Peter and Susie Ch 1
- 2 years ago
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I hated to make the call to Martin, but I needed a favor.
“Martin, you said I would come crawling when I needed a favor. Well here it is. There is a family in Atlanta Georgia, a woman and her two kids. I need for you to pick them up in the middle of the night and make them disappear. We are going to name the operation ‘Sanctuary’. We need to set them up somewhere in Mississippi, in a rural area with a rental house or mobile home. We need to do it quick. They also need completely new identity papers,” I explained.
“Don’t tell me, or anyone else where they are. Make sure she knows not to ever mention her old life, or her husband. She will have enough money to take care of herself eventually. Just set her up with three months rent and grocery money. After that, her retirement income should start flowing.”
“And what do I get?” Martin asked.
“One free week at Tasha’s Spa and Resort in beautiful Siler City,” I explained.
“What is the value of that trip?” he asked.
“Three grand and it includes a never ending supply of groceries, and other necessities from local sources delivered to the door.”
“Done,” Martin said. “I assume you will reimburse me for expenses.”
“Of course,” I agreed.
That one phone call did a few things. I got the SJL what they wanted, Martinez’s testimony. It got Martinez what he wanted, his wife and kids out of the Atlanta barrio. That part came with new identities. Those papers should be close enough to the real thing to fool anyone. It would also give Martin a free trial of the new ‘Tasha’s Spa and Resort’.
Finally I would get the resort into the market without any paper trail Well, no trail leading to Martin’s bunch or the government. Payments would be in cash most of the time or made through one of Martin’s shell companies. I preferred the shell companies, so I didn’t have to wash money.
After that one call, I was forced to begin work on the club in earnest. I called Ed and had him schedule a walkthrough with me. Then I went up to inspect the work that had been done while I was gone.
The downstairs heating and air was handled with ducts in the suspended ceiling. I didn’t like that look, but I wouldn’t be staying there. The occupants of the bottom level would be Martin’s thugs mostly. He tried to get the dumbest possible guards for the job. He wanted men with no imagination, just huge muscles and big guns. His OIC (officer in charge) would have a reasonably good IQ I assumed. One or two people should be able to handle the assignment. The big advantage to my resort was the off duty operatives would be sleeping in the building. Reinforcements were seconds away in case of attack.
The three grand a week did not include my services for anything, other than to make routine shopping runs. The townspeople of Siler City were used to seeing me on my scooter pulling the small cargo trailer around, so that should be cool.
I noticed right away that the stove and refrigerator had been moved upstairs by Tasha leaving me nothing for Martin’s employees to store food in or prepare it. I made a note to purchase appliances.
I made note of the six new windows on the sides of the building. Each window was the size of six concrete blocks. The opening in the solid brick and block walls had been cut with a masonry saw, then shored up. The front two windows had been larger, only because the building had once been an appliance store, or so I had been told. The plate glass had been removed and replaced with metal windows, the brick work had been replaced at that time. It was done by the last occupant of the building.
My man fitted bars over the glass areas of all the downstairs windows The bars were courtesy of Jasper’s junk yard. They were bolted through the walls with huge ugly washers on the inside. When I painted the bolts and the huge ugly washer black, they would fit nicely with the Dungeon decor. I could always call it Tasha’s dungeon and appeal to the S&M crowd when it was not booked as a safe house.
I bought enough camp style beds for ten men, and moveable partitions for each space. I bought and had two picnic tables delivered at the same time. They each seated six people. A quick once-over with Ed’s belt sander, then a coat of pecan colored polyurethane finish in semi gloss, and they were ready to go. After window treatments, lamps, small desks, and a couple of cheap sofas, I called the place ready to go.
The appliances I bought were not of the same quality that Tasha had upstairs, but they were highly rated store brands of kitchen appliances. What had once been the men’s room got converted to a laundry room, complete with washer and dryer, sold and delivered by the same hardware store as the kitchen appliances. Tasha’s temporary bathroom became the bathroom for several men. I had also left one toilet stall in the laundry room. It wasn’t going to be a luxury apartment, but it was better than a tent in Afghanistan, I told myself.
On my inspection of the second floor, I found that Tasha’s design called for an exposed heating and air conditioning duct. It was one large duct which ran down the center of the large room. All the wiring was run though exposed steel conduit. The water pipes ran at the edge of the walls just above the floor. I did not like that at all. I knew something had to be done about those before I opened for business. The pipes running up the brick halls were secured with steel pipe clamps and screwed into the mortar of the brick work. I didn’t consider that a problem.
I went to Tonya’s Diner for lunch. I needed to tell her I was home. I didn’t warn her that I might be ordering takeout orders in great volume in the future. I had to pin down the cover story first.
In the afternoon of my first day back, I arranged for Ed to finish the odds and ends, which were always the finishing touches needed to complete any build. All during the rest of that week deliveries were being made. Ed’s men stayed to assemble the movable partitions. There were also a few flat pack pieces of furniture to be assembled for the upstairs apartment.
Ed and his guys built me some free standing closet bars onto the partitions. Those were for our thugs to hang their clothes. I bought several plastic storage units from Walmart to hold such things as T shirts and underwear. I hoped I had thought of everything by that Saturday. I wanted to be ready to go on Monday. I didn’t have a client, but they wouldn’t be giving me much notice either.
I sat down Saturday night and realized I had dropped almost 25K in the last week. It gave new meaning to Saturday night fever. I just bit the bullet and chalked it up to my dad’s old saying. ‘It takes money to lose money’.
Martin called me Wednesday. “Sarge, what kind of video equipment are you planning to install in your new place?” he demanded.
“To be honest, I thought you might have something in mind, and bring it with you,” I offered.
“I have your floor plans and picture of the place now that it is finished. I like the open space. The access points for the upstairs are a nice touch. One exposed staircase with several angles of fire. The staircase into the downstairs crew space is a good touch. It’s an easy place to defend. It isn’t perfect, but not even Alcatraz was perfect.
“We are going to need four CCTV cameras upstairs and two downstairs. Do you want me to take the five grand out of your charge for the first job, or do you want to have it done locally?” he asked.
“Send me a copy of your placement schematic and I’ll get them installed this week,” I said. I had the schematic on my phone five minutes later. The CCTV installation company offered me an installation with an in house monitor station for three grand and change. I had them put it in. I could activate the cameras from the first floor of the building, or from my house next door via the net.
I was sorry to do it, but the four camera’s upstairs gave views of the kitchen, dining room, and the three bedroom areas. I just wanted to be thorough. A teenager sneaking in a member of the opposite sex could be harmless, or a murderous mistake. I had to know. The six cameras had turned into eight when I agree to add two more for a three-sixty view of the building’s exterior.
I had three days off. since no one wanted to do anything during the dog days of summer. Okay it just seemed that way. Since I was under no pressure to get anything done, I took the rest of the week off. I did still ride my bike, but I did nothing to ‘Tasha’s Spa and Resort’. That isn’t quite true. I bought a can of black enamel, so that I could paint the hardware black. Those big ass bolts, nuts, and washers holding things in place through the brick walls, needed painting. I did that in about two hours, then I went to Tonya’s for lunch. I was so bored by dinner time that I took the mountain bike on a long ride. I went to the Haw river canoe launching spot beside the old footbridge where I had the trouble before. Nobody knew I was there, so I didn’t expect any trouble.
It was a relaxing ride and my big sloppy burger was really a nice dinner. I enjoyed watching the sun set not over the river, but beside it. Before I knew it I had to pump hard to make it back before dead dark. Traffic on the road seemed to be picking up. I expected it was because the kids had returned to the three colleges inside the higher education zone. That area was designated as the Chapel Hill, Raleigh, and Durham triangle.
I made it back home and was still bored so I watched a couple of episodes of the Top Chef Canada show. I have no idea why I liked that better than the US show, but I did. It was 10 PM so I decided to check the new CCTV cameras. I was still learning their capabilities. I spotted a car broken down on the street in front of ‘Tasha’s Spa and Resort’. I called 911 then forgot about it.
Since I was bored I watched the screen as the cop pulled up behind the driver. When he got out of the car, I saw every police officers nightmare in living black and white. The man in the broken down car shot the officer. The officer went down. The shooter should have jumped in his car and beat a hasty retreat, but he walked toward the officer laying in the street.
I had jumped up at the sight of the gun. I had the 1911 and was headed out the lock shop door before the shooter reached the cop. I didn’t have time to take aim, or to regulate my breathing. I just had time to toss two shots at the shooter’s back and take out his back glass as he pulled away. I called 911 and placed my pistol onto the hood of the police car.
The officer was a stout woman who had taken the slug in her torso just below the vest. I kept pressure on her gut using my tee shirt. The second cop car and the ambulance arrived at almost the same instant. The male cop took over for me with the woman who had been shot.
The paramedics took over from both of us. The cop “hooked me up” even before he began asking me questions. He recovered the 1911 and held me at the scene for a while. It took that long to get a ranking policeman on scene.
“We need to talk to you downtown,” the Lieutenant said.
“That’s fine, See the lock shop over there,” I pointed with my head. “I live there. When I ran out to help, I didn’t close the door. Would you do that or have someone watch over the place for me. If you need to search it, be my guest. If you know how to do it there is CCTV footage of what happened. If not I’ll be happy to access it for you. Oh yes and get me a tee shirt please.”
Six hours later, I was no longer bored, I was exhausted. I told my story over and over. I knew the drill, so I didn’t lose my temper at all. I was still in the interview room, when they brought in the guy who shot the lady cop. I recognized him by the red sweatshirt he wore. It had a hood, but the asshole was too stupid to pull it over his head. I had described him as best I could. That description and the missing rear window in his car was enough for the highway patrolman who stopped him. The CCTV footage assured him of a long stay in the state pen somewhere.
They allowed me to leave, but without my beloved 1911. It was being held as evidence in the shooting. Yes the 1911.45 automatic was obsolete, but then so was I. It was clunky and a little heavy, but so was I at the moment. It other words it suited me just fine, and I wanted it back.
The local cops did return my old Mossberg 12 gauge trench length pump shotgun. I had it since I was a kid in my twenties, so yes I was glad to get it back. The 1911, they were still holding the next day. They wouldn’t even give me hope that I would get it back any time in the near future.
I began to wonder if it was just bad luck, or was there a plot to keep ‘, Tasha’s Spa and Resort’ from opening. I didn’t have any means to check that out other than the guy who shot the lady cop.
“Martin, this is Sarge. Put everything on hold. The safe house may been compromised. It may be just a coincidence, but a small town cop was shot last night right in front of the Spa. They picked up the shooter, but I don’t know anything about him. If I get a name, I am going to want to run him by you,” I said into the voice mail. “I’ll call back then.”
After my morning ride, I celebrated making it home in one piece by stopping at Tonya’s for their breakfast special. I really had wondered if I would be run down by some terrorist or someone else seeking retribution. I was glad that so far, I hadn’t needed the 1911. I decided that I needed to start the paperwork to buy a second pistol.
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This chapter was originally posted with a copy/paste error that caused a section to repeat. This should now be fixed. Thanks for letting me know. You should also feel free to talk to me if it’s not about formatting errors! I love hearing what made you laugh, or if you spot a mistake. By the way, I am now also aware discrete and discreet are spelled differently in English. My proof readers missed it as well, so I always hope to hear about things like that from the SOL-community. – RD. “TWO...
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...
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ThreesomesHello dosto mera nam- rahul … Me punjab se hun “” for your reviews Khani mere school life se ha tab mere ek friend bani kiran ….Wo bahut khoobsurat height 5.4, rang gora..Slim..Boobs 32 the … But well shaped ek dum tight . Phle to 2-3 month thore bahut edar udar ki batte hote thi tbhi mere man me use chodne ka khyal nhi tha .. Dherre dherre close hotte gye … Fer ek din batte krte-2 ratt k 1 bajj gye or bate kush ase hone lagi Me-to kya tunne kabhi kiss vgera nhi ki K-nhi menne kisko krni...
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she wrote:U give my pussy one last lick. I moan one last time. I'm breathing hard and running my fingers through your hair. That was amazing. I have that look in my eyes and the adreneline now to suck your cock off. U stand up and I follow, I kiss u long and hard, tasting myself on your lips--i playfully bite your bottom one. I lick your neck and reach for your cock again--its instantly hard as I drop to my knees. I don't take it all into my mouth right off, but rather lick up the underside...
They meet in the lobby of a hotel, moving to the bar where he buys her a drink. They settle down into a comfy couch, sitting down next to each other and clink their glasses together, toasting each other, and to the fact that they are finally meeting.They had spent many an hour chatting over the internet, getting to know each other inside and out. Their conversations, sometimes deep and meaningful, sometimes playful, had built into something more, although neither knew how to admit it. They had...
Straight SexThis is a work of fiction for your entertainment and written by me for publication on XH. Nothing like this has happened in my life or the life of anyone I know.The scent of her perfume filled my head as she looked into my eyes and our lips met for the first time in 25 years. Her ample breasts pressed against my chest and I let my hands slide down her back hesitating at her bra strap. “Yes, I admit to being a pervert of sorts,” I thought to myself. I felt the clasp and identified at least 4 if...
I was just waking up, after a long night of studying. I could hear my Mom, yell something down the stairs. I rolled out of bed. I barely got a pair of boxers on and a t-shirt before my Mom opened my bed room door. “Morning.” She said. I smiled. My hands were in my lap, covering my morning wood. “Hey!” I said. “I’m running late for work. I should be home on time tonight. Don’t forget my best friend from college is coming for a visit.” Said my Mom, as she shut my door and headed to the...
‘Why the hell are people knocking on my door this late at night?’ You asked yourself. You finally got up and went to the door and opened it. Surprise was one of many things that crossed your mind. “I’m about to ask you a favor that I could never imagine asking anyone, because you’re the only one I can trust to help me.” I whispered very seriously to you. “Umm I’m really confused right now. It’s almost past midnight, we have work tomorrow and we shouldn’t be in the same room vicinity this...
Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...
I'm Sorry For Many things but mainly Because I can not be, I can not be the boy that you want The boy who is strong and kind handsome and brave The boy who was the SON The PRIDE THe Brother THe Father and GrandFather THe boy who loved sports And Trucks and Guns and MAN-ly things The boy who married the girl Who lived happily ever after With 2.3 kids and a white picket fence Fate was not kind In my heart my mind my soul I am not I am not what they want what they see what...
Shortly after leaving college it was time to find a job, but after four years in a liberal arts school, I didn't have a lot of experience in any fields. I decided to look at working in a skilled trade, and there were a couple of companies looking for welders in our area of the country. I finally got a job but was the low man on the totem pole and didn't have a lot of welding experience so I took the first job I could find working for a small oil rig company nearby in Texas. After about a month...
CheatingRight from his birth the boy who would come to be known as Tutankhamun was given everything he desired. Which was unsurprising, given that he was the son of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. This ease at which he received anything he desired increased substantially upon becoming Pharaoh in his own right at age 9. But in the third year of his reign his potential for wish fulfilment took another trip upwards when in the sand one day he found a golden object decorated with rubies. 3 years later, the now...
The engines of the airlines jets screamed and Richard Hart felt that sick feeling in his stomach as United Flight 793 begins it lumbering initiation toward take off. The heaviness of the forward momentum pressed him back into his seat and as on each of the several fights he took each year he remembered that the two most dangerous elements of fight were the first two minutes at takeoff and the last two minutes at landing… and he held his breath and swallowed hard to clear his ears even though...
Bulldog Bannerman, fixer extraordinaire, came by my office. This time one of his three assistants, all 60-something ladies who were tougher than shoe leather, called to alert me. Bulldog, thick white hair cropped short, a sinewy body that still calls to mind the Golden Gloves fighter he had been in his teens, has an air of quiet competence. He gave me a small smile, “Favor.” “Of course.” I didn’t know him that well, not with 40 years difference in our ages. But we knew each other through...
My pussy was still tingling as I donned a thin t-shirt and bikini panties. I noticed that the girls were barely dressed as well, their cute little behinds showing around the thin lines of their bikini swim suits and their budding breasts poking saucily out from their tiny tops. They were busy playing at a board game, crawling around on the floor and letting their hot little bodies show themselves off to my lustful gaze. I just had to have a taste of these sweet morsels, but that would have...
John and Eric had decided to just let Allison and Cindy live at the hotel during the week. John had met Brenda Woodard, the very sexy girl that Vince had turned out, one day while he was waiting on Cindy. He had come to pick the young teen up for the weekend. She and John got to talking. Brenda told him all about growing up being molested by her stepfather and her mother letting it happen. How she left her home and was homeless and hungry when Vince took her in. Brenda told John that she...
My boyfriend, Joe, usually had a poker game about once a month with the guys and I usually would just go find something else to do, or go hide out in another part of the house so they could have their guy time, however tonight was different. I was getting ready to leave work and Joe texted me and asked me to hang out at the poker game with them tonight. I said okay, not really sure why all of a sudden he asked me to do that but I figured whatever. I arrived home and Joe was setting up the table...
Michelle had recently moved in next door, she seemed very pleasant and on the few occasions that I had said hello to her on the door step or in passing, she had smiled and said that we should introduce ourselves properly. Other than the normal pleasantries, we had not really spoken to each. I noticed that whenever she was at home, she liked to spend time in the garden and paid particular attention to her flowers. As the summer weather improved, I notice that she wore short and a t-shirt which...
Lily set down the shotgun by the front door, and made her way over to the car once Rose and Vincent had gotten out of it. She held out her arms to give them big hugs. Donny got out of the car and walked over to the family. After she finished welcoming her children home, she went over to Donny. She gave him a love tap on the side of his head as a greeting. She asked, “When are you going to make an honest woman out of my daughter?” “I didn’t realize she was a dishonest woman,” Donny said. He...
Prologue Readers of a curious disposition may find it of interest to know something of the source of the text they now hold in their hands. Let me simply say that the information was bequeathed to me by a friend, a man who devoted his adult life to educating the young, spending much of his career in the European school which I have here named Von Hoffman’s. Toward the end of his life, aware of the illness which was soon to claim him, my friend requested that I take possession of a...
NEW YEARS PT4 Later that nite Mistress Penny woke while wearing a leather outfit and a black rubber apron me by turning on the lights and after un strapping me she led me to the shower room and unfastened my bloomers then diaper and let them fall to the shower floor she then removed the penis shaped feeding gag. While I stood there Penny proceeded to spray me down with a hand held shower head till I was clean then wrapped me in a big towel then led me back to the "quiet room" and to...
When I was 15 I got into porn heavily and I just loved insertion videos of chicks with gaping assholes and food in them. I wanted to gape just like them. At the time my asshole was still so young, and it was so freaking tight, could barely get wider than a penny. But I would still get my marbles and slide them in, one by one, until my asshole was full. Then I’d get juice and starting giving myself a cherry enema. Eventually it didn’t satisfy me. I started getting cravings. I wanted to get...
Self-made Photo SessionThe day was so hot and humid, it felt like been in a greasy chicken soup. She was anxious to get home and have a long shower. Thinking of cold water running down her back helped her through the last half an hour of extremely boring meeting.When she was finally at home, under the shower, a naughty thought went through her mind: how about making pictures for her chat buddy he keeps asking for? Thought of him immediately harden her nipples and made her pussy sensitive to...
In 1941 Russia comprised a fifth of the worlds land surface, but its main cities and industrial centres all lay to the west of the Volga, and it was this portion of the world Hitler hungered to take during the summer. During a ferocious German invasion the mass of the Red Army was quickly knocked to pieces in a series of colossal annihilation battles which cost it a million casualties, and by September four million more Soviet troops were slowly starving to death in miserable captivity....