Busty Mom & The Bullies, Bk.#1Chapter 2 free porn video

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This is Chapter 2 of this six-chapter book. For those that want to read ahead, the complete book is available at the Lot’s Cave website.

They were barely past a half hour into the movie Elliott had chosen before Tanya spoke. “Elliott, I just can’t get into watching anything tonight. I think I’ll just go up to my room and read. Do you mind, sweetheart?”

Elliott realized the visit from the three bullies was playing on his mother’s mind just as much as his. “No, that’s okay. I’m not into it either. I think I’ll just go on my computer for a while.”

“All right, good,” Tanya said as she got up from the couch. “It’ll be an early night for both of us.”

Elliott turned the lights out and followed his mother upstairs. The double doors to the master bedroom were closed as he made his way to his own room further down the hall. He liked that his room was the furthest from his mother’s. It allowed him the privacy he liked when he jacked off, the space between the rooms deadening any sounds that he didn’t want her to hear. He loved using Vaseline when he whacked off, and the sticky slapping sound sometimes got loud when he was really pounding one off.

He booted up his computer and was just about to open the bottom drawer of his desk to retrieve his jar of lube when his phone pinged. He looked down at the screen, surprised to see that it was a text from Jamal:

Hey Smallcox, what size bra does your mother wear?

Elliott looked at the screen, shocked by Jamal’s question. He quickly typed out his response:

I have no idea.

He stared at his screen after he sent it, noticing that Jamal was typing a response. After a considerable amount of time, a lengthy message appeared:

Don’t give me no bullshit about you don’t know. I saw the look in your eyes when you were scoping out her tits at dinner. I know you’re a fucking little perv, and if I had a momma like yours, I’d be whacking off about her every day. So cut to the chase and just give me the bra size.

Elliott stared at the message as he started to flush, realizing Jamal had seen right through him. As he sat there wondering what to do, another message popped up:

You don’t wanna make me mad, do ya?

Elliott sighed as he re-read the new message. He knew better than to fuck with Jamal. He’d tried that in the ninth grade one time, ratting him out to a teacher for picking on him. He still remembered the sore arm he’d had when Jamal almost tore it out of the socket. Elliott’s fingers went to his phone:


He hit the send button and waited. Jamal’s response didn’t take long:

See, that wasn’t so hard. You just keep helping me out like that, Smallcox, and we’ll be good friends. You’d be surprised the ways that I can help YOU out. See ya tomorrow.

Elliott had seen the way Jamal and the other two had been eyeing up his mother, like jackals ready to sweep in for the kill. He couldn’t blame them, and obviously Jamal had seen him looking at his mother the same way. He knew his mother was fucking hot. He didn’t like the idea of those guys coming around like his mom had suggested, but if they left him alone, he figured he might as well give that tutoring shit a try. Nothing else he’d done had worked. Maybe if they came over, sat through a few tutoring lessons while they took the opportunity to ogle his stacked mom, well, that wouldn’t be so bad, would it? They’d end up going home and jerking off thinking about his mom, just like he did. If his mom’s presence was able to provide them with a little eye candy, Elliott knew that could only be good for him. But what did Jamal mean when he said Elliott would be surprised by the way Jamal could help HIM out? What could he do for Elliott besides teach him how to hotwire a car, or something like that. He couldn’t figure it out. And then why did Jamal want to know his mother’s bra size? Just so he could think about that when he jacked off? What the fuck was that all about?

Thinking about her bra size had started to get Elliott excited, so he went to his closet and rifled around in an old gym bag he had stashed there. He pulled out one of her bras and the matching panties he’d taken from her laundry basket a couple of days ago. She usually did laundry on Sundays so he just had to sneak it back into the basket before then. The bra set was a royal blue one, with delicate lace trim around the bra cups. The built-in wire reinforcing showed the full shape of the substantial bra. He looked inside the big curving cups, seeing the whitish crusty stains from the four loads he’d already shot into it over the past two days while he’d been licking and sucking at the crotch of her panties. He’d add at least two more loads tonight.

He went back to his computer and opened a picture folder he kept hidden deep in his files. He opened the folder called ‘White’. It showed numerous thumbnails of his mother in a white bikini. She’d worn it last weekend and he’d taken the pictures from his bedroom window, using a zoom lens. The white bikini emphasized her huge tits spectacularly, and the tiny V-shaped bottom hugged her curvy bum teasingly. He set four of the pictures up side by side on his computer. Satisfied with his whacking material for this session, he pulled out his big jar of Vaseline, getting his hand all lubed up and ready to go. He looked over at her bra and panties he’d set down next to his computer, and then back at the pictures of his mother on the screen. Yes, that bra was going to get another nice pasting.

A short distance down the hall, Tanya was lying on her bed, eight inches of black rubber sliding back and forth in her steaming twat. She’d already had one orgasm and the second was on the verge of following right after that one. Propped up against the headboard on a stack of pillows, she reached down with her free hand and slid it over her shaven mound, her fingertips reaching the protruding nodule of her sizable clit. She was happy that she’d been blessed with such a big clit, and an overly-sensitive one at that. And her nipples were just as sensitive, if not more. She’d found out when she was much younger that she was able to climax just as easily by having her tits sucked on as having her pussy stimulated. From talking with her girlfriends when she was growing up, she realized how quickly she could have an orgasm compared to everyone else—she was extremely sensitive where it really counted. And that wasn’t anything to complain about ... not at all. Not only could she climax quickly, she found herself easily experiencing multiples orgasms, one right after the other. Her friends were envious of her, and it made her feel quietly special. One of her girlfriends back in high school, Jenny Monroe, had given her the nickname, “Trigger”, and it had seemed so appropriate that she liked it.

It was that sensitivity that had allowed her to have what she referred to as a ‘mini-climax’ when Jamal had been rubbing himself against her backside in the kitchen. Her mind had been sent spinning by his illicit behavior, and she’d become excited. Her aroused brain had taken hold of her trigger-like libido and set it off as she’d felt the protrusion of his big cock pressing against her bum. That “mini-climax” had swept over her, sending those delicious tingling sensations shooting through her body.

When she came to her room, she’d stripped off her clothes, feeling her huge tits breathe a sigh of relief as they spilled forth from her overflowing bra, the heavy spheres settling down and out over the full breadth of her chest. Her nipples were hard, and she knew it was from the kisses and the groping the boys had given her on the way out. She pulled off her panties and held them before her. Soaked—absolutely soaked. Her rich womanly scent drifted into her senses, inflaming her aroused libido even more.

She’d pulled out her black dildo, her hands running over the eight-inch length, knowing from what she’d felt pressed against her that Jamal was much bigger. She’d thrown herself on the bed and plunged the cock-shaped slab of rubber deep into her slippery trench. She’d come quickly, and now a second one followed on the heels of the first as she touched her swollen clit. The muscles on the insides of her thighs were quivering like plucked guitar strings as wave after wave of ecstasy flowed through her. Tanya gushed all over her hand, and knew she’d have to wash the sheets. It was typical for her to spray a lot when she came, and she’d found that this was another difference of which her girlfriends were jealous. She hadn’t realized it was considered sexy until they told her. She thought it was a dirty thing, but now she loved it. Every time she came, she looked at the wet sticky cunt-honey she sprayed as evidence of her pleasure.

With her fingers idly toying with her slippery pussy lips, she lay there wondering what Jamal had thought when she’d climaxed when he’d been pressed against her. He must have known. Her body was trembling and quivering beneath him as the little bolts of lightning pulsed through every sensitive nerve ending. He’d acted like it was nothing, but he had to have known ... hadn’t he?

As the euphoria of her second consecutive orgasm subsided, she realized how silly she was being. These were just boys the same age as her son, for God’s sake. They were just being friendly when they thanked her by kissing her and holding her close. Maybe that’s just the way it was done nowadays. Elliott had so few friends around that she wasn’t used to that kind of behavior. Maybe the other moms were. She had no idea, but figured that her active mind had just gotten the best of her. Yes, that was it. She was just imagining they’d had other intentions. In reality, there was likely nothing to it. But at least they’d been nice to Elliott, which is what her idea had been all about. If it took her being nice to them too for them to stop bullying her little boy, she could easily do that. She’d do whatever it took to make sure her son felt safe and happy.

With her mind settled down, she took a shower. She loved her big en-suite bathroom, with the huge glass-walled shower with multiple shower heads. It was something she’d insisted on when they’d had this house built, and she never regretted the extra cost involved. Her husband had made a ton of money as an investment banker, and after the divorce settlement, she had no worries whatsoever herself. She was careful with her money, even if she didn’t need to be. She’d buy a few nice things for herself every now and then, but she never went overboard. Clothes, shoes, and lingerie were her weakness. Sometimes she thought she had more money than she knew what to do with, but it was nice to have that golden nest-egg in reserve.

Tanya stood under the shower, letting the hot stinging pellets rain down on her. She grabbed the big bar of soap and lathered her hands before washing her breasts, her foamy hands sliding all over the massive guns. Her nipples came alive under her fingertips. She made herself stop, knowing that with her level of sensitivity, she’d have herself overheated in no time. Reluctantly, she released them, sighing as her hands moved over the rest of her body.

When she was finished, she towel-dried her long blonde hair and tossed her head from side to side, the damp locks falling about her shoulders as she combed her fingers through it. She went to one of her dresser drawers where she kept her lingerie, wondering what to wear to bed tonight. She selected an emerald-green chemise, the hem and bra cups trimmed in delicate white lace. It was very feminine and she loved the feel of the cool green satin against her skin. She checked herself in the full-length mirror, adjusting her girls in the smooth satin cups. Yes, she’d definitely have to go up a bra size soon, even this short little nightie was too tight up top. The triangular-shaped pieces of satin that covered each breast were stretched tightly over the heavy mounds, emphasizing her protruding nipples.

“All right, you’ve got that out of your system, now just settle down and get your head back in the game, girl,” Tanya said to herself as she puffed up some of the pillows she had stacked against the headboard. “This is for Elliott. It’s going to work out okay with those boys for him. They just need some care and understanding. They seem to be nicer than I expected. It must be so hard for them, living where they do. It’s not really their fault. Deep down, I’m sure they’re quite nice. I’m sure they’re good boys. They just need a chance. They just need a little understanding, considering what they have to go through every day. I can do that. I can do that, and it’ll help both them, and Elliott.”

Having had a good talk with herself, she grabbed the latest bestseller she was reading and settled into bed, hoping the book would take her mind off of the things she’d been thinking. It worked and within a few minutes, she was totally engrossed in what she was reading. All that changed around 10:45, when her cell phone she’d placed on her bedside table pinged, indicating a text. “Who can that be at this time of night?” she thought to herself as she reached for her phone. She was surprised to see the name Jamal on her screen. She opened the message:

Mrs. Cox, I’m sorry to disturb you so late, but it’s important. Can we talk to you for a minute? We’re right outside in your driveway.

“What the heck?” Tanya thought as her eyes went to her bedroom window. She got out of bed and hurried over, peeking out between the blinds. She saw the shadowed shape of Jamal’s van in the driveway, the moonlight glinting off the dark paint. She looked again at the message. He had said it was important. Perhaps one of them was hurt. Maybe they’d been in some kind of gang rumble and Gunner or Zeke was injured, and they were turning to her for help. She had no idea why they’d think of her, but she knew, if even for Elliott’s sake, she had to do something. Her fingers flew over the keypad on her phone.

Okay, I’ll be down in a minute.

She hit the SEND button and then reached for her heavy white terrycloth robe she’d thrown over the easy chair in the corner of her room. She cinched it tight, making sure her sexy nightie was well-covered. For some reason, she felt compelled to check herself in the mirror. She reached up and fluffed up her blonde hair until it looked nice, framing her pretty face handsomely.

Tanya went down the stairs as quietly as she could, not wanting to disturb Elliott. She turned the light on inside the front entryway and slowly opened the door. As soon as the sliver of light illuminated the porch, she saw the doors to the van open and the shape of three dark silhouettes move towards the house. She recognized the outline of Jamal’s broad muscular torso leading the way, the other two boys right behind him.

“Jamal, what is it?” Tanya asked, standing in the doorway to block their way. “Is someone hurt?” She could see the faces of all three now, and none of them looked the worse for wear.

“Not really, no,” Jamal replied, his eyes looking past her inside the house. “But it is important. We need your advice on something. I promise we’ll only take a few minutes of your time, and then we’ll be out of your hair. Please, like I said, it’s important.” He gestured over her shoulder to the interior of the house.

Tanya saw the look of concern on all of their faces and she felt sorry for them. Maybe one of their parents had gotten into a domestic dispute, or one of their siblings had been picked up by the cops. She decided the least she could do was talk to them for a few minutes. “Okay,” she said in a hushed whisper, opening the door wider and stepping to the side. “But you have to be quiet. I think Elliott’s asleep.”

Jamal gave the others a quick glance and Tanya thought she saw the flicker of something in his dark eyes. “Okay, we’ll be quiet. Maybe if we could just sit at the kitchen table and talk, we’ll be out of here in no time.”

“All right.” Tanya led the way and the three boys followed. She turned the light on over the table and sat down at the end, Jamal taking a seat to her left while Zeke sat immediately to her right, with Gunner in the seat next to him. The table sat six, with the chair next to Jamal and the one at the end opposite her vacant.

Tanya noticed the boys all looked at her chest as they sat down, causing her to glance that way herself. Her robe had gaped open a bit, revealing the uppers swells of her tits. She tried to make it look casual as she pulled the robe closed. “So what’s wrong? What do you need to talk to me about?” Her voice was even and hushed as she looked at each of the boys in turn before settling on Jamal, who she knew would do the talking for all of them.

“Well, you know how we told you we had to leave because we had dates tonight?” Jamal paused as Tanya nodded. “It didn’t go well, and that’s what we wanted to talk to you about.”

Tanya looked quickly at the other boys, who nodded solemnly in affirmation of what Jamal had said. “What do you mean, it didn’t go well? And why would you want to talk to me about it?”

“You’re not like any of the girls we know, Mrs. Cox. You’re a sophisticated, beautiful woman who, although we haven’t known you very long, we respect.” Jamal paused, noticing that Tanya was somewhat surprised by his words, her face letting him know she appreciated what he was saying, even if it had caught her unawares. “The girls in our neighborhood are nothing like you, and we just can’t figure out why they act the way they do. We wanted to talk to you, to see if you would have any idea why they act like that. Do you think you could help us?”

“What ... what did they do?”

“Well, this is something we couldn’t talk to our own mothers about, but we felt maybe we could talk to you.” Jamal paused again before Tanya nodded for him to continue. “The girls ... the girls we were with, they, uh, they kind of left us high and dry.”

Tanya’s eyebrows arched together. “High and dry? What do you mean?”

“You know, they kind of led us on, and then ... well, they didn’t follow through with anything.” Jamal could see the light go on in Tanya’s eyes as she understood what he was talking about. “Why, why do girls act that way? Do mature women, like yourself, act that way, Mrs. Cox?”

“Well, I don’t know what to say, Jamal. I don’t know these girls and I don’t know how they feel about you boys. I do know that a lot of young girls can act that way. Maybe they’re a bit curious, but also nervous and shy at the same time. I know it mustn’t seem very nice, but you have to realize that they’re just young and unsure of themselves.”

Jamal nodded, taking in Tanya’s explanation. “Yeah, you might be right. But women who are older, like yourself, they don’t act like that? They wouldn’t do something like that?”

Tanya realized she may have gotten herself into a bit of a pickle with what she’d just said. “Well, that’s not exactly what I’m saying. I think you have to look at each person individually. It’s really hard to say what’s going on in those young girls’ minds.”

“But it’s so frustrating for us. When this kind of thing happens, it makes us angry, right, guys?” Jamal looked over at his two buddies, who had noticeable scowls on their faces.

“Fuckin’ right,” Zeke said, shaking his head angrily.

“Hey! Watch your language. We’re talking to a lady here!”

Jamal’s reprimand didn’t go unnoticed by Tanya. “That’s all right,” she said, waving her hands in a calming motion.

“See how ticked off he is. When stuff like this happens, it’s not good, and when we get angry, we kind of lash out, we end up taking out our anger on other people.” Jamal sat back slightly in his chair and turned his eyes toward the stairs, letting Tanya know he was talking about ‘people’ like Elliott. “And I don’t think any of us wants to see what might happen if we become even more angry, right?”

Tanya met Jamal’s eyes, seeing both the frustration and the anger lurking inside, and yet, she could see the caring in them at the same time. “No ... uh ... we, we don’t want to see that happen. I can see how upset all of you are. But it’ll be okay.”

“How’s it going to be okay, Mrs. Cox. That girl Zeke was out with, she was a total tease. And now Zeke’s in a bad way.” Jamal gestured across the table to his friend. “Show her, Zeke.”

Tanya could only watch, totally aghast, as Zeke stood up beside her and quickly undid his pants. Unbuttoned and unzipped, he reached into his underwear and pulled out his cock, pointing it right at her. It was rock hard, and big. Bigger than her husband’s, and bigger than any she could ever remember seeing. The broad mushroom head looked engorged with blood, and angry. Tanya sat there, her eyes wide in amazement as the young man took a leisurely stroke along the substantial length of his steely dick, causing the wet red eye at the tip to glisten as a surge of precum pulsed to the surface.

“Oh my God,” Tanya said to herself, wondering what was happening right in front of her. She finally was able to pull her eyes away from the lewd spectacle and turned to Jamal, as if seeking his help. “What? What’s going on?”

“We just wanted you to see what those girls have done. We thought, we thought maybe you could just give Zeke ... you know ... a hand. Help him out a little bit, so he doesn’t feel frustrated. And especially so he doesn’t get angry.” Jamal flicked his head toward the stairs once more, his intent obvious.

Tanya gulped, but found herself drawn to the spellbinding teenage cock mere inches away from her. Her eyes turned back as Zeke took a step closer, his hand still slowly stroking back and forth. The dewy drop of precum was growing, and it started to distend downwards, dangling from the tip of his throbbing prick.

“Just help him out a little, Mrs. Cox,” Jamal said, that soft lulling tone in his voice again. “You can see what a bad way he’s in. I’m sure if you just, you know, use your hand, it’ll only take a minute or two.”

Tanya was torn. She knew in her heart she should tell the boys to leave immediately, to get the hell out of her house. But part of her was fearful of how they might respond—what they might do to Elliott. Maybe not today ... maybe not tomorrow ... The thought of what these boys might do to her young son made her shudder. But another part of her was, well ... sinfully aroused. She couldn’t deny that itchy tingling between her legs as she stared at Zeke’s cock, the young powerful slab of meat throbbing just inches away. She could smell it. It wasn’t the dirty smell of a sweaty boy—it was the alluring earthy fragrance of a grown man—a grown man’s big powerful cock. She hadn’t expected it, but it had been so long since she’d been with a man that she found the scent intoxicating. It was reaching into her senses and setting her afire. With every breath it sent a pulsing rush of blood right to her needy cunt.

She finally turned her gaze back to Jamal, and she knew behind her warm blue eyes he could see the dilemma she was having, the angels and devils battling within her. She reached a decision. “Okay, but just this one time, all right?”

“Of course,” Jamal quickly replied as he slowly shook his head from side to side. “Like I said, we hate to bother you, Mrs. Cox, and we wouldn’t expect anything more. Right, guys?”

Gunner nodded in agreement while Zeke looked down at Tanya, his eyes pleading with her. “Please, Mrs. Cox, would you help me? I ... I really need to get off. I feel so backed up that my balls are just killing me.”

Too dumbstruck by what she was going to do to even speak, Tanya reached forward tentatively, her slender fingers reaching towards the pulsating column of flesh, her pink nails looking teasingly sinful as they got closer to the throbbing shaft. Zeke had stopped stroking it and removed his hand totally, but the thrusting shaft lifted skyward at a sharp angle, bobbing enticingly with each beat of his young heart. Tanya could feel the heat of it as her fingers got close, and then she slid them around the centre of the shaft, closing her hand over the stiff throbbing cock. Like always when her fingers closed around a hard cock, she was amazed at how something could feel so intensely hard and yet so velvety soft at the same time. She squeezed, and felt his dick throb back against her, the warmth transferring from his engorged prick into her tiny hand. Her fingers didn’t come anywhere near to closing against the heel of her hand, his dick was just too big around. But to Tanya, it felt wonderful. So big, so hard, so powerful. She slowly pumped upwards, watching the wet hole at the tip gape open as another slimy gob of precum oozed forth.

“Oh God, that’s it. That’s so good,” Zeke moaned, and Tanya flicked her eyes up as the young man closed his eyes and tilted his head back, surrendering himself to the luxurious sensations of her stroking hand.

“Don’t make a mess, Zeke. Stand closer to the table and shoot it on there,” Tanya heard Jamal say, his voice seeming to come through an illicit fog before reaching her ears.

Zeke shuffled forward slightly, his thighs close to the edge of the dark walnut table. Tanya’s hand stayed on his cock as he moved, never missing a beat as she really started to stroke, the young man’s surging prick feeling like an iron bar beneath her hand. Precum was flowing steadily out of him now, drooling down and making a greasy puddle that glistened on the table. Tanya stared at the shiny cock-sap, feeling her breathing becoming short and raspy as she got more excited. Her hand pumped more vigorously, the leading edge of her hand going back and forth over the pronounced ridge of his corona with each delicious stroke.

“Oh my God, I’m getting close. Mrs. Cox, your hand is so fucking good.” Zeke looked down, his eyes going to Tanya’s chest, where her arm movements had caused her robe to gape open, giving him a perfect view right down into her deep dark cleavage. “I ... I ... oh FUCCCKKKKKK...” Zeke groaned loudly as he started to shoot. From the side, Tanya saw the hole at the tip yawn open as it filled with a milky gob for second before a long white rope spewed forth, reaching almost to the other side of the table. She kept pumping, and a second milky ribbon rifled across the table, landing next to the first one in a glistening streak. Awestruck by the lewd display, she could only watch open-mouthed as her hand continued to jack away at the young man’s spewing prick, ropes and wads of thick teenage cum raining down on her table. She was shocked by how much cum he was ejaculating, his pulsating cock shooting again and again, her table spackled from side to side with glistening wads of baby batter. But she never stopped pumping, her sliding hand coaxing out as much of his teenage spunk as she could.

“Oh my God, that was amazing,” Zeke said as he finally finished, the last few drops of oozing dogwater dripping down onto the near edge of the table.

The young man’s words seemed to break Tanya out of the spellbinding trance she’d been under while jacking the boy off. She drew her hand back from his spent dick, her eyes glued to the gleaming mess of milky cum on her table.

“Watching that’s got me all fired up now,” Gunner said as he pulled Zeke back and stepped right next to Tanya. Before she had a chance to realize what was happening, Gunner had his pants undone and whipped out his cock.

“Aahh!” Tanya gave a sharp intake of breath as she looked at the throbbing member before her. It was rock-hard, and the big mushroom cap was so enflamed that it looked like it was going to blow right off the long veiny stalk. And like Zeke, it was big. Big and thick and so vigorously hard that Tanya could almost feel the youthful power coming right off his throbbing weapon.

“Come on, Mrs. Cox, could you help me out too?” Gunner asked, presenting his big dick to her like a prize at the state fair. “I think it’s only gonna take a few strokes to get me off too.”

Tanya looked up into the boy’s pleading eyes and then, for some reason she didn’t understand, she looked over at Jamal, as if needing his permission to go ahead. The young black man gave her a soft smile as he looked her in the eye while at the same time nodding towards his friend’s needy prick. “It’s all right. Go ahead.”

Tanya slowly turned her head back towards the massive dick that was right at eye level. She could see that, like Zeke, Gunner’s pubic hair had all been shaved off. To Tanya, there was something wickedly sinful about seeing that shaven groin. Not only did it seem more risqué and exciting for some reason, it also made their dicks look bigger—not that either of them needed any help in that regard. Both pricks were bigger than any she’d had in her whole life. She’d had a number of cocks buried inside her while she was in college, but none of those were as big as either of these two boys—and they were both definitely much longer and thicker than her husband. Looking at the big hard cock before her, the veiny shaft throbbing and pulsing magnetically, Tanya found her mouth watering, her saliva glands starting to work overtime. At the same time, she felt that telltale itchiness between her legs, and she knew her pussy was dripping-wet already.

As if of its own accord, her hand reached forward, her slender fingers circling around the meaty shaft. She drew in a sharp breath, feeling the hardness beneath her palm as her fingers closed. It was even thicker around than Zeke’s, and it looked longer, maybe an inch or so longer and so fucking hard. She felt a pulsing in her itchy twat as her hand squeezed lovingly, feeling the power pulsing through his rigid prick as it tried to pull itself upward from her clutching grasp. Once she had a good fist-full of cock, Gunner let go, his hands going to his hips as he flexed them forward, his thrusting erection pointing out over the table.

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 3

The next morning, Elliott went into his mother’s room as he had the day before, finding her lazily opening her eyes from a night of contented sleep. She pushed the covers down and then opened her legs. They started the day with him servicing her once again. The routine was the same as the day before, with him using his mouth to bring her to orgasm before she allowed him his own relief—and then he lowered his mouth and pleasured her again. That day at school, Elliott noticed that Mrs....

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 4

On Thursday, when Elliott and Jamal came out of school after last period, Gunner and Zeke were nowhere to be found. While he leaned against the van and waited, Jamal tried to reach them on their cells, but both of their numbers went to voicemail. “I wonder what those fuckers are up to?” he said as he climbed into the van. “C’mon, Elliott. I bet I know exactly where those assholes are.” Five minutes later they were at Elliott’s house. Everything seemed dead quiet as they entered the house....

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 6

It was just before dusk when the message came in from Jamal. He’d texted both Tanya and Elliott to let them know he and the other two boys would be there in about twenty minutes. Tanya had retired to her room after they’d eaten, claiming she had to freshen up again. Elliott knew one of the reasons was to fix her hair after Derek had messed it up while fucking her face. Elliott had gone to his own room and played his new video game. He needed the distraction to take his mind from the constant...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk2Chapter 4

Elliott looked over at his mother. Even though he’d watched those neck muscles of hers contract time and again as she’d swallowed the three massive loads, her chin was covered with cum, with a couple of nasty big wads dangling obscenely, quivering as they distended down towards her jizz-spackled chest. He knew she’d hungrily swallowed most of it, but there was just too much for her to keep up with. He looked up at her face, and with her hair still pulled back away from her mouth, he could see...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 7

“I gotta go,” Jamal said again as he turned back and spoke quietly to Elliott, “but I want you to do something for me.” “Uh, okay.” “She’s still got all the loads into her that my dad, Uncle Dexter, and Kendrick gave her, right?” Elliott nodded. “Okay, I want you to get her cleaned up before I get back. Do your thing, if you like, and then take her into the shower. That should wake her up a bit. And then put something nice on her. You know what I mean?” Jamal gave Elliott a naughty...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk1Chapter 4

Jamal led the way down the stairs and back outside, Elliott close behind like a puppy following its master. When they stepped out of the house onto the pool deck, the boys standing in the hot tub were taking turns fucking Tanya’s face. Right now, she had her lips wrapped around Zeke’s cock, while Gunner stood next to his friend, grinning as he stroked his rigid prick. Tanya had a blissful look of pleasure on her face, her eyes half-closed as she compliantly let her head be pulled back and...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk3Chapter 2

Thrilled beyond words, at being both allowed into the bullies’ inner sanctum, and at being called ‘bro’ by Jamal, Elliott couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he scurried up the stairs. “You’re making the effort to teach us something,” Jamal said as he put his arm around Elliott’s shoulder and led him into the room, “so it’s only fair that we teach you something.” Surprised at hearing Jamal use the word ‘fair,’ Elliott followed the black youth’s hand as he gestured towards the bed. He...

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Mom Goes Camping With Son Sons Friend

All characters in this story is at least 18 years and older and made up!Mom Goes Camping With Son & Son's Friend.Chapter 1 It was a nice summer's day Mike and his friend Bill was talking about going on a camping trip. Up north because Bill's family had land up there with a cabin on 30 acres of land. Bill told Mike no one was going to be up there for the 4th of July how would you like to go camping for the weekend and you can bring your sexy mom Liz with you. I know you want to fuck her...

3 years ago
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Revenge On Bullies Trophy Mom

The revenge was exacted. Only a few years ago, my college bullies Rajesh, Aarif, Tony and Ravi had humiliated and defiled my mother and sister. But I had that flame of revenge in me, that helped me bounce back and whatever happened to them, I guess you all might have read it. Hello dears indian sex stories dot net readers, I am back with the continuation series of “Revenge on Bullies”. Please read and enjoy all those stories first to catch up with this. Life was great now, with my bullies and...

1 year ago
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Zoe Stepbrothers

Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...

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My Mom Maureen my Fatherinlaw Doug

Doug has always had a thing for my Mom. From the day he first met her he has wanted to fertilize her, to plant his seed deep in her & impregnate her. Since I married his son, Bradley so many years ago he has fucked her so many times, but never accomplished his goal of turning her into his personal bun oven till now. About eight weeks ago he had the opportunity to have her stay with him for two months. Needless to say he kept her naked most of the time. Her outfit was a little French Maid...

4 years ago
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Wonder Woman the Bullies of Desolate Town

Story: It was a quiet and peaceful day. In fact it has been very peaceful for the last two months. Wonder Woman had been flying on the air, inside her invisible jet. The only other things up on the sky with her were the birds. Right now she was flying across the airspace of America. America was a big country, full of cities and towns. Some towns were big, but others were small, and in the middle of nowhere. Right now she flew over the skies of the small town of Desolate, a town that was...

3 years ago
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My mexican mom black friend

My name is Maxwell & this story is damn crazy. Let's start off with my mom she's a mexican women she's 36, short about 5'1 or 5'2 she's has a nice thick body nice size in titties 34c long black hair & beautiful light brown skin. She also doesn't know much Spanish. Now my friend Chris his black his 19 I'm 18 by the way his pretty cool his skinny maybe 5'10 also he plays basketball. Ok now that I let you know a little bit about me & my mom & friend let the story start. One day me...

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Mom daughter Sue Colette

I had been seeing Sue for a couple of months, a lovely woman in her early 40's. Good looking & great body for her age, but it was her amazing sex drive that really excited me. She just loved sex, indoors, outdoors, public places, didn't mind what time of day, she lived for sex.Sue had a daughter, Colette, I was meeting her for the first time, she was 19 & home from uni for the weekend. I went round to Sue's house early evening, as Colette was going out with friends. I sat on the...

2 years ago
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Mamma Mia or How I Ended Up in Bullies AnonymousChapter 2

Again, I didn't see her for three days. Sort of. By that, I mean that whenever I saw her, she threw me a blinding smile, but did not come over to me, or talk to me, or walk home with me. It was maddening. The love of my life had, after all, kissed me and told me that, not only was I her boyfriend, she didn't want to fight me off! Instead, she just made sure she didn't have to fight me off, by staying away from me. It took me almost a week, but I began to suspect she was just telling...

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Unknowingly Eating His Bullies Creampie

I wanted to trick a guy into swallowing cum. I have already fucked Mike a few times at this point and I knew he would jump at any opportunity to have me again. I had the cum, I just needed a receiver. Mike bullied this wimpy socially awkward k** in college called Kyle a few years below us. It would be perfect.I went looking for Kyle when college finished after hearing about a particular brutal run in with Mike that left him with mud running up the side of his shirt and jeans. I caught up with...

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mom I

Going home when sick has its benefits. Since Dad works so much & often on the graveyard shift. Mom gets lonely. I called mom before I left the college and asked to make my bed for me, I felt ill.When I came home I went direct to my room, and mom was busy making up the bed wearing a very short black night gown that showed no panties, but a glistening pussy, plus a very low cut top that threatened to spill out her mom boobs if she coughed. She told me she had a laundry on, and nothing else to...

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Me Mom Her Boyfriend

It was cold that morning.A day i will never forget.I woke up half hungover from a night of heavy drinking & fucking.My girlfriend shamecca had just sucked me off real good before she left.My mom was at work.She was the manager over at the local chicken spot downtown.She kinda looked like walona from ''goodtimes''.except she had a much bigger and rounder ass.even though she's pushin her late forties,she was still one the most sexiest women in our town.My father had run out a long time...

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Mamma Mia or How I Ended Up in Bullies AnonymousChapter 3

I've said several times that I didn't know what Mia was thinking during the early periods of our relationship. I thought about inserting some of her thoughts as I went along, but I decided most of that could wait until later. But I guess some of that should come out now, because I think it is important that you understand what was going on in her mind that first time, in the tree house, when she gave me her virginity, and took mine. At the same time, you also need to understand that neither...

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My high school bullies

When i was younger living with my mom, before i started my black cock love. i had two bullies who would pick on me everyday. I didn’t know why picked on me but they were these two tall skinny black boys and i was this little white boy with a bit of a plumped butt. My mom was this curvy women who wore tight clothes all day. She usually wear tight black leggings and a thight shirt. Some nights she would go out and not come back until the next morning. One day i came home and asked my mom about it...

1 year ago
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Latina Mom Black Bully

Andrea Vargas stood in the kitchen of her large, South Florida home, chopping vegetables and preparing ingredients for that night's dinner. The 38-year-old curvy housewife wore pink leggings, white flip flops, and a light pink t-shirt she had tied off at her belly button to give her tight midriff some air on the warm afternoon. By that time, her husband and her son would not be much longer in getting home.Andrea had been born in Colombia, and her light-medium complexion, big, juicy butt, and...

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Single Mom Opening Game Intrigue

“Hey, retard,” yelled Coree.“What, stupid,” hissed Jeramiah.“You need to pick your towels and shit up in the bathroom, mane!”“I do, bruh,” the six-foot thirteen year-old stood up. “You’re the one that be stinkin’ the joint up with your smelly ass.”“Fuck you, nigga!”“Fuck you too.”The sophomore threw the towel at his younger brother. This enraged Jeramiah who already struggled with anger management. The middle school cornerback charged. Now, they were in a full brawl.“You get on my nerves,”...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 19 We Are the Champions

Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...

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Growing up with a nudist stepmom mom

Growing up started puberty early compared to most boys. At age 10 I started to grow noticible hair on my balls and around the base of my cock. My own mom seen this and took note.. But my step mom did not see me naked until I was 13. At age 11 I also learned about masturbation and would often do it daily, if not several times a day... At age 11, I already had alot of hair growing thick around my balls and a happy trail of it growing from above. I had my own room and it overlooked the pool where...

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Revenge On Bulliespart 5A Ravi

Welcome back dear iss readers! I hope you all are doing fine. I must tell you before hand, the way of retaliation could generate a shudder in a bully’s spine and most bullies would think a million times before harassing innocents and those who cast eyes on someone’s mother and sister would think a trillion times. This story is a bit longer that my previous installments. I will be narrating in two subparts so that its easier and enjoyable for the readers to comprehend better. “Part 5a- the mind...

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Mamma Mia or How I Ended Up in Bullies AnonymousChapter 4

I didn't know what to do. Everything came rushing back at me and I felt like I was being crushed by King Kong or something. Then we all sang a hymn and the minister said it was time to greet each other and pass the peace, or something like that. And everybody stood up and started moving around shaking hands or hugging people. Everybody was smiling and like ten people I'd never seen in my life shook my hand and said they were glad I was there. I looked for Mia, and saw her shaking hands and...

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The Big Bad Bullies and the Submissive Sissy Slut

The Big Bad Bullies and the Submissive Sissy Slut I was always a target for older and stronger boys. I guess in playground hierarchy a boy that liked to daydream about silly things would have to assume there would be some teasing. After all I wasn't as rough and tumble with other boys my age. I was something of a sissy you might say and a weakling as well. I often suffered terribly at the hands of bullies. I liked to play alone mostly, with my sister's dolls. I also coveted her pretty...

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When moms away Dad Rachel play pt 1

As my wife was going to Ireland on Friday, to see her brother. I thought it would give myself & my lovely step daughter Rachel a chance too, well I suppose, have a bit of daddy, daughter time.I told Rachel her mom was going away & to keep a night free for us. She agreed,so long as she can stay out Friday night, she was all mine on Saturday night. As I found out a few week's ago, Rachel is a little cock hungry whore, so I knew she was getting fucked silly all Friday night, I don't...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did Motherless.com get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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While Mom Stepdad are out late

My mom & stepdad were out late, My s*****r had just arrived home after netball practise & was really tired and sore. I offered to rub her back if that would help. She first wanted to get changed into something more comfortable. A few minutes later, Deb came out to the lounge room in just a long t-shirt and boxer shorts. She lay down on the floor so she could watch TV to relax. I sat beside her first rubbing her shoulders thru her T-shirt. After about five minutes of this she announces...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 24 The Phantom of the Opera

Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...

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My BFF I went to a nudist camp

My BFF Vanessa & I were thinking about going to a nudist camp. We had a few brochures & settled on one.My stepmother came into my room & saw the brochure. Kim what are you girls doing? A nudist camp? We just want to see what goes on.Would you mind if I went with? I've always wondered too.I looked at Vanessa, she shrugged her shoulders so I said OK. My stepmother Kate is in her early 40'sWhen we arrived at the camp we went to check in. We saw several people wearing nothing to just...

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Its on Saturday night mom Neighbors out

Late Friday Night I was in bed Keith came to my room and its on Saturday night mom is going out with neighbors and will not be home late Saturday night. and told me give me a beer before and after 3 more after all go good I ask do any they know I be dress as a girl NO Saturday after noon I told Mike make sure you take a bath and clean your ass very good. mom leaves and Keith help me dress he put my mom lip stick on me and purfume on. he told me to go to his room and wait for them Marty and mike...

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Saved from the Bullies

"Just what do you think you're doing?” Rick said to Ben. Ben started to run toward his grandma's house. Rick ran after him and caught him from behind. Rick threw him to the ground. "Leave me alone." Ben cried. "I don't think so." Rick said. Rick, Charlie, and Scott enjoyed picking on Ben. For the last three weeks they had bullied him. Nothing really mean or anything, just throwing him to the ground a few times, tearing his clothes a bit, pushing him around. Rick at 25 years of age was 6'3 and...

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Busty Jessicas Gang Shag Ch 02

They lay like that for a few minutes, while Sam and Melissa waited patiently for their turns with Busty Jessica again. Frank was the first to move, sliding over to the edge of the heart-shaped bed and sitting there. George backed away a few seconds later, gently pulling his softening cock from Busty Jessica’s ass, but continuing to kneel between Steve’s legs. With him gone, she pulled her pussy away from Steve’s cock, got to her knees, smiled at him, and turned to smile at George, who had...

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Black Bullies from High School Fuck My Wife

Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head. My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average 62 year old married, white man at 6’ tall, 185 pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending himself. My wife Sheila is a 60 year old white...

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Black Bullies from High School Fuck My Wife

Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head.My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average sixty-two-year-old married, white man atsix feet’ tall, weighing one hundred and eighty-five pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending...

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Busty Jessicas Gang Shag Ch 01

All of George Boxlicker’s lady friends truly enjoy sex, some enjoy all aspects and others are slightly more particular. Probably the least picky of all is Jessica, who loves getting cocks or tongues anywhere she can, even including masturbating men or women with her hands when her mouth and ass and pussy are otherwise involved sexually. She loves having her pussy eaten too, of course, and cares not at all about the gender of the person whose mouth is doing it. Basically, she is heterosexual,...

4 years ago
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Busty Mom Gets Fucked

Hi guys and girls! This is Rahul and I from Chennai. I am currently 23 years old and I fucked more than 20 girls. First sex experience is very memorable in everyone life. My first sex experience was with my mother. This is my real life story. I had sex with my mother when I was in 11th standard. My father is a businessman. So, he regularly goes out of station. My mothers age is 37 years with fair complexion. Her measurements are 36-26-38. She works in a nearby medical shop daily till 7 p.m. her...

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Joey and his Bullies 3

Introduction: A party takes place at Joeys house. Daddy comes to visit Joey and his Bullies 3 By Mathew Elizabeth By 1 oclock in the afternoon on Saturday, all eight of the 16-year-old skater boys had already cum on Joeys mother in the master bedroom and decided to pay attention to Joey himself. He had already groveled to a beating while his mother got titty fucked by the smallest boy there. So now they wanted to see something funny. A girly boy older than them being sexually humiliated. ...

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Bullies Part 6

Bullies Part 6. By Itsme As the months passed, Larry found himself to be the King, er Queen, of the school. He was popular with every girl in the school and he led his swimming team to victory in the statewide championships. Something he could have never done with his football team, thus, making him popular with the boys as well. Encouraged by his boyfriend, who told him he could never be with a dummy, Larry's grades became much higher than they had ever been. None of the teachers...

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Leather Passion Revelation

I had a dream where Jess was kissing my cock & sucking it. Then I pulled up her underwear in her 5ft nothing frame & she disappeared. I couldn’t have any of it.What I imagined from that was being in a club with her on a night out with friends & seeing her body on the dance floor. I pictured her in long black leather gloves in a longish dress & leather thigh boots up to her ass but you wouldn’t have known from the dress. They were at least knee high. Sure enough we complimented...

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When Moms Away Dad Rachel Play Pt 2

I left Rachel to go to bed for a few hour's, she had been a busy girl for the last 14 hour's or so. I did what most step-dads do whilst mom's away, put the washing on, cleaned the house, took the trash out. Then sat back on the couch watching sport on the t v, after a couple of hour's I got to thinking that may be I have been a little hard on Rachel. Yeah, she is a little slut, she had tormented me for a few years, she was becoming my little slut now, but do I really have to treat her so bad...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 41 Undefeated

(Author’s Note: This chapter is heavy-duty sports oriented. There are a few important ‘non-sports’ details but be warned, this contains much basketball, volleyball and a little gymnastics action. I hope it is realistic and an enjoyable read. As the book title suggests, this chapter is mostly about Championships.) “Look in these eyes! These eyes don’t lie. And they say that if you don’t blink, Then you don’t die.” (The opening lyrics to Def Leppard’s, Undefeated.) Alumni Hall, Western...

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Revenge On Bullies Part 2 Rajesh

This is the second part of my installation in indian sex stories dot net. Before reading this, please read the first part so that you are well connected with the storyline. Still I would give a short recap- “My bullies Ravi, Rajesh, Aarif and Tony humiliated and fucked my mother and sister right in front of my eyes and embarrassed in a very derogatory manner. I embarked on journey of vengeance and soon became an IPS officer.” I moved in with my mother and sister in our new full furnished...

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Mom Son Horny Resort Day1

Mom was flipping through one of her adult magazines and found an advertisement for a family vacation resort. She was very interested and dialed the telephone number and spoke to a booking agent for a half hour before paying by credit card a weeks reservation for her and I. She never looked so delighted, but when I asked her where we were going, she just smiled and said "you'll see baby!". After three months mom and I packed our clothes up and headed out for a seven hour drive to take our...

1 year ago
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Revenge On Bullies Is Finally Complete

Hello and welcome back! I hope you are enjoying my stories. This is the part where the revenge on my bullies comes full circle. Sit and back and enjoy reading this sex story. Note: Do follow all my stories in order to comprehend this sex story better. Damn, that was one kinky sex with my mom and sister (my wives). Kitty and Lola made me the horny wolf. That day, we had more threesome sex and I slept with both of my wives in our marriage bed with both cuddled up with me inside the white blanket....

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BFF I went to a nudist camp 2

Our second day at the nudist campVanessa was the first to waken. She woke me up then Kate got up. Vanessa wanted to get something to eat. What's the dress code? I was like what do you mean? The dress code Vanessa said. Do we have to wear clothes? Kate was a little puzzled. Is this the same girl I had to take her bikini bottoms off yesterday? I hardly sleep last night. All I kept thinking about was you. You were such an exhibitionist walking back to the room without any clothes, cum & all on...

3 years ago
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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 40 Isekai Life Old Man Theodore

What had been on my mind since Malgarath first ripped his way, kaiju-style, out of a mountain and decided to show up to wreck my shit was the tale of Old Man Henderson. It is a tale that made it’s way around 4chan back in the day, about some asshole who decided to take his aggression out on an (allegedly) shitty GM by power-gaming and manipulating the GM to letting Old Man Henderson, a character that was dreamed up to specifically wreck the shit of the Call of Cthulhu game he was in, with a...

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High on Kinky Leather Boots

It was in Camden Town, London, late 2015 I discovered a store that housed imperfect but seriously sexy leather trousers, jackets, skirts, even dresses. The kind of place that would make you become a leather addict if you weren't already. The best part was I had already been on the kinky dark path of leather. By this stage, I was 24 & I'd worn high heeled thigh boots & elbow length leather gloves at the same time to masturbate in front of a mirror watching as I shook with incredible...

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My friends hot mom Part 1 2

My friends Hot Mom.....Growing up I had a friend Jimmy we were close to the same age and often hung out at each other's houses and had sleepovers occasionally . Jimmy had an attractive mom who was always a great host when we did have sleepovers. She would always make sure we had whatever we needed with snacks and food etc.. she was a very considerate lady. Toward the end of high school she started wearing slightly revealing clothes. Sexy nightgown with no shorts underneath and I could see her...

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Raj His Mom Spend Their Vacation In Goa

Raj & His Mom Spend Their Vacation In GoaA work of fiction. Raj was a 18 year old boy. He was living with his mom Nalini in Lucknow. She was a widow. Raj’s dad died 8 years ago, when he was 10 years old. Initially, when her husband died, Nalini was very depressed for almost a year after his death. But she slowly turned her attention towards her son. She was very affectionate with him and took good care of him. She made sure that Raj was not affected by the loss of his dad and her only...

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MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: ABBY & BARBWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This first story is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is...

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