Vacation?Chapter 9 free porn video

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Day Nine - Tuesday

I woke up about six with the TV playing an exercise program featuring a skimpily dressed babe and a slick looking guy with an eight pack, far past just the standard six pack abs. The only thing those programs were good for was to drool over the workout chick and remind yourself that you probably ought to workout yourself.

Thinking about it, I should probably get some tennis shoes and run or something. I could walk down to the pool and swim some laps. That would be good exercise.

I put on my swimsuit and walked down to the swimming pool. There were two older ladies swimming slowly back and forth getting their morning's exercise too. I stepped into the pool on the opposite side they were on and pushed off swimming at a leisurely pace then on the return trip picking up speed. On each turn I sped up a little until I was swimming as hard as I could. Becoming winded, I started slowing down till I was swimming back at about the same speed I started.

As I stood up and sat on the edge, a short gray haired older lady turned to her companion, "Be still my heart. Helen, I think our wish just swam into our lives."

I glanced over at the grinning ladies, "You two ladies be good. Your husbands will be out here holding me under if they think I'm making a play for either of you two fine looking ladies."

One of the ladies glided over to me in the water to stand right in front of me, "We are both single and ready for a treat like you. Think you can handle a couple of horny old ladies?"

I was blushing bright red when the other lady swam over and joined in, "Gretchen don't be teasin' this guy or making promises your dried up ole' crotch can't fulfill."

"He looks like he could fill me right to the brim Helen," the first lady bantered.

"Ask nice and offer him a C-note and maybe he'll haul your ashes for you, you nasty ole' lady."

"Ladies, ladies I'm just a new guy around here trying to work off a few calories and some extra beer from this past week. You two look like you're in pretty good shape, so maybe we can be workout buddies," I smiled with open arms.

"You the guy been sparkin' Kathy? You the one that took out the slime ball Jeff?" Helen asked.

"Kathy and I have gone out and Sunday we went to Busch Gardens with her kids."

"We know that," Gretchen commented. "You went with Charlie and his wild red headed wife."

"No secrets around here, huh?" I asked.

"Not when it has to do with a new young stud moving in," Helen smiled.

Gretchen asked, "You here permanent or what?"

"I'm on vacation, a long vacation," I said remembering about buying twenty grand worth of work tools yesterday.

"So what do you do that makes you want to have a long vacation?" Helen asked.

"Until last week, I was working on oil pumping and drilling platforms off the coast of Belize. I've been working hard for the oil companies, seventy to eighty hours a week for almost four years. I needed a break and I ended up here to enjoy myself."

"I have a cousin that works on the Alaska pipeline and he complains that you don't make much money up there. At least not enough to have some decent meals and go to the tavern after he sends six or seven hundred a week home," Gretchen was saying.

"I didn't go to town up there very often while I was up there. I was there to make and save money. I really can't tell you much about it."

"You were probably smarter than Gene is, I know him well," Gretchen darkened. "He drinks too much and chases wild women all the time. He just uses the excuse of being up there to get away with his mischief."

I got out of the pool drying off with the towel I brought.

"Want to use the hot tub, stud?" Helen asked. "It was probably you and Kathy in there the other night making all those groaning noises."

"You might have heard another couple that was getting into the tub when we left. Can you believe it, they just stripped down right in front of us and got into the tub?"

"Helen, we gotta start coming to the hot tub late at night. We might get some action while some lady ain't lookin'."

"See you girls later. I'm going to try to exercise every morning, so if you want to play with me, be here," I smiled and waved as I left.

The coffee was barely done and the bacon was just about done when Glenda and Alice banged on the screen door.

They came in and sat at the table. They were both grinning at me so I got them each a cup of coffee, "Either of you need cream or sugar?"

Alice spoke for both of them, "No Steve, we're fine."

"So what do I owe the pleasure of this morning's visit to?" I asked.

"We just wanted to say hi to you this morning, that's all," Glenda sighed.

"What else?" I asked knowing there was more.

"Abe wants to take you into town to buy a gun," Alice was saying and looking a little embarrassed. "He says that Jeff guy won't be in jail that long and Jeff has a passel of kin that is as warped as he is. I don't know what you think about guns, but it might be a good idea to get one and learn how to use it."

"I was in Desert Storm Alice, I know what a gun is and was trained how to use many of them," I said thinking that I really didn't have a lot of combat experience.

"Well Abe is coming over here soon and wants to take you into town. Do you have enough money to buy a pistol or do we need to loan you some money?" Alice asked getting up to leave.

"Martin and I could help you too, Steve," Glenda said as she went out the door.

"I'm fine ladies," I said. "Tell Abe I'm ready now as I have some jobs I need to do today."

Ten minutes later Abe came to the door while I was washing my dishes. He sipped some coffee while I finished, telling me exactly what the two ladies had been talking about.

Abe and I left in his truck going to a little gun shop out on Busch Boulevard. Abe had the storeowner show me several guns. I liked a couple of them so I made a deal on a Smith and Wesson 9mm and a used 380 PPK. I had always wanted a PPK but couldn't afford it. This time I could. I made the deal with three extra high capacity magazines and four boxes of ammo each after using most of a box with each pistol on the short range the shop had in the rear. I impressed myself, I could still shoot what I aimed at.

Abe made me fill out the application for a carry permit. He said that for ex-military guys, approval was automatic unless I had been in trouble. The guy said I should have the receipt to get my picture taken in less than two weeks.

Eight hundred dollars later, Abe and I were home where I stashed my new hardware. Abe looked over the gas cart in the shed while I brought the bike out saying I was going to go to the storage building to sort some stuff out.

I rode to the storage building and pulled the cover off the big truck. I checked over all the equipment and supplies on the truck then cranked it up and drove it to DMV office. Before going in, I went to the insurance office next door and obtained six months of insurance on the truck.

After getting the truck registered and the new plates on it, I drove over to the biker's house. The gate guard was bug eyed when I showed up wearing a 'support' T-shirt asking to speak to Hap.

Hap came out and re-directed me to another gate on the other side of the house where there were two deep empty lots fenced in making the place like a little compound. They had a metal building that may have housed a shop plus another building they called a bunk house and recreation area. There was a large outdoor cooking area that had a huge pot on it cooking something that smelled like chili.

I told Hap that I had just made the deal on the truck so he was going to be my first customer. He had a couple of prospects help me set up my big shade tent next to the rear of the truck. I pulled out the table with the vices and clamps that was the entire width of the truck and almost eight feet sliding straight out to stand with the help of some fold down legs.

Hap had club prospects bring out one bike at a time. With the help of some other guys, we lifted each bike up on the big table where I washed off the area I was going to weld shielding the rest of the bike with large pieces of heavy aluminum foil.

Three hours later I was done and accepted a beer from a smiling Hap while I was cleaning up and putting everything away. While we ate a lunch of sandwiches and chili, he complimented me on my work then handed me five hundred dollars. I smiled at him and pocketed the money knowing that if Hap offered it, I should take it, no questions asked.

"Steve, you would be good for our chapter, our club," Hap began. "I'm not going to pressure you but I want you to know, you're welcome here, anytime. That means anytime night or day. We've taken your picture and put it on our pride board so the gate guy will always know who you are. One thing though, you better treat Kathy and the kids right or we will have to have a discussion."

"I don't think you have to worry about that," I said with a gentle smile on my face. "I'm kinda partial to her and those kids myself. We may not ever be anything more than really good friends, but I'll definitely watch out for them."

"You already did," Hap smiled. "We heard what you did with that asshole that had been nosing around Kathy. You did good. We owe you. You did our job. It's our responsibility to protect a brother's family. That's why I said you would make a good person to be with us. Listen here, you need a phone or someway to get hold of you. Get one."

Hap said something to one of the prospects then turned back to me, "We checked you out a little and found out you're ex-military and were hurt in Desert Storm."

I nodded.

Hap continued, "I want you to go to the place on this card and get your carry permit for a piece. You might need it considering that guy and his crazy family."

The prospect came up to Hap with something in a towel.

Hap flipped the towel up and held out a giant pistol to me. "This is a .44 magnum that should be about right for a guy like you. You need to go learn to shoot it and keep it ready in case those guys show. Take this thing, it's clean and legal. Go learn to use it and get that permit."

"Hap," I began "I already applied earlier this morning and I bought a piece too. According to the gun store guy I should hear next week."

"You're all right Steve. You have it together. Take this thing anyway. It's way too big for any of us to carry around. Besides, I don't think any of us want to learn how to shoot that monster, and get a phone," Hap grinned.

I thanked Hap for the new gun before pulling out of the yard with my monster diesel welding truck. I drove to the address Hap gave me for the application to see if it had a range.

The gun dealer was nice and did have a range. When I asked if I could shoot a .44 mag he said sure but I would have to police my own brass. He sold me two boxes of shells. I shot up a box learning how to hit a silhouette consistently at fifty feet. With a .44 magnum, all you have to do is hit a piece of a guy and he'll die of shock anyway.

I drove the big truck back to the storage lot and put it away before spending some time sorting through what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to get rid of. It took a couple of hours to separate most everything between the two garages so that I had what I wanted to keep in one and the stuff I was going to get rid of in the other. I still had not uncovered everything that had been unloaded but I made a list of the separated expendable equipment and materials then rode over to the welding supply house to see if I could post a flier.

The counter guy said it would be fine. Just print it up and bring it in. He wanted to see what I had so I showed him the list. Thank goodness I had hand re-written the whole thing so it was in some kind of order with the supplies for each type of welding equipment grouped with the main gear.

The guy whistled then asked, "You going out of business?"

"Naw, I made a deal on a large group of equipment and I'm selling off the extras, the stuff I don't need."

"We buy used stuff all the time. A lot of the little guys come in to buy it. The supplies are easy. We'll pay you whatever we normally pay wholesale and save freight if that's good for you?"

The guy picked up his phone and talked a minute and then said his boss would be right out.

A short stocky guy came and nodded to me taking my list and looking at it a minute, "This stuff in decent condition?"

"Yeah, it's all clean and looks like it has been taken care of. Some of it is pretty old. Still good, just older model stuff," I said hoping that getting rid of a storage building full of stuff would be easy.

"Where's it at?" he asked.

"I have it a storage building off north Florida."

"Let me get a warehouse guy and we'll follow you out there and take a look. We'll make a deal on what you have," the boss guy said and went to the back.

He came out with another guy in a shirt with his name and the company name on it. The boss guy called out, "Let's go."

I rode out to the storage building and parked in front of my second door. The guy must have felt like we were going to make a deal as he backed his truck right up to the door I was opening.

He still had the list in his hand and immediately started looking at each item. My list was in the order that I had the separated equipment stacked in. After about fifteen minutes, he took a pad and started writing down numbers.

"The equipment is old but is in real good condition. Some of this old stuff is better quality than the new ones you can buy today. Your supplies all look like I can put them into stock. He looked at his pad and back at me, "How about sixty-five hundred for all of it?"

I was glad I wasn't looking directly at him when he said that. I about shit a brick thinking about the number. I looked up at him and said, "You know, I don't even know your name. What is it?"

"Fred, Fred Conners, the counter guy said you are Steve Sharp and were in Monday buying some stuff. So will you take the sixty-five?"

"I guess I could take that," I said trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

The warehouse guy immediately started loading stuff into the big stake bed truck they had brought.

While we were loading the stuff up, Fred commented, "This stuff looks like some equipment that Simpson tool and Die used to have. They have a welding division that's about the best in the state. Since the old man died, the business hasn't done too well. His kid just doesn't know how to run a business."

"Simpson went bankrupt. This is where this stuff came from," I said being informative.

"No shit. When did they start selling the equipment?" Fred asked.

"They had an auction Monday and sold everything to the walls. The bankruptcy guy and auctioneer even paid me to sweep out the joint before I left."

"Damn, I missed that. I need to pay attention to what's going on," Fred said as he helped his guy lift an old wirefeed cart onto the truck.

When the separated equipment in that shed was almost all loaded, I opened the other door to show Fred the two big generators. Asking if he would be interested in them.

"Sure, if they run good. Have a mechanic look them over then let me know. We would have to bring a fork lift out here to load them up if the wheels and bearings aren't in good shape."

"I'll have a good mechanic check out both of them and let you know as soon as I can. I would like to empty this shed out a little more too. I only want to keep what I really need," I said thinking of Abe.

We finished loading the equipment. I took the broom that came from the auction and quickly swept the open area out hoping to turn it in so I would only have to pay for this first month.

"Follow us back to the store and I'll cut you a check. I think we both made a good deal," Fred said climbing into the truck.

Back at the supply house, Fred handed me a check then asked, "You know Simpson's just bought a custom truck and fitted it with some of the best equipment around. That was brand new when the old man died. It was his pride and joy. Wonder who got that?"

When I smiled, Fred exclaimed, "No shit, you bought that too?"

"I couldn't pass it up. The deal was too good," I said.

"Wow, anything under seventy-five would have been a good deal. I'll bet you could get eighty or ninety for it if you found the right buyer," Fred was gushing.

"Well right now I'm going to use it to make a buck. When I decide to go back to the oil companies, I'll make a deal with you."

Fred wanted my phone number but I said I didn't have one but would be getting one soon.

I wanted to get the check and the cash into the bank so I rode to the bank and made a deposit. Next door to the bank was a Verizon store. Verizon is the local telephone company. They used to be GTE but had changed their name. I think they changed it because of their cell phone division.

Same as Vacation?
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That banging is starting to annoy me, the roofers working on my neighbor's house constantly banging away. I'm still working from home, log on at 8.30, and plow through my usual workload. I can get through it pretty quickly and be on to my now normal housework. I do a wash, Monday, and Thursday weather permitting, hoover upstairs and down once a week, and have the dishes out the way before my wife gets home.She has had to get back into the office, her job is more important than mine and much...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Flight DelayChapter 2

Almost two months had past since finding out that Kate had cheated on me. During that time I worked long days six days a week and put in a half day on Sundays. I managed to keep Kate out of my mind during the day while I was working but when I went to bed at night I thought about her and our shambles of a marriage. It was early on a Friday morning that I found myself in the project office alone with Joey again. Joey looked at me for a long moment and then grabbed me by the arm and said,...

2 years ago
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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 16 The Decision is Made

Explorer Leader Thelt begins by saying, “Alright, people, find a place to sit, and no chit-chat. We have a lot to go over.” As the Patrol Group members take their seats, Relpt asked, “What’s this about, Vert?” “I don’t know, but we are about to find out.” Thelt begins his briefing with, “Ship Commander Shimlt, the First Offspring, Soldar Tomrd, and Adviser Xlau have been notified of several problems with our current plan. They decided it needs to be revised. These changes will impact our...

1 year ago
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BanditChapter 3

Bandit and I hit I-40 west bound at 1:30 and I set the cruise on 78; the traffic was light after we cleared the locals. I pulled into PetCo on Chenal Pkwy at 3:30. Bandit had been asleep for about thirty minutes, but as soon as I slowed to turn off I-30 south onto Markham Blvd. he came up wide awake. When we parked he was ready to go. He knows PetCo and even though they stick his butt with needles every now and then, the goodies he gets are more than worth it. I snapped his leash on his...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 47

We left Biff to his project and went to the palace of Prime Minister Cordeiro. There were lengthy introductions of the girls and his cabinet officers along with their office administrators. The conversation covered several topics that I needed information on. One was how satisfied he was with the security arrangement with JBG so far and another was, were there any changes he wanted to discuss. Then the discussion went to the Pact with the new countries added and the new contracts that we...

2 years ago
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More pussy petting

I've written before about how much I like back seat car pussy petting. My Daddy likes to watch me let men pet my pussy. That's not all he likes to watch me do with other guys. But I digress. We drove to the lake late one night with our friend Jake. Daddy had never shared me with Jake before. He knew that I liked letting him see me playing around. Jake is an older Daddy guy, who loves young women like me. Sexually free and into pleasuring men. Daddy spread my legs wide and pet my pussy, so Jake...

3 years ago
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Couple Hot Adventures Part 3

Hubby arranges Massage for WifeThis is my third story. I want to thank the readers for their positive response to my first story. I hope you enjoy this one as well. Some background. I am Suman, my husband is Raman. We are a couple in our 40's. If you want more information about us, I encourage you to please read my other stories. After our first swap, we had not had any outings for a long time. We were limited to reliving our experience while waiting for another opportunity. For my birthday,...

2 years ago
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Women love my company

I think ive fucked more married women than i ever intended. It all started on myspace of all places. Women started hittin me up clearly stating they were married and wanted to fuck. I was more than willing. One of the ladies introduced me to which opened me up to meeting alot of women from all over the world. Adultfriendfinder is also a hot site that always has hot pussy available. But i can also meet a woman in the supermarket or even at a singles bar and the results are always...

2 years ago
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Sucking off a stranger from the club in downtown

I brought home a complete stranger the other night to my fiance.I made my hubby sit in the corner naked while i made out with this guy,Things got real hot and i blow him and made him bust a load all over himsself.if you want to see the full videos visit my sitecurious cristine dot comand for sneak previews check my pix..i love making men cum...

2 years ago
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The Boys in BlueChapter 18

Alan led the way down the corridor until he stopped at a door. Robert recognised it. It was Dave Robinson’s old Office. “We’ll get you a new signboard.” Alan said as they entered. “Have you heard from Dave since he resigned?” Alan asked. “He’s flying as first officer on 747’s and hoping to get his captaincy in the New Year.” Robert replied. “Good for him!” Alan said, “I’m afraid the next few months are going to be hectic for you” nodding to the pile of folders on the desk. “In two days you...

3 years ago
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Found Out and Sissified by Wife

My wife stormed into the room and threw the red lacy panties in my face. "What the fuck is this Bill? Who is she?" I swallowed hard with the realization I had just been found out. "It's not what you think babe" I stammered trying to quickly think of san easy way out."How the fuck can it not be what I think? I find a pair of panties in the pocket of your coat. They're not mine, they smell like perfume that is not mine, and they have what I'm pretty sure is dried cum on them. So tell me, what am...

3 years ago
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A Year In My Life Part I 1

A Year In My Life Part I-1 Tuesday, February 14 "Bob. I'm your brother. There's no way." "It's only for one night." "No way." "But, bro. I need your help." "I wouldn't be able to show my face at school afterwards." "No one will know." "Bet me." "Lets ask mom?" "No. She always sides with you." "No, she doesn't." "Tell me one time when she sided with me?" "Ah ... the last time we stopped for fast food." "Big deal. She doesn't...

1 year ago
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What A Pleasure

What A pleasureBy: Londebaaz ChohanAlthough, I had fucked a decent number of pussies, my best hobby was still to eye and scrutinize every good looking girl to wonder who would be the lucky bastards, getting those delicious cute cunts to their bed for the naked joyous pleasures. Hello, I am Michael, a sexy horny and fairly good looking sophomore in Elton State College. In the dorm hall, every room was allotted to the 2 students and the guy rooming with me was Joseph. Quite a nice guy, Joseph but...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 66

I woke before she did even though it was mid-morning. She was lying partially on me. Her head was on my shoulder, her arm across my chest and my arm around her back. She was soft and warm. I watched her sleep and wonder how things would be between us, when she opened her eyes. Sleep and time had a way of changing feelings. She must have sensed that I was awake; maybe it was the change in my breathing. Her leg moved, her arm stretched, and then her eyes were wide open looking at me. I smiled,...

3 years ago
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Is that you

One more Ranma 1/2 fanfiction, this time it is not based upon any episode of the manga/anime, just a scene I often imagined, since teaching Ranma how to be a good girl always seems to be pretty kinky idea for me. Hope you'll like it, even if it's bit more naughty than my other stories. Ranma 1/2: Is that you? She stands in front of the mirror, looking at herself, dressed in the scanty, french maid uniform with withe apron and black stockings. She has no braid, her red hair runs...

4 years ago
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CuttyChapter 34 Punishment to Enjoy

The humiliating experience had hurt Donna deeper than she at first had thought. She was used to the humiliation by now, but this time it felt different. The first sign of its true impact came during her ride to work afterwards. She experienced several fits where she just started to cry uncontrollably. Tears just poured out of her eyes, she hyperventilated, and she was forced to stop the car to calm down. She couldn’t control these emotions, the physical reaction. She hadn’t had outburst...

3 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 90

"She's sitting on my 'chute!" Ooo, Pissed Grace. "Seaman," she squinted at the name tag of the cringing Girl in the Back ... a genuine GIB. "Black. Did you just get excited all over my 'chute?" A deer in the headlights look ran across her face, "Yes, Ma'am." "Are you sorry?" "No, Ma'am. It was wonderful! The best good time I ever had by myself," Seaman Black said, "I'd do it again ... in a minute. I want to fly like this." "David? Get out. Leave the 'chute." Grace...

2 years ago
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Plain JaneChapter 4

Hope you are enjoying this story - there is lots more to come in Part 4 - and it’s all free. If you would like to encourage others to cum and enjoy this story, please leave a good Rating here. Thanks I stirred and rolled over, and through bleary eyes I could see that the bedside clock said just after 2pm. I lay there in a sort of half-sleep, trying to remember where I was, and then the events of the previous night gradually came back to me, and I lay there grinning to myself. Looking...

2 years ago
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helping out

I love sucking pussy, then one day I met a guy and after a few months of hanging out, we went 4 wheeling, while driving he told he wife quit putting out and how friggin horny he is. He told me he is getting tired of jacking off to porn and needs a fucking blow job. We laughed about it but i noticed he was hard. He pulled over to pee and we got outand i saw his cock. mine is about 5-6 inches and kinda skinny. his was 6-7 and fat,, even soft. I became hypnotized by it I got that urge you get...

3 years ago
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The Peeping Tom Day Four

Day four and I take my place in the attic, stripped naked and sat looking out of the slightly open window. To my right the college girl’s light is on and I just catch her slipping off her pyjama top to reveal her pert, pinkie, little tits, but today she is in a hurry. Barely did I have my hand on my cock when she has done her bra up and is in the process of slipping it around her body and putting her boobs away in the lovely little cups. Within seconds she has put her blouse on and left the...

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I Cheated Gay

I have been in a relationship with Billy for almost 2 years now. The last time I had sex with anybody else was just before we met. It was with a man called Jimmy and we did it in the back of his car in the night club car park after it closed. At odd times, I would remember that experience, but I was blissfully happy with Billy and we had bought a home together and had settled down to 'married' life. However, things were about to change. I was 27 years old with normal build, Billy a little older...

1 year ago
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The Seven Dressing Sins Vanity

"To recreate this scene, you will need..." John tightened his calf muscles as he watched the young woman on the TV present an untidy scrap of cloth. "One white fishnet dress." He thought he knew her, somehow - something in her voice perhaps. He didn't know anybody with a crimson streak through her long blonde hair. And he certainly didn't know anybody who'd do a porn movie. The camera remained pointed at her wonderful breasts. They were small but very firm, and semi-aroused...

3 years ago
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Mother Love Daddy the Cuckhold

James had been tempted to join his mother in the shower but decided against it. He needed to sort out in his mind his plan for the evening, how he intended to deal with his father. He had seen a few videos of men being forced to watch their wives being fucked, the wives tormenting their husbands and ridiculing them, that sort of idea appealed to him, he was confident his mother would go along with it. He was thrilled with the way she had taken to their relationship, he had dreamt of getting to...

1 year ago
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Blaze Part 4

Part 4 "Jack, I don't think I'm ever going to get this," Jess said dejectedly, "We've been at it for a month and I'm not any closer now than I was the day I woke up." That statement wasn't entirely true. Jess had made great strides in figuring out what she was capable of. She had mastered control of drawing in energy and, as far as they could tell, she could hold it as long as she wanted or until she fell asleep. Without her conscious effort to hold onto it, it would slowly...

2 years ago
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Australian StoryChapter 38 Jumped

Wed 10-Oct 2007 Chris stared at the policewoman in shock and despair. He turned to Shahia to see the same expression on her face. He sighed. It was all over. NO. No way. He wouldn't accept it. He turned to the Hassan and Alyssa. "Put your stuff away." He started gently inching towards the edge of this seat. Maybe he could take out this policewoman long enough for Shahia and the kids to get away. But he remembered Mr Cartwright's advice well — he would talk first, as long as he...

4 years ago
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Saras Story a Ds Romance

Sara was lying around one day chatting with her boyfriend. They had been living together for a couple of months now after dating for almost a year. Their sex life was ok but getting kind of routine. He didn’t seem too imaginative, so she was looking for some way to spice up their sex lives. Neither of them were sexual novices, having both been married before as well as exploring their desires with other sex partners before meeting each other. “Charley, I was talking with Becky the other day...

2 years ago
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My Hot Son 2

I was awaken by a hard cock deep inside my vigina moving slowly back and fourth. My head was on my son's chest and he was still asleep. I love the feel of a hard cock inside but I did not know who this one belonged to. Then I felt it explode, cum filling my pussy. Then as the cock began to soften it was pulled my pussy. I heard the owner go into the bathroom and start the shower. I laid there basking in the glow of a night of hot sex and also having my cunt filled to the top with cum. The...

3 years ago
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Fucked Sakshi A Slutty TikTok Babe From College

Hello and namaste to all the ISS readers and writers. I’m Saurav writing one more real experience that happened to me in college. Glad that most of you who read my stories have texted me and received positive reactions throughout. Hope to get more reactions for my stories, both positive and negative. If you haven’t read my other experiences, please do check my other stories from my profile and do read every story. This story is about another sexy babe whom I banged in the 3rd year. This was...

4 years ago
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Crazy Fun With Neighbour

Hi Everyone, I read a lot of stories at Iss, and it’s amazing to read stories rather than to watch porn. And now I would like to narrate my story. This is my first story. Hope everyone likes it. If you have any feedback please mail to The incident happened just two weeks before. Let me introduce myself. I am an It professional and also a dancer, footballer. Brown in colour, and a crazy-headed freak. I love to have sex but I do respect women . I never force anyone. I am staying in a gated...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Landlady

Hello everyone. First of all, thank you for such an overwhelming response to my first story. It was really of a great help to decide to write further. Those folks haven’t read it yet can tap on my username and give it a shot. It was only because of you people that my very first story was a huge success and managed to make its way in “hot” category. For those who don’t know me here’s a brief introduction and then we will jump to the story. I am tarun goyal, 21 years old, currently residing in...

3 years ago
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Dirty Little Secrets 6 Sharing

“Your wife is an unfaithful whore.”The message has been sent to my work inbox. The most remarkable thing about it is perhaps that it bypassed the attentions of my normally so reliable PA, Ms. McLeod, who does such a good job of scanning incoming messages. PA is in this instance perhaps a euphemism for general dogsbody, but Ms. McLeod performs her duties assiduously.I don’t know how other men would react to receiving such a message, but I haven’t got where I am by taking unsubstantiated rumours...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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TransparenceChapter 11

A smile spreads across Yulia’s face when the homeless man appears in the doorway. His eyes scan over her lying on the ragged and torn and filthy mattress. He leans his shoulder against the doorframe. “Police...” he shakes his head and gives her a mocking grin. “Excuse me... ?” “I saw them raiding one on the homeless camps not far from here,” the man says. “They are always harassing us.” “Oh...” Yulia murmurs. “I thought...” “You thought I was that guy you keep talking about?” he asks,...

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