LoversChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
Time was dragging; I hadn't been without constructive activity in years. I had classes to take and reserve duty, neither of which was happening at the moment. I asked Laura if she needed anything done. Fortunately, she had some leaky faucets and some other meaningful tasks that would save her a bundle if I could accomplish them.
Removing the faucet cartridges and going to the plumbing supply store required a deliberate procedure. The clerks in the large chain home supply store hadn't a clue. The brand name wasn't stamped anywhere on the fixtures. I looked at the display and they didn't have anything that even looked like the ones I wanted.
Back at Laura's, I repaired the ones I could find gaskets for and then took some close up photos of the leaking cartridges. I emailed those to the company where I worked in high school. My old boss didn't know either, but gave me the URL for two other supply houses. Finally, I found someone who knew the part name and number. Then, I was faced with a dilemma. I had to decide whether I wanted right or left. Since it was the hot side leaking on two fixtures, I chose to order both for two fixtures because I didn't know for sure if "left" meant that it went on the left side or that it turned left for opening. I learned later that for this brand, left meant the way the cartridge turned to make the water come on. Before the Internet, I would have been completely out of luck, but I had never lived before the Internet, so how would I know? I asked for overnight delivery. Then, I wondered when overnight package delivery began. I would look that up later.
While I was replacing the faulty cartridges, Laura came to thank me. I told her the situation and that I would have to finish tomorrow. She kissed me sweetly and said, "I have to thank you for taking the time to go through all that just to make a simple repair."
"Yes, the repair is simple, but getting the part was a challenge."
"Just for that, I'm going to make you a nice dinner."
I realized that I had spent most of the day on the sink faucet problem. The job was challenging enough that the day flew by and her dinner offer surprised me completely. "Thank you. I had no idea. I'll go take a shower and come back to help you."
"No, this is Alyssa's job today. She is determined to learn more about cooking. You and Cynthia have influenced her more than you know." Then, she said in her sultry voice, "You'll just have to go play with yourself until dinner."
During the time after showering and dressing and while waiting for dinner, I noticed that Alyssa was gradually becoming more affectionate. She smiled like a grown woman and touched me often. Once, when she lightly touched my neck, I felt arousal. All you need is to go to jail before you get Pete out of there.
After I cleaned up the dishes — I demanded to help — Ashley joined us and we all watched some game show on TV in which the contestants could win a lot of money by answering progressively difficult questions. I sent Alyssa to get some pads and pencils and had each of us answer the questions and keep score. That little bit of competition kept them occupied. I was surprised at the number of questions Alyssa answered and she even argued with the show's host about one of the answers.
Later, I put them to bed. Ashley wanted me to sing her a song. I sang On Top of Old Smoky, a song I remembered from high school. Although I was never requested to stop singing in music class, I wasn't encouraged to seek my career in opera, either. Ashley clapped and I kissed her good night.
Little smarty Alyssa asked, "What was that noise I heard from Ashley's room?"
"Sorry. I'm not telling. You'll have to ask her tomorrow."
When I was close to her bed, I noticed that she had pulled the pajama top tighter across her breasts. I leaned over to kiss her cheek and she moved her face to kiss my mouth and pulled my head to her.
I said quietly, "You know that you're not supposed to be doing that. If you keep it up, I will have to stop tucking you in."
She appeared surprised at my straight remark. "Why is it that Mom and Cynthia get kisses and I don't?"
"We just had a quiz show downstairs and you answered many of the questions. I'll just bet that you can answer that one, too."
She did that look with her eyes and said, "Well, maybe. Anyway, I liked it."
As Laura and I cuddled after we retired, I said, "You'd better think about my list of things to do tomorrow. Those faucets occupied my mind and time for most of the day. Otherwise, I would begin to go stir crazy."
"I want to ride bikes after they go to school. I need to get back in shape. After that, I'll find something useful for you to do."
After we had our ride on the trail, I did my regular routine at the gym in the afternoon. She had to take Ashley to some function after school. Alyssa was at soccer practice. So, I spent two hours putting new caulk sealant in Cynthia's bathroom. Once again, I searched in vain for news from Afghanistan.
When I arrived at the Reserve Center Thursday night, Chief Cantera called me in again. He said, "There's no real news, but some of the people I talk to tell me that there have been weak radio signals on our S&R frequencies. They haven't been able to determine whether the ragheads are playing with the radios and don't send their ID, or whether something is blocking the signal. Tomorrow, they will go out listening again and try to triangulate the signal, if any. You know as well as I do that it means nothing until it means something."
"Thanks, Master Chief. I have everything packed and ready."
"You know that Kabul is Zebra or Zulu, or whatever the bastards call it now, is +4:30 hours?"
"Of course. I think the PC term is GMT or UTC. I wish they'd make up their minds. I think there's some state or city in this country that is on the half-hour, too."
"By the time you do your PT in the morning, they will know or not know. How's that for a definite maybe."
"Night, Chief."
Friday, Laura and I were having lunch when my phone rang. I looked at the number and knew it wasn't Cynthia, it was Cantera. "Morning, Master Chief."
"Bradford, come to the Center. We need to talk."
"I'll be there in a half-hour or so."
Laura asked, "What does he want?"
"He didn't tell me. My guess is that he knows something he doesn't want to talk about on the phone."
"Oh, God, Bradford. I hope this isn't what I think it is."
"I guess the mission has been cancelled, which is very bad news for Pete, or that they know something about where the SEALs are. No need to guess. I'll take my sandwich with me."
She stood and went to the kitchen and started to cry. I whispered, "It's okay, Laura. I'll be back in a little while and then we will know more than we do."
When I came into the Center, I was directed to the conference room. Inside there were two lieutenants and a lieutenant commander with the Chief. That's a lot of brass. They had me sit at the head of the table so that we could all easily see each other. The taller of the lieutenants turned off the lights and an Internet map appeared on the projection screen.
He began, "Here is what we know. Authentic S&R signals have been received. We have also received human Intel that some captives are being held in this village." He pointed to a village in the southeast part of the country called Mandi Sar. It was located about sixty kilometers southeast of Qandahar. "They are putting the mission plan together now."
The other lieutenant said, "Bradford, you are to report to Langley Air Force Base by 1600 hrs on Sunday. From there, you will go by military air transport to Kabul. You will be met in Kabul by someone from our team who will take you to your billet."
The first lieutenant continued, "By the time you arrive, we will have our team together and the mission plan will be complete." He stopped and looked directly at me. "You are a volunteer and do not meet the physical standards. However, your eligibility has been approved by CNO staff because of your prior experience and performance. Because of the physical profile, you are free to withdraw and it will never be reflected in your record."
"I appreciate your offer. However, I think one of those prisoners saved my life. I have to give it a try."
"Lieutenant Wall will meet you at Langley and you will travel together. He seems to think he should go, too. That's out of my control."
The meeting was over that quickly. No more than fifteen minutes. Cantera stopped me as I was leaving. He handed me the envelope with my printed orders. "Bradford, I know I don't have to tell you not to do anything foolish. You know what foolish is. Don't get yourself killed or wounded trying to save dead men. Follow your leader. We can only prevail if we stay alive."
"Thanks, Chief. I hope I know the difference between reasonable and foolish. I watched a lot of John Wayne movies. Those are great training films for foolish."
"The ragheads have increased pressure in the eastern zone. They have better weapons and an endless supply of dumb shits ready to blow themselves up. If it's reasonable and you get a chance, kill some for me." He poked my shoulder. "Only if it's reasonable."
"Given the chance, I'll scream your name." We shook hands and I went back to the apartment.
I spent some time reviewing my orders, bags and gear. Laura knocked. When she came in, she saw the uniforms and boots. She was in tears. "I was gone when you returned, but I guess I don't have to ask. You're going."
"I leave from Langley at four on Sunday. I think that was the first time they could get a seat for me."
"I'm scared for you and worried about Cynthia. I'm not sure what she will do."
"I'm about finished here. So, I guess we get to make dinner for her. Her message said she'd be home about six."
We went down to Laura's and began making dinner. We heard Cynthia drive in a little early. She came rushing into Laura's kitchen and came to kiss me. "God, I missed you Bradford. You are under my skin. I am infatuated and in love at the same time."
"I missed you, too, Sweetheart. You've been gone too long."
She went over to kiss Laura and then stood back to look at her. "You've been crying. Did he say something wrong?" She hugged Laura.
Then, Laura sobbed, "I can't help it. He's going on that damn mission. Now, he doesn't have to tell you."
Cynthia looked at me and asked in a totally flat voice, "You're going to Afghanistan, Charles?"
"Sunday at four o'clock."
She turned and went upstairs to her room and closed the door. Laura followed her. I stood around in the kitchen continuing to work on a dinner that I wondered if it would ever be eaten. About twenty minutes later, they both came downstairs.
Cynthia had obviously been crying. She came over and hugged me and then said, "I love you, Charles. However, I cannot stand this. I will not be eating here tonight." She left the kitchen and shortly returned with her suitcase. She took it up to her room.
Laura and I put the dinner on the table and the girls joined us. Laura said, "I'm going to talk to Cynthia. You all go ahead."
I tried my best to make conversation with the girls before Alyssa asked, "Bradford, what's wrong? They are both crying."
"I know. I told them today that I have to go to Afghanistan on a mission and they are both upset."
Alyssa gasped, "Bradford, are you going over there to that war?"
"I go on Sunday."
Both of them were quiet for the rest of the meal. After dinner, of which I ate little, I loaded the dishes with Ashley, who helped until she went to the TV. Alyssa said, "I have to go up and see them."
I knew I was in for a tough night. I went to the apartment found my tactical manual, and turned on the TV. I sat alone with my Scotch and thumbed through the manual. After a long and boring night, it was time to go to bed. I took my pill and turned on my side to go to sleep. A few minutes later, Laura came in and snuggled up.
She whispered, "I love you, Bradford and I can't stand for you to be alone. You'll just have to hold me if I cry again."
I held her in a tight hug and pulled her mouth up for a kiss. "I love you, too, Laura. Try to sleep, but cry if you must."
The pill was effective and I slept my eight hours. Laura was gone. I made my own breakfast, realizing that I had not set the coffee timer, so I had to wait on it. After breakfast, the doorbell rang and I went to see Cynthia. Strange that she didn't just come in.
"I have come to get a few things that I will need this weekend. I will move the rest of my things out after you have gone." Then, she sniffled and threw her shoulders back. "I'm sorry, Charles. I know why you have to go. I'm just not strong enough to wait it out." She went to the bathroom and packed a few things and then to her drawers and packed some more. When she finished, she said, "I'll leave your key with Laura." She turned quickly and went down the stairs.
I could do nothing but sit and cry.
Cynthia's Reaction
After I broke down in tears when Laura told me that Charles was going on the mission, she came up to be with me. I couldn't eat and I know that she couldn't. We hugged and sniffled until she said, "Girl, we have to get control of ourselves."
"I know, but I can't go through what my friend went through when her fiancé went to Iraq. He went into the Army to get his school paid. Three months later, he was killed by one of those IUDs and we were left to support her at the funeral."
Laura giggled. I thought she was mocking me. Then she said, "I believe they're called IEDs. The IUD goes in your uterus to prevent pregnancy."
I was embarrassed by my mistake and she looked at me smiling. She felt my belly and whispered, "It goes in here."
The absurdity of the situation and my emotional distress made me giggle as well. Of course she was right. "Okay. You got me. Just wait until we play Scrabble."
She said, "I want you to think about something. Do you think Bradford will have you on his mind when he is on his mission? Be honest with me."
"I guess he will. He says he loves me and he acts like he does."
"When you go back to work next week, will you be thinking about him?"
"I just can't forget him. It's going to take a while."
"Do you think you'll be thinking about your love life when you are trying to work?"
"I can't help it. He's in me too deep." I was near sobbing. "Charles told me once when he first brought me over here that our infatuation would play out and I would forget him. He lied to me about that."
"No, I don't think it has played out one bit." She stroked my back, face, and hair. "Will you work better next week than you did this week?"
"I don't see how I can. Even when I divorced Blair, I was upset all the time, and I didn't love him."
"Do you think Bradford will be better at his job while he is pining over you?"
"Sometimes I wonder. He's duty bound. I think he can just put me out of his mind."
"He's human, too. It won't be possible for him to put you out of his mind. He can go on the mission, but he will leave a large part of his heart right here."
I started crying again and she held me. She whispered, "If you must leave him, please wait until he comes home. Don't send him off to battle with a heavy heart. I know you don't like it and I seriously doubt that he would rather be over there in the mountains than to be here in bed with us." She wiped my tears. "Just think about it."
"You are a good friend, Laura. I will think about it when I can stop crying long enough." I took four deep breaths and let them out slowly. On the fourth one, this flashbulb went off in my head. "I was personally so upset that I forgot the project I am working on. We're studying mental workload. That's exactly the problem Charles and I will have next week. He will worry about me and I will worry about him while we both try to do our jobs." That realization hit me hard and I had to breathe again.
"I'm glad you can put it in those terms. You do know that he's going to be hard for us to replace, don't you?"
I cried again. "I guess he will. It took me a long time to find him."
"Try to think about his success and safety as well as your own pain. He deserves our support." She looked in my eyes. "I don't care what you think of the war or the mission; I just want you to think about Bradford."
I went to the bathroom and washed my face. When I had dried my eyes, she took my hand and said, "Let's go downstairs."
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In the lounge area outside the cubicles I picked a clean lab coat off a hook and slipped it on over my smooth naked body. Nudity is fine, but clothing has its purposes, not the least of which is to provide pockets for notebooks, pencils, and so on. I scribbled a brief note about Andy’s progress, he had honestly admitted his desire to see my body and had made an effort to masturbate while I watched. He still had some hope of success in my class, although he was a hair’s-breadth from expulsion. ...
We both grew together, we spent days together, but were never thought something like this would happen between us. She was not cute when she was young, neither is she now, but was always close and caring to me. She used to live in her uncle’s home not for from my place. We were like best buddies, more like brother and a sister. As we grew I left the city and went for higher studies to bangalore. The dream city, where I wanted to live rest of my life. But things change, and change is the only...
IncestI sat in the Packard with Sabrina. After what we’d done, we agreed to call each other by first names. We were following Mr. Stansfield. I know it says in the Gumshoe Handbook, not to take along the wife of the man you’re staking out but she wanted to go with me and I wasn’t going to say no. Of course, it also says in the Gumshoe Handbook, not to screw your clients and I was breaking that rule, too. Stansfield was on the beach with his secretary, Georgia Hall. Ms. Hall was a brunette with nice...
The stories we hear from the girls who pass through our doors never ceases to amaze us, but the one we got from 21 year old Emma was a jaw dropper. When we asked her why she wanted to do porn, we got the usual answer of doing something different and to make dolla, dolla bills. But when we asked her what kind of porn she watched, she told us she doesn’t watch it, not only that, she’d never seen any porn. So you want to do porn but you’ve never seen what it is? Yes, she replied....
xmoviesforyouA Cloak of Lies ‘I won’t let you die,’ the angel said. Brick grunted as she applied more pressure. He thought he could stand any pain as long as he could look into her eyes. They were the greenest he’d ever seen. A tumble of red-gold curls brushed his face as she worked to stem the flow of blood. The hair felt like warm silk against his skin. Never had he seen anyone like her. ‘I’m sorry if this hurts,’ she said in a voice as wispy as a summer breeze. ‘I been hurt worse,’ he said. ‘We...
I had spent so many nights lying on my bed with my hand on my penis, thinking about men. I had never been lucky with girls so justified my sometimes unforgivable thoughts about guys with 'When I start getting attention from girls I'll stop'. But it didn't stop. I met a girl called Amanda who went to my school. She was a loud, bubbly and very friendly blonde with the looks of a Victoria's Secret model. She was the type of girl who everybody had to have had sex with. We went behind a club...
Now I’m a 51 year old mother of one and watching my Daughter who’d been once my son putting on that very nice silk blue bra from Harrods department store and lift up her huge breast in to them made me so wet. Now seeing my son all now transformed and transitioned in to a beautiful woman but she’d still had got her manly bits now that didn’t harm anyone but boy did she look awesome and lovely all 5’9 of her slim size 10 with her rather large 46DDs which shed always wanted and her slim lines like...
With great reluctance I woke up the next morning. Mariah was giving me a good shake, rattling me to consciousness. I squinted my eyes open, silently cursing the invading light and croaked out, ‘No more.’ Again and again, for most of the night, she had used me for her pleasure (though I’ll be the first to admit I loved every minute of it) and I felt like I just gotten to sleep now. I was exhausted. She smiled down at me and said, ‘I just wanted you to know I have to go to work. I’ll be back...
The women were still trying to recover from the stress of the funeral, so I didn't bother them with piddling details. I could see that there were several chores that needed to be done, so I set to them. Mainly, I checked on the stock in the barn and made sure that they had food and water. Somebody had been looking after the two horses and the mule that were in there, so I had a relatively easy job. I took care of my horse at the same time, so I was ready when Mrs. Johnson called me into the...
Hi, this is Rahul, I was traveling to Hyderabad, and reached late in the night, it was always a pain checking in to a hotel at night. It was late, and I closed the door, and began getting everything ready for the meetings that were scheduled for next day. I had packed my clothes in a suitcase, and had planned on pressing the clothes the night before for my next day meetings. I stripped into shorts and a t-shirt; I decided to go down to request an iron for my room. As I was walking towards the...
I hadnt gotten high in over a year and hadnt been thinking about it. That was until I ran into a guy who owed me some cash and he could only pay me with crack and weed. So I ended up with a 1/2 once of crack a qtr pound of weed and a couple days with no responsibility. I go to an older crackhead house named Ms. B. Shes older nice body and a true freak especially once she starts tweaking!, more importantly she does EVERYTHING she's told to do w/o question! I purchased some cock hrd...
OUR NAUGHTY ESCAPADE Hi baby, first let me say what a great time I had this morning, the thought that I helped put a smile on your handsome face brings great joy to my heart. However, we didn’t get to finish our naughty escapade, so just lie back and let me give you the kind of pleasure I know you deserve. It’s late and you have had a long day at work. We have been together for close to a year and the relationship is great, but the sex is of the chain. I hear your key in the lock and I rush...
You wake up squinting as the light pours in from a nearby window. You lay in bed as you try to sort out your surroundings. You're in your new dorm room. You're starting your freshman year at college. It's Saturday morning. You arrived here last night in order to attend the freshman orientation weekend before classes start on Monday. You're not really interested in the orientation activities, but you're hoping you can meet some other guys and maybe even get laid. You're still relatively...
GayWhen Steve finds Holly, a complete stranger, standing in his living room he immediately confronts her. But, Holly is quick to charm him into believing she is actually a stripper, hired by his wife in celebration of their anniversary. Although it’s a very weak lie, he believes it and Holly seduces him with a lap dance. But, when Steve becomes turned on by the touch of her pussy against his crotch, he offers her a big cash tip for a blowjob. Always eager to earn some extra cash, Holly...
xmoviesforyouHi guys. We are Archana and Arathi. We both are identical twin sisters. This story is about our college days. We were the among the most good looking girls in the campus. Every guy wanted to talk to us and impress us. But we weren’t really turned on by any guy in our 1st year. We also wore short clothes to college making guys even more desperate for us. We were like the hottest girls in campus and every guy had an eye on us. But they weren’t lucky at all. They tried all that they could. But...
He had insomnia. That meant we spent a lot of time together because I'm a night owl. During the first few weeks of college it seemed like it was getting worse, he was normally so sweet and kind but he had gotten erratic and snappy. So they upped his medication, and it worked! He returned to his old self, but I'd lost a friend to hang with during the nights. He lived just down the hall from me in our college accommodation so one night when I was bored I went down to his door, knocked and...
A rustling on the bed began to rile Joe from his sleep at he washed he cobwebs from his mind. He became aware of Selena slipping in behind him on the bed to spoon him, reversing the position they fell asleep in. "Good morning," she whispered with a kiss to his cheek. "Good Morning yourself! Are we sorry for anything that happened last night?" "No, not for me anyway. There was a lot of sexual tension building and I think we lifted it. My reasoning may have seemed flawed, that a first...
As she walked into the party, she looked around and realized that she didn’t know a soul there. There was a hosted bar, and she went up and ordered a margarita. She moved away from the bar and saw a group of people enjoying their drinks and meeting one another so she joined them. She introduced herself and met six other people attending the conference. A few had arrived a little earlier than Janice and looked like they had gotten a head start on the free drinks. One of the ladies said that she...
FetishLactation Some guys merely tolerate kids. They factor into the master plan of wife, family, and career. But some of us really enjoy children. I happen to love children, especially babies....always have...and could hardly wait to have my own to love, to nurture, to raise. Perhaps my feelings were more maternal than I expected. I never would've believed it could happen and especially to me. My life is now completely changed. Let me start at the beginning. My name...
The four-berth touring van had been Dan's refuge since that day. Homely as it was with its black carpet and curtains, that were hung up to try to keep as much light from escaping into the blackest of nights as possible, it was certainly not the way he wanted his life to be. Working since the age of fourteen he had nothing to show for the long hours of the day and night shifts that he had put into various genuine jobs over the past twenty odd years. The UK was dying, and dying fast. The...
I had to fight the doctor but I was able to check myself out on Thursday, three weeks and one day after I arrived. I did receive copies of all the tests they ran, especially the CT scans; all the results came back normal, which was a tremendous relief to me. Kawai, Honda and Mutou were there to help me gather my things. I didn't have much to take personally, but medically there was a ton. They had even expected me to purchase a wheelchair. I opted for a rather elegant cane. It had a white...
I had been keeping an eye on my neigbours 18 year old daughter, Tiffany, while her mother had to go away for the weekend. Tiff was a young adult with an amazing, shapely form that drove guys wild with her teasing from how she walked, to the little clothes she wore. I had gone in to check on Tiff that night and make sure she’s okay, only to find her masturbating and wanting to watch me jerk off in front of her. I found it hard to resist, as I began before Tiff took over and jerked me off,...
They dressed slowly and got something to drink. Both Mark and Gail were strangely quiet. For Mark, he couldn't stop thinking about one major thing. He wished he wouldn't have come so quickly. Perhaps he shouldn't worry; after all, she DID come. Unbeknownst to Mark, Gail had a glaring fault. It was that she never appreciated what she had. She was always looking for something or someone better. Her mom was right in her assessment of Gail. Gail found herself wishing that Mark was as good a...
A couple of hours later, Dustin comes bustin into my tent. “Jeez Dustin---don't you see I'm fuckin here”, I let out in a loud whisper. “Oh sorry Matthew—fuck it's just Kelso. Here Matthew—taste this dick”. I open my mouth as I continued the onslaught I was giving to Kelso's ass, and Dustin crams his still half hard dick into me. I come off after a couple of seconds. “Damm Dustin—that dick is nasty”. Dustin lets out a light chuckle, “Ya—told you Id have that bois shit on my dick—I busted...
"Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the resurrection." ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER "It is amazing how nice people are to you when they know you are going away." MICHAEL ARLEN The next morning Gina called Lisa, her sister. "Hello?" Lisa appeared on the screen. She was naked in bed, reading. "Hello Lisa." Lisa crossed her arms and looked away from Gina. "I'm not talking to you anymore." "Well then just listen. I called to apologize. I'd like you to...
"My back is killing me." I groaned to my husband, as I hobbled into the house after three hours gardening. "Don't look at me for sympathy!" He shook his head in despair as he continued typing a report "I told you to leave it until tomorrow when I could help." I mouthed an obscenity behind his back. He had offered to help, but it was such a glorious afternoon and I wanted to make the garden look nice before the weather changed for the worse. "Go and have a hot bath. That usually works." He...