B la Book 1 Target GirlChapter 5
- 2 years ago
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"Tell me again why we need a helicopter," Béla was asking as they hiked down the dark trail.
Tanya said, "They were supposed to rescue us at the cabin, but since there were unfriendlies in the area, the military didn't want to risk losing their aircraft and all the people in it if they were shot down."
"Okay, I got that," Béla told her. "Now, seriously. Why do we need a helicopter?"
Tanya sighed. "Frank, a little help here?"
Frank was leading the little band down the rocky path toward the road. Since he was in front, he got to light up the trail for the rest of them with the single flashlight they had amongst them.
"Don't ask me," he called back over his shoulder. "I'm with her." He stopped and waited for her to catch up.
"What?" Tanya called forward to him, feeling more and more frustrated.
"Personally, I plan on driving back," Frank said as she reached him. "I was hoping you'd ride with me. You need to be made aware of some changes that have been made."
Tanya stopped and looked at him.
"Wordy, isn't he?" Béla said, grinning at the secret that Frank was about to tell her.
She pulled on Jake's hand leading him off the trail while Frank caught Tanya up on her new condition.
"What?" they heard her say.
Jake and Béla walked in the shadows for a moment. She stopped and turned around to say something. Jake pulled her to him and kissed her, ignoring the blood of her victims on her face, breasts and belly.
"I don't ever want to lose you," he told her.
"That's rather selfish of you, isn't it?" Béla asked, breathing into his mouth as they kissed again.
Jake stopped kissing her and held her face with his hands. "I was listening to you tell Frank what it's been like for you – living all those years, all those ... centuries ... I don't ever want you to be..."
Béla pushed her head forward through his hands and kissed him, causing Jake to stop speaking for a moment.
"I just want to tell you..." Jake began again.
Béla kissed him again, shutting him up, again. Then she began pulling on his belt buckle, trying to get it to open.
"Alright, I get the message," Jake said, realizing that she understood only too well what he wanted to say and she definitely didn't want him to say it. Or anything else, for that matter...
He pulled her against him and kissed her again, hugging her naked body against him and nearly puncturing her belly button with his half-open belt buckle.
"Now is what matters," Béla whispered, grateful that he finally understood. She bit his chin playfully until his tightening embrace noisily cracked one of her ribs. 'Ow! Again? Maybe I should take that old lady's advice and start eating chicken bones for extra calcium... '
Frank was trying to explain the side effects of Béla healing Tanya's gunshot wounds. "If you looked into a mirror, right now, you'd see a twenty year old girl," he said to her. "That's why that commando officer was smart-mouthing you."
Tanya looked skeptical.
"Look at me!" Frank insisted. "Don't I look younger?"
"Yeah, you look great!" Tanya agreed. "I noticed that earlier, but we had all that other stuff going on..."
"It's like this," Frank said. "Béla wouldn't inject you with her blood unless I took the same treatment. She insisted on it. I couldn't let you die."
"Why would she do that?" Tanya asked.
"Well, I think it's because of her longer life span," Frank told her. "She said something about it being worse for you to save you because of the extended life you'd have, seeing everyone around you aging and dying and it wasn't happening to you. She was convinced that, given a choice, you'd choose to die rather than live through eternity like that."
Tanya thought for a moment, then said, "Eternity, huh? Well, I can see her point, I guess. I don't know if I'd like that part of having an unnaturally long life.
"But," Tanya asked, "she saved me anyway?"
"Only after I allowed her to give me the same treatment," Frank said. "She didn't want you to be completely alone, I guess."
"So I get you for company?" Tanya asked, suppressing a laugh. "Well, I guess I could do worse..." She put her arms around him and kissed him.
"Tanya, I love you," Frank said, breaking their kiss and putting his soul on the line. "I couldn't bear to lose you."
"It's nice to hear you finally say it," Tanya whispered to him. "I love you, too."
Frank looked around. "Where are the kids?"
"Probably doing the same thing we're going to do," Tanya said, pulling him over to the side of the rocky trail.
Pulling off her shirt, she laid it on the cold ground and sat down on it. Frank sat down next to her.
"I've been hoping to hear those words since I arrived last night," Tanya said softly as she unbuttoned Frank's shirt. "I knew you were 'The One' the day we met."
Frank looked at her, trying to remember the inane conversation and his oh-so-superior intellectual attitude that he'd displayed in his feeble efforts to show off to the busty blonde sitting at his bar that first morning.
"You liked my philosophical bull?" Frank asked, finding that hard to believe.
"No, silly," Tanya laughed. "I liked the way you treated Béla. She did something that you thought was terribly wrong, yet you forgave her. I love the way you love her. I was hoping that maybe someday, you could love me like that."
"There's nothing you could do to make me not love you," Frank whispered.
"Um, good," Tanya sighed and lay back with her arms over her head, pointing her busty boobs right at his face.
"Nice," Frank smiled, and bent down to kiss the one he could reach.
Tanya squirmed around, trying to get more comfortable lying on his legs and finally ended up flat on the ground with Frank working his way down her stomach, leaving a freezing cold trail of wetness where his tongue had caressed her soft, warm flesh. She shivered as he reached her soft tuft of pubic hair and heard Frank chuckle.
'He probably thinks he's making me shiver, ' she realized and decided not to correct him. Male egos were so terribly fragile, after all...
A moment later, when his tongue reached her clitoris, she wasn't shivering from the cold, but she was still shivering.
Frank licked his tongue up and down her pussy lips, caressing her clit every third or fourth time. After a few minutes of this torture, Tanya sat up and pushed him away.
"Take off your pants," she commanded.
"Yes, sir, Major," Frank said as he rolled back up into a sitting position.
In a moment, he had his pants and shorts off and Tanya was on her back again with Frank's nice, hard cock tucked happily away inside her.
"This better?" Frank whispered, lying on top of her and nibbling an earlobe.
"Uh!" Tanya grunted, unable to say much with Frank's entire weight on her stomach and ribs.
Frank wasn't ignorant of the fact that he was squashing her against the cold, hard ground. After a moment, he changed his position so that his knees were underneath her rump and his cock was spearing into her pussy at such an angle that he was rubbing the sensitive head of his cock against the sensitive area just inside the front of her pussy. It didn't take long for them both to come.
Béla was sitting on Jake and pumping up and down. Jake held onto her waist, pushing up every time she landed so that she didn't have to work her legs too hard on the upstroke. Finally she stopped, breathing heavily. Neither of them had come, yet, but she was surprised to find she had no strength left to continue this marvelous fucking.
"I'm sorry," Béla moaned softly. "I'm just too tired..."
"It's all right, babe," Jake murmured. "You still look too thin. You're probably starved for blood. Just slide on down and suck on me for a while. Take as much as you want."
Béla smiled, and practically collapsed down on top of him, sighing with relief.
"Thanks," she whispered, her chin resting on his left shoulder, "but I had some earlier."
Jake was still tightly buried inside her, so he continued slowly moving his pelvis, just enough to keep her sighing with each breath she exhaled. He was a little disappointed, though. The few times she'd actually sucked blood out of his cock, he'd enjoyed it tremendously and he really wanted her to do it again. But this was Béla's time, now. She needed to be comforted; needed to know she was loved. They could work on his fantasies later.
It was Tuesday afternoon – Jake's 'light' day, so he and Béla drove to Bozeman after meeting for lunch, Béla giving him directions on the route to take. A sign on the wall where Béla instructed Jake to pull up said, "B.B.'s Guns & Arrows". They walked in through the shop door. A balding, fat man in a dirty undershirt slid down off a stool behind the counter at the back of the store. He could have been anywhere between sixty and eighty years old. Each move he made was slow and...
Béla sat in the overstuffed chair watching Jake examine his new toy for the tenth time. It had been a long time since she had seen that gun. It had been used on her once before, long ago, by someone who was actually trying to kill her. He thought he succeeded and she never intended to let him find out differently. When he had found out, years later, she'd been forced to kill him anyway. Jake pointed the gun at Béla. She felt herself tense up. The gun clicked. Relaxing, Béla said, "Do you...
Béla woke early on Saturday morning, even though she and Jake had only been home (Home? His apartment, actually) a few hours. For a few seconds, she wondered who Frank might be keeping in the big wooden bed he'd built for her in the little apartment over the bar. There were always weekend attractions performing at the Target Club and each one, as she arrived, would expect a place to sleep while she was in town. Frank was not above bedding the hired help in her bed, which was where he slept,...
Officer Henry felt sick to his stomach. It was just last Friday, a week ago, when he and his two best buds had gone bar hopping to celebrate one of them getting engaged. “Aw, Com’ on, man!” Jesse was saying, “The Target Club ain’t that exclusive! They ain’t no cover charge – you ever hear of a strip club with no cover charge? Huh? An’ they got this hot girl, she does things with a knife that you just ain’t gonna believe, man!” So Henry, the designated driver, let himself be led into the...
Frank dropped Jake off at his apartment, after obtaining his release from the hospital with the promise that if his almost-healed stomach wound started turning red around the stitches, he would come right back. Nobody could tell that the only part of the wound remaining was the stitches, themselves. Not even Frank knew, as he didn't know about Béla's ability to transfer her healing powers. Afterward, Frank had driven around aimlessly, not wanting to go to the Target Club while the work...
Jake never mentioned Trish again, and Béla never mentioned her daytime visits to the Target Club or the afternoons she spent with Frank while Jake was at work. Frank told her how much her regulars missed her, and she said that maybe, in two or three weeks, she might be back – who knows about these things? That Saturday morning, Jake and Béla drove out to the mountains. Béla was having difficulty sitting still during the entire trip. She trembled with excitement as she thought about what she...
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That night was Béla’s stage night. Her signature performance, her shaving and masturbation routine had become so popular she was pulling business from the Pussycat Club in Helena, fifty miles away. Tonight, Jake was turning away customers for the first time since he had been working as doorman and bouncer. As she tossed her top to one of her fans, Béla felt a cold breeze waft across her near-naked body and looked toward the door to see if someone had left it open. Jake was letting someone in...
Béla lay naked on the table in the Target Room, recovering from her orgiastic ordeal. There was cum in her ass and her pussy, as well as all over her stomach and back. It coated the inside of her mouth and throat. Her hair and face were speckled with it. This was the first time that she’d ever felt that her weekly gangbang was an ordeal. Her body was still tingling, a happy receptor of all of that wonderful, energizing cum, but she, herself, felt depressed and unfulfilled. She was glad there...
Béla opened her eyes. The little stretch of sky high above them was light blue. 'It must be morning, ' she thought, shivering. Dew had fallen sometime while they slept, curled up together. Her legs and torso were covered with a furry substance that stuck to her cold, damp body. It itched horribly, and she suspected she knew what it was. Deciding not to get hysterical about something that wasn't really hurting her, she looked around to find that the fire was out. She nudged Jake, anxious...
The phone behind the bar rang. Frank pushed the button on the speaker. "Target Club." "This is the Choteau County Sheriff's Department," a drawl on the other end of the phone said, "I'm looking for the telephone number for a Jake Pestova. I understand he works there." "I'm sorry, he isn't here right now," Frank told him. "I'm the manager here, and his boss. Can I help you with something?" "We're checkin' up on a possible abandoned truck registered to Mr. Pestova. The...
Béla sighed in pleasure as she nuzzled Jake's chest in her sleep, then became more awake as the aromatic scent of cooked meat filled her nostrils and caused her stomach to growl in hunger. She'd remembered falling asleep on top of Jake; remembered that his cock had kept her company, buried deep inside her belly and wondered idly if he'd ever achieved that orgasm she knew he'd not had by the time she'd fallen asleep. 'He probably did, ' she thought to herself, sitting up and already...
Sean's two brothers and Frank were singing, "For he's a jolly good felll-oooooow, which nobody can deny! Yaayyy!" As the song finished, Sean was forcing down a big gulp of beer, trying not to make a face at the sour taste of it. He could hear Béla talking in his mind. 'It's similar to learning to like coffee, or beer, ' he could hear her saying, as his mind replayed the scene. He hated beer, and doubted he would ever learn to like it. He anxiously looked over toward the blue door...
The ambulance pulled up at the emergency room entrance of the Memorial Hospital. The driver hopped out, ran around and opened the rear door. "Go in and get some help out here. I need someone to carry the I.V. and oxygen," said the medic in the back. The medic that had ridden with Béla was joyfully amazed that she seemed to be doing so well. Her blood pressure and pulse were weak, but steady, and, rather than going into shock and cardiac arrest as most anyone in her condition would, she...
Mike Tannenger was having a bad day. Not only was he called in on a Saturday afternoon when it wasn't his weekend to cover Homicide, but the 'last-barbecue-of-the-year' he was hosting had turned into a disaster when another couple he was friends with had brought their ten month old Dalmatian with them. Their totally-out-of-control and much-too-excitable 'darling' nipped his kid because he'd pulled its tail and ended up knocking over the barbecue grill and ruining thirty dollars worth of...
Earlier that afternoon... Frank helped Jake through the door of his apartment. "Ah! Home at last!" Jake sighed. "It feels great to be out of that hospital!" "You have to take it easy for awhile, you know," Frank told him. "I want to go get Béla," Jake replied. His vision of Béla in the night sky kept replaying in his mind. He desperately needed to see her to know she was all right. "Not now," Frank said, "I want to be sure you're ready to travel. Another day of rest will be...
“This is P.G. Talk to me, Bret,” Tanya said, talking at the circuit board Frank had torn out of her purse. Her sexy but now-ruined clothes had been discarded and now she wore an old shirt and a pair of pants that Frank had left up here years before. ‘P.G.?’ Frank thought to himself, not believing what he just heard. ‘It’s not possible!’ He looked at Tanya to compare her. With her hair trimmed in that style, and with her secret agent status, ‘P.G.’ could mean only one thing: ‘Pussy...
James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
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Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...
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James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
A couple of days ago I finished a training program on Alice that I called D.P Training. If you’d read previous stories you’ll know that Fiona is a seasoned whore and she is available for mouth, pussy and anal entry by multiple cocks in any combination of holes, my personal preference is that she looks fucking irresistible when all her holes are being split by solid cock. Alice on the other hand takes it in all three holes but she has...
The evening progressed with an agonizing slowness. Tanya’s ten o’clock show was over and Jake left, promising Béla he would be waiting for her outside after closing. The midnight show came and went; the patrons happily throwing their money away for a moment of Tanya’s mesmerizing attention. After Jake left, Jessica came down to help with the workload, much more herself after spending a hour in Béla’s Jacuzzi. She didn’t even behave as though she minded being handled by some of the more rowdy...
The fiery pain tore through the center of Béla's body in an instant, ripping her insides from her womb up into her chest, paralyzing her entire body as muscles and nerves froze at the intense violation. Only once had her body suffered this much, and then so much of her body had been instantly blown up that she hadn't even felt it – there had been nothing left to feel with! But this fresh tunnel of agony didn't destroy flesh and nerves, it merely shredded them, leaving raw nerves intact...
Jake took Béla's suitcase and carried it out to his truck. "Anything breakable in here?" he asked, grinning at her, still not believing she was willing to go with him. "No, just clothes," Béla assured him. Jake unceremoniously tossed the suitcase into the bed of the pickup, then opened the passenger door and picked Béla up. "You going to throw me in, too?" Béla asked, annoyed at the callous way he was treating her stuff. "No, Darlin'," Jake replied, still grinning at her. He...
Béla smelled pancakes and wondered that Frank would make them special just for her. He hadn’t for ages. With a gentle waking sigh, she smiled and stretched her legs down the bed, not really wanting to leave the sensuous feeling of dreamy sleep behind. She stretched her arms, but discovered they were being held in place. Puzzled, she opened her eyes. “Fuck,” she muttered to herself as she discovered the problem. “I’m tied up.” “Morning, Buttercup,” a familiar voice (That’s not Frank!) said...
Béla was using the new hand-held showerhead Jake had installed. Jake could hear the shower running from the kitchen as he cracked several eggs into a skillet. A wailing cry from the bathroom alarmed him, and he pulled the skillet off the fire and ran in to see what was wrong. "What happened?" Jake cried out as he swung around and through the open doorway. "What?" Béla called back over the rushing sound of shower water. "You yell or something?" Jake asked, realizing there wasn't...
That evening, after washing up the few dishes they had, they found themselves in the main front room of the cabin, surrounded with old movie artifacts. "You said you bought this place from a movie producer?" Jake asked as he moved around the room touching and admiring all the instruments of ancient war on the walls. "What was his name?" "Artie," Béla replied as she casually watched him. "Artie Penshaw." "The Artie Penshaw?" Jake asked, grinning with surprise. "The one who made...
The next morning, Jake awoke alone. Though the bed was empty, the wall unit was radiating heat and he could hear the crackling of damp wood as it burned furiously. For a moment, he wondered if the wood stove could catch the little cabin on fire if it got too hot, but then realized that this old cabin had stood for at least fifty years without burning down, so evidently whoever built it knew what they were doing. After a long, heavy piss, Jake pulled on his jeans and hobbled barefoot out into...
The fourteen-year-old boy wandered through the woods, sullen and upset that Dad and Mom wouldn’t let him see that ‘Forum’ movie with Zero Mostel. “That’s not the kind of movie a young boy should see!” his mom insisted and ‘Father’, actually his step-dad, reluctantly agreed. “But you let me go see ‘Goldfinger’, an’ it had that girl with that name...” Jake had argued. “Don’t you say that word in this house!” his mother admonished him. “In fact, don’t say it at all! No one likes to hear that...
"Ow!" Jake cried. "Be careful! I'm tender down there!" "What's wrong with you?" Béla asked as she let go of his flaccid, useless dick. "It's all red and raw! Did you go out and fuck a porcupine while I was unconscious?" "No, of course not, Honey," Jake replied ardently. "It's just that ... Well, I've spent the last two days basting you in cum, trying to get you to wake up..." "Aw," Béla cooed. "You're so sweet. No wonder I needed that shower..." "So if it's all...
It was evening and Jake had prepared a stew from some canned vegetables and rabbit meat from his morning hunt. Béla was still excited about his morning hunt, as well, but not the food part. ‘Target’ was Béla’s favorite new game. She loved being shot at, stabbed or skewered with something. “You could throw knives at me!” she said, really serious about getting into another game. “Tell you what,” Jake said to her, gingerly favoring a very raw dick as he sat down at the table. “Let’s look...
They started out sometime after sunrise the next morning. It was now noon, and the overhead sun was hot. Flies were biting (which Béla didn’t mind, but Jake hated), and Jake had his foot caught in an old abandoned bear trap. “I told you it was a bad idea to follow a game trail,” Béla was saying. Jake grimaced in pain, only groaning in reply. Béla didn’t know how, nor was she strong enough, to release the trap. But she was glad it was Jake that had sprung the trap and not her. He was the...
Blood pounded through Béla’s head. She woke up, gasping for air. ‘What’s a ‘three’?’ she thought, disoriented. ‘I definitely remember someone saying ‘Three’!’ She couldn’t seem to get her balance. She opened her eyes. The ground and the sky were playfully circling around her. She smiled and reached out. The ground was very far away. ‘I’m dreaming, ‘ she thought, ‘Look. The ground is getting easier to see.’ She smiled again, dreamily, and looked around. ‘I’m falling!’ the thought suddenly...
Jake woke up cold and hungry. He had managed, after hours of effort, to get his foot out of his boot last night and could have gone back to the cabin, but he needed to wait for Béla. She had disappeared around noon yesterday without a trace and he was sure she’d have to come back, soon. If she returned to her cabin and found him there just waiting around, she’d probably get really pissed. He remembered awakening some time around dawn, thinking he heard a gun firing in the distance. Hearing...
Béla and Jake were in his apartment, back in town. The backpacks they had taken with them were unpacked into laundry baskets that now needed to get downstairs. “That can be done later,” Béla said, brushing up against Jake. She put her arms around him from behind and squeezed. Her hand slid down and wormed its way between his belt and his firm belly as he sucked himself in to accommodate her. Jake stood, holding his stomach taut and enjoying her attentions for a moment. Ever since Béla had...
Jake lay in bed listening to Béla's breathing as she slept. She was a perfect little package of the sweetest sex he had ever had. In addition to that, she was actually interesting to talk to. She had her own opinions, based more on her own observation rather than some popular guru's jaded views, and didn't seem particularly interested in girlie things like fashion, this week's acceptable appearance or who the hottest actor or actress was. And, for as young as she looked, Béla knew a lot...
The four hour drive occurred mostly in silence, both Jake and Béla immersed in their own private, gloomy thoughts; Jake remembering a little about what had happened between them last night (Had he actually carried her, stark-raving naked, right through the bar and out the front door?) and some of the following things he’d done to her, afterward. He was horribly ashamed of himself about what he’d done to her, and didn’t know how to even begin to apologize, although Béla was taking his...
Jake stared uncomprehendingly at the little gun he held. Its firing chamber was open, the clip empty. He suddenly became aware that the gun was incredibly hot and burning his hand. “Ow!” he yelled, shaking his hand. The overheated gun flew into the sand. ‘What just happened? ‘Béla! I shot Béla!’ He looked up frantically. Béla stood, swaying unsteadily, a few yards in front of him. Her chest was all bloody. She dropped to her knees, her legs folding beneath her. Her wings, as they folded...
Béla awoke before Jake, the early pre-dawn light and the strange numbness in her arms – no – 'My wings – he's lying on my wings!' Béla realized, coming fully awake. She remembered the night before. It was supposed to be her last night on earth. But, miraculously, she'd gotten a reprieve. 'Perhaps it's a chance to make up for what my unknown siblings have done, ' she thought to herself. 'After all, someone had to have started all those stories about flying, bloodsucking vampires......
Béla was enraged that Jake would come after her with a stake. She was ready to kill him! But even through her rage, she saw him throw the stake away. Too late, she realized her terrible mistake and desperately reached for altitude, kicking her legs and flailing her wings wildly, then they were both tumbling in the air. She lowered her wings in pain and reformed her arms. The off-balance impact with Jake had broken her collarbone. It would only be a few minutes before it healed, but that...
Jake sat in front of the small campfire he’d built while Béla was hunting. He’d had time to get fancy, putting stones all around the parameter and placing sticks in the center so that they leaned on each other, making a teepee effect. Underneath, he pushed several handfuls of dead leaves and tiny sticks then lit it with one of his few remaining matches. The first match took, and soon he had a pleasant, roaring little campfire. After the center of the ‘teepee’ collapsed he added a couple of...
Béla woke face down on a hard wooden floor. It was totally dark. She could feel her eyelashes brush the floor as she blinked. Her arms and legs were numb and she couldn't move them. After a few moments, she realized she was tied up and struggled into a sitting position. 'How did I get here?' she wondered, feeling confused. It had been a long time since she woke up not knowing where she was, but it had happened to her often enough that she wasn't too concerned. Then she remembered –...
"Umm ... that's nice," Jake heard as he felt something pleasantly wet, warm and very tight slide over his dick. The sensation continued, waking him up as Béla took advantage of his morning hard-on. He opened his eyes. She was still in her 'human' form. He watched as she slowly moved up and down, her little breasts nicely pressed together between her arms as she leaned forward, holding herself up with her hands on his chest. "Umm ... morning?" he murmured, smiling up at her. The sun...
The board over the pantry door creaked as the rope tied to the inch thick 'eye-bolt' imbedded in it was yanked downward. Béla dangled from the other end of the rope, secured by a tight knot around her wrists. She was naked and bleeding from several cuts in her body. As she twisted back around, Jake carefully aimed another dart at her tiny breasts, then threw it. "Ah!" Béla yelped as it stuck right in the middle of her left nipple. "Bulls eye! You have to fuck me now!" "Not just...