things a bit faster than I had planned." Once the three women had gotten into their cars and pulled away, Mistress...
Sandy Still lost in her first hypnotic trance, Sandy heard a voice float into her mind. "Sandy, can you hear me?" Sandy's mind and body were still quivering from the wave of orgasms she had just had as she and her boss had had passionate and mindless sex in front of all of her friends. Even as she basked in the hypnotic haze of pleasure and arousal that filled her, her Mistress's words still rang clearly in her mind – they were the only coherent sensations in a mind otherwise teeming...
Sandy For a moment, Sandy simply stared at Mistress Catherine, at a complete loss for words. Images of her hypnotist returning to plunge her back into trance, then filling her body with orgasm after orgasm until the sun began to rise flitted unbidden through her mind. Finally, the more practical part of her brain won out and she stammered a greeting. "H-hi. I, I just realized I never paid you for your time..." Sandy's eyes fell meekly to the floor as a flush crept over her face. She had...
Sandy When Sandy finally heard the word, "Sleep," her mind simply shut off. She lay on the couch, utterly relaxed, and utterly aroused, but these sensations had become pure, overwhelming abstractions, she had no ability to name or comprehend the feelings that jolted throughout her body. She was utterly open, receptive, and submissive. With no concept of time, Sandy didn't know how long she remained in that state, but eventually, her Mistress's words took form in her mind. "Stand up,...
Mindy had always known that she was attracted to Sandy, but, for years, had been too afraid to let her feelings be known. Instead, she would spend time with her as friends, only to masturbate when she was alone while thinking about her beautiful friend – her friend who knew nothing of Mindy's feelings for her. But now, maybe that would change. With the storm passing by and only a light rain on the window, Mindy now sat on her heels on the bed, her arms crossed behind her, her breasts thrust...
Mistress Catherine smiled down upon the two girls – Sandy passed out from the overwhelming stream of orgasms that had outlasted her body, and Mindy lying on top of her in a hypnotic trance. Both women's bodies twitched occasionally from the massive orgasms that had so recently flooded their senses. It had been a good night, Mistress Catherine thought. But, glancing at the clock on the wall, she realized that it was time to bring it to a close. Besides, if she made Sandy cum any more the poor...
Penny awoke remembering only her Mistress's command: no matter how aroused she might be, no matter how intense her desire for climax, she could not come until the taste of honey touched her tongue. As her eyes opened from her trance and awareness returned to her, she could feel the cold stone at her back. Her arms and legs were trapped in cuffs that were attached to the wall via short chains, keeping her in an "X" position balanced precariously on the tall heels that, together with her...
When Penny arrived, she found that Mistress Catherine's office was not what she was expecting. Rather than being some seedy den covered in velvet tapestries and full of old, fluffy couches, with incense burning in the corner and hookah pipes strewn across oversized furniture, Penny found that it was a sensible office with a comfortable reception area, a clean and organized reception desk, and soft, but professional lighting. As Penny entered, she approached the front desk, a little unsure...
Sandy didn't know how long she knelt in that position, nor did she have any idea what time it was. The sun had gone down by the time she finally heard the door creak open. When it did, Sandy fought the urge to look up at her Mistress – though she desperately wanted to gaze upon the woman who would dominate her, she also wanted Mistress to see her subservience. She kept her gaze downcast and waited. Footsteps approached and eventually Sandy saw a pair of heeled boots enter her vision. Then...
Sandy heard the sound of fingers snapping several times very near her face and felt her mind racing up out of the depths of the trance that had taken her. She had been so deep that she had no idea how long she had been under, or what had transpired since she had made her fateful decision and kissed the beautiful collar. Her eyes slowly opened and her body was once again capable of sensations other than pure lust and arousal. She found herself kneeling, still naked except for the heels on her...
Once again, snapping fingers brought Sandy out of her trance. As her mind rushed back to consciousness, her eyes slowly opened, and she gasped as her arousal still thrilled through her body. She could still feel the collar around her neck, and just knowing that it was there seemed to ignite every nerve ending in her body. She also knew that Mistress had implanted new suggestions in her mind, but she couldn't remember what they were. This sense of helplessness only heightened her...
When Sandy awoke she was once again hanging in bonds, but now with her back to a brick wall. Her arms and legs were trapped in the position of an "X" by a set of metal brackets that were attached to the wall. She was still completely naked except for the heels that remained on her feet and the collar that marked her slavery. The memory of what had transpired flooded her mind, and she could still feel a great deal of sexual energy flowing through her – she had blacked out because her body...
It had been exactly five nights since Mistress had hypnotized Mindy. Five nights since Mindy had made passionate love to Sandy. Five nights since Mindy had been sexually satisfied. Mindy knew how long it had been. She could be even more specific than days – she knew how many hours and, if she thought about it for any length of time, could probably say how many minutes it had been. It was all she thought about: that night, that one wonderful, erotic night. She imagined Sandy's naked body...
Mindy's trance felt different than her first trance of so many nights ago. When Mistress had first hypnotized her that night, she had collapsed, going limp and falling into a deep hypnotic sleep. This time, she had not been told to sleep. She had simply been told to close her eyes. And she had obeyed. As she drifted in trance, she imagined what she must look like to anyone in the restaurant who happened to look her way. They would see a young woman in a nice dress sitting still with her...
When Penny's alarm woke her up on Thursday it took all of her will to pull herself out of bed. She had thought that escaping the erotic dreams of Mistress Catherine would allow her to finally get a decent night's rest, but she had been wrong. Since her encounter with Mistress on Monday the dreams had stopped, but in their place was a strange sort of half-insomnia that, instead of leaving her feeling refreshed and ready for the day, left her groggy and sluggish. That her sleep had been so...
Mistress stared down at Penny for several moments as the overwhelmed woman's eyes continued to brim with tears. Penny stared back, wondering what Mistress would do to entrance her. Was it already happening? Was this stare part of the induction? As she continued to look into Mistress's eyes she almost could feel herself falling into the trance that she suddenly realized she so desperately wanted. Any thoughts of slipping into hypnosis disappeared with a single word from...
Sandy showed up to work on Friday in a state of excitement and euphoria. The past week had been unlike anything that she ever thought she'd experience. First, she had spent Monday night being utterly dominated – sometimes while hypnotized, but most of the time while she was consciously aware of what was happening. And yet, she had enjoyed every second of it – giving herself to her Mistress completely. Then, on Wednesday night, she had gone home only to find a package waiting for her at her...
The next time that Sandy was able to collect a conscious thought, she was naked, cuffed and collared. The cuffs one her wrists were bound together behind her back, and a chain connected the cuffs on her ankles, limiting her movement. She was vaguely aware that she was in her Mistress's home once again. She could faintly recollect entering the large house, being stripped and collared, bathing, having her hair dried and styled, and being led back through the house by a leash. Then, a single...
Penny only hesitated for a moment. After all, what choice did she have? If she didn't follow Mistress, she'd be alone in her office, naked under the trench coat, with her hands cuffed behind her back. She'd have to call for help, and there would be no way to explain all of this. With a whole new wave of arousal sweeping over her, Penny walked out of the office and quickly caught up with Mistress. Thankfully, it was a good bit past five, so the office was mostly empty. Still, Penny felt as...
When Penny had finally fallen into hypnosis, Mistress had quickly deepened her trance. Penny had gone so deep that she barely remembered anything that happened afterwards. She had a very vague memory of leaving the car, and of being bathed, but these were vague images more than memories. She also knew that Mistress had given her a few commands, but that she didn't need to remember them consciously. One thing that she had remained aware of, though, was her intense arousal. As she drifted,...
Snap! Penny blinked twice as consciousness returned. Her body still tingled from the eruption of pleasure that had overtaken her before she went into trance. Her sex ached from all of the orgasms that Mistress had ripped from her body, and all of her muscles felt completely exhausted. Her nipples still ached as well, and Penny realized that the nipple clamps were still on them. It seemed that they throbbed with each beat of her pulse. Still, Penny felt wonderful. She was sexually spent,...
When Sandy awoke the next morning, she felt as though she might burst from the level of happiness that was filling her. She was lying in a soft, comfortable bed, completely naked except for her collar, which was chained to a bolt in the wall. Still, there was enough slack in the chain for her to be comfortable, and even to move around in the large bed. She even had enough slack to get to the small toilet that she discovered right next to the bed. Sandy looked at her surroundings, and found...
Eve and I were roommates in college. I was well aware of my attraction to women when I got there as a freshman, so when, at the beginning of our junior year, Eve and I first met in our new dorm room, I knew I wanted her right away. She was so beautiful, and so strong, and yet there was an intense vulnerability to her that drew me in right from the start. She hadn't ever been with a woman, though, so for the first several months I just kept my feelings to myself. Every once in a while it...
As I saw Eve give in to Mistress Catherine, my mind was bombarded by equally powerful sensations of hot, burning arousal, and deep, crushing despair. Standing over Eve, Mistress Catherine seemed to radiate power with such intensity that I didn't, even for a moment, blame or resent Eve for yielding. I knew that there was no resisting the full, focused power of Mistress Catherine's will. But seeing the love of my life under the spell of another woman – a woman who seemed intent upon...
"I think we'd better stop there," Jenny said to Sandy. "Huh ... what? Oh..." Sandy replied, suddenly coming back to the present. She had been so enraptured by Jenny's story that she had practically forgotten where she was. "You aren't really focusing much on the dishes – some of them aren't even completely clean. Mistress won't have that. For your own sake, I think I'd better just let you focus on the task at hand." "What, no. It's okay. I can focus." "I don't think so....