Ess-Chad ProjectChapter 16: The End Of Project EssChad free porn video

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Where was the magnificence, the glitter and glamour of Pleorran's throne room? Where had all of its romance gone? No longed did it seem vast and mysterious, its high ceiling and shadowed walls whispering of pomp and intrigue. Now, it was just another room, Pete thought to himself. Large, but not that much larger than the main room of Markoth's residence. Poor Markoth, and poor skeptical Zallin, whose bones lay somewhere beneath the tumbled ruins of Dron's fort.

The throne room's wide doors had been flung open and high windows unshuttered, exposing its tawdry finery to the ruddy light of day. Pleorran's onetime throne, a polished slab of curiously veined stone, was now a work table where maps and other documents lay scattered. Behind it, with Pete by his side, Dron crouched at his ease. He listened intently while messengers came and went with reports of their rapid progress in pacifying Village Ul. Amy and Lyssa had gone to inspect the ruins of their workshop, taking along Nancy and Charley, but Dron had asked that Pete stay behind.

"The prisoners await your justice," Vult boomed, as two of the Thantan soldiers led in a file of Thantans, cringing Chosen Ones, and one defiantly erect Human, linked together by heavy bronze chains.

"Yes," Dron mused, thoughtfully picking his fangs with a curving talon. His gaze fastened in particular on one of the Thantans. "Tell me, friend Pete. What shall we do with this traitor?"

"Why, it's Klul!" Pete recognized the Thantan, who was far from being the selfassured bully he had been as Dron's aide. "So, he did join Pleorran. I wondered, when Amy and I didn't see him here."

"Yes. My old friend, Klul." The slitted pupils of Dron's eyes narrowed as he studied the nervous Thantan. "I wondered about him when I heard the story of your captivity. My childhood friend, the playmate of my youth, my steadfast aide during the long years of my exile. And all the time, when I thought him my staunchest supporter, he was but a spy for Pleorran's meager pay. What did he promise you? Wealth? Broad estates? Or was it that cheapest of lures, power over your fellow Thantans?"

"None of those," Klul sneered, his voice rising. "Nothing that you would understand. He is the Emperor! The One who Was, The One who Is, The One who Will Be! Chosen by the Six Elder Gods to be the rightful ruler of all of Thant, all of EssChad. He is the Undying One, who shall yet lead us to eternal glory!"

"Then, where is he?" Dron's voice was soft. He needed no shouts, no show of emotions to dominate the diverse beings in the throne room. "Where is this Undying Emperor of yours? Could it be that once again he has fled from the lesser beings who have defeated his forces?"

"He has fled, all right!" Heads turned as Steve's flat voice answered Dron. "Fled to where none of you will ever find him."

"What do you mean by that?" Dron's voice expressed only mild curiosity, but his gaze was intent. "Where has he escaped to, that we may not follow?"

"Ask Amy." Steve's laugh was as flat as his voice. "Her simpleminded little trap worked to perfection. When she opened Pleorran's portal into emptiness, he was standing too close. It was a tight fit, and I thought for a moment that he would not go all the way through. But, he did make it, kick his heels and squirm though he would. Klul's Undying Emperor was, the last time I saw him, taking a stroll through empty space. Somewhere in another universe, his freezedried body goes pinwheeling through emptiness forever. His ambition has made him the Emperor of an entire universe, and much good may it do him!"

"You lie!" Klul shrieked the words, tearing his chains loose from the hands of his guards and laying about him in a frenzy. Steve was helpless to escape his wrath, bound as he was with equally heavy chains to his fellow prisoners. "He is the Undying Emperor! He will yet return!"

Before anyone else could move, Pete was across the stone desk, catching up a billet of wood that was serving as a paperweight. Even as Klul sprang at Steve, he leaped onto the frenzied Thantan's back. Klul stumbled from the impact, pitching forward as Pete's crude club caught him behind one ear. His snout ploughed a furrow in the hard dirt floor, ending almost at Steve's feet. Pete sprang lightly aside as Klul flailed at him, hampered by the heavy chains. Before the Thantan could recover, a pair of Dron's guards had him securely pinned between them.

"Guard him well," Dron ordered. "This one we will hand over to the Council of Planners, to experience their justice. They will have the whole of the truth out of him. I would be too merciful, remembering past friendship, and give him a swift and painless death. Also, it would not be wise to deal death to one of our own while we are surrounded by Chosen Ones. Now for you, Ssteeve Zhorddan. What shall we do with you? You betrayed me, but you owed no strong loyalty to my cause. You also betrayed your friends, though. It is none of your fault that they still live."

"Yes, how do you justify your actions?" Pete glared at his fellow Human. "I'm almost sorry I stopped Klul."

"You have my most sincere thanks, anyway," Steve smiled calmly, seemingly unmoved now that the source of danger was no longer close by. "Justification? I need none, certainly not to such as you. My actions were in the highest tradition of government service. I saw a chance to promote the reestablishment of a stable government for Thant. Indeed, for all of EssChad, eventually. With it, the chance to overthrow a Communistic regime, as well. Once this was done, it should have been possible to make contact with high officials in Washington, and firmly cement relationships with the Emperor Pleorran. I did have to induce Pleorran to move against Dron's fort before he would have wanted to, or else Amy might have been able to finish her signaler and escape. I then had the two of you brought here, and the portal mechanism finished. All would have gone well, if only she hadn't panicked. I would have persuaded Pleorran that her continued existence was necessary, that she was the only one who could operate the portal for him."

"Sure, you would have," Pete answered. "In a pig's eye, you would have persuaded him."

"No, I mean it! I had it all arranged. All that it would have taken, was for his tame technicians to fail when they tried to operate the portal. I had one of the technicians see to it that a shutoff switch was installed where they wouldn't find it. Unless she was there, it wouldn't have worked, and they wouldn't have been able to figure out why not."

"And, when Pleorran disappeared?" Dron asked, his deep voice still mildseeming. "What did you do then?"

"None of his people saw him go," Steve answered him, smiling thinly. "They were only too glad to believe me, when I told them that he had withdrawn to a more secure place. I had the workshop repaired, the machine put back together as best I could. I know somewhat more about portals than I've admitted to, but I have been unable to get it to work for me. At that point in time, my best hope was that Pete and Amy would reach you, and that somehow you would be able to recapture the portal. I discouraged any pursuit by the villagers, saying that Pleorran had taken the two of them with him."

"And they believed you?"

"More or less. I don't know how much longer I could have kept up the pretense, even with the help of one or two of the Thantans who were in on the secret. Although you may not believe it, I was really quite pleased when you finally put in an appearance."

"Even though he might still decide to execute you?" Pete interrupted.

"That was a chance I had to take. I had no other choice, no other way to return to our world. Anyway, why should he have me killed? What I did had nothing to do with him. You're much too altruistic to try to talk him into it, and Amy isn't here right now to argue against me."

"Why would she do that?" Dron inquired, when Pete couldn't seem to find his voice. "Why would she want you dead?"

"She and her boss are a danger to all rightthinking men!" Steve fairly snarled the words, emotion creeping at last into his voice. "If they have their way, all of my world's governments will weaken and fall away, and the vast array of reachable worlds will be taken over by a bunch of anarchistic entrepreneurs whose only concern is for their own profits! Some of us can see that danger, and are already working to prevent it from happening. Our war has just begun, but it will go on as long as these criminals range unchecked through the universes!"

"I am sure that these persons you accuse would give us their own reasons for what they do," Dron answered mildly. "You are right, your dispute is with them, not with me. So, Pete. What shall I do with your friend? Shall I have him executed, as he no doubt so richly deserves?"

"Yes! I mean, no. I don't know!" Pete stopped for a moment, drawing in a deep breath as he beat down the anger that surged within him. "He's right, damn it! I can't ask you to execute him in cold blood, just because I'd like to see him dead, though I would certainly take pleasure in beating his face in. I would say to turn him loose, but his word is no good. He promised to act as one of the party until we were rescued, and he broke that promise as soon as he had the chance. Do what you want with him, I don't care. Lock him up, or let him go, but keep an eye on him whatever you do."

"Now," Dron turned to Pete when Steve had been led away to a cell. "What shall I do with the rest of these prisoners? Your advice has been good in the past, and you are more familiar with this village than I."

"The Thantans are your concern. Recruit them, turn them loose, give them to the Council of Planners, or execute them, as you choose. The Chosen Ones are another tale. They were led astray by Pleorran, and should not be punished too severely."

"Shall I, then, leave the same ones in control of this village as before? I do not think that wise."

"No, neither do I. As long as he may live, Ul will be no friend of yours. He may still be chief of a village, but not this one. Let him, instead, be chief of what was Village Krunnick. Let those who were his advisors and supporters go along with him. Then, instead of being the head of a large and powerful village, he will be but a minor chief, without power."

"That sounds wise, but who shall rule in his stead? Can you recommend one of his people for that post?"

"I think so. I came to know several of them fairly well, in the days that I spent here. There was one who was not averse to speaking with a stranger, was not afraid of learning new things, and was kind when he could have been cruel. UlGlat is a seasoned warrior, and one who men are glad to follow. He would be a good chief for this village."

"So be it, then. Let him be given the staff of leadership, and let this place be known as Village Glat. Now, you have been anxious to know what your friends have found. Go and join them, while I take care of less pressing matters."

Pete had no worries about mingling with the defeated villagers. Their world had been turned around and around and upside down so many times lately that they seemed to be almost in a stupor. There had been no apparent resentment of the victorious tribesmen among them, and the business of the village, the hunting and gathering of food, went on much as usual.

The splintered roof beams of their workshop had been replaced, Pete saw as he approached, but he was surprised at how much of the damage within the building had also been repaired. Nancy greeted him warmly as he entered, then led him over to where Amy and Lyssa were making adjustments to the portal mechanism.

"Come and see," she told him, smiling. "It's almost ready to go. It must not have been damaged, hardly, when the roof fell in."

"Or else, it's been repaired already." He told them of what Steve had said.

"Then, Pleorran is really dead." Amy looked down at her hands, as though she could see the Mad Emperor's blood upon them, then shrugged her shoulders. "I can't be sorry. He was old, and evil, and he would not have hesitated to kill us. Well, enough of that. Let's see if the portal will work."

"Just what are you planning to do?" Pete asked, shrugging his shoulders at her lack of concern.

"Once the portal is energized, Lyssa, Nancy, and Charley can search for habitable worlds. If nothing else, ones where we can obtain food. With the help of some of the Chosen Ones, you and I can put together a signaler. Once that's done, we'll call for help."

"How will you know where to direct your signal?" Pete studied the makeshift control panel, with its six knobs. "Won't it take as long to find the right universe, as to locate it directly?"

"No, not nearly as long. Each signal reverberates across several universes. We will only need to send a short message out on every fifth setting, on each dial. We can cover the whole range of universes within our reach in a matter of days."

Once more, their days settled into a routine of search and record, search and record. Countless universes were checked off, with either empty space or useless planets within their reach. While this went on, Pete helped Amy labor to build her signaling device.

"Just how much longer will this take?" Dron asked on the evening of the third day, appearing unheralded at the doorway to the workshop. He had left them pretty much to themselves, being busy with administrative chores.

"We are ready to begin signaling," Pete told him, stepping outside where a light mist was falling. Behind him, the workshop was a bustle of purposeful activity. "It should be but a few more hours before we start."

"That is good. We do not have much more time."

"Why, what's wrong? Is it the Planners?"

"Their army. When we came here, entering the swamps in search of Pleorran's retreat, we left behind a detachment of the Council's army, led by General Ha'athon. We had no time to tell him of our plans, to convince him that we were doing what had to be done. His scouts have by now found our camp empty, our tracks leading into the depths of the Great Swamp. As soon as he is able, he will follow after us."

"He'll think that you've joined Pleorran!"

"That is just what he will think. His parents were farmers, lowly peasants on a minor noble's estates. He has neither liking nor understanding of the nobility, and will not hesitate to think the worst of me. My scouts are watching, KeeBar not the least among them. There has been a great scurrying of messengers back and forth between his camp and Dronnta City. Doubtless, he is only waiting for more men and equipment to arrive before invading the swamps."

"That's all we need. More troubles!"

"Why, what's the problem? I thought that your search was going well. Have you other problems than those you have told me of?"

"We certainly do." Pete lowered his voice, stepping a little farther from the doorway. "The juice of the purpletopped reeds has kept us alive so far, but it won't for much longer. There are too many essential parts of our diet that it does not provide. Already, I have noticed that my teeth are loosening, the gums starting to bleed. Since I have been the most active, here on your world, I am the first to suffer. The women will be next, followed by Charley and finally by Steve. We must return soon to our world, or we will all sicken and die."

"Is there nothing that can be done?"

"Yes, but it would take time away from our search. We can't use the portal any longer, since we had to rebuild it for use with the signaler. It would have to be rebuilt again, so that we could reach other worlds. Then, we would have to search until we found a world where we could live, where the food would provide us with what we so desperately need. If we could find it, we could gather food to prolong our lives. Now, you tell us that our time is even more limited than we had thought."

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Chad The Babysitter

My name is Chad, I am a 45yo bachelor and l live on the ground floor of a converted house with a small secluded garden, I say secluded to all but my neighbours upstairs. Trish was a single mother in her early 30’s, she was smart and professional and we have become good friends although there has never been any romance, she had a teenage daughter, Tammy who I have seen grow and develop into a cute but quite naïve teenager.I have a good relationship with Trish, I do odd jobs for her and she cooks...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 3

A few minutes later, Doctor Martin came in and made me sit on the bed. He poked and prodded. He looked into my eyes with a bright light and watched my pupils react. Finally, he said, "You're good. Take care of the head. No active things for a few more days. Keep the dressing clean. Brittany, are you going to change it or is Lois?" Britt said, "I will. I know what to do. I helped Nurse Dan clean it and re-bandage it this morning." "Okay, if you get a headache, if you feel dizzy or have...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 16

We lay on the bed together for two hours, even napped a little. We woke up and talked. Britt said, "Chad, I feel guilty. I'm sad that Amelia is dead but not like I think I should be. I'm just numb ... My life is so different now from a month ago. You're the only constant. I've done nothing to deserve your parents' kindness and love. So many people have been so kind to us and said and done nice things to us and for us. I feel like I'm in a dream. That's why I want to hold you." I...

4 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 21

As we went upstairs and into my room, Britt asked, "How old is Mitch anyway?" I answered, "He's the same age as Mom and Dad. That would make him about forty or forty-one." "Okay, that gives me a window of ages." "Oh, okay. You're serious about this aren't you?" "As a heartbeat. He's a good man and deserves to be happy. He hasn't been looking. Mom and Dad have separately admitted that he hasn't tried to date." I said, "I guess he's still carrying a torch for Mom and now...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 5

I woke up quite chirpy with the sun shining, I made some coffee and took the dry washing out of the machine for Trish, OMG apart from normal attire there were 4 pairs of panties which I took extra care in folding neatly however I must confess I had to sniff them to ensure they were clean, I may have rubbed them against my cock a few times as well but nobody needs to know that.There was a faint knock at the door so I quickly put my boxers on and was surprised to see Tammy there all neat and tidy...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 4

I knew that Trish got back alright as I could hear lots of chatter and giggling coming from the flat upstairs which made me think that Tams had enjoyed staying over, I certainly enjoyed having her (pardon the pun) and hoped that this weekend would open the door for more to follow, only time would tell on that one.I relaxed for the evening sitting in my chair with a few cans of the amber nectar and was feeling quite pleased with myself, I even had the opening of my boxers unbuttoned as I relived...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 18

Today was an important day for Suzy as her father had been taken into rehab and we were due a visit from a social worker to hopefully agree her permanent residence, hence to say she was extremely excited.We had a bit of a rush getting Tams off to school but promised her a treat when she gets home and once she had gone Suzy and I had a quick clean up to freshen the place up, “What shall I wear daddy?” she asked and as we didn’t know who was coming I suggested erring on the side of caution and...

3 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 4

We were right to dress. Starting about five minutes after we came downstairs, there was a steady stream of well-wishers coming through the house. While I was talking to Pastor Bob, Britt went into kitchen to fix us a late lunch. She came out with a plate and a glass of tea. Mel had two TV trays. She set them up side by side. Britt placed a plate and a glass of tea for me on one. She went back into the kitchen and got her plate and glass. We talked to Pastor Bob while the crowd went...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 8

[Chad] With big smiles, we went out to the car and Dad drove the short trip to church. He parked and we got out. A car with out of state plates pulled up close to us. We all stopped to greet those we figured were new people. Mom and Dad greeted a couple about their age. They were two very tall individuals. The back door opened and a female's shoe came out. The rest of that leg had cream-colored slacks. She just kept getting out. Finally, she stood and it was a female about our age who, in...

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Brittany and Chad Book 3Chapter 6

Our house is finished and we have the occupancy permit! Chad and I wander through the rooms in awe. Mom and Dad have been out here with us. Today is Saturday and we have friends coming to paint. Chad and I have picked the paint and put out drop cloths and gathered brushes, trays, and rollers. Our bedroom will be painted the same color as our bedroom at Mom and Dad's. We both love that color and that room has special meaning to us. The most difficult decision was furniture for our bedroom. We...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 19

Wanda scooted up leaving a space between her and Suzy, she patted the empty space, “Come sit here Chad, be easier to pass the joint” she sighed and with my cock sticking out I got up and took her up on the offer, making it much more cosy and naturism after all is all about feeling and acting normally.We were all getting giggly and in a good mood, the feeling of having both Wanda and Suzy’s thighs touching mine was confusing my dick, it didn’t know whether to act ‘normally’ or react to the...

3 years ago
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Christmas with my cousin Chad

I needed to gather things before we left, one thing we decided on was to were some of my sisters sexy lingerie panties. My sister Devin has such a huge ass, she takes after my mom an so do I. We had picked out the panties we wanted for each other. Chads was a sexy pair that covered half he's ass an was pink with blue ruffle around the ends, mine was a pink see threw thong type pantie that went right up my ass when I wore it. After I got these I had to get condoms from my older brother...

4 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 6

I went in to see Doctor Martin after school started. I had only had one small headache during that time. Doc Martin questioned me closely. His office set appointments for a CAT scan as well as another set of x-rays. His office also set a follow-up appointment back at his office. At that second appointment, he said, "Chad, the scan and x-ray detect a slight weakness in your skull. Unless there is a difference closer to the start of the season, your baseball days are over. I'm...

4 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 16

It was small with Mitch and Dora and Missus Thornton. Missus Thornton was now considered family by all of us and expected and invited to all family celebrations. It was late but cheerful. As it ended, Britt and I walked Missus Thornton back to her house. She looked at me and said, "You look tired, Chad. Britt, take him to bed and be gentle tonight. You can love him half to death tomorrow night." I was catching flies from my open mouth. Britt said, "How did you find out? Who told...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 22

The phone rang and it was a happy and excited Amanda. She was tearfully happy thanking us all. She said, "My dad wants to talk to Missus Arnold." Mom took the phone that Britt handed to her, and said, "Hello?" We could hear the other end. "Missus Arnold, this is Tim Grogan. I wanted to add my thanks to hers. Mister Baker called and said Brittany and Chad accompanied by Tony called on him this morning and he is lifting the expulsion. That is great news! He also told me that you...

2 years ago
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Chad The Babysitter Part 11

Trish came back early which to be honest took me by surprise but what was pleasing is that she knocked on my door first, “Hi Chad” she said as I stood there stunned, she flung her arms around my neck and gave me the most wonderful kiss I had had in a long time, even better that Suzy’s last night, ok they were both equal.“You are the most wonderful man I have ever met” she said and her beautiful smile went from ear to ear.I was stunned, totally stunned, “Tammy told me all about her ‘sister’ and...

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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 18

[Chad] It's Christmas time. It's cold but not more or less than other Christmas's. Mel doesn't come to our bed as often already. She is adjusting and seems happy. She and Dora are inseparable. Britt is a little irritated with me. I won't let her come into the shop. I decided that I couldn't compete on money or with the things that money can buy. I did feel that I could compete with love and my hands. I am making a gift with my hands and spending the time to make it look as perfect as I...

2 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 3

That's what happened. I had thought to go but Dad said that I was to stay with Mom. After everyone left, Mom said, "This is going to be different for you. Can you handle your girl friend living in the same house? You know the rules won't change. If anything, they will be more strictly applied." "Mom, that's not fair. We haven't done anything wrong here. Why should we be punished?" "You won't be punished. You will be exposed to the young lady a lot more than you ever thought...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 4

Finally, Britt kissed me hard and said, "Chad, thank you for what you have done. I've never been sure what would happen to me. Lately without you, I don't think it would have been good. I want all of this to work out especially you and me." I gave her a long, gentle squeeze that made her purr in my arms as I cupped a breast and thumbed the nipple through the dress and her bra. I said, "I want things to work out, too. You are a beautiful, nice person. You should be happy." She turned...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 11

In the morning, it was Monday. I woke early and beat Dad. The coffee had made and I was half way through my cup before he came down still looking tousled. I said, "Are you feeling okay, Dad?" "It was a combination of sun and wine. I'm a little tired yet but, fortunately, it's a light day in the office. I'm going to keep it that way." "You look fine." "Yes, Sir, I'm more used to the sun and didn't have much wine." We heard some noise upstairs. Britt and Mom came down together....

2 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 3Chapter 3

[Chad] It's March and our house is coming out of the ground. The weather has been good and Mister Charles is elated. He wanted to be ahead to give extra time later if it were needed. It's also close to birthday time. Britt was visiting with Grandmother Thornton when Mom and Dad approached me. Dad said, "It's getting close to a birthday. How much are you short?" I blushed. "Does it show that I'm nervous?" They nodded. "I still need four hundred fifty-one dollars and forty-two...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 8

Trish’s visit was very brief, she seemed stressed and didn’t even bring the laundry down which was a shame however I learned that she had to go off early tomorrow to a very important meeting which would involve staying overnight, I was only too happy to offer to look after Tams even before she asked which put a smile on her face as she didn’t have to worry about her daughter.She told me that Tammy needed shorts and would I take her into town and get her some and I was only too pleased to oblige...

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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 13

Britt and I work up together just before six and put on our early morning clothes. We went downstairs leaving Mel asleep on our bed. We went downstairs starting coffee and toast for breakfast. As the coffee perked and the toast toasted, we looked out the window with our arms around each other until the toast was done. We buttered our toast and put jelly on ours. We had kidded that we had found one thing where we didn't like the same thing and that was jelly and coffee. When the coffee...

3 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 17

We went into our room and dressed in shorts and better tops than tee shirts. We pulled on our sneakers. We could meet the world but were dressed to perform light work. We stripped our bed. We brought the sheets and the damp mattress pad down putting all in the washer and starting it. On the way up, Mom said, "Mattress pad, too?" We blushed and she laughed lightly. Once in our room, I said, "What do we work on first?" Britt sat on the bed. "Let's talk about furniture. We could use...

4 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 23

We were prepared to wait supper for Dad and Mitch to arrive. They arrived a few minutes before our normal time to hugs and kisses. Mom said, "You can tell us all about it over supper. I would think you're both hungry." Mitch said, "Lois, I'm always hungry for your cooking." Mom said, "Good. Remember that you are having dinner with us Friday." "I remember and I get to sit between you two." "That's my Uncle Mitch, always wanting to sit next to two pretty ladies." I had learned...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 27

School had just ended and it was time for a wedding! It was going to be a small wedding until Mom and Dad's class started on it. The situation quickly ballooned out of sight with people all over town hearing the public announcement. Pastor Bob had Mitch assign police officers to the church to handle traffic. It was a good idea. Almost the entire police force was going to be there. Everyone Mom knew at school and all of Dad's working friends including the D.A. and all the judges....

3 years ago
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Jose Sucks Off Chad

So my name is Jose. Im from mexico city, and I lived in mexico until I was 20. At that age I came to the USA with my boyfriend Manuel. We both came hoping for a better future and better money you know. But I finaly got a job mowing lawns for a gringo named Chad, he was 35 and was married aswell. He was the hottest man I ever seen in my life. He had to be atleast 6 feet tall and had the most beautiful blue eyes. I always liked him but never had the guts to tell him. Plus I didn’t wanna get in...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 7

I woke up feeling pretty good about myself and pulled the curtains to let the sunlight in, it was a beautiful day. Trish had gone off early as usual as her car had gone from the car port so I got the washing out the dryer and carefully folded it up ready for Tams to collect whenever she was ready.Things were progressing nicely with Trish and I was glad we opened up, it was hot thinking about the fun we can have with their panties and the thought went through my mind of her sexuality and I had...

4 years ago
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Chad The Babysitter Part 2

“Morning Chad” came the sleepy voice from the bedroom doorway, I looked up and saw young Tammy stretching herself and yawning, my god this girl could sleep for England.I made some fresh coffee as she sat back in the recliner focusing on the day ahead, she mad no comment about me still being in my boxers and no comment about last night apart from apologising for falling asleep.“Oh don’t worry about that Tams” I said softly as I handed her a mug of coffee, “Thanks Chad” she replied softly sipping...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 15

The time to pick up Mel seemed to fly by. Everything was quiet. Mel would be ready after her Thursday exam. We would leave from here early Thursday morning to meet her, help her load, and get on the road. Our teachers had made our absence permissive. We would have to do the work but would have no tests until the next week. Wednesday evening, Mel called us in tears. Mom answered and she asked to be put on speaker. "My car was trashed. All four tires slashed, the windows broken out, and the...

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