CynthiaChapter 19 free porn video

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Alyssa came to me one evening after dinner and asked, "Can we talk?" I'd been getting much better with family relationships. Charles was home, we all slept together some nights. Alyssa changed to a predatory dear after having captured her most desired man.

"We can always talk about anything when we have time and I have time."

She came right out and said, "I want Bradford and there isn't any more of him. He always goes for you and Mom first and me later. I know that he won't be able to love on all of us at your parents' house. Could Daniel come?"

"I understand. You need more than you're getting. What about Daniel?" Then, I remembered those nights when she was there and Laura and I were raping Charles repeatedly. I also remember the night that the hot little bitch promoted herself to the 'all of us' group. She decided that she was a part of the rotation. Isn't that what baseball teams say about their pitchers? "Is this another one of your schemes? What about his parents?"

"Of course I have to plan. Otherwise, nothing happens." She smiled and said sweetly, "If you called them, I think they might approve."

"I'll think about it. I didn't tell Mother about anyone else. That might be a problem. Let me think." I doubt that mother would care.

"Daniel is on the golf team. He's won some trophies."

Didn't take long to think about that problem. "Tell him to bring his bag and shoes; I hope he can take care of your powerful desires. By the way, what's his mother's number?"

She hugged me and gave me a wet kiss. "Thank you. You scare me sometimes with your questions. Are you upset?"

I held her close and kissed her back. "No. Shocked sometimes, but not upset. You amaze me."

"You and Mom are smart and keep things going around here. I just try to copy. I'm so happy that you taught me how to pole dance."

"We're still keeping that right here at home, right? Listen, you'll need lessons from someone more skillful than me to get much better and then I think you'll be able to support us on your tips."

"Daniel knows about the pole; he's the only one. I hope you'll dance for him sometime with me; he hasn't seen our routine." She kind of bubbled. "I read this story about a girl who danced nude in a club. Guys offered her a lot of money to go on dates and trips. I guess that made her a whore?"

I giggled. "Depending on the amount of money offered, she was a whore, a prostitute, or a call girl. Daniel's kind of risky. We'll see how it goes." Would I get twice as many years if I were charged with molesting both of them?

One afternoon, I ran into Christina in the market. We stood looking at each other in an awkward silence. I didn't know anything to say, but she opened with, "You're Cynthia, the girl that took Bradford from me."

Her remark wasn't hostile, just sort of factual. I replied, "Well, I'm not quite sure that's exactly how it happened."

"How is he, anyway? I don't see him." She paused and then continued, "It just seemed strange when you didn't sit with him during my recital concert."

She obviously knows more about me. Maybe I can elevate the conversation or get out of here. "He's back from Afghanistan recuperating from an injury, but otherwise, he's fine. He told me that you were having a debut at Carnegie Hall."

She smiled and seemed genuine. "Well, not quite a debut. The University rented the hall to present their musicians to the public and I was asked to play."

"How do you think it went?"

"Very well, actually. I was accepted for at least three auditions as a result. I've been to one. I'm on the short list in Columbia and will be going out to Kenosha in a week or so."

"Charles said that you would succeed in getting an important chair. Isn't it cold in Kenosha?"

She sighed. "Quite cold. I'd rather go to Columbia. Bradford used to pump me up all the time. Sometimes it gets discouraging when I see others who play well not getting jobs. Did he get shot again?"

Her question annoyed me because her tone of voice implied that he didn't follow the safety rules or worse like getting a traffic citation. Suddenly, I felt defensive. "Well, he went on an important mission with a lot of danger."

"Well, between the bullets and bicycle wrecks, he needs a lot of recovery."

I felt crowded that she knew so much about my love. "I try to dress his physical and emotional wounds as best I can. He's getting better."

She smiled nicely and said, "We don't need to beat around the bush. I love him and wish I had him back. I'm glad you take care of him, because I probably couldn't be there for him all the time. I still miss him."

"Did you ever figure out what it is about him that we find so appealing?"

For whatever reason, maybe vicariously living through me, she wanted to talk. So, I said, "Want to get some coffee and take him apart?"

She seemed relieved and smiled, "That would be nice."

We spent several minutes on our personal backgrounds, lives, and finally how we ended up here in school. Her next question was, "What will you do next?"

I told her about graduate school and my intention to go into academic psychology. She said, "So, you're not getting married and settling down?"

"I don't know. I haven't been asked to do either. I'd probably accept the first if the right person asked, but I'm not ready for the second." I saw her smile knowingly. "What about you?"

"I'm not ready for either, although if I weren't a musician with high hopes, I might accept the first if the right person asked."

I realized that we'd been talking an hour just like old friends. I know that women do that all the time, but with former rivals? I asked, "Are we talking about the same person?"

"'Fraid so. I didn't know how much I cared for him until one day, I found all my non-musical thoughts centering on being with him."

"Why him?"

"How many times have I asked myself the same question? I like being with him and talking to him about everything. He's the best male conversationalist I've known. We talked hours before he ever asked me out. I went to bed with him on the first date, although I've never done that before. It seemed like the right time and I had trouble even thinking about refusing."

I laughed. "Welcome to the club. My experience exactly. I would have gone to bed with him on the first date, but I had to leave early to meet my husband."

It took her a minute to digest what I told her. "Oh, my God! You didn't."

I told her about Louie's, dancing, and the rescue. Then, I said, "Yeah, it's a new fashion called adultery; I hear it's getting popular. I spent an afternoon in his bed on our second date and then moved in with him before my divorce was final."

She laughed and then couldn't stop. "Our story may be just good enough for a soap opera."

"Now you know why I couldn't sit with him at your performance. That was too public for my situation at the moment."

"I looked out in the audience and didn't see a single person worthy of the soaps and there you were living it. Well, I can't top your story. The first time I stayed with him, I noticed that he always put the seat down. I frequently go to a guys bathroom when I first arrive and inspect it. If the seat's down and I don't cringe at the filth, maybe I'll stay." She laughed. "He told me that he learned to clean toilets in the Navy and couldn't break the habit."

I said, "The Navy that I love to hate. I noticed that seat thing, too. Oh, I insist on clean underpants, too. My father said it was incredibly rude to leave a seat up. Yeah. I'll tell you the whole story if we get together again. When is your next performance?"

"Sunday afternoon our cellist is having her final recital; we're playing with her as a farewell gesture. She's graduating at the end of summer term."

"Same time, same place?"

"Yes. Are you coming?"

"I'll check with Charles. We may bring our daughters." That one shocked her. Then, I followed, "Not ours, but our landlady's. We do family things together."

"So, you're renting an apartment and a family?"

"That's about it. I have to go fix dinner since that's why I came to the market. In another couple of hours, he might wonder where I am."

I was surprised when she hugged me and it took a second to get my arms around her. She said, "Thanks, Cynthia. I haven't had such a good talk in ages. I hope we can be friends."

I laughed. "Friends, yes. Benefits, no."


At home, I related the conversation to Charles. His first question was, "How did you feel at that moment when she accused you?"

"Annoyed, jealous, curious, and a kind of compassion. When we finished talking, I thought of her as a friend."

"That's quite a turnaround in an hour. Why?"

"After what you told me, I stopped thinking of her as a threat. I know you're drawn to good looking talented women — ahem — and I could see her attraction. She could be a model, but they're gone more than musicians. Then, you'd get horny and take it out on Laura and Alyssa."

"I don't know how she'd feel about sharing. I'll stay where I am."

"She's having a concert Sunday afternoon. I told her we'd come and bring our girls."

"I'll bet you baited her with that offer. What did she say?"

"Shocked, until I told her the story about our courtship and Laura." I told him about her auditions and other bits of her life.

"I'm happy to go look at the beautiful ladies and hear their playing. I think that quartet is very good. You really think the girls will go?"

"I'll use one of my Mother's tricks and tell them they can't because they're not old enough."

"My mother didn't use that trick. She just old me that I had to appreciate all music from country to classics or I would be considered an outcast. She dragged me along when I was young. After a few years, my protests were more symbolic than real. I never did understand to whom I would be cast out."

"Oh, my. He's quoting Churchill. Well, the concert's free, so we can take Laura if she wants to go, although she might like some private time."

"How's your jealousy with Christina?"

"I thought about that on the way home and decided that it disappeared just like it did with Laura. It must have happened in the midst of our girl talk because when we parted, we hugged and decided to do it again." He looked up and smiled. "I told her that it was friends with no benefits."

"So, I can't kiss her or anything?"

"Yes, you can kiss her. The 'anything' will have to wait until after Laura, Alyssa, and I are satiated. She can have what's left."

"Looks like she'll have a long wait."

"That was my intention."

"What happens if you're out of town, Alyssa is playing soccer, and Laura has her period?"

"Oh, my. I've heard about sea lawyers. The same thing that happened when you were a horny twelve year-old, or in that toilet in Kabul. Be your own best friend."

Sunday found us all dressing to go to Christina's concert. Although I would have, I didn't trick the girls, they wanted to go. Alyssa particularly wanted to be seen at the University, so she dressed to look older with her hair up, heels and hose, and a little makeup. I couldn't help but tease her. "You look lovely, Alyssa, but Charles will be jealous if you start flirting with those college guys at the concert."

"Cynthia! I'm not flirting."

"No, but you're dressing for the battle. I knew you were serious when you wore hose with a summer dress. I wish you good luck, although I don't think your two mothers would approve of your hanging out with the older types."

She blushed slightly, and then said, "I know. You're protecting my chastity and keeping the wolves away from my door."

"I can tell that keeping them away from your door will become a full time job. I'll need Laura's help." I hugged her. "I was kind of nice looking when I was your age and I had many opportunities, some of which I shouldn't have taken. They thought I was old enough to fuck but not old enough to take out. I didn't see it coming and I hurt for a while."

"Well, I haven't done anything yet."

"I wish I'd thought to ask Daniel to go with us."

"He's tied up with his family today, or I would have asked him. He can't go."

We all went to the performance, which raised our spirits because they were good, and then went to the reception afterwards. Charles gave Christina a little kiss and then introduced everyone to her.

She said to me, "God, Cynthia, you weren't kidding me. You do live with beautiful people." She looked directly at Alyssa, "You look stunning in that outfit. Are you seeking companionship?"

"Thanks. Cynthia says I can't flirt here because I'm too young. So, I'll just stand around and look bored." Then, she smiled. "I think your performance was outstanding. It's my first time for something like this."

"Thank you. I hope you'll learn to like our music. Come with me."

She took Alyssa around the table and introduced her to a nice looking fellow who looked a little younger then the rest of them. They took their plates to the edge of the room and sat. I saw her smile and start talking. So much for boredom. What a gift Christina gave me when she came up to me in the market. She offered friendship, this superb afternoon entertainment, and making Alyssa's day with her introduction. I guess that's the next wolf at her door.

Laura asked, "Do you think she'll be all right?"

Christina laughed and said, "He's the sixteen year old younger brother of the other violinist. She could do a lot worse." Then she leaned down to ask Ashley, "What did you think?"

"I loved the fast song. I don't see how you can play so many notes and get them all right."

"If it can be our secret, I didn't get them all right. You wouldn't know unless you had studied the piece, but I left out some notes."

Alyssa seemed surprised. "Do you think I could play a violin?"

"How old are you?"

"I'm eleven."

"Well, that's pretty old to start, so you'd have to practice two hours a day, every day."

"Do you still have to practice that much?"

"No. I have to practice three hours and sometimes more if I have a performance to rehearse. The older you get, the more you have to practice."

Ashley thought for a minute, and then said, "I don't think I want to play if I have to practice that much."

"That's a smart girl. Lots of would-be musicians don't learn that until it's too late."

The reception wound down signaling that it was time for us to leave. Alyssa asked Laura, "Can Andrew bring me home?"

Damn. We hadn't discussed these kinds of pick-up situations. My first reaction was to tell Laura to refuse, and then I thought better. I winked at Laura and nodded my head.

Laura said, "Okay. Will you come straight home?"

I whispered to her, "You come straight home. No detours by the lake. If he wants to come in, take him to your room."

Alyssa said, "Thanks, Cynthia. Thanks, Mom."

As we walked out, Laura said, "I was going to object until you nodded."

"So was I until I thought better of it. She has to start somewhere. If she does what she says, we won't have a problem, but you have to set some rules or she will badger you constantly. It's still daylight. Next time, it will be night."

Charles shook hands with Andrew as they left and said, "We'll see you at home." The way he said it left no doubt that Andrew should come straight home.


In the past, I had seen string quartets on the TV just long enough to change the channel, so when Cynthia invited me to go to the University to hear Bradford's old girl friend play, I had to go. That certainly wasn't my preference in music. Before we went, Bradford told me that I needed to appreciate all kinds of music to make life more exciting in the future. Whatever. I wanted to see this woman that Cynthia was jealous of and who stayed in his life.

I asked Mom what to wear and she told me that she and Cynthia were dressing, not because they had to for a concert at the University, but because they wanted to. Then, of course, Cynthia said, "Absolutely I'm dressing to look good. She is his former girl friend." That remark sent me immediately to the closet and the ironing board; I would try to look as good as she and Mom.

Cynthia had helped me pick out a yellowish cotton summer dress that exposed enough to be interesting, but modest enough to be appropriate for the concert. When we shopped for it, she also picked out a bra that didn't show. She disliked a current fashion of showing bra straps, saying that it would never become stylish.

She helped me with my hair and remarked, "You're dressing, too. I'm proud of you since no one told you to." Then, she poked me in the rib, "Hmmm, dressing to look older. Remember when you're out there trolling, you already have two boyfriends."

"No, I just have one and I'm planning to keep him. I can't have much of the other one."

Much to my surprise, I liked some of the music and they didn't play too long. Watching Christina made me jealous because she was as pretty as Cynthia said. When Charles introduced me to Christina, she greeted me warmly and presented me to Andrew, a brother of the other violinist.

Andrew invited me to sit with him, which gave me a little flutter. When we took our plates to sit and eat the snacks, he started asking me about what I did and liked to do. Then, I asked him, only to find that we shared common interests. He went to school in another city, a fact that provided us many minutes of conversation comparing our schools. He came to town for his sister's graduation and her recital. When it was time to go, he asked, "Alyssa, may I drive you home?"

I wanted to say yes, but that meant I'd have to ask permission. I hadn't done this before. So, I said, "Let me see if we have plans for after the reception." Then, I got butterflies going to ask Mom.

Mom hesitated, but Cynthia told me that only if I came straight home; no stopping at the lake. I felt so much better that I didn't have to tell him that my mother wouldn't let me. Until Cynthia mentioned it, I hadn't thought of stopping by the lake because I was kind of going with Daniel. I wondered what Andrew would expect to do.

When I went back to accept his offer, he looked me over and said, "Alyssa, you look very nice today. I can't stop staring at you."

That went quickly to my head and I must have muttered something inane and impolite. I later recovered and thanked him for the compliment. Only Daniel and Bradford had ever paid me such nice compliments, so I wasn't ready for it.

While sitting at a stop light, he asked, "Do you have a boy friend?"

I told him that I did and asked if he had a girl. He said, "Kind of."

"What's she like?"

"She isn't as pretty as you are, is kind of smart, and can be a real bitch sometimes."

"Bitch? What does she do?"

"She teases me and sometimes flirts with other guys when we're on dates. Do you do it with your boyfriend?"

"I'm not yet willing to go into my private life — I barely know you."

"Okay, but when you do it, do you ever get him all excited and then stop?"

"Nice try, but that's still too private."

"Well, Sydney and I get all excited with our hands all over each other and then she just stops and says that we have to wait for another day."

"How long has she done that?"

"We started making out seriously after about two weeks and making out is all we've done since then. She says she wants to but has to wait."

"Sometimes it takes a girl a long time to make up her mind the first time. She has to be careful that she doesn't get a bad reputation."

"I wouldn't be her first. That's what has me so confused. She even takes birth control pills."

"I can see why she confuses you. I'm not her, but I don't think that just because I did it with someone, I would have to do it with others, too. I certainly wouldn't do it with anyone that I didn't like a lot."

"But if you liked a guy a lot, you would?"

"I said I wouldn't if I didn't like him a lot, that's not the same as saying that I'd do it with everyone I liked."

"I like talking to you, Alyssa. I think I just figured out that she doesn't like me very much."

"I don't know that for sure, Andrew, but that's how I would see it. All girls are different."

We arrived home about the same time as mom and the others. I hadn't taken my key, which would have left us in his car waiting. Anyone could have seen us and told Daniel. In the house, we talked to Mom and Cynthia for a few minutes before I invited him to my room. My room's pretty cool with a bed, computer desk and chair, reading chair, a TV, bookcase, and music system.

Andrew said, "Hey, this is a neat place and there's nothing on the floor. Not like mine."

I chose not to tell him that I would be embarrassed bringing Daniel in here if the room looked trashy. At least Andrew noticed. I said, "Want to pick some music?"

He looked over my CD collection, and then asked, "Do you have any jazz?"

"Cynthia does. Let's go see what's in her room."

She wasn't in the room, allowing us to pick out a CD. I left a note saying that I'd bring it back. When he put it on to play, he asked, "What are these red marks on your amplifier?"

Same as Cynthia
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‘Ohhh!’, sighed Karen.The water was hot on her skin and the last lingering waves of her climax were easing away. She smoothed her hands over her breasts and felt the tight hard nubs of her erect nipples under her palms.Karen had been divorced for over two years and had not made love with a man since. Two years was a long time but after sixteen years with John the idea of being with another guy didn’t appeal anymore. It wasn’t that he was mean or abusive or a bad lover and ruining her for life...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 88

“Josey, welcome to our island home once again. I see you and your guests are just as casual as my women. The warmer it gets, the less they wear - until they decided not to wear any clothes at all. I have to admit, until you told me you were bringing guests, I was just as casual as my women.” “Billy Wayne, don’t change your ways just for us. If we happen to invite a few guests who would be offended, I’ll tell you beforehand. Otherwise, carry on as usual.” We had forty-five minutes until...

3 years ago
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My Livein Maid Indian widows new life abroad01

Anu 's family was very poor, but she has some good education, though able to speak English, Anu have a very heavy accent that is quite exotic, but that didn't help at all and now Anu and her parents in law are facing starvation if she can't find a job, soon! Anu was a child widow so Anu and her husband were without children, and he has left nothing except debts for her to take over. Anu sobbed in the nights, mourning for her husband and her misfortune. Mean while, half a world away I...

3 years ago
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Sex with Rachel

It was Monday morning and Rachel was back in the shop. She couldn’t stop fantasising about the really pretty grey haired lady she had served a few weeks ago. Actually she wasn’t grey rather a very dark brunette but she had lots of grey in her hair. Her eyes were the most beautiful brown to die for. She wasn’t the most attractive woman in the world by any means. Rather flat chested, but there was something about her. Very coy perhaps. Not the sort of woman you would expect in her shop. God she...

1 year ago
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Do you count yourself among the Dark Fans, those perverts who just ain’t satisfied by the usual vanilla sex your parents are into? Hey, there ain’t no shame in it all, and in fact, you’re in good company. We’re arguably living in the golden age of BDSM and fetish porn, with more freaky content creators churning out fap fodder than at any other point in history. The internet is the ideal delivery vehicle for the stuff, too, letting you tune in instantly to a wealth of kinky material from the...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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She came back to find I had woken up. Together, we began the process of coming up with songs. I had a very broad choice of music in iTunes on my Apple MacBook Air, now with over 4,000 songs, about 90% from both Film and Broadway Musicals. I had a 128GB flash drive, that could hold nearly 30,000 songs. I also had Microsoft Word and Excel on it. “Fallin,” an Alicia Keys song, was the first we both liked. Its jazzy rhythm would be challenging for the choir. From my Andrew Lloyd Webber...

1 year ago
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A ride with the teacher pt 1

Luckily, I was able to sort out a lift with one of the science teachers who lived just down the street. So Monday morning came, and Mrs Garland came to pick me up and we drove to school. The conversation on the way was fluent and interesting, for although I had been in the school for five years I had never actually spoke to her. She told me all about how she had a husband and a son who was twenty two. I tried to second guess her age, I gathered mid to late forties from her looks and what she...

3 years ago
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Bend or Break

You wake up to the sound of a heavy metal door slamming shut, groggy and confused. Your eyelids feel heavier than normal, as though you've just slept for far too long without getting any actual rest. Where am I? you think, still working the sleep out of your eyes. And why are my ARMS TIED BEHIND MY BACK!? In a panic, you roll over onto your stomach and get onto your knees. Trying to take a deep breath, you notice the gag in your mouth. Your feet are also tied together, you can see the thick...

3 years ago
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easy street

  CHAPTER 1 easy street Couple begins their experiment in chastity.   The first similarity is that I was the one who ordered a chastity device for myself, not knowing whether or not my beautiful wife would be interested in it or not. Also that I sprang it on her not knowing within my own heart just how far I wanted to go with it. The differences are many. I did not order it because my sex life with my wife was unsatisfactory. Nor because I have a remarkably small or pitiful dick. I am far...

3 years ago
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Snow Encounter

The wind blows over the hillside and the snowflakes are drifting relentlessly across the valley. The sky is dark and the clouds pregnant with anticipation of the next blizzard. It’s cold and I wrap myself deeper into the coat I am wearing, feeling the soft fur sweep across my cheeks. My boots are wet through but I can see the cabin up ahead. There it will be warm. As I open the door I feel the warmth of the fire wash across my frozen skin. I collapse into the chair and relieve myself of my wet...

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Lillys first Hand Job

* All characters in this story are 16 and older ****The knock on the door came as a surprise at first, but then I remembered that we had organized for Lilly from across the street to come and look after the kids while my wife and I went out for a work function dinner and drinks.As Angela, my wife, was still in the en-suite blow-drying her hair, I jumped up off the couch expecting to open the door to who I thought would be the awkward, shy young girl whose family had lived directly across from...

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Episode 119 Rachael growing up

November 2009A call arrives from his young daughter: "Daddy, I thought you said a man puts his penis into a ladies vagina" ."Yes, that's right, darling - when a man and a woman are in love and want to make a baby"."But, this man has his penis in the lady's bottom and they both seem to be enjoying it".Bugger, thought daddy - is she ready for this yet?"You can't believe everything you read in your mother's magazines, baby girl"."No daddy - I'm watching the sextape labelled Swingers 2002 you left...

2 years ago
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Fate Chapter 2

The tunnel deposited them in a large cavern next to a large three story stone building. Neither Sabina of Lily looked out into the cavern. They kept their eyes locked on Ethan who hung limply in Bernard's arms as they trudged along. They entered the building and found themselves in a comfortably decorate living room. There was a comfortable if worn looking couch a reclining chair and sturdy wooden coffee table in the center of the room. There were no...

1 year ago
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Bachelor Party

My wife and I where staying at a large hotel, we had gone into the cocktail bar for a drink and sat in a booth. Within 10 minutes of sitting down, the place filled up. A group of 6 young men joined us in our booth, it was a little squashed but as the place was pretty packed, we had to make do.They where a bachelor party, they where giving their friend, 'the soon to be' groom a good send off. They encouraged us to join in with their festivities and kept plying us with champagne, though I could...

2 years ago
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DiSH 4 Holiday Party

After the debacle that was the DiSH Thanksgiving dinner, Ken came to the Holiday party alone. The hall that the group had rented in local firehouse was decorated for Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Ramadan, and other holidays that he didn't know. He saw a group of guys he was friends with at the DiSH meetings and made his way to their table. All the women seemed to remember what happened at the Thanksgiving dinner for none would speak to him. The guys were talking and munching on bowls of...

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A frustrated single mom and her horny son

The sexual tension in the Simms household had been running on high for a couple of months. If you look at the situation its surprising things didn’t come to a head sooner. First you’ve got Phyllis Simms a thirty- four year old single mother of a twelve year old son. Her husband had run off leaving them high and dry four years ago forcing Phyllis who had never had a job and very little education to provide for both her son and herself. This meant working two minimum wage jobs...

4 years ago
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The SwapChapter 6

In the weeks which followed, Peter's life began to unravel. He had built his entire life around Samantha and the kids and now that world was suddenly falling apart. Although he had hoped she would change her mind, Samantha filed for a divorce and after the appropriate waiting period, because children were involved, the divorce was granted. Since Peter did not object, custody was given to Samantha who made it clear his visits with the kids would be few and far between. Peter began drinking....

2 years ago
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An Invitation To Be A Naughty Wife Chapter Two

Rachael Mead had been running her little parties for the past three years and they were going from strength to strength. It never failed to amaze her just how many married women were sexually unhappy and were prepared to at least contemplate the possibility of cheating if there was a high probability of getting clean away with it. Others were prepared to do much more than just contemplate it. Indeed, Rachael had become convinced that there was a biological need with women to have a variety of...

1 year ago
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Bend Me Shape Me Part 3

Bend me Shape me, number 3 by Vonya Lee The walk from the train station to Dan and Maria's condo is all uphill. I stop at the bottom of the staircase to catch my breath. I've never been this exhausted in my life. I'm spent. I don't know a soul around here and thank god for that. I don't want to see anyone right now. I doubt I'm capable of stringing together two coherent sentences. Pulling myself up the three flights of stairs takes all the strength I can muster. Opening the...

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Vanessa gets Shorty PT2

The next morning Vanessa opened her eyes, she hoped that it was Shorty that is next to her. She suddenly felt an itching sensation inside her pussy. It felt like a million little micro nerves tingling around the inside of her pussy creating a ticklish sensation. She tried to brush it off and forced herself out of her bed, still feeling a bit sluggish and hit the shower. Brian has prepped Kelly to school. That's the good thing about Brian, he doesn't mind to do share the load, sometimes even...

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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 11

It was nearly sundown when I heard the commotion coming from the front gate and went out to see what it was. The three Chiefs had returned with the holy man. He was an older man dressed as a Buddhist monk, but his rob was very faded and worn, and he seemed very agitated about something, as they came through the front gate. “What’s up?” I asked Tweed, as I walked up to him. “Don’t know yet. The old guy seems really upset,” Tweed said, as one of the interpreters came toward us. “What’s...

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My Morning Email to You

Hell, it's only 7:22. I was talking to you on web cam till 4 in the morning and yet, I am up already. I could hardly sleep...Partly because my back's gotten badly sunburned on the beach yesterday, but also because you filled my mind again with disturbing ideas and fantasies...When you told me to open my mouth for you, and try to force the full length of my glass dildo down my throat...OMG, it was such a turn on.The expression, you make when you see me try is just beyond words. It makes me want...

1 year ago
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Revenge Under The Moonlight

Lily was fed up.It had been weeks and weeks of Sasha turning her down with remarks of  “I’m busy, baby” and “Not right now, okay?”She knew Sasha was busy; the woman was a well-renowned lawyer, after all. The work was something Lily had taken into consideration when she first started dating Sasha. She hadn’t thought it would be so much of an issue, and at first, it wasn't. Recently though, Sasha was getting busier and busier, and it seemed like she had no time at all to spend with Lily.At first,...

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Party Mein Mili Hot Aunty

Hello friends toh story shuru hoti h jab mai apne ek dost ki sister ki shaadi mein gaya tha… Ek well decorated n high profile ghar ki shaadi thi .. Wahan par bahut hi sexy sexy ladkiyan aur housewifes ayi thi … Mai unsab ko dekh hi raha tha ki tabhi meri nazar ek lady par gayi jisne black colour transparent saree pehni huwi thi with slevless blouse of deep neck. Kya batau doston mai toh us lady ko dekhta hi reh gaya .. Lakin tabhi mood banaya ki isko toh patana hi h…. Mai usko stare karna shuru...

4 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 18 Food Prep and Battle Prep

Prior to dinner, Jason went into the kitchen to spend time with Robert to discuss some menu ideas that he had in mind. He found Marie helping him, and he had a fine time enjoying their company. Linda and Andrea had been very busy working with their teams during the day. They had requested to be informed when Jason emerged. They then made their way to his canteen half an hour after he had provided his instructions and requested dishes to the chefs for an elaborate Thai feast. After Jason...

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Tina part 1

Introduction: How I met Tina Six months after my wife left me for a lover, that I had not known about, I was still bitter and not good company. She had taken our three kids with her and moved from Sydney to the Gold Coast, south of Brisbane. Her lover had been her boss at the job that she worked at for the past 3 years. I found out later that she was pregnant when she left me, since I had had a vasectomy after our third kid was conceived, it had to be someone elses. On Friday night I was at...

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A Cyber Affair

Dinner is over, I ask my wife if she wants any help cleaning up."No sweetie, you go ahead," as she clears the table.I go to the study to get my iPad then retire to the living room. I go online, log into a website called Lushstories where one can read, write erotic stories. This is where I met my cyber lover who is not on yet, so I continue working on my story.My wife soon joins me with her iPad, sitting not more than ten feet from me. She turns on the TV for the six p.m. news. We both are busy...

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A Mothers Obsession

The cab ride to the hotel had me anxious and excited to see my son Jason. It had been months since he visited me at Thanksgiving with his girlfriend Margo but now I was feeling those familiar yet forbidden urges I’ve been having on account of this obsession with my son. And to think it was only four years ago that I began wanting my son, sexually that is. I can remember it like it had happened just moments ago; the first time I saw his cock fully erect. *** It had been a long, trying day...

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I Want You To

They both lived in the apartment block.   It was in a nice neighborhood and the owners kept the building in good repair.   The people who lived in the apartments mostly worked in the city and hardly saw each other.   Kira and Colin worked locally and they did see each other.   They also noticed each other. Kira thought he was cute but he never looked very “available” to her.   When she first noticed him he had a girlfriend with him all the time, but recently she hadn’t seen her with him.  ...

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Loves True ObsessionChapter 40

Meanwhile, Andy and Joanie were in bed, relaxing after a vigorous love making session. Andy tipped her chin up and gave her a tender kiss. "So baby, tell me more about what happened at the bachelorette party the other night." he said gently. Joanie looked at him and smiled, then said, "Well, as you know, there were a lot of my and Ariel's friends there, and for fun, I hired a couple of my male friends who are strippers. You know them, it was Johnny and Billy, the Davis twins. Johnny...

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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 05

As I made my way up the stairs from the basement to the kitchen, I noticed that something was wrong. I felt like I was living in more than world at the same time. The body I felt and saw wasn't the body I thought of as mine. But then it was again. Memories flashed through my mind. I'd done this. The disorientation I felt was the aftermath of, what, a spell I'd cast? I was a wizard of some kind? That didn't sound quite right, but it was close to the truth. The family had been under threat....

3 years ago
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When Good Housewives Go Bad

Lois paces around the kitchen table, holding Chris’ most recent Report Card. By the tone of her voice, she doesn’t seem happy about it. Chris sits at the table with a solemn look on his face, knowing he hasn’t done any good. “Chris, I am very disappointed in you.” She says. “What happened to your father? He was supposed to be tutoring you.” “Well, every time we started, Dad said he had to go get some Tutoring Aids.” Chris tells her. At that moment, Peter bursts through the wall of the...

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Masseuse and His Sexy Shemale Client

My hands ached.No really, every tendon burned from the wrist all the way to the tips of my fingers.I was in my therapy room with a client. A really big client. Most of the other therapists wouldn’t provide for him because of the sheer strength involved in providing him the massage he needed.Still, the pay was better than good and I made it a personal point to help everyone that comes in through my door. Doesn’t mean I can’t bitch about it though.“That was amazing,” the client said, climbing off...

4 years ago
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The Scar Part 1

I can’t remember the last time I saw a guy attractive enough to fantasize about… My sister (she’s 22) seems to see them everywhere, but she’s got an advantage that I don’t: she’s in college already, and I’m still stuck in this tiny little excuse for a high school. There’s only like eighty-five guys in my grade, and I’m not interested in the younger ones, so that means I’m limited to this very little “pond of fish,” if you know what I mean. I’m a senior…..and deathly ill with ‘senioritus.’ What...

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The Coming of Age

Zoot was so excited. At last, after all these years, she was at that age, that special age, that coming of age, where she could drink, take drugs and have sex. Now, she could share the physical love, which until now she could only practise on herself. She hoped that all her practising had prepared her well for her new life, where her vagina could at last be penetrated. Her mother marked the day, as was the custom, by shaving off the hairs that had grown so wild and full in these years of...

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Making a public sex movie

There were three of us so we got two good cameras and headed down town to a rougher part of town. We found a spot where there was some pedestrian traffic but not a lot. It also had a couple trees that partly blocked the view of an alley that was off the street. My friends stood to the side with the cameras and I stood out on the sidewalk. Pretty soon a cute girl that looked to be in her late teens walked up the street. I stepped up to her, "Hi, My friends and I want to make a public...

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The lesson part 3

Master beckons the slave to stand before him. Master: You have pleased me well slave, and I have enjoyed your slutty little stories almost as much as I have enjoyed fucking your face and creaming in your beautiful tight arse. Yet I rather think Lady Sophia expected more from me when she sent you for my particular brand of discipline. Your distraction was very clever, but I will not disappoint the Lady. Follow me. The Master ushers the slave through a door into a large room. There are no...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 10 Another Close Call

Thoughts Rather than accept Frieda's update immediately, I had stored it until I finished the current problem I was attempting to solve. That problem, while not difficult, had prevented me from applying Frieda's updated code and databases. Frieda had compared the version and revision numbers of my database and rejected them out of hand as obsolete. She also refused any "tribal knowledge" updates until such time as I was running her current code, perhaps feeling they wouldn't be...

3 years ago
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CamrynChapter 2

"Daniel, Camryn's here!" the yelling voice muffled from its journey up the stairwell and through my closed bedroom door. I had told my mom to steer her and Corey away if they came over or called for me. For a week it had worked, but the last time she talked them away, she said it would be the last; if we had a fight, I should act more mature and at least let them talk to me. I would be spending two weeks alone soon so making up with them would be best done sooner than later she...

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