An ClochánChapter 69 free porn video

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From the Operations building Sarah, Siobhan, Keriann, Kathryn, Amy, and Maureen watched PBM02 and IBM04 cruisers land then move to a parking place on the adjacent ramp. As soon as the two ships parked, they stepped outside.

When the door of PBM02 opened Carzekote said, “Aah, fresh air.” Those around her chuckled. “Well, it smells different.”

“It should,” replied Gilconte. “It has allergens and fragrances that the ship’s air doesn’t contain and they are different than those of our home world. To me the best part of space travel is putting my feet back on the surface of a planet. It always feels more substantial.”

“Well it is,” responded Kara with a smile. “Are we ready?”

“What about our luggage?” queried Othalkinze as they walked toward the waiting Councilors.

“It will be taken to where you will be staying.”

“I sure hope I packed up all my stuff,” laughed Carzekote.

Lynn said, “If anything is found, it will be sent to your room. If that is not possible, you will be notified. Currently we are scheduled to use this ship for our return but it will be serviced while we are here.”

The Councilors greeted everyone with, “Good morning and welcome to Tara Ardchlár on planet Ananu’s Gaillimh Isle,” when the groups reached them.

Kara replied, “Councilors it is a pleasure to be home. With us are Carzekote, Othalkinze, and Gilconte from Atewa World.” Each guest gave a slight bow as they were named.

Sharon said, “Councilors we to are pleased to be home. With us are Ecarzoe, Delmkoe, and Kistanria from Monque World.” As their names were spoken each also gave a slight bow.”

“Again, welcome,” responded the Councilors. “Let’s go inside where it is a little quieter.”

Inside the operations building Sarah said, “My name is Sarah. With me are Siobhan, Maureen, Kathryn, Keriann, and Amy. Each of us represents a clan; as soon as we’ve finished exchanging greetings two more clans will join us. They will be your hosts for today. Our plans are for them to show you around Tara Ardchlár, the location of your accommodations, and assist you in finding answers to any questions you have. Kara’s and Sharon’s Clans will rejoin you at some point during this.

“This evening an informal reception will be held prior to dinner which will give you the opportunity to meet the other members of our clans. Currently two of our Councilor Clans are visiting another system so they will not be with us this evening. Now let’s complete greeting each other.”

With that Carzekote stepped toward Sarah and gave her a deep bow, which Sarah returned. As they stood up Sarah reached out to Carzekote intending to grasp her hand. At the same time Carzekote stepped toward Sarah and hugged her. Sarah was surprised as she had expected the greetings to be more formal, but as she hugged Carzekote back she felt the sincerity that Carzekote intended to convey. During the hug Sarah noticed Kara and Kaelee smiling and nodding.

Sensing Sarah’s surprise Kara said, “Sarah, we are not totally surprised as we’ve often greeted them with hugs, well maybe not at first. Even so I am a little amazed by her action.”

“It is fine. I just expected to be more formal.”

“As did we.”

After a moment, Sarah and Carzekote stepped apart then Carzekote said, “I hope I was not too familiar but a hug seemed to be very appropriate.”

“You did the right thing as I like hugs. In fact I think all of us prefer them as we often greet each other that way. As to appropriate, I think it was quite so. Do you always follow your instincts?”

Blushing Carzekote replied, “No, and probably not often enough.”

“We should meet the others as I am sure that we will have many opportunities to chat during your stay.”

“Yes. I will look forward to that.”

With expectation of formality cast aside everyone followed Sarah’s and Carzekote’s example and exchanged hugs as they greeted each other. The hugs between the Councilors and their two teams were especially intense.

When they finished greeting the arrivals Siobhan said, “Does anyone have any questions?”

Gilconte said, “During our approach a comment was made indicating that the Atewa and Monque Fleets were using the other side of the ramp. We know that the Fleet is building a maintenance facility in this system, but why is there an allocation of ramp space?”

Keriann responded, “When they inquired about somewhere for their crews to relax, we invited them to join us in using our recreation and entertainment areas. These are located mostly in the northwest quadrant of our settlement. As you will see on your tour, there is a large area with temporary accommodations in the southwest quadrant. Many of our people live there although we do have quite a few still living on ships. That quadrant also has accommodations for fleet personnel and construction crew members. The three areas are next to each other as that makes them easier to manage. Just to the north of them are the recreation and entertainment areas. While there is a league for several sports, there are also pickup games. There are also areas set aside for individual fitness exercises and martial arts. The entertainment area is also, in many ways, the recreation area for our musicians and singers, however there isn’t a set schedule for performances.”

Delmoke queried, “Are martial arts the same as unarmed combat?”

“They can be. From our perspective there are differences, just as there are differences between martial arts. There are classes and competitions for the different styles and they are available to you.”

“A few of Chloe’s and Samantha’s Clans will be here momentarily,” said Kathryn. “As we have a few moments, I would like to point out that the communicators you are carrying will be very helpful while you are here. By the time we begin our tour of Tara they will be updated to contain the latest site information. They can assist you in getting around the site, contacting others here, and keeping you aware of your appointments. The alarm function is used to summon assistance or verbally call for help. It will also alert you if there is a site wide emergency.”

“So those functions are similar to what it did on the ship?” queried Gilconte.

“Yes. Sorry, I should probably have left that last part out.”

Just as she finished speaking Chloe’s and Samantha’s Clans joined them. Sarah made the introductions then said, “We will see you all at the reception. As I mentioned earlier, the rest of our families will be there. See you all then.”

Samantha said to their visitors, “We thought we would begin by showing you a 3-D layout of Tara Ardchlár with a virtual tour before we do it for real. The best place to do this is in the auditorium at Central Square which is a short distance away. We can walk or ride. Your choice.”

“From my perspective I think a walk would do us good as I could use the exercise,” responded Delmoke. Several others nodded in agreement.

“I agree,” added Gilconte. “This is a lovely day, bright and sunny, comfortable with a light breeze. Is it always this pleasant?”

“For the most part,” replied Chloe. “Every few days it rains but that usually only lasts a few hours. However, we do have down-pours and those can be quite heavy at times. So far those haven’t been frequent enough to interfere with construction. The temperature usually varies between 14 and 28 °C but there are brief excursions beyond that.”

As they walked Othalkinze softly said, “Carzekote, I was surprised when you hugged Sarah rather than just shaking her hand.”

Talking equally as softly Carzekote replied, “Don’t kid me. You were shocked.”

“Okay, picky. So why did you?”

After a thoughtful pause Carzekote said, “Instinct, I believe. At that moment it felt like the right thing to do. Now, in hindsight, I am sure that it was the very right thing to do.”

“I was surprised by her height even though we were told that she was taller than the others. The interesting thing is that I didn’t feel small in her presence as I usually do when I am near someone so much taller.”

“You’re right. I felt the same way.”

“My name is Ecarzoe. You are Carzekote and Othalkinze, correct?”


“Thank you for initiating the hug-fest.”

“You’re welcome. We started doing that when greeting the people who hired us.”

“We do that sometimes.”

“From what I see it seems like they’ve made a lot of progress in the time they’ve been here.”

“I agree. However, remember they’ve been here nearly six months by Ananu’s calendar, which is considerably longer in terms of our World’s calendar.”

“That is true for ours as well.”

Inside Central Square auditorium Samantha said, “Let’s sit over here as it will give us a good view of the screen. Kara, Sharon, have you acquainted our visitors with our social structure and organization.”

“Yes,” they both replied.

Kara glanced at Sharon who nodded then she added, “But it wasn’t the detailed version we typically provide those staying with us for more than a few days. In hindsight, we could have done that on the way here.”

To their guests Samantha said, “In light of that our first presentation will be the one we give to new residents. It contains considerably more detail than the one you’ve already seen. Following that we will use a 3D map of Tara Ardchlár to give you a tour and show you how it is laid out. This will probably take us up to lunch. After lunch in the dining hall, we will take a walking tour of the area. It will end at your accommodations. Is this agreeable?”

“While we found the previous presentation quite interesting, I am puzzled by your plan to show it again,” said Kistanria.

“The presentations aren’t identical. Today’s is considerably more detailed. We believe that the additional information goes a long way to minimizing misunderstandings that can occur between different breeds and different cultures. Experience indicates that providing this information minimizes the occurrence of serious misunderstandings when two groups begin interacting.”

Delmoke said, “Did our people see these when they were here?”

“Yes, sort of. We have three versions of the presentation about us. Which one is shown depends on the expected level of interaction. The only difference is in the level of detail. You probably saw the one we show people who visit us for an extended time. When your fleets visited us they gave us a presentation about your worlds that we believe was similar to the one you’ve already seen in terms of detail.”

Gilconte said, “Were any of these shown to our space fleet crew members?”

“Yes, but not the version you are about to see. We believe all the crew members on the Dutsuz, Iridien, Atewa and Monque ships were shown the version you’ve already seen. Those who spend an extended time at our sites, either here or in Sol, are shown the long version.”

“You seem to have used ‘extended’ in two different ways.”

“I did. Okay let’s do it this. If the visitor will only be here for a short time, say 10 to 20 days, then we offer the short version. If the visitor will be here for twice that time then it is the version you’ve seen. For those who move here or have extensive interaction with us then we offer the very detailed version. It is this one that we plan to show today.”

“You indicated a lack of certainty regarding what the ship’s crews saw.”

“That is because we didn’t make the presentations. We gave copies of all three to the ship’s commanders. While we understood that they planned to show them to their crews, we don’t know for certain whether they did or not, or which one. However, based on the interactions with the crew members since then we are pretty sure that they saw the one you’ve seen.”

Chloe said, “If you would like we can arrange for you to see the other versions while you are here.”

“In the long run that could be helpful,” responded Othalkinze. The others nodded in agreement. “Are you all open to suggestions regarding their content?” She blushed before Chloe could respond as she added, “Please accept my apologies as I didn’t express that very well.”

“Certainly. We are open to suggestions on any topic. As to the presentations, suggestions from you would be very helpful due to the difference in our perspectives. I will warn you that we may draft you into assisting us make the changes.”

“That is quite acceptable.”

“Okay, it has been added to our list of activities. We are expecting Dallas and Faith to join us in a few moments. Dallas is one of Chloe’s spouses and Faith is one of my spouses.”

Kara said to the visitors, “There are some things that Sharon’s and my clan need to check, so if you don’t mind we are going to duck out during the presentation. We expect to rejoin you at lunch or shortly afterward.”

“Take your time. I think we are in good hands,” replied Gilconte with a smile.

“We agree,” added Kistanria. With a grin she added, “I would want some relief from us as well.” It took a moment for the laughter to begin.

They were still chuckling as Kara’s and Sharon’s Clans gathered their things. Just as they prepared to exit, Dallas and Faith entered so they waited until introductions and greetings were accomplished before leaving.

When the presentations finished Dallas queried, “Questions?”

Delmkoe responded, “Oh, I have many but they are all detail orientated so I think the answers will come about naturally.”

Kistanria added, “Seeing my colleague’s notes, I agree with Delmkoe. While there could always be more detail, I am impressed with the thoroughness of the information without it becoming boring or overwhelming.”

While the others were speaking Carzekote had compared her notes with her colleagues. She followed Kistanria with, “Our questions are also detail orientated and similar to theirs. In light of that we agree with Delmkoe that they will likely be answered as we interact with you.”

Othalkinze added, “We also agree with Kistanria’s compliments.”

“Okay,” responded Faith. “We know you are anxious to see more of our settlement, so please keep track of those questions so that they are not overlooked.”

“We will,” replied Carzekote. The others nodded their agreement.

“Next topic is our settlement and its support.”

Sarah woke up with a smile. Glancing up at the clock she saw it was still early. She didn’t sense any of her spouses were awake, so she let her thoughts return to the memories prompted by her dream. She smiled as she remembered the times they had spent in the glade on Comrie. It was a beautiful location with the waterfall cascading down the side of the cliff into the pond below. Then there was the view on stepping out into the meadow from the trail, it was breathtaking. It was there that they had their first contact with Star, their ship’s AI. It was also there that they put to rest concerns about how the changes in their legs and feet would affect their running. They had been surprised by how well they had adapted to the changes, and their increased stamina. While she didn’t recognize it at the time, that learning experience increased their confidence. Another time they found the entrance to the hidden glade under the waterfalls. It was in that glade that they first met Aine and learnt the significance of her being there. During the time they lived on Comrie they had spent many enjoyable times at both places. After their activities shifted to Mars they had only managed to visit there a few times. Those memories triggered the thought of whether they would find another place like that on Ananu. Her thoughts then turned to the pleasure they had shared the previous evening. Just the memory of it now gave her a warm glow. Her thoughts were momentarily distracted as she felt Rusty shift then pull her closer. With Rusty on one side and Joyce on the other she felt very comfortable. Putting her feelings into words she thought, “I am truly blessed with the love of my precious spouses. I hope they all know that I love them more than life itself.”

“We do,” said Joyce, Rusty, Aoife, and Maeve, startling Sarah as she hadn’t sensed them being awake.

“Sorry,” added Maeve when she felt Sarah’s shock, “we didn’t intend to surprise you.”

“Oh there is nothing to be sorry about. You only surprised me as I hadn’t noticed that you were now awake.”

“We were enjoying your perspective of our visits to the glade at Comrie,” responded Joyce. “At times, some aspects of the north plateau remind me of the glade. It just doesn’t seem as cozy or intimate, but I guess that is due to its openness.”

“Aye, and ‘cause our circumstances are different,” noted Aoife.

“I agree,” said Rusty. “I suspect we will find another location, but I wouldn’t expect it to feel the same, well ... at least at first. So far each time we’ve been to the north plateau it was with more than just our clan. That could be one contributor as to why it didn’t feel as cozy. Personally I think we should visit the Deities garden again, or even the valley where we landed.”

“It would be nice to find a place on Ananu that would provide us with the same sensation of serenity. I agree with visiting the Deities garden again. When we were there, there were times that it felt very much like the location at Comrie.”

“So both of you are suggesting that we should visit Their garden again?” queried Joyce.

“Yes. I think we should set it aside as a place to relax and contemplate,” responded Maeve. “We should also explore the valley where we landed as we didn’t look around at that time.”

“We agree,” the group replied.

“Agreed to what? Good morning,” said Erin.

“Good morning,” replied Sarah, Aoife, Maeve, and Rusty.

“Visiting the garden where we met the Deities and exploring the valley where we landed,” responded Aoife. “We were contemplating whether it would be a replacement for the glade on Comrie.”

“I think it is a good idea. It will take several visits before we know whether it fits our needs.”

“I sense that everyone will be awake shortly.”

“It seems like it,” responded Maeve.

“You know we really haven’t compared notes on the interactions we’ve had with our visitors,” said Sarah.

Erin said, “True. I must say that I am very impressed by their poise during the welcoming reception. I am not sure that I could have done as well. None of them seemed to be bothered by the fact that all of us are considerably taller than them, or that there were so many of us.”

“Good morning,” said Jill and Janet.

“Good morning,” came the reply.

Janet said, “So we are off to Carey this morning.”

“That is the plan,” said Terry joining the conversation, “And a good morning to everyone.”

“It is always a good morning to wake up among this group,” added Tara.

“That is very true,” sighed Claudette, “and a good morning.”

“Good morning,” said Alison, Alena, Terry, and Judy.

“Good morning,” responded their spouses.

“So what are we discussing?” queried Terry.

“Right now our impressions of our Atewa and Monque agents,” responded Sarah.

“Kara told me that the Atewa group became quite apprehensive as the time of their arrival approached.”

“I sensed a little of that when we met them at the space port,” replied Sarah. “However, I didn’t sense any apprehension at the reception.”

Erin added, “Based on Kristin’s comments, the welcoming you all gave them on their arrival went a long way toward easing their anxiety.”

Sarah said, “For both groups, even with them being small organizations and fairly new, they seem to have the knowledge base we need of their Worlds. I did float the idea of our people being there more frequently than we originally suggested. Carzekote thought that it was a good idea and seemed to be very comfortable with the possibility, well maybe relieved is a better characterization of her reaction. She did point out that it would be beneficial as it would give them a readily available resource for information.”

“Kistanria alluded to concerns as to whether their visit would be long enough for them to gain the knowledge they need to be able to act appropriately as our representatives,” said Jill. “I pointed out that while they shouldn’t overuse it, they always had the option of saying that they needed to check with us before responding.”

They had only shared a few more observations when the chime sounded indicating that breakfast would begin in an hour.

As they were getting up Rusty said, “My sense of the situation is that we chose organizations with very knowledgeable staff to act as our representatives, which is a strength. A possible weakness is that both of them are relatively new organizations and that we are apparently their primary client. This leads to the question of whether we should we seek to have an exclusive arrangement. An alternative would be to ask to be notified when they consider adding other clients.”

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I was sitting at the kitchen table filled with an overwhelming sense of despair, looking back at my life and wondering what to do next. Mike and I have been locked in what Jamie calls a “Cold War” for the last couple months and I’m at the end of my rope. We aren’t really fighting …. in fact, we haven’t spoken to each other at all in quite some time … but the tension is continuous. I dread going home after work because I never know what kind of mood he’s going to be in when I get there. Will he...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 35 Sacrifice

She sighed once more and the man she had loved longer than the recorded history of mortal man shifted his position behind her. "What is it?" He murmured into her ear. "It comes and the farce begun so very long ago shall soon find its finish. I need you to know that no matter what happens this night, I have always loved only you and there can be no one but you for me. I did and do what I think right. I never meant for it to bring hurt to you. I acted to protect you in the only way that I...

4 years ago
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Current obsessions or Fantasies

Their is something to be said about the natural smell of pussy or of a woman that has a tremendous power over me. The few times I've had the pleasure of having my face ridden like a young fresh stud horse fighting every ounce of it's master, resulting in a cum covered face and beard for enjoyment later is phenomenal. The sudden breeze sends the smell right into my mind and races through the nerves in my body thinking only of the next opportunity to see one, feel one, smell one. Carrying that...

2 years ago
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Trainee Secretary RequiredChapter 6

The next morning my teen secretaries brought me coffee, in their thin tops and little miniskirts, and I couldn’t bring myself to object when they brought their coffees in too and made themselves at home on the little visitors’ sofa in my office. I sat opposite them in the easy chair, telling myself I’d do some work in a few minutes. It was great to be able to ogle them openly. Sara and even Natasha grinned as they flaunted their panties at me. “So did you tell Dani about us?” Sara asked...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Alix Lynx Up Close And Personal

Get a whole new look at Alix Lynx. She started as a cam model then graduated to Girl/Girl before deciding to show the world how much of a cock loving slut she is. This intellectual, fun-loving babe is a healthy, fit, athletic sex machine who enjoys being watched as she’s pounded. She gets manhandled and loves every minute. You’ll want to see this one. This beautiful blonde shows up a spectacular well-fit body wearing a seductive light red lingerie, she bends over the couch and exposes her ass...

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Note from the author: Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. The first part of this story was written several years ago. It is my pleasure to FINALLY finish it off. Enjoy. EMMA By Jane Astin Richard gave his cigarette one last draw before he stubbed it out on the ashtray by his bed. Damn she was good he...

4 years ago
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My niece the boarder

Introduction: My young niece and her husband moved in with me for a few months My sister Bev called me to ask a favor. She lived hundreds of miles away, so we rarely saw each other, and she was somewhat of a prude and did not approve of my lifestyle. Anyway, she explained that her daughter Amy and her new husband were moving to the town where I lived and needed a place to stay until they could find one of their own. She thought that since I was all alone in my big house, that I could let them...

2 years ago
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Friday Night With Anna

Friday Night With Anna By luv2b femd My parents were gone all weekend and I had the house all to myself. I decided I was going to indulge in my secret passion. First, I took a shower. I was debating on whether or not to shave my legs, and since it was winter and it was too cold for shorts, I thought it would be girlier and went ahead. After I got out, I put on my blond wig. I also put on some light make up and mascara. I picked up some hot, slutty red...

2 years ago
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The Binding RingsChapter 33

“Are you alright?” Jason asked Karla. He had finally managed to undo the knot that bound her wrists down to her ankles. He wasn’t sure if his mother had purposely tied it so tight or (and this was far more likely) if it was the result of the rough and brutal pounding he had just given his teacher. “Better than alright.” Karla said as she rolled onto her back and pulled the gag out of her mouth. She looked up at Jason and gave him a weary but pleased smile. “I’m sore - but in a very good...

1 year ago
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The Paralegal

Copyright 2003. As the author, I claim all rights under international copyright laws. This work is not intended for sale, but please feel free to post this story to other archives or newsgroups, keeping the header and text intact. Revision to the text (such as the basis for another story) is acceptable as long as the original author is given credit and the resulting story is distributed free of charge. Any commercial use of this work is expressly forbidden without the written permission of the...

1 year ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 7

Two days later, I brought Elle and baby Olivia home – I'd realized I needed to get some cribs, so I had ordered a couple over the Internet, with Dani's help. They arrived and I quickly did the little bit of assembly, putting one in both my girls' bedrooms. There was again the sound of infants in the house, and a definite odor as well. I did the best I could helping the ladies with their newborns. Dani got back her gorgeous figure within five months of having Grant. Elle was having a time...

4 years ago
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Me and My Mom 8211 Part 3 Mom8217s double penetration

I got admission to engineering college, and my regular college started. The naked cuddling in the bed, squeezing and sucking of boobs continued. Now we had one more thing added to the list, bathing together. As we both had to leave the house at around 8.30, often, our bath timings collided. One of us would get late in that process. So once, she was about to bathe.  I wanted to bathe as I had something important in college. She asked me to join her in the shower. Since then, we have often...

3 years ago
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My BrotherSon and His New Wife

Introduction: Well, my son/brother Mark married a lovely plus sized young lady… Well, my Brother/Son, Mark is here with his lovely new wife. She is a little plus sized but very proprotioned and has a lovely hour glass figure. She is about 55 and has red hair and a lovely face that stops a lot of people to look at her aside from her body which is so hot. She is a 42EEE and her nipples are puffies which is unusual for a plus sized girl. My brother/son, Mark, called one day, Hey Sis, can I bring...

2 years ago
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All For You

Attention: All horny females out there. Did you ever just want to sit back and watch your mate masturbate for you? That’s been a fantasy of mine for quite some time. Just to sit (or lie) there and jerk off until I cum. All the while my significant other sits across from me watching. And if she wants to make it doubly exciting, she could be doing herself right along with me. I swear, I would do it from the beginning when my cock is still in its flaccid state, to end, milking out every single...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Gabi Grade A Colombian Booty

20 year old yoga teacher and Colombian transplant Gabi wants to make it big in the adult biz. In addition to having curves in all the right places, she’s exotic, tall, and spoiler alert: she sucks a meaaaan dick. While getting to know her on the couch, it’s pretty clear she’s open to most anything and she’s ready to get the job done. So after Rick’s interview, we have her strip off that fantastic black dress. Wait till you see this girl’s body! It’s amazing and she knows it. I...

2 years ago
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Snow Whites Story Part 1

She laid there, still, almost as stiff as the hard thick cock she imagined sliding in and out of her mouth. She was trying so hard to resist it. Even though her mind was trying her body obviously wasn't. Her legs were spread open and her breath was so heavy and quick that she could barely breath. Her large breast propped on top of her body moved with every breath. She clenched her fist tightly to her side. "Don't do it" She told herself out loud. But she couldn't resist. She slid her hand up...

4 years ago
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At the Gym

It was a bright, sunny Saturday morning. Two friends, Harvey and Sergio, thought that this was perfect for going to the gym. They had seen the new male-only gym, and decided to try that so that they would not get distracted by women. They woke up bright and early, at 8 am, and arrived at the gym by 9. It was eerily quiet at the gym. Harvey and Sergio got changed into their gym equipment: jockstraps, a comfortable top, and comfortable shorts. They exited the changeroom and proceeded towards the...

1 year ago
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New City New Fun

After going to pick up my luggage at the kiosk I rolled out to the curb of the airport and waited for a cab. As one pulled up another woman walked up beside me and asked to share if we were going the same way. I told her I was heading for the downtown Hyatt, and she said she was going to the Sheraton just a block away from it. No problem. We could share. I am a tall woman with short, curly brown hair. I have a toned figure because, in my business, you have to look good, and I did. My breasts...

Quickie Sex
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Better Ch 08

Chapter 8 – Michael In the time I’ve known Andrea, she never ceases to amaze me. However, I know I’m approaching some very dangerous territory with her. From the beginning, we had an understanding that there would never be a happily-ever-after. It just wasn’t that I have a wife, who, aside from the pedestrian sex, was a pretty decent woman. Had I not met Andrea, I would have been faithful and not given having an affair second thought. Plus, I have two teenagers. I’d hate to put them through...

4 years ago
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The Innocent Cuckold

My wife and I have been married for 25 years and we seem to have hit a bit of a stale spot in the bedroom. We have never been very active sexually due in large part to my own inadequacies in both size and stamina. I'm not very big at all and I've never really been able to last very long when having sex but now that I'm nearing fifty years old, I'm much worse off than ever. I've had some medical issues which make it nearly impossible to get hard at all. Even enhancement drugs don't...

2 years ago
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I need to fuck's an ache, leaving me erect...wanting... wanting...I'm pulsing...pulsing as I warm cock hard in my damn good...masturbating for you...god...I need you here...need you touching me...just like this...stroking me...your hand wrapped around my cock...just as mine is now...sliding up and down...up and down...ohhh god...fuckk...can you see how hard I am...?how much I want you...?I need your lips...your...

3 years ago
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Class Reunion Backseat BeckyChapter 2

Neither Sandra nor Becky joined me in the limo for the relatively short trip to the production meeting, where I would formally sign the option rights contract, or so they all hoped. Fred was with me though and we shared a short private conference, the jist was that if any of Becky's proposed script changes were accepted that I would willingly walk away from the entire film project, and refuse to sign. Fred knows that I'm generally a pretty reasonable sort of fellow, and at least as...

3 years ago
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Prey For Me Ch 15

Pt. XV: Biker Babes The bait rode to see Spike in Sal’s Land Cruiser. Obviously the three women would not fit very well in Kim’s Miata. Caitlin mentioned the time she sat on Brett’s lap in Jack’s Mercedes SLK convertible. ‘I’m looking forward to getting on a bike again,’ Caitlin reminisced. ‘It has been awhile. There is something about riding a motorcycle that makes me real horny. I don’t know if it’s the vibration I feel between my legs or just what. A real rush.’ ‘What doesn’t make you...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Sarai Minx Sexy Ebony Girl Fucks Mechanic

Jmac is in the driveway working on a car’s engine. He knocks on the front door and when no one answers, he goes to the back. As he peers inside, he sees Sarai is on the couch playing herself. He watches as she plays with her nice big tits and fingers her sweet pussy. When she catches him looking, he thinks he might be in trouble. Instead, all that masturbation has gotten her horny for some Jmac dick. He fucks her hard and long right there on the couch until he finally cums right on those...

1 year ago
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Enchanting Valley

Life has truely become a bore. After College you took a entry level position for a soulless corporation. Everyday you work for endless overtime sacrificing all chances of a social life for very little money and no respect. After a few years and a meaningless promotion beat any optimism or positivity out of you. Just as you were accepting your life as bottom rung soulless pencil pusher you got tragic news. Your grandfather had passed away. You didnt have a lot of memeories of the man since you...

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Educating Anna Part 10

Only when she was home could she really relax and be herself, most of the time she’d watch TV with her family or if there was nothing on she’d be in her room on the computer playing games or talking to her friends. One Friday night Anna’s parents told her that the whole family were going to her aunts for the next day, Anna did not get along with her cousins so that night she decide to pretend to be ill, the next morning her mum said that as she wasn’t well she would have to say at home and...

3 years ago
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Faire Trade

Once upon a time, Jack had been a normal guy, like you or me. Well. Maybe a little more perverse than most. There was always so many beautiful ladies around, and he just wanted to touch them. One day, he woke up different, changed. There was no magic fairy, no voice of god, just the knowledge in his head that he could do as he wished, to anyone he wished. It was there firm in his head, as he got dressed in a simple black sleeveless shirt, with a v-neck and ties, a red vest, and a plain black...

Mind Control
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An Unexpected Bonus At His Apartment

I’ve been uneasy since last night when my roommate informedme that Kyle, my date for tonight, is the next Andre Agassi, gracing the covers of sports magazines and melting the hearts of female tennis fans the world over. That information combined with a mental image of his hotness has me giddy as a fucking schoolgirl. I don’t like that. Guys drool over me…it’s generally not the other way around. So, I’m taking back the control. He was supposed to pick me up at 5, but here I am at 3:00, sitting...

Straight Sex
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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 10

By the time he kissed Agatha goodbye, in view of anyone who cared to look, as she stood by her packed car, Bobby was almost not-sad she was leaving. Between Agatha and the twins, to say nothing of Erica Bradford, it had been a long autumn. He spent the rest of November and December working on the apartments in the barn. Once the floor was poured, he started on the exterior walls. It was a lot like building a house, except that he was able to use plywood on the outside, rather than...

1 year ago
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Bloody Play

Oktavian sat on the plush, curtained bed of Uay’s old assassin’s chamber , the soft silk covers gathered around and over his lean body like a second skin. His flowing hair was gathered up in a single tight braid and the midnight cascade spilled over a single pale shoulder. His pointed ears were adorned with small emeralds and silver moons of rings; they softly jutted from the sea of glossy tendrils. He ate a small berry, imported from some far away forest, and drank a glass of wine, a pleasant...

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Maa Ka Haal Chudai Me

Hi my name is sachin, jalgaon, maharashtra. Fir se ek nayi sex story leke aa raha hu wo bhi real. Mere pehli dono story ko itna like and comment karneke liye sabko thanks. Dosto sabse pehle mene setting lagake banti se mene maa ka setup lagaya tha aap ye sab jante hai. Aur harami banti ne mere dost abhi ko bataya to abhi ne bhi use blackmail karke use choda tha. To me ab story pe aata hu. Dosto mere banti, abhi sab dost amir hai aur ham log garib hai to wo sale 3-4 dost hafte me ek bar bahar...

3 years ago
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Dominant Aditi Fucked Hard Dominantly

Hi friends, this is Vike back with another story of my adventure. Thank you for the wonderful response to my previous sex story. You can contact me at: for help, suggestion and sexual talks. Let me get to the story, this story is about Aditi my Facebook friend who is a wild sex lover and a audacious beautiful girl. She has long brown hairs, big black eyes, round boobs of 36C and a ass which gives her a perfect sand glass figure. We met on fb in 2009 since then we have been good friends, she...

4 years ago
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Internet Se Pyaar Married Women 8211 Part 1

Hi frnds mera naam Sahil hai. Mai aapko apni zindgi ki sachi kahani batane ja raha hu. Umeed hai aapko pasand aayegi. Reply jaroor dena. Kahani par aata hu. Maine naya fb chalana sikha tha. Aur sabko frnds reqst beji. Aise hi achanak maine Avantika ko frnd reqst beji. Jo ki usne accept kar li. Hamari baat cheet suru ho gai. Mujhe sher o shyari ka shok tha. Jo mai aksar bej diya karta tha. Jo use kafi pasand tha. Hamari batcheet hu aur hamne no. Exchange kar liya. Usne mujhse kaha mai khud cal...

2 years ago
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My Wife Sucks A Strangers Cock At Bar

It was a few years back when my wife and I were at our favorite bar shooting pool, when this guy asked if he could challenge the winner. I told him that it would be better if we just played a three way game and he agreed. We played quite a few games as we all drank and got to know each other.His name was Bill, and it was his last night in town for a convention. He came with some co-workers, but needed some time away from them. It's one thing to work around a bunch of nerds, he said, it's a...

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only a game p2

Legs on his shoulder bouncing on the bed a gagball in my mouth looking at him, in controll and strong , fucking his secret sissy boywe can ear his mom downstair making breakfastHer son powerfull cock pounding in me , taking away my pussy for his pleasureI never expected this to happen but last week end drunk and alone it just happenedNow he just fuck me whenever he wantsevery day of the week, during school break we drive to a safe spot and he fuck me full of cumhe unloaded in me , replaced my...

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Ashleys Adventures

In this plane of existence there are infinite univeres. Infinite senarios and out come. One thing they all have in common though is Ashley. In every universe strange things happen to her. Sometimes they are unexplainable. Occasionally they make sense. On this Adventure you will see multiple events that may seem bizarre or strange. Enjoy the ride. The guide lines are : This is going to be an open story about Ashley from my story Ashley's Body. It's going to be free to anyone that wants to...


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