The Head Girl Teaches: Miss Downey's Story Chapter Three free porn video

Helen Downey sat behind her desk in her classroom marking a set of books during her free period. She had been at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School for six weeks and was looking forward to the half term holiday that was just over a week away. The young History Mistress paused and thought to herself for a moment. She had settled in quickly and had established herself with her classes, possibly aided by the gossip that had spread throughout the school after her first morning, when she had been pushed into punishing Heidi Owen, a girl in her form class, within an hour of being introduced to the girls. Helen smiled with relief at the fact that she had not been forced to use corporal punishment against any of her students since then.
She returned her attention to the pile of exercise books in front of her but was interrupted by a loud knock on her classroom door. Through the frosted glass panel, she could see that someone wanted to see her.
“Come in.” She raised her voice so that the person on the other side of the door would hear her.
The door opened fully and Kim Campbell, the Head Girl at St. Katherine’s School, and member of Miss Downey’s form class, entered the room. The tall, dark-haired girl closed the door softly behind her before walking across to Helen’s desk. She smiled at her young Form Mistress and folded her arms across her chest.
“Hello, Kim. Have you got a free too? What can I do for you?” Helen threw her pen on the desk and turned her full attention to the eighteen-year-old girl.
Kim Campbell licked her lips and thought about how she would continue. Like most of the girls in 13 HDY, Kim liked the softly spoken, kind and caring Helen Downey. She had to admit to herself that she had been shocked, but also impressed, that the seemingly gentle Miss Downey had punished Heidi immediately on that first day after she had sworn in class. The Head Girl unintentionally stuck her sizeable breasts out in front of her, the white blouse she was wearing struggling to contain them.
“Hi, Miss. Are you busy?” the Head Girl asked.
“Just marking some books so I don’t have to take them home tonight. Why? What can I do for you?” She smiled at the younger girl.
“Oh. It's just that I need someone to witness a punishment and am struggling to find anyone.” Kim flicked her long, dark hair behind her right ear.
“Witness a punishment?” Helen asked confused.
Kim Campbell laughed before replying.
“Well, if someone gets sent to me – or any of the Prefects – they have the right to ask that they have a witness there too. Normally, they ask for someone from their year group, but I’ve got Rachel Hatton from Mrs. Vanssen’s Form class and she’s requested a teacher to witness the punishment.” The Head Girl pulled a frustrated face and smiled once more.
Helen smiled. She had wanted to find out what went on inside the Head Girl’s room since she had joined the school. Miss Downey couldn’t quite believe that the lovely Kim Campbell and her team of female Prefects could use corporal punishment to discipline their fellow pupils had they stepped out of line and broken school rules.
“Does it have to be a certain teacher, or something?” Helen asked curiously.
The Head Girl laughed.
“Usually, a girl names a teacher and we go and get them and then carry out the punishment while they watch us, but Rachel is always awkward and just asked for a teacher. I can’t get anyone to help me out. Could you do it for me, Miss?” Kim asked hopefully.
Helen Downey thought to herself for a few moments, not taking her eyes off the very attractive Head Girl. She really did need to finish her marking as she did not want to take it home with her that evening. However, she did find the prospect of actually witnessing one of the girls punishing another, very appealing. Helen decided quickly. She could stay back after school had finished and finish her marking. She pushed her leather chair back from under her desk and got to her feet.
“Of course, I’ll help you out, Kim. As long as it doesn’t take too long?” She was already heading over to the door.
“No more than fifteen minutes, Miss. She’s just getting a spanking and half a dozen with my leather paddle for being rude to Mrs. Lindsay.” Kim Campbell followed her young Form Mistress into the corridor and closed the door behind her.
Helen followed the confident eighteen-year-old along the corridor and then down the flight of stairs to the ground floor where Kim’s study was located. The sixth-former reached the door and paused, looking back at her Form Mistress, before opening the door quietly and stepping inside. Miss Downey followed her inside and paused for a moment before closing it behind her.
Helen Downey spent a few moments standing and looking around the large room. Directly opposite the entrance, there was a small kitchen area with a kettle, refrigerator and a microwave oven. In the far corner to her right, Miss Downey could see a leather sofa and coffee table and along the wall to her right, there were desks with laptops and books neatly laid out. The walls of the room were painted white but were almost entirely covered in various music and film posters. As the young teacher was taking in her surroundings, Kim Campbell was preparing to administer the punishment, by pulling a chair from under one of the desks into the centre of the room.
“Has she signed to accept her punishment, Becky?” Kim asked her Deputy, Rebecca Holloway.
Helen then noticed the girl – Rachel Hatton – was standing in the far corner of the room, facing the wall with her hands placed on her head. She then saw Rebecca Holloway, small leather paddle in her right hand, standing next to the taller girl.
“She has, Kim. It’s Rachel’s second punishment this half-term so needs to be given the warning.” Rebecca Holloway walked over to her friend and indicated the punishment register on the coffee table.
“Oh, who punished her last time?” Kim Campbell walked over to her friend and picked up the black hard-backed book from the table, studying its contents carefully.
“Katherine Masters,” Becky smiled before continuing.
“She gave her a hand spanking over the skirt for swearing in Mrs. Thompson’s Maths class.” She handed the small, tan-coloured paddle to her friend.
The Head Girl nodded and checked that the details had been filled in correctly seen as she would have to take the book to Ms. Storey for her to check and record in her own book. She could see that Rachel’s name and form class, member of staff who had sent her, why she had been sent, punishment awarded and that she had signed to accept it, had all been filled in. All Kim had to do was administer the punishment, sign to say she had done it and get Helen to sign it as a witness. Kim Campbell placed the book back on the table and looked over at her Form Mistress, who stood near the door.
“Miss, why don’t you sit on the sofa and we’ll get started. Shouldn’t be long and then you can get back to your marking.” She laughed and walked over to Rachel Hatton until she was standing close behind her.
“Sure,” Helen Downey replied and made her way over to the leather sofa.
Helen sat down, brushing the creases from her navy blue dress and made herself comfortable. She smiled as Becky Holloway sat on the left arm of the sofa next to where she was seated. Miss Downey stared at Kim, who continued to stand close behind Rachel Hatton, who had remained silent since arriving at the Head Girl’s room.
“Well, Rachel. This is the second time this half term that you’ve been sent to us and you know the rules, so I warn you now. Today you’ll be punished across your knickers but if you get sent to us for a third time this year then any punishment will be given on your bare bottom. Do you understand?” Kim Campbell tapped the small leather paddle against the palm of her right hand.
“Yes, Head Girl,” Rachel Hatton replied, remaining still and staring at the wall in front of her.
“Very well. Let’s get this over with then. Besides, Miss here has got to get back to her marking.” Kim Campbell laughed and looked over at Helen Downey.
“Are you okay that Miss Downey is the teacher who is witnessing your punishment, Rachel?” The Head Girl walked over to the chair in the centre of the room and sat down. Kim placed her paddle on the floor next to her right foot.
“Yes, Head Girl,” Rachel Hatton answered meekly.
“Then come here and position yourself over my lap, young lady,” Kim Campbell commanded and smiled as Rachel made her way the short distance to where she sat.
The older girl stood looking down at the Head Girl. Kim brushed the creases from her short black pleated school skirt and adjusted the sleeves on her crisp, white school blouse. Her breasts stood out proudly under the brilliant white blouse. She leaned back and moved her hands out of the way before she looked up at Rachel.
“Come on then – over my knees and put your hands on the floor.” The Head Girl looked at Helen and smiled.
Rachel Hatton did as instructed and carefully lowered herself over Kim’s knees, placing her hands flat on the carpeted floor. She shuffled around until she was comfortable and then felt Kim’s hands on her back.
“I’m going to lift your skirt and then we’ll begin, young lady." The Head Girl moved her hands from Rachel’s back and slowly raised the older girl’s black skirt, neatly folding it out of the way, exposing her white knickers.
Kim placed her left hand on the girl’s lower back and began gently rubbing Rachel Hatton’s bottom with her right hand. The Head Girl flicked her long dark hair back behind her right ear before looking over at Becky and Miss Downey. She smiled, raised her right hand in the air and brought it down a second later with a muffled ”smack!”
Rachel Hatton had been a regular recipient of corporal punishment during her time at St. Katherine’s School, both from teachers and the Prefects alike. She showed no reaction to that first slap, even if she felt it connect with the centre of her bottom. She looked down at the dark carpet and concentrated on not showing any reaction and giving Kim and Becky the satisfaction of knowing that it had hurt her.
“Smack!” The Head Girl began working on the beautiful bottom lying at her mercy in front of her.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” Alternate slaps on each buttock.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” Kim Campbell concentrated on Rachel’s right bum cheek.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” She levelled things up by giving the girl’s left buttock the same treatment.
Naughty Rachel still showed little emotion and took her punishment well. She had been caned four times during her time at St. Katherine’s School, so a hand spanking, no matter how hard Kim Campbell’s hand was, was nowhere near as bad. She looked over to where Helen and Becky were sitting and smiled at them before returning her focus to the carpeted floor in front of her.
The Head Girl had expected the older girl to show little reaction to the punishment but pushed on regardless. She continued smacking the bottom in front of her for over five minutes, varying the speed of her slaps and the severity of each smack. To finish this part of the punishment, she deliberately slapped the naughty sixth-former across the thighs, leaving a series of hand prints on the girl’s legs. Again, Rachel Hatton showed little reaction but did begin to squirm and move around on Kim’s skirt.
The Head Girl smiled as she looked over to her Form Mistress, who was watching the events, fascinated. Kim Campbell stopped and placed her hands on Rachel’s lower back, giving the older girl a few moments to recover.
“Okay. I want you to get up and bend over this chair. I’ll then give you six with the paddle.” She took her hands from the older girl’s back and sat back in the chair.
Rachel got to her feet slowly and stood looking down at Kim, who stared back at her. The Head Girl bent down and picked up the small leather paddle in her right hand before getting to her feet. She moved out of the way and watched as the older girl bent over the chair, gripping the sides of the chair with both hands. The Head Girl moved round to Rachel’s left side and measured the small, oval-shaped leather paddle out across the bottom in front of her. She thought to herself for a moment before pausing and lifting Rachel’s black skirt out of the way, exposing her white school knickers. The Head Girl re-took her position and wasted no time in laying the leather paddle across the bottom in front of her.
“Thwack!” Rachel Hatton swayed slightly but managed to stay in position.
Conscious of time, The Head Girl decided to finish the punishment quickly.
“Thwack!” Her second stroke landed in the identical spot.
“Thwack!” Kim caught Rachel low down in between buttock and thigh.
“Thwack!” The fleshy centre of the girl’s bottom received the heavy stroke.
“Thwack!” Kim Campbell smacked the older girl’s bottom as hard as she could with the paddle.
The Head Girl paused and re-adjusted her blouse. She took a deep breath which pushed her breasts out beneath her white school blouse. She tapped the small paddle against Rachel Hatton’s bottom and drew the small piece of leather back, bringing it down again a second later with a final, loud “Thwack!”
Rachel Hatton remained bent over the chair for a few moments while Kim inspected her bottom. She ran her right hand over the white knickers in front of her. Through the material, she could feel that the sixth former’s bottom was hot, and she could see the red hand prints across the girl's thighs. She was satisfied.
“Right, Rachel. Get up and sort your appearance out.” She placed her hands on her hips and watched.
The eighteen-year-old schoolgirl stood up and rubbed her bottom through her white knickers before pulling her skirt down. She adjusted her skirt and blouse and walked over to the desks where she picked up her blazer and school bag. Once satisfied, she walked back to where Kim was standing and waited.
“Okay, you can go back to class. Just remember that if you get sent to me next time then you will be punished on your bare bottom and Ms. Storey will want to see you too. Is that clear, Miss Hatton?” Kim asked sternly.
“Yes, Head Girl,” Rachel Hatton replied coldly.
“You also need to write a letter of apology for Mrs. Lindsay and hand that to her first thing tomorrow. Do you understand?” Kim Campbell looked over at Helen, who had got to her feet.
“Yes, Head Girl,” the girl answered.
“Then get yourself to the toilet and clean your face and then back to class,” the Head Girl snapped and watched as the sixth former turned and headed to the door.
Once the door had closed, Helen walked across to the coffee table and looked down at the Head Girl’s Punishment Book. Kim placed the paddle down on the chair and walked over to Helen Downey.
“Okay, Miss. You just need to sign there and that’s it. I’ll take it to Ms. Storey and see if she wants to have a 'chat' with Rachel about her bad behaviour.” She smiled as her Form Mistress bent down and signed her name next to where Becky had indicated with an “x”.
“Thanks, Miss. Hope you can get your marking done so that you don’t have to take it home with you tonight,” she smiled as she began replacing her tie and putting her blazer on.
“Not at all, Kim. It was quite useful seeing what goes on in here.” Helen walked to the door.
“Oh, thanks, Miss Downey. You’re welcome to come and watch us any time you like.” The Head Girl picked up her punishment book and walked over to the door where Helen was standing.
“Not that I think you need to learn much – all the girls were amazed with what you did to Heidi that first day of term,” she laughed loudly.
Miss Downey walked out into the corridor and waited for Kim and Rebecca to join her. She returned to her classroom and failed to get her marking done. She was thinking too much about what she had witnessed that afternoon. Helen Downey was aware that she was moist between her legs and found herself touching herself beneath her desk. She really needed to ask someone at St. Katherine’s if they could help her deal with her fascination with corporal punishment.

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