Bravo ForceChapter 24 Training
- 3 years ago
- 24
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In their campsite deep in the foothills, Pru woke and looked out over a small oasis, complete with date palms and a pool of clear water fed by a spring that trailed off as a rill into the distance, feeding a marsh with a stand of reeds where several water birds were feeding. She sat up as Terry roused beside her, reaching to run a finger down her spine. Her senses responded to his ardor.
After a satisfying morning tussle, they walked, hand in hand, to the pool and plunged in. Whooping and splashing, they hurriedly pulled out of the icy water, totally unexpected here in the desert.
Pru began her Tai Chi practice as Terry watched. When she had finished, he came to her and embraced her. "You are so beautiful when you do that," he said, with a pause, " ... and dangerous."
"Well, look out, 'cause now I'm hungry."
Between them, they organized breakfast over a compact camp stove; eating hungrily as the morning sun rose over the hills and began to warm them.
"I never thought I'd be hungry again..." Terry began.
"Never fails. Nothing like exercise," Pru said.
"Want some more?" said Terry, reaching for her...
They found dates ripening on the palms, and spent the day harvesting, eating, swimming and resting.
In the dusk, covered with djellabahs against the evening cool, they talked about the tumultuous events of the past days.
At one point, Terry said, "Pru, we've grown very close, you and I. I really didn't see it coming when you showed up at Yonkers Portal. Fact is, I'm in love with you. Should we ... well, perhaps I should say, could we discuss a contract of some sort?"
Pru looked out over the oasis for a moment, thinking. He clearly was not referring to her employment contract. She looked back at Terry, sensing his love and slight confusion. "Maybe, Terry, maybe." She shifted slightly, pressing against him gently. "We don't need to do anything right now. I love you, too, you know that, and I'm falling in love with you. At the same time, I'm usually satisfied to be with you as often as I can, and I'm pretty sure neither of us is looking for a contract that would be exclusive. Without that, what's the point, unless we want a child?"
"That's true, Pru," he said, "But is this enough for you? I can feel you need something in your life that isn't there, yet."
"I think what you're feeling — I feel it, too, of course — is that I'm still confused by the different roles I've been playing. The Yemen, you know, was a spur-of-the-moment thing; it just happened because my friends needed me and I just stepped up to what was required. Since then — Wadi Felucca and Ouled Naïl — I really don't understand. I love my work as a businesswoman. I love the work I'm doing for Neo-Tantra. I don't know how I feel about being..."
Terry's arm tightened around her shoulder. "I know. I feel it. Just let it be, Pru, until you get somewhere with it. Don't force it; let it happen."
He kissed her then, and their desire took them where they wanted to go.
The next day, they rose, swam, made love and, after breakfast, finally dressed and packed for the 15-kilometer hike back to where they had left Pru's 'mobile.
As they finished policing the campsite, Pru asked, "Well, what's next? Back to the Home Office?"
Terry looked up at her from tightening the straps on his pack. "No, I don't think so. They know what they're doing. Why don't we drop in on the EU office? How long has it been since you've been in Paris CA?"
Turning the ancient city of Paris into a Controlled Area had, of course, been a monumental and controversial task. In the end, most people thought it had been a success. The task of enclosing the traditional boundaries of the city into an area that could be climate controlled had enraged nearly every Frenchman, and many non-French who claimed ownership, in some way, of the City of Light. But, in the end the control fields that had been installed ended at the traditional boundaries — excepting the Bois de Boulogne. The parks within the city — Tuilleries, Luxembourg, Trocadero, Invalides, and many others — had been provided for in the controlled area. Even the Montmartre with its cathedral was within the CA, provided with plenty of sunshine by day through the nearly transparent fields and with very real rain by night. Finally, even the famous and original Metro was improved to modern standards, even though many of the tunnels were the same that had been in use since the early 20th century; complete with musicians and even the occasional beggar.
The sergeant major said, "Sir. The village has morning prayers just at sunrise. We saw them today." Captain al-Khud looked at Pru. "That's our chance. We'll lift in before dawn, move into position and attack once they've started salat al-fajr, morning prayer. As soldiers, we are excused during an operation." "I really couldn't see us all doing morning prayer together," Pru grinned. The force wound up its exercises in the late afternoon and settled down to prepare for the assault...
Mira stopped at a tiny spring and washed her face. She filled her empty water bottle and drank from the other, partly full one. By the time she needed to use the bottle she had filled, the water would be sterile. Rising, she shifted her pack and strode off through the scrub, headed for a ridge of confused rocks not too far away. She had been marching since early morning when a high-lifter had set her down well away from the village that was her target. Her long legs had made short work of...
Terry and Pru passed through the halls of the OSG enclave in the Geneva CA, passing through various checkpoints where their IDs were scanned. They luminous arrows guided them through the maze of offices and work centers. Finally, they reached the office to which they had been summoned. General Ishmael Khan rose from his desk as his aide announced them. Pru recognized him from her com acquaintance, but was surprised to find him rather shorter than she had expected, only about 170 cm. He came...
Soon after Mira had been debriefed, Terry Sideman arrived. He hugged Pru warmly, then turned to the others asking to be brought up to date. "You're late, boss," Pru said. "You'll have to catch up as we go." "The real issue is," Terry said, "do we have a right to do anything here? Is this a real Special Ops assignment?" Zahlman began. "First, as you said before, it's illegal to be without implants, and removing implants from your own body is a felony. Removing implants from...
"Bravos Feminie" (or "The Bravos" as most people know them) is a group of heroes, composed of four women: Fuu, Becky, Emmaline, and Liv. Together they travel the land, slaying horrible monsters and protecting those in need. Recently, however, some strange spell has been working its way through the wilds, inspiring ravenous lust in the foes our heroes would usually slay. To make matters worse, it seems that this lust spell can be transmitted to humans via liquid contact, such as spit, venom or...
FantasyA short time later the 'mobile approached a Controlled structure, drew up at a portal where the vehicle was admitted efficiently and the portal closed behind it. A short distance inside, the 'mobile settled in front of an office building that looked rather more like a comfortable residence, with a patio and plenty of large windows. Its relaxed air transmitted itself to Pru, who began to get out then had to unfasten the unfamiliar seat belt then stepped out onto the grassy surface that...
The com's alarm woke her early. She put on her briefs and ran down to the courtyard to do her Tai Chi practice, then showered and dressed. She considered going casual, wearing only a torque or necklace, perhaps. In the end, for this rather formal business trip, she voted for conservative business wear. She slipped cuffs on her wrists. A collar around her neck carried a diagonally striped cloth ('Why do they call it a @tie?') that fell between her breasts almost to her waist. She left her...
"How long have you been at this, Terry?" Pru asked. "I started Neo-Tantra four or five years ago, Pru. It caught on quickly, and last year I had revenues of fifty million credits or so. I know that, if I want to continue growing, I need better management than I can provide. Management isn't my strong point. I need marketing, too. "Well, at least you've got my attention, and you've got me here. But I'm not entirely sure this isn't a fool's errand." Pru's skeptical tone...
As the vehicle moved through the Hudson Valley, Terry looked at her, disconcerted, but quickly regained his composure. He spoke to himself, aloud: "I think I might have more than I bargained for here." Then he looked at her closely, perhaps for the first time since they met. He looked carefully at her clean, sharp features, her strong demeanor; registered her flash — out front, where he could miss it only by ignoring her reality. He could sense her earnest sincerity. She was not taunting...
The young woman changed the subject while Pru pointedly occupied herself with food. The chatter ranged across unimportant subjects until they had clearly all finished their lunch and Terry rose, with suitable goodbyes, and took Pru back to his office. Pru turned on him. "What is this, Terry? Where did you get that information? And what did she mean by that business about wanting my body?" Terry raised his hands in mock surrender. "Easy! When you agreed to come for an interview, I did a...
Pru came to rest in the final position of her morning Tai Chi practice, and let her body relax. They had spent the night in Terry's apartment in New York Sector after a concert they had both enjoyed. Pru picked up a towel, wiped away the light film of sweat from her face and breasts and put it under her when she sat on the bed next to Terry. "You do that every day, don't you? When did you begin?" "Yes. Every day. It's like coffee — but I like my morning coffee, too. I guess I started...
Pru fastened the long-sleeved, ankle-length caftan and arranged her headscarf. Her Tai Chi practice had been, of course, in the privacy of her parents' courtyard, since she was always naked or nearly so when she practiced. Now, after a shower and a leisurely breakfast, she guessed she'd timed her exit from her parents' house correctly when it was clear that Friday morning prayers were over. Small groups of men and a few women wove through the narrow streets on their way to other things....
The sun was still struggling over the foothills when Jazira brought her 'mobile to a halt at Pru's door. Like most natives, she preferred to do her outdoor activities when the heat was at a minimum. Pru climbed into the 'mobile, settling next to her friend, leaning to press a light kiss on her cheek. "How you doing, today?" she asked conventionally. Jazz put the 'mobile in motion before she answered. "I've been thinking, Pru. I do need to do something to bring Zahlman back to...
Prudence walked into the conference room with the others, pausing to chat with Neo-Tantra's top management. Like many members of the Neo-Tantra staff, she wore a brightly colored pareo low on her hips. She'd adopted the habit from her instructors during her indoctrination. Spending a lot of time in the safety of the Home meant her knife and the freedom of movement conferred by a kilt would not be needed. The casual atmosphere allowed her to indulge her love of jewelry, and she wore one of...
The meeting lasted the rest of the day, though Pru was able to move it along by accepting many of the suggestions given as "for further study". She knew it would take time to put things into perspective and full operation. After dinner, she went to the compound's Salle and worked out for an hour or so, practicing both armed and un-armed combat routines. After her impromptu match in Ceuta Sector, she had been much more conscientious about exercise and practice. Her endurance and strength...
Pru spent the ride to Yonkers Portal reading the Quick Start instructions for her wristcom and calling Terry and Solly to be sure her ear cuffs and necklace performed correctly. Eddie went with her through the New York Sector Metro. It was early in the morning and there were few people around, but somehow Pru welcomed Eddie's steady and unobtrusive presence as they rode the nearly deserted metro and the slidewalks to the airport terminal. His confidence and alert awareness came clearly to...
Pru and Zaratta dragged the rather large trunk into the center of the common room. The others were busy finishing up after breakfast. The evening had been a pleasant reunion; Jazira seemed to be reassured and relaxed by having her friends with her. She and Pru had filled the others in on what was happening, but they tacitly agreed to leave mission preparation for the following day. Now, they were getting down to business. Before Pru could start to open the trunk, however, the door opened and...
By the time they returned to the CA, Pru's leg was functional again, though still not completely steady. She limped slightly but the exercise of walking actually helped wash the numbness away Isabella was limping, too, but from a sprained ankle. She had slipped while getting into position to stun the guards and twisted it. She had known it would soon put her out of action, so she had aimed her stunner at a rock and moved her ankle into the field to numb it. By the time the action was over,...
"I don't want to talk about it, Terry. All I did was help a friend. End of story. What I want to talk about is this new program I want you to consider." "Pru," Terry replied, "I know you've been thoroughly debriefed and I've seen those reports. You've told me damn-all about what went on — personally, that is — and I want to get a better understanding of what your motivations were. And, you still won't tell me about what you were doing in The Yemen. I feel your reticence, and I know...
Maria was dressed in a traditional tango dress: close fitting, slit up one side. Her partner, Manuel, was dressed up too, wearing tight trousers and a brief jacket. Somehow, Pru was persuaded to abandon her pareo and put on similar traditional garb. Perhaps it had been the sense of happy anticipation that permeated their preparations, but Pru went along with it gladly. "First, dinner," Maria said, as they walked through Buenos Aires Sector. It was early evening, and they walked along the...
When Pru and Terry settled in the conference room at the Neo-Tantra home office, Solly was with them. They had timed the meeting so that the people on the scene would have had a night's rest after a hard day's work. Zahlman's face was the first to appear on the com, followed shortly by Isabella's. Solly began the review. "We sent a high-level surveillance device over the area of Isabella's coordinates. We also sent in, under cover of night, a miniature eye that can give us good,...
Pru woke to the chime of the com. She roused, glanced at the time readout and frowned at being disturbed at four in the morning, thinking she had set the com not to disturb her. But, when she turned to the com screen, she was startled to see the logo of the OSG and quickly keyed for Voice Only. "Prudence Whiteside," she said. There was a hesitation, while, she assumed, voice recognition took place, and the logo was replaced by General Khan, seated at his desk. He smiled and nodded, a...
In her borrowed office, Pru called Luther on her wrist com. "Luther, I need two things. First, update me on Maeve O'Leary." "She's on her way. She should be there in a couple of hours." "Thanks. Fast work." "People like Maeve know how to jump, Pru. She's excited to work with you again. What else?" "Get me a personnel file on Captain Jiang Lia-Chu. She's the OSG force commander here. I need some background." "On its way." Pru spent several minutes going over the file of...
Pru's stomach was beginning to grumble. She'd had an early and hasty breakfast; now she was ravenous. And it was only 11:00. She was beginning to consider tracking down the sergeant major for a rat bar when the very man appeared at her door. Maeve O'Leary followed him. The sergeant spoke in English. "I believe you were expecting this person, Ms Whiteside." He bowed and ushered Maeve into the room, then turned to leave. "Wait, Sergeant," Pru said. "I don't know your name, Sergeant,...
Back at the office, Lia said, "Pru, I've got some returns from the scans we're running in Turpan." "Great! Anything useful?" "Not too much, I think. We haven't located any of the hostage's CIDs, but that may just mean they're underground." She anticipated Pru's next remark with a shrug, "Or, we're not looking in the right place. We're revising the scan areas." Pru grinned, welcoming the changed relationship. She felt willing cooperation and acceptance from the other woman....
Lia led the way to the transport area outside Beijing CA. Like the rest of the force that had not gone ahead, they were dressed in standard OSG combat fatigues. The area was bustling as the last loads went into the heavy lifters. The command team climbed into a transport lifter and headed for Turpan. It was nearly midnight when they set down well outside the small city. A brisk wind blew sand and dust everywhere. "Just like I remember," Pru said. "I'll bet it's still nearly 30 degrees...
As 0800 approached, Maeve entered the small com booth that had been set up. She turned to Pru. "It just hit me. If he has that kind of com spoofing and frequency switching, he may be checking us. Hold on" and ducked out of the room. Maeve went to the NCO who ran the com. "If anyone queries the location of this com, what will they get?" "The ID of this field unit," she replied. "Can you change it to the same one we were using at Headquarters?" "Sure, but it's against...
Two hours later, Pru and Maeve were crouched behind a rise not far from the camouflaged hostage camp. Ten experienced OSG scouts gathered around them. Pru briefed them. "We've all looked at the pictures from the scanner that's up there. You know where the targets are that we think are guards or lookouts. I need to know several things. One, how many guards, and where? Two, how often are they changed and what is the exact routine for changing the guard? Three, how do the guards get in and...
Pru, Lia, Maeve and Xing Lao-Tan met in the command post for a field-kitchen dinner. Surprisingly, it was excellent Chinese cooking. Pru looked up at Lia with raised eyebrows after her first mouthful. Lia grinned. "I like good food, and when you consider how much OSG spends on ingredients, there's only one reason why military rations aren't healthy and tasty." "And?" Pru lead her. "Poor cooking, of course. So, I get the best cooks in OSG and then I send them out for additional...
The rehearsals began at first light. Pru and Maeve spent the usual fruitless hours talking to the General from the com booth. When they were done, they found Captain Jiang outside the field with Xing and the rest of her staff. "How's it going?" Pru asked. "Not bad, so far. We've got the portal operation down solid. We've decided not to use stun grenades because they'll trigger each other bumping together as they go down the chute — we're using a rotating stunner head on an extension...
The two men were seated on a bench at a field mess table; well, but not closely, guarded. They were wearing fatigue pants and simple white shirts. They were still clearly somewhat disoriented from the dose of stun they had received. Pru walked up to them and looked them over, sensing their confusion and fear. She spoke in Mandarin. "Good afternoon. You have nothing to fear from us at this time. We are here to release hostages, not to punish anyone who has done no wrong. What are your...
Xing came into Pru's office, where she and Maeve were working on their after-battle reports. "May I see you for a moment, Pru?" he said. Pru stepped out of the office. "Yes, Xing, what is it?" "A rather large shipment has arrived for you, m'am. I need to know what to do with it." Xing had a broad smile on his face. "Where is it from, Xing?" "Dublin, Pru." Pru put her arm around the little sergeant major's shoulder and headed him down the hall. "Xing, I need your help....
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