DanicaPart 7B free porn video

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Upon awakening, Danica began to rearrange things in her new rooms. She tracked down a large servant and asked him to move the larger items such as her kiln, chamber pot, and one of the tables from her lab. He seemed rather stunned and pleased when Danica gave him a few coins for his trouble. He quickly agreed to find a craftsman to hook up the vent pipe for her kiln, and returned shortly thereafter with someone. She gave him a few coins as well when he completed his work.

Danica then moved her woodworking tools and supplies to the new lab. These took up more room than her work in clay, and it made sense to move them into the larger space. She then tackled her crowded closet, transferring most of the garments to the walk-in closet of her new rooms.

She finished and sighed at the bareness of the new rooms. It would take her a very long time to begin to fill them out — or so she was thinking when Zoraster entered.

"I see you are taking advantage of your new freedom. That is good, little rose. I am very pleased with the results of your last task, despite the fact that they were the result of breaking from that which I sent you to do. Pure luck has it that the sudden modification of your task kept the entirety of the man's research and considerable coinage intact, as well as the slave house itself. This is a most welcome result, as my Necromancers may pick up his studies without loss of ground. I have the fool himself — alive — to learn of the vampiric rite he undertook, and a pair of his captured slaves even reaped rewards for me when they were returned to their homes. The building itself will be easily modified into a storage house for my interests in the area, as well as serving as a much more suitable outpost than the rude hut I utilized there. I am very pleased indeed, little rose."

"You're welcome," Danica said with only the faintest hint of the sarcasm she felt.

Zoraster laughed long and loud. "Remember, little rose, breaking from your assigned task and failing to reap greater rewards will result in severe punishment, but when your wits serve my interests, you shall be rewarded. Thus, I have set aside a significant amount of the coin recovered for your use. It should be more than sufficient to furnish your new rooms and give you a rather sizeable cushion of coin for other purchases. I will surely have another task for you soon, little rose. You quickly vie for most favored of my pawns with Celes." He said the last with a sly, evil smile. "Good day, little rose."

Danica obtained permission to go into the city shortly thereafter, taking her new magical crafting and a large stock of coin with her in her bag of holding. She stopped first at the shop of a furniture maker. Judging from the pieces on display, Danica decided that the man must have extraordinarily gifts, and his apprentices seemed to be likewise talented. She commissioned a dining table and chairs large enough for six, a new bed, and several cushioned chairs and couches for her new common room.

She also requested a second bed for the other bedroom, in a canopied and curtained design. Three new tables and a new desk to fill out her lab completed her order — two common tables and one specifically designed for her woodworking. Danica's ability to sketch what she wanted, in addition to describing the pieces impressed the man. When Danica paid up front without haggling, in full, he promised to make her work a priority and deliver it free of charge.

He also offered to contract with the finest craftsmen to acquire the cushions, bedclothes, and clamps for the woodworking table, though he typically left this up to the customer. He gave her an estimate of the cost for these and Danica advanced him that coin as well. He promised that he would have each item delivered as soon as it was completed, and that everything should arrive within the month.

It was already mid afternoon when Danica made her next stop at a tinker. She proceeded to select an extensive collection of cooking, serving, and cutlery items from his wares. She also commissioned several pieces that he did not already have in his shop.

She inquired about tools for clay work, and discovered to her delight that the man had extensive knowledge of the trade's tools. She requested an assortment of every type he crafted, in silver. The man appeared dubious until she produced the coin. With payment in hand, he immediately changed his attitude. He promised to have all that she had selected delivered this day, despite the late hour, and that he would make her requested items a priority and deliver them when finished as well.

Danica caught a general store owner closing up for the day, and managed to persuade him with a jingle of her coins and a little flirting to stay open for a short while longer. She purchased large stocks of staples such as flour and sugar, as well as many preserved fruits, vegetables, and meat. He carried many common spices such as salt and herbs, which she purchased as well. She offered a fine gratuity to have the things delivered the next morning.

When she finished at the general store, it was quite late, so she went to one of the finer inns to enjoy a meal and some wine. She thought about calling on Carolyn as she walked toward the inn, shivering as she thought about being with the beautiful young woman again.

Danica found that the inn was serving steak that evening for those who could afford it. The moment she saw a busty serving girl delivering one to a patron, she knew what she wanted.

She requested the steak, as well as a fresh salad when she discovered it was available, and a fine red wine. Danica couldn't help but lick her lips and stare at the busty serving girl — who had breasts even larger than her own — when the woman delivered her meal. Danica thought she did a good job of hiding her glances and smiles, but another in the room had noticed the reaction.

Danica savored her meal, realizing about halfway through that it would be too late to call upon Carolyn when she finished. She enjoyed the meal enough to make it worth skipping 'desert'. When she finished, she sipped her wine, trying to decide whether to stay in the city or return to her chambers. The amount of shopping she still planned to do facilitated her decision to stay in the city.

She continued to sip her wine, listening to the music of the troupe of minstrels performing for the crowd. She started from her slightly inebriated trance when a woman walked up to the table and asked, "Might I speak with you a moment?"

Danica replied, "Certainly — please, sit down," while looking the woman over. She had auburn hair, reaching just barely below her shoulders, and angular features that Danica thought looked aristocratic. The fine clothing draped over her tall, petite form marked her as a woman of some wealth.

"Am I correct in assuming that you are versed in the magical arts?" The woman asked. "Your robes would seem to bespeak it."

"I'm a student of magic — yes," Danica answered, feeling that something wasn't quite right. She centered her mind to open it and listen to the woman's thoughts out of caution. She found it was somewhat more difficult to do while still trying to listen to the conversation and respond normally.

"I find I am in need of counsel on things magical. Might I persuade you to come to my home and examine something for me? I assure you that you will be well compensated."

Danica managed to look into the woman's mind and what she saw was a rapid rush of images fantasizing about how she would look naked, and of the two of them sharing their bodies. Danica's breathing quickened, and she could feel her juices flowing immediately. "I imagine I could be persuaded. My name is Danica."

"I am Katherine, of the House of Bourne. If you will please come with me." Katherine's eyes and smile hinted that she knew Danica was aware that this trip was not entirely — if indeed at all — business.

Katherine summoned her coach, and they rode through the streets to the richest part of the city. Katherine made little attempt to hide her lusty glances at Danica as they rode. Danica hid little herself.

They arrived at the woman's house and the coachman helped them down. Servants opened every door for them before they reached it. The last door opened into a grand bedroom. It closed behind Danica, and Katherine turned to face her.

"My reasons for bringing you here were subterfuge, as I am sure you have guessed. I observed the way you gazed at that serving girl, and I believe we are of a kindred spirit," Katherine said while walking slowly toward Danica with a sensual strut. "If I am incorrect in my assumptions, you may leave immediately. My coachman will convey you wherever you might wish to go, and you shall be provided compensation for your time."

Katherine reached out one hand to touch Danica's left breast. Shuddering, Danica opened her mouth in a silent gasp. "Undress me," Katherine said with an authoritative tone in her voice. The sound was not really one of command, just a tone that suggested she was accustomed to people obeying her wishes without question.

Danica slowly unbuttoned the woman's fine gown, feeling her own breathing quicken as she revealed Katherine's petite body. When the gown at last pooled to the floor, Danica licked her lips and gasped as she looked upon the woman's nude body.

Katherine was lithe and sensual, appearing almost sculpted and unreal in a way. Her breasts were small, upturned, and perky. Her nipples were long and erect, and almost perfectly circular. She shaved around her nether lips, but left her mound adorned by a carefully manicured patch of hair slightly darker than that on her head.

Katherine then moved to undress Danica, running her fingers over the other woman's body as she did so. She moaned as she revealed Danica's breasts, and then again, when she saw Danica's clean-shaven sex.

Katherine drew Danica toward the bed, lying down upon reaching it. She pulled Danica toward her with some force, and then directed the other redhead's mouth toward her breast.

Danica's lips closed around the woman's right nipple, drawing a gasp that was almost a hiss from Katherine. One of the petite woman's hands went to the back of Danica's head, while the other caressed her naked back and tugged at her, urging Danica to slide onto the bed.

Danica suckled Katherine's pebble hard nipple, running her tongue over it in slow circles. The woman gasped and moaned from Danica's attentions.

Danica kissed Katherine's nipple one last time, then kissed the swell of her breast, between them, and finally kissed the other nipple before drawing it between her lips. She lay astride one of Katherine's legs, and slowly rubbed her folds against the warm skin below.

Katherine continued to moan softly, urging Danica to her knees. When Danica pulled her knees under her — her lips still suckling the woman's nipple — Katherine gave Danica a smart spank on her bottom.

Danica moaned around the woman's nipple, shuddering from the sensual dominance the woman exerted over her. Katherine continued to spank Danica, bringing a rosy glow to her upraised bottom.

Katherine's hands moved up to Danica's shoulders, pushing her with firm pressure downward on the bed. Danica kissed her way down the woman's taut tummy, over her mound, and finally on her moist folds.

Katherine parted her legs and pulled Danica to her sex. She moaned and arched her back when Danica slipped her tongue between the pink petals. "Slowly. Gently," Katherine instructed, while running her hands over Danica's head and neck.

Danica slid her tongue up and down the woman's lips, teasing and tantalizing every inch of them, drawing moans of pleasure from Katherine. She ran her tongue in slow circles over Katherine's clit, and gently sucked the little bud.

Katherine's breathing quickened as Danica performed her labor of love on the soft folds in front of her. The pressure on the back of Danica's head increased slightly as the waves of arousal running through Katherine's body grew stronger with each passing moment.

For long minutes, Danica continued to lap and gently suck, lost in the taste and scent of the woman. At last, Katherine gasped softly and tensed, pressing Danica's head against her with strong pressure. Danica lapped deep inside Katherine to gather up the warm rush of her juices as the woman shuddered and came.

Danica slowly ran the tip of her tongue over Katherine as the woman settled down from her orgasm. Katherine gasped and demanded, "More," pushing down on Danica's head.

Danica probed deeper and sucked harder. Deeply aroused, she reached back to touch her aching sex as she lapped and sucked Katherine.

"No — wait," Katherine instructed, and pulled Danica's arm down. Danica moaned pitifully in frustration, but the woman's surprisingly strong arm held her own down against the bed. Danica eventually ceased resisting, and Katherine's hands returned to their previous position, caressing Danica's hair.

Katherine released quiet gasps and moans, all with a growling quality to them, as she slowly rubbed her sex against Danica's face. Danica sucked more hungrily, but Katherine pulled away slightly, prompting Danica to return to her previous intensity.

Danica's jaw and neck ached from being in the same position for so long, but she scarcely noticed it over the sweet taste and building intensity of the woman she lapped so enthusiastically. The strong — almost painful — aching need of her own body for release distracted her from the other discomfort as well.

It was several more minutes before Katherine suddenly gasped out an almost feral growl and pulled Danica's face hard against her. Danica sucked the woman's clit hard between her lips and rolled her tongue over the erect bud with strong pressure. Katherine exploded in a gushing orgasm that nearly choked Danica when it soaked her face, causing her to relent for a moment to catch her breath.

Katherine held Danica tight between her legs while her back arched high and she screamed her pleasure to the heavens. When the woman's bottom again came to rest on the bed, it didn't remain there long. She continued to thrust her hips upward as wave after wave of release rolled through her body. Danica kept teasing with her tongue as Katherine's orgasm slowly — so slowly — released her.

Katherine at last pushed Danica from her and covered her soaked sex with her hand. Even that pressure set off another overwhelming aftershock, and Katherine arched her back high once more, gasping in pleasure and shuddering.

Danica gently rubbed between her own legs while Katherine was distracted. A single drop of wetness trickled slowly down her leg, a testament to her wetness. Katherine opened her eyes and noticed Danica's action, and sat up to pull Danica's hand away. "Lie down," she instructed.

Danica reclined with a gasp of anticipation, and Katherine immediately lowered her mouth to Danica's folds. The woman lapped and sucked Danica with wild abandon, causing her to gasp loudly and squeal from the intensity of the woman's mouth on her. All the while, Katherine stared up into Danica's eyes with a look of ecstatic hunger.

Danica rapidly approached orgasm. Katherine's incredible hunger and the built up need caused by the woman's dominating control of their lovemaking brought Danica almost to the edge only moments after Katherine's lips touched her.

Just seconds before the moment of no return, Katherine pulled her face from between Danica's thighs. She slapped away one of Danica's hands that moved between her legs, trying to release the build up of pressure. She grabbed Danica's hands and pushed them up over her head. She then lowered her mouth to Danica's nipple and sucked it.

Danica moaned and whimpered, trying to rub her sex against anything to gain the release she needed so badly. Her fires slowly banked as the woman sucked her nipples. Then, without warning, Katherine slid back down to devour Danica's pussy.

Danica twined her fingers in Katherine's hair and rocked her hips up against the woman's face. Her passions had only cooled slightly, and knew she would be on the edge of climax again in moments.

Again, Katherine pulled free at the last moment. She easily broke free of Danica's attempt to hold the petite woman against her needy sex. This time, she kissed Danica hungrily as she held her hands above her head, letting the fires in Danica's depths die down slightly once more.

Katherine repeated this torturous denial several times. Danica whimpered and begged for release. When — at least a quarter of an hour later — Katherine allowed Danica to topple over the edge, she exploded in a way unlike anything she had ever felt before.

Danica's girl cum erupted as a powerful fountain into Katherine's mouth and over her face. Beyond that, Danica knew nothing, as she was lost in the thrashing, mind-numbing power of her orgasm. Katherine didn't relent in her assault, and Danica thought she was going to black out from the never-ending series of unbelievable orgasms that followed on each other's heels.

They relaxed for a time when Danica managed to catch her breath, and then Katherine left the bed to dress. "You may stay here this night. It has been a long time since I have been with a woman with such delightful intensity and such a wonderful body. You would be interested to know that the serving girl you were looking at does indeed lie with women. Her breasts are every bit as wonderful as you imagine, and she tastes as sweet as sugar. I make it a point never to enjoy a woman more than once, because I form too deep of attachments that make my husband uncomfortable. As much as I would enjoy your company, I fear this shall be our only meeting. Your lovers, be they man or woman, are lucky to partake of your wonderful body. Good night Danica," she said and left the room.

That left Danica to ponder the strange woman for a short while before exhaustion caused her to drop off to sleep without even realizing it.

When Danica awoke and dressed the next morning, a servant met her and quickly ushered her to a coach, which took her back to the inn where the two women had met. He gave her a package upon arriving at the inn, which contained a stunning gown that would accentuate her flowing curves and her red hair perfectly. The dress was made of the finest materials, ornamented with jewels and pearls, and surely must have cost a small fortune.

Danica shook her head in confusion about Katherine's strange ways, and then shuddered slightly remembering the passion they had shared. She tucked the gown away in her bag of holding and returned to her shopping.

Breakfast at the inn started Danica's day, followed by visits to the various carts and stalls along the main market district. She selected and purchased a fine selection of fruits, vegetables, and meats, as well as every spice she could find. Generous amounts of coin ensured that all the items would be delivered to Danica's quarters.

Estimating that her purchases would eventually fill her pantry and furnish her rooms, Danica sought out an apothecary and a mageware shop to stock anything she could imagine needing for her lab or spell casting. She had more than enough coin left in her ample purse for the supplies.

Danica chuckled, thinking about the mood of whatever poor clerk in Zoraster's employ dealt with visitors to the complex over the next few weeks. She wondered if he would pull his hair out before all of her purchases arrived.

Finding crab among the dishes available at another inn about mid afternoon sent Danica's heart racing. Bringing seafood this far inland was an expensive proposition, and the owner obviously had some fine connections to have acquired such fresh stock.

After leaving the inn, Danica noticed smoke coming from the smelt house of a gold and silversmith's shop. She asked if she could watch the process to satisfy her curiosity about it. She finally persuaded the shop owner by purchasing a fine silver candelabrum at a price she would never have paid for the item alone — even with the vast amounts of coin she carried.

She spent the remainder of the day staying out of the way, observing as the men melted the silver and cast it in rough molds. Skilled hands then finished the pieces once they cooled. She asked a few questions when the men sat down for a break, and tried to ignore their blatant, hungry stares as they answered her. Despite their lack of tact, they were knowledgeable in their trade and answered her questions in simple, common language. Danica felt she had a good start toward learning to work with the softer metals when she left.

Sunset was fast approaching when she left the place. Danica returned to the inn where she had dined the night before. The fare of the evening did not disappoint — succulent venison with perfectly steamed vegetables. Danica tipped the busty serving girl outrageously, observing that the woman had taken interest in a handsome young man seated at the bar. He had long, dark hair tied into a ponytail.

Danica continued to order wine throughout the evening, sipping it slowly as she watched the woman and listened to the music. As the crowd thinned, she managed to engage the woman in a bit of conversation and found Elaine to be a witty and friendly woman. The young man with the ponytail watched Elaine as she worked as well.

Late in the evening, the crowd thinned out to a pair of regulars gossiping with the bartender, the pony-tailed man, Danica, and half a dozen or so men passed out in various places around the common room.

Danica waved Elaine over to the table, engaged her in conversation for a moment, and then said, "I was with Katherine last night."

Elaine blushed bright red, but quickly recovered. "She's a strange woman, but all rich people are strange. You enjoyed yourself?" She asked with a grin and a twitch of her eyebrows.

"Mmm very much. I'd very much like to spend some time getting to know you as well," Danica revealed, and touched the woman's hand.

Elaine shuddered and said, "I... The man at the bar — the one with the ponytail — told him I wanted him to escort me home tonight."

Danica licked her lips and responded, "Well, wouldn't it be a pleasant surprise for him to find himself in the company of two beautiful women instead of one?"

Elaine's face sprouted a wide smile. "I've never done that before — with two women or two men, I mean."

"What do you think?" Danica asked, running her fingertips over the woman's arm and sensually staring into her eyes.

"Oh my," Elaine exclaimed and laughed. "Let me see if that slave driver Baran will let me out of here."

The bartender nodded when Elaine approached the bar. She put down her tray and took off her apron as soon as he gave her permission to leave for the night. She walked over to the man at the bar and offered him a warm smile as he took her arm to lead her toward the door.

Same as Danica
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Muscle encounters Yvette Bova

I was given a job at a gym. It was the late shift, Only VIP's went in. In wasvery easy, I mostly the towel boy and helper. Wasn't really the trainer orbeef cake. Normally a rich people came in just to relax, or some health nutthat really didn't need my help anyway. I look at who was coming in that nightand was shocked. It couldn't be who I think it was.It said"Yvette Bova"Yvette Bova was a black female porn star. She was also a bodybuilder with herown website. She was very fit and well built....

1 year ago
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Female black boss Domination pt 1

My name is Sam and I have been working in a prison for a few years now. I am a women but she was quite pretty for an older woman. One day I got a message for the secretary that Ms. Tucker wanted to see me after Work at 4 in her office. I was concerned all day as what I could have done. At 4 sharp I showed up at her door passing all the other teachers who were teasing me about the trouble I was most obviously in. I knocked at the door and a very stern voice told me to come in. I walked in to see...

4 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 43

At least the Chevrolet dealer had the sense to call it in. No way was he going to take a 1955 Studebaker Speedster with the never happen four on the floor in on trade for a used fifty-five Bel Air two door 'vert with the big engine. 1956 models were three weeks away and 1956 had a higher horsepower engine. I stopped in and he told me he'd sent them out the door. "Thank you very much. I just came from the doctors and discovered my sister ripped my card while I was getting my cast off." I...

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Another Good Hard Lesson

For the prequel to this story go to:  You can do this… You can do this…You can do this… Teacher, Antony Collins had been thinking this all day, over and over again as he prepared for his English class later that afternoon with the sixth formers. With Alex. Unbidden, the memories of what they’d done a couple of days before came flooding back to him yet again, her soft, pert breasts under his hands, her wicked mouth around his cock, her tight pussy gushing cum all over him…. The sharp ring...

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Putting a Cuck in the place he needs to be in

One thing you can say about a good quality cuck is the lack of balls!!! Yes my hubby is that alright!Ok I guess you should know his vital sizes...4.5"About as thick as a thumbNo often erectNo ball sack to speak ofFires only water-OK he at least orgasms-useful when he has a chance to see me with a tasty BBC!What made me so horny for the world of BBC? Well I never grew up with black guys about, just little white guys like my hubby and theylied to us ladies in out country saying they were big...

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Gay Sex With Online Friend

Hi, there again Irfan here with another story about my gay life. Though I am not a gay and had my fair share of girls and also had sex with. I am bisexual. After having almost regular sex with my school friend from Std 8 to First year of our college (3.5 years), he moved to a new place and we never had sex after that but occasionally met. After which I moved on and was interested in girls, for around 4.5 years I dated 2-3 girls, with whom I had sex. But after graduating, that urge of having...

Gay Male
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The Priest and the Love Doctor

The story is a bit on the light side and not to be taken seriously although some little bits are drawn from my past. Mike K was kind enough to edit out the worst of my bad grammar and spelling. I owe him a debt here. The story is not perfect but it is free. As always tell me what you think. Father Dominic entered the dimly lit Newman Center Chapel. He expected more light because it was Thursday, and the Altar Society cleaned and prepared the church for weekly services on Thursday evenings. The...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 144

After supper at Outback we explored the house at 941 Fishery Drive that we were going to spend the next couple of nights at. Marcy had verified that all the utilities were on including the high speed internet. The realtor had sent someone to completely clean the house, including changing all the linens on the beds. We had stopped at a grocery store and picked up all the necessities, bottled water, instant coffee in case there was no coffee maker, and fruit drinks. I picked up a case of wine...

3 years ago
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Dark ReasonsChapter 7

Jenna flipped out her badge at the uniform that was standing at the barricades in front of an old warehouse in the factory district down town. He quickly moved the bright yellow over sized saw horse aside and let Ethan drive his Grand Prix through, putting it back behind them. They had already driven through a warren of police and news vehicles, parked haphazardly down the street, some over the curbs, some in tow away zones, and some were even double parked. She made a mental note to send a...

1 year ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 3

October 6, 1973 Sitting back in the webbed folding patio chair, Tim finished counting out the money they had collected for the day. It was a substantial stack of bills along with a small pile of change. The gross was a lot better than they had hoped. They had painted numbers on the curbs in front of seventy-six houses. It was their best Saturday, yet. “Two hundred and twenty eight dollars!” “That’s good,” Benny said, and swept the coins off the table and into his hand. He dropped the coins...

1 year ago
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A Very Private BeachChapter 3

The Third Day She was back the next day, waiting for me in the parking lot. This time, I popped the trunk without being asked. "So how did your date go?" I asked. "You mean, did we fuck?" she asked in a low voice. "I mean, how did it go? I don't care whether you fucked, I care about whether you enjoyed yourself." "Well, as a matter of fact, I did enjoy it, for a while, and yes, we fucked. That part didn't go so good. I'll tell you about it on the beach, if you're interested....

2 years ago
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Matching Day

Girls spend their entire lives looking forward to the fateful Matching Day – and whether or not they will admit it, boys, too, have at least a healthy curiosity. It’s so reassuring, knowing that in your eighteenth year, you and your age-mates will be paired off, brought together with another from their own community or a surrounding one that match them perfectly. No song-and-dance dating rituals, like the ones in the books Lenei liked to read, no old maids, no riotous bachelors, just simple,...

3 years ago
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God has a Plan for us All Ch 02

The sun was setting beautifully across Kodiak Island. The clouds rested upon the horizon, the sun seemed to draw them across the water into a pink and orange seduced eternity. Light reflected off the water and stretched toward the shore, illuminating the countless pebbles amongst the sand. Will leaned against a whitened, weather beaten log that rested only a stone throw away from the growing tide. Rayne was resting between his legs, her back against his chest, staring at the Island across from...

1 year ago
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My Brother My LoverChapter 6

The rain had stopped by the time Nathan and Callie got back to the apartment. The sky above them looked clear as if it had never rained. Callie was eager to get inside and show Nathan just how much she loved him. Not only like a brother, but a lover. Putting his car in park, Nathan rushed to run around his car and open up Callie's door. He held her hand as she got out of the car. He wanted to kisser her right then and there, but knew there were peering eyes bound to catch them. They kept...

2 years ago
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Journey of a SmallTown Woman

I was in the living room watching TV when Mom came back from office, carrying bags of groceries in one hand and holding her long yellow skirt with the other. Instead of getting up to help her with bags or ask her about her work, I continued watching TV. Keeping the groceries in kitchen, she ruffled my hair with her fingers and went to her room to change. After around ten minutes, she came out and got busy with dinner and called me when it was ready, so sat down on dining room chair and started...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 5

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 5) Later, Jennifer and Mark got out of bed and got ready to go on a run. Mark didn't have to think twice about putting on a pair of Jennifer's running shorts - he just did it. About a mile into the run, Mark had to stop. "What's wrong?" Jennifer asked. Panting slightly, Mark replied, "my chest is killing me" as he held his hands to his chest. "Let me see," Jennifer said. "Stand up straight and move your...

1 year ago
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Sir LancelotChapter 5

The girl was Leslie Sayer, a living, platinum-angel, with all of the proper physical attributes in the right places, enough ordinarily to cause him to blow his gourd, Jamey Halo was thinking as he went on talking to her young husband, Mike, his new caretaker... except that today, he wasn't himself. His abortive attempt at making love to Susan the night before had not only left him frustrated, but it had stripped the veneer of his pride right to the quick, and he would've been happier had...

2 years ago
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Playing with my first Titties true but with diffe

Well I was 17 and had a crush on my best friend’s younger s****r (Theresa). She was was two years younger. She did not drive and she knew I had a crush on her. So yes she talked me into driving her over to her boyfriends house. Obviously, I wasn’t getting anywhere or so I thought. Anyway, her boyfriend comes out and they start to make out in the passenger seat. I guess I got as a consolation prize, his s****r. We had never met, she was a bit younger than me, blonde with small tits. So they...

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Savita Bhabhi 8211 Episode 19 Savita8217s Wedding

It was a night out for Savita and Ashok. They were on their way to Savita’s friend, Mamta’s wedding reception. Ashok was on the wheel and Savita was checking her makeup in the rear view mirror. “I hope we aren’t late for Mamta’s wedding reception” said Savita after looking at her watch for the third time. “Don’t worry Savita; we’ll be there on time” Savita and Ashok soon arrived at the reception and they made their way towards the newlywed couple. “Congratulations Mamta!” said Savita as she...

1 year ago
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Flying with Katie

As we lay there in the early morning sunshine closely together, intertwined on our sides facing each other, Katie roused from her light slumber raised her face and lips to mine - and we shared a deep kiss as I continued to slowly, gently and smoothly fuck her as I had most of the night. She wiggled, changed position slightly, moving a bit more tightly against me, wrapping her upper leg a bit more tightly around mine, and gave a few small playful thrusts back against my dick with her hips -...

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First of all, I want to thank everyone for reading my previous two stories. Your comments are always appreciated. As with the other two stories, this one is not a stroke story so if that’s what you’re after, it’s best you move on now This is a romance, a character study if you will and what I’ve always enjoyed reading about is people, even here on Literotica. As with most true romances, this one may take some time to develop so be patient. Here is my contribution. As always, this is a work of...

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What did I do wrong

What did I do wrong, thought Meghan? She was bound on her back in the playground. Her arms were tied over her head and each of her legs were tied to a swing, high up, forcing them up and spread wide. Her r****t stood over her.It was only an hour ago that Meghan was parking her car in the apartment complex garage. Meghan is 21, brown hair with a very, very, very nice set of breasts. As she exited her car and was about to lock her door, she was grabbed from behind. She felt a gun pointed at her...

3 years ago
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 13

Qamaar narrates this part * * * * * * * * * * “What happened next? How many other men have sex with you?” I asked as I was writing down what she was narrating. “Well, I have no idea how many other but surely, some other men had sex with me and I had sex with them too, sometimes. It was a bus full of men, sitting, standing and hanging around the foot board! 2 After Ahmad stood and walked away, imad came. I was once disgusted about him but this time my lust seemed to have overpowered my...

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Talking To Strangers

Paul smiled at the irony of it all.   For so many years his parents had warned him away from talking to strangers, and now he wanted nothing more than to talk to a stranger.   More than that, he ached to talk to her.He had seen her every night, sitting in the same chair by the fireplace at the hotel.   Every night he came down for dinner, she was there, reading a book.   Every night when he stopped into the bar after dinner, she was still in her seat, still reading the book.   He...

Straight Sex
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Sold to the Highest Bidder

The prospect was just too tempting not to investigate further. When Donald Meadows was sent an exclusive invitation from Mistress Veronique to an event that was described as a private, very real, and completely voluntary interracial slave auction, he first thought it might be a party or munch where people meet and greet but he certainly couldn’t believe that it was an authentic slave auction. He was intrigued, however, and he trusted the source of the invite so he started doing his research. ...

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It happened in an instant. You, a young man about 6 foot-two-inches in height and who is about 23 years of age, had fallen asleep after playing video games and doing coursework on a Tuesday night. You were studying for the chapter finals of a course covering theories and concepts on the existence of multiple universes. And you thought you were ready, when you awoke the next morning not to the familiar sights of your room, but to a confusing sight of dunes and endless sands. Your first question...

4 years ago
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Hard TimeChapter 16

The next morning, Sue came over. She needed Lind's help to get the two girls down. She said she could handle things and the three of us left her there to handle Jean and Ann and One and Two. We went to the Institute. We went through another day as I led a group that cleared the solar panels and Jan and Lind had their reading and writing lessons. I found a young man looking wistfully at the computer monitor and decided to start to teach him about computers and networks. I knew that we would...

3 years ago
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Jennys Last Chance

Christian was the boy I was into since 7th grade. And at the age of 16 Igave him my virginity. At least in my dreams...Reality had not been so kind to me. I even started to grow my hair (whichI was wearing rather short since I was a k**) in the vain attempt to makehim like me. Well, it didn't work out and a few years later when risinghormon levels had turned my dreams of intimacy into a real need for it Ihad finally given up. But with our graduation nearing I somehow felt that Icouldn't leave...

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The Tupperware Queen

The following story was inspired by 'Tupperware!', a documentary film that aired on the PBS show American Experience. The film featured dozens of clips appealing to those of us with an appreciation of and attraction to female dress of the fifties. At one point in the documentary, there was a brief discussion of "Tupperware ladies", husbands of authentic (for lack of a better term) Tupperware ladies who would appear in rather clownish drag at the ladies' meetings. One contemporary...

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My Kind of Charter

This is one of the memories, from St. Croix, that I started but never finished.I was waiting for the girls one morning as usual – on the veranda of the good old King Christian Hotel, in St. Croix – there was a charter boat captain having coffee. I wasn’t really at my best or, looking my best. It was the off season and I’d been lucky enough to turn three tricks the night before. The last one was still in the room relaxing; he’d spent an hour working off his morning wood in me and I was still...

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Sarah war 20 und lag gerade nur mit T-Shirt und Slip bekleidet in ihrem provisorischen Bett auf dem Boden. Neben ihr in einem richtigen Bett schlief Nadine, ihre beste Freundin, bei der sie heute übernachtete. Sie wußte nicht wie spät es war aber sie beneidete Nadine, deren Atem sie gleichmäßig gehen hörte. Sarah konnte aber partout nicht einschlafen. Sie beschloß einen Streifzug durch das Haus zu machen, natürlich schön leise um niemanden zu wecken. Auf dieser Etage gab es noch zwei...

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High School Beach Trip

In our H. S. it was traditional for the students that qualified by making grades such they did not have to take the exams, got out of school a week early and went to the beach. We, all girls, had chaperons and rented a beach house. Most of the girls were from wealthy families and had steady boy friends. My parents both worked, Dad was a electrician and Mother was an secretary, we were middle class. I worked while in H. S. every afternoon after school at a Cleaners. I paid my own way from money...

1 year ago
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Leak 'Em Up! You have to thank the Internet for giving us all kinds of great porn genres. If humans had to settle for whacking off in adult movie theaters – while avoiding stray jizz splashing all over their faces – there wouldn’t be nearly as many genres as there is today. Among the many genres that wouldn’t exist is the ‘leak’ genre. And no, I’m not talking about watching fat bitches squatting and pissing down your throat. Rather, I’m referring to the kind of content that seems like it was...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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The Shaman 11

The Shaman 1 By Mod Man Copyright 2013 My wife, Sara, and I had a pretty flexible sex life. We did threesomes occasionally, and a few foursomes, but what we dreamed about doing was much more adventuresome than what we did. I occasionally had sex with other women, and she with other men, but it was made more complex by the fact that although I was totally unaffected by jealousy, she was not. She didn’t believe in jealousy, but there it was, haunting her when she didn't know what I was...

4 years ago
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Caroline Customer or Commodity

The plush Maybach Limousine purred quietly along the narrow streets amid the terraced houses and Chapels on its way up the narrow valley while from the back seat Caroline gazed wearily through the rain lashed windows peering at the depressing scene of industrial dereliction while silently cursing the Friday afternoon traffic which had so delayed their trip from London.Caroline accepted the need travel in Felicia’s Maybach, and the need for secrecy and for absolute confidentiality which meant...

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Jim and DianeChapter 2

We went inside and showered, this time each to their own. Afterward, Diane thanked me for a wonderful night and date, kissing me long and hard. Then she left to go home. I sat in my house full of warm and fuzzy feelings about one hell of a great night of sex with a beautiful and sexually alive woman. Later that day Bill stopped by. He was hemming and hawing around before I finally told him to just come out with whatever was bothering him. "I guess Kate saw you this morning. On your deck....

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The Perils of Pauline DraxSummerby

I sat in my little scullery room and ached, we, the downstairs staff, had cleaned the mansion from top to basement. Plus my other duties, the kitchen staff had the list for the banquet, I wish I knew what was going on, how could I have become a lowly maid who has to answer to Summers. Only 8 months ago I was the innocent Pauline Summerby, a lady in my aging fathers grand house. It seems a lifetime ago, I remember our house being cleaned, just like I have had to do to this one today, but that...

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