A Tyler ChristmasChapter 3 free porn video

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Cause no matter how big the storm; I know I can find a place that’s warm. The sun is shining somewhere in Texas. I hope it’s shining for her – somewhere down in Texas. – Jason Boland

Palo Alto, California

Dillon Chandler got the young woman from the Navy situated in the living room of the spacious Palo Alto home. That large room, which faced the drive, was pretty formal and primarily used to greet guests. The more-used family room, which overlooked the south end of San Francisco Bay, was where the family spent most of its time. He was headed that way, but dreading it.

Dillon was what in years past might have been called a butler. Now his title was ‘Household Manager, and Personal Assistant to Ms. Hawthorn, ‘ but he was much more. Not only did he manage the household staff of four, but he also took care of ‘things’ for Ms. Hawthorn and her daughter Cassandra Cavanaugh, and also their now-permanent houseguest Erica Patterson. Among those ‘things’ was security for the trio.

Born and raised in Keswick, England, in the Lakes District, he had gone off with his best mate Joe Tyler to the service when they were nineteen. There really wasn’t much opportunity for young men in Keswick unless it was in some way connected to the tourist industry. That wasn’t what he wanted, so on a lark they decided to try for the SAS, the Special Air Service. Joe didn’t make it through the training but Dillon, at six one and one hundred ninety, thrived on it. So for twenty years he was in many of the hellholes in the world at one time or another, including Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Wounded (again) in Libya in 2011 he decided to hang it up, but at forty-three he was too young and too poor despite his military pension to sit back and do nothing, so on another lark he attended butler training in London. Apparently a lot of wealthy American families decided they had to have a butler from the UK. A year after he left the military he went to California and interviewed with maybe a dozen families. It was a disaster.

It was the summer of 2013, and Dillon quickly learned that it would be impossible to work for these insufferable people who only saw an English butler as a status symbol and had no real idea what a butler did or what he could do. What was that saying, ‘An ounce of pretension was equal to a pound of manure?’ Yes, based on that formula these Californians were swimming in manure.

Before giving it up and heading back to the UK he had one more interview, and there he found his home. Recently divorced, Pamela Hawthorn was a tall, thin, auburn-haired beauty who was smart and funny, and was not reluctant to tell him she was a recovering alcoholic so there was no alcohol in the house. She was probably no more than a couple of years older than he was and genuinely kind and giving. In the three and a half years he had worked in her household he had inexorably fallen in love with her. Her daughter Cassandra had become a surrogate for his own daughter, Felicia, who was a second year student at university in the UK. Felicia had been the product and the blessing of his short-lived marriage to a fiery-tempered Spanish woman. Fortunately, his daughter got her mother’s good looks and his mild temper. They communicated almost daily and he hoped she would join him in California upon graduation. Pamela said she would be welcome to stay with them for whatever time she needed to get adjusted and find a job.

Reluctant to spoil the festive mood, he stopped at the French doors to the family room and took a few moments to watch the three women. The room was dominated by a large, beautifully decorated evergreen. Pamela, Cassandra, and Erica were in the midst of wrapping presents, and Christmas music played softly in the background. They had changed into casual jeans and sweaters upon their return from shopping in San Francisco. To him they looked beautiful in anything they wore, especially Pamela. They were his charges, his family, and he was fiercely protective. He was still dressed in the perfectly fitted gray suit he had worn on the excursion to the city a few hours ago. He could have hired a driver as part of the staff but he never felt comfortable entrusting their safety to anyone else. It was difficult to find a man or woman who was trained as he was and who would also lay down his life for his charges.

He knew the appearance of the young woman from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service was going to disrupt the happy scene in front of him, because the visit would certainly be about James Cavanaugh. He watched Pamela, her hair in a short, youthful ponytail, as she concentrated on getting a bow on a gaily wrapped package just right. She always made his heart skip when he was around her, and he was often in her presence, whether it was about a household matter or consulting on a guest list for dinner. Sometimes she asked him to share coffee in the large kitchen while they just talked. Dillion particularly enjoyed those times. Yes, he was always around, but she never treated him as if he were a servant.

She had come to rely on him for advice, and on a few occasions comfort in the form of a hug, or just understanding, especially in the last year since the image of James Cavanaugh had made an appearance. His presence seemed to haunt the place. Pamela had several photos of him around the house. James Cavanaugh was a dark-haired, dark-eyed young man with an easy smile who had chosen to walk away from Pamela and his family. At first, Dillon didn’t know why, although after one encounter with the ex-husband he had suspicions.

Pamela didn’t date. Occasionally she’d attend some charity gala with friends or another couple, but she turned down all invitations for dates. As she was considered a prime catch even among the wealthy beauties that made up the San Francisco social scene, such refusals were frequent.

Despite the divorce, there was always the problem of her ex-husband showing up at the same function drunk with some bimbo on his arm. Dillon had met him once. It was late summer after one of those charity events, about three months after he’d started working for her in 2013. Dillon had brought the Jag around to the front of the hotel where the event was held and had just come around to open the back door for her when Tom Cavanaugh appeared. Pamela was obviously distressed and was hurrying as fast as her high heels would take her when Tom bolted out the front door of the hotel and yelled at her, ‘Stop you bitch!’ As she reached the car Cavanaugh caught up to her and grabbed her bare upper arm and jerked her around. Dillon saw her wince and she cried out. Seconds later Tom Cavanaugh was lying on the sidewalk gasping for breath while Dillon stood over him, fists clenched, barely able to restrain the urge to kill the bastard. He controlled his breathing and temper; got Pamela buckled in the back seat, went around to the front and got in. Cavanaugh would never know how close he’d come to death that night. He had assaulted one of Dillon’s charges, and Dillon had come close to losing control.

When they got back to the house in Palo Alto he opened the car door for her and she took his hand as he helped her out of the back seat. She held his arm tightly as he escorted her to the front door. As they reached the door he turned to her. “I’m sorry, Ma’am. I should have stopped him before he touched you. I promise I will do better in future.”

Pamela smiled a slight smile and touched the side of his face. “You did just fine Dillon. Thank you.” With that she opened the door and disappeared inside. He put his hand to his face where she’d touched him, still feeling the coolness of her fingers.

Cavanaugh’s lawyer blustered about charges of assault and having Dillon deported, but when he saw the security footage from outside the hotel, his threats went away. So did Mr. Cavanaugh.

Now Pamela was going to get some more news about her son. Dillon had never heard all the details, but he did know James Cavanaugh had departed four and a half years ago. That departure had been abrupt, and he had cut off all contact.

Almost a year ago Cassandra had discovered his whereabouts purely by accident. When school resumed after the holidays in January, one of Cassandra’s classmates at Stanford had come to her and asked if she had a ‘hunky’ brother who was in the Marines in Afghanistan. Cassandra was stunned when the young woman pulled out her tablet and accessed a YouTube video of an up-and-coming female country star who had visited military bases in Afghanistan for Christmas 2015, under the auspices of the USO. During the show the young blonde had introduced her security team, which was headed by one Sergeant James Cavanaugh, USMC.

That evening Dillon, Casandra and Pamela watched the entire video on their big screen television. The women insisted he sit on the sofa between them and in the darkened room Pamela and Cassandra confirmed it was James. Early in the presentation the camera caught James as he helped the young singer from a helicopter. He was dressed in his full battle gear and helmet and looked very serious. Pamela found Dillon’s hand and held it tightly as she sat weeping into one of Dillon’s handkerchiefs. Casandra had much the same reaction until the showstopper ending with the young woman’s rendition of All I Want for Christmas.

James seemed to enjoy her attention as the leggy, short-skirted blonde spent much of the song perched on his knee and concluded the song on his lap singing directly to him. At that point, to whistles and catcalls of the audience, she gave him what was far from a staged theatrical kiss.

Cassandra said, with some heat, “I’d like to slap that little slut!”

Dillon noted that James appeared to very much enjoy the song and the kiss, and wondered exactly what additional duties were required of the young woman’s head of security.

At Pamela’s request Dillon followed up with the young woman’s agent about the possibility of additional footage. He discovered she had done interviews with individual Marines, including James Cavanaugh. Most of those interviews had been transferred to DVD’s and sent to the families. The agent said that since Cavanaugh had not provided an address for any family, that particular interview was never sent.

A few days later they were on the sofa again. This time Pamela was holding tightly to Dillon’s arm in the darkened room. The recorded interview was conducted in a room made of what looked like crudely-formed sand-colored bricks. The doorways and windows were sandbagged. Helmet and sunglasses removed, James looked almost relaxed in the presence of the young woman, who stayed off camera as she asked questions. Even though he looked relaxed they couldn’t help but note how hard he looked. His hair was close-cropped; his face was thin and darkened from exposure to sun and wind. Both of the women were shocked at how much older he looked than when the family had seen him last.

Dillon recognized the look on James Cavanaugh - he’d seen it in his mirror enough times in the past to know it was the face of a fellow warrior – a warrior who had seen too much death and desolation in his young life. His estimation of young James Cavanaugh went up markedly.

The young woman asked questions in a conversational style about his hometown and his career in the Marines. He freely admitted he had grown up in Atherton, California and had attended Stanford for a couple of years. He also spoke about his affection for his fellow Marines and a little about the hardships of combat in Afghanistan. When asked, ‘Why the Marines?’ he paused and replied, “It was time for me to grow up.”

When James said that, Pamela gripped Dillon’s arm tightly. He wished he had the nerve to put his arm around her. She was obviously distressed.

The last question was simply, “Is there a special someone back in California you’d like to say something to?” He shook his head. Then she asked “What about family?”

At that point Cassandra gripped Dillon’s hand from one side and Pamela leaned toward the television as her grip on Dillon’s arm intensified.

James simply looked at the camera, the sadness in his eyes heartbreakingly obvious, and said, “No girl, no family.”

The interviewer responded, “I’m sorry.”

He looked at her somewhere off camera and said, “So am I.”

Pamela and Cassandra almost simultaneously burst into tears. Dillon finally put his arms around both of them as they leaned against him, sobbing.

For several days thereafter there was no talk of James, at least to Dillon. Then one Sunday morning he was surprised when Pamela and Cassandra came into his office, which was in the front of his apartment over the garage at the Palo Alto House.

“Dillon, we know this is usually your day off, but we wanted to discuss this right away.” He never minded interruptions from ‘his’ two ladies. “Congressman Issa from southern California has just put out a press release that he’ll be visiting Afghanistan in May. We were discussing going to see him and asking him to make an effort to see James. What do you think?” It was obvious that they had already made up their minds, but he was flattered that his opinion mattered.

He looked at Pamela. “Perhaps you could send a letter with the congressman.”

That got the ball rolling, and the congressman agreed. He had known the Hawthorn family for years, and seemed only too willing to add a meeting with James into his busy schedule and deliver a letter from Pamela.

About the time the congressman left on his fact-finding trip in May, Dillon decided he might call in a favor and get more information about Sergeant James Cavanaugh.

“First Reconnaissance Battalion, Gunny Alvarez!” Dillon was surprised Gunny Alvarez had picked up the phone at battalion headquarters at Camp Pendleton California.

“Gunny, this is Dillon Chandler. How are you?”

“Jesus H. Christ! Is that really you, Sergeant Major?”

Pleased the Gunny remembered him, he said, “It is, Pete, and I’m still breathing thanks to you.”

The Gunny laughed. “Damn straight. Good thing we were in the neighborhood to be able to rescue your Limey asses.”

It was Dillon’s turn to laugh. “Hummm, I would say that it was the other way around, but I can’t imagine how that could have happened since there were no US forces on the ground anywhere near Tripoli in 2011.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I got it mixed up with some realistic joint armed forces training exercise ... and the fact you were leaking from half a dozen ‘simulated’ wounds when I shoved you onto that helicopter made it that much more realistic.”

“Yeah, and it was a ‘Limey’ helicopter that took me out and at the same time brought more of my people and more ammunition for your people.”

“Good training wasn’t it? Next time, Sergeant Major, when you take on a company of bad guys, wait for backup and remember to duck.” The Gunny’s voice turned serious. “I take it you recovered from those simulated wounds.”

“Pretty much, but I had to hang it up. I don’t heal from those simulated wounds like I used to.”

“Tell me about it!” He laughed, “So what’s up?”

Dillon told him about his employer and her son, Sergeant Cavanaugh, and asked if he knew him.

“Like the SAS, we’re not that big an outfit. I know him, and this is just between us, right?”

“Right. We’re just a couple of joint training exercise comrades swapping war stories.”

Gunny Alvarez went on to describe Sergeant Cavanaugh as a selfless and courageous leader. He had been decorated several times, including several awards of the Purple Heart. It also appeared Cavanaugh didn’t suffer fools and had been reprimanded a few times, mainly for interpreting orders in a way that was sometimes at odds with those that were given by higher headquarters. Recon missions were by definition small unit missions. Cavanaugh prided himself in getting in and getting the mission completed and then bringing all his people back. So far he had a high success rate and never asked his people to do anything he wasn’t willing to do himself – the hallmark of a good leader.

“Thanks Pete. I owe you.”

“Hey, you still owe me from last time!”

Dillon laughed but he did propose that they needed to meet soon to figure out who owed whom. They agreed to meet for a tour of Camp Pendleton and Sergeant Major (retired) Chandler would take Gunny Alvarez out to the best restaurant in town and buy him the biggest steak they had on the menu.

Before he hung up, Gunny Alvarez said, “One more thing. The Sergeant is probably as crazy as you were. He hardly gets back here before he volunteers for the next shit mission. He’s spent more time overseas than half the battalion. I don’t know what drives him - he doesn’t have anything else to prove, but he acts like it. I’m not saying he’s dangerous except to the bad guys, it’s just he keeps driving. We’ve both seen it before ... been there – adrenaline junkies.”

“Thanks for the assessment Pete. I hope I get a chance to meet him. By the way, when is his enlistment up?”

“Just a second.” Dillon heard keys clicking. “In about six weeks - end of June.”

“Think he’ll reenlist?”

“He’s good at what he does, but I don’t know. Someone should have talked to him about that already but he doesn’t hang around long enough. As an adrenaline junky I think he will unless...”

“Yes, I know ... gets his ass shot off first.”


Dillon was quiet for a few seconds as he processed that information. “You’re right Pete ... makes it tough to readjust to civilian life, especially when you’re young. He’ll probably stay. Thanks for the information.”

“See you soon Sergeant Major.”

Gunny Alvarez never got that steak dinner. Before they could get together he was deployed overseas again.

December was here and there had been no word from James Cavanaugh despite the confirmation from Congressman Isa that Pamela’s letter had been hand-delivered to him. Nor had there been any response to the other letters she had written. Had he reenlisted? If so, where was he now? Dillon wished he could call Gunny Alvarez and check, but if James was still in the Marines that meant he was probably getting those letters and he had chosen not to respond. It distressed Dillon that James Cavanaugh had not bothered to reply or even acknowledge the letters in any way. Pamela had not given up and she still sent a letter every week.

He knew he was operating without all the facts, and of course his unfortunate but mercifully brief meeting with Tom Cavanaugh told him that life in the Cavanaugh household had to be anything but pleasant, but what had Pamela done to her son to rate being ignored? Or had James Cavanaugh just gone off the deep end and never planned to resurface?

A sudden chill ran through him. What if the woman from NCIS had come to tell the family that Sergeant Cavanaugh had been killed? He quickly discounted that possibility, thinking the Navy would send a senior officer or a chaplain to do that job. So, what did Special Agent Toliver want?

Dillon took a breath and stepped into the room. “There’s a young woman to see you, Ms. Hawthorn. She has shown me her credentials and she’s from the Naval Investigative Service. She’s in the front room.” He handed the woman’s business card to Pamela.

He could see the flare of fear in her eyes, and he was glad she was seated on the big sofa near the hearth. To his surprise, she reached out and caught his hand, squeezing it tightly as he helped her up. He could see tears forming.

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Tylers first day

Before leaving, Tyler quickly stopped to comb his hair at the mirror. He took a moment to look at himself. He stood just below six feet tall and had a slender build. Straight brown hair came down from his head, and rested slightly above his blue eyes. Tyler took a deep breath. He couldn’t help to feel nervous as he started his first day of college. People always seemed to love him, but that was high school. This is a whole new world. As he walked down his hallway, Tyler fished his schedule...

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Tylers Stay

“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend. She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again. “How are you?” she asked. She couldn’t believe he was back in town. Stepping out on to the...

2 years ago
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The Blank Page

I stood beside her as she read. I had my hands on her desk and was watching the way her glasses had slipped to the end of her nose. I didn’t move when her hand slid up my thigh under my skirt. “Oh,” she said absently, “this is good, very good.” I had no idea if she was referring to the text or to the state of my cunt as her finger stroked lightly between my lips. ~~~ Paula has been a good friend for many years. During most of those years, she was in a long-term relationship with Megan but it...

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Cousin farm

In this story, you will follow Athena and Kyle as they awkwardly stumble around their sexual attraction to one another. This is my real first attempt at this so wish me luck. Notes are appreciated.

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Shaming A Sissy Husband

SHAMING A SISSY HUSBAND by Throne John was in the kitchen enjoying one of what he fancifully called his 'private pansy parties'. His wife Linda had left that morning for a three day weekend visit with her sister, fifty miles away. He had taken Friday off from his part-time job so he could, he told her, keep an eye on the house. He didn't have to work more than three days a week anyway, because of his substantial trust fund. And the job he did, managing some accounts for his Uncle...

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Hot Summer Days

Hot Summer Days Elena watched the sheer white curtain panel waft in the afternoon breeze. Or it tried to waft in the only few breezes that came through the window. All of the fourth floor apartments always were the hottest in the summer and hers was no exception. Elena laid on her back, legs apart, sprawled out on the small twin bed that took up most of her bedroom. She was naked trying to keep cool and comfortable but to no avail. She was miserable. Elena thought back to her college days when...

4 years ago
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Play for Pay

I try on a few outfits while you watch; a light blue tank top with cream lace trim and a cream lace pair of panties, a thin almost see-through white shirt with a burnt orange thong, and a pair of knee-high black socks with matching lace bra and panties; spinning around for you to see my curves as I giggle and move from outfit to outfit. You help me settle on the pink and black pot socks that come up almost to my knees, the black fabric shorts with a pink seam that runs right under my ass,...

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The Girl Beneath the Skin

Sometimes, you can tell the sound of a man. It was that way with Grinsworth. Coming down the quiet emptiness of the late Friday afternoon hallway, I knew his gait, the rhythm of his stumpy little stride. I knew this would happen sooner or later. Word gets around. It always does. I didn’t want it to happen, but I was ready for it. I heard my secretary through the open door. “Good afternoon, Mr. Grinsworth. He’s in. Please let me tell him that you’re here.” I smiled. She’d never met the man, but...

4 years ago
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Rumspringa Part 2

Rumspringa (Part 2) This happened in the summer of 2007, but contains flashbacks to events which began in Rumspringa (Part 1).My boyfriend and I seem to have a lot of ties to Amish country here in east central Ohio. David designs furniture as a hobby, and has it custom-built by Amish craftsmen, so we frequently drive up to Holmes County to deliver seasoned hardwoods for different projects he's commissioned, or to pick up completed pieces. I have more personal ties, having befriended an Amish...

2 years ago
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Night Entries Chapter 1

Night Entries Chapter 1 Dear Diary; This is my first entry in any diary, ever. So I really hope I'm doing this right. When I saw you, diary, sitting in a discount bin, and I realized I had just enough money in my pocket to get you, it efowas like Fate, or something. I guess the first thing I should do is introduce myself, but that's kinda complicated. I mean, my parents named me Edward Williams, but I have never felt .... right with my name. Or with any other part of...

4 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 17

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 17Teachers' pet, a quick study.Christopher had come home from his work on the ferries when he found two young islander guys on his doorstep making out on the deckchairs. The guys got scared when Chris approached. They ran away and hid in the bushes behind the lower bunkers. Chris opened up the French doors. The air inside was nice and cool. He had bought himself a mobile aircon unit. It was connected via a timer. So an hour before he got home it...

3 years ago
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SummerChapter 7 Paper Conversations

That English lesson, first thing on Tuesday when most of the class, and the lecturer were asleep but for the fact that they had their eyes open, pen's crawling sluggishly across the paper, Sera waltzed in late and sat done in the seat next to Thomas without a word. Under the table, his fingers brushed Thomas's knee, making the other boy jump. Sera put a finger to his lips and smiled. The dark skinned Latino got out paper and a pen, not even bothering to open the textbook and pretend that he...

3 years ago
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Paying Off Money Owed to the Mob Part 2

Paying Off the Mob II By Jennifer Allison Prelude In the first part of this story we find out our hero has a gambling problem and owes a very big chunk of change to the mob. Then they made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world the mob had come up with a byproduct of their drug production, a drug that can change a person's sex. There is one small catch. And that is the reason this drug is not on the open market. They can only produce...

3 years ago
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A young boy sucks cock

I was so young, but so curious. There was a rumor in the neighborhood that an older boy had forced a young boy to suck his cock. You know how news travels, wether it was true or not didn’t matter, if it was sensational, it traveled. I had to admit, at least to myself, that the thought excited me. I wondered what it would be like to suck dick, the thought alone was enough to turn me on. Even more, to be forced? To act like I didn’t want to, but had to give in? It seemed like the perfect, maybe...

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Biwi ki icchha puri ki

My name is rajiv and i m 32 years old. I married to leena , at now her age is 30 years. Her stat is 38-30-38. She is so beautiful and her height is 5’-5”. Leena ka dress up sense kaafi acha tha. Who hamesha body fitting wale kapre pehnti thi jisse who aur bhi jyada sexy dikhti thi. Mujhe aise dress up se koi pareshani nahi thi. Main hamesha se yeh chahta tha ki who aise kapre pehne jisse kewal mujhe uske boobs ke darshan hote rahen jab bhi who mujhe kuch khane peene ka serve kare. Par who...

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Mounted by my BBW Goddess

I love big women with big tits and have been with a lot of them. My all time favorite was Barbara who I met at a club in New York. She was a strikingly beautiful woman, a classic BBW with a large frame, huge ass, and enormous tits. She had a beautiful face with long flowing blonde hair, and a great complexion. We hit it off from the get go and had a great time dancing, drinking, and smoking cigarettes. She got a little drunk and asked to go outside to cool off. We were standing in the parking...

4 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 7

In last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...

3 years ago
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Seducing the Shrink Ch 03

Yes Mistress Session Two ‘Her name was Madison, Maddie for short. I noticed her the minute I walked into the bar. The dark room was pounding with music, and the air tasted of perfume and sweat. She was standing in the coat check line, chatting with a group of friends. Her hair was an impossibly cute bob, flipped under to rest against her neck. There was something about her that screamed innocence while at the same time oozing sex. She was a playful kind of sexy, the kind that doesn’t seem to...

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 Chapter1. Claudia wakes in the morning the sunlight creeping in through the small gap of the red velvet curtains. She looks at the small sunbeam and follows it with her dark green cat eyes as it hits the mirror and reflexes back on its self. Claudia stretches her long slender arms and looks at her neatly painted talon like nails; her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the old fashion phone. She reaches across and lifts the ivory hand piece as she speaks she hears a slight moan...

5 years ago
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Crime And Punishment Home EditionChapter 2 Confrontation

Gerald went back to his bedroom, but he wasn't planning on going back to sleep. He hadn't yet figured out what the mysterious "Mary" had in mind, but he knew he had to stay alert. He felt like he had when his wife had thrown him a surprise birthday party a few years before. He had found out about it a few days in advance, but played along and tried to act surprised when he walked into the darkened room full of his friends. But he knew this could develop into a serious situation,...

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SPunk Rock Show

Ed blindly twisted the tuning peg of his bass’ E-string, thanking the audience for their support. He adjusted his cheap Mediterranean marketplace rip-off Ray-Bans and threw the guitarist—the Diva—an approving glance.As always on stage, he reminded himself why he, a guitarist of over twenty years, had filled the vacancy as bassist in a barely-three-chord amateur punk band: he didn’t need the hype—nor the pathetically young groupies that preferably swarmed the sun-kissed, long-haired...

4 years ago
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Caught by Satin Pantys I am out of town on business and I am ending what has been a long hectic stressful day. So one of my favorite ways of relaxing is spending money on things I like buying, and that is LINGERIE. So, I look up a local lingerie boutique and go and check out the merchandise. It just happens I am wearing a pair of coral satin hi-cut bikini panties from Victoria's Secret, a beige satin and lace camisole and thigh-hi stockings on under my suit today and I'm feeling...

2 years ago
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My gang bang dream

My Fantasy dream… I dreamt going to a bar. Sat at a table, ordered a drink. After a short time 2 guys approached & said hi & could we sit & talk. I said sure be my guest. They sat down with their drinks & introduced them selves. After some small talk 1 guy tried distracting me while the other guy slipped something in my drink which I slightly noticed but didn’t say anything. After about 15 minutes of taking a few sips I started feeling somewhat horny which was increasing as time...

3 years ago
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One day while walking to work, Tony stumbled across a binder with a cd in it called "Rewrite.exe" written on it. Curiosity got the better of him as he took it with him. After getting home,he placed the cd in the disk and scanned it with every bit of his anti virus programs. The disk files were clean,so he clicked upon the main file. A popup revealed the following message. "Welcome to rewrite.exe. this program is intended to alter anything the user desires." Thinking that this must be a joke he...

Mind Control
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German Soccer MILFs

I was at the beach in the morning. About 2 hours before the start of the game, I went home to change and take a shower. Germany was playing Argentina in the next round of the World Cup. I put on some dark jeans. Some black Adidas Flip Flops. A white German Football Jersey. I put on some black boxer briefs. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.I drove to a bar near my house. Its kinda of an English pub. I have come there to watch most of the games played so far. They always have all the...

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Beneath the Masks of OurselvesChapter 6

Many times I have asked myself why things have to end. I guess it's because we change, and nothing else changes the same way each one of us do. Or perhaps it's just the way we are made, our brain getting tired of the sameness. Many things end because we let them: lunch with someone we like, because we have to work; a week-end away, in a small and cozy place, for the same reason. We leave people we love and we're not exactly sure why. We refuse eating a second ice-cream cone for fear of...

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Shadi Shuda Engineer Maal Ki Dhoke Se Chudai

By : Achalsexy 26th June 2011 Namastey jee aap sabo ko mera hardik namaskar. Mai Achal 22 sal ka hu or Kanpur ka rahne wala hu lekin filhal mai abhi Delhi me tha. Mai ek Engineer hu or abhi aage padna chahta hu jiske liye maine made easy coaching join ki. Bhut bade paise dene k bad mere andar padne ka josh sa tha. Do char din coaching jane k bad meri nazar ek ladki pe padi. Kya item thi wo dekne me bhut hi jyada khubsurat or sexy. Sabse acchi bat wo Ek shadi shuda aurat thi lekin kisi 20 saal...

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Meri Gasti Behan Chudi Mere Online Friend 8211 Part II

Hello,dosto umeed hai ki ap sab thik hi hain main raj aj fir apni randi behan ko lekar hajir hua hu to dosto apne meri pehli story ko bahut accha response diya or muje mail kiye isliye ap sabka thanks to dosto ab main apni uss adhuri story ko pura karne ja rha hu jismain anil ne meri behan ko apni randi bana kar choda anil ne jab meri behan ki chut maar li to vo bed per hi leta raha shelly ne uska lund chat kar saaf kar diya or 5 chudne ke baad 5 mins uske sath hi leti rahi jesse uska pati ho...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 5 Sister Stella

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Five: Sister Stella Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, May 24th, 2072 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The nun ran right towards me, screaming in terror. She held up the gray skirts of her habit as she ran, exposing legs clad by blue jeans. Her pale-blonde hair streamed behind her tangled with her white veil. I didn't blame her for running. Three black, disgusting demons chased her, roaring like big...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First After School Punishment

“Lucy Cardwell.” Pauline Manson smiled to herself as she sat in her armchair by the fire on that dark, cold, winter’s afternoon in January.That was the name of the tall, slim girl with the long, flowing black hair that she had been thinking about that day.She involuntarily shuffled around on her comfortable chair, feeling a twinge of excitement as she thought back to 1971. It had been her probationary year as a young teacher and she had met the lovely Lucy Cardwell, who had been the first girl...

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Chapter 4 Sisters are doing it

“Well,” she added, “I know you know what your brother and sister were already doing at that age,” looking directly at him as she reached down and ran her fingers through his patch of wiry dark red pubic hair. Jem recalled only too vividly that day when he had found out about the incestuous relationship between his brother and sister, it was imprinted on his mind like it was yesterday; as was the memory of Fallon stripping off her panties and demanding he fuck her as they watched Zac and Amber...

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My Chat Friends Amazing Ability

I like to get onto an Adult chat board from time to time, and meet up with people that I have chatted to for a while, and occasionally a new one. One of my regular friends there was Jennifer. She lives in the US, and as I am a Brit, but we found enough time to meet online. We were just sharing photo links, and discussing what we saw, and obviously through that she got some idea as to what I liked, and I got a very good idea about her too. However, after we’d been chatting for five or six...

Oral Sex
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 6

One thing about us Pulaski men, we were fanatics about being on time. I think it all stemmed from my grandfather's years in the military. Being at the appointed place at the designated time, Papa called it. So on my big day my grandfather honked his horn for me at seven fifty-nine. I grabbed my backpack and sprinted out to his truck. As we motored out of town Papa looked at me wistfully when we passed Mama's Diner. "You can stop there on the way home, all you have to do is drop me off."...

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