DanicaPart 17B free porn video

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The next morning, once she shook away the disorientation of awakening in an unfamiliar place, Danica immediately noticed the dull ache in her bottom as she rose. She clenched her cheeks tight, wincing slightly as she walked to the chamber pot. She squatted to empty her bladder, wishing that she had thought to bring a seat with her to cover the pot.

The ache was nothing that would distract her terribly once she was fully awake, and the memory of the pleasure that had caused it made Danica shudder and lick her lips. The two men and Phileta had rooms very close to hers, and all had expressed a great deal of interest in seeing her when she was next in the city.

Danica decided to just throw some clothes on and return to Zoraster's complex, bathing there so she wouldn't be distracted in the baths here, as intriguing as that thought was. She was supposed to cook for Celes and the others today, and didn't want to get a late start.

A few words of magic carried her back to the familiar environs of her rooms in Zoraster's complex. Knowing how long it would take to cook, Danica went directly to the kitchen to fetch her turkey from the cold box.

Once the bird was in the oven cooking, Danica walked to her lab. There would be little to do other than occasionally baste the turkey for the next several hours, so she decided to return to her work on Marlena's toy.

Danica had stolen time to work on the toy, and it was nearly complete. The one thing she hadn't accomplished was to change the appearance of the toy when its magic was not active. She hadn't yet located a material that would coat the toy and give it a uniform appearance as she had hoped.

A new idea had occurred to Danica once she abandoned her original quest, however. Her idea would make the toy unique to Marlena, because the illusionist would have a hand in its creation.

Danica planned to have the woman aid her in creating an even stronger enchantment similar to the one she had put on Celes' toy to create the phantasmal image of Andrea. With the help of Marlena, who had mastered illusion, Danica had no doubt that the toy would be a wonder when it was finished.

Danica sat down to begin drawing up the details of her idea so that she would have a list of extensive notes for Marlena to reference as she expanded upon the idea. She walked into the kitchen once to baste the turkey, smiling because she had the temperature just right, and the bird was cooking nicely.

Shortly after returning to her notes, Danica heard a knock on the door. She moved to answer it, pausing at the last moment to deactivate the magical defenses woven about the room. She had left the defenses fully armed while she was away, and she had not bothered to take them down since her return. While her own magic would not lash out against her, it certainly might attempt to strike down whoever was outside the door.

Marlena smiled when Danica opened the door. Danica smiled back and exclaimed, "Perfect timing." She then gestured for Marlena to enter and started walking toward her lab. "If Celes hasn't told you yet, I'm making a turkey for us to eat later, but I want to show you something first."

Danica glanced in front of her to get her bearings as Marlena moved to enter the room, when she glanced back she saw not Marlena closing the door, but Camilla.

Danica spun on the woman, a growl rumbling from her unbidden as her face hardened into a scowl. "Get the fuck out!"

Camilla looked confused for a moment, but then glanced down at her body and realized her illusion was broken. "I guess you didn't drop all your defenses did you, Danica? They won't do you any good. DIE!"

Camilla shouted out the words of a spell and gestured. The spell was a simple one, quickly cast, and should have struck Danica before she could prepare a defense. What she had not counted on was Danica's mastery of the battle mage technique that allowed her to raise a shield, which dissolved the acidic missiles on contact.

Danica growled as the missiles shattered on her shield. The spell Camilla had cast was not strong enough to kill. The woman had meant to disfigure her with the acid. Danica knew she had to raise a stronger defense, and knew that she needed to counter attack to keep the other woman off balance. The problem was that one of the first instructions Zoraster had given her was never to use her Art against him or his subordinates. Now she had a powerful wizardess trying to kill her, and she could not combat the woman to the best of her ability.

Danica added a layer of elemental protection to her shield as Camilla cast another spell. Danica's best hope at the moment was to defend and hope Zoraster arrived to call the woman off. She winced as a lightning bolt slammed into her shield, providing a pointed reminder of the power her opponent possessed.

Reaching out with her thoughts toward Camilla, a wall of searing hatred and jealousy slammed into Danica. She immediately retreated from her mental probe, knowing now that nothing short of disabling the woman or Zoraster's intervention was going to end this battle. The depth of the caustic emotions she had experienced told her without a doubt that even if Zoraster intervened, it would only be a matter of time before Camilla attacked her again.

Danica concentrated, raising her hands before her, bending all her will to keeping her magical defenses strong and in place. Her shield shuddered when the ball lightning Camilla hurled next bounced off and scorched the wall. Danica clenched her teeth and kept the shield intact. However, she didn't know how long she could continue to do so when Camilla was free to cast spells at will, due to the lack of answering spells from Danica.

The flaming meteors that next bounced off her shield sparked fires on a table and carpet. Danica was glad her shield was between Camilla and her lab, because any number of things inside could prove quite dangerous if they felt the kiss of fire. Danica quickly hurled a quenching spell at the flames to prevent further damage.

When her next spell, another lightning strike, dissolved against Danica's shield, Camilla screamed, "Just die, bitch! You're going to die! Stop delaying the inevitable!"

"Zoraster is not going to be amused!" Danica shouted back, hoping to distract the woman with the threat of her master intervening.

"I don't care! You are going to die, Danica — here and now!"

Danica gasped when Camilla's next spell, a fireball, burst against her shield. It shuddered again, but held. The resulting fire flash ignited the covers on her bed, which was fortunately protected by her magic against fire. While they smoldered, it would be some time before they would burst into dangerous flames.

Danica knew she had to counter attack. There was no choice if she wanted to survive. She chose a minor spell, magic missile, and hurled the bolts at Camilla to try to distract her from the spell she was already in the process of casting.

The missiles dissolved against Camilla's shield and the woman continued her casting without even flinching. Danica cursed and cast a lightning bolt of her own, trying to catch snippets of the spell Camilla was casting to determine what it was, but having little success.

Danica completed her spell first, the lightning bolt dissolving against Camilla's defenses with no more effect than the missiles she had previously hurled. Camilla completed her spell with a final shouted word and a sweeping gesture of her hand to point at Danica. A ray of amber energy shot toward Danica from Camilla's outstretched hand, instantly dissolving Danica's defenses.

As she tried to restore her magical shield, a gust of wind from a wand Camilla drew and aimed slammed into Danica. The blast of air hurled her back against the wall, nearly knocking the breath out of her. She struggled to rise, her fingers already moving in the gestures to restore her shield as the words quickly tumbled from her lips.

Camilla aimed another wand and Danica gasped as the fireball streaked toward her. Invisible beneath her robes, Danica's hood ring flashed. The power of that enchanted item turned the fireball back on Camilla, who was unprepared for the resulting blast. Surprised by her magic reflecting back upon her, she did not maintain enough concentration on her shield and it partially failed, allowing the searing heat of the fireball to reach her.

Camilla screamed in pain and rage as her robes and hair ignited. The wizardess quickly cast a spell to douse the flames, but they had already burnt her locks down to a short, ragged shadow of their normal curly length. Her robes smoldered, revealing the flesh beneath in places. Camilla's skin was red, obviously burned in many places. Danica knew the woman was surely in tremendous pain, but appeared to ignore it as she aimed her wand again.

Danica spoke the words of a telekinesis cantrip, but actually used her mental powers to wrest the wand from Camilla's grasp and hurl it across the room. Camilla incredulously stared at her hand, knowing that there was no way the cantrip could have pulled the wand from her grip.

Speaking the words of a spell as soon as she removed the threat of the wand, Danica enclosed Camilla in crimson bands of energy that pulled her arms tight against her body and caused her to topple over. The woman struggled, but Danica's spell held firm.

Danica breathed a sigh of relief and reached into her bag for the magical cage, planning to confine the woman until Zoraster could do something. Danica wondered why he had not yet arrived, as he surely couldn't have missed what was going on.

Just as she was wondering about him, the man appeared in a flash of light near the bed. "What have we here?" He chuckled.

"She came in here and attacked me. I had to defend myself," Danica spat.

"S-she lies, Master. I was..." Camilla began.

"Kill her," Zoraster ordered, staring into Danica's eyes.

Part of Danica wanted to obey that order without hesitation. The woman had tortured her and taken delight in it. She had tortured Marlena and probably laughed the whole time. Danica could not find any reason in her heart to spare the cruel woman, save that she would not take a life in cold blood.

"No," Danica answered, though it lacked conviction, revealing the dark desire within her.

Zoraster laughed, and then turned toward Camilla who was struggling to rise and move toward him.

Camilla gasped out, "Master, please forgive me. She is a d-danger to you. I only thought to..."

Zoraster spoke a single word and Camilla screamed. Danica watched in horror as the woman's flesh melted from her bones, the scream turning first to a gurgle, and then nothing as her face dripped away from the skull beneath.

What was left of the woman clattered to the stone floor amidst the dissolved goo of her flesh. Zoraster turned back to Danica, who had torn her eyes away from the spectacle, struggling to keep the contents of her stomach where they belonged.

"You should have destroyed her. She certainly would have destroyed you," Zoraster criticized. He then spoke words of magic and gestured. The disgusting mess that remained of Camilla vanished. A few more words and gestures doused the fires burning in the room.

Danica rose from where she had fallen to her knees fighting nausea, glancing for a moment at the spot where Camilla had died with a shiver.

"You have leave to defend yourself in whatever manner necessary. Your powers grow, and some within these walls will find their jealousy uncontainable. You will not always have the luxury of choosing between a killing stroke and misguided mercy, little rose." He then snapped his fingers and vanished from the room without another word.

Danica wrapped her arms around herself and backed up, leaning against the wall. She felt numb. She was no longer sickened, horrified, or afraid. She was simply numb.

Zoraster appeared in a room full of coffins. He crossed the room with a purposeful stride toward one of them, pausing to pick up a small bag on the way to his destination. Opening the lid of the coffin he had selected, he looked down and saw Camilla's face.

Opening the bag, he pulled out the contents. He stiffened and a scowl came over his face, memories of the last time he had attempted this spell returning to him. He had failed then — they had intervened.

Shaking his head and snarling, Zoraster brushed the thoughts away and continued to remove the necessary spell components he required for his magic from the bag. He spoke the words of the spell, the syllables harsh and ominous. His hands manipulated the components of the spell, blood, bone, and other distasteful objects, in the necessary gestures as he brought the dark magic to life.

An aura of black congealed around him as his macabre chant reached a crescendo. A similar aura surrounded the clone of Camilla lying in its crèche, settling into the mindless flesh of the woman's copy.

Camilla's eyes popped open and she erupted in a horrible blood-curdling cry of sheer terror and pain. She writhed against the restraints as Zoraster closed the lid of her coffin-like enclosure. When the lid sealed, he touched runes upon its surface to attune the magic of the device. It would hold her body stable and release drugs that would calm her until she recovered from being yanked back from whatever afterlife she had been moving toward, the horror of her own death still fresh in her mind.

"I trust you have learned a valuable lesson, Camilla," he said to the closed device. "Perhaps it will humble you and force you to push beyond your current limits in your second life."

Celes patted Danica's hands, which were folded on the table in front of her, and said, "Danica, it's not your fault — and likely a lucky thing. Camilla was obsessed with you, and I think the world will be a happier place without her."

"I know you're right, but it was just so..." Danica paused and shivered as a chill ran through her body. "It was just so horrible, and he acted like he was swatting a fly out of spite."

"We know he's mad, powerful, and kills without any remorse, Danica. We've known that from the beginning. We'll likely see worse," Celes responded.

"I should have turned my magic on him. Not even Camilla deserved to die like that," Danica growled.

"Then you would have shared her fate — or one worse," Celes retorted.

Danica sighed. "I know. I've got to do something; get the image out of my mind."

Celes sniffed the air and smiled, "You could finish making us dinner like you promised."

A weak smile crossed Danica's lips. "That might help. The turkey should almost be done, and there's a lot of other things to prepare."

"I'll go see if I can round up Marlena and Andrea, and then we'll all come help you." Celes then hugged Danica, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"I think having friends around right now is a good idea," Danica said, rising from her chair.

"And you'll have them. Go check on that bird, we don't want it to burn."

With a wide smile, Zoraster removed the black box from his bag. Placing the box on the table before him, he cast a spell of telekinesis and used the magic to open the lid of the box. He could feel the holy magic of the item rejecting him, and knew if he dared touch it that the thing would sear his flesh as surely as it had that of the demon.

Again using the telekinesis, he moved the gauntlet through a shimmering wall of blue light. There it hung in place amongst numerous other items already suspended in the magic.

Soon, the time will come, and then I will have the power to take back that which is rightfully mine — to remake this broken world, gain dominion, and bring paradise to this land. I will cast aside the fools who have flawed creation.

"Soon," he repeated aloud, and laughed, a sound full of confidence, anticipation — and tinged with hints of madness.

Finally, the four were able to gather together. While they cooked and chatted, Danica managed to push the dark thoughts of Camilla's death away — somewhat.

Tasting the potatoes, Danica made a face. "I suppose this is as close as I'm going to get. I know what they need, but I've ran out of marjoram. Mom always used it, and they just don't taste right to me without it."

Andrea smiled and said, "I have marjoram, I grow it in the hedge maze."

Danica's eyes lit up and she smiled, but it was Marlena who spoke next, "I have so much trouble finding that. I need it for many of my spells and I never have enough."

"I have plenty. My mother used to grow so many different herbs — I just sort of plant them too along with my flowers because it reminds me of her. The herbalist keeps everything for me and winters the plants that need it."

Celes stood up. "Well, let's go get your marjoram then. Hold my hand and I'll teleport us there."

Andrea's eyes went wide, and the smile that spread across her face was even wider. "You'll take me there with magic?" She asked with obvious excitement.

Celes chuckled then brushed a strand of hair that had blown into her eyes out of the way, wondering where the breeze had come from. "I'm going to tell you how the spell ends, so you'll know when the magic is about to work. If you know when it will happen, it's not quite as hard on the tummy."

"Okay!" Andrea replied with the same girlish excitement.

Celes spoke the last few words of the spell, which were very distinctive, and explained that as soon as the last syllable was complete, the magic would whisk them away. Andrea nodded that she understood and Celes cast the spell. A few moments later, they vanished from the room.

Danica turned to Marlena and said, "I want to talk to you about something when we get a chance. I have some ideas for your toy, and I think you'd be the best one to help me get them to work. They're based around illusion and phantasms, and you know a lot more about that than I do."

"You want me to help?" Marlena asked, sounding a little surprised.

"Of course. I think you'll be able to make it a wonder with what you know about magic. You'll probably learn a lot about creating magic items in the process too. Your toy will have a touch of your magic on it too then," Danica replied.

"I'd like that. After we eat?"

"The sooner the better," Danica answered with a smile.

Celes and Andrea popped back into the room only a minute or so later, Andrea holding a large bag and still smiling from ear to ear. "That was wonderful," the blonde exclaimed.

Danica felt a breeze tickle her bangs when the two women reappeared. She was about to ask if it was windy outside when Celes started to speak.

Celes shook her head and chuckled, "I'm good at teleports, and the spell turned my tummy upside down the first time I cast it. She just did it twice without even wincing."

"Much better than Brandon," Danica hinted with a smile.

"Damn me, but I hate magic!" Celes and Danica both said in perfect synchronization, imitating Brandon's favorite phrase every time he had to teleport with them.

All four women laughed, and then Andrea handed a small jar to Danica. "This one is for you for cooking." She turned to Marlena and handed her the bag. "And this one is for you for your magic."

"Thank you, Andrea. This will last for quite some time," Marlena gushed.

"Yes — thank you, Andrea. Let me get this in there so those potatoes will be right," Danica added and turned to do just that, at last starting to feel a little better.

Once the meal was prepared, they all sat down and ate — a little more than they should have. Danica blushed as the three women complimented her cooking. They chatted as they cleared the dishes and washed them, and then went to sit and continue their chat over wine.

Andrea reluctantly got up after an hour of relaxing with the wine, having duties that demanded her attention. Celes likewise rose at the same time, saying she had some things she needed to do as well.

Once they left, Danica turned to Marlena and said, "Come take a look at my notes, and we'll see what you can add to them to make them better."

Marlena smiled and followed Danica to the lab.

The process of creating the illusions for her toy quickly engrossed Marlena's thoughts, once Danica explained her basic concept. The extent of the illusionist's knowledge astounded Danica, much of it completely beyond her ability to comprehend. Within a few hours, Marlena had detailed exactly what spells to cast upon the item with respect to the illusionary elements.

Once they finished outlining the spells to enchant the toy, Danica unveiled the item. The look on Marlena's face told Danica it wasn't exactly what she had expected.

A supple leather belt and harness would strap the device over Marlena's loins, putting it in position to penetrate her. The lower part of the harness only left enough room to attach the toy, which would leave as much flesh bare as possible. Sticking out the back of the harness was a sheath that enclosed the carved shaft, and hanging near the end of it were the balls of the toy. These were attached to the base of the shaft, and would travel through a track in the sheath as it moved to slap against her.

As Danica explained the general mechanics, hinting at some of the other enchantments but not revealing much so these would surprise Marlena, the illusionist's look changed to one of intrigue. Danica said, "Trust me," and winked, "If it does what I want it to do, it will set you on fire."

"I trust you. You're good at making magic items," Marlena responded.

Danica laughed. "I've had a lot of experience making pleasure toys too."

"Do you want to start on the magic?" Marlena asked with anticipation recognizable in her voice.

"I don't think I'm in the right frame of mind right now, and we should really start early in the morning when we do it. Do you want to go to the Erotine temple and have that brand removed?" Danica suggested.

Marlena bit her bottom lip, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I don't know. I'm still uncomfortable with the whole idea."

"I'll be with you, and if you start feeling too skittish, we'll just come back and see what we can do about finding a Venissan who can do it for you," Danica offered.

The illusionist considered for a few moments then said, "I'll try. I do want that horrible thing gone."

"Okay, let's go then. We'll get rid of that brand and come back here to rest for the night. Then we'll enchant your toy in the morning."

Celes sat cross-legged on her bed, her old knees aching terribly. Scented candles burned throughout the room, releasing their relaxing fragrance while the sounds of a bubbling brook and chirping birds summoned by her magic added to the calming atmosphere.

Her eyes opened and she sighed, uncrossing her legs with a wince and a groan of discomfort. She was trying to relax and push away her longing and need, but with little success. Danica, Andrea, and Marlena all called out to her. Danica's call was especially strong because the desire Celes felt was reflected in Danica's eyes. Danica could see her as she should be, unlike the others, and the Awakening ritual that swirled around Danica only intensified the call.

Sighing again, Celes arose from her bed. She clenched her teeth in irritation, the wetness she felt between her legs obvious evidence of how little use her attempt at meditation had proven.

On top of that, she had to deal with her powers again. As if I don't have enough problems, now this too, Celes silently fumed.

One of her candles suddenly shot across the room, sticking to the wall for just a second before falling to the floor.

Celes fought hard to push down the emotions, knowing it was her powers that had grabbed the candle and moved it. Her abilities were expanding, just as her mother had told her so long ago. Everything was connected in some way to her original power, and her emotions would trigger them all. Fright or alarm triggered her ability to teleport objects, and it appeared that anger and frustration triggered this newest facet of her powers.

She had nearly broken when she first used the Hellgate spell. She knew that there, her body truly was young, as it should be. Danica would not feel old flesh under her hands if she touched her there. There was no illusion to fade, because there her youth was real. Unlike Danica, she couldn't force reality to reassert itself over her form, the desire was simply too strong to overcome.

How she had longed for Danica's touch, to feel loving lips upon her again. The memory that thought triggered of Danica lowering her aching sex to Celes' mouth made her body quiver and break out into gooseflesh.

There was only one thing that could even slightly help her now, her gift from Danica. Anticipation and longing fought for control of Celes as she opened the drawer to retrieve the magical toy. For a short while, she was lost in the joy of a woman's lips touching her with love and need once more, the fires within her banked, though certainly not quenched.

Marlena slowed slightly as the pair approached the temple of Erotine in the city. The look on her face revealed that she was obviously having second thoughts.

"I know this is going to be hard for you, but just remember that everyone in there will be naked as well, and I'll be with you. Think about walking out of there with that mark from Garthak gone. Concentrate on that," Danica suggested.

Marlena took a deep breath and nodded, resuming her normal pace as they approached the temple. Once inside, Danica had to persuade the other woman yet again before she was able to disrobe. It was nearly a quarter of an hour later when they stepped into the temple proper, Marlena doing her best to cover her body with her arms while Danica walked in front of her to shield her at least slightly.

Danica released a quiet sigh of relief when they entered the main hall of the temple. The only people in the room were a priestess and priest in one of the bathing pools sloshing the water as they coupled. The whole situation would prove easier for Marlena with few other people present.

Danica walked toward the bell pull that would alert the clergy that someone was requesting their presence, but a priestess emerging from the hall that led deeper into the temple caused her to turn and approach the woman instead. The priestess was blonde, beautiful, and walked with a strut intended to evoke arousal, a typical devotee of Erotine.

"Blessings of Erotine upon you, sister," the priestess said with a nod of her head, though with obvious confusion in her eyes.

Danica pursed her lips slightly, cocking them off to one side before she spoke, "Yes, I've been Awakened — and no, I'm not in the service of Erotine. I suspect someone here knows how it happened, but that's not why I'm here." Danica gestured to Marlena behind her, "She's been branded, and we ask that the blemish be removed so it does not scar her beauty."

The priestess obviously still had questions, but brushed them aside. "I will take you to Thaddeus, who has the greatest blessing of Erotine in this regard amongst us. There will, of course, be a donation required."

"I understand," Danica replied somewhat shortly, not really comfortable in the temple either considering Erotine magic had changed her against her will.

The woman gestured and walked with swaying hips down the hall from which she had just emerged. Danica and a still nervous Marlena followed. The priestess stopped at the first doorway along the hall on the left. "Thaddeus, your blessings are needed to remove a blemish."

The man turned and Danica's eyes widened. While she expected that any man serving Erotine would prove a fine example of the male form, this man was far beyond that. His body looked as though an artist had carved it from his vision of the perfect male musculature, every muscle plainly defined without giving him the appearance of a hulking brute.

His body was smooth, free of hair, and only a blind person could fail to notice the healthy length and girth of his manhood dangling between his legs. The man smiled, and his square-jawed face took on a somewhat younger cast.

When Danica turned to look at Marlena, she saw the other woman very distracted, her eyes locked on the priest's cock and her mouth opened slightly.

"Please come and allow me to ask for the blessing of the goddess, to remove the blemish which mars your beauty," The priest instructed and gestured for the two women to enter.

Danica tugged on Marlena's arm and led her into the room, the woman having let her hands fall from where they covered her as she stared. She walked up to the priest and handed over an emerald she had brought as the offering for the healing.

The man nodded and sat the gem down on the small altar in the room. Looking around, Danica determined that his chambers obviously served as both temple and living quarters for the man, containing the trappings of worship and his personal possessions.

Marlena had finally realized she was staring and now plainly tried to look anywhere but at the priest's cock, which Danica noticed was twitching with signs of life.

Same as Danica
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SUNDAY, June 5, 2016 Rachael was first up, barely beating Grandpa, who came to the kitchen to chat with her while she made French Toast for the family. "Sounded like some tomfoolery going on at the end of the hall up there this morning," he said with a twinkle in his eye. Grandpa's downstairs bedroom was directly under the master bedroom upstairs. Rachael had also heard the noise as she was coming down. "I think Mom and Dad have finally gotten enough rest to get frisky," she said,...

2 years ago
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Her Itch

My wife Shantel was at the bar, perusing what was on offer in the way of male companionship. We were in La Pera, a fairly upscale dance club in the county center. Ours is an odd mix of urban and suburban community two steps away from the city. The town is now congested with office parks and shopping malls. La Pera was the trendy new place where the young and not so young gathered to dance and pick up the opposite sex. I was surprised that my wife picked La Pera for our first night out without...

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What Goat Farm

Thanks to the Hip and Knee Doctor for editing assistance. Malcolm James was not the blackest man I ever met, but he was in the top ten. Actually, he wasn't very black at all, he just seemed that way. Although he was not even six feet tall, he always left quite an impression. Maybe it was the perpetual snarl that was on his face, or the numerous scars that seemed to have a bluish tinge to them. He was definitely not a man that you would want to meet in a dark alley. I was lucky to have him on...

3 years ago
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Resolvedly Rectal

Zahra lined the tip of his thick prick (that she’d spent the better part of twenty minutes sucking and slobbering and gagging on in an effort to lubricate it) up with her inexperienced arsehole. She held it there, breathing in deeply through her nose and out through pursed lips, heart thumping like it might burst out from between her light brown tits, perfect almond eyes softly closed, as she tried to relax herself for the task at hand. This wouldn’t be the first time she’d had a cock up her...

2 years ago
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My First Session with My Mistress

                    My First Session With My MistressThis is unfortunately, only a fantasy. If anyone wants to make it a reality, let me knowWe had met on the internet, and we had spoken a number of times, but when Mistress told me She was going to visit NYC and would be available for a live session, I was excited and, I admit, a bit nervous. After all, live IS different from internet and phone. I was torn between physical fear, fear that I would disappoint my Mistress, and fear that the...

3 years ago
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Holiday Wife

I sat in the sun lounger; my drink half way to my mouth with she came into view. It was those long, long legs that froze my hand. My eyes travelled upwards past the white shorts to a pair of perfect tits encased in a small bra, then my mouth dropped open for it was Sara, my own sweet wife. I'd never seen my wife of seven years dressed in a two piece bathing costume before. Oh, I know she'd been on a diet for this summer break, but wow. "Shut your mouth, dear, you're drooling," she...

4 years ago
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Landlord and His Friends Have MeChapter 4

The meal was lovely and the chat continued to be risque but after the delightful orgasm we had settled into a more calm pace of naughtiness. Intermittently I was rubbing Vinny’s cock and he had the occasional grope of my leg and the odd flick of fingers over my pussy and clit. After the main course we ordered dessert and the waitress announce there may be a little delay as the chef was behind. She apologised but we all told her it was no problem at all (it gave us more time for fun and...

2 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 4 Mary

The following day Clarity and I drove up to LA a little early. I wanted the extra time to see how the renovations to the Hollywood hills house were coming along. When we moved to San Diego we had decided to keep both the Beach House and the Hollywood hills house. Oddly enough the Beach house we ended up leasing to Michael and Margaret Curtiz, the same folks I learned had purchased the home when I had gone back to 2006. The Hollywood hills house we left vacant in the event any of us needed a...

1 year ago
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Fun Afternoon In A Toilet

I was feeling very horny as I entered the toilet cubicle it had a lot to do with what I was wearing. I had dressed up in my sexy undies about 2 hours ago and had been playing around and looking at porn, before driving to this location. Under my street clothes I had on a bra, black and lacy, a suspender belt, matching and trimmed with some purple ribbons and bows. The garter belt held up some beautiful sheer black stockings, they felt so sexy as I walked and moved around. I also was wearing a...

3 years ago
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Ballbusting fight

It's 4:30 P.M. And you are packing your bags, getting ready to go home. Most of the students had already left, and being a slow packer, (and a klutz) you are one of the last one to stay in the classroom. Wanting to catch up to your jackass friends that didn't wait for you, you hurriedly run to the door... Only to trip over a bag. You faceplant on the floor. You look up and see a girl glaring at you, who snatches the bag away from you. It's Sarah Johnson, an attractive girl with smoking hot...

2 years ago
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Magician Goes Rogue

John Doe was a talented magician, mostly because his powers were real. His colleagues were all fakers, frauds who did childrens parties. But John had real magic powers that came from two artifacts. The first was his hat, a simple, standard looking magician's hat, but all he had to do was put it on, and anyone he was talking to would instantly go into a mindless trance, and from there, he could basically do whatever he wanted until he took the hat off, at which point the person would wake from...

Mind Control
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BangingBeauties Leda Lotharia Naughty Schoolgirl Anal Training

PervCity classes are back after the holidays and naughty schoolgirl Leda Lotharia is about to get her first anal training of the new year. The 18-year-old brunette confesses that she’s a sinner and nothing gets her shaved pussy wetter than a big dick and naughty anal sex. She doesn’t even wait for the training to begin; she just strips and winks her teenage asshole. John Strong facefucks her deep throat before the nasty teen sucks his balls, rims his ass, and then gags, slobbers, and...

2 years ago
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Flight Story

That day was another dayLike other daysThat's my weekly holidayIt was, but this timeI had a holiday until Monday.I am aComputer engineer, i amT companiesWork as Team LeaderI do my jobEveryone is very careful and I have beforeWhat is exactly done is the wholeCalm downSo I think about marriageI especially,now. But physical hungermeetSometimes, if you get a chance, then CudiyeNoWith my office friendsNot flirtingSometimes or a day's friendWithRestoring your body requirementsBut then notToday was...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Mother in Law

Fucking My Mother in Law My mother-in-law Barbra is 5' 1", 37 years old and has baby blue eyes and shoulder length hair. Her legs are shapely as they had been in her twenties and her tits are 38c’s. Barbra has two c***dren at home yet, a son 15, and Barbie who is the youngest at 14 with long dark hair and a chest as big as melons. Barbra has had many lovers in the past 5 year’s sense she has left her husband. She now always seems to be horny and saying she needs to go out and have herself...

2 years ago
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Girl Time 3 Here I am This Is Me

Girl Time 3: Here I am this is Me...! By Maria Ski I took a deep breath as I prepared to select what I was going to wear. I fought back the nerves as I opened my wardrobe door. All manner of feminine finery hung there waiting, I drank in the soft scent of the clothes. For today was the day. Today was the day I would take one of the biggest steps of my life. Today was the day I was to come out. Today would be the day my family would get to see the real me. The female I was meant to be....

1 year ago
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Rose BlossomsChapter 2

It was only the next day that things became even more involved. Rose had a late jazz band practice at the school. It was going to be another hour and a half before I had to go and pick her up. Todd and I were watching TV. But I think he was watching me more than the TV show. I know he was thinking about last night when I sucked his cock. I could not blame him because I was thinking about it too. I got off my chair and sat on the couch with him. “Are you thinking about what I did last night,...

3 years ago
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I Helped The Helpless Girls And Their Mom Part IV

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

1 year ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 5

Jim arrived at JJ's before 5:00 PM with Chinese take-out and a six-pack of Seven-Up. Jim hadn't checked with her about supper or the sodas. He decided to surprise her. That should be possible if he just didn't tell her. Surprises were fun. Jim heard the imperative, "AND I GET TO GO FIRST," as he opened the car door and he had to smile. 48 hours earlier he couldn't have even imagined a conversation between a mother and daughter about which would get to make love to him first. Well, he...

1 year ago
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The Dream Diary 02 Erica

“Last night I had a crazy dream 'bout a chick in a black bikini. She was lookin' so good she couldn't be real. She must be a magic genie!" Turns out she wasn't a genie, it was Erica. However she looked magical just the same. Erica usedto be one of my closest friends, who when I wrote this was also married to one of my best friends. We've known each other for years. Her husband and I have known each other since high-school! I've always found her pretty. Last night I found her awe...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Dipti

Hello, people, this is Raj again with a new story. This happened to me with a lady who was a  stranger. Her name is Dipti. (name changed) We both are from the same place. She was is in the late 30s and carry figure which you can die for. Coming to the story. This happen once when I went to a lingerie shop to buy lingerie for my wife to gift her on Valentine’s day. I used to visit the same shop with my wife but never saw Dipti. The shop was run by the saleswomen and some helpers. I saw Dipti...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s Affair With Sheikh Zayed

Hello friends.Main vicky singh jacob ek baar phir lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye hot sex story jismein main aap sabko bataunga ki kaise dad ke absence mein mummy ne sheikh zayed ke saath ghar mein sex kiya.Toh ab aate hain story par. Ek din mere grandparents ne dad se kaha ki unhe yahaan aaye hue bahut din ho gaye hain aur baby sunny ke saath rehte rehte time ka pata hi nahin chala toh isliye ab woh log cochin(kerala) jaana chahte hain.Phir dad aur mummy donon ne insist kiya ki woh donon kuch...

1 year ago
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Private Charlie Red Anal Debut

Today on Private, we introduce you to Charlie Red, a saucy redhead who has come to Private Specials, Urban, Sexy and Anal Loving 2 dressed in her sexiest lingerie as she looks to lure her man away from his video games in the only way she knows how! Watch this cute debutant masturbate next to her boy on sofa as she uses the temptation of her pussy to get some oral attention. Then enjoy Charlie in action as she returns the favour with a sloppy blowjob before going on to receive a hard anal...

3 years ago
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A summers week end

She arrived in the early evening and the fun began. Had a long slow diner a few drinks and retired to our room. We made love most of the night and eventually sated fell asleep. I was rudely awakened by a hand slapping down on my bare arse. I yelped the, light was pouring into the room in violent bright rays that stabbed at my eyes. Carol was wide awake and planted a kiss on my red stinging bum. Excitedly she told me to get up as she wanted an early walk along Southsea sea front. We showered...

2 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXXVI 8211 He Me And Neeta

We had been out at a party, where we met Neeta (My lesbian sex fuck partner about whom my husband knows everything because I told him everything) I does not hide anything from my husband and I strongly believe that truth makes life very very happy and enjoyable. The host of the party was one of my husband’s friends and indecently he was a client of Neeta’s boss and Neeta was instructed by her boss to attend the party on his behalf. It was late when party finished. Being Friday night, we could...

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Last week I flew to Tucson upon hearing of my father's death. He'd lived a good life, had been a school-teacher, and had been married for fifty-three years and raised three k**s. Our mother had died six years earlier and he'd continued living in their little duplex in Green Valley, Arizona, surrounded by his books and extensive classical music collection. As neither of my younger brothers could stick around after the funeral, it fell to me to go through and dispose of his possessions and get...

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Bobbys Bed

I guess that no one really thinks about their c***dren beingsexual individuals until they move away and start a family of theirown. That's pretty much the way I thought about Bobby, my son, untilone day, when I was taking his bed clothes in order to do the laundry, and found a reallylarge cum stain on his sheet. I looked at the sheet closely at first, wondering what the stainwas. Then, I thought back just a few years, and remembered stains likethat from my older brothers' beds, my bed,...

4 years ago
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Does He Remember Me

I still dream of him and wonder how and where he is today. Does he remember me? Does he remember the joy we shared when we lay together? I was a young man, all of 22, when he took me into his home and bed...I had been out of the service for a year and back in circulation. 22. Long haired and free, money in my pocket and nothing but sex on my mind...and I wanted a man so bad, it hurt...We worked together that winter and he was so much fun. I liked looking at him and would fantasize about fucking...

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Natalia and Jakes First Time

Natalia was a pretty girl. She had long brown hair, which fell gracefully across her back, small brown eyes, and plump red lips which any man would happily have moving across his body. She was a bit on the short side, however she had a body that would make up for that. She had large perky breasts and a rear end which stuck out a little bit too much, in a good way of course. Natalia had been the object of Jake’s desire for a while now. She, however, was hesitant on that part. She knew she was...

Straight Sex
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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 3 Ch 07

The high point of the night had been reached and passed. Now it was time for the group to rest and recap the events. Since Tom was completely spent, Sharon offered to refill everyone’s glasses and let the others remain in their respective positions. Ashleigh was beaming at Tom and her admiration for him radiated from her eyes. He had accepted her challenge and conquered it in great style. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for him now. ‘That was really something! I never thought I’d let a guy...

4 years ago
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5 December 2008Chapter 11

“The girls will definitely be proud of you when we tell them about tonight,” Dan said pointing the Mustang towards home. “I had a lot of fun too, Daddy. It’s been a long time since it was just the two of us out for a night of fun.” Entering the front door, Cathy was met by the keen noses of Sarg and Major who could smell the stale odour of sex emanating from her pussy. “They’re excited to see you,” Dan teased. “I bet they want more than to smell me.” “Are we glad you’re home, Jessica...

2 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 12

The doctor explained to Sam her options and she decided on having a laparoscopic myomectomy since it was the least invasive, most effective, cost efficient option she had. Plus the recovering time was faster than all the other options she had. A few days after the surgery and Sam was back home."Man. Hospital food is no good." Sam said heading for the fridge. "This place looks like new." She observed.Carly and Mel had cleaned Sam's bedroom a couple of days before, getting rid of the sheets and...

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Katie and Dani Prt 2

This was it! This was everything she could of imagined it was heaven.Danielle could hardly believe she was here with her. Kissing her, touchingher, making her feel so alive.Another shiver ran down Danielle's spine and Katie's tongue once againdived into her throbbing pussy. She was so close... so close. She couldfeel her juices flowing from with in her.NO!It wasn't her juices at all it was her own piss flooding from withinpouring over the bed sheets arching up and back onto her body. The...

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Mistis Adventures Part 174

Maria was upset over seeing her daughter come from the "bushes" with Al. Then she saw the fresh cum, and the droplets of blood on her inner thighs, and it was more than she could stand. She screamed at the two youngsters, and fighting back her tears. Althea and Floyd took it quite differently. Floyd stood patiently waiting for Maria to get it out of her system, and Althea stood trying NOT to laugh out loud. She knew that if she did, her Mom would direct her attention on her. She was playing it...

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When I show up at your house for your daughter

I'm going to bind your daughter into a tight little ball, her arms and knees up against her chest, her body up on the edge of your dining room table, you tied to a dining chair right there at the table, naked. I'll throat fuck her, grabbing her by the hair on the top of her head and popping the hard head of my throbbing cock into her sloppy mouth, strings of drool swinging off her chin, GLARCH GLARCH GLARCH RETCH GAG, I'll throat her until her eyes are red and tears are streaming down her...

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College BBC Fucks Me

My son is a senior in college this semester, and if everything goes as planned, he'll be the first male to graduate from college in our family in nearly 40 years. Not that the men in my family are bums, far from it in fact. Some military, some blue collar, but now my son is about to graduate! My son is extremely brilliant, but I at times wondered about his sexuality. He never brought girls home for me to meet, hell, he didn't even attend his prom. But, that all changed this summer, one week...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 44 New Partiers KC Threatened

Mark I held Kim’s limp naked body in my arms as she lay in her comatose state following my administering of The Experience to her. I had lapped my hand clean of her beautiful and tasty emissions, and then continued to kiss her and stroke her body as she purred. I could almost feel her consciousness returning even though she hadn’t stirred or opened her eyes. I wanted her to feel safe and loved when full consciousness returned. Kim was one beautiful woman who I had connected with on many...

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The week with my Aunt

My first story. I didn't have the chance to write this in a site like Lush almost 30 years ago because it didn't even exist yet... I'll try it now. I grew up near the beach in Southern California, but was never really the “ladies man”. I left that reputation for the other guys, and scored first when I was 17. It all happened between my Junior and Senior year of High School during summer vacation. By the end of my Junior year I had pretty much already made up my mind to join the Army after...

1 year ago
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The Professor Takes Care of Business

Brian had Cynthia, one of his fellow faculty members, bent down over the bed in his room, her legs spread slightly so he was able to get his hard cock up between her legs and penetrate her hot pussy from behind doggy style. He and Cynthia had fucked before on occasion but tonight he'd already brought her off twice by eating her pussy and now they were on their second fuck of the evening. After their first quickie, Brian had taken a shower with Cynthia, soaping up her small petite breasts and...

1 year ago
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TBP Under Cloud and Under Star

Under Cloud and Under Star By Radioactive Loner [email protected] Copyright 1999 It was a bad part of town. In another life, I might not have noticed this. But, nevertheless, this ground was considered sacred, holy soil. Few predators dared to tread here. And those who did were quickly disabused, both by those within and those they hunted with. Neutrality fiercely fought for and *earned*. It had been a very long while since I had set foot within the Fifth Street Shelter. I...

4 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 26 Stifled Plans

Martin and Frank went to the local police station Monday morning. They were determined to see justice served when it came to Angel's rape. Sergeant Benali had been on the force for over ten years, but the laws were constantly changing so he had to check with his captain about the statute of limitations. "What do you mean statute of limitations?" Martin boomed. "Yeah, what fucking limitations," Frank raged, "Coach Bills raped my sister." Captain McCoy heard the ruckus and came out of...

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Livia The Bad Employee

Livia Behrends got greedy, and then she got sloppy and as well as greedy. She was the assistant bookkeeper in the offices of a small restaurant chain. With the cash coming in, she figured she could pilfer a bit of it without it being noticed. Then she moved into straight embezzlement.She was good with computer programs, and the total wasn’t that much, about twenty-five hundred dollars. Her assumption was that it could be hidden in the background of larger financial transactions.At the start, it...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 22 The European Unity

Lee rubbed her stomach. She now looked more as if she was five months pregnant and she agreed with Von that she would be lucky to make it to the twelve weeks. Sean had managed to do the deed, and Donny was pregnant. She couldn’t shift to male or any of her other forms other than faerie while pregnant. Lee hadn’t tried. She was happy to wait until she had Jackson before she experimented. Sparky and her village had been amazed when Lee transformed into a faerie for them. “Damn mum, I always...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 43 May 1781

Three days later I introduced Mercy to Captain Foster. He made a nod toward her, but was slow to take her hand. "She wants to join up," I said. "She can shoot and ride, and she ain't dumb." "You willing to go live with the enemy?" Foster asked as he resumed his chair behind his littered desk. "Why'" she said, looking at me, worried, pulling her tattered dress together between her plump breasts and sitting up extra straight. "Best way to find out what they're up to," the...

1 year ago
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Quest For Adventure

Helena Stephenson’s mind was swirling; she just wanted to be there and not have to wait any longer. All this time preparing for her trip and all she seemed to be doing now, was waiting. She must have looked at the electronic board in the departure lounge for the fiftieth time, and still there was no indication of a boarding gate for her flight.Annoying little kids kept tripping over her feet as their parents ignored protocol and opted for a quiet life. She wanted one of them to fall flat on...

3 years ago
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L011 Lizzys Story Lizzy is Free From Work

The next morning, I am back at work. My co-workers and I finish up packing everything. This is really the end for us.Tomorrow we will be here in the morning reminiscing, then a goodbye staff lunch and call it a day. Lunch will be on the corporate credit card before I turn it in. It’s going to be a good lunch.Then Wednesday, we just have to come in in the morning to sign our RIF (reduction in force) releases, and it is all over and done.My co-workers who have all taken such a liking to...

2 years ago
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Anita wants another visit to a glory hole

That evening during dinner, my sexy wife told me she wanted to go to an adult book store where she could suck cocks through a glory hole. Anita said she was in the mood for sucking tonight.I offered my own dick; but she laughed, saying she wanted a huge black one to suck tonight.I asked her if she wanted a huge black cock in her sweet wet cunt after sucking it. And she laughed again, saying she would decide later about letting a stranger fuck her tiny cunt…After having a coffee at home, I drove...

3 years ago
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More summer of 65

That night as I lay in bed, I thought about John, his cock, how big it had got and the way he had pulled and pushed mine, also the wonderful feeling I had when the “white pee” had squirted from the end of mine. As I lay thinking about every thing, I realised my cock was big and hard, I started to do the same as John had done, it felt really good, I pulled it, I pushed it and finally the head came out, “WOW” I thought, I can make it do that as well. I kept on pulling and pushing, up and down...

4 years ago
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HomelessChapter 5 Nina worries and shows a bit

The next morning, I was again eating cereal for breakfast when Nina came down from her room. Today she was wearing one of the pairs of trousers that we bought, the white blouse and the blazer. The trousers did fit her nice and tight, but the jacket was quite long and covered up most of the relevant details. I told her she looked lovely again, she blushed again and smiled and thanked me for the compliment. After she grabbed a bite to eat, we went off to work and I didn't see her again until...

2 years ago
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Education Education

“You left school at sixteen, no A levels, no chance of a degree,” said the girl, “yet here you are running your own company, successful, three-hundred-plus employees, plans to expand. There has to be a secret.” She switched on the mini-recorder, pushed it across the desk and sat back. If she meant it as some kind of challenge, I didn’t rise to it. I had been interviewed often enough to know I could provide answers on automatic pilot. That allowed my mind to wonder about a resemblance between...

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