DanicaPart 3C free porn video

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Danica spent most of the remainder of the week in her lab. She delved into her library, testing spells she knew, learning new ones from various volumes, and carefully comparing their effects. Her every thought turned toward determining what magic would best suit the item she wished to create.

The research for this item followed a very similar path to the last one, so she was able to use much of what she had done previously to her advantage. She felt prepared to begin at the end of the week.

Danica did not give her task much thought as she considered getting into a castle to be a rather simple task. In her mind, she assumed it would require little preparation and planning beyond that which she had already done for previous tasks.

Celes came in the afternoon on the day Zoraster had specified. "Are ye ready, Dearie?" she asked Danica.

Danica smiled, thinking, Yes, I'm ready to make your present — just as soon as I'm finished with Zoraster's stupid task, but said aloud, "I'm prepared." She picked up a small bag that she had packed a few hours earlier.

Celes raised an eyebrow at Danica's smile, but quickly forgot about it. She examined Danica's clothing — a simple, sturdy gown, much like what a peasant or servant might wear. "Well, let's be off then dearie."

Celes spoke words of magic and whisked them away. They appeared in a house very similar to the one in the city where Danica had begun her previous task. It was yet another small base of operations for Zoraster's schemes.

"Ye should have no trouble findin' the castle. The thing's as tall as all blazes. One o' the tallest in the world, if'n ye listen to the boastings of the townsfolk here 'bouts. I'll be waitin' here when ye're done ta get us back ta the bastard's twisted house," Celes explained.

Danica hugged Celes, drawing a smile from the old woman. "I shouldn't be long," Danica predicted.

She had little trouble finding the castle. It was indeed a very visible landmark, with immensely tall towers. Danica walked toward the castle, determined to be done with her task here and back to her lab to craft as quickly as possible.

She reached the castle and approached the gate. She let her hips sway sensually as she neared the portal, and smiled brightly at the pair of guards she saw standing on either side of the large double doors.

"What's your business?" One of the guards demanded as she approached.

"I bring gifts from my Master. He has been provided with favors by your Master, and wishes to provide a humble token of his thanks for your Master's kindness."

"What is his name — and yours?" the guard asked.

"The merchant, Adrian Strongbow, is my Master. My name is Andrea," Danica answered with the names she had prepared earlier.

The guard reached into a small alcove and thumbed through a book he retrieved. He then turned back to Danica. "I'm sorry. I find neither name within the registry. You'll have to make an appointment with one of the Chancellor's men over there," the guard explained, and pointed toward a small guardhouse a short distance from the right side of the gate.

"Oh, I was not aware of this. I thank you, Sir. I shall do so," Danica said and curtsied. She then walked toward the indicated door, grumbling at the senseless delay.

She entered the guardhouse with the look of frustration wiped from her face — replaced by a bright, beaming smile once more. "I need to make an appointment to see the Master of the castle, kind Sir," she said to a balding man sitting behind a desk, which was the only feature of the small building.

"What is your name, and any other relevant names that should be mentioned? What business does this meeting pertain to?" The man's tone screamed boredom, as he took up a quill pen.

"My name is Andrea, and I serve the merchant Adrian Strongbow. The Master of this place has done a kindness for my Master, and he wishes to offer gifts to provide some small thanks for this kindness," Danica explained again.

The man wrote in strong, careful strokes as Danica spoke. He finished writing a moment or two after Danica had finished speaking. "What is the gift you have been sent to bring?" He asked, glancing up to her.

Danica blushed prettily and answered, "It is a unique gift, which should please the lady of the castle a great deal. It is something to make her time of the month less of a trial." Danica's blush deepened as she finished.

"The lady of this castle died some years ago. I can only assume you mean the Princess. Show me this gift," the man instructed in the same dry, monotone voice.

Danica pulled one of the cotton plugs from her bag, as well as a small vial. She handed over the items. "This stops the flow from within, and the potions lessen many of the painful, and irritating symptoms," Danica explained.

The official eyed the cotton plug curiously, and then sat it aside to swirl the potion in front of his eyes. He removed the stopper, sniffed, and then turned the bottle upside down with his finger covering the mouth. Righting it quickly, he pressed the tip of his tongue against his finger to taste, and then spat. He next pulled something from a drawer of his desk and held it near the vial, closely watching both.

He finished his examination with a grunt of approval and said, "I shall accept the gifts for the King and deliver them unto the Princess. He shall be informed of your Master's kindness, and I shall convey his thanks in advance." He then held out his hand to accept the bag Danica carried.

"But I was to deliver these unto the Master of this place personally. I have been made to remember a long speech of thanks, which I am to deliver. My Master will not be pleased if I do not do so," Danica argued, thinking quickly.

"The King is a busy man and can not be troubled with every peasant that stumbles up to his gates."

Danica gathered up the cotton plug and vial. "I must speak with my Master. I cannot make such a decision without his consent."

The man shrugged and put down his pen.

Danica turned and left the small guardhouse. Once again, she muttered and cursed. Fine, she thought, I'll use my magic then!

Danica went into the city and found a secluded place within a small park. There she activated her rings of invisibility and silence. She then hurried through the streets and back to the castle. Quite a few people glanced around in confusion, trying to discover what had touched them as Danica's clothing brushed against them while she dashed through the city.

She arrived at the castle and walked slowly toward the gate. Something made her pause — a silent warning of her intuition — when she drew near the gate. Slipping into the second sight, Danica saw the telltale glow of several dweomers.

Danica backed away and cursed. The entrance foyer was lined with murder holes, and spells were cast over it, which ensured that no spell or magical item would maintain its effect once inside the hallway.

Circling carefully around the castle, Danica found that the spells were cast over every doorway, and every other possible entrance to the castle. She couldn't get in without losing her spells and risking detection.

Danica levitated upwards to one of the higher windows. It took only a moment to see that the dispells were on these portals as well, and that they also were protected by traps — both magical and mundane.

Danica drifted back to the ground again, frowning and searching her mind for other options. She knew her invisibility would soon wear off, so she renewed it with a soft word of command and left the grounds of the castle for the city again.

She returned to the secluded spot where she had activated the magic of her rings, and here she spoke a word of command, which returned her to visibility. Frustrated, Danica walked back out of her hiding place. From there she headed toward a garden she had noticed, which overlooked the main castle gate but was shielded by thick vegetation. She doubted anyone would notice her at all — let alone recognize her.

Danica watched, hoping something would give her an idea of another way in. She couldn't sneak in on a wagon of supplies, because the guards checked them all extensively and prodded with their weapons. That would deactivate her invisibility spell and leave her revealed to them.

As the afternoon wore on toward evening, Danica was at her wits end. She could come up with nothing that seemed to be a way through the accursed, magic-stealing doors. She was about to give in to desperation and go break in through a back window when she heard several female voices coming near. The sun had set by this time, so it took some time for her to see the source of the voices.

A large troupe of around twenty women moved along the paths at the edge of the garden toward the castle. All were dressed in provocative, revealing clothing, and their faces were painted.

"Harlots," Danica thought, and watched them as they continued toward the castle. The guards at the gates barely glanced at the group of women. They simply stood aside and let the ladies of the evening pass.

Town watchmen were beginning to move about, and Danica did not want to be questioned about why she was sitting alone in a garden at night. She looked around carefully and moved to a spot where vegetation obscured her from nearly all angles. There she activated her rings again.

She crept up closer to the castle and found a comfortable place to sit. Here she waited, and waited...

At last, the women filed back out. Their previously well-groomed hair was disheveled — wildly so in some cases. Their clothing looked to have been hastily put back on. They laughed and talked as they exited from the castle gate and moved toward Danica. She fell into line behind them as they walked — a silent, invisible shadow.

"If we're to do this — night after night — I wish some of these boys would loosen up. They mount us and ride us. It's like it's another one of their military drills," one woman exclaimed.

"Gods yes," another women agreed with amused irritation. "At least at the house we get one who has some imagination about them occasionally. Those in the castle are such a bore."

"That really big man — the one with the wild beard — he actually got me there tonight," yet another woman admitted, and laughed.

The first woman who had spoken laughed and shot back, "You're the only one then. You must have been wanting it awful bad and trying awful hard." The rest of the prostitutes joined in the laughter.

Danica continued to follow them as the walked through the town. They approached a large house not far from the castle, and they were met at the front door there by a stocky woman.

"Get yourselves in here and get cleaned up. We've got a line forming around the block. Hop to it. Hop to it." The madam clapped her hands, gesturing impatiently to the approaching women.

As the prostitutes increased their pace, moving into the house, Danica decided she had found her way into the castle. With a new plan in mind, she returned to the house where Celes awaited.

"Are ye done then?" Celes asked when Danica entered.

"No," Danica replied and frowned. "I've been searching for a way in all day without success, but I think I've found the answer now. I need to rest though. I'll go tomorrow and see if my idea will work."

Celes nodded and showed Danica to a room where she could rest. Danica fell sound asleep nearly as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Zoraster sat in a room filled with mirrors, each of them apparently a window to a different place. He watched the lesbian woman — who had been the object of Danica's first test — with slightly more attention and interest than the other scenes playing out around him. Within the mirror, the woman coupled with one of her servants. Zoraster smiled wickedly as he watched the woman climax from the servant's probing fingers.

He turned his gaze from the mirror as the woman dismissed her servant, and lay back on the circular bed to bask in her afterglow. He directed his attention to another mirror where a man crept through shadows. The magical enhancement of the mirror plainly revealed a spider tattooed upon the skulking subject of Zoraster's scrying.

Zoraster smiled wide as he recognized the man. An observer could have almost seen plans formulating in the Archmage's eyes as he continued to watch.

Something caught Zoraster's eye from the edge of his vision. He turned back to the first mirror where Mistress Jenna now reached into a bedside table. When she removed a small golden box, Zoraster turned to watch the mirror closely. A dark smile crept onto his face as he watched the woman sniff powder from within the box. "So, there is the chink in your armor, my dear. We shall have to discover where you get that."

The next morning, Danica coaxed Celes into going into the town to get something to eat, and do a little shopping. They purchased a few things, more or less passing the time, until Danica reached a milestone she had in her mind.

At last, she determined the time was right. Celes returned to the house with their purchases, and Danica made her way to the house of ill repute. As she approached, Danica saw a man walk up to the door and walk directly inside without knocking. Shrugging her shoulders, Danica did the same when she reached the house.

The entrance of the house was a large room with balconies overlooking it from the second story. Men and women in various states of undress lounged on numerous couches and chairs throughout the room.

Danica saw the heavy-set woman who had met the harlots upon their return the day before, and walked toward what must be the Madame of the house.

"Judging from your dress, I'd say you're not here to spend any money dear," the woman said with a smile. "Perhaps you've come to earn some?" She eyed Danica critically, but with just the right hint of friendliness to keep it from being disturbing.

"Yes, I have found myself here with no money. I'm tired of being hungry and sleeping outside. Someone told me I could work here and make money," Danica said, trying to sound just a bit naive.

The woman nodded. "Hmm — I'd say you could make a great deal of money if you have the right set of mind to go with those curves. You do know what this house is — don't you? What sort of work we do here?"

Danica nodded her understanding.

"Well then, we'll give you a shot." The Madame stood up, and walked out from behind the desk. "First off, let's get something in your tummy. I could hear it growling behind the desk. Then we'll get you some new clothes, get your hair and face fixed up, and get you a room. Once that's done we'll put you to work. If you work out, you never need fear being hungry or without a roof over your head again, and you'll have some coin to pamper yourself too. Madame Marlene takes good care of her girls."

"Thank you," Danica responded. The Madame led her off to the kitchen, where she ate a filling, if somewhat plain meal. She was given a revealing gown of green to put on, and a couple of the girls helped her fix her hair. After that, the two women painted Danica's face. Danica smiled throughout, though she thought she looked ridiculous and cheap in the mirror.

The Madame then led Danica up the stairs and showed her to a room. "This is your room. None should be in here except you and those you bring in here. Likewise, you should keep yourself out of the other girl's rooms unless you're asked. The customers pay me and I keep your cut on account. The amount you receive is based on how popular you are. Top girl gets to keep everything she brings in. I'll never cheat you, so you'll always have whatever your cut of the profits are available at any time you want to spend it. Everything you're wearing right now is yours to keep, but anything else you'll have to pay for. I have women making clothes all the time, and they keep the prices reasonable. Come see me if you want something new, or something special. I'll see it gets done and let you know what it's going to cost. If you want your hair colored, we can do that too, for a price."

The woman pointed and continued, "There's a basin over there, and a pitcher of water. Make sure you clean up after every customer. There's probably more, but I need to get back to my desk. If you have any questions, just ask me or one of the other girls. Now go down into the parlor and see if you can't scare up a customer."

Danica left the room and sauntered down the stairs slowly, letting her hips sway sensually as she walked. She noticed eyes turning toward her immediately. Several men were at the foot of the stairs waiting when she reached the parlor floor.

Danica let her face show a sensual, knowing smile as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Two of the men were unattractive, scruffy sorts, and the third was well-dressed, but not terribly attractive. The last was a young man who was also well-dressed, and much more appealing than the others were.

One of the scruffy men said, "Heh — You'z all will have to wait. I'ze here first."

The others went to sit back down and the man grabbed Danica by the arm. "Let's get us up to the room. Yer a right purty one, an' I'm ready to sport!"

The man was as repulsive in action as he was in appearance. He also smelled — a lot. Danica held her breath often as the man mounted her and rode her. Danica pretended to be excited and enjoying the coupling, for the few minutes the man humped her before he climaxed. He rolled off her and dressed, offering up a rude, "Thanks," as he left.

Danica's forced smile dropped from her face immediately. She went to the chamber pot, and then to the basin to wash — thoroughly.

Danica was pleased to see the other scruffy man had apparently chosen other entertainment when she walked back down the stairs. The other two men were still there waiting, however. They were the only people in the parlor, save for the Madame.

They both turned when Danica's footsteps sounded on the stairs, and the older of the two men stood up. He started up the stairs, and Danica leaned against the stairs on impulse. She beckoned the man with her finger — much to his delight, if his wide smile was any indication.

He was just as unimaginative as the first, though he did thankfully smell better. He mounted her, rode her, spurted his juices on her, and left. He placed a coin on the bed before he left, apparently as a tip. Danica washed again and went back out into the parlor area of the house.

She passed another woman coming up the stairs as she went down. The man on the other woman's arm turned to glance at Danica as they passed on the stairs, staring at her bottom. Danica saw another pair ascending the stairs on the other side of the room. She also saw that the young man was still there awaiting her return — despite three other girls lounged about on the couches, cooing in his direction.

He noticed Danica and stood up, smiling. The other women in the room stared hard at Danica for a moment before turning away to talk to each other in whispers.

He walked up to Danica and she said sultrily, "Mmm, do you want to play?"

"Indeed I do," the young man replied.

Danica entwined her arm in his, and led him up the stairs to her room. The young man apparently had more than a quick ride on his mind, because he took his time getting them both undressed and into the bed. He had Danica suck him to orgasm first, and then slid his head between her legs, bringing her to a peak as well. She pushed and gushed when she came, prompting the man to talk excitedly about it for several minutes with her, once Danica found her breath to speak.

As they were talking, Danica caressed his cock with her fingers. He seemed to consider for a moment and then asked, "Do you allow men to cum inside you?"

"Of course," she replied, and licked her lips as she continued to stroke her fingers over his slowly hardening flesh.

He smiled wide. "I have never been with one who would let me before. That's why I have come here. I wish to be able to reach my peak without pulling free of your warm depths."

Danica moaned and said, "Then let's get you hard so you can fill me up." She then bent down to suck him to full erection.

He mounted her from behind, taking her hard — and very well. He obviously knew how to please a woman. Danica came twice before he said he was nearly there. Danica begged him to fill her up, and moments later he exploded deep inside her. Danica moaned in satisfaction as she felt him filling her up.

He pulled from her and collapsed on the bed. They both lay panting for breath for a few moments, and then the man looked over at her. "I fear I have already spent a small fortune, but I don't care," he said with a laugh. "Can you erupt again as you did the first time for me, while I watch?"

"Oh, yes," Danica moaned, and parted her legs.

The young man watched with fascinated concentration as Danica slowly caressed her sex. Every so often, she slid her fingers inside her and stroked them, but mostly she rubbed at her labia and clit, to give him the best view of what she was doing.

Same as Danica
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The French Couple from the Spa

In the mid 1990s I used to go a naturist spa in north London, the days before it built in playrooms and became a swingers meet spot as well as a naturist Spa. I loved going there and being naked in front of other people. I would regularly talk to people, single men, single women and couples, and learnt a lot about people who went there. I had a regular night (Tuesday) as this fitted best for work, and I would arrive at about 6pm and leave at about 10 or 11pm feeling totally relaxed. As I said...

2 years ago
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They sit, one in each corner of the double closet, like two, squat, white, abstract pieces of art, open to whatever interpretation the viewer chooses to make of them. Only the sculptor can validate the interpretation of any observer. Even though I own them I have no intention of even confirming what they represent or why they stand, alone and abandoned, in the corner of my clothes closet. They are both my cross and my salvation, all in the same breath; my sole remaining link to the past and the...

3 years ago
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Visit from the Pastor

“Wake up, guys,” barked Russell Mack, Sr. as he opened the door to the bedroom his sons shared.“Unnnnh,” whined the younger.“Come on! Five minutes.”“Dad,” groaned the older one. “Can we stay home.”“Fine,” the funeral employee and pastor hissed walking away leaving the door open.The husband and father of three walked downstairs and into the kitchen. He heated up a microwavable breakfast sandwich consisting of an English muffin, American cheese, egg, and turkey sausage. He poured a glass of...

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Boy Became Man With The Help Of Sister 8211 With A Twist

Hi all…my name is Sravan (fake name)…I am 20years dropped my studies as I don’t have interest trying to start my own company in animation and I am 5.10 height with athletic body. Thank you all for responding on my story… this will bee really big story and bear with me am not that good in narration. This is my second story how I have sex with my elder sister…for new readers my first story – “Boy Became Man With The Help Of Sister”…And guys many are asking to share my sis for sex…is this kind of...

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BethChapter 32

July 28, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written July 29] Civia came to practice today, with Gracey. After we did the usual practice prelims, Coach spoke to us, saying that Civia was to be joining us for practice for as long into the post-season as we had games. “I’m going to be putting her in in a variety of positions to get a feel for her abilities. Civia, though you may have played striker for most of your time in the game, you need to learn, first-hand, some of the other positions. The idea is...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 527

You can thank Irishblue for this item: A guy hitch-hiking got picked up by a trucker. He settled right in and they were having a good conversation. Suddenly there was an awful racket coming from the sleeper compartment, and the passenger was surprised to see a monkey stick his head out from the curtains jumping up and down making awful sounds. The driver hit the monkey over the head and the monkey dropped into his lap, pulled down his zip and gave him a blowjob. when finished, the monkey...

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Kimmi is Fucked

I was laying in my bed anxiously awaiting the arrival of Mr. B, I wore a black corset, black fishnet stockings, and a black choker. My large breasts were desperately trying to free themselves from the tight corset. I was feeling brave and adventurous tonight. He had a key to my apartment and I had told him to let himself in. We had been dating for about seven months now and I had never been happier. Oh, and I was tied up. That was a difficult feat for me. I slipped both my wrists in fur straps...

Straight Sex
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Sarah Part Twenty

I woke Saturday morning to an empty bed. Sarah walked into the bedroom wearing her pink bathrobe, all bright, bubbly and smiling. “Good morning. It’s about time you woke up.” This was a significant change from the night before when she had cum four times, was sore in several places, and, for the most part was in a daze. She was so exhausted that she had fallen to sleep in bed as we were talking about the evening. Now, she was in good spirits as she sat on the bed beside me. “How come...

4 years ago
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Chapter 29a: TO THE NW MOUNTAINAfter assessing the damage we suffered from the storm and deciding what to do with the carcass of the octopus, we walked our gorilla friends back through the tunnel. We asked them to pass information along to our team members and the clan leadership. That we would come by tomorrow to work out plans for leaving on the following day to travel to the region around the mountain to the NW with the intention to locate and meet with the other village, the other clan, and...

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FilthyTaboo Selena Love Selena Spreads Open Her Love

Selena Love is a diamond in the rough. A tiny 18 year-old with dimples and those new-fangled aligner braces. Perfect little tits & ass too. Best of all? She’s a freaking pervert and she is excited to take on a significantly older Filthy Rich. She pulls out a leather paddle for Rich and he spanks her cute little ass. Rich eats this teen’s shaved pussy before she absolutely slobbers all over his cock. Selena’s cunt is dripping as he rams her hard, she likes it a lot! Rich...

1 year ago
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MissaX Blair Williams Desperate Maid Gets Blackmailed 3

Blair is sweating, cleaning the floor as efficiently as she can. She worries Mr. Echo’s wife may fire her, she seems to look for any excuse to speak harshly towards sweet-natured Blair. Mr. Echo comes in and watches her clean the floor on her hands and knees, her full breasts sway left to right in her modest maid’s uniform. Blair looks up at him, he gives her strict instruction not to clean the bedroom. “Your wife asked me to take the rug outside to clean, and..” Robby...

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The Job Interview

“What is the most outrageous thing you’d to get a job?” It was a simple question on the application. I thought for a second, Who would ask this type of question and how they would answer a crude remark like ‘fuck’. I smiled and scribbled in the dirty word, just to see what would happen. About two days later, I got a call from the modeling agency where I had applied and written in the crude word on the job application. “Please come to our candidate interview at eleven o'clock on May 23rd....

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Thursday Night part 2

While Stuart had invited me to stay with them tonight, I could tell Richard wanted Stuart all to himself and who could blame him. Stuart was not only a great looking guy but a great lover as well. As much fun as I have with those two men I didn’t want to stay there I wanted to fall asleep in Michelle’s arms. Although it was late she had called and asked me to come over no matter the time. I called her to double check it was ok to come over now and she had said sure. So I am headed over there...

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Growing up as much as any bit of life in this world, I found roots to call my own and drew sustenance. I began to find a taste for certain things, certain joys and ran after them with a zealous glee. I remember the wind flowing through my hair as I started to learn what it meant to truly chase after a goal, a dream. Laughter came first, then the crash of bodies and the smell of grass all over my clothes. The sun always seemed to rise and shower me with its’ warmth as I toss and turned under...

2 years ago
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Uncle Timmy takes controlPart 2

....My young cunny instinctively and spontaneously tightened on his finger which he almost immediately pulled from me in surprise,standing and spilling me onto the floor in the process."Aaah! Fuck you" says I...."Why you dirty little...." says heHe raised his hand to me again as I rose to my knees before him and I found myself face to face,as it were,with a large bulge in his trousers.My mouth fell open and my cunt gave a little leap.He saw the half smile on my face and knew what I was thinking...

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Anns Snowy Rendezvous Beginning of the End

Ann awakened that Monday morning feeling as cold and forlorn as the Alaskan snowdrifts that blew violently across the barren snow covered landscape. Even from her warm bed, Ann could hear the gusts of winds howling outside her Quonset hut and knew the snowstorm and blizzard that had been predicted to blow in Sunday evening had arrived in gale force. Looking over at the handsome man sleeping next to her, Ann felt a haunting sadness. She realized that today would start the first day of their...

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Sweet revenge3

Susan kicked off her shoes, jumped on the couch and lied down. After stretching a bit, she removed the tie of her school uniforme and opened a few buttons of her shirt. School had been so boring, she almost wished for a fire or something like that. Just to liven things up a bit. But nothing out of the ordinary happened. Susan looked at her sister. Claire may've been 2 years younger but you could hardly tell. A lot of people would think they were twins. But then again, they did have...

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Jamaica Blacken PT10

2nd WednesdayWe slept, intertwined, until noon.Over fruit, rolls, and coffee, we discussed the previous night's activities, Jaye naked as usual, curled up with her head in Samuel's lap, stroking his Black Cock.She told us about her mixed emotions – living out the fantasy, its gritty reality, erotic high, her humiliation from the use of her body and shame at how she loved it. Being sold for dances and groping hadn't really bothered her that much – it was kind of an extension of the night before...

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Badge of Dishonor Ch 15

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter fifteen Lise laid in bed and felt her husband’s body pressing against hers, then his hand slid up her body and cupped one of her breasts through her nightgown. Tingling warmth began to fill her body. ‘At last!’ she thought, as desire began flooding her, ‘Rod’s finally going to make love to me!’ She was elated. After virtually ignoring her for several weeks, Rod was making love to her! Her nipple stiffened in response to her...

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I had been married for almost fifteen years. And I will openly say, for the first eight or nine years, it actually wasn't terrible. My wife Shannon and I had always gotten along pretty well, even if we'd had our differences and opinions that didn't match up. We had social friends, would go out with married couples, hang out on our own, and we'd spend time with Shannon's kids.That was something I had no experience with upon meeting her. I had never been around kids as an adult, with the...

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CHAPTER 8: DARK KNIGHTSOnce arriving back in town and pulling their carry-on bags through the airport, Jacob suggested, instructed really, Jean and Abby take the afternoon off. They arrived shortly after noon so their was an entire afternoon left.“Take the afternoon off. Spend more of my money at ForePlay or in bed with each other … you deserve it.” He looked down at Abby as they exited the airport building and waited for the chance to cross to the parking structure and their cars. “And, no,...

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The VaseChapter 4

Having learned sex felt best accompanied by the mind and heart, a challenging conquest promised greater rewards. As superficial as my fellow students, I failed to see the gorgeous girl hidden in shyness and self doubt. Tall and pale, with long unfettered black hair, she stood in front of English class and recited her poem. Most of the class recited old ballads or odes or a Coleridge dreamscape from memory. A couple students and I recited our own poems. Mine rhymed about a daydreaming boy in...

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Soul BelongingsChapter 2 Reminiscence

One day I was in my room getting dressed and Janine came in. I was topless and only in my panties. Janine just stared at me. "Is everything was all right?" I asked. She just broke down crying. "I need to tell you something." She said through her tears. I went and sat on my bed and patted the place next to me indicating she should sit next to me. She timidly complied. "What is it?" I asked her. "While I've been away at college I discovered something. I'm into... women. I'm...

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The Uninvited Chapter 4 Part 2

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasyChapter 4 - Part 2Jen and Nanci were laying next to each other on the bed laughing. Suddenly Nanci reached over, and without warning kissed Jen softly on the lips. Her face was still so close to Jen's, and she could feel her breath on her cheek. Jen was left speechless, not knowing what to say. She felt at peace, thinking that Nanci was rapidly becoming her best friend...almost like a sister. A very i****tuous sister that...

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Sex Encounter With My English Professor

Hi fellas, this is Milan(name changed). 23 yr boy based at Chennai. I am a regular reader of this site and loved it too. I am 5.8 inch tall dusky complexion. So formal and struggle hard to talk with girls . At last I present here my first story. Am not a good writer please excuse me if there is any mistake. Let us come to the sex story.I completed my engineering two yrs before and currently working. A month back a Sunday morning, on the way to my granny house I met my college professor in a...

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Carol Caliendo

Carol was always such a tomboy that it seemed like me and the and rest of the guys were her only friends. All the other girls had their little groups, but Carol was part of ours’, and for the most part she blended right in. A short little girl with dirty brown hair and hazel eyes, often shadowed with mud, she may as well have been named Richard. As we all grew older some of us separated off, but even then Carol stayed a part of the group. It wasn’t until high school that I realized I didn’t...

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A Nephews Story Aunty Jenny

Note : This story is completely fictional! For as long as I could remember, I've had secret little crushes on a few of my aunties. Now i'm 18, my little crushes have become big fantasies, fantasies I aim to make true. Aunt Jenny Aunt Jenny, 38 years old, divorced, and has two kids. She has long blond hair and dark brown eyes, a very nice figure, not thin but not erection. Aunt Jenny told me about her night out, and the funny things that happened. I began rubbing her soles as I told her what my...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 28

Wednesday 10th May to Saturday 2nd September 1972 On her Wednesday phone call, Connie was distressed. “Dad has ordered me to break off my engagement to you. Apparently Mr Gresty has been in touch and Dad now holds you responsible for the severance between them. He won’t believe you were innocent and reckons Gresty was paid off, and like all lawyers you’ve got away with it.” “I’m sorry, my darling,” I said. “So what are you going to do?” “You need to ask? I told him I would do no such...

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Anna and the first date 3

Anna was paranoid her boss had somehow found out about her naughty experience at the school building site. He was becoming more and more suggestive towards her. It was obvious that she made his cock stir, numerous times she noticed a definite bulge in his pants when she was near him. That morning she had been daydreaming about the joiner’s cock and was permanently moist. She hoped her boss wouldn’t detect the smell of her pussy juices as they leaked into her knickers. She had on her signature...

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Fraternization Ch 02

(Brief summary of Part 1. Two members of the US Army in the mid-seventies, PFC Kelly Wooten and Lieutenant Mark Ashe find themselves attracted to each other, and then in bed together. We pick up the next morning.) That morning I awoke to the smell of coffee. I sniffed it with appreciation. Rolling over, carefully because I was, after all, in a single bed, I looked at the clock on the nightstand. Goodness. I hadn’t slept that late since my last leave. I certainly hadn’t had this kind of fun on...

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Why must you

So, I see that you love her more than you could ever love me. I cut my wrists for you and yet you run back to her everytime. Well, this razor blade is covered in redrum because I can no longer hold anything in these bloodied fingers. .......... .......... Sure, you come back, only to get your lubricant to have more sex with her. You promised I would be yours forever. No matter what. But most guys lie to get into my skinny jeans but your just like my heroin. You come back only to put me in a...

Erotic Poetry
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Master and submissive part 2

I am led to one corner and told to kneel. I am kneeling and no I am not to raise my head to look so I use my peripheral vision as much as possible to see all that is about me. Mistress walks over and tells me my job is to give pleasure any way it is ask of me tonight. “Do not deny anyone anything they ask of you or you will humiliate your Master and you know you will pay for that infraction.” “Do you understand?” “Yes ‘mam.” “You do have a safe word and it will be respected but...

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First Time Fucked

This is the true story of the first time I was ever fucked by a guy:I started having gay sex when I was 18. My first experience was with a guy I met through a female friend with benefits while I was still in high school. He was not the first guy who fucked me in the ass. He did teach me how to fuck a guy in the ass with my cock though. He taught me the importance of holding back until just the right moment to cum. He also gave great blow jobs and taught me how to give them and how to swallow...

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This is a true account of some of my later experiences with my dog

I don’t know what bestiality is like for most people, but for me I had some difficulty dealing with the morality of it. It took me a long time to come to terms with who I was. And to be honest, that is when I truly lost all inhibitions, let loose and really had fun. I had at this point had experience with several different dogs, but my last dog, Goliath, lived up to his name. He was huge. He was a tan bull mastiff, ad I believe I loved him most. He really had a good personality. Anyway, I...

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Latest chudai

Hello sabhi hot sexy mast dosto ko mera masti bhara hellooooo. Ye mera first story hai. Mera naam prem hai. Aur mein hot personality bala 22 saal ka 5’10” ka mast boy hu. Mujhe ladkiyon se dosti karne ka saukh hai. Ab mein aapko ab jyada bor nahi karta hu aur apna mast story aap sabhi mast dosto ko batata hu. Baat mere hi home town patna ki hai. Jab mein apna it course complete karke apne ghar(patna) aaya. To jab mein saam ko apne chhat pe gaya to dekha ek 18 saal ki ladki mere samne bale...

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Angry Wife8217s Revenge

Hi this is huma with a hot story. Please send your feed back at I had married Anuj after a stormy love affair. My father never agreed to my marriage but I would not listen to my father. I loved Anuj with all my heart. I was crazy for his body, his 6 feeet strong body and 8 inch all muscle cock. My mother could read on my face when Anuj gave me a cock satisfied look. The bastard could really fuck,I mean REALLY FUCK. I could not move my body for hours after his cock-attack. He stole glances at...

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Spring Lust

Introduction: A short story based on a fantasy of mine My first sex story! Enjoy and feel free to leave criticism/message me! Name: Claire Age: 21 Description: Around 5 foot 6 inches tall with black short hair and hazel eyes. She has a very athletic frame, 32 C breasts that look smaller then they are due to a very perky shape. Another day in late spring, she finds herself having a day off from work sprawled out across the sofa. The sun beaming through the bay window of her flat and a failed...

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