The ArrangementChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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Danica managed to compose herself after seeing the amulet around Andrea's neck. She even managed to forget about it for a short while as their lips and tongues roved over each other's bodies.
When she awoke the next morning, she sought out Celes and asked her to come to her chambers to tell her of what she had learned.
"Well, Dearie, I'm for fearin' that any lass ye lay with inside these walls is more'n likely gonna end up wit' one of them things 'round 'er neck. Ye arouse intense emotions, an' I'm for thinkin' that's what Zoraster's after."
Danica sighed and covered her face in her hands. "What is she going to suffer because of me?"
"I'm not for knowin', Dearie," Celes said. "Ye couldna' 'ave known. There's little ye can do about it now."
Danica squared her shoulders. "I will find a way to do something," she said with anger flashing in her eyes.
"Just ye be careful. Zoraster is not one to be toyin' with," Celes warned. "I'm for needin' to get about business. T' madman has me about a task this day. Be strong, Dearie." Celes cupped Danica's chin in her hand and smiled at her before turning to leave.
Danica sat for a few moments in contemplation, and then decided to lose herself in study. She felt the desire to learn surge within her as she walked toward the lab, where she fell deeply into her studies.
By the end of that day, she had mastered the second version of the Inferno spell. It was much more powerful, and much more dangerous than the second. Another day brought the burning of her blood that told her she had mastered the third level of the spell.
When she awakened the fourth day, she resolved to try to learn the fourth level of the spell. The final version of the spell was tantamount to suicide. It engulfed a vast area in the roaring flames of the spell. It also drained the caster with its immense power — leaving them little strength or presence of mind to avoid being caught up in the hell that the magic conjured. Danica had originally thought to leave the last version of the spell, but she was now determined to learn it because it presented a challenge with its difficulty.
It took her two days, but she felt her blood burn and thus knew that she had mastered the powerful and deadly magic. Even the learning exhausted her, and she collapsed into a chair for hours before she managed to stand up and go to her bed.
The next day, Danica decided to go down into the city. She left her rooms and tracked down a wizard who appeared to be of some renown. Danica knew he oversaw the guardianship of some of the complex's magical components and items. She knew she must have permission to go down into the city, but did not know from who she was to ask it.
The man sent a servant to fetch someone, bid Danica to sit, and then returned to his books, completely ignoring her. A few moments later, another wizard entered. He appeared to be in his early thirties, and had perhaps once been attractive. Now, he looked starved. He was pale, with sunken cheeks, and it was something Danica had seen before. His was the face of a man who let magic burn so brightly in his blood that he allowed it to consume him.
"Come with me," the wizard instructed, and Danica did so.
They made their way through the building toward the entrance. Near the entrance foyer, the wizard who led her opened a door and walked inside. The room was his private chambers, and his office.
He sat down and said, "If you wish permission to go to the city, you will come here. The door is always unlocked, for I fear none who walks these halls. If I am busy, you will wait. If I am not here, you will wait. You may only obtain permission from me, or from Master Zoraster himself. Do not attempt to leave these grounds without acquiring permission. Permission is granted this day. You must return by nightfall tomorrow, or you shall be sought out and punished." When he finished, he looked down to make entries in a ledger on his desk.
Danica sensed he had said all he was going to say, and turned to leave. She returned to her room, picked up her pouch of coin, and made her way down into the city.
She stopped and enjoyed a well-prepared meal — and several glasses of wine — at one of the finer taverns. She then wandered about the city, making small purchases. She found several pieces of jewelry, some scarves, and a beautiful water clock that caught her eye. She knew she had paid too much for the clock, but could not haggle the seller down any lower. She had desired the clock enough to pay the man, however.
When she sat down to have her evening meal at another tavern, she noticed a pair of women seated deep in the shadows of a corner. The one was blonde, and looked to be in her early twenties. The other appeared to be about thirty or so, and had brown hair so dark it was almost black.
Tiny snippets of almost-heard conversation intrigued Danica. She considered for a moment, and then cast a clairaudience spell so she could hear the conversation.
"If you desire my husband, you must appease me," said the brunette woman.
The blonde woman's quietly stammered reply was, "But I've never... Not even thought... Another woman..."
"The idea does not repulse you — or you would not be here. You knew when you came to me what the price was. The road to my husband is through me."
Danica could almost hear the woman blushing when next she spoke, "I want to, but I am afraid."
The dark-haired woman laid a hand on the other's cheek. "Just submit to me. Give yourself to me. Cast away the dusty old taboos, which are meaningless, and feel. Let your body guide you to new heights of pleasure. Just say yes."
Danica heard the blonde's hushed whisper, "Yes."
The older woman smiled and purred. She then turned slightly in her chair and locked eyes with Danica. Danica quickly cast her eyes downward. She hadn't even realized that she had been staring at the two women as she listened with her spell.
Because Danica's concentration was broken, her spell fizzled out. She lifted a bite of food to her mouth and found it had nearly grown cold as she listened. She didn't need her spell to hear what the brunette said next, because the woman was standing across from Danica on the opposite side of the table.
"Eavesdropping is quite rude," the woman said, startling Danica, who dropped her fork as she looked up.
"I wasn't," Danica argued. "I was just lost in thought." The words rang false even in Danica's ears, and she winced inwardly.
The woman grinned and rolled her eyes slightly. "Now, tell me the truth. You were eavesdropping — perhaps because you seek the road to my husband?"
Danica felt arousal surging within her. The woman's strong, dominant posture — combined with the mysterious man who could make women do things they would have never even considered — sparked Danica's interest. She made her decision without hesitation. "Yes," Danica replied softly, but confidently.
The brunette shuddered. "I like the way you said that. Come to the table with us. There is a final test to see if you want it bad enough. If so, then we will go, and the road to my husband will open to you." She reached out her hand to Danica when she finished.
Taking the woman's hand, Danica stood and followed her to the table where the blonde sat looking nervous and anxious. The brunette pulled out Danica's seat for her, opposite the blonde, with the older woman's chair between them. Once Danica sat down, the three women were sitting on one side of the table with their chairs nearly touching.
The brunette glanced at each of them in turn, and then instructed, "There is a final test of your desire. If you satisfy me, we will leave immediately. If you fail to satisfy me, do not seek me again. There are no second chances. Watch the minstrels and keep up the appearance that you are absorbed in their playing. Utter no sound and look attentive to the music."
Danica watched the brunette's hands go beneath the table, and felt the long tablecloth shudder as well. She also noticed the blonde girl stiffen for just a moment.
Listening to the music, Danica realized the minstrels were actually quite good. She watched out of the corner of her eye to see that the blonde woman appeared to be struggling to keep her eyes and ears attuned. It was barely noticeable, but enough for Danica to detect because she was so close.
The blonde woman's breathing quickened. Danica wanted to turn and watch to try to determine what was making the woman react so. She could see the other woman glancing at them both occasionally, though the brunette maintained the appearance of listening to the musicians as well. The dark-haired woman was breathing more quickly too — the only sign she was not completely attuned to the music.
Danica felt the tablecloth shift, saw the blonde woman shudder slightly, and heard her sigh very quietly. The dark-haired woman brought her finger to her lips. Danica noticed that the digit glistened with wetness as the brunette sucked it once with a quiet, satisfied sound. Danica's juices flowed in what felt like a flood to her.
The dominating woman's hand then went back below the table. Danica felt the hand on her leg almost instantly. Deft, skilled fingers bunched up the hem of Danica's gown with practiced precision. Gentle pressure on Danica's knee instructed her to part her legs, and she did. Another quick movement of the brunette's hand slid Danica panties aside, off her already glistening lips.
A finger slid inside Danica, moving in a tight circle. Danica's legs shivered beneath the table, but she managed to maintain appearances above the tablecloth where people could see her.
The finger slid up high, massaging the bundle of nerves behind Danica's mound. Danica could feel her body responding quickly to this strong woman's practiced touch. The finger slid out from between Danica's labia then to rub her swollen clit — slowly at first, but then increasing in speed.
Danica had to fight hard to keep silent. The woman's fingers rubbed her quickly, and then stopped. Danica felt her clit pinched hard between two fingers, and then rolled between the digits. Danica's toes curled, but she maintained her visible composure.
Danica felt the fingers rubbing her in faster circles, and her pleasure mounted higher from the intensity and skill of the woman's fingers. The sense of danger brought on by another woman masturbating her in public excited Danica as well.
The music built to a crescendo, and Danica came. Only the loud clapping of the crowd covered the stifled, choked off moan she emitted as her orgasm took control of her. Danica's eyes rolled up in her head and she closed them. She clapped sporadically as her toes curled tightly in her shoes — her orgasm stiffening every muscle in her body.
Danica let out a single long exhale, and she quivered as the woman's hand left her saturated sex. Danica watched as the woman brought her hand — glistening nearly to the wrist — to her mouth and sucked it clean with a moan of quiet, but intense satisfaction.
"Come, both of you," the woman said and stood up.
Danica smoothed down the hem of her dress and stood as the blonde woman did the same. They followed the other woman out of the tavern and down the road a short distance. They approached a fair sized dwelling, probably a five or six room house, and walked inside.
The woman led them both to the center of the room. "Rose will come first..." Pausing, she turned to Danica with a questioning look.
"Danica," she said without thinking, and wondered too late if she should have used another name.
The woman repeated the name, and then continued. "Danica — since she arrived first. My name is Francine. Please be seated and wait here for me to call you." With that, she led Rose to another room.
Danica sat down and looked around the room. Well furnished, it was the sort of place that a wealthy merchant might own. She started slightly when she heard a strange sound followed by a quiet whimper.
The sounds kept coming in a regular rhythm. Danica strained to identify the sound she heard before each whimper, but could not place it.
After a few minutes, the sounds ceased. It was only a few moments later that she heard Francine's strong voice, though she could not make out the words. When Danica heard the brunette speak again, the sound was distinctly one of pleasure.
Danica's juices started flowing again.
Danica listened, licking her lips as she heard Francine's authoritative voice every so often. More often, the woman's voice raised her voice in sounds of pleasure. Danica's hand crept downward to rub her aching need lightly through her dress as she listened.
Danica heard the woman gasp and exclaim — and knew she was coming. Danica shuddered and rubbed a little harder on her clit.
Next, she heard Rose making small sounds of pleasure. The noises sounded hesitant at first, but it wasn't long before the timidity left Rose's moans and they rose in true pleasure.
Danica found her breathing increasing in pace rapidly. Her fingers pressed hard against her gown as pressure built in her loins, edging toward climax.
A yelp of pleasure escaped Danica and her head whipped back as her orgasm exploded into being. It rolled through her entire body, causing her to stiffen and arch her back. Danica's head snapped forward and she bent double when another wave of orgasm came over her, causing her to snap her legs shut.
She slumped on the couch, still gasping for air and quivering as aftershocks took control of her body. It was only when Danica was finally able to open her eyes that she noticed Francine standing over her.
The brunette was nude, and had small — but very perky breasts. The hair on her mound was neatly trimmed and short around the lips, which were puffy and full. She was trim, somewhat muscular, and stood in such a way that spoke of authority.
"Rose has satisfied me well. She is now enjoying her reward with my husband. I am already quite pleased with you," Francine said and sat down on the couch. "No woman has ever climaxed for me during the test before you. Your sweet taste has made me hungry for more. Finding you writhing in the aftermath of an orgasm when I came to get you has only excited me more. Now, follow."
Danica stood on wobbly legs and followed the woman into the other room. As soon as Francine closed the door, she guided Danica toward the bed with a firm push. "Now disrobe and lie down on the bed on your hands and knees."
Danica knew the sound a person's voice — whether a man or woman — made when they expected obedience. She undressed quickly and hurried to the bed to assume the position Francine had demanded. Once on her hands and knees, Danica looked back over her shoulder at the sexy, dominant woman behind her.
Francine took up a long flail — a wooden handle with dozens of thin leather straps attached to it. She strode with a powerful and sensual strut toward the bed, stroking the flail as she approached.
She rubbed her hand over Danica's bottom, exploring downward and dipping her finger into Danica's soaked sex. Bringing her hand to her lips, Francine sucked the finger clean. She then raised the flail and brought it down with a stout stroke on Danica's ass.
"Tell me you want it," Francine demanded and brought the flail down again.
"Mmm, spank my ass. Make it red," Danica exclaimed breathlessly, deeply aroused by the just-tolerable sting of the leather on her bottom.
The flail came down again. "Tell me how bad you want it."
"Oh please spank me. Spank my ass. Oh please — harder," Danica gasped as the flail rose and fell in carefully measured strokes.
The next strike was indeed harder. "You little tramp — trying to get in my husband's pants. I should flail you alive," Francine sneered as she brought the flail down several more times.
She grabbed Danica's knee and flipped her over. Danica rolled over hard, landing flat on her back and bouncing on the bed. She could hear loud screams of pleasure coming from the next room as her bottom settled on the mattress.
"You want him to touch your big tits don't you?" Francine asked and brought the flail down hard on Danica's breasts.
"Yes," Danica screamed as she stiffened from the stroke.
"You want him to squeeze them and suck them, and make your little tramp pussy wet don't you?" The lash fell twice more on Danica's breasts as Francine sneered.
"Oh yes. Oh yes," Danica screamed, half answering the question, and half in pleasure. The sting of the lash sent waves of quivering pleasure through Danica's body.
The flail changed angles and came down hard on Danica's thighs and nether lips. "You want him to put his mouth on your dirty little pussy and make it cum don't you? To suck on your little tramp clitty?" The lash smacked into Danica's sex in a quick rhythm. "You want him to put his cock inside you and fuck you, don't you, little whore? Fuck you until you can't come anymore? To shove his cock — all covered in your whore's juices — in your mouth and fuck your face until he comes down the back of your throat?"
"Yes," Danica screamed, "I want his cock. I want his cum."
"Little whore," Francine growled and brought the flail down one last time — the hardest stroke yet. It squarely hit Danica's clit and caused her to half sit up from the sting.
Danica's head never made it back to the bed, because Francine's hand snapped out and caught her by the hair. Danica yelped in pain and propped her hands behind her to support her weight.
"I'll give you something to put in your mouth, you little whore," Francine growled, and jerked Danica's hair, dragging her face into the neatly trimmed pussy in front of her. "Lick it, little bitch," Francine sneered and ground her folds into Danica's face. Danica wriggled her tongue between the woman's puffy lips the moment she made contact with them.
The brunette reached down with one hand and parted her labia. "That's it little tramp. Lick my pussy." She then raised her arm and brought the flail down on Danica's back and buttocks.
Danica whimpered into Francine's folds when the flail hit. She suckled the woman's labia between her lips while flicking her tongue over them.
Down came the flail again. "That's it; suck my pussy with your little whore mouth." Another stroke of the flail stung Danica's tender skin, and Francine continued, "You want cum? You'll taste mine, little trollop."
Little muffled yelps escaped Danica every time the flail fell in its regular rhythm. She slid her tongue upward to roll Francine's small clit and heard the woman gasp. Danica felt the flail strike her once more, and then Francine pulled away the bittersweet treat Danica lapped.
Francine forcefully pushed Danica backwards while climbing up on the bed at the same time. She swung her leg over Danica and squatted over the redhead's face — facing Danica's feet.
Danica reached up and parted the woman's labia as Francine lowered her sex to Danica's waiting mouth. Danica stabbed her tongue in deep and felt wetness dripping onto her face.
"That's it, little whore. Fuck my pussy with your tongue. I want you to get all my come in your pretty little whore's face." Francine brought the flail down on Danica's mound when she finished speaking.
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Dear Readers,Thank you for choosing my story. I really hope that you enjoy it and that it brings you a lot of pleasure. When I write my stories, I always like to include the last paragraph from the previous chapter. This is to refresh your memories. Please send me comments about what you think of this story. Hope you enjoy it. Now chapter 2 of Chris's journey…* * * * *Chris slowly reaches down and pulls down her panties and lounge pants to just past her knees. She then lets her hand find its...
it was just a normal friday night i was hanging with my friend we were just watching tv playing video games. nothing special. we were good friends had looked at porno mags and vids together before but never touched each other. now i knew he had a big cock from when we played football together in high school. everyone was jealous of it including me. my cock is not bad size but i am more of a grower then a shower. anyway out of the blue i am sitting playing xbox he just reaches down and...
It looked like an old apartment complex, one built in the 1970's during the heyday of the city, back when it looked as if everything was going to be booming more than it did. Three stories tall, with the court-yard being a pool and all of the doors of the sixty apartments all facing the center of the pool. The rent was cheap, surprisingly so, and the management did not seem to worry to much about the application process and there was a gut feeling you should move there. You got your stuff...
Mind ControlMy first experience with an older woman was realized in my junior year of high school.Her name was miss Quincy and she taught Spanish language in the midwest town I lived in for ten years.I had always admired the way her long black hair complimented her sexy petite frame.One day during class she had noticed me looking up her skirt when she was bending over to retrieve a piece of chalk off the floor,she unexpectedly turned her head and saw me licking my lips.I felt kind of embarrassed that she...
It was in the summer holiday and just after my fo**teenth birthday and I was spending a few weekends doing odd jobs for local elderly people and started getting on well with one of the men who lived a couple of streets away and who I'd been helping to clear out his garage which had become filled wit boxes and junk. Tom was in his early 60's and had retired and lived alone as his wife had died a few years before and his c***den had moved away. After a couple of weekends we were getting to the...
In the beginning, I'm not sure we needed a marriage counselor so much as a referee to break us apart in the clinches. We had so much anger there wasn't room for much else. By the third session we were able to listen without attacking, though the anger bubbled just below the surface. Andrea played a short film for us about nothing that had to do with us or our relationship. Then she gave us each a pad and pencil and asked us to write down ten facts about what we'd seen in the film. It...
Me and My Big Mouth (Part 3) Part 1 of this story tells why and how Jeremy is transformed into Gemma. Part 2 takes us through his day as the new Customer Service girl at the bank where he works. I recommend reading these first two parts if you haven't already as a number of the incidents and characters from these earlier chapters are referred to in this part. We left Jeremy finally back in male mode but in possession of a suitcase containing all the clothes and paraphernalia that had...
The history books have it all wrong - Mars was not only a god of war, but also the god of love. The gods must each designate a human as their mortal incarnation. As the previous embodiment of Mars has deceased, you have been selected as his replacement. Your mortal body is yet untested with these newfound powers, and you know strength must be built in order to wield your full powers. How will you begin?
FantasyI had an experience when I was nineteen and in college that I’ll never forget. My college was not a “commuter college”. Most of us lived on or near campus and there weren’t any restrictions on overnight guests so hooking up with coeds was my favorite pastime. I had more than my share of luck my first semester because word quickly got out that I sported a solid 10 inches. It’s funny how women will talk about things like that and how best friends will stab each other in the back just to get to a...
Hello,Dosto main Iss ka ek naya redear hoon ISS pad kar mujhe bhil laga ki main bhi apni kahani app sub se share karoo. Subse pehle to main apna introduction deta hoon, mera naam awinash singhal hai or main delhi ka rehne wala hoon.Baat do saal pehle ki hain mere door ke riste ke chacha jee ke ladke ki shadi thi. Apne pariwar ki taraf se sirf main gaya tha shadi delhi se bahar thi. Wahan mera ek cousine brother bhi rehta jiski abhi kuch saal pehle shadi hui hai.Usne phone karke mujhse kaha ki...
I sat near the concourse glancing up at the arrivals display. Cindy's flight was delayed due to local weather and I was hoping it wouldn't be diverted. Outside a line of thunderstorms had passed through and the skies were beginning to lighten. On the board an arrival time flashed: 3:45. My watch read 2:27 and I hoped this was a firm time, or else I would need to change plans for the evening. I stood and strolled to the window overlooking the tarmac. Planes were beginning to depart and I...
They say impulsive sex is the best sex, and I have a story to tell you, that might tend to make you agree with me.I was seven months pregnant with my daughter, and we had stopped having sex three months before that, which compounded the problem, as most women in that state seem to find an increased libido, possibly due to our bodies being awash with hormones, I wanted sex more than ever and I was not getting any.On the Saturday I went into town, and being seven months pregnant, I felt like a...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I wrote this for another Literotica voyager who was apparently having a bad day. At least I assumed that from the tear stained Email she sent me. Mark. * * * * * ‘Oh, who the hell is that? It’s ten o’clock at night…just figures, everything else has been going wrong…so why not this…shit.’ Normally I don’t swear. Girls aren’t supposed to swear. But the last few days had been brutal. You know the old saying ‘if it can go wrong, it will’? Well, it was true. But why the ceiling...
Sisterhood III: Emily's First Cock Sucking Session!Emily, a nubile, virgin sixteen year old girl had been caught by her eighteen years old sister Grace, a total slut who was sucking off John, a man she had invited over to her parents house while they were out. Grace had decided, that so she couldn't tell on her to their parents what she was doing, she would then turn her younger sister into a total slut like her, and have John be the first.Already she had caught Emily masturbating while...
Oral SexIt was a typical lazy Saturday for Brad. Now spring time, graduation was nearing for the high school senior. A muscled up jock, Brad stood a legit 6-3. He had starred in both lacrosse and football, and was still mulling over which college he was going to play for in the fall. Both seasons now over, weekends consisted of sleeping in, ordering takeout, and spying on his next door neighbor, Ms. Blossom. Brad’s parents were up at the family lake house for the weekend. This was common for them...
I slept late on the 27th, enjoying my Christmas vacation to the maximum. I got up just before lunch time. I was finishing my lunch when Will came downstairs for his lunch. He threw a hamburger on the stove. He asked, "Where are Lizzie and Andy?" "Lizzie is over at the Mitchells. Andy is upstairs playing on his computer." "Good. We won't be interrupted. I want to thank you for forcing Abby and I to talk about our problems. I needed your kick in the butt." "No problem, Will. I knew...
The girl stood, naked, in front of him."Tonight, sweet one, I am going to pussy-whip you. Stand with your legs apart a bit more than that." He produced two long nylon ribbon-like straps and threaded them between her legs and up over each shoulder. Pulling the straps tight, so that they slipped deep into her creases, he fastened the two red ribbons behind her back."Put your hands up to your tits," he commanded. Mutely the girl obeyed, and he strapped them onto the ribbons. She could not move...
Hi everyone,am Ragu just 22 years old.i am athlete body with huge shoulder and arms and average height.This is my first story in Indian sex stories and dont mistake for my bad English because am not good at it but want to write it in English as majority of readers know English. Coming to the story,I was pursuing my engineering in rural area in trichy.From my childhood i was attracted and being comfortable with the opposite sex. From first day of college and ogling at my classmate as the subject...
Va redau in textul de mai jos intamplarile traite de un barbat cu ceva timp in urma. Nu-l cunosteam si nu stiu nici acum cum naiba a aflat de mine si nici de la cine, cert este ca a reusit sa ma contacteze si a insistat sa-i ascult povestea, apoi m-a rugat s-o scriu eu si s-o public aici, pe site-ul asta. Mi s-a parut interesanta si am decis ca merita a fi scrisa si postata. Daca am avut sau nu dreptate, va las pe voi sa decideti! Enjoy it!…………………………………………………………..Numele meu este Alin, sunt...
Six weeks later, Ken sat at his desk going through Captain Windsor's logs. He was looking for the clues he suspected were there. "Tammy, it says here, that the Washington was split in half at the battle of Tallis. When she was rebuilt, she was two hundred feet longer than before. I think that is where Jessica is; I think she is in that area. We have been over everything else. Amy, please bring up a pair of holograms of the ship as she used to look and as how she looks now." The image...
Thomas remained as still as possible on the bed. He wanted to reach down and stroke his dick with her slick juice already covering it. He knew it would feel great. He tried to peek through the door, straining to hear any sound announcing her return. He heard her voice as she answered the telephone. Too faint to make out the words but knowing she was occupied Thomas reached down and started masturbating. It felt even better the he imagined. It was wet from her pussy and he teased the head. As...
As far back as I can rememeber I have always gravitated towards fem things. As a young boy I played with whatever girls clothes I could get my hands on. Which wasn't much. At 12 y/o I had a few pairs a panties and bras stolen from my cousins. One thanksgiving after dinner the girls changed and one of them left behind a black knee length dress and white pantyhose in the guest bedroom. I was so excited when I found them...needless to say she never saw that dress again. With the bra and panties I...
This is one of my favorites I found somewhere on the net, enjoy you BBC sluts:I had been fantasizing about sucking a big black cock for a longtime. Looking at websites and pictures on the net, mesmerized by thesight of black cock. I finally couldn't take it any longer, I decidedI needed to try sucking one. I went on the web and found a sight thatlisted gloryholes in the area. I posted a note asking which ones werefrequented by black guys and if I would be able to find black cock.After a couple...
Megan sat, her legs strewn around Aaron’s waist as her vagina split open to cater to it’s all to welcome guest. She caught on to Aaron’s severely distraught face and instantly knew that she had succeeded in destroying Aaron’s life the second time that morning. Rotating her chest around to turn the shower water off, she slowly lifted her body of Aaron’s penis. She tried not gasping as the long shaft slowly slurped out of her happily filled vaginal tube. She stood up and stepped from the...
Introduction: A young mans first bareback gangbang (This all happened today 5/15/11, its still night so I count it as the 15th) I had just got out of a 5yr relationship. Losing my fiance was one of the hardest and worst things to ever happen to me. I lost all interest in women and sex for 3 long months. Until I saw the post online. Adult Movie Theater Slut Looking She wanted anyone, any cock, to fill her up bareback with hot cum. Her husband wanted to see how much she could take, and just...
Hi all, this is Rajiv, from Mumbai. I am 5’9″, of an average build. This story is about how one afternoon turned my sex life around. I was 19 at the time and living a normal family life. I lived with my father and my mother in our 2bhk at Mulund. All of the following happened one normal rainy afternoon. It was a Saturday, and I had just eaten my lunch and was planning on taking a nap in my room when I heard a loud giggle. When I went to see what was going on, I saw that some aunty from our...
LesbianAs far as love compatibility is concerned, some people see this as one of the more challenging Star Sign combinations, with one sign – Aries – ruled by the element of Fire and the other – Virgo – ruled by the conflicting element of Earth. In reality though, things aren’t necessarily quite as difficult as they might initially appear! True, a fundamentally different approach to life – enthusiastic, go-ahead and impulsive in the case of Aries – cautious, diligent, and a little pedantic in the...
Hi friends, this is Harsha. I live in Chennai. My age is 18. And I am studying BSc. My height 5.10 feet. Basically I am too innocent and respectful guy. I have just come to Chennai before 2 weeks. Actually am from Bangalore. Here to Chennai I have come for the studies. This is my first story on is. Adjust and read if there is any mistakes. Let’s go to the story, My first sex experience with my chitti, I mean, my mother’s small sister. Am too silent and innocent kinda boy. So everybody treats me...