AlecChapter 2 free porn video

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The harsh tones of an alarm roused him from a deep slumber. The slender form in his arms reached out and shut it off. The previous rights actions flooded back and he groaned inwardly.

“Are you awake?” Izzy asked.


The bedside light came on and she slipped from his embrace. She made no move to hide her nakedness as she stood and looked back down at him. Her nervousness of the previous night also seemed to also to have vanished. He knew he was staring, but couldn’t help it. She seemed content to let him.

“How was your sleep last night?” She asked.

“Good, really good. How about you?”

“It was ... alright.” she smiled down at him. The sight of that smile dissipated the tight knot between his shoulders. He wasn’t sure how she would react to the events of the previous night. There didn’t appear to be any regrets on her part. Her phone started to blare out again. She reached over and touched the screen, silencing it, before opening drawers and pulling out fresh underwear. Her walk to the wardrobe appeared to be a little stiff.

“Are you okay?”

“A little bit sore,” She confessed, “But it’s a good sore.” she quickly added. Hangars rattled as she pulled out a fresh T-shirt. Arms full of clothes; she padded softly from the room, her naked firm buttocks swaying in a most delightful manner.

“Are you doing that deliberately?”

“I might be...”The accompanying giggle giving the game away somewhat. The room was quiet but for the faint sound of early morning traffic from the streets outside. The silence still sounded creepy. The shower in the bathroom started up and he clearly heard the shower door shut with a clarity that implied the bathroom door wasn’t shut. Alec sat up and swung his feet onto the floor. He fished around in the shopping bag at his feet and pulled out a new pair of boxers. Alec slipped them on, pulling them into place as he stood up. He walked out into the hallway, unable to resist pausing in the open bathroom doorway. The two shower sides not against a wall weren’t much geared for privacy, the clear Perspex allowing a good view of the figure inside. Izzy turned round and saw him watching. She smiled and Alec found himself smiling back. Her hands travelled over her breasts and Alec felt himself starting to harden. He turned from the doorway and headed into the kitchen, filling and switching on the kettle. Steam gently arose into the air as he lifted out two mugs and spooned in the coffee granules.

The shower stopped, followed by the sound of rubber seals parting as the Perspex door opened. Alec sipped his coffee contemplatively as he listened to Izzy dry, and then dress herself. She entered, towelling her hair and taking a deep breath as she smelt the coffee. She spied the second mug, with its little tell-tale plume of warm moist air.

“Oooo, cooks AND makes coffee in the morning.” She took a cautious sip and he watched as her eyes travelled over his near naked body. Alec suddenly felt self-conscious, but allowed her eyes to roam. It seemed fair considering that he had just done the same to her a few minutes earlier.

“Can I trust you to stay out of trouble today?” Her tone was reproachful.

“Probably not.”

“No, probably not.” she sighed and put her mug down “Dad, I don’t want to lose you again. Not so soon after I have just got you back.”

Alec felt his throat constrict. He put his own mug down, stepped close and enveloped her in a hug. She wrapped to her arms around him and squeezed him tight.

“Seriously dad, I mean it.”

“I know my love. I’m sorry.” He kissed her forehead. She looked up, stretched her neck. He obliged, his lips touched hers. Her tongue snaked in, searching out his. A parental kiss it most definitely wasn’t.

Reluctantly, she pulled away. “I’d better go.” she didn’t sound that keen.

“There’s always tonight?” He hated how hopeful he sounded.

“That’s not helping dad. Now all I’m going to be able to think about today, is tonight. Thanks a bunch.”

“Um, I have the same problem you know?”

“Yeah, but you can wank yourself silly all day long. I don’t really have that luxury in the middle of a field with a theodolite over my shoulder. In fact, don’t you dare! If you are spent when I get home, I’m going to be REALLY pissed off!”

He snorted, “I shall endeavour to restrain myself from indulging in practices of self-gratification during the hours of daylight...”

Izzy picked up her laptop and other necessities for the day ahead and opened the door to her flat. “Make sure that you do...” She warned, not really joking.

Alec finished the last of his coffee and washed out both of their mugs, gazing idly out the kitchen window as he did so. Figures scurried past, heads down and shoulders slouched, as they started their daily commutes to whatever jobs they held. He upended the last mug on the draining board and conscious of the fact that he was stood next to a window semi naked, turned and headed back to Izzy’s bedroom to put some clothes on. The bedroom smelt strongly of the previous night’s passion, it wasn’t a particularly nice smell. He pulled the duvet back to reveal the combined stain of their mutual pleasure. In the harsh light of a new day, it didn’t look that pleasant.

Alec reached into the bag that was doubling as his clothes drawer and pulled out a clean T-shirt. A cautious sniff under the armpit emphasised that he needed to follow Izzy into the shower. He stripped off his boxers again and stepped into the cubicle. He found it remarkably claustrophobic after many years of open communal showers, repeatedly banging his elbows against the sides as he tried to expose all parts of his body to the weak jet of water. He used the same towel she had, as it was still dry enough. Satisfied, he stepped back into his boxers and slipped on his trousers.

Barefoot, he stripped the bed, stuffing the sheets and duvet cover into the washing machine. A quick hunt through nearby cupboards and he found the washing powder. Pouring the powder into the clearly marked tray, it was easy enough to follow the icons on the front to set the machine in motion.

Alec was itching to do something, but unsure of what. He felt at a loss without the strict regime of prison life. For the last fifteen years he had dreamed of doing what he wanted, when he wanted, and now that the moment had arrived; he struggled to think of what he could do. He knew moping inside was not the answer. Putting on his shoes, he grabbed the pile of job vacancies, his new phone and left the flat, double checking the door was locked before slipping the key into the internal pocket of his jacket.

Avoiding the lift, he jogged down the stairs, his long legs enabling him to skip two steps with every stride. It didn’t take long to negotiate the four floors to ground level in a speed he reckoned was actually faster than the lift. The three young thugs from yesterday were hanging about the carpark, swigging from a shared bottle of cider and haranguing passers-by. Alec could hear their nasally irritating voices clear across the car park. They appeared to be getting a fair degree of amusement from calling every male that walked past a ‘peado’ and every woman that walked past, a ‘slut’. “Go on, show us your tits!” One called out to a young girl that walked past. Heedful of Izzy’s command to stay out of trouble, he gave them a wide berth.

Trying to save some pennies, he refrained from taking the bus and walked into the centre of town, keen to explore some of the shops that had whizzed past the bus the previous day. So much had changed during his time inside. It wasn’t just clothing styles and hairstyles, it was almost everything. Cars, busses, even lorries all looked different, sleeker, faster. Goods in windows were more compact. TVs were bigger, thinner and a lot cheaper in price than he remembered. He paused in front of computer game shop to watch a rolling demo on a screen. The graphics were almost lifelike. A big change from the blocky eight bits he remembered. Entire markets had disappeared. It used to be that you were never far away from a VHS rental shop. Now there was no sign of them, but plenty of shops selling ‘vaping’ paraphernalia. And everyone appeared to speaking on a mobile phone, or doing something to one that involved their thumbs moving at a blur on the screen.

Alec slowly walked along the pavement, taking it all in.

By the time he walked into the centre of town, the job centre was open. He waited in the queue and when his time to be served arrived, asked for use of the free phone. He was led to a booth with a phone under a large sign stating that premium numbers were automatically blocked as were international numbers, and that all calls were monitored. He sat himself on the seat, pulled out his pile of vacancies and started to ring every number in the pile.

Alec stepped out into the sunshine. Several hours had passed and the mid-day sun shone down from a clear sky. His voice was raspy from the unfamiliar use, and his previous good mood crushed into oblivion. Not one single accountancy firm was interested in hiring an ex-con. As soon as they found out, they either politely terminated the call or just simply hung up. And that was with them not even knowing what his crime was.

Accountancy was all he had ever done; it was all he had ever known. He looked up into the sky.
“Fuck.” He went for a wander. Alec fancied a coffee, but the price the high street shops were charging for them, quickly dissuaded him of the notion. He walked around the shops for another hour, as he mulled over his situation. He might be able to find accountancy work further afield, but then he would need to find accommodation. But that would take him away from Izzy, and he didn’t want to leave her, now that old passions had been rekindled. Alec found himself heading back to the job centre. Inside, he headed for one of the job search kiosks as the restless queue of awaiting claimants stared at him for various reasons, the overall one being boredom. He stabbed at the touchscreen, flicking through the list of job options, for something, anything, that looked remotely appealing. The money per hour for most of the things he could do on the list was unappealing to say the least.

One of the members of staff that was floating about, come over “Can I help you?”

“Not really to be honest, I’m just looking for a job that I can do and want to do.”

“Maybe you need to lower your expectations and choose a job that you can do. It’s easier to get a job if you are already in one. And it would provide an income as well.” His manner was starting to irritate Alec.

“True, but it’s hardly helpful if I hate the job so much that I end up battering someone is it?” It came out harsher than he intended, his frustration rising to the surface. The man paled and backed away from him. Alec cleared the screen and left the kiosk, walking past the still stationary queue on the way to the exit.

One of those in the queue spoke as he walked past. “You could get a job at my place, if you are looking?”

Alec stopped and walked back to the speaker. “Hmm?”

A rake thin woman of indeterminate age stopped chewing the big wad of gum in her mouth and repeated herself. “I said, there’s a job going at my place.” she had an unhealthy pallor which combined with her gauntness, implied either heavy addiction or a serious underlying medical condition.

“What’s the job?”

She pointedly looked him up and down “We are always looking for security on the door and inside. Here,” She handed him a business card “tell them Kerry sent you.” He pocketed the card.

“Okay, thanks Kerry, I will keep it in mind” Her ill pallor was starting to freak him out a little and he quickly made his escape. Safely Outside, he pulled the card out: ‘Private Eyes; gentleman’s club’. There was a number and an address. “Pfft.” He slipped the card back into his pocket.

With very little in the way of money, there wasn’t much reason to stay in town and he walked home, stopping off at a little corner shop to buy some ingredients for a simple fruit sponge. The three little shits were still hanging around the carpark, abusing people. Alec noticed that the plastic cider bottle had been replaced with a glass Buckfast one. He avoided the lift again, mainly because he enjoyed the workout the steps gave his calves.

Inside the flat, he switched on the oven and set too preparing the mix for the sponge. It was relaxing, the process of preparing the evening meal and the sudden loud noise from his phone made him jump. It was a text from Izzy saying that was her on her way home. He typed ‘Ok’ and sent it in reply.

Alec was sat at the table, twiddling his thumbs when he heard the key slide into the lock. He stood and made his way to the door. Izzy dumped her gear onto the floor and all but jumped into his arms. Their lips met in a frenzied mash as tongues and hands roamed. Izzy broke the kiss. “I’ve been so god-damn horny all day, that I was going to drag your arse into the bedroom and rape you. And then I walked in and smelt whatever it is you’ve been cooking and now my stomach is at war with my pussy.”

“Ooh, nightmare.”

“You’ve no idea...” She lamented.

“Go wash up and I’ll dish up.”

“Yes dad.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“Out! Go! Shoo!” He waved her away with his hands.

Laughing and with an-obvious bounce in her step, she headed towards the bathroom, frantically divesting herself of clothes as she went. The pipes in the kitchen banged as the shower was turned on. Alec smiled as he removed the plates from the top oven, where they had been warming, dishing out a generous portion of food onto both. He placed both plates onto the table. “Tea’s out!” He called through.

The shower shut off and moments later, Izzy appeared, barefoot and dressed in the same sundress from the previous night, droplets of water clinging to her skin.

“Did you even bother to dry yourself? Or did you just dress in the shower without turning it off first?”

“I’m too hungry,” Izzy giggled and shovelled a fork full of food into her mouth.”Mmm, fukin’ delish...”

Again, her sundress had the top buttons undone, putting most of her cleavage on display, and when she bent over to shovel a forkful of food into her mouth, Alec could see right down the top. Far enough to see that she hadn’t bothered with a bra. He felt himself start to harden, so he reluctantly tore his gaze way from the beautiful sight.

She was finished well before he was and left the table to put her plate in the sink, the still damp material of the sundress sticking sexually to her hips and breasts. “Can I smell a pudding?”

Alec sighed. “In the top oven, keeping warm...” Izzy pulled down the door and peered inside.

“Ooooo.” She slid her small hands into the oven gloves nearby and pulled out the cake tin, wasting no time in slicing up the fruit sponge. She deposited two large slices onto plates and dumped the plates onto the table. She didn’t bother with cutlery and lifted the entire slice between thumb and forefinger and shoved the thin end of the wedge into her mouth. Watching her, Alec just shook his head at her antics.

“What? This is really good.” Crumbs fell from her lips, dropping on and into her cleavage. “Oops!” Another giggle. She fished out a large crumb from between her breasts. Alec finished his main meal, placing fork and knife together on his plate. “This is lovely and moist, not dry at all.” she sucked the crumbs from thumb and forefinger. “A bit like my pussy at the moment...”

Alec growled as Izzy sprung from her chair, Alec following quickly as she giggled her way into the bedroom. Izzy greeted his arrival with an embrace and tongue twisting kiss. “Strip, now,” She commanded, even as she started to undress him herself. She pushed him hard on the chest and he allowed himself to fall back onto the bed, trousers and boxers around his ankles. Izzy quickly removed those and then, reaching up under her sundress, removed her own panties. She climbed onto her bed, straddled his hips and guided the tip of his fully erect cock to the entrance of her pussy. She let out a slow, satisfied moan as she slowly lowered herself down upon him.

“I’ve been looking forward to this moment all day.” she admitted, as she took him fully inside. Alec expected her to start working him straight away, but she seemed to be content just to pause for a moment, to savour the fullness of him inside. He reached up to squeeze her breasts and pinch her nipples through the sundress. Her hands came up and she covered his hands with hers, pulling his hands tight against her breasts. A little moan of pleasure escaped her lips.

Her eyes were closed as she luxuriated in every sensation. Slowly, she opened them, looked down upon his face. Her hands dropped from his, as she crossed her arms. Taking hold of the hem of the sundress, she slowly lifted, a teasing reveal. She was deliberately teasing him. Even when the dress cleared her firm breasts, she kept the same slow, leisurely pace until her head was clear of the thin fabric.

She shook her head, flicking her pony tail back over her shoulder. Teasingly, she ran her hands over her breasts, tweaking her nipples. Alec reached up and pulled her hands away, held them at her sides. His cock shivered inside her.

“Like what you see, dad?” The corners of her mouth twitched.

“You know I do.” And he did. She had a frame that could model lingerie and a face to match. His eyes roamed over her body. From her slender neck, over her firm breasts towards a flat stomach that hinted at muscle underneath. Muscles that were currently squeezing his very hard cock. “Will you stop that!”

“Stop what?”

“You know what.”

Izzy stopped squeezing his cock with her pelvic floor. Slowly she lifted herself up on her knees and equally slowly, lowered herself again, before repeating the motion “Is that better?”

“You know fine well that’s worse!”

They shared a comfortable laugh, even as Izzy kept gently rising and falling, pivoting on her knees. She rested her palms on his chest, running her finger tips along the ridges of muscle.

“Stop that as well! It tickles!”

She placed a finger across his lips “Shhh.” Izzy rippled her stomach. Alec found it fascinating to watch, a Mexican wave of sensuality that flowed towards and around his flesh inside her. He closed his eyes, tried to think of something less arousing as he felt himself get ever closer to orgasm. He thought of the screams at night as scores were settled, or when a vulnerable inmate was released back into General Population. Easy prey for the lifers. Lifers who would never experience the touch of a woman again and were forced to make do with the next best thing.

Memory couldn’t match the experience of reality and his slow steady climb towards orgasm was relentless. The soft whimpers emanating from above weren’t helping matters either. He tried. He really did. Squeezing his hands into tight fists. Izzy was no longer slowly, seductively, manipulating him. She was grinding her pelvis hard into his, chasing down her own pleasure. Her hands were back on his chest, leaning her body weight onto her arms. She was giggling. The giggles got louder, the force of her thrusts got stronger. Lizzy suddenly laughed out loud and slowed the urgency of her thrusts as Alec felt warm fluid slip out of her onto him. A remarkably unsexy slapping, emanating from the point of their union.

He reached round with both hands and dug fingertips into her buttocks, lifting her up slightly. With a bit more space between them, he took over, thrusting up with his hips, driving hard into her, desperate now for his own release. It wasn’t long in coming. He throbbed once, twice, three, then four times, spurting his seed into her. Then it was his turn now to slow down. He released his tight grip on her cheeks and she collapsed forwards on to his chest. The room echoing with their panting. He wrapped his arms around her tightly as she placed the side of her head against his chest and listened to his racing heartbeat.

Neither said anything for a while. Eventually Izzy broke the comfortable silence. “That was ... all-right...” Alec laughed and she joined in. Soft and deflated, the motion of their mutual laughter was enough for him to slip from her. Izzy rolled over and retrieved some tissues from the box at the side of the bed and wiped between her legs.

“Can I get some?” Izzy passed him the box and he took a handful, cleaning up the mess smeared over his stomach and covering his limp cock. They threw their soiled tissues towards the bin. Hers went in, his didn’t. He kissed her, she kissed back. Izzy draped a leg and arm across him possessively as she flopped her head onto the pillow. She sniffed, paused, took another sniff at the pillow.

“Have you washed the sheets?” She lifted her head onto her raised hand, elbow braced against the bed, so she could look down at him.

“Might have done...” He replied as innocently as he could manage.

“You’re an adequate cook, do the laundry and deliver satisfactory orgasms ... Do you have ANY bad habits that I should know about?

“Ohhhh, let me think. I have a nasty habit of fucking my own daughter, does that count?”

“Hmmmm, I think I can live with that.”


They laughed, lapsing back into a comfortable silence.

“Any luck on the job front?”

He sighed. “No. A criminal past is a bit of a downer on the job front. Though I did get head hunted, of a sort!”

“Really? Pray do tell.”

“I’ve got it somewhere...” He disentangled himself from her hold and stepped from the bed searching the pockets off his clothes abandoned on the floor. “Ahhh, here it is.” He handed Izzy the card.”

“Private Eyes? That’s a pole dancing club! I didn’t have you down as the pole dancing type...”

“I’m not dancing, idiot, its providing secur...” He saw the smile. “Ha-ha, very funny.” He hit her over the head with a pillow.

“Oh fuck! I completely forgot...” Alec watched, concerned, as the blood ran from her face. “Shit, shit, shit...” Izzy brought her knees up to her chest and lay on her side in the foetal position, arms hugging her knees to her chest.

Alec placed a hand on her head, really worried now. “What’s up my love?” Silence. “Please tell me Amy.”

She eventually sighed and uncoiled. “It’s Izzy now dad, remember. Bollocks. I need a coffee.” She retrieved her pants and sundress, donning both before heading to the kitchen. He listened to her rattle crockery, fill and turn on the kettle, and made the decision to follow. He quickly slipped on trousers, T-shirt and padded barefoot into the kitchen. There were two mugs waiting the attention of the kettle, so he sat down and pulled over his untouched pudding.

“Don’t eat all of that.”

“You are stood next to the remaining three quarters...” He pointed out.

Izzy looked down. “Oh. Fair point.” She cut herself a large slice as the kettle boiled and clicked off. She filled both mugs and handed one to him before taking hold of the other mug, the cake slice, and sitting herself down opposite him. “Oh where do I start...” She stuffed the cake slice into her mouth and took a large bite.

“The beginning is good.”

She glowered at him and spoke around a mouthful of desert “Ha-ha, very funny.” He left her alone to chew, swallow and take a sip of coffee.

There was another dramatically large sigh and she set the coffee mug down. “When you ... went away ... Mum became ... distant. It was obvious to me, even then, that she blamed me more than she blamed you.” Her eyes went distant as she relived the past. Alec reached out and took hold of the hand that had been wrapped around the coffee cup. “Social Services and the Police obviously said the opposite. That it was all your fault, that none of it was mine. I was put into the temporary care of a foster family during the court case. Afterwards ... I was still with them; mum wanted nothing more to do with me. They changed my name, my school. ‘A fresh start’ they said. But it wasn’t. There was a big hole in me, I felt ... incomplete.” She looked up at him, met his gaze and flushed bright red. “I tried to fill the void within me with a few boys, but it just ... wasn’t the same. It didn’t feel right.” She took a large swallow of coffee. “So I tried to fill the void with schoolwork. It took part of my mind off things, but still that void lingered. I pin-balled between school counsellors and therapists, but,” She shrugged. “It was like I had an itch deep down inside that tormented me and that I couldn’t scratch. I became distant. Introverted. Which led to more counselling. Looking back now, I think it just made things worse. The counselling, that is. Anyways. I got grades good enough to get into Uni, and there I met, by pure chance, with someone I just, I don’t know, clicked with straight away. We became good friends, close friends, and then,” The bright red blush was back, she met his gaze for a flicker before looking sharply away. “we become lovers. She scratched the itch better than anyone since you.” She sighed, a tear forming in the corner of her eye. She wiped it away with the back of her hand and took a bite of cake and another sip of coffee.

“Anyway, I slowly opened up to her. I told her everything. Even the things I had kept from the Social Services and the Therapists. She didn’t judge me, just held me tight when I needed holding. She helped soothe the feeling of loss within me. It never went away, just became more ... manageable. She tried hard to make me, I don’t know, normal again? Does such a state even exist? Anyway, one of her crazy ideas was for us to join a pole-dancing course. Nothing seedy or anything” She quickly clarified “No revealing costumes or shit like that. Just a group of girls, well women really, some of them were in the forties! Having a laugh whilst wearing the unsexist and least flattering track suits and gym wear you have ever seen. It was really hard work if you were prepared to put the effort in. It uses all the core muscles, is very good at strengthening your pelvic floor, building confidence and ... Ummm, anyway, I digress. Where was I?” She paused to collect her thoughts. The silence stretched on.

“What happened between you?” Alec gently asked.

“Hmm? Nothing really. We both graduated and slowly drifted apart. In all honesty, neither of us was particularly ... gay ... And deep down we both knew it. We just clicked and happened to be the right thing for each other at the right time. She knew there was a deep hole inside me that she could never fill, but she did her best, and I will always love her for that. She found a man she deeply loved, moved in with him and had three beautiful kids together. Which I suppose, was rather fortuitous, as this is her flat.”

“Ahh. So why the white face?”

Izzy drained the last of her coffee. “I kind of resolved myself, to, well, never seeing you again. I relapsed, I suppose. Threw myself into work. Don’t get me wrong, plenty of men tried, and keep trying, to take things further with me, but, there was no spark.” Another shrug. “You set the bar high and I was happy enough not to lower it. Sort of. So, anyway, there I was working away through life quietly, when someone in some government department somewhere, decided that they should inform me, by letter no-less, that you were being released and supplied the date and location of the prison. Up until that moment, no one had ever told me where you were. ‘For my own good’ I am sooo fucking fed up of hearing that phrase. I had, many times, begged to send letters to you. Each time, I was patiently, gently, refused.”

“‘For your own good’.”

“Yes. Now when someone tells me that, I just punch them. It’s much more satisfying.”

“Good to know, you know, for future reference.”

She smiled back at him.

“So I told Emily about it. Did I tell you her name earlier? No? Anyway. Told her I wanted to see you.”

“What did she say?”

“‘Bad, bad, idea’, was basically her stance. I cried my eyes out so badly that she got straight in her car, drove damn near two hundred miles and snogged my face off,” She laughed, “Well, she snogged my face off after telling me that she had forgotten what a shit-hole this place was. So she, umm,” her face went beetroot red again “Ended up staying the night. And left the next morning, after making me promise, that under no circumstances, would I go to the prison.”

“Ah. And I take it that you still haven’t told her.”

“No, I err, kinda forgot. My head is, “She lowered her head to stare at her hands for a moment, “all over the place at the moment. She knows how I feel about you, said she would come round and help me through it. No matter how long it took.”

“Wow! That is a proper one in a million friend right there.”

“I know. Which is why I don’t know what I am going to do, or say to her.” Izzy started to cry, deep wracking sobs. “I promised her. I promised her that I wouldn’t.”

Alec stood and went quickly to her side, enveloping her in a hug. She sobbed into his chest. He waited till she calmed down and gently led her to the couch where they sat together and she cuddled up to him like she had done when she was younger. “What am I going to do?”

Same as Alec
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Daddy cums home after work

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,For most of my life my dad would work late into the evening either at a second job or just stay late at his primary job to finish up a project. It was his routine and mom and I never questioned it because he always brought home extra money for us. After work he would always come home and shower then have something to eat while sitting on the computer. When I was about ten my mom decided I was big enough to fend for myself at home in...

2 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 4

"0999 bring 0101 on board after preliminary scans of her life capsule, I want to make sure she is unaffected," Derrick said. "Of course Primary starting scans now, the capsule is intact, though I am detecting damage to the electrochemical cells, it appears that unit 0101 is dangerously close to cascade failure. I suggest immediate transport to the hanger to effect repair and re-growth," 0999 stated. "Proceed 0999, double check all scans I want nothing to destroy what little of the...

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Here is our story Part One

Here we go again I think, why does he do this to me all the time just when I think all is well he gets back in touch with me again and we end up have cyber-sex, with “him” wanting to meet again. Him being Charlie we had a fling a few years ago with loads of sex when we could get a chance, but I must say I did enjoy it with him and C had done things to me that I had never done or tried before.Any way getting back to this we have been chatting online and via FB for ages and had decided to meet...

1 year ago
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Assassin No MoreChapter 2 An Ocean Voyage

It was the first day of our voyage when I found out that traveling the oceans was not exactly safe. The sailors always carried wicked curved swords in their waist sashes. I thought it was because of me, but as we began moving they immediately started ignoring me. No matter what they were doing, some of their attention was always on the sea around us. I learned the reason shortly after we reached deep water. I was by the side rail watching the sea when a large fish broke the surface. I did...

1 year ago
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The Chick Magnet 2

The Chick Magnet By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Chapter 2 Dr. Mullen opened the back door of Bret's car, and Peyton, already disgusted beyond belief, got even more annoyed seeing the little booster chair. "I thought it would be safer for you, honey," said Dr. Mullen, buckling him in as he was already ready to kill his brother. "I know your dad says you hate them, but I took this from my car from when my nieces come for their visit." Peyton sat with his arms folded until...

3 years ago
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The Initiation of Sherry

customers pawing at you all night every night?" "I got pawed at my last job, so there won't be a problem here. I really need the money. So do I have the job?" "I called your former employer and she spoke highly of you. She was sorry to see you go. I checked over your references and based on the interview we had last week I think you will fit in nicely." "You have the job but only IF and I do mean IF you survive the training I have set up for tonight. Be here at 8pm...

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Fucking My Cousin At Sister8217s Marraige

Hello, everyone this is Vicky raj from Chennai,I am 22 years old with a muscular body cause I hit gym regularly and with 6 inches of cock ready to fuck any pussies.And this is my 1st experience with my cousin who is same age of mine and let’s call her as Deepti. I have been a great fan of ISS almost reading stories from 2007.And I love incest category very much.And this my 1st story posting in ISS so kindly forgive my mistakes. So without wasting much time let’s get into the story.To say about...

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A Pussy to Avoid at All Costs

Speaking of costs, nothing is truly free in this world, but this day I was willing to pay 20 bucks to get a little pussy in the cab of my pick-up truck. I had cruised this street in SW Washington, DC many times. There were always new girls, mostly black, mostly young and the cops didn't patrol it much.This girl, I'll call her Latoya, was strolling 12th Street running her game in a short black skirt. Nice boobs and even though she was too thick to be a model, she had a beautiful ass, round...

3 years ago
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My friends ex wife

I used to work with a guy...I'll call him Don, who was married to this kinda dumb but, you know, cute girl. She had the curly dirty blonde hair, nice figure, and she was always really friendly to me whenever we happened to see each other. I remember being at Don's house the night that Kurt Gibson hit the homer to beat Oakland in the first game of the world series. Everyone went nuts when he hit it and Betty, well she finally says "They're gonna have to stop cheering eventually because Sax...

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KinkySpa Kay Lovely Shows her boss she has what it takes to work

Kay has been wanted a shot at a masseuse position and today, Amber called out sick and she has two appointments that need someone’s attention. There’s only one catch she has to prove to her boss Ramon that she can handle the workload at KinkySpa. Kay starts out a little timid but once her boss gives her that little push she needed, Kay hits the ground running. She grabs Ramon’s fat cock swallowing every inch of it before giving him the ride of his life letting him finish off blowing his load...

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over the teachers desk

as we said goodnight there was definate tension in the air between us my heart racing as i got on the bus and it was obvious how both of us felt. it certainly gave me something to think about when i got home and he was on my mind the whole time as i lay on my bed bringing myself to a juddering orgasm.the next few times we saw eachother we both new what we wanted eventually he said "do you want to pop by my office on friday to discuss your essay i agreed.knocking and pushing the door open in one...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 17

Benjamin got his fifty cents worth of loving from the family, and stayed with me when the rest were driven back to Reagan National, and our jet. I needed to have a touch of home, and since it made no sense to risk embarrassing Charles by suddenly having a very modern family unit, Benjamin was as good as it was going to get, anytime soon. We went back into the residence and I picked up the phone and reset all my appointments. There was much to do and many people to do it to – uh,...

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Juicey Lucy

It was a cold, wet Friday night in the east end of Glasgow. bugger, lost as usual, I thought to myself. I was trying to find my way to my friend’s apartment. I was going to be staying there for a couple of weeks while he was on holiday. It was really just for his piece of mind, as he doesn’t quite trust the neighbourhood! I was looking around, confused, trying to find a road sign for directions, when, suddenly, I saw a figure standing at the bus stop ahead of me. I pulled over and rolled...

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The rest of the story

This morning I was hard at work and decided to take a little break. Since I work from home my schedule is really flexible. I was checking my messages and noticed a link from a friend of mine. So I watched the video thinking I would get right back to work...wrong! The video got me so hot and horny I could not even think about getting back to work. If you missed my previous post check out "My work day is done." You can watch the video for yourself and see what you think.So the video left me with...

4 years ago
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What Just Happened

She had been single for a long time. Too long for her liking. She’d had a couple of one night stands since her last break up but nothing amazing. Laura needed something more. The lovers she had been with mostly thought about their needs and didn’t think twice about her own. Ever since she lost her virginity at sixteen Laura had always enjoyed sex; it was good fun but she was finding she was having more fun on her own.  She masturbated every night, sometimes two or three times, until she was...

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CastawayChapter 17

Asmedogh napped for most of the rest of the day, still recovering his strength from what had to have been pretty major surgery. His kind seemed to recuperate a bit faster than we, but his body still wasn't functioning at par. And it was clear, especially from the shared impressions my mind had gleaned from him, that our talk had taken a lot out of him. For my part I had a lot to think about. Part of me was already questioning the wisdom of what I'd suggested to him, and was clamoring for...

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Helen 8 Helens Politically Incorrect Gangbang

Helen was bored. She was no longer living with anyone, and having her own apartment, though exciting in its way, was a lonely venture. She had gone to a bar with her strictly platonic friend, Hayley. Her friend was something of a “goody-goody” (how HAD they become buddies?) and wanted to be home for 10pm. So Helen was not expecting a very exciting time. They were sitting in a corner of the joint when five guys came in and sat down. “D’ ya mind if we sit here?” one of them asked. Helen said,...

Group Sex
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Just before the wedding

Me and my friend have been best friends for many years. We shared everything. But After he started going out with his girlfriend seema, things were different. When they decided to get married I was the first one to know. I was close to seema as well. If they ever had trouble between them, she would always bring it up to me. But before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. I am married and my wife is amazingly good looking. I am 5'9 decent built and my wife is 5'7 36 A...

Cheating Wifes
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A chance meeting at the pub Pt 2

Chance meeting at the pub Part twoThe taxi arrived outside our house and the two girls slipped quickly out and headed for the front door. I remained and paid the driver who had obviously seen some of the antics that had taken place on his back seat. He smiled when I tipped him and commented on wishing me luck. I walked hurriedly into the house to be greeted with the girls peeling of their coats and heading for the sitting room. Dee took Shelley by the hand into the kitchen saying that they...

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CMCF How my beautiful first cousin seduced me

I've been wanting to tell this story for almost 2 decades. I've never told a soul about this in all these years & I figured this community would appreciate a real story with all the gory details. Immediately after our foray into the realms of the undoable, the reality of the situation becomes apparent to me. I crossed a line and can't take this back even if I wanted to. The complicated nature of blood relations is sobering and real. As much as I want to call in sick and just lay in bed all...

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Full Circle

Full Circle "I stared at the sight before me, my legs going weak, I dropped it back in the drawer. I took a couple of steps backward my back coming to rest on the cool wall. As the first tear leaked from the corner of my eye I sank to the floor, my bottom coming to rest on the tiled hallway floor, I pulled my knees up and my head bent my forehead coming to rest on my knees, tears flowed freely now. Why me, what had I done in life to deserve this and more importantly how was I going...

1 year ago
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Judys RevengeChapter 4

I had to piece my life back together in my head, and find space in there for this new phenomena. Nicki was wonderful about it, she completely understood that I had to exist in another world too, and helped me to get back there, walking me home, and leaving me at my front door with a brief, shy kiss. Sometimes I wanted to be with her so much it hurt, but I've always been an earthbound realist at heart, and so has she. We enjoy the moments we can steal alone together, and we try not to be too...

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Sarah Goes Dogging

A friend of mine was curious about the British practice of dogging and tried it out. Here’s her story. Probably the best time I ever had was the second time I went dogging, and the first time I got out the car. I’d been once before, and had loved seeing a queue of men by my car window, all looking in at me and all wanking….wanting me to stroke them or even suck them. It was an incredible experience and I promised I would go back again soon. I had a female friend who had done it a lot, and had...

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Dancing with Danger

by Milliemoon "So you can see my problem. I know you are usually busy on Friday nights but I just wondered..." My mom, Sandra, seemed to run out of steam and sat back heavily on the sofa as I stood and looked at her. "You want me to go with you to your company's annual dinner and dance?" I guess the astonishment sounded in my voice because she shook her head. "No, no, it's ok, I'll see if Jean can come with me." Jean was my mother's best friend, a lovely lady, but somehow not the best...

1 year ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 34

Somehow the Festival came off without a hitch and the committee members started to angle Phil to do it again the next year. “Not a fucking prayer,” Phil spat at a middle-aged woman. “You let everything go to shit and then sat on your ass and expected me to fix your fuck ups. Then you told everyone that you and the committee had worked tirelessly to make everything special. Next year you can go to hell. Don’t ask me again – and if you want to use my mother to convince me, you should know that...

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My Sister8217s Wedding Day

I’ve read a lot about sibling sex on the Internet. For the longest time, I’ve wanted to tell what happened to me. But, I was always afraid that I shared my experi- ences that most readers would think that it’s too strange. It happened only once, and we never spoke about it again, though sometimes, I get glances, with a secretive smile, from my sister at family gatherings. I had always had a special attraction toward my sister. I can’t remember a time that I...

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MommysGirl Joanna Angel Gia Derza Momly Fans

Gia Derza is in her bedroom, trying to take some sexy selfies, when her bubbly stepmom, Joanna Angel, visits. Gia’s an aspiring pornstar and Joanna is so proud of her! In fact, as she tries to find out more about Gia’s experiences so far, she can’t help but to brag about her OWN experiences within the industry as well. Since Joanna’s seen it all, she just wants to help guide Gia — even if some of her advice is a bit outdated. Gia appreciates Joanna’s...

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How He Learned His Lesson Pt2

The women laughed and whistled in a sense of triumph. Not only did they find him sexy, but having this power over a man was an empowering satisfaction . “Well! Since Amanda was so gracious as to hand him off to me, we should let her do the honors!” Sara suggested. “Amanda, it is! Here you go.” Chelsea directed as she handed Amanda the towel. Amanda rested a hand on his thigh, as she brought the drooping towel to him. Wasting no time, she wrapped her hand around him in the towel, and gently...

Group Sex
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I Knocked Up My sister In Law

In the 90's I was married to a woman named Anne. She had several issues the least of which was she was a bitch in the worst way. She had a sister named Angie and we were very close friends I was 28 at the time and Angie was 26. Where as her sister was flat chested and had flat nipples and was FAT! Not a BBW, which I love, just fat; Angie was plump, with a very nice ass and HUGE tits! She was 46G at 5'7" maybe 150 pounds. And her nipples stuck out on everything that she wore. Angie and I would...

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People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...

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Its in Our Blood

I am great grandfather, grandfather and father in one line of descendants. You have heard the song "I'm My Own Grandpa?" My theme song ought to be something about, "I'm my own worst enemy." I'm an old man now and look back on the genetic shit storm I've created and wonder why my daughters, grand daughters and great grand daughters let me live without at least castrating me. The last time I got charged with a sex crime, statutory rape I was seventy-two years old. That was three years...

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Mummy Car Me Chudi Friend Se

Hi friend mera naam rehan hai phir ek nayi story ke sath me abh college me hu mere ghr me papa mummy chota bhai or me hai ye story meri mummy ke bbaare me unka archana Hai unka figure 36 28 36 hai bhot hi sexy hai me ek modern family se hu meri mummy teacher hai or tutions bhi padhati hai vo weekly jim jaati hai papa service karte hai Ye story meri mummy or mere friend ajay ke baare me hai vo hamare ghr ke pass hi rehta hai vo bhot ladki baaj hai mene kahi baar dekha hai ki vo reeh chalti...

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Steamy Car Sex With Hot Girlfriend

Hello everyone! This is my first and may be last story It is a beautiful incident that everyone would love to happen to themselves. Let’s begin;) It is incident which took place in november 2015. Me and my friend and now my gf went to a friends birthday to a good hotel place. My name is aryan and my gf is afsha. (names changed close to our real names) We both are 23 years of age. She is one bombshell of a girl. We both stayed nearby so we decided to go to the birthday together and got ready...

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Sheer Ecstasy

Sheer Ecstasy by Ashley Shine Jack was, at this moment, happy to be at the top of his class in Calculus. Lesley needed help studying for the final and Jack was only too happy to help her out. They were friends, but Jack had ulterior motives. Lesley had the nicest legs in the school and was not shy about showing them off. She often wore skirts to school, but what set her apart from the other girls was that she usually wore pantyhose, too. For as long as Jack could remember,...

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Monster Dicks

Reddit Monster Dicks, aka r/MonsterDicks! Reddit is obviously not a foreign term if you like to invest some of your time fapping your sorrows away. These little fucks refer to themselves as the ‘front page of the internet,’ and I can assure you that’s not empty braggadocio. After all, the internet is porn, for the most part, so you can guess Reddit is a big part of it. In layman’s language, Reddit is a massive collection of forums where people can share all manner of adult content and interact...

Reddit NSFW List
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Men Are Just Testicles in PrisonChapter 6

Bill was pounding away in Alison on his cot by candlelight. They knew each other well by now, and he knew she would be orgasming soon. He gave his lusty grin before closing his eyes and fucking into his mate even more insistently. A noise close by made him freeze, and then a figure was outside his cell, flashlight beam playing over him and Alison. "What the hell?" asked Amy. "How did you get her in there with you? Who is it? Oh, Alison. Are you OK? You'll let her go, right Bill?" The...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 65 INTERLUDE STAHL

Stahl got up and Alycia said. “Are you leaving?” He smiled at her. “Not just yet, I thought now that most of the big wigs are gone and the band plays nice old Earth tunes I know, I decided to get up and ask you for a dance.” She got up just a little too fast to appear dignified and with a deep smile. “You truly are a master tactician, old man. A simple offer and all my defenses are obliterated.” They joined a few other couples already dancing, almost all of them humans knowing the old...

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As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player.   Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together.   Thinking back over the past year, she couldn’t believe all that had happened.   Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago.   Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help.   They had not had sex for about...

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Pilgrim of PassionChapter 2

She never did know how long her flight took. She slept and dreamed for long periods of time and then the stewardess was checking everybody's safety belt and announcing that they were landing at the Rome airport in just a few minutes. She was worried about getting through the foreign customs and that turned out to be a needless worry. A tall, beautiful young brunette, accompanied by a handsome young man, came up to her as soon as she got off of the plane. The girl was Rona and the man was...

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GenerationsChapter 13 Lesson Plans

“Oh my God, you didn’t!” laughed Lauren. She had pried the truth out of Heather about her date with Robby and was laughing hysterically as the teen described how she had kneed him in the balls. “I know, it was awful. I felt terrible...” “Not as terrible as he felt, I bet.” “Stop it! He was rolling around on the ground moaning and groaning while I’m trying to get dressed. It was horrible! I thought I was going to die from embarrassment!” protested Heather. “Well, next time just tell him...

4 years ago
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Mature man seeks mature woman who loves sex

Erotic fantasy plays a big part in my sex life and sharing fantasies with a like-minded lover is a pleasure that is so wonderful, so thrilling, it's almost beyond description. I'm looking for a very special woman who has the same interests. A woman who would love -- no, a woman who would adore -- to indulge in all forms of sexual fantasies about c***dren, with very, very few limits, if, indeed, any at all. Does the idea of making love, having sex, fucking, masturbating, and talking openly...

3 years ago
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Gayles CeremonyChapter 4 The preparation

Bill Bennet watched the women come into the firelight. Val and Sharon were dressed formally, but in dark dresses to set off Gayle, wrapped in white. Val handed out the names, and he checked to see that his was included and handed it back. She went through a rigmarole while he watched Gayle. Gayle wasn’t precisely nervous, but she seemed to want the prelude to be over. Gayle reached into the box and drew out a slip of paper. She unfolded it and read: “Wayne Englehart.” She handed the slip to...

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My teacher and I

We woke up in the morning around 9am.Me lying beside her, vaguely uneasy, as the output of a long and confused erotic dream. "I just sleep with my teacher, Sarah, still naked beside me, her dark hair spread over the pillow intertwined. "I took off a little blanket and watched: she slept on her stomach, a leg up. Her buttocks slightly apart, hinted thick hair and black sex. I stroked lightly the white skin of my fingers and écartais his half moons pale me seeping between his lips still moist....

3 years ago
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A Long Lust Story Part3

After the lunch is over we went back to our hotel room. It was only 2. She called her friends and I called home to talk to my sweet wife. She was worried because I was having trouble for her sister. I said her not to worry, as I am also the Jeez of Nimmi. She was happy that I am taking good care of her sister, unknowing what type of care I was taking. After the calls were made, I grabbed Nimmi from behind and said, “We still have some time, why waste it? Come let’s enjoy our time to the most.”...

1 year ago
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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 9

Note: All of the names of places in the Shan States are actual towns there located along the Salween River. The names of towns in China are actual towns located near the border with the Shan States. Tweed and I left for home after the Major finished. I locked the commo room and returned the key to the CQ. We returned to the hotel to drop off our LBE and picked up a clean set of tiger fatigues to change into in the morning. We didn’t run into, or see anyone on the way to the house, but were...

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The cool girl found in the train Fucking

Lovely greetings to the beloved Prince to all those who read and like my sex story. Friends, first of all let me tell about myself. I live in Delhi and I roam from business purpose to place in North India. My height is 5.11 and average body with fair complexion is the size of my beloved is 4-7 inches and it is 2 - 2.5 inches thick. [antarvasna, hindi sex stories] Now I come directly to my experience. This is some 3 months old, when I was going to Haldwani since the centenary in connection with...

2 years ago
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Hockey Instructor

She was happy in her marriage. Her husband was her best friend and she was still attracted to him, so she could not understand her desire to be with this younger man. He was her hockey instructor and he was cute – obviously in fantastic shape. He was cocky and had a good sense of humour which, to her surprise, added to his attraction. Initially, she was not certain if the attraction was reciprocal, but a few weeks ago he stayed behind class and offered to provide her with more instruction if...

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College tales

“Hi Jen”“Hey daddy”“How’s college, are you settling in?”“Yeah, it great fun”“Fun? You should be working not having fun”“Oh daddy”“I’m only joking, have you settled into the apartment?”“Yeah, the other girls are great, one’s in my class and the other is studying medicine”“They must be really brainy, just like you”Jen giggled “Daddy”“Can I ask you a favour, I have a meeting near where you are and I cant get a flight home till the following morning, could I borrow your sofa for the night”Jen...

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Chronicles Of Sexy Saritha 8211 Part 2

Hello All! Rudra here again. I’m so happy with all your feedback for my last story. Those who didn’t read can go and read the first part. As I said I’m here to share another incident how I and Saritha fucked our brains out in my cousin’s wedding. So coming to the story. After that incident, I used to go to her home daily and we used to fuck each other like mad dogs. The intensity kept on increasing with each session. We tried so many different positions also. It was quite fun fucking her daily....

2 years ago
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RunnerChapter 12

07:30 PM Matt I lay there gasping in pain. The burning between my legs made me afraid to look, but I finally had to. Looking down, I saw a bloody furrows on my inner thighs. Checking the wounds I realized they weren't major because they had missed the arteries that ran on the inside of the thigh. I sighed out in relief. The bullets had also missed my nuts which was another good thing. They had only ripped through my pants and the inseam of my legs. The wounds were bloody, but not life...

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13 October 2008Chapter 5

Once home, Karen, Lilly, and Susan took a sensual shower together, paying special attention to the other’s pussy. Wendy and Dan used another shower to freshen up. They gathered by the pool area where Brad, Jake, Abby, and Tiffany were swimming with Alex. “What have you five been up to?” Karen asked in a teasing manner. “Nothing Mom,” Brad replied leaning against the side of the pool and able to hide Jake’s hand caressing his cock. “You know that swimsuits are optional when the children...

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