Prick Van WinkleChapter 16 free porn video

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The next day, when Betty dropped Bob off at Gus' office, they took Sally along. She and Betty were going to go what they called "quilting" while Gus and Bob did their thing. After the women left, Bob got in Gus' car, a ten year old Buick. It was about three different colors, but ran well. Amalgamated had a parking garage in the basement of the headquarters building and the attendant was recalcitrant initially. Gus had foreseen this possibility and handed the attendant a piece of paper with an internal company phone number on it.

"Call that number." he said calmly. "Tell them Mr. Gunderson and his client are here."

This was a different Gus Gunderson than Bob had ever seen before. Not only did he have a fresh haircut, he was wearing a clean, pressed suit. It wasn't expensive, but it certainly wasn't a Hawaiian shirt either. Bob had decided to appear as he now dressed routinely. He wore something called a Guayabera shirt, which he liked because it had a multitude of pockets on it. Loose tan slacks and sandals completed his outfit. He'd examined what he called "Keds" with a detailed fascination but wouldn't buy any. He said they looked like monster feet, with their garish colors and clear impact absorbing heel sections, to say nothing of the ones with lights on them. He joked that it took a size twelve shoe to fit a size ten foot, what with all the added things that had happened to "Keds". So he wore sandals instead. The cut on his face from hitting the hospital door had healed to a scabby line. He still looked like he'd been beaten half to death.

Gus' appearance wasn't all that was new. His whole attitude seemed to have undergone some kind of metamorphosis, from a nervous, panicky loser to a calm, suave businessman. Bob liked the sunglasses Gus was wearing because they made him look mysterious. For the first time, Bob felt a little better about his choice of attorneys.

An hour and fifteen minutes later, Gus led Bob out of the building into the parking garage with his hand on his elbow. It was needed, because Bob could hardly walk. Bob kept saying "But ... but ... but..." and Gus kept saying "Walk Bob, act normal Bob ... just walk ... there you go ... good."

Gus Gunderson had indeed been waiting his whole life for this case, and he had practiced arguing it so many times that he could do it in his sleep. He'd never known what the details would be, but he phrased his argument in broad terms. "The damage you've done my client is inestimable!" he'd barked. "My client's life has been catastrophically ruined!" He'd bored in while the opposing lawyers had hemmed and hawed. "You saw the news yesterday about what happened at the hospital ... don't tell me you didn't. You saw what the media is doing to my client, and all he did was go in for a simple checkup to see if the physical damage you people did to him was healing. Just look at him. He's a broken man, who woke up in a strange world and tried to do the right thing!" Gus stood up. "And what did it get him? A faceful of mace, almost blind for life and wrenched shoulders that may never heal properly!"

"It was pepper spray, not mace." mumbled one of the opposing team.

"Well, whatever it was, it was totally unprovoked and it got my client into the public eye in such a way that his whole family is hounded by the media daily, and has been ever since you assaulted him!"

A small man with slicked back hair had been sitting at the end of the table since the "conference" started. He had not been introduced. He suddenly raised his hand and spoke. The Amalgamated lawyers went silent and looked at him as one.

"We'll offer him a hundred thousand dollars. He drops all charges and signs a waiver for future interest."

Gus smiled, a thin smile and sat back down.

"Mr. Henderson, I believe?" he addressed the man, who blinked at being recognized. Gus turned to Bob. "This is Riley Henderson, CEO of Amalgamated Indemnity of America."

"CEO?" hazarded Bob.

"Chief Executive Officer," said Gus. "He's the boss."

"Oh," said Bob. "How do you do." he said automatically.

Gus put a hand on Bob's elbow and took a deep breath.

"Mr. Henderson, I appreciate that you have a responsibility to your stockholders. I even appreciate that you took the time to attend this meeting. I'm sorry to find that your time was wasted, though. I can see that our time was wasted as well. We'll see you in court - both criminal and civil. Come on Bob, we're leaving."

Gus stood up and Bob looked up at him.

Henderson raised his hand again.

"How much?" he said, his face calm.

Gus sat back down as if the only reason he'd stood up was to stretch, or smooth his pants. "Well, let's see. Amalgamated made a profit of thirteen point four billion dollars last year. Your stock price is up fifty cents after dropping thirty cents the day after Bob was assaulted in your building. I personally think that was a result of speculators who thought that Bob's fame would bring value to your stock. On the other hand, when word gets out that we have filed a hundred million dollar suit against this fine company, those speculators might just want to dump their stock in what stock traders call a "precipitous manner."

Bob almost leapt out of his chair and Gus' hand on his elbow clenched hard, keeping him in his seat. He went on like nothing had happened.

"Now you know, and I know that a measly hundred million is pocket change for a company like this. You probably have twice that much in your various petty cash accounts. I also personally take umbrage at your previous offer. I thought that with you here, we were at least speaking frankly. I see I was wrong.

Gus stopped talking. Bob looked around. His mind was still reeling. A hundred million dollars? What in the world was Gus thinking? Then he remembered Gus saying something about billions in profits. Bob's mind went numb as he remembered how, in High School math class, the teacher had tried to help the students understand how much a million was. He still remembered her nasal twang as she said "If you had a million dollars, and you bought a brand new Chevrolet Fleetmaster coupe every day, at eight hundred and forty-five dollars, it would take you three and a quarter years to spend that million dollars." The whole class had gasped. The teacher smiled. "And, if you put it in the bank and drew interest on it, you could buy a new Fleetmaster convertible every week, and never... never run out of money before you died."

In Bob's mind... that was how much a million dollars was. And Gus had asked for a hundred times that much.

Bob heard a voice and tried to concentrate. Henderson was talking again.

"Mr. Gunderson, I appreciate your zeal to protect the interests of your client. But no jury in the world is going to award you a hundred million for a face full of pepper spray and I think you know that. I think you're grandstanding, mister Gunderson, and I'm going to call your bluff. We have the assets to drag this out in court for as long as we want to." He waited, but Gus didn't say anything at all. He just sat there. Finally Henderson went on. "Now I realize that our first offer was, perhaps, a little disingenuous of me. I apologize for that. I have certain doubts as to the veracity of mister Winkle's status over the last fifty years in the first place, but that's another issue. Perhaps I let those doubts influence my judgment. Mister Winkle, regardless of who he really is, and what has happened, was still involved in an unfortunate incident on our property. Let's just cut to the chase, what do you say? Ten million. Take it or leave it," he sneered. "You should be happy with thirty percent of ten million ... mister Gunderson."

Bob's breath stuck in his chest. It was just as if another door had slammed him in the solar plexus. He felt Gus' hand squeezing his elbow again, but it didn't matter. He couldn't have said anything anyway. Gus said "I'll need a few minutes with my client alone. That's considerably less than what I think a jury would award in a case like this. But Bob is the injured party here."

The other men had filed out and Gus had looked at Bob. "I can get at least triple that in court." he said.

"You're insane!" gasped Bob.

"I got you an offer of ten million dollars," said Gus calmly. "And that doesn't even include the fraud somebody perpertrated against you by shorting you three hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Does that sound insane to you?"

"Yes!" said Bob. His mouth was suddenly dry.

"I told you Bob, you're a famous man. You're worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and that's just for movie and book rights. This thing that happened to you here could hurt this company and they know it. They're short changing you because they think you're a country bumpkin. Me too, for that matter. But if you want me to, I'll go all the way and we'll crush them.

Bob thought about it. Then he thought a little longer. There was a discreet tap at the door that Gus told him to ignore and didn't answer himself. Finally he looked at Gus.

"If we take the ten million, will you still be my lawyer for other things?"

Gus smiled. "You bet your sweet ass I will mister Winkle, but let me assure you, we're going to get more than ten million."

Then it hit Bob that, if he said so, he would walk out of this room a millionaire ten times over. He felt his heart pounding inside his chest, and his knees went weak. He felt faint.

"I don't feel very good." he gasped, trying to get control of himself.

Gus had opened the conference room door and walked out with Bob then and there. Bob's knees were genuinely weak, and Gus played on that.

"He's having a relapse, so we need to go. I'll have to get back to you on your offer. I need to get him to the doctor."

By the time they got to the elevator, the offer had doubled, with the proviso that it had to be accepted within twenty-four hours or it would be withdrawn. Gus just waved and grumbled that the elevator was too slow.

Thus it was that Gus had to help Bob out of the building and into the parking garage. Bob could almost walk normally by then, though his head was spinning.

"Did I just hear that man say twenty million?" asked Bob.

"You did indeed," said Gus, steering him to the car. "I might be able to buy me a new car." he said.

His reference to trying to spend millions on cars brought back the teacher's example again and Bob started laughing, almost hysterically.

Gus jerked him. "Don't laugh here. We're probably on tape. They think you've suffered a relapse, so act like it."

Bob giggled under his breath, and was finally able to say "I am suffering some kind of relapse, and it was them who made me this way. Twenty ... million ... dollars! And then he giggled some more.

Back at the office, Margie was on pins and needles. She loved her husband, but she'd never actually seen him in action. She saw him there in the office, and he talked to people in a reasonably professional way. Whenever he was in court she had to watch the office, though. And he'd never had a conference with the kind of sharks she knew just had to populate that insurance company. She had visions of him coming back a broken man, and her having to take two jobs again to take care of him in a nursing home while he constantly popped some high priced drug for slobbering basket cases.

She was surprised, therefore, when he and Bob came into the office with a bottle of wine.

She looked at him.

"It went fine." he said calmly. "We thought we'd celebrate."

He handed her the wine.

"They negotiated?" she asked breathlessly.

"Not very much," said Bob. "They were pretty adamant about ... what did you call it Gus? ... ripping me off?"

"Yeah, they tried to slam him all over again. I thought I was going to have to call 911 or something," said Gus, sitting down in his chair and leaning back.

"But you said it went fine," said Margie. Her hands were shaking.

"Well, we settled for a lot less than we could have gotten in court, or I should say we will settle for a lot less in..." He looked at his watch. "about eighteen hours from now."

"What do you mean?" begged Margie. "Why eighteen hours?"

"They gave us twenty four hours to give them our answer." he said. "I kind of want to wait until the last minute, just in case they decide to raise the ante."

"How much?" screeched Margie.

"Only twenty million," said Bob, trying to be off hand about it. He was still shaking too.

"Twenty..." Margie's eyes rolled up in her head and a thirty dollar bottle of wine crashed onto the floor as she fainted. Both men jumped to help her as the wine soaked into her pants and blouse.

"I'm going to have to put this on my expense account Bob," said Gus. "You should have let me tell her. I'd have known to tell her to put the bottle down first."

"Buy her two new outfits," said Bob, grinning.

"I was talking about the wine," said Gus, laughing.

Bob decided to wait to tell Betty about the settlement. He wanted to be able to tell all the women about it at the same time. So, when she and Sally showed up at Gus' office to pick him up, and asked how things went, he just said "Fine. I think it's all going to work out." Margie would have given it away, had she been there, but once she'd regained consciousness from her faint and settled down after almost attacking Gus with kisses and hugs, she'd scurried off to go home and change clothes.

Gus played along with Bob.

"Yeah, it could have gone better, but it was just a first time meeting. I'm pretty confident that it will turn out in our favor."

Betty might have realized something was up by how almost fanatical Bob was about making love to her that night in the cabin. He was practically insatiable, taking her three times in the space of two hours, but she was so happy with her own feelings that she just savored them, bucking up against her father as his prick spewed deep inside her again and again. Finally she pushed at him.

"We'll never be able to get up in the morning if you keep this up." she sighed.

"So ... who needs to get up in the morning?" he responded, tweaking one of her nipples gently.

They did sleep late, and were roused by a knock on the door. Betty lifted her head off her father's shoulder and looked blearily at the door. The layout of the cabin was pretty much one room, except for the bathroom and some storage spaces. Then her eyes widened and she rolled frantically out of the bed, shaking Bob and telling him in a hushed whisper to get up and lie down on the couch. When he did she threw a sheet over him and pulled on a dressing gown before going to the door.

"Who is it?" she called.

"It's June." called her sister.

Betty threw open the door in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in surprise.

"You've been up here alone with Daddy for almost a week," said June, barging into the cabin. "All by yourselves." she added with a dark look. "I'm here so you can go home and mow your lawn."

Betty grinned. "My lawn doesn't need mowing." she said, closing the door.

"Yeah, well, you've been getting your ashes hauled up here in the mountains for a week, and I mowed my lawn, so I think it's time we switched." she blurted. Her cheeks darkened a little.

But Betty just laughed. "Okay, okay, I get it." She leaned in close. "He was an animal last night. He might not have anything left."

Bob had sat up when he heard June's voice and the sheet had fallen to his lap.

"What's he doing on the couch?" asked June, a note of disbelief in her voice.

"We thought you might be one of the neighbors," said Betty. "There's a positively delightful young woman named Sally who's been coming over here. And you won't believe who she's related to! Remember Denny? That nice boy who searched us at the hospital?"

"You're kidding!" squealed June. "Which one? The tall one or the short one?"

"The tall one," said Betty.

Then they were chattering like sisters always chatter when they get together and haven't seen each other for a while. June said that Martha was having trouble with Sunny after Val had gone out with "that nice detective". Sunny had suddenly become very conservative in her views on sexuality and was convinced that the older man had taken advantage of her daughter. Then the details were discussed of why Sunny was so convinced. Bob stared as he heard the way Val walked the next day mentioned, and her bouncy happy attitude. The kicker was when June said "You know what it was like when one of us had been with Daddy. We could always tell, even if we weren't in the house when it happened." Unlike Sunny, however, both great aunts approved heartily of the alleged union between Zack and Val, despite the difference in their ages. Their past might have accounted for that, since they had had an "older lover" all their lives. Martha, said June, was also happy about it, figuring it was high time that some great grandchildren came along - Martha's, not Bob's.

Bob just sat and listened as the social byplay of the late 20th century was displayed for him in ways most people wouldn't have thought was odd at all. But listening to these older women calmly discuss the sexual activities of their younger relatives was something that would never have happened like that when Bob went to sleep. That Sunny seemed to display more conservatism about all this just jarred him more. And the thought of Val, beautiful, slim Val, being made love to by Zack, reminded Bob of what it had been like to make love to Becca.

In short, their chatter turned him on and made him stiff.

He had to go to the bathroom, and since these two women had seen him this way innumerable times before anyway, he stood up and walked to the bathroom, his stiff cock like some kind of leash, leading the way.

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Van Ride

Introduction: Grabbed knocked out and rapped in a van. I was heading head of my office building towards the parking garage so i could head home after a long busy day. Today was a longer day then normal it was just before midnight, and i hated leaving the office after dark. I was happy it was the weekend and i was off the next 2 days. I was also happy to be heading home to get out of these heels and this outfit. I wasnt big on wearing skirts but one in a great while i would get out of a pant...

3 years ago
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Ana in the back of the van

Ana in the back of the van I came very tired from office, but my sweet Ana was waiting for me at home with a very nice dinner.Later on, while I was sipping a perfect glass of scotch, she came by me and told me she was real horny and she needed a good hard dick inside her. Ana also told me she knew I was very tired to fuck her that night; so, she wanted my permission to find out a man who could calm her down…My sweet Ana added she wanted me nearby to watch…She wanted me watching at her spreading...

1 year ago
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Van Trip

I've also got this story on a different site under a different name. I havn't nicked it!!Its my first story. Hope you like it.Van TripWe're heading along the motorway from the northeast of England where we live towards the county of Lincolnshire which is further down the east of the country.My travelling companion is Gemma. Gemma is the eighteen year old daughter of Laura. Laura and me have an open relationship based on two conditions. The first being that when we shag someone else it’s only to...

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The Van

THE VANWarning: this is a graphic story about rape and murder. Please don’t read if you aren’t into these fantasies.More importantly, don’t mistake fiction for reality. If you are contemplating something like this in real life, you need to take into account that you will be caught and sent to jail, where you will be brutally killed in a manner befitting your victims. Seriously, I don’t ever want to hear about this story inspiring a true killing, it would ruin my life, yours, and your...

3 years ago
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Van Trip

My travelling companion is Gemma. Gemma is the eighteen year old daughter of Laura. Laura and me have an open relationship based on two conditions. The first being that when we shag someone else it’s only to be for sex, the other being we always tell each other. No secrets. Gemma is entertaining herself alternating between playing with her phone, reading a magazine and rolling and smoking spliffs. I’ve got the windows open. I like to get stoned myself but not when I’m driving. Well...

4 years ago
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The Van 2

The Van 2Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...Mark had been watching the girl for a couple of...

3 years ago
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The Van 2

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... Mark had been watching...

2 years ago
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The Van

Introduction: This is not a finished work. It still needs to be fleshed out, and is not very descriptive. I just wanted to see what people thought so far. I was walking through the Walmart parking lot, my mothers prescription in hand. It was so busy when I got here, I had to park way in the back, practically in the office depot parking lot. I remembered being frustrated on the walked into the store that I had to cross the gigantic black top in 110 degree weather. I was wearing a button up dress...

2 years ago
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Tgirl Van Sex

T-girl Van Sex Pulling up to the curb near the bookstore one recent night, I happened to notice a nice looking custom van drive by very slowly. Looking intently at the driver as it passed by, I noticed that the driver was a very sexy looking woman, and she gazed at me intently as she passed by. The van pulled up to the curb in front of my car and parked. Shortly afterwards, the brake lights on the van flashed several times, and I took this as a signal. I opened my door and then made my way...

3 years ago
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Captured The Van

It was 3:00pm and Amanda was just leaving from work to head home. Her son Tristan was leaving school to head home. He was a sophomore in high school and his mom was a 42 year old blonde bombshell that stood 6ft1 with 42DDD tits and a angel face. Both of them had no idea what was in store for them but it will change their lives forever. As Amanda approached her car she paid no attention to the van parked next to it. When she got her keys out to open the door the side door of the van door flew...

1 year ago
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69 Chevy Van Love Wagon

69 Chevy Van - Love WagonBy Wonder_DadStory #4I have always been a hard worker, starting work when I was only 14 at a lumberyard as a helper. Carrying 2x4's, a plywood and 100 lb sack of concrete for customers was my main job. It did not pay well, but I developed a very muscular physique, and I saved every penny I made with a specific goal in mind. My uncle had a custom 1969 Chevy short van, with round porthole windows on the side, a sunroof, and a fantastic paint job. His business was...

3 years ago
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Mini Van Suckfest

I decided to drive to this park that is frequented by bi/gay men looking to hook up to see if I could get a little action the other night. It was 7pm, cold, damp and dark. I pulled into the lower parking lot in a secluded out of the way area hoping to see another parked car. What was there was a black mini-van. The lights were off and I didn't see anyone in the front seat so I figured the dude got out of his car and walked down the path looking for some fun. It was too cold & dark for...

4 years ago
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Tgirl Van Sex

T-girl Van SexPulling up to the curb near the bookstore one recent night, I happened to notice a nice looking custom van drive by very slowly. Looking intently at the driver as it passed by, I noticed that the driver was a very sexy looking woman, and she gazed at me intently as she passed by. The van pulled up to the curb in front of my car and parked. Shortly afterwards, the brake lights on the van flashed several times, and I took this as a signal. I opened my door and then made my way up to...

2 years ago
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Raped in a van

SEX IN TRANSIT SEX IN TRANSIT They gathered round her in a ring. She was really scared as there was no-one around to help. She should never have gone this way home so late at night. Slowly they advanced, the ring closing around her. She knew it would be useless to try to run for it - she would not be able to break through the ring and she certainly could not outrun them. Her voice froze - she couldn't even scream for help. Hands grabbed her arms then bodies crushed in against her,...

1 year ago
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The Van Fuck My Wife

One evening my wife and I were having dinner, the subject of one of our fantasies came up. We called it the van. It had been a reoccurring fantasy of ours to pick up several guys and have them fuck my wife in the back of a van. This time we decided to do it so we waited for the weekend. We rented a white van for the night and went downtown looking for a few good looking, healthy guys. She was wearing a black low cut mini dress and had a bed made up in the back. We drove along for a bit and came...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Van Trip 2

We’re still travelling in the van, Gemma’s smoking another spliff.“Right, I've thought about what you have to do for me.” she says.“So what is it?”.“You have to be my submissive for the weekend”.“Ha sound like Madam Whiplash”.“Well I don’t have a whip, but you have to obey me. Anything I tell you to do, you have to do it”.“Sounds like a doddle, I'm your mothers dogsbody most weekends anyway”.“Aye, but don't think you’re getting away that easily mister”.I thought it was too good to be...

3 years ago
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Man in our Van

A true and enhanced telling of my first time being had by another man in the presence of my current husband. Raymond and I have been married for thirteen years and have a nice home and family life together. This episode took place about three years ago shortly after our ten year wedding anniversary. Ray has always had some interesting ideas about sharing me with another man. He is very keen on role play and scenarios and I do not mind indulging them sometimes. We have a small collection of toys...

3 years ago
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Moms Night in the Van

It wasn't that I didn't like my dad, it was just that I thought he was kind of a buffoon. A buffoon that had got real lucky, but he was the kind of guy who never realized it was luck that got him to where he was. It was Dad's good fortune to be at the right place at the right time and by a series of coincidences end up married to a woman who was far superior to him in just about every way. When she was young Mom had gone to an all girl school. One night she met my father at one of those...

2 years ago
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Van Trip 2

“Right, I've thought about what you have to do for me.” she says. “So what is it?”. “You have to be my submissive for the weekend”. “Ha sound like Madam Whiplash”. “Well I don’t have a whip, but you have to obey me. Anything I tell you to do, you have to do it”. “Sounds like a doddle, I'm your mothers dogsbody most weekends anyway”. “Aye, but don't think you’re getting away that easily mister”. I thought it was too good to be true. “There's a good shop just opened in town”...

2 years ago
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The Van Fuck My Wife

This time we decided to do it so we waited for the weekend. We rented a white van for the night and went downtown looking for a few good looking, healthy guys. She was wearing a black low cut mini dress and had a bed made up in the back. We drove along for a bit and came across one guy walking alone. I pulled up next to him and my wife slid the door open and said “hey sweetie, wanna fuck me? Sure! He said with a smirk. He got in and I started driving. As soon as he closed the door, she had his...

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Three some in the van

My friend Mitch rang me up on a Saturday night, explaining that he had got back with his ex girlfriend Lucy , as you may be aware, I've mentioned Lucy in one of my previous stories. A quick recap- Mitch is about 5ft11 and well built , being my best friend and gym partner we do a lot together. Lucy was a size 6/8 really toned ass and size EE fake boobs.Anyway as I was saying , Mitch rang me and told me the situation he was in, he wanted to give Lucy an amazing night, and she wanted to be treated...

2 years ago
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Pam in the Van

I stood waiting on the street corner. Waiting for the black van with the mattress in the back and my rapists. I had on an old skirt and blouse in case they cut off my clothes again. My hair was in a ponytail. I felt a mix of fear of the unknown, anticipation and horniness. I flashed back to the woods. The hot breath on the back of my neck as driver held me, suspended on his cock buried deeply in my ass. The rustle of leaves in front of me as the passenger lifted my knees and hooked them under...

3 years ago
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Shagging In My Shag VanChapter 2

We laid naked side by side in silence smoking weed. Rain drops began to pitter-patter the roof and increased in velocity to a steady shower followed by thunder rumbling in the distance and accompanied by periodic flashes of lightening that illuminated the van's interior well beyond the battery powered overhead lamp that was rapidly dimming from over use. "Let's go swimming!" Seth excitedly broke the monotony of silence and was on his feet with me in pursuit, stopping to haul a stirring...

2 years ago
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2AM in Brooklyn a Van Hooker

This happened back in the Fall of 2016. I don't remember the exact date, but I know it was already getting very cold.-----------------Daddy Jake has a big, beautiful cock. He had been fucking me for over a year now. I craved his big, hard, throbbing cock all the time. It was one of the best cocks I ever had. I loved it.But Daddy is married, so he could only fuck me when ever he could get away. One day, after daddy ravaged me like the cheap whore that I am, daddy brought up one of his...

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Gangbang in a van Chapter 4 Anal creampies for

The final chapter in the ganbang in a van story in the adventures of Diannaromo as she take a gangbang anal pounding and like the filthy big titted filthy mommy fuck whore she really is, she can't get enough of it....Gangbang in a van - Chapter 4: Anal creampies for mommy Diannaromo With those words Dianna found hands all over her, mauling at her, grabbing her hair, big tits, arse, cunt and legs as she is forced over onto her tummy. Dianna is so fucking helpless and could do nothing as her head...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Passion In A Van

The parking lot is dark, little light revealing our location. I step out of my car and approach the mysterious van that just parked three spots to my left. The windows are tinted; I am unable to see inside at all. A sticker with the University Of Alabama is on the rear window, just as she said it would be. This is the van I've been waiting for.I approach the right sliding door and grab hold of the handle. Carefully opening the door, I am greeted by a curvy, mid-forties brunette in the back...

2 years ago
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Van Fuck Me and My Sister Part Six

The end of the summer was coming, and all the wild things my sister and I had done together would stick in my mind forever. After our previous sexual experience, a foursome with our friends Joanna and Matt, something wilder was coming. We were organizing a road trip, and the number one rule was no inhibitions. Valentina, my sister, was so excited about the trip, and so was I.We set off from Leesburg, Virginia, on a beautiful sunny morning. Ahead of us, there was a four-hour ride to reach our...

3 years ago
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Warmup match Van Persie mass shooting 3 assists

Phoenix Ticker July 20 17: 30,2013 / 14 season, Manchester United 2 games pre-season warm-up match at Sydney’s ANZ Stadium, race, Australia’s star ultimate team beat Manchester United 5-1. The first half, Ryan Giggs and Welbeck has scored assists Lingard. The second half, Australian super star pulled one back, but Lingard, Welbeck both scored twice to expand the score. Substitute Robin van Persie finally scored a goal. Manchester United Asia Tour 2013 This is the second warm-up match, coach...

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Warmup match Van Persie mass shooting 3 assists

Phoenix Ticker July 20 17: 30,2013 / 14 season, Manchester United 2 games pre-season warm-up match at Sydney's ANZ Stadium, race, Australia's star ultimate team beat Manchester United 5-1. The first half, Ryan Giggs and Welbeck has scored assists Lingard. The second half, Australian super star pulled one back, but Lingard, Welbeck both scored twice to expand the score. Substitute Robin van Persie finally scored a goal. Manchester United Asia Tour 2013 This is the second warm-up match, coach...

3 years ago
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School Van Driver Ne Gand Mari

Hello friends mera naam rinku hai or mere ghar me mere mummy papa meri badi behan, m or meri choti behan rehte hai . Mere papa govt. job karte hai or meri mummy house wife hai . ye story aaj ke kuch saal pehle ki hai  . apko bta du ki m bachapan se hi bohot sarmila tha per meri behan bilkul masti khor thi jisse bohot baar usse mummy se dant bhi padti thi . us waqt hum school ke liye maruti omni se jate the . ye school ki tarf se nahi thi balki ghar walo ne apni tarf se lagwa rakhi thi , isme...

4 years ago
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Snippets Leslie or Sex in a van on a hot summer day

(or Sex in a van on a hot summer day) These are true stories from my life. They depict various experiences with partners I have had. These stories include sexual acts, and if you may not, should not, or don't want to read this, then do not read it. This is a hobby, as well as a way to reminisce, perhaps in one or two case, even to brag. My writing skills are not on a par with much of the other authors. I know this. Write to let me know you liked, or did not like a story, maybe even why. I...

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Fucked Avantika And Her Bhabhi Awesome Threesome

Hello, I am Avtansh Kundra again.Those who don’t know me can read my last story.I am from Ghaziabad. Please, send me your feedbacks . Girls interested for sex chats can also contact me. Do mention that you are ISS reader when you message. This time it is my fantasy. I and Avantika were discussing sex and during roleplay this scene happened. I am going to share this with you all. It’s just a fantasy this time. So let’s start with the story:   It was a long time after our foursome. She wanted...

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Vanaja Naa Keep

hello friends, Ajit here. I came to know about this beautiful site today when I was at my friend place. I work at rajhamundry in one industry. stay in company quarters. I work in shift duties. About me I am 32 years well built about 5’9″ in height. I am staying alone in the quarters and my wife mother n father and family stay at our village very near to my place of work. sari ika katha loki oddamandi. idi nija sangatana eppatiki nenu marchi ponidi. nenu unde quarter ki oka aidu illa avatala oka...

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