Cecil Corliss, Young InvestorChapter 5 free porn video

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"Cecil, can you come over to the plaza and meet Tony Bishop and me? I want to get things squared away between us." This was right after I had been swimming for the exercise on Tuesday.

"Yes, I will if you promise not to dump your Plaza on me."

"No, not the Plaza, but I have something that might work in conjunction with your becoming a real estate agent."

"Okay I will be over shortly."

Pat was pouring coffee for me when I arrived. Tony was already there.

"Hey, Cecil."

"Hi Tony, what has Pat come up with?"

"Well it is a lot less than one half the Plaza. You are also going to have to work in this one."

Pat said, "Listen to this. You do not have to agree to anything or accept it. It is just an idea. You know I have dozens of apartments in the top two floors. Tenants are always coming and going. For each apartment, a lease is generated. When the tenants leave, the apartments are inspected. If the apartment is found damaged, a determination has to be made what amount the tenants are responsible for and it comes out of their deposit.

"After a tenant moves out, the apartment has to be renovated and everything brought up to code before a new one moves in. The manager has to hire painting contractors, plumbers, and often some flooring repair and replacement.

"Right now I hire a property manager to take care of all of this, but he has given his notice. He is leaving the first of the year. He will train his replacement before he leaves."

"This is all separate from your business rentals on the first floor?"

"Yes, a business lease is a whole different thing than renting an apartment."

"What arrangement did you have in mind for me?"

"I know what my square-foot-costs of the two floors are. That changes with the increases in taxes and my insurance. What I have in mind is to make the property management a separate entity. You could make it your own business with your own name if you choose. You would get the spread of the fixed costs and the amounts charged the tenants.

"This may be a lot bigger than you would want to take on, but Tony and I are here to guide you. You will have the present manager to teach you all the mechanics of the business before he leaves. I feel this is a great opportunity and you can get your feet wet in the business world."

"What happens if I screw up in some way? I take it this new management company could be fired?"

"Theoretically it could, but I wouldn't let that happen."

"Let me ask you a question. Do you have anyone else in mind to take over this business if I refuse?"

Pat's eyes immediately swung to Tony, who did not meet my eyes. Pat answered, "Well yes, but there are parts of this deal that he isn't qualified for, or wants to handle."

"What part is that?"

"Making out the leases and showing the apartments when one is open. He hates interviewing prospective tenants."

I sat thinking that part of the job did not seem as if it would be too time-consuming. I had just turned nineteen. Total property management would be a full-time job, and I obviously would be on call twenty-four hours around the clock. I had other interests. I wanted a realtor's license. If I got a license, I would want to use it. If I was tied up with a full-time job, I could not give justice to either endeavor. "Would you let me think this over for a couple of days? I will let you know. I can tell you right now, I don't want the management job."

Tony and Pat looked at me. At first, I thought they would explode. Pat had given me a great chance at what could be a lifetime job. It was not what I wanted. Suddenly they both started laughing. Tony had bet Pat that I would turn it down.

Then we got down to what would work. "Would you consider doing the leases and showing the apartments? You can do that by making an appointment and doing it at your convenience. Tony will teach you the lease basics and my present manager will show how he has handled the showings before he leaves. You would get paid a finder's fee on each apartment you show whether it is rented or not."

"Can you take me around today? Maybe I could look at a couple of empty apartments. I want to get an idea what they look like."

"Sure, there is one open on the second floor and two on the third. Those on the third floor are not rented as frequently as those on the second floor. There are elevators, of course, but still it is the idea of not being as close to the ground." We went up to the second and walked to number 16. Pat produced a key and we went in and looked around. This one had two bedrooms, a kitchen, bath and a small living room. "All on this floor are two bedroom apartments. On the third floor, they are all one bedroom except for two that have three bedrooms."

We went into all three empty apartments and looked around. Pat told me what the rent was for each apartment. "You multiply that by as many apartments of this size, minus about twelve percent unfilled and you get an idea what the gross income is. Then you start subtracting the cost of upkeep, maintenance, and the fixed cost like taxes and insurance. Water and heat has to be figured in because that is included in the rent."

Pat explained all this to me, thinking this was all new to me. I did not tell him that I was aware of a lot of this because my father had explained it to me when investing for those clients who purchased rental properties. That was years ago and a refresher course was welcomed.

We went up to the third floor and went into one of the two single bedroom apartments. We passed a wide stairwell going up to the loft. "What is up there?"

"I have one tenant up there. It is a woman artist and she leases sixty-seven feet on the north end. She tells me that is where the light is best for what she paints. You'll notice that there are large windows on the end of the building. Do you want to meet her?"

"Sure, I'd like to. Maybe she would like to paint my picture. Do you know anything about her?"

"Not too much. She is local to the city. She rented the loft a little over two years ago. She also keeps pretty much to herself, except when she goes off somewhere to show her paintings. At times she takes off, I suppose looking for subjects to paint."

"Does she paint landscapes or portraits?"

"Landscapes, I guess. That is all I have seen when I have been in her studio."

"What is her name?"

"Pauline Olson."

"I used to know a woman by that name. She was at one time a friend of my mother's. I liked her, but then she stopped coming around. I never asked mom why."

"Let's go up and you can meet her." We climbed the stairs and Pat swung the door to the loft inward.

"Mr. Herkimer, you startled me."

"Sorry. Polly, here is a young man who says he used to know you."

"Oh my God, Cecil, it has been a long time." She looked at Pat, stating, " I do know him." Before me stood a short blonde woman. Not tall, maybe five feet-one. She was more voluptuous then Mom's other cadre members. She had been painting a small canvas and paint smeared her smock.

I remembered four or five years ago, when Polly used to come to the house with all of my mother's other friends. I think I liked her best of all. Well, I liked Connie too, but Polly would always speak and sometimes sit with me. She acted as if she really liked me and that could impress a fourteen-year-old boy.

Polly did not ask after my mother. Her first comment surprised me. "Oh, you are the image of your father. Will you hug me?" Then she turned to Pat and Tony. "Would you leave me alone for a little time with Cecil? I want to reconnect with him."

"Sure, we are done with him for today anyway. Cecil, give me the answer when you can. No hurry."

"Give me a couple of days." Pat waved his hand and nodded agreement as he shut the door behind him.

"My, you sure have grown up. Tell me about yourself and the last few years. I thought I spotted you in the parking lot a few times. Were you on the stage? I saw a young man speak a few words at the ribbon cutting. I know your mother was there and I saw a young man with her, wondering if it might not be you. Tell me what you are doing with Mr. Herkimer?"

I laughed. "You sure ask a lot of questions. The last one I will answer first. Pat Herkimer has taken up with my mother and they are going to get married soon. I may be doing some things for him here in the plaza. He offered me the property management job, making it a separate company and giving me ownership. I turned him down because I have my own things I want to do. I am studying for a real estate license. He also needs someone who will be taking care of the leases when someone rents an apartment here. I would get a fee for that and am considering it."

"Tell me, did Samson leave you enough money to live on?"

"Yes, Polly, my dad left me well off. As you know, he was a financial investor and I think he taught me enough so I am doing the same as he did only using a different model."

"How so?"

"I'm investing directly in a person or a single business. You can say I have even invested in the Plaza for Pat. I came up with the access when the bridge closed. I know I'm bragging and I don't usually." I did not want to continue in that vein. "Polly, why did you stop coming to the house with the other women who are Mom's friends?"

Polly looked at me and then gestured for me to follow her. She went to the back of the studio. There were several canvases, unframed, stacked on edge on the floor. She pulled the top three of them toward her and pulled the next one up and out of the slanted pile. "Cecil, this is the reason. Sharon discovered that I was Samson's mistress. She actually handled the knowledge better than I did. I felt so guilty and couldn't face her any more."

She turned the canvas around, and there was my father's image. Polly had captured his likeness so well, for a minute, I thought my father was going to speak to me. I looked at her and asked, "Did you love him?", knowing she did, for I could see the love she had put into his face. Anyone could see it and in that minute, I realized it must have been for Polly and not for me.

Tears filled her eyes and ran down her face. She could not speak and just nodded her head. I went to her and hugged her to me. I had never seen my mother cry over my father, but this woman was obviously broken up over him. I led her back to where we could examine the portrait in the natural light. I was carrying the canvas. She said. "I painted that for you to have someday. I was going to have this framed and I was going to send it to you. You know he loved you, but I suppose he didn't tell you. He did not know how to show a person how he felt. I take that back, for he showed me."

"Polly, I figured out finally how much he did love me. I am positive he would have told me when I got older. He did not get older, but he started early enough by showing me what he was doing and how to make money. He even said that to me one time."

"Samson would be so pleased to hear you say that. He was hoping someday you would follow in his footsteps. His intention was to form an agency called Corliss and Sons, Investments. I could tell you so much about your father. I was just his mistress, but he loved me very much. You know if he hadn't made Sharon pregnant after a wild night when we were all young and drunk, you would be my son instead of hers."

"Polly, I want to hear it all. I am going to be here in the Plaza a lot. I'll visit you when I come."

"Oh Cecil, that would make me so happy. I want to have you share your life with me as well. I want to tell you of my life with your father, too. You can get a different perspective of him that way. You know, if you are investing for people, I will let you handle mine. Samson set up an account for me in my name and when he died, it was unknown and did not go into his estate. Also, my paintings are quite well known. The last show I held, I sold forty percent of the inventory that was in the show. That is exceptional."

"Are you happy?"

"Happy? I don't know. I would be happier if Samson was alive, but maybe you can fill some of the void I have felt since he died."

I spent another half hour with Polly. I went away feeling almost closer to this woman than I did my mother. She was such a warm person. Do not get me wrong, I love my mother, especially the way she had connected with me in the last two years. I still could not forget the years up until then, though.

My days were getting busy. Fitness or swimming early every morning. And studying my lessons. I never knew when Mitzi would slide into bed with me. Oh, but then that was fine exercise! Melanie and Drina were settling in together in Melanie's apartment. It was small and cozy, and it did have room for Drina to stay full time with her.

I now paid the rent and opened the two of them an account to draw on. After Drina read the cards for Melanie, she suggested Drina read cards for her friends. They would pay and give Drina a small income. In a way I was pleased that neither one was trying to use me.

Roma did not know that I had employed her mother to watch over her. This would be until she had her feet on the ground with her acting career. That was my plan. If Melanie were with them for a short while, she would give Roma more needed class. Melanie was a perfect role model. Roma would learn of my plans when she came home at Thanksgiving time.

I rolled over in bed Friday morning and there was Mitzi smiling at me. "Hi, you were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you."

"Good, I was hoping you would come in last night. I want to know what your father is doing for Thanksgiving."

"He and Chelsea are going out to a restaurant for dinner. I am invited to go with them. I hate to, for I will be somewhat like a third wheel. I do think my father is finally in a relationship. Why the question?"

"I thought maybe you would like to have Thanksgiving with Pete. I will give you my car to use so you can visit him and I will buy your dinner. I'll even spring for three nights in a motel."

"Why all this?"

"Roma is coming home and I want to be with her. I've set it up where her mother will be here with her for the holiday."

Mitzi giggled. "Don't want us to get together and compare notes, huh?"

"Compare all you want to. I just thought you would like to see him. Then it is you who will have to do the comparing of Pete and me." This time I was smiling.

"I'll call and tell him. Stay right there." Mitzi went into the other room and soon came back. "I don't know if Pete is in love with me or with you. He told me to thank you, anyway."

There was the license exam date coming up the first week of December. I concentrated on completing my real estate course and spent much time reviewing the material. I felt this was a marker in my life. Going back to what my father had said to me at one time. This was what he wanted to teach me. It was how to make money if it ever became necessary. I was investing money at a fast rate, which would continue for the next two years, even if I did not take on anything new.

I had done very well with what I called the Plaza project including the loan to the Biscotti Construction Company. I could declare I had not really spent very much capital as I had replaced what I had withdrawn from my account to put Roma into school. What I had laid out to put the Button and Bows Knitting shop on its feet was already giving me some return. I had in mind that if it was as successful after a year as I hoped, there might be a possibility of making it the core of a future franchise. I would take on new projects as I found different opportunities, as they were everywhere. All a person had to do was to scope these out.

I chuckled to myself when I thought about Cindy Williams. I could write off what I had laid out to put into her college fund anytime as a total loss. I would not have to have any more contact with her. Connie well knew that Cindy did not like me, so she would not push us together. We arranged to meet in my office to conduct the Knitting Shop business.

I was drawn to the Plaza and Polly Olson. I had the excuse to go up to the loft as I was often in the Plaza with the maintenance manager. I did not need an excuse I guess, but I wanted to find out more about the relationships of my mother, my father and of Polly. I wanted this to come from Polly first and then I wanted to get my mother's story. After all, you had to respect and love the only mother you ever knew, the same as you would your father.

The story final came out, bit by bit, so that I could piece it together. Mother and Polly went to the same college. The two girls roomed together and it was while they were out to a party that they met my father. Sharon, my mother, was the more aggressive and claimed Samson for her own at first. He, however, was drawn to Polly, the warmer, quieter, more settled woman. Sharon soon became aware of where my father's interest lay.

"Sharon claims she forgot to take her birth control pills and was soon pregnant. How many times have I kicked myself about being out-maneuvered by her? Your father was an honorable man and married your mother. I stepped out of the picture and made a life for myself. I've done very well too."

"Were you intimate with my father at that time?"

"Of course, at first. I worked so hard to get him to love me and that was part of it. I received his love, but Sharon got him through her pregnancy and in a few months, she had you. I did not see either of them for more than five years. Your mother came to my first showing. I had not kept track of her, but she had looked me up. We talked and she wanted to resume our friendship. I said no, because I still had strong feelings for your father. So, it was another five years, before I saw Samson again.

"Sharon brought Samson with her to a show. It was as if I had never left him. He felt the same for me. He suggested that I again become one of Sharon's friends. This was just so we could speak occasionally. We continued in that vein until just before you were twelve, By this time I realized that Sharon wasn't giving you much of a mother's love. You must remember when I started paying more attention to you?"

"I do. You gave me a nice present on my twelfth birthday. It was a calculator I had wanted for a long time."

"I gave it to you, but it was at your father's suggestion of something you would want. It was inevitable that Samson and I resume the intimate relationship we had so many years before. We did not take anything from your mother. Samson treated her same as he always did. We did make some plans, though. We planned when you reached eighteen he was going to divorce your mother and marry me."

"You disappeared from my life when I was fourteen."

"Yes, your mother heard Samson and me talking about him leaving her. She confronted us about it. Again, she won. She did agree to divorce him when you were eighteen. I would leave until then and have no more contact with Samson or any of her friends. She was afraid her friends would get onto the fact that Samson and I was intimate and that would humiliate her."

"It would have."

"Yes, and Samson as well. I agreed to your mother's terms. I did see Samson one more time. We spent a week together about five months before he died. I have cherished the memory of that week so much." Tears were running down Polly's face and I just had to give her a hug.

"I could dislike my mother for taking away your happiness."

"No, that wouldn't be right. Your mother did love your father and she did realize that I loved Samson more than she did. She would have let me finally have him when you reached eighteen. I know she would have."

"I asked my mom about you at the time you disappeared you know. It must have been a month before I realized you were not coming to see my mom and me. Mom told me you had moved away and you were so sad about it you couldn't come and say goodbye."

"I was more than sad. I was brokenhearted."

I never stayed too long because I was always interrupting her painting. She claimed she did not mind, but I could see I was a bother. Finally, one day she said, "Come in the evening sometime. I can't paint without natural light. We can talk longer." She sent the portrait of my father out to be framed, promising to give it to me when it came back.

The next time I stopped by to say hi, mounted on the wall there was a larger than life picture of my father at his desk. Me, as a ten-year-old boy was sitting off to one side holding a book. You could read the title of the book. "Commodities, How to Buy and Sell."

I remembered that particular time. Polly rarely came into my father's office while I was there, but I did remember that day as she had her camera with her and didn't stay long.

"You may have that picture if you like it. The one I showed you of just your father is out to the frame shop. You can take your pick."

"I'll wait for that one to come back." Polly presented it to me three days before Thanksgiving and I hung it on the south wall of my tiny living room. I knew Roma would enjoy seeing what my father had looked like when she arrived on Wednesday. What my mother would say, when she saw it, I had no idea. There was no reason why Polly and my mom could not be friendly. That is what I thought, but I had learned you could not second-guess the female gender.

Mitzi came and got my car to drive north. No, we did not make love. I think she would have, but it didn't seem right. I did receive a very warm kiss but there was not any passion in it as there shouldn't be. Before she drove off I asked how Chelsea and her father were getting along."

"Wonderfully. Dad loves her already and she can't do enough for him."

"Just a thought while you up there with Pete, why don't you see if they have a grocery store that is the same chain as the one you are working in now. If there is you might apply there the first of the year and move up there."

"I couldn't afford to."

"Maybe Chelsea would help if you asked her. That way your father and Chelsea could have your house to himself without you being around."

"Oh come on Cecil, she has no money."

"Maybe not, but I still think you should at least tell her that you would like to move closer to Pete."

"Okay, if she is there when I get my suitcase, I'll at least hint that I would love to." One more quick kiss and she was on her way.

Mother was putting on Thanksgiving for Roma and I, Drina and Melanie, and Pat Herkimer. Yes, Roma and I slept in the same bed as we used to. We talked until the wee hours in the morning. Just before we turned over to sleep, I announced that her mother would be at the table tomorrow. Roma was shocked. "How come?"

"Because you need her. She has moved out of the enclave where you grew up and is living with one of mother's friends. She is getting familiar with a broader culture than where she comes from. When you become a star, you will need someone to watch your back. She can do that for you."

"Who will be paying for this?"

"I may at first, but you will eventually, not long after you finish your schooling. Remember I am getting a percentage of your income when you start performing. I'm providing just a little more of an advance to assure that you have every chance to become the star I just mentioned."

"I still ask why?"

"Because, and I will say this as I have said before, I believe in you."

"Cecil, your faith in me is my greatest inspiration. I will do my best."

Roma and I went around to my mother's part of the house at ten. Pat was there as he stayed over on a regular basis now. Drina and Melanie were expected at any minute. Mom hugged Roma saying how pleased she could join us for the holiday. "Sharon, that is a wonderful portrait hanging in Cecil's apartment. What a handsome man your husband was. I do believe Cecil is a copy of his father."

Mom swung her eyes to me. "Cecil what picture is Roma talking about?"

"It was a portrait painted by one of your former friends. She gave it to me." Mom knew immediately it had to have come from Polly Olson.

"You never said you knew Polly. Where is she living? I haven't seen her for several years."

Pat spoke up. "Ms. Olson lives in the Plaza. I wasn't aware that you knew her or I would have said something."

"Oh, I know her all right. I was not aware she had painted Samson. Cecil, I'll want to see the picture and we will talk about this later."

"Sure Mom." Just then Roma's mom arrived by taxi with Melanie. Already I could see the change in Drina. She was dressing better, her makeup was perfect, and she did not act like a subjugated person as she did when I first knew her. Roma drew her mother into the living room and each told the other what was going on in their lives. Melanie latched onto me and was telling me about her own life now. She thanked me for giving her life a boost in what was dreary before Drina. I took it she was happy for what I had set before her to do.

The women soon all went into the kitchen and Pat sat down beside me saying. "You said you knew Polly Olson. I take it that your mother does too."

"Yes, they go way back. They both loved my father. Polly, I think, loved my father much more deeply than mom did, but my mother had me and Polly was pushed to the side. My father died early. Some changes, which were in the works, were never able to be resolved. I do not know if the two will ever be friends again. I wish they could be, for I think the world of my mother of course, but Polly is not far behind.

"I have heard Polly's side of their life. I am curious to hear what my mother has to say. Who knows what their lives would have been if Mom hadn't gotten pregnant with me."

"I don't know Pauline Olson at all well. She has been a good tenant for me. I really was surprised when you said you knew her. You know, Sharon never talks about your father. I do know that I love her very much and we will be married before the first of the year. Whether she loved your father or not is really nothing to me."

"That's great. I want my mom to be happy. I didn't see that she wasn't, but looking back, I could she where she might not have been." Mom announced dinner. We sat down for the traditional turkey and fixings.

I went back to my apartment and lay down. I was tired from talking to Roma into the early morning hours. Roma brought Drina in and said she had asked her mother to sleep with her tonight. "Okay with me. I'm going out tonight and I may be late."

Roma looked at me and I smiled slightly and shook my head, indicating that I was not going to hook up with another girl for sex. She smiled back at me. I left shortly and made my way to the Plaza. Polly was heating some soup. I shut her stove off and found a wrap for her. "I'm taking you out for a late Thanksgiving dinner. I want to give thanks for us finding each other again."

"You're sweet. That is like something your father would do." We found a small restaurant that was open. Polly had two glasses of wine with her meal and when we returned to her loft, she had another.

"Polly, how do you feel about my mother?"

"Why are you asking?"

"I would like you two to be friends again. You have been friends twice in your life. I would like to have you go for three."

"I would too, but it would have to be at her invitation. I did not play fair, I suppose. I just loved your father so much. I did not feel as if I was cheating. He should have been my husband to start with."

"Polly, Mom knows I have the picture of my father you gave me hanging on the wall in my apartment. She wants to talk to me about you and I guess about her relationship with my father. Maybe some things good will come of this."

"I hope so. If Sharon and I get back to being friends again, I will feel as if I have come full circle." It was early and Polly did not want me to go. She asked, "Do you know anything about painting?"


"Come, I will tell you a little about it. All my life I have wanted to be an artist. I used to draw pictures with my crayons. Most people get beyond common wax crayons, but occasionally I create in that medium. I also work in oil, watercolor, and acrylics. I try for perfection, but there isn't a single image that couldn't be better.

"It is like being a writer. You have a million words to get your story to the reader. You just have to choose the correct ones. One writer will use one set of words, another will use different words, and they might be telling the same story. One story will be great and the other one not so much. It is the same with painting. You have to use the correct medium."

Before I was aware, the time had passed and it was midnight. I made my excuses and Polly rose and came into my arms for a hug. She said, "You are a wonderful young man. Sharon and Samson couldn't have produced a better example of manhood."

I stood outside the door thinking for a minute after it closed behind me, "Polly has had heartbreak for most of her life. It is a sad situation."

I did not see much of Roma, as her mother took up her time by staying in my apartment with her. Soon she was due to return to New York. Mitzi came back from her mini vacation with Pete. She saw that my apartment was crowded, so she went on home. Before she did that, Roma, Mitzi and I had a chance to spend an afternoon together. I learned while she was telling Roma that she and Pete had a great time. They did not get out of bed for the first 24 hours they were together.

Same as Cecil Corliss, Young Investor
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Cecil Part II

The bar was packed, not because it was entertaining or a nice place for conversation, it was packed because the Buffalo Pussy Posse was out in force tonight. The bar was three deep in streetwalkers, hookers, pimps and huggermuggers. Ruby and Cici (nee Cecil), had seats on the end of the curved bar in the back. The city was doing its once every six months attempt to keep the Chippewa Strip free of ladies of the evening and all that was associated with them. “Must be a convention in...

4 years ago
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Cecil III

“Let me do you tonight Arnie.” Cici whispered in his ear. “Let me fuck you, I really want to get inside you.” “I don’t know Cici, I never done that before.” Replied Arnie as he kissed her again. “Gee, you have stuck it in me enough, turn about is fair play. Besides whats the difference you have no problem going down and me, sucking me off, its no big deal, let me do you. Lie down on the couch and I’ll take you from behind the first time, that will be real easy on you.” “Maybe later.” ...

2 years ago
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I met Cecilia in a wine bar after I had finished playing a classical guitar gig. She had very long jet black hair, oval shaped chestnut brown eyes, and a wide mouth with lush, full, brightly painted red lips. Cecilia was dressed in a black coloured bell shaped skirt of textured fabric topped by a thin, black, silk blouse which covered her enormous bosom. She was fairly tall, slim, and statuesque but endowed with a graceful air and posture. I thought that Cecilia looked familiar, like a portrait...

2 years ago
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I met Cecilia in a wine bar after I had finished playing a classical guitar gig. She had very long jet black hair, oval shaped chestnut brown eyes, and a wide mouth with lush, full, brightly painted red lips. Cecilia was dressed in a black coloured bell shaped skirt of textured fabric topped by a thin, black, silk blouse which covered her enormous bosom. She was fairly tall, slim, and statuesque but endowed with a graceful air and posture. I thought that Cecilia looked familiar, like a portrait...

4 years ago
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Her long triangular shaped fingers were painted with burgundy nail polish. I watched her as she stood at the end of the bar drinking a glass of red wine and wondered if she was there with someone or alone. Before I had the chance to gather the courage to strike up a conversation, she picked up her drink and moved towards my side of the bar. Her voice, though soft, was so sweet that I immediately felt drawn to her. Cecilia thanked me for my earlier performance and asked if I had any plans for...

2 years ago
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Cecilia and Emily Chapter 5

Cecilia fell pregnant rather sooner than I had imagined she would; for some reason I'd thought that the effect the birth control pills had had on her system would have taken a little longer to wear off. Yeah, well, what do we men know about such things? From what I've been told since, I gather if you miss one pill for a day or so, or even take the wrong medicine with them there's a possibility that you could soon find a bun cooking away in the oven. Anyway Cecilia made the announcement...

3 years ago
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Cecilia and Emily Chapter 2

I suppose I should be able to say at this point that Emily and I didn't contact or speak to each other after she returned home and accepted Graham's proposal of marriage. I'm afraid I can't say that we did that until after their wedding. We spoke on the telephone for an hour or so every week right up until the fateful day arrived eight months later. Emily needed assurance that she was doing the right thing. As she had said she loved Graham but she wasn't in love with him. If you can't...

3 years ago
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Cecilia and Emily Chapter 4

I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading and editing skills; and of course their encouragement. Clarification: Muggin's = someone who has been conned into performing some service, or been otherwise disadvantaged through an embarrassingly simple ruse. "Youngs" is a formal-dress rental company with outlets all over the UK. In the following weeks I was pleased to hear through the family grapevine that Shirley and Brian were back together and engaged again; and...

2 years ago
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Cecilia and Emily Chapter 6

The next few years seemed to slip by at breakneck speed for me. As Emily's twins got older they appeared to enjoy living with us and became, with their mother, an integral part of our family. I can't put my finger on exactly when they started to refer to me as their father. I think the first time I was aware that they were actually calling me dad was when I heard one of them say to the other, "You'll have to ask dad, if he knows." It was some help that she needed with school homework, I...

2 years ago
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Cecilia Lion 80 272000

Cecilia Lion may be a girl whose name strikes a special place in your pants... I mean, heart. Her long, curly hair is easily one of her most identifying features when you see a photo or watch a video of her. On the other hand, you have Cecilia who is a very petite nymphomanic and she knows how to bring her sexuality through when she has sex.Cecilia has over 273K followers at the time of this review. I'd assume she's had this since the beginning of her career and has only continued to grow....

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Cecilia 55 year old latina pussy

Cecilia, 55 year old latina pussyCecilia is the sister of the girl in my profile pic. She'll be turning 55 next month. She's not the hottest gilf, but I wouldn't hesitate to knock the dust off that pussy. I still see her around in the neighborhood from time to time and still looks amazing. She also broke up with her boyfriend recently so I'm trying to slide in there. Hopefully nudes to come! Her sister Eira, the one in my profile pic, I can only imagine told her about my fat 8" cock and was...

4 years ago
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I met Cecilia in a wine bar after I had finished playing a classical guitar gig. She had very long jet black hair, oval shaped chestnut brown eyes, and a wide mouth with lush, full, brightly painted red lips. Cecilia was dressed in a black coloured bell shaped skirt of textured fabric topped by a thin, black, silk blouse which covered her enormous bosom. She was fairly tall, slim, and statuesque but endowed with a graceful air and posture. I thought that Cecilia looked familiar, like a portrait...

3 years ago
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Cecilia was a six-foot tall naked, alabaster, raven-haired apparition on a mission. The wet sand was cold on her bare feet but fire burned in her heart and soul. The moon cast a quicksilver band across the dark black water of the ocean. The sea mist was starting to rise this few minutes after midnight, adding a surreal feeling to the whole scene. Captain Jonathan Porter appeared out of the mist, walking toward Cecilia. His sailor’s tan looked odd, as he was as naked as she. His arm, face and...

2 years ago
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Ceciline Part 2

It had been a week since I had met Ceciline and her husband. Although I went to the parking lot every night, I hadn’t seen the man again. Some other men had tried to pick me up and I had gotten into a couple cars, but I didn’t want to miss my chance to go back to the house and see Ceciline. I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head. I could have gotten back there myself, but I was worried that they would not want to see me. What had happened the week before scared me, but also made me crave...

4 years ago
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Ceciline Part 3

I scrawled my signature in the allocated spaces. I felt oddly relieved, knowing that this was the end of a very long, and very bad marriage, but at the same time was frightened about what lay ahead of me. It had taken a child for me to realise that I had been in denial for years about the state of my marriage and after eighteen years realised things weren’t going to get any better. I had to get out of the bad relationship not only for myself, but for my infant son, Bobby. Sure Mark, had been a...

3 years ago
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Ceciline Part 1

‘Can I help you?’ he asked me. ‘mmm?’ I just looked at him. ‘How about we go to my car?’ he asked, reaching his hand out to mine, his fingertips barely touching the back of my hand. ‘oh um hm.’ I mumbled under my breath very quietly, unsure if the man could hear me. I didn’t really know what I was doing there in the parking lot that late at night or what he wanted from me. I grabbed his hand, linking my fingers with his and followed him to his BMW. It was parked in the far corner of the dimly...

2 years ago
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Ceciline Part 3

I scrawled my signature in the allocated spaces. I felt oddly relieved, knowing that this was the end of a very long, and very bad marriage, but at the same time was frightened about what lay ahead of me. It had taken a child for me to realise that I had been in denial for years about the state of my marriage and after eighteen years realised things weren't going to get any better. I had to get out of the bad relationship not only for myself, but for my infant son, Bobby. Sure Mark, had been a...

4 years ago
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Ceciline Part 2

It had been a week since I had met Ceciline and her husband. Although I went to the parking lot every night, I hadn't seen the man again. Some other men had tried to pick me up and I had gotten into a couple cars, but I didn't want to miss my chance to go back to the house and see Ceciline. I hadn't been able to get her out of my head. I could have gotten back there myself, but I was worried that they would not want to see me. What had happened the week before scared me, but also made me crave...

3 years ago
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Ceciline Part 1

"Can I help you?" he asked me. "mmm?" I just looked at him. "How about we go to my car?" he asked, reaching his hand out to mine, his fingertips barely touching the back of my hand. "oh um hm." I mumbled under my breath very quietly, unsure if the man could hear me. I didn't really know what I was doing there in the parking lot that late at night or what he wanted from me. I grabbed his hand, linking my fingers with his and followed him to his BMW. It was parked in the far corner of the dimly...

2 years ago
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CecilineChapter 2

It had been a week since I had met Ceciline and her husband. Although I went to the parking lot every night, I hadn't seen the man again. Some other men had tried to pick me up and I had gotten into a couple cars, but I didn't want to miss my chance to go back to the house and see Ceciline. I hadn't been able to get her out of my head. I could have gotten back there myself, but I was worried that they would not want to see me. What had happened the week before scared me, but also made me...

4 years ago
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CecilineChapter 3

I scrawled my signature in the allocated spaces. I felt oddly relieved, knowing that this was the end of a very long, and very bad marriage, but at the same time was frightened about what lay ahead of me. It had taken a child for me to realise that I had been in denial for years about the state of my marriage and after eighteen years realised things weren't going to get any better. I had to get out of the bad relationship not only for myself, but for my infant son, Bobby. Sure Mark, had...

2 years ago
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Cecilia and Emily Chapter 3

I was at a bit of a loose end after Rigmor had returned to Norway. I popped over there to see her a couple of times in the following months. We'd sneak away to her family's summer holiday home for a few hours and we spent a couple of nights in my hotel together. But it was an expensive courtship and it was obvious that it couldn't last. I picked up hints that at least one of her old boyfriends was sniffing around when I wasn't there. So in the end, Rigmor and I decided that it would...

4 years ago
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Converting the NeighborsChapter 5 Seducing the Youngs

Chloe was hurt. The physical pain was gone, but the bruises on her arms where her father than grabbed her were still there, as were the welts from the riding crop. She wore long sleeves to cover the bruises; the welts were more discreet, in places others couldn’t see. The hurt was mostly psychological. She had realized that her father was a monster. Before, his bedtime “lessons” were something she didn’t quite understand, something she could take his word for as being important, and then...

2 years ago
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Angel Youngs 200 261000

New porn stars are cropping up all of the time. Angel Youngs isn’t exactly fresh on the scene, but she has recently blown up in popularity. Her cute face, perfect tits, and bubbly personality are all I need to hose my bedroom down in cum.Tail DetailAngel Youngs was born on March 8th, 1999, in the growing Austin, Texas, area. As of 2023, that makes her 23 years young. She is five foot five, petite, and has a little bubble butt. Angel is neither married nor has a boyfriend. More on that point,...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Hamida Is Back 8211 Pt 5 Being Whore To Three Youngsters

Welcome to the new episode of this series. Please make sure you have read “” series before reading this one. This is the sequel of that series. Also, due to unavoidable circumstances, I have decided to post only one series at a time. That means, the other ongoing series will be halted until this one is over. I apologize from all my readers. I hope you will still be with me regardless. Now, enjoy the story. ~Story starts~ Hamida found the sexual intercourses she had with anyone other than...

3 years ago
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My husband had a business trip to Ghana ( Accra ) and asked me to go with him…We had a nice hotel suite in the best hotel of Accra, it was really a pleasure. On the 3rd evening we where there, i realized after dinner that i had left my glasses by the swimming pool , so i went to look, but could not see them…so i asked at reception, and they told me to go into a store located on the other side of the swinmming-pool. It was 11pm, and i went to this place and opened the door : an unexpected...

2 years ago
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My husband had a business trip to Ghana ( Accra ) and asked me to go with him...We had a nice hotel suite in the best hotel of Accra, it was really a pleasure. On the 3rd evening we where there, i realized after dinner that i had left my glasses by the swimming pool , so i went to look, but could not see them...so i asked at reception, and they told me to go into a store located on the other side of the swinmming-pool. It was 11pm, and i went to this place and opened the door : an unexpected...

4 years ago
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my milf get lucky at the movie theater with younge

My wife and I went to the movies one afternoon and as usual we were getting very frisky. She normally wears no panties or bra when we go out to play.I was playing with her tits and pussy and I had her tank top pulled up above her tits and her skirt up on her belly. Peggy glanced out to our left and one row up. there was this handsome young man turned in our direction and he was staring at her tits and looking down at her pussy. Peggy let me know and had me lean back out of his view so he could...

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Cecilias Desire For Older Men

This is a story of how I began my first affair with an older man when I was eighteen years old and how I came to find myself attracted to older men instead of boys my own age.  My name is Cecilia and I was born in Okinawa, Japan but adopted by a white American couple from Charleston, South Carolina when I was seven months old.  My adoptive parents are great.  My mother could never have children so they adopted me and I could not have wished for better parents. I grew up rather privileged, not...

2 years ago
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Hi just a few short lines to ryme feel free to comment and we will all see how dark we get.. I remember walking in and seeing my sister in the bath.. I was addicted from that moment I knew her body will be mine to enjoy and have.. Could not resizt Even though Am 6years older. [email protected] looked at her smile saying it’s OK don’t worry if I see you naked am your brother then I told her.so long as nobody else finds out.. Specialy as I should know better no doubt.. I Even laugh and say...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 8

After Jessie’s and Jill’s request to be more open with the family I began to notice a few chances around the farm. I noticed how lightly the girls had begun to dress. They would walk around the house in light clothing which revealed a lot of their beautiful skin. Obviously trying to catch my attention, I think it excited them to prance around the house trying to impress a boy, and it certainly excited me! Those occasions usually turned out to them unzipping my pants and playing with me. They...

5 years ago
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Youngsville Part 7

The faucet poured water into my hands which I splashed onto my face. It was a fresh feeling, having just woken up. I stood only in my boxer briefs and a t-shit and felt like I was at home. I was standing in the new bathroom which I had just finished the day before. The girls loved it and I felt great to be able to make them happy in another way, other than tantalizing them with my cock. I stepped out and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Jill was standing by the stove preparing tea and I...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 2

I got dressed and walked down the street as Let had told me at the train station. I walked out of town until I came to the outskirts of the ranch. There was a wooden fence and a gate which read ‘Day-Sea ranch’. I needed to walk about a kilometer up a dirt road from the fence until I reached the farm’s buildings. As I approached, I saw a farmhouse. I noticed its age. It must have been built sometime during the 1800s. The farmhouse was on top of a hill, which made me a little tired after hauling...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 5

I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage. I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 6

A few hours later I woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other animals from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was lying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill’s cherry. I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 3

Later that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3×4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, which made it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning. As I thought about the light, I a shadow moved outside the window above my head. There was a light...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 9

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was a brand new one that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam the safe made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 1

Part 1: Moving  Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most kids avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I guess I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I’m a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life, but I have also worked as a craftsman in my...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 4

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt. After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls...

2 years ago
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Exploring sex inyoung years

Hi,this happend some years ago, when I was in my mid teens living with my mom and dad, and my two year younger brother Bengt. I would say we are a normal family and me and my brother was mostly into different fights and made life as uncomfortable as possible for each other.. We had a house on the countryside, and we was both in school. Now it was summer break from school and a really hot summer. In the evening mom and dad called us down and told us they need to go away for at least three days...

2 years ago
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youngins in the canyon

the wife,karen, and i were hiking into a dead end canyon a few years back. it was a warm day and she wore a halter top and tiny shorts on her tiny little body although her boobs really pushed out that halter top. we had hiked this canyon many times before and knew there was only one way in and one way out. we had seen a car parked in the parking lot when we came in so we knew someone else was also hiking the canyon. about an hour into the canyon we came to little rise where you could see...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 9

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was a brand new one that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam the safe made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 8

After Jessie’s and Jill’s request to be more open with the family I began to notice a few chances around the farm. I noticed how lightly the girls had begun to dress. They would walk around the house in light clothing which revealed a lot of their beautiful skin. Obviously trying to catch my attention, I think it excited them to prance around the house trying to impress a boy, and it certainly excited me! Those occasions usually turned out to them unzipping my pants and playing with me. They...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 7

The faucet poured water into my hands which I splashed onto my face. It was a fresh feeling, having just woken up. I stood only in my boxer briefs and a t-shit and felt like I was at home. I was standing in the new bathroom which I had just finished the day before. The girls loved it and I felt great to be able to make them happy in another way, other than tantalizing them with my cock. I stepped out and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Jill was standing by the stove preparing tea and I...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 6

A few hours later I woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other animals from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was lying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry. I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

3 years ago
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the youngin

i am a 70 year old married bi guy. the wife was away for the day so i got to do what i love to do, go hunting. one of my favorite hunting places is the restrooms at the beach. when i got there i saw nobody around but i went into the restroom anyway. stood at the urinal a few minutes and was about to leave when a youngin came in and went right to the urinal next to me. he looked like he belonged at the beach, thin with curly blond hair.he walked up to the urinal and i knew right away that he...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 5

I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage. I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 4

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt. After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 3

Later that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, which made it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning. As I thought about the light, I a shadow moved outside the window above my head. There was a light...

First Time
4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 2

I got dressed and walked down the street as Let had told me at the train station. I walked out of town until I came to the outskirts of the ranch. There was a wooden fence and a gate which read "Day-Sea ranch". I needed to walk about a kilometer up a dirt road from the fence until I reached the farm's buildings. As I approached, I saw a farmhouse. I noticed its age. It must have been built sometime during the 1800s. The farmhouse was on top of a hill, which made me a little tired after hauling...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 1

Part 1: Moving  Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most kids avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I guess I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life, but I have also worked as a craftsman in my...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 9 Consequences

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was brand new that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam it made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between the 2 inch...

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