Dexter's RenaissanceChapter 12 A Nasty Surprise free porn video

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I awoke slowly, bits and pieces of consciousness coming and going along the way. I could hear sounds and when my brain collected enough information I was fairly sure I was in a hospital. That made sense, although I had no idea why I was there. I tried to remember but all I could think of was the look on Michelle's face. I closed my eyes and let go of all thoughts once more.

My next moment of consciousness had a badly overweight nurse fussing over some machine that was beeping along quite happily on its own. Whatever happened to the lovely, lithe young ladies that used to populate the nursing corps? Once again, I drifted off.

I completely lost sense of time and place when I next awoke. I was no longer surprised to find myself in a hospital room, hooked up to various probes, tubes and other paraphernalia. I lay there for a while, now fully awake, wondering just what might have happened to me and when I would find out. A little judicious exploration revealed I had what I would learn later to be a nasal oxygen tube fitted around my head and a catheter in my penis that would allow me to urinate without having to use a bedpan.

My mind was functioning better now. I had a clue what had happened. I remembered the chest tightness and then blacking out. I guessed I had suffered a heart attack or something similar. A clock on the wall told me it was nearing seven o'clock but I had no idea whether it was am or pm. This time of year it would be light at either.

I closed my eyes and tried to think about what it might mean. A heart attack! As far as I knew, there was no history of heart problems in our family. I was a non-smoker and a light drinker since the fun of getting shit-faced evaporated sometime before I got married. I didn't weigh any more today than I did back in college. My time in the Caribbean had corrected that. I exercised, although I had to admit it was pretty haphazard lately. What the hell had happened?

I must have dozed off again, waking when I felt a gentle touch on my arm and a soft voice calling me.

"Wake up, Mr. McLeod. Come on, time to wake up."

I opened my eyes to see the nurse I had observed before leaning over me with a smile and that oh-so-soothing voice.

"There you go. How are you feeling? Any pains or aches? Any discomfort?" she asked.

I shook my head a croaked a "no" in response.

"Water?" I finally asked.

She passed me a foam cup with a bent straw and I sipped it greedily. I could feel the easing in my throat.

"Your doctor will be along shortly. He's probably going to want to ask you some questions. I'm sure he can tell you what's going on," she said sweetly.

If I had only heard her voice and not seen her, I would have pictured as a slim, lovely woman in her mid-twenties. Just the same, she might not have been a picture of loveliness but she was reassuring and professional and I could live with that.

She moved around the room efficiently and made sure I was comfortable before she left. I could see what I assumed was an IV drip on a stand near my right side. I counted several electro-probes attached to my chest, neck and one arm. Wondering what they were recording I looked around. I could see a colour monitor showing a number of values, including heart rate, respiration and who knows what else. I was definitely wired for sound.

Twenty minutes later, a doctor walked into my room and introduced himself.

"Good morning, Mr. McLeod," he said in a friendly manner.

Well, that solved one mystery. It was morning. Just what day it was, I wasn't so sure.

"I'm Doctor Holtz. I'm a resident on the cardio ward and I'm going to be working with you for the time being."

"Good morning, doctor. Where am I?" I suddenly wondered.

"Lakeshore Regional Hospital. You were brought here when you had some sort of event at your home."

I nodded my understanding.

"What day is this?"

"It's Wednesday. They brought you in Monday night. We've been keeping an eye on you and making sure you're stable before we woke you up."

"Michelle? Where's Michelle?"

"Your wife had been here constantly since you arrived. I think she went home late last night to get some sleep. I didn't want to see her as a patient as well."

I didn't bother to correct him on our status.

"Any idea what happened?"

"I think we've got a pretty good idea but we'll need to do some scans and tests to confirm it. My gut tells me you have a wonky valve in your heart. Maybe more than one."

I kind of appreciated the humour the doctor chose in his description. He was making this sound something less than life-or-death.


"Easily. Probably with non-invasive surgery. That means we don't have to crack your chest open to repair it. Of course, that assumes our guess is correct. We'll know better later today. Why don't I get a little history on you?" he smiled.

For the next fifteen minutes he asked questions and I answered them to the best of my ability. I could see him nodding and occasionally smiling.

"Well, your history and habits indicate just what we think might be the problem. You may have been carrying this around with you for quite some time and be completely unaware of it. I'd like to know what brought it on, though."

I shook my head and shrugged. I had no idea.

"Have you been under stress lately? Home life, job, that sort of thing."

"Job, I guess. I'm a newly appointed general manager at a local firm. It's a whole new thing for me. Something I'd never been trained for and never thought I'd achieve."

"Ah, well that could be a contributor, all right."

"I'm in the final stages of getting a divorce, as well."

"Another factor that could add to your stress. Anything else?"

"No ... not really."

"Good. Well, we're going to put you through some scans and tests today so be prepared to be run around the hospital a couple of times. I'll see you again tomorrow morning when we have a better idea of what might be wrong with you."

"Thank you. When can I see Michelle ... my wife," I added quickly.

"As soon as she returns. I'll let the duty nurse know it's okay."

Michelle showed up a little after ten. I didn't think it was possible for her to look haggard but she did this morning. I could see her eyes were red and bloodshot and her jaw was trembling as she approached my bed.

"Dex? Are you all right?" Her voice was tentative and uncertain. She was clearly very upset.

"I'm going to be fine," I reassured her. That might have been premature but she didn't need any more doubt.

I raised my hand, mindful of the tubes and took hers, squeezing it in confirmation.

"Oh, Dex. I was so scared. I thought I might lose you. I couldn't go through that again. I just couldn't."

"I know, love. Don't you worry about me. The doctor was in earlier and they think they know what's wrong and it's something they can fix easily."

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be. They're going to do a bunch of tests today and then they'll know for sure. Don't go worrying yourself sick now. You look like you've been having a bad time and I don't want to see that."

She nodded with a grimace that was an attempt at a smile. She bent over and kissed me. A nice, long, sensitive kiss that left me feeling a lot better. I hope it did the same for her.

"Do Rueben and Tom know what happened?"

She nodded again. "Yes, I called them yesterday morning before I knew you were still unconscious. The hospital told me you were in intensive care and stable. They didn't know any more than that."

"I just woke up this morning. I guess they wanted me quiet for a while until they could figure out what happened. Have you had any sleep in the last day or so?"

"Not much. A little early this morning. I couldn't get my mind to shut off. I kept thinking about what happened to David and now you. I couldn't believe it was happening all over again."

"It isn't. I'm still here and it wasn't an aneurism. They think it might be a heart valve. If it is, it's no big deal to fix it."

"Oh, I hope so, dear. I need you so much. I love you, Dex. I truly, truly, love you."

"Do you? God, that sounds good. I love you too, Michelle. I don't think I realized it until you weren't here when I woke up. I wasn't afraid for my health, I was afraid I might not see you."

Now the tears came. I had to assume they were happy tears because she was kissing me and holding me by the shoulders, all the while blubbering like a baby. I felt nothing but relief. I was alive and I was in love and I finally admitted it to myself. Thoughts of Sandra never once entered my mind. There was no comparison between Michelle and my ex-wife in personality. For all her status and wealth, Michelle was a giving person. I was sure now that she was the right one for me.

Thursday morning came with Michelle once more by my side. She looked so much better today than she did yesterday. She would be with me when Dr. Holtz gave me the results of their tests; good or bad. She insisted and I wouldn't deny her. Not if she was really going to act like my wife.

When I was admitted, Michelle gave them all the necessary information that she could glean from my wallet. Since we were living at the same address the admitting staff assumed we were married. A lucky break for both of us. If I had my way, we would be confirming that properly sometime in the near future.

Dr. Holtz explained that his suspicion had been confirmed and that one of the valves in my heart had a malformation that probably occurred before I was born. I had carried this defect around with me for nearly fifty years without any hint of a problem until now. Happily, it could be corrected with non-invasive surgery and he recommended that I be scheduled for that as soon as possible. Neither Michelle nor I were about to argue with him.

"As soon as possible" turned out to be five weeks, the second week of September. I had been resting at home for most of it, with supervised visits to the office with Michelle making sure I didn't get too involved in the day-to-day. I was pleased that the office was doing well under Reuben's supervision but everyone wished me a speedy return.

I was admitted the day before the surgery was scheduled, and the next thing I knew I was being wheeled out of the operating theatre and back to my room. An hour later, Dr. Holtz stopped by to let me know the surgeon had said everything went exactly according to plan and I should be as good as new in a couple of days.

Three days later I was on my way back to the apartment with Michelle. I had been told to take it easy and not get involved in any strenuous exercise for two weeks. I would be back to see my doctor for a follow-up then. Michelle floored me when she asked the doctor about sex. He smiled and said it would be fine as long as we didn't get too carried away. I wasn't sure about what "too carried away" meant but I didn't think I'd test the boundaries.

My realization that I loved Michelle wasn't some bolt-from-the-blue revelation. It snuck up on me and when I first awoke in the hospital that morning after my collapse I was disappointed that I didn't see her there. That stuck with me for the rest of the time before she arrived and then I knew what it meant. I wanted her there. I wanted her to be with me. There wasn't anyone else. Her reaction to my condition was all the proof I needed that she felt the same way. I didn't need her to tell me she loved me. It was her actions, not her words, that told the tale.

We didn't make love that first few days. I think Michelle was being overly protective of me. But in bed at night she held me to her and rained soft kisses on me. It was great medicine and I returned them, getting a bit bolder with them each day. At last, five days after I had been released, we joined. I didn't last very long at first but with a little help from her, I managed a second session that was much more satisfying for her. I felt no after effects from the effort except euphoria.

"Now that I'm getting my strength back, I'm going to be able to bend you over the kitchen counter and have my way with you again," I chuckled.

"Promises, promises," she laughed. "I'm just so happy you're better and we don't have to worry about it happening again. The doctor said everything else is fine and you're in very good health. It's probably what kept you from having this happen even sooner."

"Moving on to another subject," I began. "Michelle, you know I love you. It took me a while to realize it but I do. Will you marry me?"

She looked at me in surprise, but quickly recovered.

"Yes. I will. I will marry you," she cried, tears now flowing freely. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me closely.

It took a while before she regained her composure and then kissed me, thoroughly and deeply.

"I think we should go looking for a ring today," I suggested.

"No. No, we won't," she said, holding up her left hand. "This ring was my grandmother's and was given to me by her. I promised to wear it for the rest of my life. I don't want you to think it's a symbol of David. It's a family heirloom, and I hope you can understand that."

"Yes ... of course I can. It's a very beautiful ring and I'm happy you want to respect your grandmother's memory. But I would like to get you something that symbolizes our engagement and love. What do you suggest?"

"Your body in my bed every night and waking up to see you every morning," she smiled.

"Very nice, but not quite what I had in mind. Something more tangible. Maybe a tattoo or a piercing?" I kidded.

"Never!" she spat. "Not in a million years!" she reemphasized.

"Okay ... let's see... ," I began again.

"Don't bother. Teasing me won't help you find the answer. I'm going to give you a few days to think of something and you'd better be serious about it. Just as serious about it as you are about me."

I didn't get the impression she was kidding so I nodded acceptance of her condition.

I know Michelle contacted her family to let them know she intended to remarry. I heard a couple of the conversations in the evening but she was reluctant to discuss them with me. In any event, she assured me that all of her living family, mother included, would be invited to the wedding.

I would contact my parents and offspring to let them know as well. It had been over two years since Sandra and I had separated. I wondered what their reaction would be. I wasn't worried about my parents. They didn't particularly warm to Sandra in the first place, although I never really knew why. We weren't estranged but my father had taken an early retirement and they travelled quite a bit. I envied them and hoped that within a few years, Michelle and I could emulate them.

Michelle and I began our program of visits to architects and contractors the next week. We decided we would re-visit those whom she and David had formerly made contact with. It turned out to be a good decision. In each case, they remembered Michelle and welcomed her visit. It was the first one that caused me concern. I wasn't sure just what to expect and I hoped I wouldn't be found wanting.

"Hello, Mr. Whitmore," Michelle said brightly as we were welcomed by one of the senior partners of McAllister, Fulton, and Whitmore, Architects.

"Please, Michelle, I thought we had progressed to 'Charles' when last we met," he smiled.

"Thank you, Charles. I'd like to introduce Dexter McLeod, our General Manager. There's been reorganization at Trent Engineering and I thought you might want to hear about it."

Michelle was smooth and we were welcomed and escorted into a meeting room. She gave a brief synopsis of what had changed at Trent in the last year and suggested I had been the driving force behind those changes. Whitmore turned to me and gave me a questioning look.

Same as Dexter's Renaissance
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Shy Wife gets Nasty in a Adult Theater

moving from Utah to Las Vegas opened up a whole new world and wild adventures for my wife and i. coming from a real small town my Valerie was very shy and timid when it came to sex. it took some talking just to get her to watch porn with me, so i knew getting her to go to a adult theater was going to be tough. don`t get me wrong our sex life was great and she was nasty as hell but only in our bedroom. hell i was open minded and ready and willing to try new things. so i did not give up i keep i...

3 years ago
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Nasty Boy Lovely Girl

I was an average 16 year old boy. I just got into a lot of trouble. Mostly of my own making. OK, I was a arrogant goof off, who didn't care about anyone but myself. I knew Mom and Dad and especially my older sister (Marie) were just about fed up with me. I just didn't know how fed up they were. I begged Sis to take me to the mall so I could meet a bunch of my not too savory friends. But she refused. I was mad, Very mad. And like the sixteen old foolish boy that i was, I wanted to...

3 years ago
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Nasty Boy Lovely Girl Part 2

Nasty Boy/Lovely Girl Part 2 By Wendy Wendy's punishment for the next two weeks was very intense. I could not begin to write a detailed synopsis of each and every event and humiliation which Wendy had to endure. But I will try to give the reader some of the high lights, or low lights from Wendy's perspective, which might be of most interest to the discerning and interested reader. The first events which I will recount...

4 years ago
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Violet Gets Nasty

Everybody was out of the house and Violet was bored.  Both her mother and father were away for the weekend.  Her older brother went to a party.  Violet was alone and took out her teddy bear who was as big as her.  She often would fantasize that the bear was human.  She did nasty things with her bear.Violet had sex with a few boys, but mostly fantasized that her bear was her brother.  Her brother was older and mostly just treated her as his kid sister.  He was always with his girlfriend, but...

3 years ago
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Diane Gets A Nasty Surprise

I had always been attracted to older women – I think it was something to do with the taboo of it all. The objects of my desire were usually friends of my mothers, my mates' moms, my aunty was pretty sexy and so were several of the supermarket checkout women.The thing was I was only 18 and these women were all well into their fifties. They were always married, had k**s my age or older and were generally unavailable.But the younger women just didn't do it for me. I'd see an older woman and...

2 years ago
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Charladys Nasty Surprise

It was now some six months ago that Charlady had been to London under Master Ray's control and in two days she was to return to his fold once again. {See the mini series of 'MY SEVEN NIGHTS OF DELIGHTS'} They had discussed some of the things she would be required to do whilst here on her second visit to London. Her final instructions before her trip back to the big city were no sex or masturbation for two weeks before, daily shaving of her cunt to be extra smooth and hairless, the choice of...

2 years ago
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Nasty Boy Lovely Girl Part 11 The End

OH! The heavenly joy of having a lot of money and being a woman! After spending time with Amelia and her friends and being accepted as one of the "Ladies Who Lunch" my life and my relationship with my mother and my father changed drastically. Though Amelia was obviously the more experienced and oldest of we females in the household, I became the Alpha Female. Subtly at first, but as my determination and womanly skills grew, I think the others realized that down deep, I was She...

2 years ago
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My Kinky Wife Gets Nasty

My wife lets me do all this to her so you'll hear about that later. I love blowing air into her ass when we are 69ing. After I fill her ass with air she farts it back into my mouth. I also love hearing her ass queef while I anal fuck her. I love fingering her ass and playing with her shit, as long as it stays in her ass. I like when I pack her fudge and it gets on my cock though. Sometimes I tongue ehr ass and I can feel the tip of a piece of shit while she pushes to keep her ass...

3 years ago
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Janet part 5 Payday for a nasty girl

The three weeks of the winter break came and went by, and school started again - and time saw me having an eye on Janet again, but as it was before the break, she didn't take much notice of me during the regular week. Now, this would change the next saturday, I thought. I was wrong. Janet didn't come to school on friday, and she didn't come on saturday, either - she had become sick. To shorten the whole thing, she had to stay away from school over a week. During this time, nothing much...

1 year ago
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Innocent Little Girl Eats My Nasty Spunk

It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...

2 years ago
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The nasty EXGF

We all have heard the stories, XGF who never did the nasty things we wanted to do, she told you that it was disgusting or perverted. Yea, only time can erase that lie. Went to New Orleans few months ago, needed the break and to see the seedier side of the quarter. Walking thru the quarter I was inundated with all forms of humanity, some beautiful, others of questionable heritage but all were enjoying themselves. One particular bar was of interest and featured excellent drag shows. After getting...

3 years ago
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Nasty Whore Elyse Willems Dreams Of Funhaus Babies

It may come like a big shock & huge surprise for most people. But lovely sweet blonde goddess Elyse Willems has confessed regretting her marriage. Openly sharing her confession, in a recent Instagram story, that quickly got deleted after it was posted. Not being mad or upset at her good husband James. While still often, ashamedly thinking about how to divorce him. Eventually.Because Adam Kovic is “secretly” the one man she truly loves. With utmost care & affection. Therefore desperately...

4 years ago
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Loving the nasty

Being an active couple, we pride ourselves in remaining sexually active. We also call ourselves nasty, as we like to put it. So, in that vein, we were trying to come up with something new and exciting. Since J loves to masturbate with her wand, and loves to be watched by strangers doing it, we decided on a scenario. We went to a town a couple of hundred miles away and got a motel room. One of those kind of sleazy ones with the big picture window in the front.We checked in in the late afternoon...

3 years ago
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A Nasty Birthday BJ

The following is completely true. I'm a little worried to share it. But it occurs to me that this is a sex story as well as a blog. Well...Several years ago, I was out with my Beloved Jonny, my Husband, my reason for living. We were out at one of our favorite little restaurants, a tiny place. My husband is a food snob, and typically, he cooks every meal in our home. I firmly believe my Jonny is the single greatest cook on earth. Seriously, girls, his dishes are to die for; you've never had a...

1 year ago
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The nasty EXGF

We all have heard the stories, XGF who never did the nasty things we wanted to do, she told you that it was disgusting or perverted. Yea, only time can erase that lie.Went to New Orleans few months ago, needed the break and to see the seedier side of the quarter. Walking thru the quarter I was inundated with all forms of humanity, some beautiful, others of questionable heritage but all were enjoying themselves. One particular bar was of interest and featured excellent drag shows.After getting...

1 year ago
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Discovering My Nasty Wife

The TurnaroundChapter 1I am successful in businessman, and married to a wonderful wife. We are both very much in love, and always been very close, but somehow there was always something missing.Like many men, I had always had a fantasy of watching my wife making love with another man. I know most people think of that type guy as a weak, but I would be considered anything but a whimp. I'd be thought of as masculine and I am a strong contender in the business arena. I've just always been...

4 years ago
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For Ricky Your Little Nasty GIrl


3 years ago
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Repost Nasty Old Man Stole My Virginity

Sarah always wondered about the old man down the dead end street. He never came out much to talk or communicate with the neighbors. Sara,being the nosey teen was always looking for some to get into. Today was like any other day........ so she thought. She would get on her bike and cruise the neighborhood to get some fresh air and exercise. She wanted to tryout for cheerleader this year and she needed to get into shape. Sara was a petite 5'4 and only 110lbs soaking wet. Her long coal black hair...

2 years ago
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The Nasty Old Man Takes My Virginity

Sarah always wondered about the old man down the dead end street. He never came out much to talk or communicate with the neighbors. Sara,being the nosey teen was always looking for some to get into. Today was like any other day........ so she thought. She would get on her bike and cruise the neighborhood to get some fresh air and exercise. She wanted to tryout for cheerleader this year and she needed to get into shape. Sara was a petite 5'4 and only 110lbs soaking wet. Her long coal black hair...

3 years ago
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Nasty Stripper

The strip club had the wildest nasty strippers. Men and women loved to come and see the naked bodies and how perverted they would get. Bess was the most popular as she would put on a dirty nasty show. The men would touch and feel her and even the women. She made lots of money each night.Tonight she walked on stage naked with glitter over her tits and around her pussy. She had big firm tits and a great shaped ass. She lifted one leg and put it over her head exposing her pussy to every one. She...

2 years ago
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Nasty BoyLovely Girl Part 8

I knew i shouldn't have thrown a hissy fit. I was accepting my punishment like a man. Then all of a sudden I was bawling like a little girl and talking back to my Mother and Father. By my sissification punishments I should have been learning how to control myself as a well trained young lady should do. My nasty actions and boorish words showed that the bratty boy was still in me. I should have accepted all that Mother and Father planned for me. They know what is best for me. Perms and...

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Wife Nitya Turns Into Nasty

Hi ISS readers this is Ram, and this story is about my wife Nitya whom I thought to be a sexy sensitive homely lady and how she turned out to be Fucking nasty sex hungry female, whore I have ever met in my life. I got married a year ago and my marriage was an arranged marriage. My wife Nitya, 22 years was from very traditional family just like mine. She was hot and sexy standing 5’6 and she was fair in complexion and had a great physique. She had busty boobs, slim and lean waist and nice sexy...

4 years ago
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Innocent Little Girl Eats My Nasty Spunk

It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...

1 year ago
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Makeover turned nasty

I had attended a transvestite talent show at a Latin night club in North Hollywood and my Transsexual girl friend and her friends though that it would be nice if I had a "professional" make over to really see experience my "full" potential as a girl/woman. But I digress. So I standing there in a dark room, my head down while leaning on the mantle dressed in drag, full hair (styled, curled with long extensions), make-up, acrylic nail dressed like "Cinderella" in covered completely in white...

2 years ago
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The House at Sand PinesChapter 11 A Nasty Reminder

Apparently I wasn't out for very long. As I came to, I looked up at the helm and saw Charlotte in command. I could see the mainsail had been lowered, something that could be done from the cockpit, but not easily. "Are you okay?" I asked weakly. She hadn't been watching me and was occupied with handling the boat. She turned to me and I could see the tracks of tears on her beautiful face. "Oh, Nolan. Are you alright? I'm so scared. I don't know what to do." "Yeah ... just knocked...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 6 Another Nasty

Catching the bus down to Coolangatta on this bright fine morning, Helena called into The Strand for a nice bacon and egg breakfast with a double serving of toast and coffee. Starting to look around for a frame for her certificate, she had a feeling that she was being watched. Each time she looked around or with the glass in shop fronts she could not see anyone taking particular attention. Harry mentioned there are two people looking at you. One is Ok but the other is really nasty. We have to...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Dynasty

Author's note: Conditional Variables are enabled for writers who wish to use them. Stories that involve conditional variables will be labeled as (Uses Conditional Variables)...Well, that was the plan, but variables have permeated multiple parts of the story by this point(May 2017). It's probably best to play in game mode by pressing the "start game" button to the right. I apologies for any inconvenience. Welcome to the story of a fantasy dynasty. You'll take control of a ruling family in the...

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The Titmasters of the Gynko DynastyPart 1 t

The Dynasty of Valland Gynko was notorious for its desires for beautiful women who were provided for the use of the inner sanctum and its Princes and wealthy friends,the running of the harem was an honour given to men who became the Titmaster's of the dynasty and who held authority over those held for sexual pleasures,many of the women would be slaves captured and offered freedom on the proviso of giving service to their new master's but first they must undergo strict training and acceptance...

4 years ago
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Dexters laboratory Experimental

Dexter carefully put a single drop of yellow liquid into a large beaker of blue liquid. The formula instantly turned red and when it didn’t explode, a smile spread on his face. “I have done it, my greatest invention ever is finished.” He held the bottle up triumphantly for a minute and smiled.The bottle was snatched out of his hands and he stared around his lab in surprise. Dede was holding the bottle and stared at the liquid. “Pretty colour.” She said in her high pitched voice. “Dede, please...

2 years ago
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Nasty Club Slut Fucking in the Bathroom

We got to a photo of Jennie, her best friend Emily and a couple other girls, including this petite brunette, straightened hair with her bangs pinned back so she was ready for business. Her dress was strapless, a tiny little black stretchy number that could barely manage to cover the first half of her thighs. A gold horizontal stripe crossed over her perky, pretty titties and the strapless provocative number was low enough that she still showed cleavage and seemingly dared any man to pull her...

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