Broken UpChapter 11 free porn video

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"Wait," Jodie said. "You had his phone, and you didn't do anything with it? Like, keep it? Or throw it in a puddle of water?"

"It's ... His phone," Elle said. "I'm not gonna do something like that."

Jodie gave her a sidelong glance. "Aren't you supposed to be some sort of major bitch or something?"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing," said Jodie. "It's just that, you were awful kind to him. For a major bitch. Dude, if I'd had his phone, I would've sent out individually-hand-crafted text messages to everyone in his contact list, saying, 'I cheated on my girlfriend and I have a tiny dick, ' before I ever let him see it again."

"Wish I had," Elle grunted.

There wasn't much else to say. Elle had gone over the encounter—in depth—with Nicole and David already; and now she was wrapping up a similar walkthrough with Jodie. In the meanwhile, she had gone with her new roommate-to-be to the rental office and signed a number of forms pertaining to their apartment for next year. It was, by and large, similar to the one Elle shared with Nicole now, with one difference: while, in her current apartment, the two bedrooms faced each other across a narrow hall, this new one Jodie had found had each bedroom on either side of the living room. Elle wished she lived in such a place now.

"Now, remember, Elle," Jodie told her as they drove home. "You're single now. You can see that in one of two ways. The first way is to say, 'I'm all alone now, I'm incomplete, nobody loves me, boohoo.' The second is to say, 'I'm free, I can do whatever I want, nobody has any claim on me anymore, woohoo!' So tell me, kid: Which way do you suppose sanity lies?"

David had said much the same, and Nicole. "It's hard to face being alone sometimes, but you have to remember that God has a plan for you," was how Nicole had put it. "He has wonderful things in store for you, and that means that even the pain you're going through now will eventually lead you to happiness."

"Thank you," said Elle, trying to stay positive, "that means a lot." But when Nicole was gone, Elle rolled her eyes, and David gave a quiet chuckle.

"Is she like that all the time?" Elle asked him.

"No, actually, not often at all ... Which, really, is about the only thing that makes it bearable. I mean, it's kinda cute..."

" ... But kinda not," she finished. "At least ... At least there's one thing I don't have to deal with."


"All the stupid little things Tom would do that annoyed me."

Unfortunately, there weren't many of them. And, unfortunately, there were a lot of things he had done right that she still missed.

"I guess that's my challenge," she said. "The, umm. The thing God wants me to learn, if you wanna use Nicole's language."

"What's your challenge?" David asked.

"To learn to be single again."

"I suppose."

"And yours is ... What? To become a Christian?"

David gave her a look which expressed clearly his opinion of that idea.

"Or," she said, "to learn to stand up for yourself."

"I don't see a need to borrow trouble," David said.

Elle rolled her eyes. "So instead of telling her the truth—that you don't plan to let her remodel you—you're just going to lead her on?"

"It's not like that," he said.

"Oh good," she said, "I was under the impression that you were going to lie about your intentions to her. Kind of like you did to me, right after you slept with me."

She knew he was offended, but he didn't admit it; that wasn't his way. "Danielle, I'm not hanging around just because I'm lazy. I'm hanging in because I think Lena is worth fighting for. I mean, maybe I'll change. Maybe she will." That was a reasonable-enough possibility, Elle had to admit. "And as to us, neither of us were being particularly rational during those moments. You know that. We broke up for stupid reasons."

"What, wanting to make sure that you would do well by me was stupid?" said Elle. "Davey, I wasn't just going to sleep with anybody. For me, that was as binding as marriage. My intention was to only ever have sex with one person ever—you. But I wasn't going to even do that unless I was sure." It was, she realized, the first time they had ever spoken about the circumstances of their break-up.

David blinked. "Well, I ... I didn't know any of that, Elle."

"I'm pretty sure I told you," she said.

"No, not really. I mean, yeah, you mentioned stuff that was similar to it. You talked around it. But you never put it together for me."

She grimaced. "Well, what's done is done."

"Yeah, but now a lot more things make a lot more sense to me," he said. "Thank you, Nellie."

"Glad to have enlightened you," she grumbled.

Obviously, some of her life went on as usual. She still had her friends—Nicole, David, Jodie—and she still had classwork to do. As the specter of graduation began to loom ever closer, her homework assignments became ever more complex; but, at the same time, the quality of the art got better and better. They were starting to partner up with 3D modelers sometimes, with the modelers rigging the meshes and the graphic artists applying textures; once they got an assignment that required her to do cel-shading on her art, and it reminded her of Tom's art style. That was the problem: no matter how much life went on as usual, some of it, inevitably, still tugged on the loose ends of what she had lost.

She would see something interesting on Facebook or the news and think, Tom would be interested in that, I should ... Oh. She would eat something and remember that she had eaten it before in his company. She would pass by a building where he was having a class and have to look away. Even just putting on a top that he had liked would bring back unwelcome memories.

She wanted to be over with this. Not only was it painful, but there was the specter of her last major break-up hanging over her. She was almost a senior in college, the end was in sight; this was not the time to crack up and go catatonic for five months again. It was such a grinding fear that she almost couldn't say it out loud; if she did, after all, it might come true. What had caused her to check out like that? Were the same forces at work in her life now? She wasn't sure; after all, she hardly had any empirical way to test it. And Tom had become pretty well embedded in her life over the last few years. Rarely a day went by that she didn't see him or hear from him. Sometimes he'd come over just to hang out or to get homework done; more often than not, she would go to his house to do the same. Sometimes they would make love; sometimes they wouldn't. His presence had been comfortable, like old broken-in clothes. There wasn't much of her life he didn't touch.

And yet, even as she sat in nervous dread, waiting for the moment where she would break down and zone out, it never happened. It never happened, and gradually she began to wonder if, perhaps, it wouldn't.

Tom had become a part of her life, sure; but David had not been "part of her life" so much as "all of it." Even after three years, she and Tom had nowhere near the rapport that she and David had once had; still had, in fact. There were things she didn't tell Tom—not many of them, but some. When she had broken up with David, it had been hard to conceive of ... well, life. What did she have without him? But with Tom, there was still a future. She could live without him. And she would.

Still: between her newly-diminished social life and the amount of time David spent in Nicole's bedroom, she had a lot more time for homework than she'd ever had before.

When she got home for the summer, her parents had all sorts of exclamations rover her report card. "Honey, what on earth happened? Your last quarter's grades were incredibly better than the rest of the year!"

Danielle blinked at them. "I didn't realize that going from B's to A's was 'incredibly better.'"

"Well, you have to admit it's an improvement, Nellie," her father said. "Grades have never particularly been your concern."

That much was true; she knew she could get As if she wanted, but didn't think it was worth the trouble; she'd always been satisfied with those B's. "Well, I hope I haven't set a new precedent with you guys. I still am."

"Are you?" said her mother, holding up the report card. "This would seem to suggest differently."

"Well, I ... Needed the distraction," said Danielle.

"From what?" said her mother.

"You never call," her father said, with just a trace of irony. "We hardly know what's happening in your life anymore."

So she explained—what choice did she have? She didn't particularly want to; she knew they would freak out, worrying that she would have another collapse and ruin yet another year of school. And thus she was surprised when they expressed no such sentiment.

"Have you thought about forgiving him?" her mother asked.

"Wha ... Who?" said Danielle. "Tom? Why would I do that?"

"Well, from the way you talk about him, you had something pretty special going on," her mother said.

"Yeah, but ... How could I ever trust him again?" Danielle said. "I mean, every time a girl called him, every time he mentioned someone, I'd wonder..."

"I think that if he'd told the truth from the beginning, he might have a better chance, Bonnie," her father said. "But the way he handled it ... Well, no one could blame Nellie for wanting to end it."

"Why, do you think I should get back together with him?" Danielle said.

"Not hardly," said her mother. "And I wanted to make sure you didn't either."

" ... You could've just asked," said Danielle.

Liz and Amy had returned for the summer, of course, and to Dani's surprise Heidi Stimson called her, wanting to get back in touch. David, though, was nowhere to be seen; he had decided to take an internship in Redwood Valley. Though he talked about the work experience, Dani knew it had more to do with being only 15 minutes away from Nicole over the summer, instead of the three hours' transit (one way) he'd have to suffer if he came home. How Nicole's parents would take it, Danielle had no idea. She knew David and Nicole were smart enough to be discreet; she also knew that there were aspects of their relationship that were visible to the naked eye, and that Mr. and Mrs. Smith would probably not appreciate seeing those things. It all depended on them, in the end. Had David even met Nicole's parents? He was taking a pretty big risk, as far as Dani was concerned.

Her friends were all properly sympathetic over Dani's break-up; Liz and Amy had met Tom over the course of the last two summers, and appreciated what she had given up. Amy had news as well: a new ring on her finger, courtesy of a man named James she had met early in the school year. She was not as appreciative of Danielle's reaction, though. "Jeez, Dani, don't you think I would have liked to?"

"Liked to what?" Dani said. "Tell me? I can't believe you got engaged—"


"—promised, whatever—and didn't tell me!"

Amy gave a sigh. "Dani, when's the last time we talked?"

"What, before today?" Dani said. "Umm, it was ... Well, it ... I guess ... At the end of last summer?"

"And what about when I called you during the school year?" said Amy.

"I ... You didn't... Did you call me during the school year?"

"No," Amy said, "I didn't, because I knew you wouldn't answer. You don't pick up the phone—"

"I'm busy a lot," Dani said.

"—you don't check your messages," Amy said.

"Well..." said Danielle. A lot of them were from her parents, whom she didn't necessarily want to talk to. "Anyone who's—" She stopped herself. She had been going to say, Anyone who's important can reach me in person. "I hate talking on the phone."

"You never answer my e-mails," said Heidi.

"Oh, I never check my e-mail," said Dani.

"Or my Facebook messages," said Heidi. "And I know Carmen's posted stuff on your Wall that you never answered."

"Let's face it, Danielle," Amy said. "You're a hard person to get in touch with. If they can't get you face-to-face, you just ignore them."

"And for all that you hate using the phone, you sure didn't mind calling us to say hi," said Heidi.

"Tom's gone, and David's gone," Amy said. "So now you turn to us. But the moment they're back, we're flushed out the window."

"Thrown down the toilet," Heidi agreed.

Dani looked at their faces: stern, though not angry. She felt an immense wave of guilt. "Then why are ... Then why are you here? I mean, I don't deserve ... Not after the way I've treated you. Why are you wasting time with me?"

"Because we're your friends." It was the first time Liz had spoken up all day. "Because we're your friends, whether you like it or not. Whether we like it or not. And that means that, when you call, we answer. Just as we always have."

Dani looked at Liz. Once her friend had been vibrant and beautiful, with perfect chestnut hair and a serenity in her eyes. Now she looked like she wasn't getting enough sleep at night; her hair fell in hanks around her face, her skin was clammy and there were bags under her eyes. She looked haunted. By what? And that was another nail of pain. If she were Liz's friend, shouldn't she know already?

Something was eminently wrong in Liz's life; what, Dani didn't know, but she could tell it was there. And yet here she was, supporting Dani.

"Maybe it's time that I start answering too," she said. "When you call. Maybe it's time that I started answering."

"Only you can answer that," Amy said. It was a challenge, and Dani knew it—a challenge issued by her friends.

And she'd be damned if she was going to fail them.

And so that was how she spent the summer: meeting old friends for the first time.

Amy had met James Rockwell through an Art History class. He was not the kind of man she normally looked at: he lacked the effortless good looks, the cocksure confidence, the deadpan snark. But they were assigned to the same discussion group, and the more she learned about him, the more she realized that he simply wasn't flaunting anything. There was a top-notch mind under that unassuming exterior, with wits to match; he had a way of phrasing even the most pointed or incisive of comments that made them completely non-inflammatory. He was kinder than any of her other boyfriends had been; and (Amy proclaimed) the sex was better than she'd ever thought possible from someone so inoffensive. "The two are related," Liz told her. "Sometimes the man's pleasure and the woman's pleasure are mutually exclusive goals. So which would you rather have, a man who puts your pleasure first, or his?"

"And you're serious about him?" Heidi asked.

"Well, I'd hardly have this if I didn't," said Amy, flashing the ring again.

"I know, but, just ... It's fast. This time last year you'd never heard of him, and now you're thinking of spending the rest of your life with him?"

"It was fast," Amy agreed. "But I don't think it was unwise. I mean, nothing's official; we both agree on that. And besides ... I do wanna spend the rest of my life with him. He's ... Like..."

"He's a keeper," said Liz.

"I used to feel that way about Tom," said Dani. "And the thing was, aside from the, you know, disturbingly-convincing-liar part, he really was. Sometimes you just ... Know."

"Yeah," said Amy.

"Yeah," said Liz.

"Oh?" said Heidi.

Heidi was, of course, single; she was, in her own way, a lot like Amy's new beau: quiet, unassuming, having no real interest in going out of her way to attract men. As far as she was concerned, if she just kept being herself, she'd be able to weed out the people who weren't right for her, leaving only the eligible bachelors in contention. Dani wasn't sure this was an accurate assumption ... And, ultimately, neither did Heidi. "The thing is ... The only boys who ever ask me out are ... you know. The nerds. The really cave-chested, slack-jawed..."

"Huge glasses," said Dani.

"No social skills," Amy said.

"Acne like crazy," said Liz.

"Yeah," said Heidi. "And ... Well, I mean, nothing's wrong with them, but..."

"But, something's wrong with them," Dani finished.

"You want someone more well-adjusted than that," Liz said.

"Well..." said Heidi. "Wouldn't you? But the thing is, they aren't ... None of them come to me. They're all..."

"Dating cheerleaders?" said Dani.

"That might be a little out of your league," Amy said.

"No, not like that," said Heidi, "I know that's impossible. But I want ... I want someone normal. Someone like Tom. Disturbingly-convincing-liar part notwithstanding. Or like your guy, Amy. Someone who's gonna treat me right."

"Well ... Those aren't exactly a dime a dozen right now," said Amy. "Most guys just aren't thinking that way at this point in their lives. They just wanna..."

"They put their pleasure first," said Liz. "Thinking with their dicks."

"And to a certain extent, that's just how men are," said Dani, "no matter how old they are."

"Which is why I'm so happy to get my grubby little claws in James," said Amy with an evil grin.

"Well, I'm sure he's duly compensated," said Liz. She had not smiled once, to Dani's knowledge.

"And that's another thing," said Heidi. "I don't wanna put out. I don't think I should have to buy a man's love with my body."

"You don't," said Dani, at the same time that Amy said, "You do." They looked at each other for a moment in amusement.

"Okay, bad news first," said Heidi, pointing to Amy.

"Hon, boys want you to put out," said Amy. "Whether you like it or not. That's just how they're wired ... Well, hell, it's how we're wired. Sex is coded into our DNA—I mean, it's how the species reproduces."

"Well, still," said Heidi, crossing her arms. "I want a boy who doesn't want sex."

"Doesn't exist," said Dani. "Stop looking. What you really want, Heidi, is a boy who wants sex, but is okay with not getting what he wants."

"I want someone who's like me," Heidi maintained, "in that he doesn't want sex."

"You do," Amy said, "you just don't know it yet. Because you've never been with somebody you really loved."

God, Nicole was so much easier to handle than this, Dani thought. "Which actually brings us right to my point. You don't buy his love with your body."

"Darn right I don't," said Heidi.

"You're not buying anything. You're giving him something—a gift—out of your love for him."

Heidi gave her a skeptical look.

"Like Amy said," Dani said. "You've never ... I mean, you were dating Max Cheng, and since then it's just been others like him, you said." Heidi nodded. "And these are people you're not really ... Excited about. You could take them or leave them." Heidi nodded. "Well, it's different when you're really into someone. You can't wait to spend time with them, you want to talk to them all the time ... You want to make them happy."

"And you want to ... Get naked and do the nasty with them," said Heidi, still skeptical.

"It doesn't seem nasty when you really want to," said Dani.

"No, that's not true," said Amy. "It does seem nasty. And that just makes you want to do it more."

"You'll see," said Dani. "When you've met the right man, you'll see."

"Well..." said Heidi. "How do I do that? I mean, at this rate I'm not gonna find out one way or the other."

God, Nicole was so much easier than this, Dani thought again. Nicole had had an instinctive understanding of all of this: that it wasn't enough to just be yourself, that she would need to present herself well too; that sex could be a positive experience. She wondered if Nicole's parents did it for fun. She wondered if Nicole was aware of them doing it for fun. For all their overbearing Christianism, Mr. and Mrs. Smith had seemed like the kind of people who knew how to take joy in life. Maybe they were more well-adjusted than Dani expected of them.

"Okay," Amy was saying. "Heidi, take a look at yourself. What do you see?"

Heidi looked down at herself and then gave a shrug. "Umm. I see me. Why?"

"Okay, let me rephrase that," said Amy. "Heidi, take a look at yourself. What do you see that you aren't using?"

"I thought we'd been over that," said Heidi in an irritated voice.

"Heidi, advertising matters," said Dani. "It's not enough to be an interesting person; you also have to seem like one."

"Oh, so it's all about looks again," Heidi snorted.

"Yes, it is," said Amy. "Not entirely about looks, but at least somewhat. Heidi, tell me truthfully: if you were asked out by someone who was nice, polite, well-read and really, really ugly, would you accept?"

Heidi said nothing. Liz took a look at Heidi's face and said, "And I see that this isn't a hypothetical question for you."

"Heidi, if you're going to judge people on their looks, you shouldn't be surprised that people will judge you the same way," Amy said.

"Well, I'm just screwed then," Heidi grumped, "because I don't have any looks."

"Bullshit," Amy said. "And besides, even if you didn't, it wouldn't matter. As the whore told the bashful sailor, 'It's not how much you got, hon; it's all in how you use it.'"

"Meaning what?" Heidi said.

"Meaning that, even if you don't have much in the way of looks, you can still accent more what you do have," said Dani.

"If you stood up straight and stopped being so stoop-shouldered," Amy said, "it'd fix your posture. You'd feel taller, and your boobs would look bigger. You could take better care of your hair, instead of letting it get all dull and split-endy. You could wear different clothes than boring T-shirts and jeans. Something a little more revealing, or at least that would accentuate your curves."

"I don't think I'd feel comfortable wearing something like that," Heidi said.

"You can learn," Amy said. "Attractiveness is a state of mind."

And that was their project for Heidi that summer: teaching her to have more confidence in herself. As Dani could have guessed, it was not an easy task. To Heidi, being attractive and confident was a foreign state, one she should not trespass on. At the mall, she turned down suggestion after suggestion; the first time Amy suggested shorts, Heidi nearly turned and ran. (And, after seeing the unshaved state of Heidi's legs, Dani understood why. Fortunately the situation was salvageable; Heidi had long since surrendered to the fact that eventually she would have to shave her legs.)

Though Dani was the one notorious for having been fashionable and well-dressed, it was Amy who took the lead in this project, and Amy whose fashion sense proved decisive. It was Amy who, perhaps even more than Heidi herself, seemed committed to reforming her friend into someone more attractive. Dani was impressed; she had never seen Amy be so ... Nurturing. After all, this was Amy: for all that they needled Dani about her selfishness, Amy was the real epitome; she just hid it better. Perhaps college had mellowed her. Or maybe James.

It took a lot of the summer to convince Heidi to try coming out in public in her new clothes, with her new attitude; in fact, it was at the everyone's-going-back-to-school party, organized by Danielle in late August, at which she first managed. "But ... I'll feel weird," she protested, and Amy just nodded. "That's the whole point. These clothes should make you feel different about yourself. Different in a good way; different in a way that lets you be a different person."

"I don't wanna be someone I'm not," Heidi said.

"And you're not gonna be," Amy promised. "What you are going to be is you."

Heidi eyed the clothes laid out on the bed. "I dress like that?"

"Do you?" Amy returned.

"Well..." said Heidi, clearly reluctant. "I could..."

"Exactly," said Amy. "You could. Now, obviously, you haven't before, but that doesn't mean you can't, it just means you haven't. Today, you will. We're not making a new person. We're just taking the old person and looking at her from a different angle."

"We-elllll..." said Heidi. " ... Okay."

Heidi had been trying the new shampoos and conditioners for a while; the clothes did the rest. They were by no means revealing, but the cut of the blouse wasn't just a hole for her neck anymore, and her new jeans were form-fitting, though not hardly as tight as they could have been. Heidi looked at herself in the mirror and said, " ... Wow."

"Exactly, " said Amy.

And it worked. Though the party was at her house, Dani had insisted that all four of them were throwing it jointly; as such, the guest list was a conglomeration of friends, acquaintances and strangers. There were old people from high school; older people from junior high or even grade school whom she hadn't seen in a long time; even some new college acquaintances, friends of Amy's or Liz's who happened to live in the area. Some of their faces—Marina Forkish, Randy Hillinger, Andrew Metz—she knew how to read; others were opaque to her. But the fact that Heidi was suddenly worthy of male attention was unmistakable. That was not to say she dominated the whole party or anything; not hardly. But people who had never looked at her twice were suddenly paying attention. And Heidi basked in it.

"Wow," said Dani to Amy.

"Yep," said Amy, smugly satisfied. "You know, sometimes I even amaze myself."

"Can you do me next?" said Dani. " ... Actually, can you do Liz next."

"I can do makeovers," said Amy. "I can't do miracles." But Dani knew that the constant pain in Liz's eyes was a worry to both of them.

Liz had always been an expert at steering conversations; whenever the talk veered towards some dangerous or painful subject, she could always come up with a way to segue into something else. For many years Dani had been the beneficiary of this talent, as Liz used it to avert talk about David. But now Liz was using it to defend herself; whenever anyone tried to ask her about her life, or even steer conversation in that direction, Liz pushed things away.

Dani, once again, failed in the friendship department; she decided that, if Liz wanted to keep those things secret, she should be allowed to keep them secret, and that she (Danielle) would not pry. It never occurred to her that Liz might want to confront her issues in private, much the way Dani herself had always preferred to. So when Liz called her up one night and said, "Listen, can I come over and talk, " Dani was completely blindsided. "Why would you need to do that?" she asked—a little irritated, since she had been trying to get Liz to talk for weeks, but been deflected again and again. Here she had gone to all the trouble of expressing concern for Liz, only to be brushed aside—and now Liz was begging for sympathy? And of course Liz had to spell out for her. At which point Dani covered her face with a hand and said, "Wow, how do I expect to get through college with a brain like this," and agreed that Liz should swing by immediately.

"So," Dani said to her, "are we finally going to get to the bottom of all this?"

"Well, I've been wanting to tell you for weeks," Liz retorted. "But somebody hasn't been asking the right questions."

"Oh yes I have," Dani said. "In public, sure, but asking. Just because you didn't want to tell me, doesn't mean I didn't ask."

Liz was silent for a moment. Then she said, "Wow, how do I expect to get through college with a brain like this. I've been beating you up in my head for not being a good friend, when the whole time..."

"It doesn't matter," Dani said. "You're my friend. Whether you like it or not. Whether I like it or not. And that means, when you call, I answer."

"Yeah, but shouldn't that go both ways?"

"It didn't at the beginning of the summer," said Dani. "There, we're even. And it doesn't matter anyway; we're friends. We have more important things to talk about than who owes who. Now, do you wanna keep beating yourself up needlessly, or would you like to talk about some of those important things?"

For the first time in a while—maybe all summer—Dani saw Liz smile. "When my friend asks, I answer."

And so Liz sat down and told her about life at the University of San Francisco.

The school was small, with only about 8,500 students, which to Liz was part of the problem: everywhere she went, Martin was there, or someone who knew him, or someone she'd met through him. Sometimes she felt as though he were following her.

Martin, from all that she heard, was doing well. Coming to college had been a brilliant idea for him; or perhaps coming to USF had done the trick. Whatever the case, he had managed to sleep his way through what seemed like half the college before deciding he'd had enough. Thereafter he'd managed to hook up with a girl who was everything Liz was not: supremely popular, a high achiever, perfect GPA, perfect teeth, perfect complexion, perfect chestnut hair, effortlessly voluptuous in a way Liz, a small-breasted size 6, simply could not compete with. (Liz was even thinner than Danielle.) Liz saw them at meals occasionally, or between classes. Her name was Wanda, and she and Martin seemed to be in their own little world together. There were wedding bells and a brood of kids in their future, Liz predicted.

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A/N: More Vincent-oriented stuff. Not so kink-filled this time. All human forms. Small bits of boy love fluff here and there. —– SemiBroken Eggshells Denver, CO: It seems that these young people are still on their hunt for their friend. The head of the group, Nathan Winters, had this to say, ‘It’s apparent that Vince doesn’t want us to find him, but we are going to. If everyone else drops out, I am, at least, going to continue my hunt for him.’ Vincent Fox, 23, left his home city of Denver...

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The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily. Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth. A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days. He was still disoriented from the pain, pain...

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I took a walk around the dark cellar that I had prepared for her, taking in her body. I had not cut away any of her cloths and she was still drop dead gorgeous. The picture of her I had found online did her no justice, those pictures that I had spent my lonely nights with. She was just what I had been looking for. Young and naïve. She was a solid ten out of ten, her ass was a nicely curved and she had perky c-cup tits but why she had become so popular online was her face. It was perfectly...

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Broken MiniFridge Turns to Taboo Fun

The wife and I were on our first vacation alone without family or friends in quite some time. In fact, it was the first time the two of us were totally alone in some time, and we were really looking forward to it. From the time the plane landed, we were in "party" mode. We grabbed a few beers at the airport waiting for our ride to the resort. When we arrived the room was not quite ready and they treated us to some champagne, as we waited and toured the grounds. When we finally got to our room a...

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Broken Bliss

I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me.* * *An annoying beeping sounds wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I?"Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad to see...

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Broken The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily.  Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth.  A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days.  He was still disoriented from the pain,...

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Broken WitchChapter 3

The following characters appears here and in other parts of the story: Fritz Herkimer Ley Line Wizard, 6’-2’’ tall, 220 pounds, 38 years old, blond hair, blue eyes The Guardian Keeper of the Books, about 5’-6’’ tall, neither young or old, very long blond hair, deep blue eyes “Stop here and turn left,” Al told me. He was sitting up in his cat seat and looking out the side window of the car. We were on our way back home from the bookstore and still had a good ways to go. “You need...

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Broken WindowChapter 2

"Soft little balls ... So sweet..." The woman played with my dick and balls like she'd never seen any before. "It's almost time to go," the man sighed and stroked my hair lovingly while I moved my tight, soft lips up and down his long cock. "I don't want to!" Stephanie pouted from behind me and I felt her mouth on my hairless little sack, her tongue playing against it. She had her nose pressed against my butthole like she wanted to fuck me with it. "I know, believe me." The man,...

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Broken WindowChapter 5

Somewhere nearby an alarm went off, or maybe some lights blinked, it didn't matter. I'd gotten barely three meters through the door when a large black man with a dragon tattoo flying around his massive bald skull stopped us. "Excuse me, miss ... Would you like to check your purse?" He was polite about it anyway and I had little choice in the matter. "Whatever," I shrugged, slipping my purse off my shoulder. Ransom and Viv exchanged looks, but didn't say anything. I seriously doubted...

4 years ago
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Broken AngelChapter 1 The Broken Angel

Friday: Twenty-five miles due west of Venice, California, a naked woman sunned herself. Dana Featherstone lounged on the deck of her custom built forty-foot cabin cruiser. The fact was it had been custom built for someone else was immaterial to her. All she cared about was it had been custom built and it belonged to her. She lay on her back, baking her well-oiled body in the hot sun. The radio was set to an oldies station and she hummed along to the music as she slowly rolled over and over...

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Broken AngelChapter 8 Evade And Retreat

I posted tomorrow's chapter this evening. Tomorrow I shall probably be gone. Not many people have responded. However the ones who have were all supportive, unless I missed something. Another FBI agent came up and yelled over the noise of the people. "You can't do that. I have a federal warrant here. She is coming with me." Two big outlaw bikers in full colors knocked people out of the way. One yelled in a hoarse voice, "She goes where she wants to, pig." He weighed over three hundred...

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Broken Angels Two Moons Sonata3

Chapter 1 - Awakening A young blonde woman named Daisy had woken up from a drug-induced coma. A few weeks ago, she had overdosed heavily on heroine. She didn't do it with the express purpose of killing herself, but she had done it knowing full well even though she knew it was a possibility. Her life had fallen apart and she just wanted the high, and to not feel anything anymore. When she awoke, the nurses at the rehab clinic told her that she would have died if it weren't for her best...

3 years ago
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Broken by her Dog

Abby was having a dream that she was having sex with a man. He fucked her for what felt like hours, until he stopped and went down to her pussy. She watched as his incredible long tongue pushed itself impossibly deep inside of her. Pleasure overtaking her, she quickly woke up, continuing to feel the same exact feeling. Abby's head jerked up and she saw Buster licking her pussy. "Buster what are yo-" Abby's disgust at the situation changed almost immediately after Busters tongue licked...

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Broken Shadows

Chapter one His pain was excruciating yet he would not allow these blood suckers to see it on his mangled face, he would be dropped not very gently to the cold marble ground in the extravagant hall. A pair of pure bloods watching him set his calm resolve to a burning rage, if only he had his weapon. "Oh look yet another human at our feet." came a voice, he would trace the source to a silver haired woman setting on a step of the grand staircase. She lazily stirred her finger in a...

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Broken Birds Part 19 Kat Reborn

Kat Reborn Alice and Kat spent many hours together after her meltdown. The women understood. Kat had finally broken through the scars of denial, pain and humiliation and now had to learn to deal with the hideous reality of what had been done to her. Michael could not swim with his stitches, so he spent time in his gym, practicing old skills. He was working on the heavy bag when Lynne came in. He was dressed in workout pants, and athletic shoes. He was naked above his waist and...

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Broken Birds Part 14 Harem Night

Harem Night Beth’s announcement shocked them. Michael had always exuded strength, confidence and control. They now knew he was as broken as them. Rafaela looked at Rachael. “I think we have been very selfish,” she said sadly. Rachael nodded in shame. All looked to Alice. “It’s a form of PTSD though he’s in control,” she turned to Beth, “Tell me about his nightmares.” Beth told them the little she knew. Her father had killed many times, his call sign, “Terminator”. On his...

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Broken Glass

On the way back, she noticed something wasn't right. Her thought was confirmed in the next bolt of lightning. She looked at the door's window and saw the broken glass. The door had been locked when she went to bed, now it was unlocked. Someone had been in her house. Someone had not only been in her house, someone could still be in her house. Maci ran for the phone to call the police but when she picked up the phone, there was no dialtone. As she was on her way to her room to get her...

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Broken Bliss Ch1

Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Male/Female Teens, Masturbation, Older Female/Males, Reluctance. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but if you don't like any of those themes, turn back now. Otherwise, please enjoy. ===================================== I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of...

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Broken Ch 00

Prologue She is nineteen years old, with the body of a fifteen year old girl, and the eyes of a ninety year old holocaust victim. Her lips are a thin line of pink and crimson, and when they are not, they are parted in unspoken protests, revealing to everyone what happens when those protests are made audible. Her hair is a mess of knotted brown and dirty blonde strands, and her skin is a surprising contrast with its tan almost olive color, and amazingly the bruises are a purple contrast to the...

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Broken Glass

Introduction: A woman finds herself not alone during a stormy night. There was a flash of lightning and a loud burst of thunder shortly after. Maci turned on the news, it was nothing to be worried about, just a small thunderstorm. She got up and turned off the tv and headed back to bed. On the way back, she noticed something wasnt right. Her thought was confirmed in the next bolt of lightning. She looked at the doors window and saw the broken glass. The door had been locked when she went to...

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Broken Strap by loyalsock

Stella Bordon sat at her desk and reviewed the testimony in a divorce proceeding that her client was involved in. "Geesh," she thought to herself, "this guy is lying through his teeth, Edie is right, he is hiding assets some place!" For the next ten minutes she poured over the deposition of Edie's husband, and all at once a light bulb went off in her head, and she spun around in her desk and reached for a law book on the top shelf of her book case. As she stretched up to retrieve it, snap, her...

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Broken Bliss Ch 01

I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me.* * *An annoying beeping sound wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I?"Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad...

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Broken By The Smoldering Fire In His Soul

Homeless she thought, what do I do? Staying in an apartment with people she didn't know, she felt uncomfortable when they had to feed her. Where do I go from here? In her short years she had lived a lifetime. One of the girls in the house invited her to a party across the way. It was some place to be so they went. The summer night was warm when they walked to the front door.The house was full but what she saw was men, big men in jeans and biker cut-offs sitting and standing around the front...

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"The Penalty is death."  My English speaking lawyer told me.I froze, "But it was for personal use!" I explained.He shook his head "One hundred per cent pure, I think not, and since 1st April there is zero tolerance, I am sorry but you admitted possession, there is nothing to be done." "There was a girl who got pregnant and they gave her life imprisonment instead of death." I pointed out."Not in this country," he said, " plead guilty, save yourself the anguish, that is my advice."The Lady from...

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Broken Little Thing

DarksX for "I could ask Mom to let me come live with you after they get married, you know," Ava said while sitting sideways on the oversized couch I had in front of my TV. The young teen girl woke up late, had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, then came to the living room to make me company while she checked her homework for the weekend on her tablet. I sat at the comfy recliner chair to the right side of the large TV room, perpendicular to where she sat, and I watched a...

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Broken Little Thing Chapter 1

DarksX for "I could ask Mom to let me come live with you after they get married, you know," Ava said while sitting sideways on the oversized couch I had in front of my TV. The young teen girl woke up late, had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, then came to the living room to make me company while she checked her homework for the weekend on her tablet. I sat at the comfy recliner chair to the right side of the large TV room, perpendicular to where she sat, and I watched a...

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Broken Promises

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. All mistakes are on mine. She broke a promise, a date, and my heart. It was the Saturday after Easter it was also our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party. I am Richard, Rich, Jacobson, 49 and am a very successful inventor, writer, and OTC stock trader. My wife was Susan (Sue) Williams-Jacobson, 46 and was the owner of the most successful real estate company in the West Michigan area. We have two living children, Richard (not junior) 22, and a...

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Broken UpChapter 3

"I keep telling you," Liz said. "You should call him. You should say you're sorry and ask him if you guys can talk." "Can we, like, not talk about this anymore?" Danielle said. "Danielle, school starts tomorrow. We're going to be juniors. You'll have to see him, whether you want to or not." Danielle had been trying not to think about that either. The remaining weeks of summer had been different than she'd predicted when her sophomore year ended. She'd thought she'd get a job,...

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Broken UpChapter 14

Danielle had the dream again. She was in her apartment, but everything seemed weirdly skewed—the colors were all wrong, tending to the browns and greens of decay, and everything seemed to be in slightly the wrong place. Everyone she saw, she thought she recognized—Nicole, her mom, Liz, Scott O'Connor, even people she hadn't seen in a while: Tom, Shelly Baumgarter, Emma Stanton—but everyone she saw looked slightly wrong—eyes too far apart, nose in the wrong place, skin the wrong color. As...

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Broken WindowChapter 3

"You got it?" I kicked myself off the wall when I saw Ransom coming out of the pharmacy. "Two of them, yeah," he smiled. "Maybe you do love me," I smiled back, hooking my arm through his. "Maybe." "Where do we live, boyfriend?" We were walking left and Ransom stopped, pulling me around in a gentle loop. "The other way." "Okay." We hopped a magger, one of the automated trolleys gliding over the big magnetic rails embedded under the streets. They weren't the fastest way to...

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Broken AngelChapter 2 The Awakening

Dana was careful when she stepped over the side and onto her private dock. The young guy stumbled as she helped him step over the railing. Only her strong hold kept him from a fall into the water. Dana helped him stumble up the cement walkway running from her small dock to her house. Each step was agony for him. "Come on, now, I know this hurts like hell, but you have to keep going. The doctor is waiting for us and he'll make you all better." It sounded almost as if she was talking to a...

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Broken AngelChapter 7 The Commitment

When they pulled up next to Elmo's house, he ran out to meet them. He stopped, his eyes widened and looked at Judge Reynolds in surprise, "Oh dear, Ralph! What are you doing with these disreputable characters?" "Well, Elmo, it seems I have made some strange alliances with unusual people." He chuckled humorlessly, "Though when one's nose is rubbed in it, one has to open his eyes and see what's before him." "Ralph, you have mixed more metaphors in one sentence than I do in a whole...

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Broken Fantasy Part 3

DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at all times. *** Broken Fantasy (M/F, Intr, Cuck, Voyeur,...

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Broken Fantasy Part 5

DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at all times. Broken Fantasy (M/F, Intr, Cuck, Voyeur, Anal,...

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Broken strap

Stella Bordon sat a her desk and reviewed the testimony in a divorce proceeding that her client was involved in. "Geesh," she thought to herself, "this guy is lying through his teeth, Edie is right, he is hiding assets some place!" For the next ten minutes she poured over the deposition of Edie's husband, and all at once a light bulb went off in her head, and she spun around in her desk and reached for a law book on the top shelf of her book case. As she stretched up to retrieve it, snap, her...

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Broken Vows

Perspective is an amazing thing. Through 48 years of marriage he never saw her age, even though each morning he saw more of his father’s face in the mirror then he did his own. Each daybreak he awoke to gaze into the eyes of the 26 year old girl he fell in love with and married so long ago. Looking at her now he finally saw all those years and the toll it had taken on her. Perspective also has a way of tempering the past when you look back. Theirs had been as close to a fairy tale as you could...

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Broken Bliss CH 9 Final

Patience was never really a virtue of mine, but as I sat waiting, my legs fidgeting on the side of the bed, I thought I was going to go crazy. A knock sounded at the door to the room, and all three of us jumped, as a man entered, a smile on his face, and a clipboard in his hands. "Good news, Jason. Looks like your casts are coming off early." Doctor Brown said. His wispy long grey hair stuck out from his head, but he has been our family doctor for years. Lisa and mom jumped up to...

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Broken Bliss CH 7

Moaning as I open my eyes, I look at Lisa grinning down at me, and wish I could just roll over and go back to sleep, but with my arms in their cast, on my back is the only position I can sleep. This is how it has been ever since that night our mom had caught us and Geo in bed together. Every morning she comes in to visit, before going to school, and while I can't complain about the attention, being kept up late at night by my mother doesn't make waking up early any fun. "Hmpf! I'll bet...

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Broken Faith

***Comments welcomed*** Chapter One: Elder Blake was excited. In less than 48 hours, he would be stepping foot on to another continent. His feet would be exploring a new country, a new village, and assisting with a new mission. His group consisted of 5 other Elders from his faith. (To keep confusion to a minimum, we will refer to him as Blake throughout the story.) Blake was very attractive growing up and most peers in school assumed he would break away from religion and move...

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Broken Bliss CH 6

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned dark brown. She looked up at me smiling, and I was surprised to see her eyes turn to a shade of grey. Coming fully awake, I realize that only part of the dream was false. My cock was buried...

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Broken Bliss CH 5

Broken Bliss Ch 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunlight streaming through my room woke me up, and the first thing to greet me was a headache. The second was the realization that Mom was no longer lying next to me. Groaning, I got out of bed and stumbled from my room, head throbbing. In the kitchen I found Mom and Lisa, both sipping cups of coffee. Upon seeing me, Mom rushed to pour me a cup. Rarely had I ever had a hangover, and they are never fun. "I called in sick today for...

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Broken Bliss CH 4

Broken Bliss Chapter 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I was rather disappointed to wake up this morning, and realize Mom hadn't come in to see me last night. Had I done something to offend her? If so I needed to make amends. But first things, first; I had to pee. I walked out to the kitchen, hoping to catch Lisa before she left for school, but heard her driving off instead. Mom's bedroom door was closed, so I knocked with me knee, but got no answer. I checked the garage, and saw...

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Broken Bliss CH 3

Broken Bliss CH 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++ The sound of the door opening brought me awake, pulling me from a dream in which I had relived the last few moments with Lisa, my sister. "Everything okay in here, hunny?" I hear mom's voice. "I heard you moaning, so thought I would check up on you." "I'm good, mom, I Just started having another dream. Thank you." Mom enters my room, and by the moonlight streaming through my window I can see that she is wearing the same...

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Broken Bliss CH 2

========================================= I awoke the next morning in a panic. What had I done last night? I had molested my little sister, is what I'd done. The fact that she had seduced me into it, made little difference to my guilt. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was just after 6. Good, Lisa hasn't left for school yet. It took me a second to get out of bed, my arms being useless in their casts, and I tramped down the stairs to her room. There was light coming from under her...

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Broken In By Uncle

by Lubrican I was lying in bed one morning, kind of between that place where you're asleep and that place where you're awake. I was sort of dream-thinking about my upcoming trip to my Aunt and Uncle's house. Every summer we kids went out there, to the farm, and stayed for two months. There were four of us kids, and they had four too, so it was like having a one room schoolhouse full of kids all living together and stuff. Mostly it was a lot of fun, but we fought like all kids do...

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Broken Hearts Busted Stereos Ch 08

Ted heaved a heavy sigh, knees bent to nearly his chest with freckle heavy arms sitting atop them. Eyes glanced to a tree to his left, in it the intials J.A., M.F., and T.T. were carved above a pot leaf with 4/20/99 written beneath it. He remembered that Easter Sunday. Janey had still been a relatively new friend, but a promising one who could roll blunts and smoke them. Matt had driven to the dead end street and parked before they hopped the fence at the back end of the Nature Center and found...

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Broken Ch 06

Dimitri checked the clock, 6:50. Sure, Madi was late once in awhile, but never this late without picking up her cell phone. Sunday nights at 6:30 had become a routine over the last few months. They always began with studying and descended into drunken movie watching. But tonight there was no Madi. Four phone calls went unanswered. He simply sighed, picking up his cell phone and listening to Madi’s end ring ************ She heard the phone ringing. It was loud. It was somewhere nearby, but she...

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Broken by the Twins

Introduction: This is my first time writing about my first time. Broken by the Twins This is my first story and it is also a true story. A friend told me about this site and after reading a few hundred stories, I thought I would try it. My name is Tiffany and I live and grew up in upstate NY. We get bad winters but the summers are awesome. The summer between 7th and 8th grade was a big learning experience for me. I had just turned 12 years old when this happened and was getting ready for the...

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Broken and made to want to be used

This happened a few months after I had been taken by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel when I was skipping a class. If you do not remember these three are the worst of worst Juvenal Delinquents that an urban high school could produce. These three had taken me against my will the very first day that we all met! I was used repeatedly by the three of them for six or seven hours, after the first three I believe I just gave up fighting and allowed them to pleasure their selves with my body! I was made to...

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broken down car

I was having a drink with 2 mates down the pub,one of my mates is called peter and the other we call the doctor cos he puts people in hospital,he is one big mean guy,he is about 6-5 and he is real fat and strong everybody is scared of him and he hates white people.there we was having this drink when the door opens and in walks this white couple,maybe in there late twenties,and they are soaking wet.we hear the white boy say to the barman that they had broken down and could they stay till the...

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Broken Marriage Leads To Amazing Sex With Ex 8211 Part 1

Hi to all those ISS readers and fans of this site. I’m Mr. Erotic, and welcome to my fantasy world. The below mention story is purely fantasy, and completely fiction. Persons and names mention in this story has relation in reality. Lets not make it boring for all of you. Without much ado let’s head to the story………. I was in a long relationship with my ex since I was in class 12th till I got my first job, almost 5 years. My ex is very hot and sexy, very beautiful, fair complexion, sexy boobs and...

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Broken Bliss Ch 9

Patience was never really a virtue of mine, but as I sat waiting, my legs fidgeting on the side of the bed, I thought I was going to go crazy.A knock sounded at the door to the room, and all three of us jumped, as an older man entered, a smile on his face, and a clipboard in his hands."Good news, Jason. Looks like your casts are coming off early." Doctor Brown said. His wispy long grey hair stuck out from his head, but he's been our family doctor for years.Lisa and mom jumped up to hug me at...

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Broken Bliss Ch 07

"Wake up, sleepy-head!" My bed bounced as a voice demanded next to me. "I could really use some brotherly loving before I go to school!"Moaning as I opened my eyes, I looked at Lisa grinning down at me, and wished I could just roll over and go back to sleep, but with my arms in their cast, on my back is the only position I CAN sleep. This is how it has been ever since that night our mom had caught us and Geo in bed together. Every morning she comes in to visit, before going to school, and while...

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Broken Bliss Ch 6

The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned dark brown. She looked up at me smiling, and I was surprised to see her eyes turn to a shade of grey.Coming fully awake, I realize that only part of the dream was false. My cock was buried in a mouth, and it did belong to my...

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