An ClochánChapter 57 free porn video

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It was 10:00 hours the next morning when the Iridien, Monque, Atewa, and Órarduine delegations settled into their seats for their first full day of discussions. “Good morning,” said those from Sarah’s Clan.

Judy continued with, “We hope you had as an enjoyable time yesterday evening as we did. Please remember that the dining area is available for meals whether we are there or not. This morning will begin with a presentation of our plans for this area by Eibhlin of Maureen’s Clan. Eibhlin.”

“Thank you Judy. Our approach to settling here is likely very different from the way others settle a new planet. We know that it is very different from the way the Connemare did it. We are able to do things this way for several reasons. First, our reconnaissance teams visited here on a rotating basis once it was decided that this is where we would settle. The primary purpose of these visits was to gather data on the planet and the solar system in general. Second, while they were here they initiated some preparations for settling here, as well as bringing supplies for future use. Finally, at the time we started surveying this system our available transportation was only our 7 Dóchas class ships and 1 freighter. This changed when the Dutsuz offered us the use of 3 freighters. With the increase cargo space allowed us to significantly revise our plans for moving. A significant benefit of this was that we now had space where we could continue manufacturing items during the trip that would be needed when we arrived here.

“Our current plan for this settlement is shown on the map you now see. While not exactly to scale, it is pretty close. The grid is in 1 kilometer squares with the current boundaries being 7 by 7. The squares are numbered beginning with 1 for the square adjacent to Central Square, which is noted as that. A letter for the compass direction is added to the number to further identify them. Central Square is where we are currently. This structure is temporary and is similar to the one located at 1N. Once the building at 1E is complete, our offices both here and at 1N will move there. The buildings at 2E and 1E 1S are what we refer to as a Common building. These buildings are designed so that they can be used for a wide range of purposes. They are typically 3 stories tall. Initially these 2 will be used for manufacturing or similar operations. The construction at 1E 2S and 2E 1S is the hub for a residence group. A Residence Group consists of 8 - 14 floor towers placed in a circle around a three story Residence Hub.

“Our goal is for every clan to have a residence on the planet within a year. Included in this are the buildings for manufacturing that are underway in both 2E and 1E 1S, as well as several others. How many will depend on future needs. Initially the residence suites will be similar to those we have on our ships. As more towers are completed the size of the suites will increase. In the initial stages of moving into the residences we will continue to dine together in the Residence hub. When the suites expand enough to accommodate a kitchen and eating area our dining arrangements will likely change.” She then outlined plans for the spaceport, agriculture, and other areas. “So that pretty well summarizes our current plans.

“We did not initially intend to take this approach. Initially we planned to have almost everyone living on the planet in habitats similar to those we used on Mars. Security issues are what prompted us to rethink our plan. A significant contributor to this was the perceived threat posed by the Durale. To counter this we felt that we had to keep our ships manned at a higher level than we had initially planned for. However, the availability of the three additional freighters made it easier for us to revise our plan to meet that requirement. As noted earlier they provided us with more cargo space, and space where we could continue some manufacturing. With our recon teams making frequent trips here it gave us the opportunity to move supplies here as well as start preliminary preparations. A key preparation was setting up the aggregate operation. Questions?”

Secretary Baraska said, “You didn’t mention what appear to be temporary structures to the west of here.”

“Those southwest of 1W 2S are temporary residences. This is the area that we expanded to accommodate those who recently arrived from An Clochán. Those at 2W, 2W 1N and 2W 2N are for our recreation and entertainment activities. Our primary recreation is indoor sports, such as volley ball, basketball, gymnastics, pool, martial arts, etc. Beyond them are fields set up for outdoor sports. Entertainment is music oriented and includes dancing. The indoor sports and entertainment activities will move to Common buildings at some point.”

Captain Tuska said, “You didn’t mention the building that is directly east of here and is likely off your map.”

“It is off the map as it is 12 km from here. It is a place for meditation. It is also the place where the Councilors will take their oath of office. They serve an 8 year term but will reaffirm their oath every year. I believe that that will be covered at another time.”

“So we can visit it?”

“Certainly. Sunrise from there is very lovely, or it has been every time I’ve seen it. The sunset is almost as good.”

As the questions tapered off Brigid said, “Thank you, Eibhlin. Let’s take a short break then James will give us a presentation on how our government is organized.”

It was late evening on the 4th day of Eigmonth when Sarah’s Clan left Tara Ardchlár for Dóchas. They were approaching Dóchas when Molly said, “How was your evening with our visitors?”

“Pretty enjoyable,” responded Joyce. “As before, they all seemed to enjoy the music. Several joined us in dancing. Thazoe and Nanria really seemed to enjoy themselves dancing with us again. Overall it was a nice time.”


“Since we don’t have a meeting scheduled with the visitors for tomorrow, we were looking over the variety of topics we’ve covered in the last 6 days. In doing so we see some inconsistencies between our comments immediately after a topic and those made later.”

“We’ve noticed that as well,” responded Jill, “but the differences didn’t seem very significant.”

“Well our concern is that those differences could grow and lead to misunderstandings. Not so much among us but with them. So we think we should document our view of what we’ve agreed too and share it with them before they leave.”

“Good idea,” replied Sarah. “We presume you have a suggestion.”

“Of course, which means you are good teachers.” Her comment caused many to laugh or chuckle. “So, our idea is for us to divide up the topics among us. We would then review our notes of the proceedings so we that can lay out a formal response or position on each one. Earlier we shared this idea with the other Councilors and they approve, so are you agreeable to taking a few minutes to distribute the topics? We don’t see this as taking very long. Then, with tomorrow being an open day, we should be able to complete the reviews by late afternoon so we could go over them together.”

“That should work as our closing meeting is on the 6th.”

Kelly of Keriann’s Clan said, “Some of us have notes on specific issues, along with our thoughts on handling them, so we should share those.”

Tiff of Siobhan’s Clan added, “We’ve been thinking about this since Molly’s Clan raised the idea. At first we were concerned because we all have a lot of catching up to do tomorrow and we weren’t sure we had time. However, after looking over our notes, we agree. If we run late then we do it after dinner.”

“That is our impression as well,” said Jackie’s Clan.

“In thinking back over the meetings and our discussions,” said Conan of Siobhan’s Clan, “this should be fairly easy to complete, unless someone gets carried away with wordsmithing.”

Crystal of Maureen’s Clan added, “Once we have them finalized we should share them with our visitors before the closing session begins.”

Alena said, “Molly, we presume you all have a suggestion on who does what.”

“Yes and no. Our Clan has some thoughts but we have not shared them yet.”


Sarah’s Clan was just sitting down to breakfast on Dóchas when Caoilinn said, “Are we still on for this morning?”

“Yes,” replied Sally. “Their Spec Ops teams are meeting us at Donegan Cove on Carey at 11:00 hours. It appears that all of their teams are participating. Forecast is that it will be heavily overcast, but dry.”

“Good. See you there.”

“Is the area at Donegan large enough to accommodate that many cruisers?” asked Alena.

“Probably, but some are landing at the range then coming over on transporters,” responded Cathan.

“What about the suspected agents?”

“I haven’t heard very much about them. Our Intelligence group may have heard something, but for some I think it may take quite a bit of time before they are sorted out. When we shared our impressions with the Monque and Atewa their Counterintelligence groups were pleased with the information. This was because many of our observations were consistent with theirs. However some that we noted hadn’t triggered their interest, although they are now doing a closer review of those individuals. We have biometrics for all of those we suspect so we can monitor them when they visit us.

“The Iridiens have a difficult situation as there are at least 2 who have access to their Counterintelligence files. Trizalski and Orgaine indicated that they had a solution but didn’t elaborate.”

“Have any of them been to Tara?”

“Yep, and they partied like everyone else, or at least they seemed to.”

Sarah said, “It is almost time to start the morning meeting.”

Doug said, “This table sure is quiet this morning.”

“Well it is difficult to talk while eating,” replied Joyce. “The food tastes especially good this morning; either that or I am hungrier than I thought.”

“I agree that it is good. Is it true that the Iridiens are leaving in three days?”

“Yes,” responded Erin. “The Atewa and Monque will be here a little longer. They are going to evaluate several asteroids as possible sites for their fleet service facility.”

“Are they going to be near us?”

With a smile Erin responded with, “Depends on what you mean by ‘near’. Their preference is for it to be about 15 to 20 lm from Ananu. Initially they plan to share a facility. Long term they will build another so they each have their own. When they do, the separation will be at about the same distance from each of us.”

“I presume there is a reason for them not using a common one.”

“We all have secrets. Long term it makes sense as their interests may not always be aligned, so separate facilities would avoid awkward situations.”

“What if there is an emergency?”

“We have the impression that they would do the same as we would, which is render all needed assistance.”

“Aren’t the Iridiens going to have a facility?”

“No. They will use one of the facilities here. This sector has significantly more strategic value to the Monque and Atewa than it does to the Iridiens. The idea of us hosting a Command Staff school has been discussed. Its students would come from the Alliance of Worlds as well as us. It is definitely a future endeavor and needs a lot more thought. The reason given for having it here is that it will be seen as a fairly neutral location. Doing this has some security implications for us that we need to carefully consider and discuss as a family.”

“Thank you. While I’ve followed your discussions with our visitors on the net, it is much more enjoyable talking to the participants.”

Aoife said, “Well that being the case, how about hanging around until after the morning meeting so that we can chat.”

“For you all, certainly,” replied Virginia. “We always enjoy those opportunities.”

“Well it won’t be all of us, but we’d like to hear your observations of Tara’s night life.”

“We saw you last night with the visitors and you seemed to be enjoying yourselves.”

“We did,” replied Sarah’s Clan.

“The level of activity you saw last night was greater than usual. We think that that was due to the visitors. The sport’s fields and exercise areas seemed to always be busy, especially during the day.”

While the others were chatting Janet, Alison, and Claudette moved to the podium and said, “Good morning everyone. Let’s begin with our morning review of today’s activities for the Dóchas crew.”

It was 14:00 hours when Dóchas FOC said, “Bridge, we’ve just been advised by IGN404 that they are departing on a short excursion to familiarize the new crew members with operations.”

“Did they give you vectors and times?” queried Joyce.

“I thought you all would be at Tara, but yes. It is a six point course over the next 16 hours. It should be on your monitor.”

“Not today. All that is scheduled for the visitors are exchange visits between ships. We plan to go down to Tara for dinner. Hold on, the projected course is now on our monitor. From our perspective it looks pretty reasonable. Their path appears to be clear.”

“It is. We just thought you should know. It is kind of odd as it was Captain Ersatz who contacted us, and he seemed rather stressed or ill at ease.”

“Perhaps it is the new crew as the Iridiens transferred quite a few of their crew members to it, possibly enough to fully staff it. Judy told us that many of its original crew members were very ill and were moved to either IHBC-12 or IHBC-67 for treatment.”

“Well that would explain all the new faces we saw on the bridge.”

It was nearly 7 hours later when Orgaine said, “Sarah’s Clan, is there a problem?”

“Not that we know of, why?”

“Trizalski has been trying to contact you to set up a visit but we’ve been unable to get any response.”

“We haven’t had any difficulties with other links. We’ll try to initiate one from here.”


Maeve said, “Communications, we need you to do a full com check with the Iridien fleet. Let us know the results as soon as you complete them. After that run one for all active locations in System.”

“Aye,” replied Orla. “We’ll put the result of the first check on your monitor as it comes in. The second part will take quite a while to complete.”


“Is there an issue?”

“Orgaine just informed us that they’ve been unsuccessful in trying to reach us.”

“Okay.” A few minutes later she said, “From the 8 Iridien ships in orbit, we are seeing their signals but there isn’t any information in them. We are now verifying communication links with Monque, Atewa, Tara, and our ships. Our sister ships are checking their links as well.”

Aoife said, “Orgaine, we are seeing your com link but it doesn’t have any information in it. That is also true for the 7 ships near you.”

“Thanks, I think.”

“We are currently checking our links with all ships in System. However, it will take quite a while to do that for IGN404.”

“Excuse me, but why?”

“They left on an orientation cruise some 7 hours ago.”

“Interesting, I wasn’t aware of that but it makes sense with all the crew changes. How long is it?”

“Sixteen hours with 6 vector changes. Let’s see, they are currently 1 lh from us, and time wise about half way through the exercise.”

“Okay. Thanks. I’ll be contacting you shortly.”

“Sally,” said Sarah, “what is the status of your exercise?”

“We are wrapping up. Why?”

“Orgaine just informed us that they couldn’t establish a voice communication link with us. Can you have the crews there check their communications gear? Dóchas Communications will likely contact you as well.”

Laughing she said, “Anxious?”

“Yes, as that isn’t the only odd event. Earlier IGN404 left on an intra system orientation cruise as an exercise for their new crew members.”

“Without chaperones I presume.”

“You are likely correct. We don’t know for sure.”

“Do you want us to curtail this?”

“We aren’t that anxious. However, being a bit paranoid, everyone should verify that their hijack fail-safe hasn’t been tripped.”

“Good point, although I think all of us do that routinely.”

“Okay. Use this link if you have any issues.”


An hour later, Sally said, “All systems here are fine. The Iridiens here haven’t been able to contact either IHBC-12 or IHBC-67.”

“Did they try the other ships in their fleet?”

“Not sure, but I’ll check.”

Rusty said, “Sally, let’s presume that they have a malware issue on at least the battlecruisers, so tell them not to download anything.”

“Now that makes sense.”

It was a few minutes later when Gwendolyn in Dóchas FOC said, “Attention all ships. Lifeboat beacons detected. Detecting 2 at 58 lm from us. Phoenix, Fiontar, Eagle, launch special rescue teams. Coordinates being uploaded.”

“Aye,” was the immediate response from all three ships.

Laonize said, “This is AHCD47. Do you need assistance?”

Tuska said, “This is MHCE25. We are launching our rescue team. Coordinates please.”

“Be advised,” replied Gwendolyn, “that we are sending Security teams with our rescue units. The only known ship close to that location was IGN404 about an hour ago.”

Laonize said, “AHCD47 will add a team to our rescue ship. They will follow your lead.”

Tuska said, “Those from MHCE25 will also follow your lead.”

Cathan said, “We have the coordinates and are now departing Donegan Cove. Everyone else is returning home.”

“Aye,” said Sarah’s Clan.

Briana said, “We’ll be there in time for you to go to Tara for dinner.”

“No rush.”

“We heard some interesting comments today from the Monque and Atewa teams. We’ll share those when we see you. As to today’s events, this was a great idea. We should do it again on a smaller scale so that we have more interaction time.”

“Okay. We’ll be ready to leave shortly after you arrive.”

Sally said, “I’ll get a ride to Tara with Zoe’s Clan and meet you all at dinner.”


“Did you all get the memorandum drafted?”

“Yes. We are going to discuss them after dinner as everyone will be available.”

It was an hour after detecting the signals from IGN404’s lifeboat beacons that TBN23, accompanied by 4 Star Fighters, approached the life boats. After looking them over Anessa, the Commander of TBN23, said, “Taiséalai FOC, we’re near the lifeboats. They all appear to be intact. Markings show that they are from IGN404.”

“Acknowledged. Rescue ships are on the way. Standby.”

“Aye,” replied Anessa.

TBN23 AI said, “I’ve scanned the boats. My sensors indicate about 70 biologicals on each. There also seem to be 3 of our bots.”

“Can you link with them?”

“Attempt in progress.” Several minutes later he said, “They are family. It appears that they’ve initiated short term suspension. I can override it but doing so would likely cause the loss of some, if not all, their recent memory.”

“Since the boats’ systems are stable there isn’t any urgency, so let’s wait. The rescue crews will be here in less than 2 hours.”

“Aye. I forwarded the count to Taiséalai FOC.”


A little later the AI said, “I’ve established contact with Dáire. He said that there are two women on the other boat and their names are Shaw and Nikita. They should wake up shortly. He expressed concerns about the intent of those operating IGN404. They are a subset of the crew the Iridiens placed on board. Those on the lifeboats consist of the original crew and some Iridiens. Also, the Durale prisoners weren’t placed in hibernation. Apparently they were only sedated so it appeared that they were in hibernation. All of them are now up and assisting with the operation of the ship.”

“Did you send that to Taiséalai?”

“No. Dáire suggested waiting until the other two woke up.”


“According to Dáire, when they understood what the crew intended they made some modifications to the crew’s plans. One was to alter the list of people they were going to leave behind in the lifeboats. He also indicated that there were some issues with IGN404’s navigation and propulsion.”

“So he expects them to leave this system.”

“Yes. They believe that the ship will head for a Durale base. From their current position and course, they could initiate FTL before any of us could reach them.”

“Send what we know to Taiséalai Intelligence and advise them that we will know more when we have our three aboard. I wonder why they were still on the ship.”

Close to half an hour had elapsed when the AI said, “Commander, Shaw and Nikita are active. They have asked to be picked up before the rescue teams arrive.”

“We can do that if they know how to exit the life boats. Why the urgency?”

“They think it would be better if none of the others know that they were there. Apparently they hid in the lifeboats prior to the other crew members being placed in them.”

“This is getting progressively stranger. Ask them if they can enter the air-lock and then seal the inside door.”

“Will do.”

Meredith then said, “I’ll take one scout ship. Greer and Tasgall can assist.”

Stuart added, “I’ll take the other ship with Aileen and Gilles.”

“We need to take environmental suits with us, just in case,” added Greer.

“They don’t have suits. As to the air-lock, they can’t verify the outer door’s status,” said the AI.

“Okay. Tell them to be at the door. We will be there shortly. Right now telepathy would be nice.”

“Agreed. Currently we are using a data link. When you are near them they will use their telepathy, but expect it to be very soft, like a whisper.”

“Good, we can live with that,” responded Aileen.

Tasgall added, “If necessary Gilles and I can connect using the data link. With all of you in our link, we should all be able hear them.”

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Making Love To Lakshmi Chandrasekaron

Hi All , This is Simon from Chennai writing a real experience which happened few months ago with my Colleague .To say about myself I am normal built towards the slim side aged 30 and normal size junior if you know what I mean.About her , her name is Lakshmi Chandrasekoran aged 27 ,was a little plump before but reduced to a super structure in few months . It all started when she our common friend introduced to each other but we didnt speak much since there was nothing in common in our work. In...

1 year ago
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Personal Shopper

A Bi Woman who likes to play dress up gives a gay sales clerk the ride of his life. “Personal Shopper” I would like to start off by saying that I consider myself Bisexual and while the concept of a female cross dresser is rare, I’m here to tell you that it does exist. I like to wear men’s cloths, it really turns me on. It’s is if I am a completely different person when I play dress up .one day one I was bored beyond all reason , I happened to notice that a new men’s wear store had opened up in...

2 years ago
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The punishment

Getting out of the shower, Lacy wraps a towel around herself and putters around the room trying to find a good outfit for a third date. She’s seriously trying to impress Michael so picks out a short and low cut dress and the tiniest silk panties she can find. She puts them to one side and starts to dry herself. The feel of the towel grazing against her nipples really turns her on so she fumbles around in her toy box and lies back in bed. She lubes up her dildo and pushes it in slowly before...

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Payback pt2

Chapter three: new friends and views of life. After a couple of hours of computer work in the afternoon there was a knock on my door which relieved me from my concentration. I answered the door where a maid was asking if I needed anything. She was young, 5’5” in height, black hair in a loose ponytail and black eyes, her outfit a simple black silk apron, barely covering her shaven pussy and leaving her back and ass exposed. It was also was really tight on her C cup breasts, giving a clear shape...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 15 Guys and Gals

May 27, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “This is more like a fraternity party than a baseball game!” Elyse laughed, as we sat in the bleachers at Wrigley Field watching the Reds play the Cubs. “Just be quiet and drink your beer!” I teased. “That’s one thing we couldn’t do at Riverfront! We were too young. Of course, the Reds were so good we wanted to watch the game. I think drinking is the only way to get through games these days!” “They might have a chance today,” Stephanie said. “It’s only 2-1...

1 year ago
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Welcome to the park

I knew exactly where I wanted to take you when you visited my small town. I prayed my secret spot still existed. I hadn’t used it in years. In high school it was a well-kept secret. As teenagers we were all looking for a place to skip school and avoid the police. We also wanted privacy to mess around with our boyfriends. I missed so much school I really never used it like some girls. I just knew it was always an option. Here in florida we have a ton of parks designed to be trails and...

3 years ago
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Pumping Niece

Bob Peters leaned back in the old steel double wide lawn chair, circa 1952 and watched as Chrissy took care of old Mrs. Johnson's needs. Chrissy greeted Mrs. Johnson, started the gas pump and then checked under the hood before beginning to wash and dry all the windows of the Cadillac. Bob was glad he had hired Chrissy. He'd always been glad. Had anyone asked him, he'd gladly have admitted that when he first hired her it was mostly for her looks. She was a babe. Sixteen, fresh, pretty,...

2 years ago
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The Book Club

The Book ClubI am 32 years old, have been married once to a guy who thought a romantic evening was a drive through at McDonalds, then taking it home, a quick romp in the bed, meant we’d turn in early. One romantic evening and I got the marriage reversed, claiming mental distress. When I threatened to tell everyone what his idea of a romantic evening was, he quickly signed the annulment papers and I was free again. I am also very lucky by having a good job, pays well, rewarded for my creativity...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 9

Sleep came to me easy and pressed onto me hard. I was encapsulated in loving warmth. I squeezed Max against my chest. Sam knitted her knee through mine. She snaked an arm under my waist and under my upper arm. She molded against my back. Alex lay against Max’s front. Alex laced her fingers with mine and laid her ear on my palm. My queen-sized bed was filled to capacity. I could feel the cold, the winter, but we were protected from it. I was dreaming; I was sure of it. I remained in bed with...

3 years ago
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Best Friend with Benefits

This story is true. Its been many years and so the conversations are what I recall and not verbatim.I had never thought of myself as gay or anything other than straight. In my youth the word gay only meant happy. There were only two ways of describing a man's sexuality that I was aware of, straight and fagot or queer. I am sure bisexual was used then but that was a word I was not aware of when in high school. I had done things sexually I knew where frowned upon but never considered them...

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Friday Night Ben Janes First Time Together

Jane was a curvy young woman of twenty-four when Ben moved in. She’d been paying her own bills for six years, moving out of the house as soon as she graduated high school and working as a barista to get through the MRI technician program at a technical college cross-state. On graduation she was able to find steady entry-level work. She had a boyfriend, Park, who she had been dating for about five months, and the two-bedroom apartment she shared with one female roommate was in a good...

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Trailing Home Ch 10

The next morning, Selena was busy packing things into the wagon when she heard Liam’s voice from inside the tent. She rushed in and stopped in her tracks. Liam was struggling to rise up on one elbow, but he was wobbly and weak, and he wasn’t having much success. ‘Oh Liam, just lie down, sweetheart. You have to take it slowly,’ she soothed, as she gently pressed him down on the pallet. ‘You’re looking much better today.’ Liam’s face had a slight frown, which she took as a good sign. At least...

2 years ago
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Getting Dirty At A Truck Stop

Disclaimer: This is a fantasy story about a truck stop (for the most part, some part at the start of the story is true). As such, I’ve let my wild desire and imagination run free in this story and indulged in activities I would otherwise never do. If you’re averse to kinky and dirty sex, or golden showers, you are warned. I’m a fairly straight-looking bi-bottom who loves to wear lingerie and get fucked by hard mature men. I don’t really have a type in men as such. Anyone with hard and willing...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Sex In Delhi 8211 Part III

Hi mera name Ankit hai and main Delhi se hoon. Main aaj apni first story likhne jaa raha hoon.agar koi galti ho tho maaf karma. Main 25 saal ka hoon and aachi khaasi personalty kaa hoon. Ye ghata mere saath 1 saal pahle hui thi. Jab main ek room rent per laker raha karta tha. Mera makan maalk ke 3 girls thi unmain se 2 bahar hostle main padhti thi and 1 sabse badi jisha naam nisha hai wo ghar per rahi thi. Uski shaadi hone wali thi. Uska figure bahut he mast tha. 34-28-38 uska figure tha. pahle...

4 years ago
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Unoffcial Suhaagraat

It was my visit to the temple to attend an family function and followed by the traditional way of looking for a girl for marriage. It was an pretty hot afternoon that day and I was darn pissed considering that but as I entered the temple premises it was followed by an beautiful looking girl in an tight pinky and light green color Churidar and man she was hot in that which exposed her busty boobs and the fine figure she had a little fat but all fat placed in the right places and man I was crazy...

2 years ago
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The Instagasm Device Chapter 1 Clerical Trials

Lizzie had always been a bit of a pervert. Someone who enjoyed watching men jerk off, especially in inappropriate contexts. As a teenager, she once caught her stepfather jerking off in the living room, and it had been a moment of sexual awakening. He never knew that she had seen him, but she had that scene emblazoned on her memory, and it was the subject of not a few late-night masturbatory sessions of her own, even into adulthood.Another thing about Lizzie, she was quite smart. Having attended...

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Carolyns Photoshoot Fuck

I’ve been happily married to my husband Mark for over thirty-six years, and during that time I’ve had a wide variety of sex with hundreds of men, including getting fucked, sucking cocks, DPs, gangbangs and more. I’ve always been proud of the fact that despite all that sex, I’ve never done anything with another guy unless Mark was there to enjoy the show or participate.This story is about the one and only occasion when I did start something with another guy on my own. However, Mark did...

Wife Lovers
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The Replacement part 2

The Replacement - part 2 by B. Pink Before reading this I suggest that you read The Replacement, as the story continues on from that. In the dark confines of the box, and despite the gas that was sedating me panic was coursing through me. I felt the box lifted up and carried. I shook my head trying to get the mask off me, trying to be able to scream for help. The box was roughly put down, a door slammed and I heard an engine start. For what seemed only minutes the...

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wife tricked into paying a debt

before i get into this true story i want to explain how this came about my wife had been promising me a threesome for almost two yrs and hadnt delivered i had been in this porn site and got her to join she did saying this would be good practice for her to get used to the idea of have sex with other men but i noticed she would only have sex chats while i was home every time i asked her why she hadnt had chats its was always one excuse or another and 20 months later i was no closer to getting...

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The Village 8 Emotions

Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: last the two girls...

2 years ago
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E080 Emma Enters The Yankee North For The First Time

As Donald resets the GPS for their continued route, he checks ahead and nods his head slightly at what he sees.  They pass under the Welcome To Maryland banner, and Emma gives a small shout of joy that she is now in another state.  And the “north” – Yankeeland.  She has never been this far away from her home before. Her elation about this makes her babble on and on to Donald about how wonderful this is, how she never got to go anywhere when young, all the new sights and things she is seeing and...

Love Stories
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Washing Dishes With Plus

As I sit here watching you standing in front of the sink washing dishes it occurs to me how sexy you look. My eyes wander up and down your entire body over and over again. You are talking about the days events which normally hold my interest but right now all I can muster is an occasional ‘uh ha’ or ‘yes, baby’. I am just too distracted to hold this conversation with you but you are still oblivious and keep chatting on and on. I watch as you bend over the sink and drop your big hands into the...

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The Book

The other day I went to a mid week garage sale. The people were moving out on the weekend. So they had a smallish garage sale. I brought a couple of books.Inside one of the books was a diary like from 1905 through to 1924.It's from a young woman by the name of Miranda. Dated 26/12/1905. Mum, dad and William are heading down to Portsea with uncle James and aunty Louise. I'm staying home. I have a few things to do and someone needs to keep the dogs company.Not only that I have my own priority's...

4 years ago
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How I Lost My Virginity To Neighbor Bhabhi

I am 22 year old and i am from Delhi, i can’t say i am good looking but yeah i am attractive. I have a lean body and quite a healthy dick. I am well settled in life and i stay in Mumbai. My email is The story i am writing is about how i lost my virginity to my neighbor bhabhi. My neighbor was a family of 5. Uncle, Aunty, their son and daughter and their son’s wife; whom i call bhabhi. My family and they had a very healthy relations. Bhabhi had a great body and a lil dark complexion. She was 28...

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A few weeks after I graduated from college I started working for a very big high-tech company. Since my job requires that I spend most of my day in front of a computer screen, I decided to go to the company gym to keep in shape. I usually went right after work around 4 p.m. I guess everyone had the same idea; the place was packed. After a few days of doing more waiting than working out I decided to forget about the gym and jog instead.Since I do not have any set hours for work I started coming...

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Trip to the mall

So here I was again on a trip the the local mall. My wife the finest shopper of them all was in need of some new makeup, so the good guy i am decided to open my wallet and take her. (NOW before we go any further, I am a closet shemale and now even crossdresser fan for years) So upon arriving at the mall weake our usual rounds and eventually stop at her favorite chain makeup store, yes I've been there before. Today though as my wife was doing her thing with a female sales person, I noticed a...

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Oh Emily

It started in gym class when I was 14. I would see some friends of mine changing. I saw lots of girls in their underwear and even some naked. Every time I saw a girl wearing just her panties (or less), I would get this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried to shrug it off. I dated a few guys when I got to high school. But like I said, none of them did anything for me. What really finally triggered my realization was my little sister, Emily. She was always so cute. But it...

1 year ago
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Black White 2

Jonelle sat in the dark, staring at the images flashing on her computer screen. Her finger was busy attacking her erect clit while her eyes focused on the large black cock impaling the tiny thin white girl deep inside her hairless pussy. A push of the mouse and another image jumped to the screen, this one of another white girl, but this time sucking on the knob of a huge ebony cock. The girl in the picture was very young, perhaps eighteenteen or nineteen years old, but the look on her face was...

3 years ago
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SargeChapter 11

The first night on that yacht wasn’t all that comfortable. Like the captain had said when we first spoke. “We are due for a bit of a blow.” His idea of a bit of weather was strong winds and rolling seas. The boat came through it with only a small amount of water and wind damage. We all celebrated seeing the sun the next morning. I also felt some better since I took the Dramamine tablet. I was on the verge of falling asleep all morning, but I fought it off. We lifted our cone of silence,...

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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 12

Lucy was fiercely disconcerted when I stalked her like a prowling jungle cat across the room and bent down to snatch her up into my arms. 'Aamir?' she exclaimed uncertainly, all the breath from her body stolen by that action. 'I want you... I burn for you," I breathed slowly. Lucy stared up into my silvered eyes and her entire body clenched while her heart pounded in her ears. 'I want you too,' she admitted breathlessly, barely able to credit that she had the nerve to admit that, and...

2 years ago
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Teen Diaries 17 Language Barriers

My name is Missy. I’m a blonde seventeen-year-old with a full figure. I’m an only child and my parents decided we should take a family vacation for Spring Break to Mexico. I really wanted to go to Cancun, but they decided on an all inclusive resort a ways away in Playa Del Carmen. We’ve been here a few days and I quickly made friends with a few other teens. The resort has a club, called a disco here, and my parents left the resort last night to go on a night diving excursion, so my new friends...

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Cinema Unexpected TreatChapter 2

As Friday night arrived; I was eagerly anticipating what may become of me and what this other couple would look like and more important what would they be interested in. I found myself unable to relax as my mind began to flame my passions. Eventually 7.30 came and I found myself outside Tom and Sonia's house; having rung their doorbell I was admitted by Tom who was wearing only a dickie-bow; he guided me into a side room and he pointed to a black velvet hood and asked me to remove my...

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EverywhenChapter 14

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. Damn-it, I forgot about them. I wondered if I could help them out. Let’s find out. I jumped into the tunnel. If the time between sections were roughly two seconds, then that would be 30 sections per minute. 300 sections would be ten minutes. I started moving quickly, but still slow enough to count individual sections. I stopped somewhere after 500 sections. And tried to...

3 years ago
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Advisors DelightsPart 3 Ten Years

The plan that was put before the Emir was simplicity itself. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of his accession on the first of October the Emir should be pleased to accept a new concubine into the Golden Palace harem and create for her a title, Special Concubine to the Emir. Naturally the competition would be open only to Kobekistani families to enter whomsoever they chose, even males if they wished. As Kamal Qumsiyeh summed up to his fellow advisors the overall purpose, “Give him a good...

4 years ago
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A man is abducted and held against his will by a group of women who use him to satisfy their dominant sexual desires

Aching head. I’m trying to cradle my head but my arms won’t move. My eyes bolt open and I can’t make out anything in the dark room. Struggling with my arms I looked behind me and could see my arms cuffed around a marble pole about a foot behind my head. I could feel my torso supported on a hard leather surface that runs to the small of my back my ass has no support from below. I can feel my legs suspended spread eagle in the air by what looked like metal chains. I struggle,...

2 years ago
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Way Too Competitive

Dad always said I was too competitive for my own good. Tonight, I was proving him right. I looked at the cards in my hand, actually a respectable hand-a full house of three jacks and two 9s, and then I glanced at the pot. Just about all the money my parents had sent me for the month was on the table, which was not helping my confidence level at all. One of my opponents, Ricky, had already folded, leaving only his roommate Billy and myself in the game. Billy had that smug expression on his face...

1 year ago
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New Neighborhood With A Beautiful Neighbor

Hi ISS readers, my name is Rahul. I am 26, Single, I’m basically from Mysore. Now shifted to Mangalore a beautiful city in Karnataka. This story is about how I had a beautiful time with my new neighbor Ashwini. This is my first story after a year, and I am super excited to post this. So, let’s get into the story. This happened a month ago, Our house was a 2-story building. We stayed on the first floor and the owner was on the ground floor. My room was on the corner of the house. Ashwini’s...

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The Fool

This is a piece I wrote last year and it did appear at Theresa's Fiction Galaxy for a short time (before they had a few problems), though it has been cleaned up since. As always it is something just that little bit different, though this one is that little bit more experimental. I know that it has no TG elements, but in its own way it could be classed as 'Outsider Fiction', a fiction that, like myself, rarely fits in anywhere. So I ask your indulgence and apologise for drifting away...

3 years ago
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Roses. They’re remarkable when you think about it. All across the world, people present them to the ones they most adore. Not as a mere gift, but as a tangible symbol of sincerest love. A cynic might call such a universal gift ‘uninspired’. After all, it’s common knowledge that the gesture is replicated millions of times across the world, every year. Yet the vast majority of people who receive these humble offerings will feel truly special in doing so. To hold one between your fingers is to...

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