Slaves Of The New SheriffChapter 3 free porn video

I stopped at the town’s only grocery store on the way home and bought some supplies. I can’t deny I was a little bit relieved when I got home and saw the Nelson’s car in my driveway.
I put my groceries away and went up to check on them. They’re pretty much settled in. They aren’t happy about it. But they’re relieved that the rooms they’ve been forced to move into are not as primitive as they imagined. The walls and vaulted ceilings are finished in knotty pine and the appliances are modern and new. It’s actually a pretty nice place. It’s a big step down from the palace they just finished building. But it’s more in keeping with where a young couple who are almost newlyweds should be living. And it’s sure as hell of a lot nicer than a jail cell.
They’ve already eaten supper and were collapsing and stacking their empty boxes when I stopped by. I walked right in without knocking and they looked up, startled by my unexpected intrusion. They didn’t say anything. They just stopped what they’re doing and waited for me to speak.
I asked, “Any problems?”
They look a little depressed but they shook their heads.
I asked, “Did you bring anything with you I might question?”
Jessica looked a little guilty and finally she said, “My jewelry? I don’t have a lot, though.”
I thought about it for a moment and then I asked her, “Is any of it big ticket stuff that was bought with town money?”
Dylan quickly responded, “No, I swear. The only thing she has of any real value is her engagement ring. I bought that before we ... before we started.”
I said, “That fine. Keep your jewelry. There will be rules for you while you are staying here. From now on you will both undress as soon as you get home from work and stay undressed until you get ready for work the next day. I don’t want either of you wearing underwear until your debt is paid.”
I turned to Jessica and said, “You will not be allowed to wear shorts, slacks or long skirts or dresses from now on. And I like a lot of cleavage. I think you get the idea, don’t you?”
She nodded. She blushed as she was reminded of what her life is going to be like until the town is repaid.
I asked them if they were finished moving in. Dylan replied, “Except for disposing of the boxes and straightening up a little, yes, we’re done.”
I said, “Good. Go ahead and get undressed and come down to the house. You can prepare dinner for me and my guest. Take a shower first if you haven’t already.”
I didn’t wait for their response. I turned around and went back to the house and told Bud that supper would be ready as soon as our new household staff came down and prepared it.
He smiled and said, “I already know what I want for dessert.”
We went into the main room and watched the news. Our new cook and maid showed up about fifteen minutes later.
Bud and I watched them as they prepared our supper. We would soon learn that Jessica is an excellent cook. But we got far more pleasure from our enjoyment of their nudity and their embarrassment than we did from the meal.
I was never one to spend time in strip clubs. I like naked women as much as the next guy. I found, however, that watching all of those bored women who could just barely hide their contempt for their customers had little appeal for me. And besides, not a hell of a lot of guys left a strip club with a woman on their arms. The poor bastards all went home horny and broke. If they weren’t so drunk they passed out then they were left with no option but to beat off just so that they could get a little sleep.
This one woman show of Jessica’s, however, is incredibly exciting on so many levels. It’s exciting because she’s so beautiful. It’s exciting for both Bud and I because we’re both the type of person who gets a kick out of her embarrassment. It has the effect of amplifying and emphasizing her sexual innocence. It’s also exciting because we know that unlike those poor fucks staggering out of strip clubs we’re going to get laid. And the cherry on top is that her poor emasculated husband will be not just watching, but actually assisting.
What can I say? Sometimes being a pervert has it rewards. The Nelsons might argue the point. But I still think I’m a good person. I just have a slightly broader interpretation of civilized behavior I guess.
Bud and I took our time and enjoyed the meal Jessica prepared while they stood nearby and we enjoyed the view. We both found that having Dylan totally naked is overkill. It may not have been fair to Jessica, but neither of us really wants to see that much of him. We talked it over and decided that after tonight we would prefer that Dylan wear a pair of Jessica’s panties when he isn’t at work.
We finished our dinner and let them clean up the table and do the dishes. When they finished we went into the living room and Bud and I undressed. We had talked it over and decided to switch off tonight. Last night he was treated to a mediocre blowjob and I enjoyed a very nice fuck. So tonight I ordered Jessica to kneel at my feet and see if her oral sex skills have improved since last night.
I ignored Bud and Dylan as I watched Jessica go to her knees and wedge herself between my thighs. She’s too humiliated to look me in the eyes. Instead she stared at my half hard cock as she lowered her face and opened her mouth to take me in.
I stopped her and ordered her to kiss it and lick it first, starting with my balls. I spread my legs a little wider apart to give her more room to work. She leaned down again with obvious reluctance and began to kiss my genitals. It was a purely mechanical act and not nearly as satisfying as it should have been. I’m not surprised, given how much we learned about how uptight she is last night. But unlike her pussy husband I’m not going to put with it. I warned her that I had best start seeing some adjustment in her attitude or I’m going to have to provide it. I want to see some enthusiasm. I want to feel loved!
She didn’t seem to get the whimsey in my exhortations. But she began to put more effort into it.
While Jessica started trying to put some honest effort into kissing and then licking my balls I glanced over and saw that Bud has put Dylan to work getting him ready to fuck Jessica after she sucks me off. At least I guess that’s his intention. To be honest it looks like Dylan is better at this than Jessica is!
I have to say, though, Dylan is obviously enjoying it less. There are tears running down his cheeks as he moved his lips up and down Bud’s cock.
I grabbed a handful of Jessica’s sexy, luxurious red hair and pulled her head up. I turned her head so that she can see what her husband is doing. I said, “Do you see that? He’s doing a better job than you are! I want to see some progress, Jessica. If I don’t, I’m going to call in a bunch of guys from town and have you practice all fucking night long.”
I let her hair go and the difference was immediate and remarkable. She apparently believed my threat. I’m much happier with her performance now. I sat back and relaxed and let her get some more experience.
Thanks to the great fuck I enjoyed with Jessica last night I was able to last a reasonable amount of time. She was getting pretty tired by the time I finally filled her mouth with cum. I had neglected to instruct her how to handle it when I had an orgasm. But she did what Bud ordered her to do last night and that was just fine.
I filled her mouth with cum and she held the head of my cock in her mouth and finished me off with her small, almost childlike hand. After I caught my breath I tapped her on the forehead and told her to sit up and swallow.
She obeyed instantly. This time she hardly gagged at all. She’s learning pretty quickly. Apparently her husband is, too. When I looked over at Bud and Dylan I saw that Bud had not been able to wait. He had cum in Dylan’s mouth. Dylan is struggling to swallow. He’s gagging violently and his face has a definite greenish pallor to it. Bud sat calmly, looking down at him and smiling almost paternally.
I grinned over at Bud and he smiled and said, “I was going to do it eventually. What the hell! I gotta tell you Dave, he’s a pretty damn good cocksucker! I wouldn’t marry him. But I suppose we could go to the drive-in movie every now and then. Right, Dylan?”
Dylan just ignored Bud. He’s still trying desperately to keep from throwing up. Jessica sat watching him with a strange look on her face. I can’t help but wonder what she thinks of her husband the cocksucker. She doesn’t look like she feels sorry for him.
Initially I assumed Dylan was probably the instigator in this huge rip off of theirs. I learned from their statements that just the opposite had been true. Jessica formulated the plan and goaded Dylan into it. It had not taken much goading. She had him wrapped around her finger from the start. But she’s definitely the more culpable of the two. Not that he was an innocent lamb led to the slaughter. But if it were not for her he probably would not have even thought of stealing all that money. It was as if they were both basically honest people who had been a bad influence on each other.
Of course, with most people honesty is not much more than a fear of getting caught if they do something wrong. When I was on the job I never ceased to be amazed at the things basically honest people would do if they thought they had a chance to get away with it. It kind of shakes your faith in your fellow man.
Since Bud’s sexual appetite had been slaked for the moment I decided this would be a perfect time to try a taste of that sweet little pussy I find so exciting. But first I want to spend a little time enjoying her sexy little body.
I pulled her up and into my lap and began to gently explore her hot little body. She remained impassive at first. For the longest time she sat without changing expression or showing any sign that what I’m doing is having an effect on her. I’m more interested in pleasing me than her. But I thought it would be fun to get her turned on and I continued to lightly caress her perfect breasts and run my fingers lightly down over her flat stomach to her patch of bright red pubic hair.
As I moved my fingers lightly over her sexy body I avoided her nipples and her tightly closed little slit and just teased around them. After a while I began to detect a difference in her breathing and I could see a flush spreading down from her face, down her neck and nearly to her breasts. I can’t help noticing that her breasts seem to have become more taut, more sensitive.
After teasing her like that for a while longer I finally moved my fingertips up over the hard little tips of her breasts. As my fingers closed around her nipples and squeezed gently she exhaled sharply and one hand came up and grabbed my wrist. She wasn’t trying to remove it. She was holding it in place!
Suddenly I was having a lot more fun. I teased her nipples, first one and then the other, increasing the pressure steadily. Each time I applied more force she gasped and grimaced. Just as I was about to move my hand back down between her thighs and see what results I could achieve there she suddenly gripped my wrist in a death grip. In something between a whisper and a hiss she loudly exclaimed, “YESSSSSS!”
Her entire body tensed up shuddered uncontrollably and she had an orgasm. Just from me squeezing her nipples!
I gave her a moment to unwind. She released her death grip on my wrist and moaned, “Oh my god.”
Her extreme embarrassment is obvious and it really turned me on. But I’m not done yet. I traced a path down over her stomach again and began teasing around her labia. She closed her eyes tightly and quietly begged, “Please stop this.”
Not likely! I’m having much too much fun to stop. Her legs seemed to spread a little wider, almost against her will. She’s a beautiful sight. Her tight, hairless slit looked nearly untouched, except for the moisture that’s seeping out of her and glistening around her sensitive opening. There’s no hiding her arousal now.

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