Sunday Love Songs 02
- 3 years ago
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Now here I was years later listening to a Sunday morning sloppy 'lurve' programme, which was telling me she wanted to contact me again. I was not in a relationship, though I had a couple of girlfriends who were friends-with-benefits. They felt it was too early for them to be committed long term to anyone. Beth and Julie were good friends and each knew the other was sleeping with me, and I was happy as I was, who wouldn't be?
I wondered what good it would do to see Nicola. Why did she suddenly want to meet me again? After ten years? There must be an underlying motive; that intrigued me. Why not meet her? What harm could it do?
Who was I kidding? All the feelings I'd had while at school returned. Who knew what might happen? That's curiosity for you!
Thus I managed to talk myself into it. I rang the BBC and jumped through all their hoops to prove I was who I said I was, then they took my address and phone number and told me to wait for her to contact me.
A month passed and there was nothing. Par for the course, I thought. Playing her games. I forgot about it, and I didn't listen to that stupid programme on Sundays any more!
The other reason I forgot about Nicola was the financial crash.
I should explain that after leaving university I was employed as a market trader – finance, not vegetables. I was with one of the big fish companies (you know, the ones that caused us all such grief), and in a few years I made a lot of money, and I mean an obscene amount!
Towards the end of the first year in London, I noticed I was getting fat. It's possible to gloss over the issue and talk of bring 'well built' and 'bulky', but I was too much of a realist. I was fat, even bordering on obese. Too much sitting at a computer, pub lunches and too much alcohol. I got out of breath running for a bus. Not that I took buses very often, or ran after anything come to think about it, even if it was wearing a miniskirt.
So I joined a Gym, and acquired a personal trainer. She, yes, it was a woman, was a very pretty and a very, very fit young woman, but she was also a harridan! She was merciless, designing my exercise routine and ratcheting it up rather faster than I liked. She gave me a diet sheet and I had to fill it in daily; woe betide me if I missed a day! She recommended running to and from the Gym, a distance of one and a half miles.
I attended that place of torture three times a week and ran daily – not jogged – ran. Once she got me fit and slim, she began to build my musculature. So I now had a routine. Each day I would rise at six and run. I went to the gym three evenings a week for an hour's work out.
Many of my colleagues continued to live the high life on their immense salaries and bonuses; instead, I was now taking care of my health, living a simple life and investing my wealth privately using my own expertise. In addition to feeling very virtuous, I trebled my own money in the following years, as well as raking in my immense salary and investing that. Ah! It was so easy to make money in those heady golden days.
So I retired! Imagine, retiring at twenty six!
I moved from London to Manchester, and found myself a very large house at a fraction of London prices, in a good area of a suburban town called Wilmslow, and furnished it – the house, not Wilmslow.
I had made a new home, and I liked where I had made it. Beth and Julie added the furnishing (and finishing) touches which helped to make the house a home. Having one of two nubile young women in bed on a Sunday morning after a strenuous night's coupling helped me settle in as well.
I found a gym two miles from the house and enlisted, following the routine I had had in London, though I was more flexible in timings, being at home all day. My (male) trainer was a pussycat compared with Dolores. She who had put me through hell, shed a tear when I told her I was leaving the smoke for the sticks, and how grateful I was to her. What a sweetie!
Strictly speaking I did not actually retire of course; I worked for myself from home working the markets, and made a packet more. Money flowed in during those extravagantly profligate financial times. With hindsight anyone could have seen it could not last, and leaving the firm was the saving of me.
Having escaped the heady bubble of the trading 'floor', which made many complacent, I noted the wailings of the prophets of doom, and as a result spotted the first signs of trouble with the banks and their risky self-certified mortgages, and set about making my fortune safe.
It was March and April 2007 and it was hard work finding companies round the world that would continue to grow, or at least only sink a little when the world finances would eventually crash. I kept at it, doing my research for long hours even over the Easter Holiday. Unusually I did not go home to my parents for that holiday. It was hot work, the weather being unusually warm as well. Having done that, I was able to continue to make some money even in the middle of the crisis, but that was later.
So I was in bed by ten on Thursday 19th April (I remember the date clearly) absolutely exhausted, and was asleep within minutes. I know that because ten minutes after I hit the pillow, the phone rang and woke me up again.
I regained consciousness in a bad temper. I felt drained and dazed. Still, it could be an emergency involving my parents or my brother or sister. I picked up the instrument.
"Yes?" I sighed, and gave my number. Silence, though I could hear breathing. Typical, I thought, exhausted and I get a practical joker!
"Hello?" I tried again, and then I heard a small sound.
"Who is this?" I grumbled.
I knew her immediately, and all sorts of emotions arose unbidden.
"Nicola!" I said. "Sorry for being so gruff, but you woke me. I've had a hard day."
"I'm sorry," she spoke quietly, and was that a sob? "It's not very late; I thought you'd be awake."
"No matter," I said.
There was another silence. I was not going to break it, after all, she had phoned me.
"If you're tired," she said more brightly, "I'll let you get back to sleep. Shall I phone tomorrow at a better time?"
By now I was fully awake again.
"No," I sighed. "I'm awake now. Did you want to talk?"
"D'you think we could meet? I don't like talking on the phone."
"Yes, if that's what you want. Where are you?"
"London. Where are you?"
"Manchester. Shall I come down to London?"
"Since I've called you, I should come to you. I have next weekend free."
I wondered afresh what her motives were, but remembering her, could not refuse. In any case I was now even more curious. We made arrangements for her to let me know when her train would arrive and I would meet her at Piccadilly Station.
So on the following Friday, 27th April, I went for my run early, and early-afternoon I was waiting at the end of the platform for the London train to disgorge its passengers. I searched as the suitcase-toting crowd passed me by, until there she was.
I could not believe it, she was with a man! He was talking to her and she was smiling and replying. There was a flash of memory; I was used, she had arrived with another man! Was he her boyfriend, or her husband? Were they both intending to stay with me? What was going on?
She was still breathtakingly beautiful, dressed in designer jeans and a short tan coat. I had forgotten how beautiful she was when a teenager, but now she was in the full bloom of adult womanhood and I could not believe how much more beautiful it was possible for a woman to be.
Then she saw me, and I assume she also saw the expression on my face. She broke from her companion with a half wave and made a beeline for me. I realised it was just a fellow passenger hitting on her, and I smiled, feeling a bit of a fool.
She walked right up to me and dropped her case. I opened my arms and she fell into them, and we lost ourselves in a long hug. At length we pulled apart and then kissed hello. A short, soft kiss.
"Oh, Kev," she sighed, "I've–"
"Hello," I said softly, cutting in. "Come on, we have to catch another train."
As we changed platforms, she began to babble. She talked about everything and anything, and it was clear she was very nervous and unsure of me. After all, she had treated me badly and I think she knew it and didn't know how I'd react once we were alone.
We emerged from the local train into the Wilmslow sunshine. She exclaimed at my car at the station, then she really exclaimed at the house. I brewed some tea while she nattered on and on, and eventually we sat down in the living room with it.
"Nicola!" I interrupted her quite sharply. "Stop! You're making my head ache!"
She stopped, surprised and with a tinge of embarrassment and worry.
"Nicola," I said soothingly, "You don't need to do this. Just sit for a while. You came because you want something or you're looking for something, and eventually you'll tell me what it is.
"I'm so very happy to see you again after all this time, and over dinner at a restaurant I've booked, you can tell me all about your life and what you've been doing. Then, when the time is right, you'll tell me what's on your mind. Yes?"
She looked shamefaced. "Is it that obvious?"
"Yes it is. Relax. You know me well enough that if I'd not wanted to see you, I would not have answered your request on the BBC."
She relaxed. "No, I suppose you wouldn't."
Then she smiled that smile, sending shivers down my spine.
"Now," I said. "Our booking is in two hours' time. Let me show you to your room and let you unpack and freshen up."
I took her upstairs and showed her to her room. It was en suite, and was, if I say so myself, nicely decorated in a feminine style. Not my work, in fact it was designed by Beth, one of my two friends-with-benefits. Nicola enthused about the view from the window, the décor, the bathroom, and the bed. I felt unaccountably very gratified.
"Dress casual," I said. "It's an ordinary restaurant in a hotel, with wonderful food."
An hour later she came down, and she was dressed casually in a knee length skirt and a silk blouse, set off with a silver necklace and earrings to match, but in reality she could have worn anything and looked gorgeous. I looked at her, and smiled.
"You always were stunning," I said, "but now you've matured you look superb."
She seemed embarrassed!
I had booked a taxi to the restaurant, and we spoke little on the way, and little during the meal. She agreed the food was special and devoted her full attention to it. We discussed food and wine. After dessert, we relaxed and moved to a lounge, and sat together on a huge sofa, while we were served coffee, mint chocolates and cognac.
"Well," she said, and I laughed.
"What?" she looked puzzled, disconcerted.
"You always used to begin conversations with 'well'. Go on!"
She laughed and began again, "Well–"
This time we both laughed and she shook her head at me.
"OK," she said, "I was going to say you seem to have done all right for yourself. Beautiful car, house, area. And you look great! So fit! Are you with anyone?"
"Very direct," I replied with a smile. "Did you actually see a woman back at home?"
She looked discomfited, but recovered.
"No, but my bedroom; you didn't design that!" she said with an air of triumph. "So I wondered."
"I have a number of women friends, and one of them, Beth, decorated your room."
She smiled with an air of smugness. "But not anyone serious?" she probed.
She looked relieved, and I began to feel uneasy. There was a silence as we sipped our drinks.
"You look good," she repeated. "Do you work out?"
I nodded. Now I knew I was being cross-examined.
"Fit body – you were always handsome, you know. Nice car, nice house. But Manchester?"
"I worked for a bank in London until just under two years ago. It's cheaper and less stressful up here."
"Different job?" she asked. It was an offhand question, but I thought she was eager to know all about my life. Why?
"You could say that," I said, but no more. She would have to work harder to get whatever it was she wanted.
"Enough about me," I said, wanting to frustrate her aims whatever they were. "What about you? What have you been doing since school?"
"After my degree, I got a job doing translating for a publisher in London, and got some work fashion modelling. The modelling pays a lot better than the translating. I've got a place in a shared house in Putney; I'm sharing with three other girls. We get on well."
She paused. Looked uncertain, and then plunged on.
"I've been in a number of relationships over the years, but never really settled down. I still remember your scorn after the prom so vividly, and you saved me from disaster as far as having children is concerned. It taught me a sharp lesson. I had been a real slut in school – I still feel embarrassed about my behaviour then – but I was a lot more choosy at College and University. I lived with a guy for nearly a year in third year but in the end it just didn't feel right.
"After University I was alone in London and what with the day job and the modelling I didn't have much time for men. I got hit on by all sorts of characters in the modelling game. They think if you're a model you're an easy lay. Well, I wasn't. By the way, I don't do glamour modelling – tits out stuff.
"I've got used to being hit on," she said with a shy smile. "That guy on the train tried really hard, in spite of me telling him I was visiting my boyfriend."
She looked horrified for a moment, "Kev, I don't mean–"
"It's OK," I hastened to tell her. "Any story will do to put the hounds off, but go on."
"Well," she smiled at her repeated use of the word, "I did date a few, but no one lasted beyond the first or second date, until Terry.
"I was with Terry for two years. You know after your harsh words after the prom, I never let anyone have me without a condom. After a year with Terry, we dispensed with them. I began to think he was the one for me to settle with, but when he asked me to marry him I couldn't say yes."
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For a tantalizing second it hung, suspended by the tiniest thread, a perfect teardrop, before dropping, glistening orange-amber in the morning sun. Just a second later, it splashed against tanned skin, rivulets spreading over the dark brown of a hardening nipple. I giggled and lunged forward, sucking the piece of mango out of your fingers. It was Sunday morning. Sunlight streamed through the windows and across the bed. Sunday papers were spread out amongst the rumpled sheets and our naked...
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Our story begins with a recent refurbishment of a local theater. The local tabloids had done recent articles on the theater: when it was first constructed, its passings of ownership, and its slow decay with the poor economic times. Our two lovebirds had first fallen in love at this theater. They had been following these news articles with building interest as the week passed, for these articles were the build up to the first show of the refurbished theater. The two lovebirds had made a date of...
The following is a true account written by a friend of mine in Calcutta. Read it and enjoy. In a few earlier narratives I have described a couple of erotic sessions with my former girlfriend Roma. Today, I shall describe some extremely satisfying sexual sessions with my present girlfriend Sharmila. Sharmila, 37, a probashi divorcee from New Delhi, is a management executive working for a National News Channel and she is currently on a three year assignment in its Kolkata office. We met first at...
CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...
Rosaleen Dickonson’s famous quote says ‘Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children.’ Some parents don’t love their children, though. Some parents hate them, wanting to be rid of them the first moment they legally can. In the small New England town of Munishire exists a school to deal with a select few of these...
Sundays afternoons are always twinged with twilight. The setting of the weekend, drawing long shadows of an impending Monday. As days of the week go it’s my least favourite, reminding me of my own middling years, overwhelmed by the dawning considerations of old age. These are symptoms that need self medicating, a gloom only cured by a specific light. My prescribed treatment? The pursuit of sexual gratification, willing or otherwise. To humiliate others distracts from my own inadequacies and...
It was Sunday morning and Abbie was out for her morning swim. The dinner with David’s parent’s had been Thursday evening followed by a date with David on Friday night. That date was an eventful one for both. They’d gone to the local place on their side of the lake instead of the fancier restaurant with the walking path. They sat opposite the other eating their burgers and fries talking about college and the soon to start academic year. ‘The swim team meets for first work outs in ten days. I’d...
Sunday afternoon alone in the dunes, well we thought we were. It’s your worst nightmare, that gushing feeling when you suddenly realize that you have been caught in a comprising situation. It had been one of those typical family visits to the relatives, the type of visit which had become routine, with everyone being polite, interjected with moments that were actually enjoyable, such as the trip to the beach after Sunday lunch. As there were quite a few of us, we had to leave in three...
Introduction: me and my flat mate Me and my flat mate 1- Sunday morning and the carrot. She is really cute. So thin, so blonde. With her athletic body and two little tits, always going around the house wearing just a thong. I am a 36 years old woman, and first days I didnt like this 22 years old waitress, but I need to share my flat bills! She moved here a week ago and this morning she is so happy cause its Sunday and she doesnt work. However, she woke up early as always. I guess she likes I...
Sunday Morning Sunday morning. Didn’t want to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. I worked night shift last night and my head ached. Pretty sure I would have to work my second job today. Night shift at the mill, and part-time at a salon, of all things. But work was work, and I needed the money bad. Owed a lot of money, plus trying to get my little brother through school. Phone rang at 10:30. Caller ID said it John, the salon owner. I answered. John told me come in at 12:30. I have a customer...
Sunday Drive Richard and I were on a Sunday drive, not really going nowhere. I’m not a mac’d’s fan at all So when Richard said hey mom my treat as he pulled in the drive thru I laughed and said so you think your mom’s a cheap date huh? He laughed at that and said no, there’s nothing cheap about you mom. I said then splurge away and we both laughed over that little joke. I was looking at his profile and could see a lot of me in his face and I went to myself thank god he didn’t gets his sperm...
On Monday I bet my boyfriend John that if my football team lost on Sunday I would be his sex slave for the day. And if my team won ,I could do the same. We teased each other mercilessly all week long on what we were going to make the other do. Now what he wanted to do more than anything was to tie me up and fuck me. If he said that once he said it a hundred times that week. The thought scared me a little but at the same time turned me on. Everyday I would hear “ Come Sunday I am going to tie...
Hi, I’m Sylvia; but my friends call me Syl. This past September my husband Ron’s birthday fell on a Sunday. I wanted to make the day especially memorable for him because it was his first birthday as a Daddy, since our baby had been born six months earlier. After giving birth, my libido had first subsided, but then returned more intensely than ever before. As usual, we prepared to go to church on Sunday morning. I purposely dilly-dallied though, causing us to be a little bit late. Ron urged me...
Quickie SexWe had just had a fun night at a swingers' party on Saturday night and I woke up happy and relaxed. I didn't think the weekend could get any better. I rose and went out to the kitchen and called my man’s name. I failed to get a response. There was a note lying on the kitchen table telling me his friend had free Patriot tickets. He'd left me at home alone with his son. I wasn't satisfied with just sitting home for my Sunday afternoon. After taking a shower and having coffee, I was bored. I went...
CheatingSunday Morning Sunday morning. Didn't want to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. I worked night shift last night and my head ached. Pretty sure I would have to work my second job today. Night shift at the mill, and part-time at a salon, of all things. But work was work, and I needed the money bad. Owed a lot of money, plus trying to get my little brother through school. Phone rang at 10:30. Caller ID said it John, the salon owner. I answered. John told me come in at 12:30. I have a customer...
ReluctanceLuann Dubicki rushed inside the house from the biting cold outside. She had just returned from mass and soon her family would be joining her for the weekly Sunday dinner. She became a widow after her husband, Bob, was killed in a car wreck a few years prior. The thought to remarry never crossed the mind of the registered nurse. She just poured everything she had into her five c***dren. She checked on the pot roast. It looked good and smelled even better. The graying blond washed her hands and...
Sunday night football.My wife went out with her co-workers to a bar to watch the game last Sunday night. She said I would probably need to pick her up since she had a bad day and was goi g to get hammered (I was called into work and was getting out after the game was over). We texted each other and she kept me up on the score. I didn’t hear much from her the fourth quarter, figured she was drunk and doing shots. I got out and I asked if she needed me to pick her reply. I swung by the...
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, not unlike most I suppose. It was getting a little late in the day, and I was starting to think about getting ready for the week ahead. Outside the rain had been falling off and on throughout the day, and the air smelled sweet like it does after a good rain. Fall was definitely in the air. I was staring out the window, lost in my own thoughts about what the week would bring, when he said, “let’s go for a drive.” I lept at the chance to have something to do, not...
It all started a Sunday morning. I had been horny this past week and havent really been able to find a proper friend with benefits till I got a email Sunday morning. A local guy was looking for a cuddle buddy and had invited me over for the afternoon and evening. We talked a bit in the morning and set a time of 2pm to meet. He is an a****l lover, 3 cats and a very energetic personable pup. He was about 5'10 British, in great shape quite fit, body covered with an eclectic array of tattoos and...
Last year we visited an old friend of mine, we went to school together. As we grew up we up we went drinking together and played Sunday League Football for the same team. Eventually, as you find, our lives had moved apart as we had families and jobs but we always kept in touch. We'd met up sometimes and our wives got on well too so when they he invited me to watch our old team we looked forward to having a few drinks and catching up over old times.Then next day his wife had a bit of an...
It was close to 4 am Sunday morning, Brad turned over and pulled me to him. I was on my left side as Brad snuggled me close to him. His penis was rock hard and throbbing. I moaned softly as Brad pinched my nipples and whispered 'I like tight ass in the morning, relax, you're going to have a ruff morning.' Than I remembered what he had said last night '...some of my friends are coming over in the morning...' Before I could say anything Brad slipped his hand between us and guided his rock hard...
It was a warm Sunday morning and I set off for church with my parents, everything was as normal , the usual meet and great before mass with the neighbours when suddenly I spot this vision of beauty across the car park!!Dressed all in white a goddess of unrivalled beauty, long blond hair red bag and red matching shoes, who was this girl where did she come from .? I was transfixed by this new stranger in my mists I needed to get closer hoping to find out more. I told my parents I needed to talk...