DanicaPart 6C free porn video

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Danica came back to consciousness slowly, her vision swimming. She had no idea where she was. She started awake when she realized she couldn't move.

She glanced around and noticed she was strapped — nude, and spread eagle — onto some sort of strange angled table. It supported her down to her buttocks on a hard board and held her legs wide open on two stirrups attached to wooden supports angling down from the rest of the table.

Shackles held her hands above her head, and a belt around her tummy held her tight to the board. Another leather strap encircled her neck. She struggled slightly and found the bonds so tight that she had almost no range of movement.

The table had a rail about a hand high around it, which extended from just beyond where the table ended at her ass, to about her neck. It was spaced evenly with dozens of metal rings.

Danica looked around the room to see virtually no other furnishings. Six large cabinets were the only other things in the room. Danica could hear voices coming from somewhere behind her. The voices were so muffled she could not identify much, but she thought that at least one was male and another female.

She lay on the table for what felt like an eternity, bathed in the light of a magical globe hanging from the ceiling above her. She heard a door open, and then heard footsteps coming toward her. Camilla's face suddenly filled her vision, as the woman leaned over her.

"Oh, how fine — you're awake," Camilla said with a wicked smile. She walked around beside the table and looked down at Danica. "Zoraster said you've been a naughty little tramp, and so we get to play with you a while," she sneered, and then backhanded Danica hard.

Danica felt her cheek open when a ring the woman wore dug into her flesh. She screamed and snarled at her tormentor, who only laughed in response and slapped her again.

Three more blows fell before a voice from behind her said, "Enough. You are being so primitive. Let us be more sophisticated."

Danica gasped as she recognized the voice — it was Garthak. Her stomach knotted in fear as she realized she was at the mercy of two people who had expressed desire to cause her much pain.

He moved to the side of the table and said, "You mocked me little bitch, and now I have been given opportunity to repay you that insult." An evil grin spread across Garthak's face and he laughed. Turning to Camilla, he asked, "How shall we begin?"

Camilla purred and crossed the room toward one of the cabinets along the wall. She reached inside and produced the wand of electricity Garthak had used on Danica before. Camilla activated it as she walked back toward the table. The twisted woman touched Danica's breasts with it and shuddered as the magic coursed through Danica's body. Camilla moaned and then laughed as Danica's body twitched from the shock. She then handed the wand to Garthak.

He spoke words of command to the wand, and then brought it to Danica's right breast. Danica screamed as her body pulled taut, the jolt shooting through her breast and her body. She screamed again, when it touched her other breast.

"I should imagine it is quite uncomfortable to have all your muscles contract when you are unable to move," Garthak taunted with a smile and a wicked laugh. He then bent over and kissed each of Danica's nipples.

He raised the wand over her breasts once more, holding it very close without touching her. She could feel the tingle of the wand's power running through her and her muscles contracted slightly, causing her breasts to jiggle. He passed the wand back and forth over her breasts several times, enjoying the show of her breasts quivering and Danica biting her lip against the uncomfortable sensation.

He pulled the wand down her body, still holding it at just the right distance to keep the uncomfortable tingling running through her. He reached her mound, moving the wand in slow circles over her. His smile widened as her nether lips twitched from the stimulation of her muscles.

He brought the wand down suddenly, and Danica screamed again as the full force of the wand surged through her. She felt her bladder contract and a short, hard spurt of urine sprayed out from between her lips.

Another jolt caused her to scream again and spray her golden stream. Camilla moaned and gestured for the wand. Garthak handed it to her.

Camilla brought the wand down to Danica's mound, and again she gasped, her throat too constricted to let more escape it. Almost immediately, Camilla brought the wand lower in a quick movement and touched it to Danica's damp, dripping lips.

Danica's erupted in a choked scream as her muscles tightened up even harder. Another jolt tore through her sensitive flesh a moment later. She trickled with every touch. The next time the wand touched her, it was on her hood and her clit. Danica screamed and banged her head hard on the board beneath her as the jolt tried to knot her whole body up into a tight ball.

The woman put the wand back on Danica's mound and held it there. Danica's bladder contracted tight and emptied in a gush.

Garthak grabbed Camilla's hand and pulled the wand away. "You'll stop her heart, foolish woman," he said as he took the wand from her. He turned to Danica and said, "You seem to wear very little jewelry. A beautiful woman should have adornment." He gave her another twisted smile and made his way to a cabinet.

He returned bearing a small wooden box. This he handed to Camilla. She held it and Garthak walked over to the side of the table on Danica's left. Camilla held up the box and Garthak opened it. He pulled a shining ring from the box. It was a simple rounded band, with a hinged clasp where the edges of the band joined. He popped open the latch as Danica watched, laying the ring down in a small tray on the side of the torture table.

He then pulled a large needle from the box and turned back toward Danica. Danica's eyes widened and her stomach knotted in fear as he leaned over her and put the sharp tip of the needle against the base of her nipple.

Danica half screamed and half sobbed as he slowly pushed the needle completely through her nipple. He held it there for a moment, and then withdrew it. He picked up the ring from the tray and roughly slipped it through the newly pierced nipple. He then locked the clasp and stood back up.

Danica gasped for air, wincing as she felt cold burning into her chest from the amulet, followed by cold spreading down to her breast as it healed the wound around the ring. Garthak walked to the other side of the table, repeating the process to pierce Danica's other nipple as well.

Danica whispered, "Oh gods — no," as Garthak and Camilla moved to the foot of the table. Out came another ring and the needle.

Danica screamed again as the needle pierced her hood. Another ring, another stab of the needle, and Garthak pierced Danica's right nether lip. He then pierced her other lip as well. Danica blacked out from the pain when the needle touched her the last time.

Danica roused just in time to see Garthak clamping something onto the last ring through her labia. The amulet had healed her wounds, and she felt no pain as he worked.

Danica's nipples each had a clamp and a chain attached to them, the chains hanging down next to her body. Another chain also dangled between her breasts, hanging like a suspension bridge between them. She could see a much larger link in the dead center of the chain spanning between her nipples.

Chains likewise adorned the rings pierced through her labia. Garthak moved back to the side of the table, letting the chain attached to her right breast slide between his fingers until he reached the end of it. Attached to the other end of the chain was another clamp, and the chain ran through what looked like a clockwork gear.

Garthak pulled the chain, and Danica winced as it pulled her nipple with strong pressure. He attached the clamp to one of the eyelets on the rail, and then repeated the process with her other breast. The chain between them now stretched straight between her breasts.

He moved to the foot of the table and repeated the process with the rings through her lips. Danica whimpered in pain as he pulled the chains up and attached them. Finally, he picked up the chain connected to her hood and clamped it to the one running between her breasts.

Danica bit down hard and tried to steel her will against the pain. The chains gaped her wide open, and pulled her breasts taut.

Garthak stood up straight, admiring the web of chains adorning Danica's body. He then smiled wickedly at Danica, and to Camilla. He spoke a word of command, and Danica let out a high-pitched wail of agony as each of the clockwork gears clicked once, pulling the chains tighter. He spoke the word again before Danica's scream faded, causing her to break out into a fit of choked coughing as the gears clicked again.

Danica's eyes watered so badly tat she could barely see her torturers, her vision clouded with pain and tears. She blinked to clear them, almost leaving her eyes closed.

Garthak pulled something else from the box. It looked similar to a silver bobby pin with a crossbar at the tips. He looked at Camilla, and she leaned down to swirl her tongue over Danica's exposed clit.

Despite her pain, the direct stimulation caused Danica's clit to harden and become erect. Camilla raised her head, and immediately Garthak's hands moved to where the sick woman's mouth had been a moment earlier. Danica growled as he slipped the pin over her clit and turned a wheel to tighten it on her bud with strong pressure.

Danica's breath exploded from her in pained gasps. She closed her eyes because she could not keep them open against the pain. Garthak was removing something from a pocket when Danica blinked her eyes clear of tears and opened them again. It was a very thin piece of wood, about as long as his forearm.

Garthak knelt in front of Danica, rubbing the thin strip of wood against her widespread lips. He then held it tightly at the bottom, pulled back on the top, and let it smack against Danica's nether lips.

Danica screamed from the horrible pain, her eyes closing again, not to open for a long time. Repeatedly, the wood smacked against her folds. Garthak then turned his attentions to Danica's fully exposed clit, held throbbing between the prongs of the clip.

Danica lapsed into a near unconscious state of pain and anguish. Time seemed to stop as the two pressed torture after torture upon her body and mind. She passed out at times, but always awakened in the same situation. Sometimes her tormenters left her for hours, but always they returned. She knew that once they had shared a bullwhip, bringing huge welts to her flesh, breaking the skin and drawing blood. The electric wand had returned, and Camilla had violated Danica's ass with a massive phallus crafted from Danica's enchantment notes. The pair forced her to watch as Garthak deflowered the clone Danielle while Camilla lapped her. As horrific as that experience was, Garthak ordered Danielle to slip between Danica's legs and lick her as well.

Danica eventually reached a point where the pain and images jumbled into an indecipherable mass in her mind, as what must have been days passed.

Danica regained consciousness. For quite some time, her mind remained shut away. Her consciousness hid deep where it had retreated from the pair's horrific tortures. Slowly she realized it was not the hard wood of the torture table beneath her, but the softness of a mattress.

Her mind cautiously crept back toward reality. She was indeed on a bed — her own bed. She was back in her room. For long minutes, she lay still, afraid to move, and then slowly sat up as she regained her senses.

It was then she noticed Celes asleep in a chair next to the bed. Danica pulled the covers off and realized she was dressed in a sleeping shift. She swung her legs slowly off the edge of the bed, and Celes awakened with a slight start.

"Danica, you're awake. Are you all right?" Celes asked and stood up, offering her a hand.

Danica shook her head. "I do not know if I'll ever be alright again."

"Ye were brought here yesterday mornin'. Ye were unconscious, but unmarked other than the rings ye've got stuck through ye. I dressed ye, for ye was naked as the day ye were born, and put ye to bed. Ye screamed horribly and thrashed in yer sleep for the whole day. I could na' wake ye, though yer eyes were open at times. Ye weren't there though. What happened?"

Danica brought her hand to her mouth and choked back a sob as the jumbled images of torture returned to her. She shook her head violently, refusing to think about it, let alone speak of it.

"It's alright dearie, keep it locked away," Celes said and moved to hug her. Danica felt dirty, and she headed for the tub when they broke from the hug. Celes stepped ahead of her to draw the bath for the exhausted redhead.

Danica pulled off her shift and saw the rings piercing her flesh. She flushed in anger, and unhooked the clasp of the one in her right nipple. She tried to pull it out, but gasped in pain. The healing magic of the amulet had sealed the ring in her flesh as if it were a part of her.

"Wait dearie. If'n ye're wantin' 'em out, lemme get somethin'," Celes suggested. "Go ahead an' get yerself in the tub. I'll have ta get back ta me chambers an' fetch it."

Danica nodded, and Celes left. Danica slid into the tub and soaked, letting the steaming water caress her and take her mind into a dreamlike state. She started when Celes returned, finished washing, and then stood up to get up out of the tub.

"Just stay in there dearie. Ye'll have to wash this off, it smells horribly," Celes said, pulling out a small jar from her pocket.

Danica nodded and leaned over the edge of the tub when Celes instructed her to do so. Celes slathered a generous amount of the strong smelling unguent over Danica's nipples, and then waited a moment or two before pulling on the first ring.

Danica's nipples were completely numb, and felt cold. Celes slid first one ring, then the other free from the redhead's breasts. She then instructed Danica to wash off the unguent.

Danica didn't need much encouragement to do so, as it did smell just as badly as Celes had warned. Celes then told her to sit up on the chair above the tub. Celes slathered the stuff over the three rings piercing Danica's sex. She then removed the two rings piercing Danica's labia.

Danica watched Celes work, and found she actually liked the way the ring piercing her hood looked. She flipped it with her finger as Celes put down the second ring from her lips.

Celes reached for the hood ring and Danica said, "Wait," flipping the ring again with her finger.

"Ye want to keep that one?" Celes asked. "It is pretty, though 'twould look better if'n it had a stone. Ye want to keep it?"

Danica thought for a moment. It was indeed pretty, and it would serve as a reminder to her — a reminder of the revenge she owed Zoraster and the pair who had tortured her. "Yes, I think I'll keep it," she answered.

"Well, lemme loosen it up in yer skin then. That way ye can remove it if'n ye wish sometime," Celes said and tugged the ring. She rotated it back and forth a few times to ensure it was loose from where it had fused to the skin, and then told Danica to wash.

Danica stood up and dressed, Celes telling a story of a man she had encountered on a task while Danica was away. The man was once a powerful wizard, though his mind had slipped away from age of late. The people of the city loved the old man, because he used his magic for much good, and had done so for as long as most of them could remember.

The old man still used his magic to aid the local people when he was coherent, but more often used his Art to play harmless and amusing little pranks. He made the sound of gas expelling pop into being when people sat down, caused flowers he wore to squirt water, scared the stray dogs in the area with images of huge cats chasing them, and other little tricks.

Danica laughed and the mood lightened as Celes told her the story of the man's antics. He also spent a great deal of time flirting with every woman in the town. He was lighthearted, funny, and even Celes admitted that she had warmed up to the old man. She had found reasons to spend a lot of time with him when she could.

Celes then told Danica that some things had arrived for her. Danica brightened and followed Celes to her lab to examine everything. The woodworking tools were in three plain wooden cases. Danica had asked for every type of tool the man had ever made, in three different sizes. The rack for the kiln was there, and Danica was pleased to find it connected perfectly. The wood she had requested was in neatly wrapped cords, the smaller pieces wrapped in cloth.

Celes told Danica she would leave her to her work, because she could see Danica's fingers ached to craft. She left and went to her own chambers. Danica selected a piece of wood about eight inches long, about three inches wide, and about the same thickness. She fastened it to the table with one of the clamps from her new tools.

Danica then experimented with the adze, quickly finding a feel for the tool and shaving the block down into a roughly cylindrical shape. Danica fell into her work completely.

It was mid afternoon two days later when Danica finally sat back with a sigh of weariness to examine what she had made. After a few false starts, and tossing aside several half-done pieces, she managed to combine what she knew with what she discovered as she worked with the tools. She cast the proper spells during her work on the latest piece, because she could feel almost immediately that this attempt was going to succeed.

She had shaped a gorgeous and realistic cock, about six inches long and an inch or so around, curving upward and slightly to the right. It had veins just like the real thing, Danica having taken great pains to work the wood with the tiniest tools and draw out a lot of detail. She had sanded it with fine grain to perfect smoothness. The wood she had purchased proved well selected, and the surface of the toy was as smooth as glass.

The wooden cock was hollow on the butt end and throughout the shaft, right up to the tip. At the end of the shaft, it swelled out larger and was somewhat cupped, the upper part reaching farther than the lower. On the inside, there was a ridge just past the cup, broken in two places by small slots. At the top of the cup, there was a raised knob that had a small tapered slot in it. On the outside, small holes perforated two more ridges about a quarter of an inch apart.

Danica was satisfied with what she had made. It was beautiful, and she was certain it would serve her purposes perfectly. She wanted badly to continue on, crafting the other pieces that she would need, but her eyes and fingers ached from the detailed work. Combining that with the stress of spell casting left Danica exhausted. The rest would have to wait.

She was thirsty, but not yet ready to get up from her chair. She turned and gestured toward the water pitcher, casting a spell of telekinesis. The pitcher and glass hovered across the main room and into her lab to sit gently on the table.

Danica poured the water and drank, then thought about the spell she had cast. The Psi had told her she had a strong affinity for telekinesis. On a whim, she concentrated her magic on the water, and caused a stream to rise up out of the pitcher to fill her glass again.

Danica longed to try to enact the effect without magic, but she knew Zoraster observed her every move. There was nowhere she could go to test her powers that Zoraster wouldn't notice she had not cast the proper spells before utilizing the telekinetic force. She could let her control over the spell lapse and try to use her mind powers, but that was dangerous too.

The thought of testing the hidden powers of her mind also reminded her of another freedom Zoraster had granted her, which she had not yet utilized. Zoraster had granted her permission to use a place here that would allow her to practice and hone powerful spells without causing destruction. She decided to learn more about this as something to pass the time and give her mind a break from her work.

Danica made her way to the man who granted her permission to enter the city. He nodded when Danica inquired, and gave her directions to the room where she could test her Art. He informed her that the ring that granted passage to the Scrying Pool would also allow her access to the Spell Engine, now that Zoraster had granted her the freedom.

She followed the directions to the room and went inside. She found an elderly man seated there, quite obviously a wizard from his dress and demeanor. The room was small, barely leaving room to pass in front of the desk where the man sat. The only other feature of the room was a door covered in many runes, directly across from where she entered.

"You have come to test your magic in the safety of the Spell Engine?" the old man asked.

She nodded, and the man acknowledged her nod with a grunt. "Know this — once inside, any art will be absorbed by the Engine. It works quickly, but you must still use caution when casting particularly powerful spells. The final discipline of the Inferno spell would still have time to consume you before the Spell Engine could devour its power. Once I shut the door behind you, it cannot be opened from the outside for an hour, for safety's sake. You will be left to your own devices once inside, because none will know if you require assistance unless you open the door. You should stay no more than an hour. A bell will ring when the hour has passed. If you wish to leave earlier, simply open the door and come out. Do you understand?"

Danica nodded her understanding and the man said, "Whenever you are ready, you may enter the Spell Engine."

She opened the door and went inside. Inside steep stairs descended into a large room, much longer than it was wide. The walls were completely unadorned and appeared to be made of almost unworked stone. At the other end of the room, she could see an aura of magic that looked much like a spinning water wheel, the type mills used to power large grinding stones.

Danica cleared her mind and cast a lightning bolt at the spinning nimbus of magic across the room. The bolt leapt from her outstretched hand with a crackle, and the wheel sucked it up like a sponge. The strange magical wheel glowed brighter as it consumed the power of the spell.

Next, she turned and cast another bolt, this one toward the wall on the side instead of directly at the Spell Engine. The bolt turned toward the faintly glowing wheel of magic almost as soon as it left her fingertips.

Danica relaxed again and prepared to cast one of the few spells she had mastered, but never tested. The Inferno spells were simply too dangerous to cast for testing purposes, due to the vast area they engulfed. The keeper outside had used the final form of the spell as an example of a spell not to cast; but Danica felt safe casting the weakest, though still powerful, version of the spell. It protected the caster from its fury anyway, and the Spell Engine should absorb its power.

Danica fell into the casting and felt the tremendous power of the spell surge from her as flames engulfed the room. The Spell Engine consumed the flames and the magical shield the spell generated almost immediately, but Danica stood in awe of the tremendous intensity of the spell's flames. This was the weakest of the Inferno spells, and it was a conflagration the likes of which Danica had never imagined.

She was surprised to notice that the spell only left her feeling slightly weak. She had cast two lightning bolts, one of which used to make her feel weak in the knees when she cast it, and followed it with the powerful Inferno spell. Her powers were growing stronger.

She still did not feel confident enough to attempt the second, more powerful version of the Inferno spell, however. Another day, she thought.

Danica thought of something, and concentrated to activate the magic of the ring of invisibility on her finger. She felt the tickling fingers of the magic running over her, but she didn't vanish from sight. The surge in the glow of the Spell Engine let her know it absorbed the magic of items as well.

Danica thought for a moment, and then pulled her knife from its hidden sheath beneath her clothes. She winced as she pricked her fingertip with the knife, and then put it away. She waited, but did not feel the cold of the amulet spring into being to heal the wound. The Spell Engine absorbed the magic of Zoraster's vile device as well.

The Spell Engine's power was absolute. No Art or magical item would work in this room without its power surging into the Spell Engine. This aroused Danica's curiosity, and she tried to think of other things to test. The runes on the outside of the door gave Danica an idea.

Danica was far from adept at Rune Magic. It was an ancient art, and rarely used in the modern world. It was no less powerful than the common form of magic, most of the knowledge of it had been simply lost to the ages when the quicker form of modern spell casting emerged. Danica's sister had learned the Rune Magic under the tutelage of the great Wizard Darkniciad, who had spent much time researching and re-discovering it. Devan had proved to be as adept a student at the Rune Magic as in the Art. Danica's found she had little skill with the runes, as she expected when comparing herself to her sister.

She had only mastered one Rune, one of light, abandoning the difficult study after that. She had chosen to devote her studies to the Art rather than splitting her attention between multiple disciplines of Magic.

Danica carefully traced the one rune she had learned in the air with her finger and spoke its name. The rune came to life and glowed with radiance equivalent to that a torch would generate.

The Spell Engine didn't absorb the rune. Danica directed and manipulated it normally, even going so far as to direct the rune to hover right next to the Engine.

Danica dismissed the rune, confident it was unaffected by the power of the Engine. She then slipped into the second sight to experiment with something else, yet another discipline of magic her sister had learned under Darkniciad's tutelage.

Spell Weaving was a relatively new form of magic. An associate of Darkniciad's had only recently discovered it. The technique directly manipulated the weave of magic always present throughout the world. It could bring magic into being, and could manipulate the effects of spells already cast. Danica concentrated on the motes of magic she could barely detect even in her intense concentration. She managed to manipulate them and bring into being a globe of light from the raw power of magic.

The small ball flared into brilliance for only a fraction of a second, and then the Spell Engine sucked it up.

Danica could see the weave of magic comprising the Spell Engine when she concentrated on the aspect of the second sight that the Spell Weaving discipline was based on. She let her concentration lapse and wiped the sweat from her brow.

The Spell Engine could absorb the power of spells formed through Spell Weaving, but had no effect on the manipulations preceding the release of the spell's power.

Danica decided there was little chance Zoraster could spy on her here. The room would absorbed any sort of scrying magic easily. The amulet she wore could not absorb her feelings here either. This was her opportunity to test the more visible aspects of the mental disciplines the Psi claimed she possessed.

Danica pulled one of her non-magical rings from her finger. She then sat down on the floor and placed the ring in front of her. Danica closed her eyes and centered her mind as she had learned to do when experimenting with hearing people's thoughts.

After a few minutes, Danica entered the state of calm mental clarity she had experienced before. When she felt the feeling sweep through her, she opened her eyes and looked at the ring. She concentrated on it intently, concentrating her will and trying to move it.

Sweat beaded up on Danica's forehead as she concentrated on the ring. She felt something inside her mind open, and heard a dull roar from within her mind, sounding somewhat like a strong wind blowing against a building. Then her eyes opened wide and her concentration broke as the ring quivered.

Danica wiped her brow and looked away for a moment to rest her eyes before looking back down at the ring. She could almost immediately hear the dull roar as she concentrated. The ring quivered, and Danica willed the force to manipulate the object as she would with a spell of telekinesis.

The ring rolled up onto its side. Danica concentrated again and made the ring spin on its edge. She found that with each manipulation, the process was easier. She needed only to concentrate for a moment and turn her will to what she wanted to do. She heard the roar for a moment in her mind, and then the ring would spin, hop, rise up, and hover — whatever she wished.

Same as Danica
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1 year ago
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Fifteen Minutes or Less

Late night, middle of nowhere on a deserted back road. Todd is late on delivery with a pizza and getting really tired. It has been storming pretty for more than an hour. After driving a little longer, he finally sees a place and sure enough it looks like it. It's a pretty big place with three stories and an electric fence surrounding everything. It's obvious as he looks around, that the owner, a woman by the name of Chrissie, is very wealthy. Todd gets out and rings the communication buzzer and...

She Males
2 years ago
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God I love Big Black Cock Blacken

It all started one day at the mall after leaving my friends. I was running late so I used the parking garage, which was not done by the cool k**s. After leaving my friends to go home I was m*****ed in the garage.My friends and I didn't bother to change from our cheerleading uniforms before going either. Besides, we enjoyed teasing all the boys when we walked around in those tiny red skirts and tight tops. The male population all ogled our very feminine frames. Being only eighteen, at 5'8" with...

4 years ago
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Stranger Danger

It had been a difficult few months at work. The 'too hard' basket on my desk was reaching maximum capacity - a hundred little complicated tasks that everyone else seemed to think was MY job to solve. Every single time I found a moment to myself to reach for the to do list, the phone would blare its nagging ring, only to convey some disgruntled customer who felt the need  to vent their dissatisfaction on whomever it was that responded - which was always myself! The stress was atrocious and took...

Straight Sex
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My first real threesome part 1

Maybe it's time to share something different to this site... I've always been a very sexual person and i never intend to hide it from my partner. She grew to my tastes and started developing even more fetishes on the road like me, compared at the beginning she was very innocent... Our limits just kept pushing and we started trying a lot of different things out to incorporate in our sexual activities, we've tried public sex and masturbation, feetjobs, foodplay and whatever crosses your mind...

3 years ago
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Craving My Life As A Bachelor

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. I’ve been married now for three years. What a nightmare, waking to a gorgeous ‘lump’ next to me every morning. Leaving work knowing I’m returning to a beautiful woman with a sexless life. Her girlfriends, described by a comic who said his girlfriends female companions were “haters”. My wife spends time with her friends as they always...

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Leave Your Mark

Gerald pulled the pillow tighter over his head as he tried to drown out the sounds of the roommate fucking his latest conquest. The moans and the rhythmic bumping of the bed hitting the wall filled the room.Gerald shared his room with one of his teammates. Something he was beginning to regret. Every night since training camp started the roommate had brought a new girl into the dorm room."That's it right there," the girl screamed.That was the last straw. Gerald grabbed his pillow and his...

3 years ago
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A Healing with Love

He got up off the couch and stood in front of her. She looked up at him and opened her legs slightly. He knelt down between her legs, his hands on the side of her knees and slowly slid his hands upwards until he reached the waistband of her panties. He hooked his fingers inside the waistband and began to pull them down. She lifted up slightly allowing him to slide the panties down past the young, firm cheeks of her ass. He began pulling them down. They hung up momentarily in her crotch area but...

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A few years later, we moved to another City for my Dads' work and found a very nice house on the edge of town. It had a large back yard with a high fence around it and a small wading pool in one corner. Our closest neighbor was about 100 yards or so to the east and no one west of us. We did not have a problem of being seen. During the warm summer months we liked to play in the pool while Mom would lay on a blanket and sun bathe. Except for Mom, none of us wore any thing. We were...

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New Roommate 1 5 REMASTERED

"Roommate wanted, rent £200 per week..." I pulled the sign off the cafe notice board, this is exactly what I am looking for. I dialed the number on the bottom of the sign and made a date for viewing of the place and a small interview. I pulled up to the apartment gates and peered through. The building looked like a multilayer ware house, with big windows and had a certain charm. I parked just inside the gate and walked through the main doors. I looked at the text sent to me by one of the...

4 years ago
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Buaa ki garami

Hello friends mera naam rinku he.me ek gora nata umar 22 sal mene apana 12th dene ke bad me apane papa ki sabase choti didi (min)suman buaa ke gar chuttiyo me jaa raha tha.suman buaa ek 35 sal ki gori thodi fat.morden tipe ki fashionabal buaa thi.buaa aur fufa ki shadi ko 10sal ho chuke they lekin unako ko koi bachaa nahi tha.fufa ralway offecer they aur buaa shadi me dulhan ko make up karne ka contrac karati thi……me 14 may ko garmi ki chuttiyo pe surat se puna meri buaa ke gar pahuch gaya.buaa...

4 years ago
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Eve Eventide

Stevie was watching, his nose almost pressed against the glass of the front window, trying to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus in the early darkness and blowing snow. In spite of myself, I smiled. He'd already had two false alarms--one from the lights of a passing airplane, the other from the red, blinking light on the top of a microwave tower that was up on the mountain every night, but tonight must be Rudolph, leading the way through the storm. I sat back on the couch, cool beer in my hand,...

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Playing Santa Ch 03

The next morning, I arrived in a very jovial mood. I smiled all through the makeup session with Liz. She finished and cracked, ‘You seem to be getting into this role, Santa. I’ve never seen you this jolly.’ When Heidi came in to help with my costume, I was already down to my boxers. She had a different look on her face, a kind of silly grin. As she helped me get into the pants, I could have sworn she intentionally brushed my cock. Friday and Saturday were very busy nights. There were kids...

3 years ago
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Futas Wild PassionChapter 5 Futarsquos Naughty Meeting

“Let me drive you to school, Jenny,” my mom said to me the next morning. I swallowed, my heart clenching. Fear rushed through me. Did Mom figure out that my little sister hadn’t been just sleeping in my bed, but that we were naked in the middle of having sex? Mom had come home late the night before, called into her work by her slave-driving boss on a Sunday. At the time, I had woken up and started fucking Allie from behind with my futa-dick. Just as we were coming, Mom had checked in on us....

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In Her Fathers Footsteps Ch 03

Erotic Adventures of Sexy British Super-Spy Jane Bond Jane Bond, daughter of famous British spy 007, spent a frustrating third morning in her new job at MI-6, British Intelligence. Her first mission since graduating from the British spy academy, was to find the elusive terrorist arms merchant called W, and stop him from making his next arms deal. Jane had discovered that W had also attended the British spy academy, class of 1987, calling himself William Washington Walker in those days. His...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 39

After being relieved by Steve, I made the mistake of going into the saloon to find the kids gathered and playing some of their Lucky Lady Blues Band music. I couldn't sneak past Bonita, and when she saw me, she hollered, "Come finish this piece so I don't hear it in my sleep any longer, Chuck." What can you say to Bonita? She is all Sharp and a product of the headstrong Kathy. I headed to the instrument cabinet knowing there would be no rest until this one piece was completed, written,...

1 year ago
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Three Can Keep a Secret if Two AreConfused

It had been an emotional Sunday morning; first with the Russian and then sex with the two sisters. We were all a little tired, but we were even more hungry. “Anyone for some lunch?” I asked “I’m starving” answered Kim enthusiastically I looked at Rachel, who seemed to be in another world. “Rach? Lunch?” I tried again. Rachel broke from her gaze into infinity, looked at me, and then Kim. “What?” she said “Lunch? Ya, I’m hungry.” “Are you OK?” I asked seriously Rachel...

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At school

This happened when I worked at the same school where she went, she was in 9th grade, the bodies of many girls had started to get nice shapes, just like her.I used to admire her a little extra on the sly, but I think she noticed it as soon as I looked in her direction so she made a little more challenging poses, bulging out of the breasts or buttocks. We both knew that a relationship between teacher and pupil was not appropriate, even "forbidden", it was of course especially me as a teacher and...

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BrownBunnies Nyna Stax Trespassing Makes Me Horny

Sean and Nyna were playing with their drone, and accidentally crashed into the next house backyard, so they knocked on their neighbor’s door a cranky, grouchy old lady came out, she showed them a no trespassing sign and kicked them out. Now, Nyna wants her drone back so she decides to defy her neighbor and sneak in with Sean into the backyard, Sean finds the drone and wants to leave as fast as possible but suspense and risk makes Nyna horny, she wants a quicky right there, so she starts...

2 years ago
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Suha8217s first night

Dear friends Suhasini here. Thanks for the responses you are sending to me. I feel very proud to know that I am writing so well (as you all say). I think I need a personal secretary to read my mails and respond to them!!! Just kidding. Really you people are making me proud woman. Don’t praise me so much. I am just writing my feelings at the time of that situations happened in my life.So now coming to the story…. After my marriage and reception is over I am totally in a confusion and worried...

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Wifes Photo Shoot

Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...

2 years ago
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My Uncontrollable Pasion For Mother

I started looking at my mother in a sexual way when i was 13. One day when i got up i went to my bath room and i looked out the window at our back yard and i saw my mother tanning nude as she usually does. I found myself staring at her perky nipples as she lay there in the sun, then i noticed he neatly trimed pussy shaved into a triangle. when i looked down i noticed that i had a huge hard on and that it poked out of my boxers. i quickly grabbed the lotion on the sink and...

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Imagining Haleigh

I always enjoy visiting my local old-time drug store. The vintage apothecary items on display is a vast impression of what medicine used to be and shows just how far generations have come in the medical field. It also has that vintage scent; the scent of old mothy antiqueness that gives off the many years it has served the public. It really is a very quaint establishment with very personable attendants; one in particular and I am quite happy to say, she is far from the vintage items on display!...

Straight Sex
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Butterball Hotline

Caller:  “Hello?”119 Operator:  “Hello!  Happy holidays and thank you for choosing Butterball Turkey!  What’s your emergency?”Caller:  “Why would you think there’s an emergency?”Operator:  “It’s Christmas Eve, sir.  Why else would you be calling a turkey company?”Caller:  “Well, you’re so right, young lady!  And I certainly hope you can help me…this is an absolute nightmare.”Operator:  “Oh no!  What can I do for you sir?”Caller:  “I have a group of twenty friends and relatives coming over for...

1 year ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 18

Earlier that morning, false dawn was bleeding just enough light into the room for Nilsen to see when he woke up. Momentarily confused by the bodies pressed up against him and the limbs seemingly intertwined in random fashion, he quickly remembered what it was all about. Damn, he smiled, I could really get used to this. Moving slowly he extricated himself without waking the four women and relieved his complaining bladder in the bathing room. Finished, he looked back to the bed with longing but...

1 year ago
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perfect world

hi people this a story i put together from fantasy and thoughts, friends on here i have spoken to have been very supportive. a fantasy of how i would ofliked things to be but thats whole different story xxxx...as i grew up believing i was normal boy in a family of 5 being the youngest and only boy had advantages that i never got hand me down clothes like my sisters did. over years i was slowly being drawn by mum and older sisters under wear, the sexiness of the material and the design was very...

2 years ago
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The Waterfall

It wasn't much of a waterfall, just a narrow ledge where a small stream cascaded down into a shallow pool before flowing off to someplace else. We'd discovered it in the woods behind our house just after moving in a few months before. We had never seen anyone back there in the woods and temptation beckoned us and we gave in. It was the tiniest bit of kink in the vanilla sex lives of a forty-something year old respectable couple. We'd stand there with the water flowing down on us kissing,...

Wife Lovers
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My skinnydipping disaster

It was a vibrant sunny day. I was sitting peacefully on the warm sand looking out aimlessly at the huge lake before me. The bitter wind blew gently around me, and it was silent. It was tranquil. I love coming here. It’s so amazing and so relaxing. It’s always quiet as only a few people mainly dog-walkers would come here which meant I could just sit here all day and just daydream. Undisturbed. However today it was exceptionally hot. The sun was shining brighter than ever before and I could feel...

2 years ago
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i am a slut

I am a slut! But I am a very selective slut. If you think I am going to spread my legs for you just because you have come on to me, you will likely be disappointed. I guess I came to 'sluttiness' early and naturally. In my early teens, when I felt the first stirrings of sexuality, I found my mother’s store of sex toys hidden in a bedroom drawer, which was usually locked. She was out and I was prowling through her room when I came upon the unlocked drawer. I couldn’t then imagine the purpose of...

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The LotteryChapter 22

Kim woke up to the buzzing of her alarm clock. She focused on the green digits and thought, "Five, it's so early." She pushed the snooze button and lay back on her pillow for ten more minutes of sleep. Her arm went around the sleeping girl next to her and rested against her bare midriff. Sally's nightshirt had bunched up around her, just under her breasts. She slowly stroked her soft skin, from the waistband of her nylon panties to the gathered material. Her hand made small circles as it...

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Fucked by cousin

Hey everybody I'm new here and I got alot of true stories so I thought I'd start bytelln about the time my cousin fucked me. It wasn't my first time me and cousin (who I won't name) had been fooln around for awhile. We used to just suck each others dicks but that all changed on grad night. After the ceromony and dinner my parents and his left to go see some friends. We had a couple beers and waited for the coast to b clear. After we were comfortable that they wouldn't b coming back we went to...

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New Neighbours Part 1 The Bike Ride

The new family that had moved into the road had caused quite a stir in their first few days. Their old car didn't really fit in with the expensive German cars parked outside the houses in the street. The loud party they'd held on their first night had broken the silence in the usually quiet and tranquil neighbourhood. And the way they dressed was certainly something the mainly older residents weren't used to seeing.Mikey and his wife Sarah went across the road with their three-year-old daughter...

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CUC Airport

Columbia United Commercial is a bustling mid-sized airport that serves about 20 million travellers per year. A popular stop on flights coming to and from Seattle, Las Vegas, and Vancouver, it features a variety of amenities and a modern interior. It is, by all accounts, a normal airport... ...Well, maybe not by all accounts. Reports of families becoming seperated are sky-high at CUC, and some male travellers (mostly middle-aged men and a few particularly-scrawny teenagers) have reported...

3 years ago
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Cassie and her mom

Introduction: Must read part one first As we were laying there recovering from the best orgasm ever, I asked Cassie when was the last time her mom kissed her down there. She told me that when Tracie and her moved in with me. She told me we couldnt do that anymore because I might find out. If I found out I would have Tracie put in jail and she would never see her mom again. As I was laying there thinking about what Cassie just told me, Tracie called to let us know she would be home in about an...

1 year ago
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Afternoon At The Adult Theater

They say that timing is everything.  This was the case with Dave and Leah. In the late eighties, Dave went to college in the Pacific Northwest and bartended to help pay for college. The place he worked was a restaurant during the week that had bands on the weekends. Leah was a hot country/rocker chick who played guitar in one of the bands that played where Dave worked. Her long blond hair would shake along with her as she moved to the beat, and her tight tops always seemed to accentuate her 36D...

Straight Sex
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My Mothers Lovers Part 1

One afternoon Brian comes home early from school and gets drawn to the sound of ecstasy coming from his mother’s room. Brian thought his dad came home from work to have lunch with mom and are just having a little afternoon delight in the bedroom together. But as he opens the door slowly to a point of getting a good view of what’s happening in the room, he is shock to see his mom riding her younger brother’s dick on her bed. Furious at first by the sight wanting to walk in on them to catch them...

4 years ago
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Coming Home For Love

I sat in the restaurant with my untouched appetizer and wine still feeling the effects of my afternoon pleasure. I thought I would be coming down and going home by now, but the stickiness of my thighs and the dampness of my panties suggested another scenario. Could I? Would he? I had to take the risk.I threw some cash on the table and got up, leaving the change for the sexy waiter. Maybe another time we could continue our chat and get to know each other better. I hope so. He looked as though he...

2 years ago
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An amazing encounter online

Thanks for the invite. I'm flattered, and by the way, your profile picture, very tasty looking cock. Thank you for accepting. I'm glad you like it here. I was thinking how delicious your cock looks as well and how nice some mutual stroking leading up to some 69 till we cum would be. Oh my... Should I admit that I'm fantasizing about running my tongue all around the head of your cock and feeling the inside and outside of your foreskin before exploring every sweet inch of your cock with my...

1 year ago
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Husbands Revenge

I couldn't believe it. After 24 years of marriage, two wonderful boys, both doing very well in college, a colleague of mine at work was sitting in my office telling me that I better pay more attention to my home life. "Listen Bill", he said, " my wife and I have gone through some tough times too. You are 46 years old, your wife is 45, its natural for some boredom to set in. There might not be anything to it . Its just that, as a friend, I thought you should know that last Thursday night when...

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The Administrative Assistant

This new story was heavily influenced by the cult film "The Secretary" with James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal released in 2002. Enjoy ]The Administrative Assistant My name is Roger Ryder and I am running my own consulting company since I was “down sized” a few years back.  Since then my business grew almost exponentially since companies these days rather hire a consultant than invest in their own workforce, which is great for me.I am my own boss and work at my own pace.  Lately, the...

2 years ago
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My beginningpart 2

It wasn’t more than three weeks later that Alice called and asked me to take care of the dog again – I eagerly agreed. She asked me to take care of the dog when I got out Friday and said I could spend as much of my time there Saturday as I wanted. She said she’d feed max before they left so all I’d need to do is let him out to do his business.I was over by 830 and looked at the yard…it hadn’t rained much and since I took care of it last weekend I didn’t see a need to do it tomorrow. Max was all...

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The Women in my Life

One or more of the main character’s female family members and close friends are going to get possessed or body swapped. The one who gets their body is going to be a bit of a pervert, and obviously heavily involves the main character in the use of said body. I am personally only marginally good at setting up threads. Please don’t expect me to get into the “nitty gritty” by myself. PLEASE add to this story Let’s start with the obvious

4 years ago
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Poems Bigger Than Your Head

CLOUDS OF SUNNY SPERM Hair imitating a waterfall, A cascade over shoulders, White with winter's snow; Breasts mimicking hills, And navels, lakes or pools, The penis a towering rock Above twin boulders Oval like granite eggs: On either side of her head, She held a phallic gun, Daring either one To discharge, that the fun Could begin again inside Her head, in earnest, And, now, poor thing, she's dead. A cock, no matter how hard Or thick, can go only so far Up an alimentary...

3 years ago
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An Unforgettable Melody Ch 04

An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 04 Sand. Sand. Sand everywhere. Such was life for Burkateer Lark. Eighteen years ago, he had been a promising seven-year-old Padawan learner in the Jedi Order of the Old Republic. That, of course, was before the betrayal of Darth Vader and subsequent formation of the Galactic Empire. On that fateful day, his master, Cin Dralig, had gotten wind of the betrayal and impending attack on the Jedi Temple. Though his master had tried to send the boy away on...

4 years ago
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There is no ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hanging on the door of your hotel room, so I knock – not too hard – and when you call out ‘Yes?’, I reply ‘It’s the chambermaid’, and you tell me to come in. I am a little tentative about this, because I am still quite new at this job – I am only a couple months over sixteen years of age, working in this smart hotel in my seaside home town as a vacation job in the school summer holidays. The law is you have to be over sixteen for this sort of employment...

2 years ago
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Womens Inderpendents Reversing the Roles

Womens Inderpendents - Reversing the Roles Womens Inderpendents Headquarters. A Group of women sat around a table. The 10 of them where part of a old order of women, hell bent on putting the men of the world into the rightfull place as the weaker sex, the ones who get fucked and not the ones, who do the fucking. They had spent years and hundreds of dollars, on reserching and developing the best way of putting men into there right full place. They all had their own personal...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift Spreading Her Broken Wings

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-One Spreading Her Broken Wings Year 1 A.S. Day 173 The sound of the washing machine rumbled through the kitchen. Jenny had just turned it on after loading it and walked into the dining room. She needed to sit down. The effort of loading the bedding had made her a little dizzy. She saw Derek at the table. He had his laptop open and was writing down some notes occasionally on a scrap piece of paper. He flipped between the open tabs and frowned before writing...

3 years ago
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My Niece and Her FriendsChapter 10

I tossed Maria’s soaked panties into the glove compartment and then headed for the mall where we had bought the lingerie for Emma on Saturday. My plan was to pick up a couple of things for my new little friend, Madison, and also hopefully Claudia would still be working at her store. I hadn’t forgotten about her suggestion that I give her a call but I had just been too busy with everybody else the last few days! Not that I was complaining or anything ... fuck no! As I drove, I thought about...

1 year ago
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The Heavenly Agony

[For Robert once again! ; - }>]The older man sat back suddenly, letting go of the younger man's erection as he did. He saw the look of frustration on the younger man's face---from having be SO close to coming a moment earlier; but now it had been thwarted, frustrated, denied---yet again!The older man watched the younger one's face closely. He enjoyed teasing him, and frustrating his strong urge to ejaculate, not because he didn't like him (in fact, he liked this young man very much), but...

2 years ago
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Caught in the Act

Caught in the ActI am a 23 year old accountant who works hard to maintain myself and my home and I currently Have a girlfriend who is a receptionist and in my house there are certain rules that she has to live By As long as she is living with me , not saying I am a strict person but I love when my women obeys Me and I made her fully aware of my rules at least that’s what I thought.One rainy night around 8pm I returned home from work, as I parked the car and I horridly opened the Front door...

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