The Orient
- 2 years ago
- 22
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I was sitting in the Captains office wondering why I had been called in on the third day of my 30 day R&R. I had spent the previous three days with the yards in their village getting drunk and telling tall tales to my men. Even after walking back the two miles I was still about half drunk and slightly nauseated from the native food I remembered eating last night. I remembered eating some kind of live wiggling larvae that tasted like walnuts from home and my men had all laughed at me because of the faces I was making when they squirted in my mouth as I chewed them. I knew I had stuffed myself with rice and some kind of fruit but the rest of the night was just too hazy to remember. I helped myself to another cup of coffee wondering why the Captain was keeping me waiting.
That thought had just gone through my mind when he came in and sat down behind his desk. He was looking at me and grinning, so I figured he could tell I still wasn't feeling any pain from my three day drunk.
"Well Sarge, you look like shit! How come you didn't go to Thailand or Australia to let off some steam?"
"Beggin your pardon Sir, but it takes too long to get your edge back if you leave the country for that length of time. Besides I always end up in jail before my leaves half over anyways. This couldn't have come at a better time for the Chief though, with his mom being sick and all."
"Yea, I checked and he may take some more time, because from what the Red Cross was able to find she is in pretty bad shape. I have a mission for you if you want to take it? This is one that you can turn down with no hard feelings Sarge. The General called me in this morning and asked me to talk about it with you."
"No offense Cap, but I don't particularly want to go into the bush with a cherry second. It's too damned hard to keep them alive until they learn something."
"Well this one is a little different that your usual missions Sarge. You won't be going deep into the bush, and you will be helping out one of the fire bases with a problem they have."
"Ok Cap lay it out and then I'll decide if I will take it or not."
"Triple nickel has a problem that is getting men in the bush killed off every time they go out. It always happens within the first three hours, and regardless of how many patrols they send out they all are getting ambushed. They have been using a Kit Carson Scout that Casey sent up there last month. She refuses to go on patrols but sits and monitors the radios with one of their men listening to the radio transmissions from Charlie. They are at wits end because she although doesn't use any of the radios seems to know where every team is headed before they do. The General wants you to take your team up and see if you can find the leak. He especially wants Chung to check out this woman and see if she is on the up and up. You will have to go into the bush a couple of times, but close in to the base, and see if there are any signals going out and from where. Sarge they have lost thirteen men in the last two weeks since she arrived."
I looked at him a minute thinking about what he told me, and felt the familiar anger and dislike for Kit Carson's coming back after the fiasco with the NVA Captain. Casey should have been shot for sending those men in with someone like that I thought. I wondered where he had found this one at and what she looked like cause Casey was the type that thought he was a ladies' man. He had probably been sleeping with her, and she had become an embarrassment to him when his superiors found out, so he sent her to a forward fire base.
"Cap, you know how Chung feels about VC. If she is sending signals he will kill her as sure as I am sitting here. Are you sure you want us to handle this?"
"Sarge, off the book the General said to give her to Chung if she is sending messages or signals to the VC. The Captain of the base has already been told she is his if she is guilty. We need to make sure and stop the leak. The Captain there is at wits end, and has halted all patrols until he finds the leak."
"Cap we can pull out day after tomorrow. I want time to sober up and get my shit together before we leave."
He looked at me with a smile then a guilty look crossed his face. I raised my eyebrows at him and he handed me a letter on the Generals stationary. I glared at him smelling something rotten as I opened it.
Sarge, I figured you wouldn't pass this by and I have a favor to ask you? I want you to take Colonel Grimes as your second for this mission. He asked me and got it approved by HQ. He will follow your orders in all matters and will not be wearing any rank. Please don't shoot the dumbass, just kick the shit out of the bastard if he puts you or your men in jeopardy. I know you are going to be pissed about this so I have arranged for you to meet with him in private before you make your final decision. If you do this for me I will owe you a big favor, and you can keep the letter to cover your ass in case you have to stomp him for some reason.
"Jesus Christ Cap, does the General realize what he is asking from me. This bastard has made my life hell in every debriefing. Half my article 15's came from him. What the hell does his fat ass want to go into the field for? He is so out of shape he wouldn't last an hour if we have a running fire fight. Oh boy, first a Kit Carson and now Grimes. Chung is gonna have a fit when I spring this one on him. Grimes called him a little slant eyed prick a month ago, and Chung swore he would get even if it took him years. Cap, I don't think the General knows what he's asking of me and my team. This bastard is a straight leg prick of the highest order and hates the teams. This one I will not agree to, in any way shape or form. I don't want his death on my record or have Chung being hunted because of this prick."
The Captain looked at me in surprise cause I hardly ever raised my voice around him. I usually just listened and quietly accepted or declined a mission. An outburst like this from me was unusual to say the least in his eyes. He looked at me in shock for a couple of minutes before he finally spoke in his usual no nonsense manner.
"Sarge you know as well as I do you can refuse him. I agree he is a prick of the highest order, and I thought the General was going to have a heart attack when this came in from HQ. The funny part of it all is that Grimes specifically asked for you and your team. I don't know why, but he seems to have a lot of respect for you. When he is away from the HQ I have heard that he does nothing but brag about how good you are in the field. I was as shocked as you are when the General told me about this. Grimes wants to meet in private with you wherever you choose. Why don't you meet with him and see for both of us what's behind this. I agree with you and I don't trust him any more than you do. I have looked at this from all angles, and I can't figure out what the hell he's up to with this request. This has to be one for the books and it's suspicious as hell."
I got myself a refill and sat back down thinking about it. I had been sitting for about fifteen minutes when the Captain spoke again.
"Ok Sarge, you got that dirty sneaking grin on your face that you get when you're planning something. Want to let me in on what's going on in that twisted mind of yours?"
"Cap, the less you know the better off you will be if my plan backfires. I need three things from you and only one will be in writing, and it will be destroyed as soon as this is over."
He looked at me for a couple of minutes and started smiling as he answered me.
"Ok Sarge, tell me what you need."
"I need a signed pass to get Chung on the base after hours. I also want one of those little tape recorders that the spooks use to record everything. The third thing is that you call Grimes and have him meet me tonight at 2100 hours in the Sgt. Major's office in the armory. He is to be wearing civvies and be alone. I will destroy the pass as soon as I get Chung off base after the meeting. If he balks tell him if he wants to go with me he will do exactly as I ask. Leave the rest to me and I might get some answers as to why he is so hard on the teams all the time."
"Ok Sarge, but promise me you won't kill him and lose the body. I don't think even the General could work that one out in your favor."
"Oh don't worry Cap; he won't have a hair on his head touched by me. If the plan works he might be asking for a transfer back to the world. If nothing else he won't ever hassle the teams again. Just leave it to me."
"Oh god, I have a feeling I am going to regret this, but I will get you what you need. Is there anything else you want to tell me as I sit up all night wondering when I will be shipped to the closest Federal Pen?"
"Ah come on Cap, have a little faith. I haven't let you down before have I?"
"No but there's always a first time for everything Sarge."
I busted up laughing and he stared at me a minute and started smiling at my laughter. He quickly wrote out the pass for Chung to get on the base, and said he would send the recorder to my hooch with a runner. I got up gave him a big smile, and made a big production of closing the door as I went out. I heard him groan out loud, and started laughing again as I headed for the PX to get something made for tonight. It took the girl all of ten minutes to make it to my request, all the while looking at me like I was nuts or something. I went to my hooch and put it in my footlocker and headed out to talk to Chung about our little mission tonight. I was thinking about it the whole time I was driving to the village and was laughing out loud again by the time I got there. When the jeep stopped and before I shut it off Chung appeared in the seat beside me like a Genie. He was looking at me with a frown on his face because I was still laughing.
Before I could say a word he did.
"Ok what you do now Sarge?"
"Now why would you think something like that my friend?"
"You leave this morning drunk, in bad mood and walking. You come back laughing and with new jeep. You get us in trouble again?"
I lost it again and before I could get myself under control Chung looked like he wanted to strangle me.
"Chung my good friend, our enemy is in our hands."
He looked at me with his mouth hanging open and his eye brows were on top of his head. He stuttered before he could ask his question, with me smiling at him the whole time.
"All VC surrender to you?"
I totally lost it almost falling out the side of the jeep I was laughing so hard. Chung looked like he wanted to kill me he was so mad. I hadn't seen him this way since he killed one of the VC who tortured his family. I took a deep breath before I could speak again.
"Not quite my friend."
He took a deep breath staring holes at me.
"You dinky dau, you no get no more wine. You leave my Sarge come back not make sense. What you do? You need Chung's help? Village hide you and we fight for you but you need tell Chung why you so dinky dau?"
I finally got myself under control and lay the whole thing out right down to his part in tonight's activities. He just stared at me when I got finished. He leaned back and forget where he was and rolled right out his side of the jeep on the ground. He popped back up looking embarrassed and just stared at me a couple of minutes.
"Let Chung get straight, so I not think I dinky dau too. You going to scare Grimes out of Vietnam with Chung's help? You plan on taking him on mission, and let me scare him so bad he leave?"
"Well, only if you want to help. We can start tonight when I meet him at the armory. You do your part and by the time we get into the bush, the first time he hears a gun go off he will soil his pants. He won't ever want to face us again in a debriefing."
He looked at me and turned and walked away. Before I could yell at him he turned back looking at me warily.
"You count Chung out. You go to this mental place you tell me about, and I end up in Saigon jail where White Mice beat hell out of me. I help we get in bush, but not want come on base. I be shot or you be in big trouble more than you usually are. You leave man be or you be dinky dau more than you already are. You call Chung and men when we go on mission."
I just stared at his back as he walked away in total shock. I sat for a little bit before I started the jeep and headed back thinking how I was going to accomplish tonight's plan without Chung's help. Damn I thought Chung had backed out on me for the first time since we had become a team. Maybe I better rethink this a little I thought as I turned the jeep in and headed to the chow hall to get a sandwich and coffee. I had to think this out again because if Chung backed out I was missing something in my planning somehow. Chung was one of the biggest practical jokers I knew if he liked you. He had gotten me several times, and rolled on the ground with the rest of my men laughing at my cussing and stomping in circles in my anger.
I got to the chow hall and grabbed a sandwich and coffee sitting at a corner table to rethink my plan through again. I hadn't been there five minutes when the Sgt. Major came over to my table looking like he was going to rain on my parade.
"Are you fuc-in nuts or something!"
"What the hell's got your panties in a wad?"
"You sorry bastard, don't sit there acting all innocent with me. I can't believe you gave the ok for that sorry ass Grimes to go on a mission with you. You have lost your marbles. He hates all the teams with a passion and you damn well know it. The best thing you could do for everyone is take him deep in the bush and lose him. Also who the hell give you permission to use my office as a meeting place?"
"Gunny, for a change shut your big mouth, and sit down and let me lay it all out for you."
To my surprise instead of calling me out he grabbed a coffee and sat down at my table. I handed him the letter from the General and when he finished reading it he handed it back saying; "Let's hear the rest of this fairy tale."
I started at the beginning of my plan and got about half way through it when he started shaking his head in a negative fashion.
"You really don't know anything about him do you?"
"What's there to know Gunny, he's a desk jockey trying to make rank at the expense of knocking good men's accomplishments."
"Sarge, let me explain a few things you obviously don't know about Grimes. He ain't no coward for one, and secondly he ain't about to let you boss him around when you go out on a mission. That ain't in this man's nature. He was a Lieutenant during the Korean War and fought on the front lines along with the rest of his men. He is a highly decorated officer, and worked his way up through the ranks the hard way. He ain't no ring knocker and doesn't fit into that club. He wants to make General before fifty and will do whatever it takes to do it. He hates the SOG because he couldn't make the grade when he tried to go through the training. He just couldn't forget he was an officer at Bragg and wouldn't take orders. During training he tried to assume command of every squad they put him with for training. You know how it is there, and rank doesn't mean a damned thing to you guys. To him rank is everything. Did Chung agree to go along with this crappy plan of yours?"
"Umm no, he walked off and wouldn't have a thing to do with it. He said I was crazy for even thinking about it. Kinda shocked me cause he hasn't ever turned me down for some fun."
"That's the first good decision that mean little bastard's ever made. You and him have stirred up more shit than any Beret and yard since the war started. Sarge, if you're going to actually take him out, you would be better off getting the ground rules straight than worrying about all the other shit you want to do. Believe me when I say it won't work with him in any way. He ain't as soft or as dumb as he acts. Like I said, you would be better off losing him in the deep bush that trying to get him to change his attitude about the teams. Since Chung got smart and is not going to be there tonight I will make sure I am close by just in case you go off on him and do something stupid. That tape recorder don't mean a damn thing to officers like him. Damn, how do you get your dumb ass into these situations?"
Feeling rather sick about my plan, I just said I was lucky I guess. Gunny snorted and got up saying he would see me later. I sat and sipped my coffee ingesting all the Gunny had told me. Damn was I stupid and was damn glad the Gunny had clued me in. He never ceased to amaze me with all he knew about the personnel at HQ. Of course he had been in almost thirty years but to retain all that information was amazing to me. I could remember every trail I had ever been on here, but faces and names seemed to dim and get hazy the longer I was in country. The men I had lost would forever haunt me, as well as my friends who hadn't made it home. The faces of the men I had killed didn't bother me as much, because they were trying to kill me at the time, but I knew somewhere in my future if I lived, I would have to face it in my dreams maybe for years to come.
I was so deep in thought I was in my hooch before I realized where I was at. I lay back on my rack thinking about my meeting with Grimes all over again. Did I really want to take this ass out into the bush and maybe put my men and myself in danger if he tried to pull rank and take command? Did I lay down ground rules that if he didn't follow, could I actually shoot him I asked myself? Then it hit me right in the face, yes I could if he put the mission or my men in danger in any way. I would come back and report it and have my men back me up. Damned I wish the Chief were here with me now. I fell asleep thinking about the ground rules he would have to follow if I decided to take him with us.
I woke and sat up at exactly 1910 hours and went to the showers and shaved. I came back to the hooch with my towel wrapped around me and got in my footlocker getting my civvies out to wear. I picked up the t-shirt wondering if I ought to wear it and decided to go ahead since it would let me see how he would react to what it said on the front. As I looked at it I had to chuckle to myself again thinking I would send it home to my younger brother after I wore it tonight. It was the olive drab green and in big yellow letters on the front it said:
Colonels can't breathe
Unless the General Fart's!!!
I figured if this didn't piss him off nothing would. Besides other than the fact it was in poor taste, I was in civvies and so would he be, so he couldn't do anything but give me hell and tell me never to wear it again. I wondered where the runner was with the tape recorder when an MP knocked saying he had a package for me. I carefully checked it out before I opened it just to be safe, and it was just what I had ordered. I practiced with it for a few minutes and gave my rank, the date, and time, and the circumstance surrounding the meeting with Colonel Grimes and shut it off after saying I was recording it for my own protection. I looked at my watch and it was 2030 hrs, so I headed out walking over to the armory which was but a short distance away.
When I got to the gate the MP took one look at my shirt and busted out laughing saying ain't it the truth. He briefly checked my green card, and let me in, saying as I walked away he was glad he wasn't wearing that shirt tonight. I just stuck my middle finger in the air, and motored on to the sound of his laughter. I got to the armory and Peters let me in laughing when he read the shirt. I went down to Gunny's office where Peters let me in saying Gunny was in the office next to me and walked away. He came back as I sat down in Gunny's chair with coffee and the fixins. I put the recorder under the papers in the lower basket, with the little mike pointed toward the only other chair in front of the desk.
I had just taken my first sip of coffee when Grimes showed up fifteen minutes early seeming surprised I was already there. He read the shirt and got a little red in the face but to my surprise didn't say anything out loud about it. I let him speak first, and sat sipping my coffee as he started.
"Sarge, I agreed to this meeting but I didn't expect to be insulted."
"Sorry Colonel, err Grimes. Help yourself to some coffee."
"I was talking about that shirt you have on Sarge."
"Grimes, we are not in uniform and I can wear what I want when I am in civvies. Now you may not like it and all you can do is tell me in a courteous way you wouldn't appreciate me wearing it again. Other than that I can wear what I want. There is no rank here tonight, so tell me why you want to go on a mission with my team?"
He stared at me a minute or two and sipped his coffee like he was gathering his thoughts. I knew I had threw his game plan off by us wearing civvies so he was thinking on the fly.
"I don't particularly like you or your Chinaman; I haven't made any secret of that. I am smart enough to know that Special Ops is here to stay. I failed the course at Bragg because I failed to recognize the fact that rank means nothing with you guys. That was my first mistake, and the second was making my dislike of the team's public. I threw away a big career by being stupid enough not to realize the Army is changing and I have to change with it or never make General. I need the mission or even two or three in my files to help me get up the ladder. I chose your team because I am smart enough to realize you don't play by the rules, and because of this you have one of the best mission records in Special Ops. I need that to keep alive in the bush and I am willing to take orders from you to accomplish my goals. This is one time I will forget about rank and listen to someone that has survived out there in situations most of us grunts don't ever experience."
"Grimes, do I look stupid to you? Did you think I wouldn't have a look at your file before I decided to talk to you. I know about your front line experience in Korea and that you have a lot of decorations yourself. If I agree to this mission with you along you need to get something perfectly clear in your own mind. I give the orders and I will not hesitate to shoot you and leave you in the bush if you put my team or me in jeopardy in any way. When we are in the bush there are no games and instant following of orders is why we survive. I tell you to move you will whisper how far and in which direction. My team has a mission day after tomorrow and it's going to be a hairy one if we don't do it right. There is a very high probability we may not come back from this one. If you freeze or do anything that's not what you're told, Charlie will kill you in an instant. If your captured you will be beheaded just because your with me. This is what I face every time we go out. You have given me and my men nothing but grief since you wormed your way on the debriefing team. I don't give a damn about your article 15's because they are just an irritation to me. As long as I complete my mission and bring my men back alive I am happy. I don't play by the rules because my enemy doesn't either. That's what you straight legs can't accept. To you war is a matter of honor and following the rules. The VC don't know about your rules, and they sure as hell don't believe in your so called honor. My team is good in the bush because Chung has taught us to think, and act like Charlie as much as possible. Think about it Grimes, because it's your life you will be putting on the line if you go with us."
"Ok Sarge, since we are laying it out in the open, I will admit I have made a helluva mistake in the way I have been treating you and your men. It's that honor you talk about that makes me man enough to admit it. I went back through all your missions since you were here on your first tour. I have to admit reading the reports shocked the shit out of me and I thought I had seen it all. You talk about decorations as if they disgust you, but you hold more than any of the officers with the exception of a few NCO's now on active duty. You have been awarded citations I don't think you even know about. That little raid in Bien Thu got you the equivalent of the French Medal of Honor. Your capture of that Chinese Major got you the highest decoration the Republic of South Vietnam had to offer. Don't any of these mean anything at all to you Sarge?"
"I don't do what I do for medals Grimes. I do it to save lives and help my fellow soldiers. I heard you put it on the line several times in Korea. Did YOU do it for the medals? No Grimes, that's why the straight legs don't like us, because we don't do what we do for gain. We do it to keep our fellow soldiers alive regardless of what branch of service they belong to. I want you to think about this before you commit to go with us, because not only is your life on the line out there, you will have to prove yourself to the men whom you have belittled, to cover your ass when the shit breaks loose, and there is no help coming but the men you're with. Is this what you really want? Grimes I don't like you, and the men who throw their weight around from safe offices, and have no idea what it's like out there without any help but your team. You decide, but remember I will kill you in a minute if you endanger any one of us when we are in the bush. This meetings over Colonel. Give me your answer tomorrow by 1300 hrs and we will go from there."
"Ok Sarge, but don't expect me to change my mind. This means more to me that you can imagine, and if I have to crawl through a swamp to prove myself I will."
I watched as he walked out the door, his back ramrod straight, and even as much as I disliked him I had to admire his courage and tenacity. Gunny came in and sat down in the empty chair and poured us both a coffee.
"Sarge, that had to be the damdest conversation I ever listened to. He all but said he was sorry for treating you and your men so bad. Do you suppose he finally grew a pair after sitting behind a desk for so long?"
"They're just words Gunny, we'll see how he acts when his life is on the line. Take this tape and keep it safe for me will you? I may need it if I have to kill the prick out there. Gunny, I will agree with you on one thing, he seems to be a different person for some reason I can't figure out. I am going to take him and see for myself if he does what he says he will."
"Sarge, I think you're a damn fool but it's your mission and your team. I will offer a suggestion though; keep him in front of you if the shit hits the fan."
"I already thought about it Gunny. I will put Ling watching his every move. If he makes a wrong one, Ling is like Chung, he will kill the prick without hesitation. Chung has taught him well, and he's almost as bad as Chung is about protecting me for some reason."
"Sarge, did you know the whole bunch refused to work with any other team while you went back to the world? Chung said if you came back he would go with you again but no one else. When he heard you were back he walked around the village for days with a big grin on his face saying his Sarge was back to kill VC again. According to some of the other yards, he says you're his white brother and you will not leave him behind when you have to leave. Did you promise him that he could go back to the world with you or something?"
"No we never discussed it. I gave him a big wad of greenbacks to hide if he ever wanted to leave here, and go to Thailand or someplace else. I did tell him if he ever needed a sponsor to come to the states I would sponsor him in a minute. Hell Gunny, he has saved my life too many times not to help him out if I can."
"From what I have heard that whole damned village considers you their unofficial Chief. I did a little checking on Chung before he hooked up with you. From what I was able to find out he used to hit the bush by himself for weeks at a time killing VC and bringing back souvenirs to sell to the desk jockeys. From what I was able to find out he has a considerable amount of cash hid away if he needs to get out of the country. None of the yards I spoke to understood why he hooked up with you, when he refused every other offer from all the other teams. Do you know why by some chance?"
"No when I finished my training under Nichol's, I went to the village to recruit my own team. He watched me get refused by every one of the men. I went to another village and it was the same, I wasn't known so they refused to work with me. I was sitting in a jeep out by the outer fence, and he asked me if I was going to kill VC? I told him I wouldn't hesitate if they were trying to kill me or my team members. He smiled and walked away. The next day I got called to the gate and he was there with four men and accepted my verbal contract. We been together ever since."
"I wondered how it came about Sarge. You know that any of the teams would pay him whatever amount he wanted to fight with them. He refused all the offers but didn't stand in the way of the other men who wanted to join. From what I heard he trained a lot of them himself. I did find out he isn't from that village. He just showed up on morning almost starved and joined the village and has been there ever since. They say he came from China where his whole village and family were tortured by a big bunch of VC who were raiding over the border looking for gold and rice. They say he followed them back to this area and has been hunting them for the last four years."
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Gangbang Porn SitesI was travelling to Mangalore to Hassan in a KSRTC bus with my friend. We started at 5.00pm and expected to reach to Hassan at mid night. Bus was full and we didn’t get the seat together. I was in aisle seat in a three seater and my friend got seat somewhere back side. Somewhere around BC Road, my next seat got vacant and one middle aged lady occupied that seat and sat beside me. I am Prashant from Udupi, aged 40, 6 feet in height and well-built with 85g weight. This story is about my...
Three Boons by Nobilis The heavy doors opened at a touch, and she stepped through the narrow gap, her bare feet making soft sounds in the otherwise silent space. Her body, unencumbered by clothing, swayed provocatively. She did so even though she had no intention of it, simply from the way her joints and muscles moved. "My Lady Sorceress," she said, bowing gracefully to the figure enthroned before her. "Do you know why I have summoned you?" The sorceress sat with...
TransKat spent a restless night in the dark basement. Fortunately there was a little bit of heat coming in, so she wasn’t freezing, but there was no place to sleep except on the hard floor. Even when she did manage to drift off, her sleep was not restful, but populated by a series of dreams that were highly erotic but also dark and strange.In one she was tied to a hospital bed, naked and spread-eagled, as doctors and nurses came and went. In another, she, Kelly Ann, and their mothers were performing...
I was working my usual job at the feed & grain store in town. It had been in business since before I was born, owned for the last twenty years of so by man and wife who lived outside of town on some acreage. The husband was killed by a drunk driver several years before my seventeenth year. His widow, Rose, decided to hold onto the store but sold their acreage after having an apartment constructed in the back loft area of the large, barn like structure which housed the store. Rose was in her...
This is the third story in the 'Home Schooling' Series: it's advisable to read them in order so you'll know the background to this story before you start. Don Bradley loved running his hands over his daughter's swollen belly and breasts as well as his sister's, who wasn't as far along as Della. The three of them lay side by side, Don between the two women – well, one woman and one girl if you're picky – on the new bed he'd made out of two, so that it was almost nine feet wide, and...
We took off and circled for a while as the girls were talking and arguing in the back. We were flying for about an hour when Patricia spoke up. "She is stubborn, she won't believe," Patricia said. "Ok, Jenny switch with her, I want to talk to her," I said, so they swapped seats, moving Maxine up front. "You can't say anything to make me believe this crazy story," she said. "Oh, I'm not going to say anything except to buckle up, that goes for you in the back too," I said...
wanted to share the story of the time when i fucked my best friends girlfriend. she was a fucking hot, curvy slut basically, i had fantasised about her for years and masturbated to her pictures almost daily, at first when i used to masturbate to her pics i felt guilt because she was my best friends girl but the more i did it the more i'd enjoy it because it was forbidden, it was that forbidden and that much of a fantasy that it would turn me on so so much!so my friend is a private taxi driver,...
If you haven't read the first part of this story it simply won't make sense, I reccomend reading it to get the back story and make it that much better.He paid for the lunch and we left hand in hand to go back to my apartment and finish cleaning. He entered and after I was in the door he spun me around and held me against the closed door. He had his hands on either side of my waist and lowered himself to my face. He smiled at me and then he kissed me softly. It was even better than I remembered...
Love StoriesDas "Institut für Seele und Geist" ist eine "ganz normale" psychiatrische Klinik irgendwo auf der Welt. Wir beobachten die Menschen, die hier arbeiten, die als Patienten hier leben und die zu Besuch sind bei ihren Geschichten und Geschichtchen. Wir unternehmen einen Streifzug durch die einzelnen Stationen, durch den Klinikgarten, die Arztzimmer und den Pausenraum der Belegschaft, durch die Küche, den Speicher, den Keller - jeder Winkel der "Psych" bietet neue, spannende, sexy Abenteuer.
It was hard to believe, but for a week after my swinger’s club adventure with Jill, I didn’t want to even think about sex. Going to an orgy is such a sensory overload that my balls ached just thinking about sex. It was lucky for me that things got very busy for me at work and I was often at the office very late. My phone was constantly blowing up from Rochelle, Jill and Jennifer and I had a reasonable excuse to push them off. Finally after two weeks, my libido was beginning to return and my...
The sunlight hits your eyes as you wake up inside your mansion that you've lived at your entire life. Your maids come in and go through all the routines of changing you for the day while helping you do hygiene. Just another day as you walk around your house in your light blue colored heels and dress, as always. Today you wanted to go out and do something. You didn't want today to be like all the other days. You've always lived in a proper manner, but, you wanted to get out. You wanted to go to...
My job allows me to meet many different attractive women over the course of the year. Some of these women tend to be very outspoken and have caught me off guard a time or two. This particular story took place when I was out with some friends of mine. We were chasing girls closer to my own age, but got a text saying it might be in my best interest to come visit a group of ladies a little closer to home. Now I am 24, and at the point in my life where my mind is better at getting into a woman's...
MILFChapter One: Futa's First Naughty Pageant By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Welcome back to our celebration of President Becky Woodward's forty-eight birthday,” Adelia said as she sat beside me on the small couch. We were over an hour into our interview, streamed live across the internet to the world, and so much naughty fun had happened. I still buzzed from fucking my young wife, Sharron, up the ass with my futa-cock before we took the last commercial break. My pregnant...
Note - To all fans of "Cat and Mouse" (you know who you are!) Sorry for the unusual delay posting this chapter, but I've got a number of excuses I won't bore you with here. The most compelling reason is half way through this thing I realized it was going to be much longer than the other episodes unless I cut something out. Being a stubborn sort, I instead divided the episode into two parts and added a lot of exposition to this part. So what follows is about 50k of pure talk. I...
“Is all ready?” I sent out the request for info via the AI network as I stood at a wall in the median level of Hrunesh Block, waiting. “Pellet firer in place; behemoth shell ready; Regiments are ready,” came the reply. “Open the wall.” The wall slid open silently as the AIs had now designated it a door. “Begin!” I commanded and then raced forward to throw myself out of the building. I was swiftly followed by three squads of Troopers, all drop specialists and all grimly determined to...
"It looks and sounded like you guys enjoyed our little show," Jennifer said. Justin lifted his head and looked at his sister, slowly nodding. "Heck that was probably the first time they've ever seen a girl's kitty before," Lindsey said chuckling. The boys remained silent, Jordan still looking at the floor, his face turning red from blushing, and Justin's face was beet red as well. Lindsey stared at Justin's hard dick and smiled, "so you guys have two, half-naked, girls in front of...
Gorgeous little Asian Elle Voneva is happy to return to Cherry Pimps and this time she gets a hot boy with a large cock to fuck! Small Hands treats her like a princess and gives her just what she wants in that tight little pussy… his large cock! Elle spreads her legs wide so you can admire that sexy little bush and if you are lucky you might just get to see her squirt! Small Hands pounds her hard and she just wants more! She gets him down sucking that cock giving you a perfect POV angle...
xmoviesforyouCopyright 2003, 2007 A certain young sheik of Algiers Said to his harem, “My dears, Though you may think it odd of me, I’m tired of just sodomy Let’s try straight fucking.” (loud cheers!) License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 The handsome young man left the semi-private room holding the hand of a pretty little co-ed. Josephine saw the boy’s mother make an unconscious look of displeasure as she watched the two slowly disappear down the hallway. The young man was...
Chapter 37 Several days past and Brenda went on her date with Preston. This time though she chose what to wear and it wasn't slut wear, it was a dress with class. It was just a little sexy. It was a mid-thigh, lacy dress that showed enough cleavage to interest Preston but not enough to look cheap. Brenda actually enjoyed herself and finished the evening the same way as the first time she dated Preston and true to everyone's word it was becoming easier to perform her duties. It was...
It was about 12 o'clock on Saturday morning when Dave woke up with a damn strong hangover, but grinned to himself as he slowly got up and started to shower and got ready for the day. He was 18, 6 feet three inches tall, weighed 130 pounds, had had lots of fun getting wasted with some friends yesterday, but most importantly, his parents had left to visit some friends in Europe, leaving him to do as he pleased for 2 long weeks. After having eaten breakfast Dave let himself fall into the couch in...
Mind ControlFor only the second time, a story from a guy! I got so excited talking with him about this. If there were not an ocean between us I would take this man for my own sight unseen. The poor guy is crying during our chats. Written 1st person. Dwayne is a true friend for what seems a lifetime. Since college anyway. My wife Beth, of 11 years, is also a takeaway from college. We all know each other very well. It's nothing new for Dwayne to park himself at my place as lodging whenever business has him...
But it was Jen's birthday, and she had directly asked me to come back out after putting Collette to bed. In the end, I couldn't just disappear after she'd asked me to return, not on her birthday. So I went down the stairs and headed for the glass door to the backyard. The sun had gone down a little while ago, making the backyard rather dim. Jennifer and Tammy were still in the hot-tub together, but no longer just sitting side-by-side. Jennifer was now sitting on Tammy's lap, facing...
After a leisurely shower in Amy's bath, Sam wrapped a towel around herself and quietly crept into her room to get dressed. Sam picked out a pair of shorts that although loose, were very short and exposed the puncture marks on her thigh. She wanted to display them for Roxy, especially because even though she understood the situation and had Amy's assurance that she was the one and only, Sam was still a little jealous that her mate had been with Roxy. Roxy would know what these marks meant....
Summary: mind control, incest, kidnapping and brainwashing, cosmetic brain surgery, hot pink hair A kidnapped woman is returned with post-hypnotic commands, but the rest of the family is acting as though they’ve been brainwashed as well, a pop-twat — erh, pop princess — conducts an infomercial for cosmetic brain surgery, a family, abducted into the future, learns to cope with their own sexual urges and dangerous female politics. Enjoy the fun and strange truths of the Pumpkin’s Night. /See No...
One of the things I liked about the town was the open acknowledgement and acceptance that you could have had sex. If you smelled of sex, or had come on your face and in your hair, well, that was fairly normal. I once sat at an outdoor cafe, firlting with a guy, and watched the come sliding down the leg of a woman standing only a few feet away. Mom had told me of a place in Nevada where it was nothing but a non-stop orgy. Everyone used condoms, partly because these were people who didn't...
July 4, 2007 Tiara sipped her champagne and smiled at the man across from her. She was enjoying herself, much like she had been since her divorce over a year ago. Her Fourth of July Date was a handsome business associate and though she wasn't attracted to him, she was glad not to be stuck at home with her cat and her goldfish. The first three months after her parents' death had been hard. The fact she didn't have to deal with Roger however, made it easier. He'd taken his million dollar...
Lovers have their ways. Especially us. The romantic part of us preferred breathless phone conversations and instant messages that were just shy of a sexual invitation. The sentimental part of us tended to lounge into each other’s wavelength, fantasizing about our wonderful life ahead of us, just barley born. The perverted us, however, has a language in itself with a dialect of fetish and yearn. We were no exception to any rule of lovers. Although I drool over the dazzy love scenes and romantic...
Love StoriesThe winter was harsh and bitterly cold. The looter band of surviving gang members and a number of captured females pulled into their midst for entertainment purposes all made it thru to the spring thaw but most of them were noticeably thinner and less boisterous. Their supplies were seriously depleted and there was a hint of "cabin fever" that signaled tempers were on a short fuse and ready to explode at any moment. Desmond had taken to humping Corporal Amy on a steady basis with no...
My mobile buzzed on my desk, telling me a new message arrived. > Guess what I wore today? Oh shit. Another message from you. Ever since we hooked up out of nowhere after work a few weeks ago we've been at it nonstop as we discover how amazingly compatible we are in bed. And in the car. And in your kitchen. And in the unused office on the 3rd floor. As I contemplate my incredible good fortune, the phone buzzes again in my hand. This time it's a picture: you're in the ladies room near your...
Quickie Sex"I swear to you Sylvia I don't understand why people are buying that stuff. I don't like the taste of it and I don't like the quick high I get from it." The Brit said. "I know, hun but people don't always make sense. As a matter of fact the one thing you can count on when dealing with people, is that they will all act irrationally at some point." I said. "Yeah, that is true enough. So what's the thrill?" The Brit asked. "Jim says it's designer drugs. Something nobody else has....
“What the fuck was I thinking, how could I be so stupid? Of all the reckless things I've done in my life, this is at the top of the list.” The throbbing pound in my head makes it hard to focus on the dingy bathroom. My tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth as I feel my stomach turning. “Don't throw up, don't throw up,” I chant in my head through slow, deep breaths, realizing I had far too many tequila shots last night. I cling to the bed sheet wrapped around me, offering its threadbare...
Group SexThis is your first mixed wrestling experience. You have waited a long time to wrestle women. And you find yourself an opportunity to wrestle bollywood babes.
FetishOur sexy bhabhi Savita and her new friend Shobha were shopping for clothes in the mall. “Doesn’t this dress look adorable, Shobha?” Savita had found a particularly sexy dress and asked Shobha for her opinion while trying on a pink salwar. “It’s good bhabhi, but why don’t you try this one instead?” Shobha handed Savita another dress. “How does this one look?” asked Savita after considering it. “It looks great, much better than the last one!” Meanwhile the salesman at the shop was looking at...
Beautiful Kylie Quinn tells us in her interview that she’s heard I’m the guy for rough sex and that all of her fans have been harassing her to shoot with the Face Fucking King. She also tells us she likes to be fucked like I fuck, HARD. I walk up and kiss her and slap her pretty face. I put my cock all the way down her throat and she keeps it there. I begin fucking her face then she sucks my balls and I slap her, spit in her mouth and deepthroat her again. I turn around and sit on...
xmoviesforyouWith the trip down memory lane coming to an end, so did our dance around the apartment. I held Lizzie tightly to me, not wanting to let go. How in god's name had I fallen so deeply for her in only four months was beyond my comprehension. I only know that I have, and was the luckiest man alive because of it. Looking down, I saw the love of my life gazing up at me. God, how I drowned every time I look into those soulful hazel eyes. Quite willingly every time, I might add... "Earth to Josh....
There was a very real sense in which Katie could be considered special. Not only was she a very attractive girl at 25, with long, thick blond hair, big gravity-defying 38D breasts, a narrow waist and an ass that a black rap-video hoochie would be envious of, but she possessed another asset that was rare enough to catch people off-guard. Like some people in the past, Katie's mom had taken part in a project that involved the use of an experimental gender-determination drug, with unexpected side...
FetishI'd had a couple quickies throughout the day. In fact, I'd had six, so only Ivan and the Twins were left. I figured I might as well do a clean sweep. I found Johan first - but since I wanted a straight fuck, I didn't care which one it was. Thanks to the earrings, I could tell them apart when they weren't together. He was showing one of the guests to the East wing rooms - the wedding guests could crash anywhere they wanted on that side of the house. Since we were over there anyway, I...
Hi friends this is Sunny( anu chachi story author)…. This is my new story. It’s all together different. Hope you guys will enjoy it ek bar Arun naam ka ek bihari ladka tha uski umar 18 baras thi jab se 18 warsh ka hua ….woh har subah jab bhi jagta tha uski underwear gili hoti thi use samaj nahi aata that ki uski underwear me baarish kahan se hoti hai or woh bhi itni chikni woh aksar sochta ki “yeh baat me kisse puchu? ek din use vichar aaya ki uski badi bahen bijli jo uski bahut karib hai kyun...
"But....but what", I asked."I have some terms.", she answered.I got instand rock hard....she giggled....squeezed my dick hard..."Is this all it takes", she smiled...."Me, just talking....and you have not heard my terms yet"She started to kiss my balls, biting..."Terms....yes...what terms....?", I asked."First, I will pick the do not want a I will make a profile on a dating site and find some hunks"....."can you deal with that", she asked."Øh, are...
It was definitely starting to look like spring. Trees were coming back to life from their winter slumber, the weather was starting to warm up, people were just in a happier mood. Chris reflected on this as Jess drove the car. They were on their way to see Dr. Ramirez for Chris to have his first ultrasound. "People are going to totally think we're gay Chris. It's funny though because no one ever expects hot lesbians." As she said this to Chris she noticed him blush. Chris thought that...
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over in bed looking at the caller ID. In the background I could hear the sound of the shower running. Rob was busy getting ready for work, it was 6:15. I knew without even looking that the only person who would call me at this ungodly hour would be Susan. And sure enough it was. "What's up?" I answered still sounding sleepy. "I hope I woke you," she laughed. "I hate that you get to sleep in and the rest of us all have to get up...
Dominique’s call at 2 am, had roused him from a deep sleep. Their session lasted over two hours and exhausted him completely. Over that time, they consumed two bottles of wine. Due to the strenuous activity, most of the alcohol wore off before he left. but it still contributed to his need for sleep. Michael dozed off as soon as his head hit the pillow.True to Dominique's warning, in the morning, a piss boner threatened was trying to break out of the cage he was wearing. Michael rushed to the...
Femdomsonder n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own – populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness – an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the...
Give It To Him Or He Will Take It This story takes place in 1804 in a small community to the north of Seneca Lake and Cayuga Lake in New York State. In the future our land will have the Erie Canal running along its northern boundary. My father was given land to homestead. It would be his if he cleared it, lived on it, and farmed it. That was the reason that he moved us from north of Albany to that place. There were eight of us when we left Lake George in the spring of 1803 but...
Scarlet has had such a long day at school. Final exams are coming up so it’s study study study all the time: Scarlet has to get an A in this biology class in order to get her college scholarship for her freshman year this Fall and there’s NO WAY she’s losing out on that. So even though biology sucks, she’s gotta put in that work. There’s just one problem. Scarlet doesn’t have her biology book. She was with her friend earlier…and she must have left it in...
xmoviesforyouYou're My Bitch Now Part 7 Chris stared at Rick. "Rikkie, what have you done? What have you told him?" "It's a her, not a him, and I haven't told her anything. She caught me in the panties I was wearing the other day in the office, then she saw your text message to me tonight and she put two and two together. I haven't told her anything, but she sussed that something is going on." Chris sat down on the bed. "Shit, shit, shit." Rick came and sat next to him. "I don't think she...
"But, Mr. Deutsch is so hot! I would do anything for him to suspend me..." "Girls, can you get to class and not talk about me that way in school?" Lakewind High School is the epitome of diversity. We have rowdy farmers from Scottoline and even preppy rich kids from Eloquence Township. Out of the seven high schools in our district, I'd say I'm the most proud to work at Lakewind. Not because I'm a vice principal that makes good money, but also because the faculty is fantastic. I'm one of three...
Quickie SexWe open on footage from a current affair documentary, the host doing her best to sound very earnest about the plight of the women she’s discussing. As she speaks, we see a montage of young ladies, either beautiful, or close enough that no-one would argue the point… “Package tours to the Ukraine for single western men, seeking eastern European brides. The marketing for these week-long breaks boast that the men will meet women who are not only beautiful, but also dutiful… Young women, with...
Mary walked to the back where the black dancer waited with 5 other dancers, 3 bouncers, a waitress and 2 other contest entrants. She hoped she could get through this and get home to bed. "My name is Goddess in case you didn't know that," said the black dancer. "You three have decided to become at least part time dancers here at the club. Tonight you will be initiated into the group. Most of the things we do are legal at least on the surface but to insure everyone's mutual investment we...
Wal=mart was not very busy on this mid-june told us she wouldn't be long so just wait in the van. Beau had just bought a porno book from a corner news stand. so we had our entertainment. I bought the current Victoria's secret catalog. A larger van pulled in next to us and an arguing couple slammed out of the front yelling instructions back into the dark tinted cubicle area. They didn't walk to the big store, they went to a small one on the mall. Beau nudged me to look thru the only...
EroticLet me tell you all a bit about myself. My name is Ritesh ; 24yrs old with a cock size of 7inches and 2.5 girths . I’ll be waiting for your valuable comments/suggestions; [email protected] and if any cuckold couple/ married women/widows/divorcees/girls want to have discreet no strings attached relationship then they can mail me. Privacy is guaranteed and no infos will be shared or disclosed. Now, moving to my recent story… This incident took place on the month of January when I was...
Cheating Wife100% fiction! My younger cousin and I began hanging out when he was 18. He was kind of a douche but our lifestyle was similar. We would hang out often at his house. He was (and still is) an alpha male. I don't care for that type. If they aren't stroking their giant cocks, they're stroking their ego. He was always such a dick. I didn't care though. I wasn't fucking him. One night, we were hanging out and drinking together. I rarely drank. He often drank. I had a terrible headache. It surprised...