Young WolvesChapter 5 free porn video

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Sarah was heartbroken. All her fears of Cameron finding someone prettier than her had come true. She thought he loved her, but obviously, he had only wanted to take her cherry. Like a fool, she had fallen for his lies completely.

She sat through first period in a daze. She couldn't remember a thing Mr. Harper said about the Peloponnesian wars. The students were all buzzing about Cameron and those cheerleader whores, and something about a fight on the commons. She blocked their inane chatter out of her mind.

She had second period in twenty minutes. Cameron was in that class and Sarah knew she couldn't see him without making a total fool out of herself. She would either burst into tears or smash his face with whatever she could get her hands on, so she told Mr. Harper she wasn't feeling well, left class, informed the office, and went home.

She spent the morning crying in her room. Her chest felt like it had a hole right through it. She sobbed as she lay on her bed clutching her teddy bear, Mr. Giggles. Why was Cameron doing this? She thought they had something special. Sarah had daydreamed many times about him asking her to marry him. In her dreams, his face always looked so beautiful when she told him; of course, she would marry him. She felt like a naïve child.

Sarah cried until she had no more tears. She decided that she couldn't lie in her room all day feeling sorry for her self. She changed into some shorts and decided to clean house. Cleaning always took her mind off her problems. She cleaned her room first, then the bathrooms, the living room and finally the kitchen. She bagged up the trash and took it to the trashcans in the alley behind her back yard.

"Hey Goose," a voice said as she walked back through her yard.

She looked toward the voice and saw her neighbor Rick's head sticking over the fence between their back yards. Rick was a senior in college, but usually came home from the city on days he didn't have classes. Since she was a little girl, he always called her Goose. "Oh, hey Rick," she said.

"You look like you've been crying," he said concerned.

"Boy troubles," she said, "You know how it is."

"You want to come over and talk about it?" He asked.

'What the hell, ' Sarah thought, 'I've got no one else to talk to.'

She told Rick she would be over in a few minutes. She went to her vanity and tried to make her face presentable. She gave up. No amount of makeup was going to disguise her puffy eyes.

Rick opened the front door for Sarah and she noticed that all he was wearing was a pair of shorts and a leather cord around his neck. A little jade square with some oriental symbol hung from the cord. He was a little taller than Cameron, but leaner. Where Cameron's muscles were thick, Rick's were lean like a swimmer. She figured he must have been sunning when he heard her in the back yard.

"Where are your Mom and Dad?" Sarah asked as he led her into the living room where he plopped into a recliner. She sat on the couch across from him.

"Work," he responded. "So I hear you're legally an adult now."

"Yeah, for two whole weeks now," she said.

"I'm gonna have a beer," he said as he brushed his black hair out of his eyes. "You want a beer?"

"Sure," she said, not wanting to seem like a kid to him.

He climbed out of the recliner and disappeared into the kitchen. Rick returned a moment later with two bottles of beer. He had already opened hers for her.

"Now," he said, "Tell me about these boy troubles."

She took a swig of beer and began. A half hour and two more beers later she finished. When Rick brought her third beer, he sat beside her on the couch. He put his arm around her shoulders as she finished her tale. She had a good buzz going and didn't seem to mind. Sarah only had three beers but she wasn't used to drinking alcohol.

"Sarah, this guy Cameron is crazy if he thinks these other girls are better than you." He said as he squeezed her reassuringly.

"I don't know," she said doubtfully.

"Trust me Sarah," he said stroking her hair. "A lot of guys would love to be with you."

"Really?" She asked.

He brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, leaned in, and pressed his lips to hers. His tongue slipped out and caressed her full lips until she parted hers and allowed his tongue to fill her mouth. He swirled his tongue around her mouth with more force than she was used to and tasted of beer.

Sarah felt a little light headed from the combined effect of the beer and his insistent kiss. She barely noticed when he began massaging her breasts through her shirt. Her mind might not have noticed but her body responded and her nipple hardened under his touch. She moaned softly into his mouth.

Sarah followed when he took her hand and led her to his bedroom. She didn't really want to go, but Cameron had hurt her bad. Her alcohol-clouded judgment told her that if Cameron didn't want her at least Rick did.

He pulled her inside his room and pushed the door closed with his foot. He grabbed her with both hands by her head and pulled her lips to his. His tongue invaded her mouth again, and she sucked on it hungrily.

Rick removed his lips from hers long enough to pull her shirt over her head. He continued feasting on her mouth and running his hand over her back. He unsnapped her bra, removed it and threw it on the floor. He fell to his knees in front of her. He cupped her breasts underneath and lifted them up. He sucked first one nipple into his mouth and then the other. He nibbled and sucked on her hard nipples until he heard her moan with pleasure.

He removed his hands from her sensitive breasts and pulled her shorts and panties down to her ankles in one smooth motion. She stepped out of them and he tossed them aside. He cupped her ass cheeks in his hands and pulled her to him. Rick buried his nose in the black curls above her pussy while his hands squeezed and rubbed her ass.

Rick pushed her backward and she fell back on his bed with her feet still on the floor. He lifted her legs and settled them on his shoulders with his head between. He leaned forward and ran his tongue around the outside of her pussy.

Sarah shivered when his tongue touched the tender flesh, and she gasped when he lightly licked her slit from bottom to top. He swirled his tongue in a circle around her entrance and then slid it up to flick her clit.

"Your pussy tastes good, Goose," he mumbled. He worked his tongue more insistently on her clit occasionally sucking it and pulling on it with his lips.

He stood quickly and removed his shorts. His cock stood out before him. It was as long as Cameron's she noticed, but not as thick. His foreskin was intact and covered half of his swollen head. He pulled her up until she was sitting on the edge of the bed and pressed his cock against her lips.

She opened her mouth and allowed his stiff cock to slide between her lips. She could feel his foreskin slide back as her lips closed around his dick. She sucked it and rolled her tongue around it. His uncircumcised cock felt strange in her mouth as her tongue licked around the folds of skin.

She grabbed his shaft with one hand and cupped his balls with the other. She started sliding her hand up and down his long cock while rolling his balls around in their sack. She slurped on his cock head hungrily almost angrily. 'Fuck Cameron and his cheerleader whores, ' she thought.

"You suck dick so fucking good," Rick moaned as she worked him.

He let her suck his cock for another minute and then pushed her back on the bed. He lifted her leg up and hooked his arm under her knee. She pulled her other knee up while he grabbed his stiff cock with his free hand and guided it to her pussy. He rubbed the engorged head of his cock up and down between her wet hot lips a few times then sunk his dick in her as far as it would go.

"Oh, shit!" She cried as he filled her pussy with his hot meat.

He fucked her fast. He sawed his cock in and out of her pussy as fast as he could. Her moans sounded like she had a vibrato in her voice from his pounding. He grabbed her by the ankles and held them out forming a V with her legs. He looked down and watched his cock disappearing into her tight pussy.

"Damn! Your pussy is tight," he said as he thrust into her.

He scooped her up with his cock still in her; she wrapped her legs around his back to keep from falling. He spun around and sat on the bed with her in his embrace, his cock buried deep inside her pussy. He grabbed her ass with both hands and used them to guide her movements on his cock.

"Oh yeah, Goose ride that dick," Rick groaned as she squeezed his cock with the slippery tight walls of her cunt.

He lifted her again and deposited her on the bed. For a second she didn't know which way he wanted her to go. He awkwardly pulled her around and placed her on her hands and knees. He stood on the floor and pulled her back to him with both hands on her small waist. He lined up and shoved his cock into her depths. He thrust into her fast and hard, pulling her to meet each thrust with his grip on her waist.

"Ungh, ungh, ungh, ungh," he grunted with every thrust.

Sarah realized that, unlike Cameron, Rick wasn't going to make her cum with his dick unless she helped him. She shifted her weight onto her left hand so she could reach back and finger her clit with her right. She circled her finger around her clit softly at first and then more urgently. She didn't even bother to tell him when she made her self cum. He seemed oblivious anyway.

"Don't cum in me," she said when she sensed him getting close.

He pulled out of her and leapt onto the bed beside her. He grabbed her head and tried to guide his cock to her mouth, but didn't make it in time. His first spurt hit her on the cheek. He crammed the head of his spewing cock into her mouth before the second squirt and jacked his own shaft as fast as he could. He cried out as he spilled his cum into her mouth.

She swallowed his spunk as it was deposited and grimaced at the taste. She tried to pull away when he was done, but he held her head in place with his hand. She turned her head enough to spit his dick out of her mouth. He grabbed his cock at its base and squeezed while moving his hand to the top of his dick. He forced his foreskin over the head of his cock until it met hose like in front of his pee hole. He milked one last drop of cum out of the tip of his foreskin then shook his dick, flicking it onto her face. It landed just under her eye.

He finally released her and rolled onto his back. "That was great," he said as he grabbed a cigarette and lighter off his bed stand. "Bathrooms over there." He lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply. The acrid stench of the tobacco made her head hurt.

She gathered up her clothes and went to the bathroom. She felt dirty and wanted to wash as quickly as possible.

She came out of his bathroom fully dressed. "I gotta get home before my parents do," she said.

"Let yourself out," he said blowing smoke while his now flaccid uncircumcised cock lay obscenely on his stomach. "And Goose," he said.

She paused at his door.

"You're a really great fuck," he said.

She fled. She went straight home and to her room. She closed her door and leaned her head against it. She just stood there thinking. While clearly more experienced than Cameron was, Rick was a far distant second as far as she was concerned. She felt unclean. She wished that she had never seen Rick or his ugly dick. She needed to take a shower.

She heard her cell phone beeping. She had a voice message. She sighed, crossed the room, grabbed the cell phone off the dresser and hit the button that played her messages. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard Cameron's voice.

"Sarah, it's Cameron," he said. "It's lunch time and I'm on the cafeteria pay phone. They told me you went home, sick. I just wanted to call and see if you're okay, and to tell you that I love you. I know you're mad at me, but I can explain everything. There are some crazy things going on with me right now and you're the only person I can really talk to. I love you and I want to fix things between us. Please, Sarah I need to talk to you. Okay, well, I'll talk to you later then. I love you. Bye."

Sarah's eyes stared blankly as she dropped the phone, 'My God, what have I done?'

She had more tears after all.

The wrestling dual was a bust. Tyler never even showed up and their school had to forfeit the heavyweight match. Cameron did enjoy watching his girls do their cheers though. Afterward he drove each of them home and watched until they made it safely inside.

He pulled into his drive way and killed the engine. He got out of his car and froze. His enhanced nose smelled all the scents that were supposed to be there, but he thought he caught another scent for a split second. He sniffed again it was faint but it was there: Tyler. He ran for the house as fast as he could without turning to half wolf. He almost tore the door off its hinges getting inside.

His mother was sitting at the kitchen table crying. He rushed to her.

"Mom are you ok?" Fear gripped his heart. "What is it? Is it Camille? Is she all right? Mom!"

Sharon looked up and handed him a piece of paper. He read it quickly. It was from Camille. It said she was eighteen now and tired of living by her mother's rules. She had moved in with a friend and didn't want us to come looking for her.

It was almost believable. The way Camille and his mother had been fighting lately. If he hadn't caught Tyler's scent outside, he might have believed it himself. There was no doubt in Cameron's mind. Tyler had Camille, and he made her write the note.

Cameron had made a grave mistake and he knew it. He had assumed Tyler would behave in the same way Cameron himself would. He should have known Tyler wouldn't keep the conflict just among the wolves. Tyler had no honor or morals. Tyler just wanted to win, and he just hit Cameron where it hurt most. Instead of going after him directly, he was going to hurt the ones Cameron loved.

'Oh god, Sarah, ' he thought. 'If he knows how I feel about Sarah he might go after her too.'

He started making plans. First, he would call Jen and have her go get Trish. Those two would go to Sarah's and see if she was missing. He would go get Beth and bring her here to keep an eye on his mom, while he searched for Camille and Tyler.

Cameron started for the phone when the doorbell rang.

"Mom, stay here," he said as he headed for the door. He made himself ready for whatever may be on the other side.

He opened the door and Allen stood there. Cameron lost his mind. A guttural snarl erupted from his throat, and he was on Allen before he could think. He was unaware, in his rage, he had transformed to half wolf. He grabbed Allen by the front of his jacket and hoisted him into the air. His momentum carried them off the porch and into the yard. Cameron slammed Allen on to the ground hard. Allen's air exploded out of his lungs from the impact.

Cameron crouched over him, Teeth barred, with his ears laid back flat. A deep vicious growl rumbled deep in his throat. Saliva dripped off his fangs onto Allen's human face.

"Where is she?" He snarled. The words came out slurred as he tried to form the words with his changed mouth.

"Tyler has her," he said gasping to get his breath back.

"Who else does he have?" Cameron inched his fangs even closer to Allen's face.

Allen looked confused, "No one else. Just your sister."

"Where are they?" Cameron roared, his enraged voice echoing off the trees.

"I don't know," Allen said despondently as though those words had signed his own death sentence. "Tyler took her and John and left. They aren't coming back until her change is complete."

"So he bit her?" Cameron asked. His words were coming out clearer as he adjusted to his new mouth.

Allen nodded.

"Cameron what's-" Sharon stood frozen on the porch. She stared at Cameron, horror painted on her face. She took in his visage, and screamed. She bolted into the house and slammed the door so hard that it bounced back open without the latch engaging.

"Mom wait," he called, but her panic had so overwhelmed her that she didn't hear.

Cameron hauled Allen up and dragged him into the house. He flung Allen onto the floor. He slid across the hard wood floor, and landed in a crumpled heap.

"Don't move," Cameron told him.

Sharon was crouching in the corner. Her eyes were open wide in disbelief and terror. He took a step toward his mother to try to calm her.

"Stay away from me," she screamed. She tried to scramble away from him but the wall prevented her, her legs just scrabbled and slipped on the floor.

Cameron realized he was still in half wolf. He quickly changed back to full human. "Mom, it's me. It's me," he said soothingly.

Recognition dawned in Sharon's eyes. "Cameron?"

"It's me mom," he said.

She stared at him, mascara smeared around her eyes, "You're a, you're a-"

"Werewolf," he finished for her.

"I need a drink," she said.

"Allen," Cameron said, "Get my mom a drink. The bar is over there." He nodded in the direction of the bar.

Allen climbed off the floor and limped to the bar. He grabbed a bottle of vodka. He looked for a glass as Cameron helped Sharon off the floor.

"Just bring me the bottle," Sharon said. Allen brought her the bottle and she took a long pull on it. She coughed and patted her chest when she swallowed the fiery liquid. "Okay, I'm ready. Tell me how this happened."

"Mom, I need to make a phone call, and then I'll tell you everything." He shifted his gaze to Allen, "you gonna run?"


Cameron called Jenifer and asked if she could pick up the others and come to his house. He was relieved when she said she could arrange it. With Tyler out of town, he didn't have to worry about protecting Sarah, at least until Camille finished her change.

While Cameron waited for the girls to arrive, he filled his mom in on the events of the last five days. He glossed over the parts where he had sex with Sarah, Jen, Beth, and Trish. He told her about Camille's note being a sham, and that Tyler had really kidnapped her. She took it pretty well.

"Will this Tyler, hurt her?" she asked.

"No mom. He's making her like Allen and me. However, she will have to obey him whether she wants to or not. Remember that if she shows up here," Cameron said.

"You can get her away from him though, can't you?" she asked.

The realization that to save Camille he would have stick his dick in his own sister, hit him like a physical blow. He wasn't sure if he could do it.

"I'll think of something Mom. Don't worry," he said. He exchanged a glance with Allen, and shook his head slightly. He didn't want Allen to mention what getting Camille back would entail. Allen nodded, getting the message.

The doorbell rang and Cameron let the girls in. He led them into the living room where Sharon and Allen waited.

Trish saw Allen standing there and threw herself into his arms with a cry. He buried his face in her red curls as he wrapped her in his embrace. They stood for a moment bodies pressed together, before Allen looked up at Cameron.

"You meant what you said this morning on the commons, didn't' you?" Allen asked Cameron.

"I did," Cameron said.

"Cameron, what are we doing here?" Jenifer asked and glanced at Sharon meaningfully.

"Everyone, this is my mother Sharon," Cameron said. "Mom, this is Jenifer, Beth, Trish, and you already met Allan. My mom knows we are all werewolves so I'm gonna get strait to the point. Tyler has taken my sister and he's turned her."

Jenifer gasped, "I'm so sorry Cam."

"What is Allen doing here?" Beth asked.

"That is a good question," Cameron said.

All the assembled werewolves and one human looked at Allen. Allen removed himself from Trish's embrace, but took one of her hands in his. Trish and Allen stood side by side and faced the group.

"Tyler ordered me to capture any of the girls if I got a chance. The order left me a little wiggle room, so I decided to place myself in a situation where I won't get that chance," Allen explained as Trish gazed at him, her love for him written all over her face.

"You're a good man Allen," Cameron said, "Sorry about earlier."

"Hey, you just discovered we took your sister," Allan said, "Believe me, I understand."

"What happened earlier?" Trish asked.

"I thought your Alpha here was gonna kill me until his Mom saw us," Allen said.

"Cameron, what do you need us to do?" Jenifer asked.

"First, I need you girls to stay here tonight," he said. "Is that going to be a problem with your parents?"

All three girls shook their heads.

"No they are used to us staying with each other." Jenifer said. "Trish and I tell our parents we are staying with Beth. Tyler used to make us do it all the time so we could stay out all night."

"My mom doesn't care where I am," Beth said. "She is usually so drunk by now, she wouldn't know I was gone if she did care." Beth looked startled when Sharon laid a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.

"We didn't know how long you would need us, so we already arranged it," Trish said.

"Allen," Cameron said, "will Tyler threaten Jen, Beth, and Trish's families?"

"No. He wants the girls back. He won't go after their families," Allan said.

"Okay, I need you three to stay here and guard Allan," Cameron said. "Tyler is supposed to be out of town until Camille completes her change, but if for any reason he or John show up here, take my mother's car and run. Mom, I need your cell phone. We'll keep in touch through your cell Jen."

"If you're leaving you'll have to tie me up first, Cameron," Allan said. "I still have to follow my orders if I get the chance."

"We don't have any rope," Sharon said, "But we have three roles of duct tape in the garage. Will that work?"

"I think that will work fine," Cameron said, "Mom will you get the duct tape?"

Sharon ran to the garage and returned with the duct tape.

"I think the chair I made in shop class last year is the only one we have strong enough to hold Allan if he makes a serious escape attempt. Allen and Trish come with me please."

He led them to his bedroom and pulled the steel framed chair he had made into the center of the room. Allen sat and Cameron wrapped tape around Allen's crossed wrists behind the back of the chair. He then taped each of Allen's ankles to the legs of the chair. He used most of the three rolls of tape. He wanted to make sure Allen would be secure despite his enhanced strength.

Trish knelt and laid her head on Allen's leg when Cameron finished securing him.

"Keep an eye on him Trish. If he tries to escape, call for the others. You guys, I want you to know I'll do my best to get you together as fast as I can." Cameron said as he left to go downstairs.

As Cameron descended the stairs, he saw his mother hugging Beth of all people. He was surprised to see tears in Beth's eyes when they separated.

'I wonder what that is all about, ' he thought.

Beth seemed so tough and Jaded he never expected to see her emotional. Jenifer stood nearby looking slightly unhappy. He dug in his pocket and pulled out his keys as he joined them.

Jenifer rushed to him and pulled him into an embrace, "Please be careful."

"I will," he said as he kissed the top of her head.

Sharon gave the cheerleader an appraising look as Jenifer held her son. "Where are you going, son?" She asked.

Cameron gently removed himself from Jenifer's arms.

"I think it's time I paid a visit to Tyler's mother."

Cameron spent the drive to the mansion Tyler and his mother lived in, trying to get his thoughts in order. Cameron had started the day with the advantage of surprise. He had Tyler back on his heels, but in the course of a single day, Tyler had seized the initiative and turned the tables.

Cameron was in a war now and felt he had to go back on the offensive. It was a gamble going to see Tyler's mother, but it was a risk he felt he had to take. He would not hurt her but Tyler didn't know that. Maybe Tyler would make the same mistake Cameron had, and assume his opponent would act as he would. Would Tyler even care if Cameron had his mother?

His thoughts drifted to Sarah. He loved Sarah and his heart ached for her. Somehow, in all this craziness he needed to find time to talk to her. He planned to tell her everything, but he had to get her to talk to him first. Not telling her was not an option. He truly loved her and she needed all the facts before deciding if she wanted a life with him.

He was terrified that she would think him a monster. Even if she could accept that he was a werewolf, would she accept how he felt about his female pack members?

'How do I feel about Jen, Beth, and Trish?' He asked himself.

Trish was easy. He felt protective of her. More than that, he felt a deep biological imperative to protect and care for her, but felt no real romantic feelings for her.

His feelings toward Jen were more complicated. He was definitely having romantic feelings toward Jen. She was beautiful and brave while being vulnerable and tender at the same time. He wanted her love and he couldn't deny it. Where Sarah had taught him what love was, and that he need not be alone, Jenifer had believed in him and shown him what he could be.

His feelings for Beth were even more complicated. Sex with Beth was intense and her mouth on his cock was a mind-blowing experience. At first, he just thought of her as a tough girl who liked sex. However, a few things he had seen and heard had him reevaluating his previous thoughts.

He heard her say that her mom didn't care where she was. He saw surprise in her eyes when she told him that she would please him whenever he wanted, and he saw her guard immediately come back up. He saw her shock at his mother's compassion, and he saw tears in her eyes when he came downstairs. He couldn't remember where he heard it, but someone had once told him that Beth's father had run off when she was little.

Now when he looked at her, he saw a girl who hid her vulnerability behind attitude and a sharp tongue. Something deep inside his soul wanted to save her. He wanted to give her the love she never had. He wanted to show her what Sarah and Jen had shown him. He wanted to show her that she could love without danger of abandonment and betrayal.

His thoughts were interrupted as the Guinn estate came into view. He parked a block away and approached on foot. All his senses strained for any indication of a trap. He scaled the wrought iron fence that surrounded the estate and made his way across the property. The house was huge with stone pillars running up to an overhanging balcony. The large yard was landscaped and covered with ponds and flowers.

Cameron cursed when the yard sprinklers came on and soaked him with water as he tried to sneak across the yard. He jumped away from the sprinkler and crashed into a stone birdbath, toppling it. He cursed again and sprinted for the front door of the sprawling home.

Cameron felt like a complete idiot standing in front of the door to a lavish estate dripping wet. 'Not quiet the menacing Alpha wolf I was hoping to look like. More like a wet dog, ' he thought.

"Fuck it," he said and rang the doorbell.

Cameron was unprepared for the woman who opened the door. She was tall, or maybe it was the white high heel shoes she was wearing. Her hair was ash blond with a few strands of grey streaked through it, Medium length and styled perfectly. She was about forty and had a sophisticated attractiveness that only wealthy women seem to achieve. A martini complete with olive was held daintily in her hand. She wore a white silk robe; open in the front with no bra on. The inner curves of her heavy mature breasts were visible. The silk robe covered her nipples, but Cameron could see them pressing against the fabric. Her white lace panties were in plane sight.

She looked at him with smoldering green eyes, and turned up one corner of her mouth in an amused half smile. "So," she said in a smoky voice, "You're the mighty Alpha that's terrorizing my son." She laughed and took a drink of her martini. "You look more like a wet puppy to me."

'I knew it.' he thought.

"Well, come on in Sugar," she said.

A draft caught her robe as she turned and glided deeper into the house. The silky material floated off her sensual form giving Cameron a view of her thong parted ass as she moved away. Her ass, though not as firm as the young girls in his pack, was round and sexy. It curved nicely into her narrow waist. Despite himself, he felt his cock twitch.

"Be a doll," she said, "And shut the door behind you."

He followed her in, shutting the door behind him. "Do you always answer the door dressed like that?" He asked.

She laughed as she turned to face him. "Of course not child. I knew it was you."

"How could you know it was me? He asked. "And I'm no child."

Same as Young Wolves
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youngins in the canyon

the wife,karen, and i were hiking into a dead end canyon a few years back. it was a warm day and she wore a halter top and tiny shorts on her tiny little body although her boobs really pushed out that halter top. we had hiked this canyon many times before and knew there was only one way in and one way out. we had seen a car parked in the parking lot when we came in so we knew someone else was also hiking the canyon. about an hour into the canyon we came to little rise where you could see...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 9

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was a brand new one that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam the safe made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 8

After Jessie’s and Jill’s request to be more open with the family I began to notice a few chances around the farm. I noticed how lightly the girls had begun to dress. They would walk around the house in light clothing which revealed a lot of their beautiful skin. Obviously trying to catch my attention, I think it excited them to prance around the house trying to impress a boy, and it certainly excited me! Those occasions usually turned out to them unzipping my pants and playing with me. They...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 7

The faucet poured water into my hands which I splashed onto my face. It was a fresh feeling, having just woken up. I stood only in my boxer briefs and a t-shit and felt like I was at home. I was standing in the new bathroom which I had just finished the day before. The girls loved it and I felt great to be able to make them happy in another way, other than tantalizing them with my cock. I stepped out and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Jill was standing by the stove preparing tea and I...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 6

A few hours later I woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other animals from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was lying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry. I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 5

I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage. I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 4

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt. After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 3

Later that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, which made it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning. As I thought about the light, I a shadow moved outside the window above my head. There was a light...

First Time
3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 2

I got dressed and walked down the street as Let had told me at the train station. I walked out of town until I came to the outskirts of the ranch. There was a wooden fence and a gate which read "Day-Sea ranch". I needed to walk about a kilometer up a dirt road from the fence until I reached the farm's buildings. As I approached, I saw a farmhouse. I noticed its age. It must have been built sometime during the 1800s. The farmhouse was on top of a hill, which made me a little tired after hauling...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 1

Part 1: Moving  Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most kids avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I guess I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life, but I have also worked as a craftsman in my...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 9 Consequences

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was brand new that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam it made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between the 2 inch...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 8 Kira

After Jessie’s and Jill’s request to be more open with the family I began to notice a few chances around the farm. I noticed how lightly the girls had begun to dress. They would walk around the house in light clothing which revealed a lot of their beautiful skin. Obviously trying to catch my attention, I think it excited them to prance around the house trying to impress a boy, and it certainly excited me! Those occasions usually turned out to them unzipping my pants and playing with me. They...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 7 Open Relationship

The faucet poured water into my hands which I splashed onto my face. It was a fresh feeling, having just woken up. I stood only in my boxer briefs and a t-shit and felt like I was at home. I was standing in the new bathroom which I had just finished the day before. The girls loved it and I felt great to be able to make them happy in another way, other than tantalizing them with my cock. I stepped out and walked to the kitchen for breakfast.Jill was standing by the stove preparing tea and I gave...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 6 Celebration

A few hours later I was woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other a****ls from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was laying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry.I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 5 Meacutenage

I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage.I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I...

1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 4 Expanding interests

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt.After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls left...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 3 Settling in

Part 3: Settling inLater that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, making it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning.Thinking about the light, I saw a shadow move outside the window above my head. There was...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 2 The DaySeas

Part 2: The Day-Sea'sI got dressed and walked down the street as Let had told me at the train station. I walked out of town until I came to the outskirts of the ranch. There was a wooden fence and a gate which read "Day-Sea ranch". I needed to walk about a kilometer up a dirt road from the fence until I reached the farm's buildings. As I approached, I saw a farmhouse. I noticed its age. It must have been built sometime during the 1800s.The farmhouse was on top of a hill, which made me a little...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 1

Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most k**s avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I guess I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life, but I have also worked as a craftman in my uncle's workshop and...

1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 1 Moving

Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most of the k**s avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life. I have also worked as a craftsman in my uncle's workshop and...

1 year ago
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It's kind of obvious what you can expect at Young Porn Videos. Extremely horny people and serial masturbators from all over the world love nothing more than to fantasize about fucking women who are not only out of their league but also out of their age range. There’s nothing hotter than banging your 40-year-old schoolteacher as a high school student, or knocking up your neighbors hot MILF wife. It’s way more exciting to fuck an older woman than one that’s near your age range, but there’s one...

Teen Porn Sites
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Web Young! No site on the Adult Time network will lead to a typical porn review. Especially not since the porn studio recently merged all of their channels into one … creating one convenient membership price and area to allow you to access any of their content. This means that whether you’re looking for the hottest lesbian action from channels like Mommy’s Girl or Web Young, or you’re really into seeing girls’ asses get ravaged by giant cocks and might be more into Anal Teen Angels or Asshole...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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As you can already expect, this subreddit is dedicated to the lovely teen girls who are in the porn industry. From what I have seen, r/youngporn/ does not really have any amateurs here, and while you can find amateur content, usually, it is made by actual pornstars who just love to film dirty videos in their private life and share it with their lovers.Reddit is a free website with thousands of NSFW subreddits and even more subreddits that are not pornographic. This is why I always like to...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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I assume you are here to see lots of lovely women show off their goods… and when I say ‘lovely women’, what I really mean is ‘Young Pretty Hoes’, which is essentially the name of this subreddit. I think the title should already tell you what the fuck to expect, and unless you are a moron, you will be able to take the hint.However, there is a lot more about r/YoungPrettyHoes/ and, in general, you might not know, and that is where I come in. If you would like to learn more about...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

1 year ago
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Young Nephew

Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...

3 years ago
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Young Justice A Chivalrous Sprite

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics, a division of AOL Time Warner. It is written solely as a fan fiction and the characters are used without their permission. It is not intended to alter the established continuity of any story line in any book published by DC Comics. The story that follows was written purely for fun, with no thought of profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided that the author is given...

2 years ago
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young toms

To begin with, my husband, Ted, has a twin brother Fred who is married to Susan and they live near by in our small town where it is difficult to do anything without someone else knowing. With all that said, we have the usual evils in our little town, the bars where men hang out looking for women and women hang out looking for men. Of course some of the women make a living off the men. Each of us couples has a teen-age son and they were born in the same month and the same year. All four of us...

4 years ago
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Young Toms

To begin with, my husband, Ted, has a twin brother Fred who is married to Susan and they live near by in our small town where it is difficult to do anything without someone else knowing. With all that said, we have the usual evils in our little town, the bars where men hang out looking for women and women hang out looking for men. Of course some of the women make a living off the men. Each of us couples has a teen-age son and they were born in the same month and the same year. All four of us...

1 year ago
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Young Cum Queen part 1

PART ONE Jennifer started as she turned to look at the alarm clock. It was 8:30 am and she was going to be late for work. “Shit” she muttered to herself, knowing how much her boss hated latecomers. Normally she was on time, but after waking up earlier that morning she’d got caught up in daydreaming about her boyfriend Brett. She’d imagined him in bed with her, sucking her hard, quarter-sized nipples and fingering her pussy and clit. She lay there pinching her nipples and rubbing her little pink...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Young Uncle Mike Babysits the Teens

There was a large pool in their backyard, and the basement was finished as a game room, complete with a wet bar, couch, big screen monitor, and a Ping-Pong table. She had divorced her husband after catching him fooling around with his secretary. The settlement left her in sole custody of their four young daughters. The last time our family had visited them, the girls were young and rather bratty,...

1 year ago
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Young White Daughter Deflowere by Black Man

It's strange to be writing this story. I've written a number of stories that focused on the African continent but this one happened to a woman I met in the states. I had just spent 16 months in Nigeria working with British Petroleum but was transferred to New Orleans to explore for oil and gas for platform rigs. It was a Saturday afternoon when a friend and me decided to have a few drinks at a lounge in the French Quarter. A woman, nice figure and attractive, sat down at the bar two seats down....

2 years ago
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Young and Single1

~ Synopsis – A young man from a Spanish speaking family goes back to Spain to work and stays with his Mother, Sister and Niece. ~ I’m Ken, single and living at home with my Father. My Mother left when I was 4 and my sister 11. My Mother took my sister and went back to Barcelona to live with her own Mother (Galena) leaving me here with Dad in the US. I got the opportunity through my job to move to Spain with the firm and because I could speak the language I was the best choice. My Dad spoke...

2 years ago
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Young Lee Clark and the MILF

‘Knock…knock…knock’. Melanie put her book down and answered the front door. “Hi…Mrs. Barton,” the good looking teenager asked, “Is Warren in?” “Ehm no,” she smiled when she recognised her son’s best-friend Lee Clark or Clarkie as he was known to his friends, “he’s at work but shouldn’t be long; do you want to come in and wait?” “Yeh thanks.” He mumbled and wiped his trainers on the door mat as he followed the slim woman into the living room. Clarkie and Warren had grown up...

1 year ago
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young wife

nice fantasy i would like to happen with my wifeI have been married to my cute little wife for 7 years. We were married right out of high school when we were both 18. I played on the basketball team and she was one of the girls in the dance group that danced at half time. She is a little blonde, about 120 lbs, and very cute with a great personality. We were both each other's first and hit it off right from the start. We dated for about six months before I finally got in her pants. She was...

4 years ago
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Young Studs for Carol

The long night of sex with the four younger studs, in front of her son, had been a terrific and exhausting experience: she had been drained of all her energies like never before in her life. The woman raised herself from the bed and took few steps in the room to the mirror; bags around her eyes and some love bites on her breast sides proved the heavy treatment from her captors, but her appearance, on the whole, still looked great; and this was certainly due to her resilient and well exercised...

1 year ago
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Young Melissa

The Greyhound bus was only half full as it made its way into Iowa from Illinois. Most of the passengers were riding alone and stared out the windows at the fields of corn and soybeans that stretched to the horizon. Melissa Lockheart sat by a window toward the rear of the bus. She watched the farmers toiling in the fields as the bus cut through the vast countryside. This was Melissa's first visit to Iowa. She was headed to her Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ben's farmstead near the town of Bentonville. Her...

3 years ago
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Young ebony slut

The other night I had this sweet young lookingAfrican American girl re-twisting the roots on my dreadlocks.Nikki was a fine young brown skin ebony female she stoodAround 5’4 and weighed about 125. She had the perfect ebony skinColor that made her look like a Goddess. My wife used to makeRemarks about the way she dressed. Like most young girls during theSummer months Nikki liked to wear those tight booty shorts, and thoseOpen toe Roman looking sandals. I didn’t see anything wrong with the things...

4 years ago
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Young Girls Should Not be Taught Physics

Young Girls should not be taught Physics Authors Note: I've never written a story before. It sure is fun. Let me know if you enjoyreading it as much as I enjoy writing it. The physical structure is: Day 1: Classical Physics Day 2: Relativity Day 3: Quantum Mechanics Day 4: String Theory Day 5: Unified Theory Each day Mr. Jefferson teaches one lesson to each of his high school grades.If you are a teacher, you won't be surprised to learn his first week is thehardest. Thanx All...

4 years ago
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Young girl problems

Danielle's hormones began having their effect on her at an early age so that by the time she was 14 her budding tits swelled to fit into a 34C bra. The natural shape of her chest made them form into round tea cup perfect tits with soft, pointy light pink nipples protruding slightly upward. Further down her torso was a flawless flat stomach, pinched by a tight waist that lead in contrast to sharply swung hips that in turn curved around to two full ass cheeks that sweetly pushed out about any...

3 years ago
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Young Jilnar Jardalys First Fuck

Hello to all my horny fans!A lot of you have asked me to tell the story about my very first time. And some of you asked me why a classy, elegant, glamorous, famous newsreader has a thing for hairy, guttural, unclean, Neanderthal slobs. Well, both stories are the same so here it is, guys! Get out your beautiful, big, hard cocks and start stroking. I've already got my fingers down the front of my panties...It was about a month after my sweet sixteenth birthday and I was on summer break. I was...

3 years ago
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Young Black Cock I was Addicted

It was my second year as professor at Western University. I had a Ph. D in Fine Arts and was instructing first year oil painting.The curriculum was mainly still life and landscape but did include some figure painting.For the figure painting I employed a willing student who would pose for a stipend from my limited budget. Usually it was a female student but this year a well-built nineteen-year-old male volunteered.Brad had the body of Adonis. Was a blue eye blonde with well defined muscles. He...

3 years ago
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Young Erin Part IIAmanda Joins In

Our intricate scheme began a few weeks earlier over the internet. I came to know Erin through a popular website and we immediately hit it off despite the 24 year difference in age. I soon learned Erin was one of those rare teen girls who was attracted to, and loved to be fucked by, older men. Somehow, I had been lucky enough to meet this incredibly sexy young nymphomaniac. Our plan involved meeting at a hotel near her home for a planned sexual rendezvous. Once in the room, Erin...

2 years ago
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Young Camphouse rofers later the first day

Young Roofing crew continued later that 1rst day!So I had gone into the camp house completely naked and with young cum all over me, and jumped into the shower. It was about 3 pm and I got all clean and fixed me a stout drink and watched the young hot men outside as I gently fingered my pussy! They were working hard and their young bodies glistened with sweat, I was sooooo horny and wanted to cum on one of their dicks! I had to wait 2 more hours until they were off work, so I kicked back in the...

3 years ago
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Young black man mature white female

My gorgeous mature white wife went to our nude, adult campsite we use. She wanted to relax, maybe find a young black man to have sex with as over the years she's enjoyed having several black men as sexual partners. She's 54, just about to turn 55, but easily passes for 10 years younger. She has a great mature curvy figure, is 44E-38-45, has long blonde hair, blue eyes, hairy bush and takes great pride in being all natural. Some wrinkles, little extra here and there, but a truly voluptuous...

3 years ago
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Young Sonia

Papers flew everywhere as Sonia Marie entered the classroom tripping over her shoelace and sprawling to the floor.  Belly laughs erupted from my students.  I walked over to Sonia and helped her pick up her papers. "You guys get to work or I'll put you all in detention!" I demanded my students then asked Sonia, "Are you ok, dear?" She nodded nervously then went to her seat. I watched Sonia as she did her math problems.  The girl was a high school misfit.  She was always very isolated and closed...

1 year ago
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Young effeminate teenager takes my seed like the good and submissive teachers pet that he is

I had just started my current vacation of three weeks in total, when I traveled to Sweden to visit my parents for a few days, staying in the guest bedroom of their small but comfy house, located in the outskirts of the harbor town Gothenburg. The world cup (in soccer) had just started, with my dad intent on watching most of the matches. Having been reassured, both through their own words and from my own observations, that everything was indeed more than fine with my now elderly, retired...

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Young Studs for Carol Ch3

John was laying on the bed and mom was locked in his embrace. After being thoroughly fucked, the unconscious Carol was resting in the arms of the big stud, who loved cradling in his massive arms the mature, hot milf. Her small size fitted perfectly in his large frame, like a little baby fondled by an adult. John’s lips were gently kissing the beautiful face of his naked asleep lover, while his huge hands caressed the jutting curves of her breasts and ass. He had screwed the mature lady...

1 year ago
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Young black man mature white female2

My mature, gorgeous, big breasted, mature white wife was thrilled to have delivered her recent 3 black babies with the young black man Rodwell as of two months ago. He'd like to see his three babies as my wife tells him they're beautiful. So arrangements are made for Rodwell to visit for a weekend, my wife has arranged for our 3, 17 year olds to be away for a 4 day weekend. I was going to be away on business. Rodwell arrived early Friday morning, was thrilled to see his 3 beautiful babies. He's...

1 year ago
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Young studs for Carol Ch2

The woman was breathing deeply, still passed out from the long wild fucking. Her swollen breasts were ondulating on her chest; her left arm was stretched out over her head, showing the delicious curve of one ivory-white armpit. The boy tore off his shorts and briefs and stood naked in front of her sleepy mom: his shaft was jutting up, in all its hardness, from his hairy crotch. He was still aroused from the vision of the torrid sex-session between his mother and the two big black guys....

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