Taking the Class Part 2Chapter 11 Monday Night 10 33PM ndash Desire
- 3 years ago
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“She’s really coming?”
“That’s what she said,” replied Will. His sister had accosted him at his locker between classes. I haven’t seen Prez around yet today, but that’s pretty normal.
Marissa did a little dance, radiating excitement and happiness, then gave him a hug. “You really are the best brother!”
“So you’re saying you didn’t believe it before?!” Will asked, sounding scandalized. He ruffled her pinned-up hair.
“Wiilll! Not at school!” she complained. “Now I’ve gotta find a mirror and fix it...” She released him, huffed, and started towards her next class. After a couple steps, she turned back. “Um,” she said. She moved closer again. “Are you ... okay for tonight? With ... you know...”
It’s just Prez coming over. Why is she making such a big deal out of it? Time to go Big Brother mode... “I thought I told you that you were too young to be worrying about me? I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it. Hurry up and get to class before I mess up your hair again.” He raised his hands towards her in a zombie-like motion.
“Nooo!” she giggled as she started to slowly run away. “I’ll see you later, Will!”
What is she doing?
Chemistry passed sluggishly, and now it was History. And Prez was acting strange.
I can’t tell if she’s teasing me again or if she’s pissed off. What the hell. He glanced over at the other side of the classroom.
Prez met his eyes, her own brown orbs smiling seductively at him. She licked her plump, kissable lips slowly, her tongue moving around—
She jumped, then glared at the girl sitting next to her. Ayanna was giving the fair-skinned girl a meaningful look and pinching her leg.
Prez raised her hands to her flawless face, resting her elbows on her desk.
Her skin looks somehow ... clearer? Almost like it’s glowing. Am I imagining it? Is this what it’s like having a crush? Ah, shit, do I really have it this bad?
The bell rang, and Prez bolted out of the room, the skirt of her dress billowing out slightly behind her. Ayanna gave Will an apologetic look before chasing after her friend.
I feel like I’m missing something?
Will dallied for as long as he could. He checked in on Nathan to talk books before the security guard headed home for the day, he debated with Mrs. Erikson about why Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—one of the most famous American novels—was published first in the UK and Canada, and he even finished all of his homework before he found himself heading to his big, red fire truck.
3:30. I guess I’d better get going. It’ll take me ten or fifteen to get back, then I’ll have a few minutes to make my room look lived-in again in case Prez decides to stop by.
He clicked the fob, opened the door, and climbed in. With a press of the ignition, the engine started, and he carefully pulled out of the lot to begin his drive after buckling his seatbelt. His radio, blaring some pop rock station, went unnoticed as he navigated in deep thought.
I hope she doesn’t stay long. I mean, it’s fine if she wants to? Ah, she’s been so weird today I don’t know which Prez is going to show up. But if she stays too long then they might come home.
He rested his left elbow where the window met the door, leaning his chin on his hand. Maybe I can leave her—No, no way. Who knows what he’d do.
His right hand tightened on the wheel. I’ll just get them talking a bit, and then I can get her to leave after they get to know each other. Then Rissa can just talk to her in school. No reason for her to ever come to the house again. Ah, shit, why did I agree to this?
He stopped behind a school bus, its lights flashing. Small children ran off, each one received by a smiling parent.
Was I ever that young? It’s so difficult to remember past that one year. He shivered. Even just recalling Shay the other day was like looking at someone else’s life.
The lights on the bus went out and its stop sign retracted. The procession of vehicles resumed.
Please don’t be there. Please don’t be there. Shit. It was pure luck on Saturday that they were both out as long as they were. What did Rissa say they were doing today?
Will racked his brain. Fuck, my head’s a mess after this weekend.
His car turned onto another street. Around a long curve, the houses began to get larger, the yards expanding to accommodate each one. Perfectly-manicured lawn after perfectly-manicured lawn. Spotless driveway after spotless driveway.
Will’s breathing grew shallow and faster, as it always did when he drove on this stretch of road. It’s not too late, I could cancel. Or reschedule. Shit, why didn’t I just have Prez meet her at a coffee shop or go out for ice cream or something? Fuck!
His fist came down on the armrest with a solid thud.
He took a deep breath. I have to calm down. If they’re not around, Prez will probably freak out if she sees me like this. And if they are, I’ll need to be able to think. For all the good it’ll do.
Will felt his phone buzz in his pocket, but he ignored it.
The driveway came into view. No cars were in sight, and both garage doors were closed.
I figured Rissa would be back by now. I ... should go inside. Right?
Will backed his car into the drive, parking to the side of the garage. He left the doors unlocked, hefting his backpack and overnight carryall bag and making for the the front door. His steps were steady, but small, as though his body was trying to delay reaching his destination as much as possible. His forehead felt clammy.
At last, the door loomed before him. A big, stained mahogany door. Just a door.
He brought his right hand up, holding his keys out, but it refused to move forward at first. At last, he mustered his willpower and inserted the key into the door’s lock. And twisted.
He took another breath. Then he removed his key and opened the door.
Silence greeted him. But does that mean the house is empty or...
Will hesitated a moment before stepping in. He shut the door, then eyed the panel for the security system.
Still armed. He let out a sigh of relief, sagging back against the door. He dropped the carryall bag, then flipped the panel open to enter the disarm code. They’re not here. He could still feel his heart hammering away in his chest. “Ah, shit,” he said softly.
He picked up his bag again, trudging towards the stairs. The house felt less oppressive now, his sense of dread diminishing with each step that he took. To a point.
I’ve just gotta make sure we’re both out of here before they get back. He emptied the overnight bag into his hamper, digging out the extra pair of shoes from under the rumpled mess of clothes and placing them by his closet.
He’d just finished throwing a notebook onto his desk when the doorbell rang.
3:55. Is that her? Probably another one of those ‘To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late.’ things.
Will headed out into the hallway and down the stairs. A head of dark hair was visible through the glazed glass window of the door. He felt his stomach lurch. Just act normal. You’ve been around Prez lots of times. Alone together. In a house. Ah, shit. He pulled open the door.
Prez stood there wearing the same plaid, navy blue dress from school. The collar was slightly turned up on one side, the belt high on her torso straining against her lower ribs as she panted. Her face was flush. She looked up at him with an indecipherable expression.
Damn, I didn’t get to look up close earlier but Prez is crazy hot today. Or maybe it’s just right now?
She stepped in, pushing past him. Her fingers lingered on his arm briefly. “Anyone else home?” she asked, looking around.
“No, but Rissa should be—”
His words were cut off as Prez hooked her hands behind his head and pressed her lips against his, leaning into him and forcing his back into the door. Her hand ran up and down through his hair before tightly gripping a spot at random. Her tongue slid into his mouth, stroking his own tongue like a pet. She moaned, then abruptly pushed herself away. She was panting harder now, and the expression on her face had settled into something he found more recognizable.
“I need—” she began.
The doorknob rattled, and she glanced down. What the hell, I think my brain just melted. Also, did she just finish eating some blueberries?
Prez pulled him by his hand away from the door. He went to turn around, but she grabbed him by his erection—newly raised—and prevented him from embarrassing himself as the door opened to reveal his sister.
That could have been awkward.
“Oh!” Marissa squeaked.
“Hi ... Marissa,” said Prez in a fair simulacrum of the voice she used at school. Her hand, concealed by his body, continued to expertly stroke him through his tenting pants. “I just arrived a moment ago, and Will asked me to help him with a problem for...” her eyes flicked up to meet his, and she bit the corner of her lip nearest him. “Chemistry. Would you mind waiting until we finish with that? Then I’d be happy to have a chat.” She flashed a practiced, cool smile that was only slightly marred by her pink face.
This feels like a cosplay. Or maybe the intro to a porn video.
“Oh, um, yeah! That’s totally fine. Um, wow, uh, yeah, that’s great, I have to put some stuff away in my room really quick anyway...”
“Perfect,” Prez purred. “Will, would you like to show me that problem you were finding to be so hard for you? I think you said it was related to ... pressure.” She grazed her thumb over his tip, eliciting a slight shudder.
Definitely the latter. What was it Ayanna said? Something about a Quirk that makes her horny?
“Um,” he said. Pressure? How am I supposed to come up with... “Yeah, I’ve got the page open in my notebook upstairs,” he said, shuffling forward slowly to allow time for her hand to do something other than jerk him off through his pants.
Mercifully, the teasing hand detached and returned to her side as she turned to follow him.
“It’s uhh ... related to partial pressure...” he called back, starting up the stairs. “in a fixed container...”
“Sounds ideal,” murmured Prez from right behind him.
Is this what it feels like for girls when a guy is going up the stairs behind them? I can feel her eyes on my body like she’s actually touching me.
Walking through the hall, they neared the doorway. Suddenly, Will felt a push from behind as he turned to enter, causing him to stumble. He regained his footing just as he heard the door click shut behind him.
He whirled around. Prez stood, back pressed against the door, smiling coyly at him. “I’ve been thinking about you since Friday,” she whispered. She licked her lips, her eyes locking on to his crotch. “How about we do something about that pressure?”
“Mom said she’ll be home around 4:30, by the way” his sister yelled from downstairs. “Hope that pressure problem doesn’t take too long!”
He turned around, glancing at the clock. 4:01. Fuck. “Shit!” Will’s arousal screeched to a halt. “Um,” he said, his eyes widening as Prez stalked towards him. “Prez, let’s do this later. You can have a little chat with Rissa and then we can go somewhere—anywhere—else. Er—”
“No, I need you now.” She reached out, grabbing at the waist of his pants. “I don’t mind if your parents come home.”
This is going to be a disaster if they meet. “But I do,” he said, stopping her hands as they worked to unfasten the button. “I’m serious. I’ll go literally anywhere, do anything you want. But we have to be out of here by 4:30.” He stared into her eyes. “Please.”
Prez grasped his right hand, sliding down to hold onto his index finger. Then she lifted her left knee. Her skirt came up, and she directed his finger underneath. She trembled at his touch, her body freezing up for a second.
What the hell ... it’s like a faucet! “Prez, that’s pretty amazing, and I’m really flattered, but—”
“I just want you to know how much... self control it’s taking right now to not throw you onto your bed. I’ve been like this for hours, Will. Hours.”
Oh shit.
“Come get me in fifteen minutes. Not a second later. And bring me some water.” she released his hand and lowered her leg, then threw open the door and stormed out of the room, straightening her skirt as she went. “Marissa,” she called, “I gave Will some pointers to help him along. Let’s chat!”
Will shook his head, trying to clear it from the sudden turn of events. He went to run his hand through his hair, but caught himself at the last second and avoided plastering his hair with her juices. As he brought his hand down, he caught a familiar scent.
Blueberries? He stared at his sticky hand. He brought it closer to his face, and the smell intensified. Gingerly, he stuck his tongue out. Why does my hand taste like fresh blueberries? It’s a great flavor, sure but does that mean ... That’s gotta be a Class Quirk. Wow. If Prez really does taste like blueberries I might accidentally kill her if I go down on her. He licked his hand again. Not just any blueberries either, it’s like this is the distilled essence of the best blueberries ever. How does this taste so damn good?
He eyed his clock. She wanted water, I can do that much. He headed down to the kitchen, hearing the sound of girls’ laughter coming from his sister’s room as he passed. Seems to be going well, just as I’d expect.
Will entered the kitchen and made for the tap, washing his hands. Then he selected a glass from the cabinet before he was forced to make another decision. Does she want ice? If she wanted it she would have said so, wouldn’t she? Unless she just assumed that I’d put ice in it. But on the other hand, maybe she just assumes that I won’t add ice if she doesn’t ask? Why am I over-thinking this so much? I’ll go with no ice; if she wants it, I can get it later ... But does she want tap or bottled water?
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This is such a story which is a work of pure imagination. I’m writing with the intention of giving the reader a great orgasmic experience. I hope it works !!Dev was a gentleman in everyone’s eyes, a soft-spoken shy guy, yet cheerful and good-humored. He was the only son of a business man, Ravi. A shrewd business man he was, Ravi was known for his greediness and cunning. Ravi started his business under an old noble business man. Ravi with his cunning, managed to woo the old man’s daughter Priya,...
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Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 4 – Chuck and MargieWednesday, September 5, 1985We slept in and almost missed breakfast. The three of us felt lazy today and decided to stay at the bungalow and perhaps spend some time on the beach. After breakfast, we took a casual walk around the resort. It really was very well laid out and very pretty. It reminded us of what you would expect to see at a Hawaiian or South Seas resort. On our stroll around the resort, we saw the older couple we had seen at the...
“sissy come in here, W/we need to talk.”“Yes Mistress, coming.”Sissy enters the room and curtseys, with sissy’s eyes downcast she sees Mistresses finger pointing towards the floor. Sissy hobbles over to Mistress and kneels at Her feet. Today, Mistress has sissy in her black satin maids uniform with pink lace trim and a pink apron. Sissy also has on a matching pink hair bow, pink petticoat, matching pink ruffled panties, black hose with matching garter, a black bra, and black 4’’ locking pumps....
Sara flipped off the radio when she turned into her Tinderwood Apartment complex. It was late and she was exhausted. Her younger sister, Lauren, was asleep on the sofa with her chemistry book open on her chest, when she walked in. Sara looked frazzled and worn out for a 19 year sophomore in college. Her hair was windblown and her makeup was a mess. Her new flowered sundress was wrinkled and only held closed by three buttons. When she plopped down in the chair, Lauren could see her bare breasts...
Sara was jolted from her nap when the phone rang. She glanced over at the kitchen clock. It was 6:15pm. She’d been studying hard since school started three weeks ago and had passed out in the process. It was her trucker friend, Cliff. “Hey babe, I’m coming north on 95 and was wondering if you’d like to meet me at the truck stop up above Richmond?”Sara could feel pussy waking up faster than she was. It quivered in her fleece shorts. “Ummm, yeah, sure. How long before you get there?”“Probably...
To continue the story, after my future wife moved in with me she discovered that she could make me cum hard and fast when she shared stories of her past sexual adventures. And if you have not read the first parts, she learned she liked sex early. Sex with guys, gals, black guys and multiple guys.So to continue, her first husband graduated from college without knowing she was fucking her work boss, fellow workers, and a few of his college teammates. So he got a job and they moved to the Texas...
We had been in the holiday resort on a Spanish island for several days, as a sixteen year old I was hormone ridden. A ten day holiday with my Mom and sister, as Dad had to pull out at the last minute. The only female close to my age was Becky my sister, who was a little more than a year older than me. I spent the first couple of days of the holiday with a hard on, fantasising about a German woman I had seen by the pool. Things went a bit unexpectedly and I ended up having sex with Becky.The two...
After that first night of service to our new Masters things started to become somewhat normal or at least as normal as they could be in our situation. I went off to work every morning and the girls went to school. Carol stayed in the apartment, cooked, cleaned and did normal stuff a stay at home wife would normally do with a few exceptions. On our day off Masters took the family to the community center and pool. The girls had a great time and Carol and I even forgot about our predicament and...
Chapter 2Sissies Opportunity BlownSissy was dead tired. It had been a long and tiring day. Mistress was very picky today at inspection and sissy had to redo some of her work several times. Sissy would admit that some of her work was sloppy, but sissy could not concentrate. Mistress had just told her the biggest news and she still couldn’t wrap her head around it; no wonder her work was messy. As a result sissy had to spend an hour in the corner tonight and was sent right to bed following...
The Crone is always the ruse, the black magic woman who attracts the young, pretty teens to help her with her ‘disability’ and her ‘plight.’ She is obese, appears ‘sickly’, ‘helpless’, ‘depressed’. The girls often have pity on her, with all her ‘homeless things’ weighing down her wheel chair. “Push me somewhere safe dearies, there are bad men always stealing my things.” The girls comply; bring her somewhere ‘safer,’ sometimes, to the ‘safe house’ where she pretends to be staying. A dilapidated...
This story is a continuation of a previous story I have written. Please see Part 1 on my profile to get the whole story.I awoke on the floor, with a blanket we had pulled off the couch lazily d****d over my body. I looked over towards the hallway and just caught Kris’ beautiful ass turning the corner. It seems she had just woken up as well, and I could see she was headed to the front hall washroom. I threw the blanket off and sat up, looking down at my spent dick in the process. My mind...
Fourth part of my fictional story. It began with "How I became a motherfucker", led to "A unifying road trip"and "Fucking family gathering - Part 1". Now, here is part two of the family get together. Hope someone has a nice read. See ya.[/i]I slept well that night. Exhausted from fucking nearly the whole night. Despite that, I managed to dream about mum. Dreamed of fucking, pardon, making love to her. Woke up with a hard on. Pulled back the blanked. Still some crusted remains...
Alaina felt relaxed. She floated on an ocean of serenity, holding onto a soft, warm raft made of pure contentment. A calm smile was already on her face, and her eyes were closed for the moment. A fluffy cloud brushed against her, and she snuggled against it, feeling even more comfortable. She sighed happily. Then the beeping started. She grumbled sleepily, trying to reach for the alarm clock on the nightstand next to her bed, but her hands were pressed up against a soft, warm patch of...
To get the full enjoyment of Part 2 you really should read Part 1 first in the link below:http://xhamster.com/user/bryanwayne/posts/446382.htmlMy name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to continue to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju. My father is deceased since four years. My mother follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (mostly in house she just wears loose blouse her 38 inch breasts always hanging in easy view. About myself, I am 5 feet 4 inches...
Hello readers, my name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju two summers ago. Our family, mother, brother and I live in Tamil Nadu outside Chennai city, my father is deceased since four years after serious accident on Chennai highway. My mother is a housewife and takes care all things at home for the family, she is about 45 years old, but looks older than her age and follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (she never...
September – May – Year 2 “Hi Lover. You are awfully late. Is everything ok?’ “Not really Erin. Some guy on the plane was groping me in my sleep and I had to hurt him. The police held me for questioning. I am still in the terminal and I am going to get the rental car and head for the hotel.” “Are you ok?” “Yeah. I nailed him in the throat with my cell phone and the cops have him. The airline is going to have to deal with this one.” “Ok. Lover, it is so late they won’t let you see Paul...
Let’s get into the story without wasting much time.Paru became more comfortable with me after sharing her Lesbian encounter, My aunt was also relived by the fact that Paru was comfortable with a guy. As per my aunts instruction I took things slowly. Each day after my uncle leaves for his office, I would visit my aunt. She would be busy with her morning household work. She might be in the kitchen, washing dishes and I’ll go behind her grope her boobs with both my hands and kiss her on the neck....
After a good session with my aunt it was time to get to her daughter Paru, so the very next day I went to their house after uncle had gone out. Discussed a few things with my aunt and then went to Paru’s room and we both chatted a bit to get us comfortable, then I knew that she was ready for me, but before I fucked her I wanted to know what kind of pleasure she was expecting . For that I needed to know her lesbian experiences.Here I’m going to narrate the experience she shared with me.Hi people...