Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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"Just a bad dream..." Allison responded half-heartedly with a lack of conviction that was painfully obvious.
Kaija rolled her eyes in disbelief. "That must've been one hell of a scary dream," she speculated. "What happened anyway?"
Allison shrugged to buy some time before she answered. "It was about school." She eased into her explanation tentatively as if waiting to see if Kaija was going to buy it. When she heard no objections, she continued. "I was flunking this one class that would keep me from graduating, and I freaked."
If anyone but Allison had given her such a lame excuse, she wouldn't have bought it for a second. But it was Allison. And Kaija did believe her roommate's explanation. Kaija's worried expression dissolved into a grin. "Like that'd ever happen to you," she giggled, rolling her eyes. "I was afraid I woke you up when I came home last night or something," she fished. "I always have bad dreams when I get woken up in the middle of the night..."
Allison was a lousy liar and would have made an even worse poker player. She bit her tongue in an attempt to maintain an even look. She shrugged. "Didn't hear a thing," she lied, leaving a set of tooth marks on her tongue.
Sighing in relief, Kaija glanced at her watch. "Well get your butt up then, it's time for breakfast!" She wandered over to her desk and began packing her books in her backpack for the day's classes. "You comin' or what, sleepyhead?" she asked over her shoulder.
Somehow Allison managed to hide the cringe that nearly escaped from within her. After seeing what she did the night before, she wondered if she could survive having a meal with Kaija so soon. And heaven help her if Barclay showed up...
"Yo, did you go back to sleep?"
Oh how she wanted to, but it had absolutely nothing to do with being tired! Allison threw the covers off of her and shuffled over to the closet to get her shower caddy. "I'm comin', I'm comin'..." she mumbled as she shrugged into her terry cloth bath robe.
As the steaming spray of water beat down on her back, Allison recalled the events from last night. The sensations she experienced in the dream were so realistic, the mere thought of it made her shiver. But why in the world was she having such an explicit dream about her roommate's boyfriend? Sure, she saw them get it on, and yeah, he had put the moves on her in psych class once, but still... it seemed so wrong!
Allison's hands roamed her body, leaving a soapy trail in their wake. But it wasn't her hands she felt; it was Barc's. His muscular meaty palms lingered over her breasts, probed her belly button, and made their way to her warm, moist core. Stop it, stop it, stop it, she scolded herself. She tapped her forehead against the tiled wall of the shower as if to rattle the nasty thoughts out of her brain. It wasn't working. Frustrated, she turned the water off with a single twist of her wrist and began putting her toiletries back into the caddy.
Fine. If she couldn't get her mind out of the gutter, she was going to go back to her room, throw on some clothes, and get ready for breakfast. At least she had a quiet day ahead of her. Just a quick meeting with Professor Salinger about her writing assignment, and Allison was done for the day. Thinking she'd have time to squeeze some reading in, Allison made sure Kaija wasn't watching her, and then she put the romance novel back into her backpack. After her hot dream from the night before, she could hardly wait to see what the book had in store for her.
After zipping the backpack shut, Allison slid it over her shoulders and walked out the door with Kaija. Mercifully, the dining commons was nearby. As they yanked open the heavy glass doors, the mouth watering smell of freshly baked caramel rolls hit them head on. Spicy cinnamon... caramelized butter... Allison couldn't wait to sink her teeth into such a decadent treat! The line attendant swiped her card, then she grabbed a tray and gathered her breakfast-scrambled eggs, sausage links, cantaloupe wedges, and of course a hot caramel roll with gooey topping oozing down its sides.
So where is the dog food kids always joke about colleges feeding them? From the looks of her tray, Allison was going to be a cool half ton before Christmas break! I'll worry about that later, she thought, shrugging off the worry. After all, she did a lot more walking here than she did at home.
The dining commons was extra crowded for once. Given the menu and tempting smells, it was easy to see why. Kaija managed to spot a table for four that had just been vacated. Fortunately, the occupants weren't total slobs, so the table was tolerable. Kaija zoomed in like a magnificent vulture and placed her tray on the table just as the last person grabbed their tray. Allison smiled. Maybe having breakfast with Kaija wouldn't be so awkward after all.
The girls dumped their backpacks into the empty chairs and got down to the business of eating. Both girls moaned their approval as they bit into the sweet roll. Kaija look upwards as if thanking the heavens for such a treat while Allison eagerly dug in for another bite.
"So what's on your agenda today, roomie?" Kaija asked, using her napkin to wipe off the sticky caramel residue on her face that her tongue couldn't reach.
Allison finished chewing before responding. "Just a meeting with Professor Salinger about my first writing assignment." Kaija looked surprised. "Somehow I managed to cram everything into Monday Wednesdays and Fridays."
Kaija snorted. "Lucky you. I have Music Theory, String Techniques, and Band," she groaned, cutting off a bite of sausage and popping it into her mouth. "Where ya meeting Salinger?" she asked as she finished chewing.
"In his office." Kaija looked uneasy. "Why?" Allison didn't like the look on Kaija's face. "Why?" she persisted.
Kaija put down her fork, glanced around to make sure the coast was clear, and then leaned in to the table and lowered her voice. "I've heard things about him, Ally."
Allison smiled at Kaija's concern and her use of a nickname they hadn't even discussed. "Like what?" Allison asked, raising her eyebrows with the question.
"He likes to take advantage of sweet, innocent girls like yourself," Kaoja explained.
As always, Allison had to turn it in to a joke so she could laugh at it. "Sure, Kaija, you just wish you had a class with the hunk," she grinned.
"Nah, I'm too street wise for him," Kaija said, stabbing the scrambled eggs with her fork.
With an annoyed look on her face, Allison leaned back in her chair. "What do you mean? Are you saying I'm not street wise and that I'm actually quite gullible?" She folded her arms across her chest, further accentuating her offended state.
"Ally, I love ya dearly," Kaija began, "but when it comes to men and college, you have a whole lot to learn."
"I do not!" Allison responded belligerently.
"You do too," Kaija insisted, "and I can prove it."
"Oh yeah? Go ahead and try," Allison dared. They weren't exactly arguing, but Allison resented being treated like some naive child.
Kaija bit into a melon wedge and thought for a moment. "Okay... What would you say if I said, 'Barc came on my stomach the other night'?"
Allison laughed, waving away her question. "Duh, that's easy!" She shifted in her seat as she prepared to answer. "Everybody knows it's virtually impossible to make love in a bed without getting close to each other and touching stomachs, so of course he had to come on your stomach!"
Kaija choked on her mouth full of milk, thanking her lucky stars it didn't shoot out her nose as she laughed.
"Well I guess he didn't have to come on your stomach," Allison conceded with a shrug. "I mean if you guys did it in a different position or something..."
Tears streamed down Kaija's face as she clutched her cramping stomach. She thought she'd die laughing. But if that was the case, what a way to go! It'd be almost as good as dying while having sex, she thought, wiping away the tears of laughter with the back of her hand.
"Why are you laughing at me?" Allison demanded.
Kaija reached across the table and pinched Allison's cheek. "You're just too cute," she giggled.
Allison razzed Kaija and threw a crumpled napkin at her face. Before long, they were both laughing hysterically, but only Kaija fully understood what was so funny.
"Lose your balance, Ally?" Kaija teased. Ally blushed fiercely as the group giggled at the whole scene. If nothing else, at least her fall broke the ice a bit. Things definitely seemed less intense afterwards. "I should be going," Barclay finally said. "Class in the morning you know. I keep forgetting it's Sunday today. Seems so much like a Saturday," he babbled. "Anyway, catch ya later." Barclay was half way down the hall before either girl had a chance to reciprocate his...
Avoidance. Yep, that was it. If she dodged the issue altogether, no harm would be done. Ally could leave gracefully without jeopardizing the chance of a lifetime. Then she could take some time to think things over and decide how to handle the situation. Of course with creative writing class just over 24 hours away, her time to think was limited, but it would do. At the very least it would address the current situation, and for the moment, that was all she really wanted. With a warm smile,...
Glancing at her watch after Ben headed off to class, Ally decided it was hardly worth climbing three flights of stairs for maybe ten minutes of lecture. Besides, she ran the risk of running in to Barclay there, and she wasn't up to facing all that in light of everything that was going on. Instead, she wandered over to the campus pond, found an empty bench, and watched the swans glide across the glassy surface of the water. Ally had a lot to think about. As much as she didn't want it to be...
"You want to go WHERE?!?" It came out as a rough shout, something Ben hadn't totally anticipated. Ally was startled by the sudden shift in his mood as she buckled her seatbelt. "To Professor Salinger's house," she repeated, trying to stay calm. Ben took a deep breath, trying to recover from the sheer disappointment of it all. Just when he thought he had exorcized her preoccupation with the professor, it came bounding back stronger than ever. But in many ways, it was that overwhelming...
The next morning, Ally ran around the room like a mad woman trying to get ready. If she hurried, she'd have enough time to grab breakfast and stop by the English Department before her 10:00 calculus class. And somewhere along the line, she needed to go see Ben. Kaija was right; he really was a keeper. Even if he did leave her sexually frustrated at times! For once, Ally's trip to the dining commons was fairly uneventful. No Barclay hitting on her; no Erica dropping bombshells; and not even...
As Allison crawled into bed, the hallways were still teaming with activity. Even so, she could barely manage to keep her eyes open. She turned off the reading lamp clamped to her bed frame, and then snuggled into the cool sheets. Allison was out as quickly as her reading lamp was. The sound of a key turning in the lock of the room's door pulled Allison out of her deep slumber. She wasn't used to the sounds in her new home much less those of a roommate. Finally, the door opened, letting in...
"Mmmm, this is positively sinful," Ally grinned, licking her lips in anticipation. "Do you wanna go first, or should I?" Ben shrugged, looking down. "I don't care, but we'd better get moving. I don't think it'll stay firm much longer." "You're right," Ally said with a giggle. "It's already starting to get a little soft." She couldn't resist making the comment. Ben didn't make her feel the least bit uncomfortable. It was great feeling totally at ease around a guy for once....
Allison was no athlete by any means, but you wouldn't know it from her speed. She was halfway back to her dorm and didn't even remember taking the stairs to exit the English building! No matter how hard she tried, it seemed she couldn't get far enough away from the scene of her crime. She dropped her backpack inside her closet and fell on to her bed. The worst part of all was she didn't know what upset her more, the fact that she may have killed any chance of doing well in that class, or...
As the policemen finished reading Barclay his rights, they each grabbed an arm and led him out of the room as a stunned audience looked on. When they passed Allison's table, Barclay's eyes met hers. Without saying a single word, he managed to convey a hurt so profoundly deep it bordered on betrayal. But oddly enough, there wasn't an ounce of anger to be seen. In that moment, Ally knew that what Barclay felt for her before the big confrontation was indeed genuine, and the hurt she saw in...
Allison could hear her roommate laughing from under the covers. In a way, she couldn't blame Kaija for laughing. After all, going from shy Catholic girl to topless online exhibitionist was quite a leap, especially in a single evening. If she could have gotten away with it, she'd've hidden under the covers forever. But when the laughter died down, she slinked out, tiptoed over to her shirt and bra, and slipped into them before Kaija could notice her. How in the world was she supposed to...
"Let me guess," Kaija smirked, "you were going to take your underwear off eventually, too?" "Of course," Ally sighed, insulted by her roommate's stupid question. "So are you going to check, or am I? We're getting nowhere fast," Kaija complained. Ally bit her lower lip. "Uh, I'd do it, but..." Her voice trailed off. "Either you're afraid, or you don't know what you're looking for. Frankly, either way I'm scared!" Throwing her roommate a scathing look, Ally started to...
Professor Salinger unlocked the door to his office while Allison attempted to pull herself together. She drew in a deep breath to relax a bit. Put it behind you, Allison, she coached herself silently. Easier said than done... With a sigh, she followed Professor Salinger into his office. It wasn't at all what she expected. The typical college-issued clunker of a metal desk and torn vinyl office chair were nowhere to be found. In their place were a grand oak roll top desk and a high-backed...
Ally squirmed as a cool breeze from the ceiling fan hit her newly exposed moist pussy. Bruiser licked his lips and smiled at the sight before him. She was so sweet... so innocent... so ready! He pulled back just enough to see all that was important. This was going to be a delectable experience that even Bruiser wanted to take his time and savor! Her chest heaved up and down with each breath, causing her marvelously shaped breasts to bob up and down. Bruiser traced the outline of her curves...
Ally's eyes were red and puffy from crying when Kaija returned. All the while, she had been debating how best to tell Kaija what had happened. There was no getting out of it, yet she didn't want to get Barclay into any more trouble. She hid her tired and bloodshot eyes behind the laptop's display as she hunted and pecked her way through the story. "Hey, roomie," Kaija greeted, her voice noticeably brighter. "Anything exciting happen while I was out?" If she only knew, Ally groaned to...
Luckily, the second part of the class was much tamer than the first. At least there was no more talk of sexually repressed characters. For that Ally was eternally grateful. The stories they critiqued were pretty mainstream for the most part-a couple of romances, a murder mystery, one science fiction piece, and a handful more Allison couldn't easily classify. After Professor Salinger explained the next writing assignment, the students scattered. Some went back to the munchies to graze and...
Of course standing up too quickly after drinking too much was never a good idea. As Kaija jumped up to sprint for her toys, her stomach stayed behind. She clutched her nauseated abdomen with a groan. "I feel like shit." And while it wasn't the most polite thing to say, Ally wanted to tell her she looked like it, too! Not thwarted by her discomfort, Kaija stumbled across the room to her closet where she retrieved a shoebox full of sex toys out of the bottom drawer. She placed the box on...
The soapy water swirled off Ally's shoulders as the warm stream slowly awakened her. It seemed strange taking a shower in the middle of the night, but eh uniqueness of it all was oddly invigorating. As she rinsed the rest of her body, she smiled, wondering what Kaija and John were up to back at the room. As if she couldn't guess... But why John? What happened with Barclay? A day ago, finding the answer to that question would have obsessed Ally beyond belief. But not now. Not with Ben in...
"Huh... ? Wha... ?" A series of mumbles escaped from Ben's lips as he fussed with his pillow in his sleep. All of the commotion from the pillow throwing along with his name being used in conversation was enough to disrupt his once peaceful slumber. "Shh!" Ally hissed. "I'm not ready for him to wake up!" "I'm sure you're not," Kaija teased, burying her face in her pillow to muffle the laugh. Ally razzed her room mate in the dark, and then they both finally settled down to sleep....
"Allison," Ben said, sounding stern. "Listen to me. I'm going to walk out that door before we do something we'll both regret." He was starting to feel like a broken record, but he had to get through to her or risk losing everything. He glanced down toward his penis. "If you think I'm lying about wanting you, consider this as proof to the contrary." She smiled at that, but only briefly. "I just don't understand why it has to be this way," she half-whined. "Especially since very...
Ally had often heard the expression 'you look like you've seen a ghost', but never before had she seen it so perfectly depicted as she did at that moment. Of course he also appeared to be hearing rather than seeing this particular ghost, but that was beside the point. Had Ben been standing when he took that call, Ally was certain he would have needed to pause to sit down before continuing the conversation. "Is everything all right?" she mouthed to h im, but he was so focused on the...
Allison Delaney had never seen herself as the adventurous sort, and yet, as she got ready for their graduation ceremony, she had to admit that she no longer even remotely resembled the young girl who appeared on campus nearly four years ago. Between her makeover and her sexual revolution so to speak, she was a totally different person. And in her eyes, that was a good thing. So the book she was supposed to write with Professor Salinger never panned out. It wasn't his fault. The series the...
Mortified didn't even begin to describe Allison's feelings as she ran out of the dining commons. In fact, on her way back to the dorm, she vowed not to leave her room for the rest of the weekend. Yeah it may have sounded a bit harsh, but she really needed to work on her assignment for Professor Salinger anyway. Allison had just gotten settled at her desk when she heard Kaija's key in the door. "Hiya, roomie!" she greeted cheerfully. Apparently Kaija was unaffected by whatever happened...
An overgrown Martian, that's what she looked like Allison decided. No wonder they were laughing at her out in the hallway! She'd be laughing, too, if she weren't so close to crying. And of all the people it could have been, it had to be Barclay! At least if it had been someone from their dorm floor, they could have all had a good laugh and went on with life. As it was, Allison was going to dread eating meals across the table from the guy. The timer buzzed, indicating it was time for the...
"Ally?" His voice was soft and gentle as he held a hand out to her. "Come on, let's get out of here." Barclay had followed her. She should have known... Without a word, he led Ally back to her dorm room. She was totally distraught. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they sat together on the edge of her bed. She literally couldn't stop crying. Her beautiful eyes were already red and puffy from the tears. The whole scene nearly broke Barclay's heart, because if she had stopped...
Within five torturous minutes, Allison had lost everything she had eaten within the past twenty four hours. She leaned up against the door of the stall, trying to catch her breath. Surely this all had to be some awful nightmare, Ally groaned as she rubbed her achy, perspiring forehead. She felt light headed and dizzy at the thought that the professor could be gone. Then there was Ben... Ally hadn't really paid much attention to him in class. He was one of those guys who just sort of...
Wide-eyed with shock, Ally yanked her hand off his knee. She was so caught up in the conversation she didn't even realize it was still there. Ben laughed, holding his hands up in a look of surrender. "Calm down, I was just playing with ya!" The look of relief on Allison's face was priceless. "If it's really that important to you, I'll take care of it." A small smile escaped her lips. "Thank you," she practically whispered. Shit, I ought to be committed for what I'm about to do, ...
Kaija was an absolute mess. She was laying spread eagle on Ally's bed with her clothes half on, and her eyes squeezed shut. With any luck, she passed out for awhile, Ally groaned, shaking her head. She had never seen poor Kaija in this bad of shape. Something really awful must have gone down with Barclay tonight. And here Ally was hoping for a happy reunion between the two of them... Gently, she sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Kaija's hair. She was almost sorry she had gotten...
It was a kiss that should have taken her breath away, but it didn't. In fact, it underscored the fact that she had made the right decision with regard to Ben and Barclay. So why, then, did she feel so blasted confused? She poked at her scrambled eggs which had grown cold during her little discussion with Barclay. The more she thought about it, the more insight she gained into her mixed emotions. Barc was a great guy in many respects, but he was a bit too much of a player for Ally's taste....
Ben was not a happy camper. What else could explain his abrupt departure from the miniature golf place? Ally worried her lower lip as they made their way back to the car. I've blown it. The one decent guy I've met so far and I've blown it. She watched him drive out of the corner of her eye. Was he gripping the steering wheel as if his hands were wrapped around her cheating neck, or was it her imagination? Ally had no idea what was going through his mind. She could see where Ben would be...
"Ouch!" Ben cried out. Okay, so it wasn't the most romantic thing to say as they embarked on such an adventure, but damn, that bottle falling on his foot hurt like hell! And of course it managed to hit his little toe which only exaggerated the pain. But he was standing in the shower, naked, with Ally. Pain? What pain? He teased himself as he appreciated the view in front of him. Still in a state of shock over his presence in the shower, Ally croaked out a mumbled apology as her hand flew...
"Ally..." Ben tried to catch her attention between labored breaths, but it was no use. She just continued attacking his mouth with a searing passion. "Allison... ?" Her eyes were shut as she enjoyed life in her own little world. No guy in his right mind would willingly put a stop to such a tongue bathing, except this was Allison he was dealing with here. Once she realized what she was doing, she might just freak out on him. And there was another little problem... If she didn't stop...
Ally was finding it incredibly difficult to catch her breath. "That was... intense..." she managed. Surely it could never get any better then that! Ben smiled down at Ally and stroked her hair as he watched her breathing slow to a more normal rate. Luckily, staring at her beautiful face helped relieve the agony of his penis. If he didn't do something about his world record erection soon though, it could get ugly. Ah, to have that kind of problem all the time... he sighed inwardly,...
"Wait up, Ally," Ben called out, trying to keep up with her. "I'm going with you!" She looked back over her shoulder as she continued her journey to the tray drop off. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea. I'm a total basket case right now." Ben caught up with her as she was dumping her trash, sorting out the silverware, and sending the tray down the conveyor belt back to the washing staff. "Are you upset with me for some reason?" She shook her head. "Well then it's a great...
Ally couldn't believe her eyes. Lighted candles sat on every flat surface in the small dorm room, casting a dancing amber glow on the walls and ceiling. And the room no longer had that microwave popcorn or dirty laundry smell it usually did. Nope, tonight it smelled like... like... a bed of roses? Ally scrunched up her face in confusion. "We've gotta get out of here," Ally whispered sheepishly, her face red and glistening with embarrassment. "I think we just crashed one of Kaija's...
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I picked up the ringing phone to hear a husky, sensuous, breathy female voice say, "This is a voice from your past," the tone hinting at many past and future delights."Ah, yes," I replied, "But which one, is the question."She giggled coyly. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't be offended because it is about ten years since I was in there. Hi, it's me, Livia."My mind raced back the decade in nanoseconds. Livia had been a randy, lascivious student who had an enormous appetite for any sort of sensual...
Roger Merely paid the Hansom cab driver and boarded the train at Charrington Station to make his way to the first class compartments. Finding his seat, he nodded at the pair sitting across from him, the mustachioed man with the medical bag and his pipe-smoking companion in a deer-stalker and traveling cape. They seemed deep in thought so he settled back and ran his mind over the last month. On the first Monday of March Mia, his laboratory assistant, muse, personal manager and lover, had...
It was a quiet evening. The office had quietened with the staff having left for the day. I was contemplating a visit to Virginia's pad for a sex relief blow job! Just the thought of her sexy slim waisted body, large shapely boobs, sexy round outgoing asscheeks and and tight cunt caused a space shortage in my pants! The new help was working away in the neighbouring cabin, unaware that I was watching her thru the crack in the cabin partition. As the young lady worked, her dress clung to her...
EroticSummary: My first day of creative writing class would change my life in ways I would never have believed. ~ ~ ~In the Fall of 1983 I was beginning the first semester of my senior year of uni. With most of my core classes long since completed I ticked off electives towards the 136 hours I needed to graduate the following May. While flipping through the course catalog, I noticed that Creative Writing 1 was not only 3 credit hours, but could also count towards my Humanities...
A life of curves presents the slow reveal, that often pays grand dividends at the end! This much I've learned. Patience can be a virtue sometimes. "Shackled", "caged", "suppressed liberation", "aching for release"; all some of my favorite expressions of late, to describe my "sensual" reality up to date… but I'm "married". Yes "married", if that's what you want to call it, living this damn cloistered life, which in my mind does not constitute a REAL marriage. Hey… I didn't sign on for this,...
Love Stories"Just flash my pussy all day long. Is that what I'm hearing you say, Girl?" Tylea was fuming as she listened to Melanie's delivery at the breakfast table on Tuesday morning. The other Pledge girls were offering anything from mild disbelief and hostility at what Melanie had just told them all the way up to pragmatic amusement. Melanie simply smiled in her own inimitable and seemingly airheaded way and plunged right along, saying, "That's right, Tylea. Whenever you sit down today and the...
Tuesday evening--Brooke and Jeremy. During the exercise time Tuesday afternoon, following what evidently was a grueling day of negotiations, Melanie and Kitagami again worked out on the mats together in their martial arts clothing. They went through Form Seven, followed by some light sparring. Derek opted to jog with Peggy in one direction on the path, and Joyce jogged with Jeremy going the other way. Brooke liked the warmth of indoor exercising and chose the Stairmaster and the treadmill,...
"You still having fun?" asked Peterson as Kyle brought in his latest report after going on to enjoy his barbecue dinner after the accident. Pete was known for staying around the office as late as nine sometimes. "I guess. You know, your guys and gals are getting really good. I even tried to do vehicle surveillance without backup cars, just me. They burned me before I got six blocks," said Kyle with a satisfied smile on his face. Pete noticed the disconnect between the look on Kyle's...