An ClochánChapter 74 free porn video

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Once everyone was seated in the Clans’ suite Aoife asked, “Would you describe what you consider to be special abilities?”

Maz replied, “I am not sure where to start. I think that what you call telepathy we know as mind reading. I don’t know of any of us who’ve admitted to having that ability, but I think we all know some who are very good at knowing someone’s intent.”

“We consider telepathy and mind reading to be slightly different abilities. However the difference may only be true for us. For us telepathy is conversing without verbalizing, while mind reading is accessing another’s thoughts, and possibly memories. We are also aware that, at times, it may seem as though someone with strong empathic abilities can read someone’s thoughts.”

“Interesting. I hadn’t thought of that difference.”

“Do you have special abilities?” queried Jill.

“Well I am not sure. I was evaluated for special abilities in my fifth year of school, which is the traditional time for that. My family and I were told that my abilities were insignificant, my siblings and cousins had similar results. Needless to say my family was both disappointed and surprised as it was not consistent with our family history. However, as I got older it became apparent to me that I definitely had some ability. For instance, I know when someone is not speaking truthfully, and why. Also, I can locate someone quite easily. There have even been times when I thought I’d influenced others. As to whether these instances are an indication of me having paranormal abilities, I don’t really know.”


“My experience is similar to Maz’s. I was actively discouraged from developing what abilities I do have as the reviewer didn’t expect me to be able to control them. The abilities I’ve discovered myself are similar to those Maz described. When I tried to get assistance in managing what I knew I had I was rebuked for challenging the evaluation, and told to behave or risk suffering dire consequences. Based on what I’ve seen I think all my family have abilities that they do not admit to. I am not aware of any of them receiving any training or assistance in perfecting those abilities, although I’ve overheard some of them claim that the secret to effectively using such abilities is to practice them. The training is supposed to teach you how to do that. I’ve tried to use my abilities but it was difficult to find a place where I wouldn’t be disturbed. The few times I had the opportunity I didn’t have much success. It was hard to focus due to fear of being caught.”


“It is the same for me. So far Maz and Winz have avoided saying that not everyone is treated the same. The family members of the ‘in group’ didn’t like it when others had abilities they didn’t, or were more proficient in using their known abilities.”

“That is not an unusual trait. Jar?”

“My evaluation was similar to the others. Like Maz, there are moments when I think mine are active. As to adding anything further, I think they’ve covered it pretty well.”

“So why the interest?” said Winz.

Tara said, “First, please rest assured that we believe what you’ve told us. However we sense that you are more capable in this regard than you realize, in spite of what you have been told. If you would like we may be able to assist you in learning more about what abilities you do have and how to use them.”

“Yes, please,” quickly responded the four youngsters.

“We have some concerns about what to expect from the passenger representatives at the meeting tomorrow. While we do have offensive and defensive capabilities, we prefer not to reveal this unless necessary. Based on the reports we have we suspect that they have already tried using their paranormal abilities on our people.”

Winz said, “I don’t know whether any of them can cast spells but I have heard that they can. To me it seems that they just use a form of hypnotism to get people to do their bidding. In doing this they appear to override how a person feels about an assignment or issue. Dutzcak has attempted to use that technique on me more than once without success.”

Joyce said, “I presume that each of you have observed events that you believe were the result of someone using special abilities.” The four nodded their agreement. “Would you describe some of these events?”

Blee, Maz, Winz, and Jar then took turns describing some of the things that they had noticed. After each of them had described several such events Winz said, “Being curious, what can you do besides exchange thoughts telepathically.”

“This is one,” replied Sally. A small blue translucent sphere appeared then floated above her hand. She then added several more. “These are really good to throw at something as they give a shock on impact.”

“Or this,” said Maeve. Winz gasped as she floated up then slowly settled back down.

Alison added, “Like the four of you, we can sense intent. There are other things we are capable of but demonstrations are best done outside or in a much larger room.”

“So you can create lightning and thunderstorms?”

“We don’t know. For those you need an atmosphere or biosphere and we haven’t often had that luxury so we haven’t attempted them.”

“Would you evaluate us? Well at least me.” asked Winz

“Remember it is your choice whether to proceed or not. When you return to your ship we suspect that some passengers will notice a difference in you, but they may not realize why.”

“I am not concerned, so what do I do?”

Maeve said, “Come sit between Tara and I.”

“Can we observe?” asked Moya.

“Sure, but through your link with us, and don’t push out any thoughts to us.”

Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar moved so they were sitting between Maeve and Tara. When everyone was positioned Maeve said, “First you want to hold hands with the person on each side of you. Our first step will be to see if we can communicate with you telepathically. Once we cross that bridge we should be able to help you assess what your natural talents are, then we will show you how to control them. Using such abilities is a skill, so it takes practice to be able to use them effectively. There is a possibility that how your talent functions is significantly different to ours so we may not be very much help. If that is the case, we have friends that we will ask to assist you. Okay?”

“Yes,” replied the four.

The next morning Sarah’s Clan smiled as they saw their children and visitors enter the dining hall. They were pleased to see the smiles on their visitors’ faces as they were almost radiant. When the group joined them after getting their food, Sarah’s Clan said, “Good morning all,” as they continued eating.

“Good morning,” the group replied. Sarah’s Clan could sense and tell from their expressions that Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar were pleased to be there.

Smiling Winz said, “This is fantastic.”

“Yes it is,” added Blee, Maz, and Jar.

“When do we need to be at Tara?” queried Jar.

“Can we come along?” added Moya.

“Well it is scheduled to begin at 12:00 hours, so about 11:30 or so would be fine. Yes, all of you can come. Typically when we have off-world visitors we wear the Salwar Kameez style clothes, for at least the first official meeting. So today we prefer that you wear them as well.”

“I think I know the answer but why the difference?” queried Winz with a smile.

“We want a more formal atmosphere as some see nudity as uncivilized and informal. Besides, when we are naked some people have trouble looking any of us in the eye when conversing.”

“We are not surprised. You all are very lovely.”

“At the meeting we want you to sit together where Molly’s and Jackie’s Clans usually sit. That way there will be plenty of room for other observers.”


The group was just finishing breakfast when several of their mentors joined them. Those with Sarah’s Clan said, “Good morning.”

“It is always a good morning when we see you all,” they replied.

Sarah looked toward their guests and said, “This is Aine, Brigit, Creidne, and Deidre.” As she spoke their name, they waved.

“We are especially pleased to see you here this morning,” said Aine as her sisters nodded and smiled.

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” softly responded Winz, with her friends nodding. “I am Winz and with me are Blee, Maz, and Jar.” Each gave a slight bow as they were named.

“We heard that Sarah’s Clan assisted with understanding your abilities last night.”

“They did,” they replied with a smile.

“If you don’t mind we would like to review them with you after breakfast.” Seeing worry begin to creep into their expressions she added, “There is nothing to worry about. We just want the opportunity to give you a few tips that you might find useful.”

Moya said, “Their tips and advice are always the best.” Several of the children nodded in agreement.

Iris added, “These are some of our parents’ special friends that we mentioned last night. As far as we are concerned they are a part of our family, a very special part, so we consider them to be our aunts.”

“We appreciate that,” responded Deidre with Aine, Creidne, and Brigit nodding.

“Sorry to be hesitant,” responded Winz. “Last night was quite a revelation in that...well it opened doors that we had never imagined were there. Now that communicating this way has been enabled, I think I see a strong link between all of you and our hosts. So yes, I greatly appreciate your offer to help me adjust to the changes.”

“What she said,” added Jar obviously uncomfortable. Several of those present chuckled.

“We agree,” said Maz and Blee.

“Where do you want to meet with them?” queried Corey.

“The conference room off the bridge would be good.”

“Cool,” said Jar causing many of Sarah’s Clan to chuckle, even the mentors joined in surprising the four young guests.

Kennith said, “You are welcome to join us for breakfast.”

“Thanks, but it looks like you all are done.”

“Nearly so, but I suspect some of us would like seconds. If we went up with you we will have an excuse to go through the line again. We have the time but I believe our parents need to leave fairly soon.”

“Come on, let’s see what our choices are,” responded Brigit.

The children and the mentors were about half way through their meal when Sarah said, “We need to be going, so we will see you at Tara about 11:30. Remember to wear your Salwar Kameez.”

“Can we lend some outfits to Winz, Blee, Maz, and Jar?” asked Marnia.

“I don’t see a problem with that, just don’t be look-a-likes.”

“What did she mean ‘by look-a-likes’?” queried Blee.

“She was suggesting that we vary the design and colour of our clothes,” replied Keri. “Due to the differences in our eye and hair colouring, we each look better in some colours than others. While the designs are subtle, they can give an indication of your personality.”

“I never thought of that. At home we wore mostly earth colours, and there wasn’t a wide variety of those.”

---- ----- ----

On WZA9000 Cathan said to the passenger representatives, “It is time for us to board the shuttle.”

Each of them picked up a large bag and followed Sorcha into the shuttle. When everyone was on board Todd said, “Since we have extra room you should strap your bags into the seat next to you. While we aren’t expecting any sudden moves it is safer to secure everything during the trip. If there is a loss of air pressure there are suits underneath your seat. If the alarm sounds immediately begin putting them on, which is very easy to do provided you don’t panic. As soon as we have ours on we will assist you.”

“Has that happened?” queried Nuqarz with a worried expression.

“We haven’t used them due to a mechanical emergency to date. We have used them for other reasons.”

“How do we put them on?”

“First place them on the deck, then open the package. Place your feet on the indicated places then pull it up with the handles. Once you’ve initiated the process the suit will automatically enclose you, provided you don’t interfere with it. Here is an instruction card.”

“Thank you.”

As the shuttle shifted away from WZA9000 Cathan said, “On our trip down to the planet we will be passing some of our ships. They can be seen out the view ports, alternatively the monitor on the front wall shows the pilots view.”

Cathan said to the shuttle AI, “You’ve activated your shield, correct?”

“Yes, as are my links with you all. I gather you are expecting problems.”

“Cautious. There are indications that they have psionic like abilities although they seem to be different to ours. We haven’t hidden anything and our telepathy should be obvious.”

“So there is no objection to them looking at our systems?”

“Not to looking, but if you sense anything else let us know.”


Cathan’s mental activity had drawn the attention of Girluzk and Utezc. Krystin of Cathan’s Clan smiled when she saw them smile and nod to those next to them while making hand gestures. Girluzk relaxed in her seat and then reached out mentally to probe Cathan’s thoughts. They had all tried this at one time or another on their ship without success. While a few of them thought the difficulty was due to the Órarduine actively blocking them, others scoffed at the idea and instead suggested it was because their thought associations were different. Based on their observations they were certain that the Órarduine were telepathic. From their perspective this was an ability that appeared to be very rare for their breed. It was a capability that they wished they had as they felt it would make it easier to manage and direct their family. Although Girluzk could sense Cathan’s mental activity, she couldn’t see any detail. When she shifted her probing toward the other Órarduine she had the same results although she did notice that Krystin’s mental activity appeared to be quite different, but again she couldn’t see any detail. As she pulled back from her probing she wondered whether the actions Tcque, Wurzick, and Dutzcak planned to take were a mistake.

While Girluzk probed the Órarduine Utezc scanned the activity in the ship’s systems. She had been able to do this on WZA9001 and in some cases gain access. She soon spotted activity and reached for it. On connecting she moaned and stiffened in her seat as her mind was flooded with multiple sources of raw sensor data. The flow was so overwhelming that it took her several minutes to break the link. By that time she was so exhausted she could hardly think. She struggled to summon the energy so that she could warn the others.

Wurzick noticed Utezc slump down in her seat then become very still. He went to nudge her but a moan by Girluzk drew his attention. When he looked over he noticed that she had also slumped down in her seat. He smirked as it was obvious that neither woman were up to the task of gathering any data. From his perspective this was not unexpected. Now that it was just this small group of escorts he could tell that they had a connection between them. While he wanted to know more, he was now certain that they would notice any probing by him.

“Cathan,” said the shuttle AI, “one of them accessed the sensor data. It had no effect on operations.”

“Aye. Two of them are slumped in their seats and look rather pale. We believe it was Utezc who tried to read the sensor data. Girluzk attempted to probe us mentally.”

“I’ve noted it in the log.”

“Good. I don’t expect them to give up.”

By the time their shuttle approached Tara Ardchlár both Utezc and Girluzk had recovered. They were awake and looking around. The shuttle’s approach provided them with an excellent view of Gaillimh island. Then when the shuttle began its descent to the Spaceport they were again provided with a view of activity at the settlement and the surrounding area. The East Tara Pavilion was also visible during the descent. Its beauty surprised the passengers while at the same time its presence puzzled them. It was obviously a special place, possibly even sacred, but they weren’t sure what it represented.

As they walked from the shuttle to their ground transportation they could see Monque and Atewa Space Fleet ships across the ramp. Besides the fleet ships there were several small cargo shuttles with Atewa and Monque insignias.

Cathan’s Clan was pleased by the expressions on the faces of their guests. The lack of questions surprised them, but perhaps having their mental hands slapped made them cautious. On the ride to Central Square they took the long way around. This gave their visitors an opportunity to see more of the activity, but from ground level. Sensing their earlier interest in the pavilion they slowed down when it came into view.

“What is the building in the distance with the dome over it?” queried Victurcz.

Sorcha replied, “We refer to it as the East Tara Pavilion. It is a place for meditation. Our Councilors take their oath of office there.”

“The pavilion is very beautiful.”

“My first impression was that it was a temple,” noted Wurizck.

“Isn’t a temple a place to meditate?” responded Lasairfhiona.

“In a broad sense, yes.”

When they reached the entrance to Central Square Ciar said, “Here we are.”

“Are we late?” queried Tcque with a worried expression.

“No, actually we are a little early.”

By the time the group started toward the building Sarah, Siobhan, Maureen, Keriann, Kathryn, and Amy were waiting at the entrance to greet them. Together they said, “Welcome to Tara Ardchlár. We hope you had a comfortable trip down from your ship,” as they gave their visitors a slight bow.

Parqz replied, “It was very comfortable. This is a very beautiful island.”

“We agree,” responded Sarah. “The rest of our clans are waiting inside to meet you.”

Inside the room she added, “We’ve set up this section for your use. If you need more space for your bags we can remove some of the chairs. Take your time getting settled; once you are ready we will begin by introducing ourselves. There is an assortment of snacks, with tags describing them in Standard and Coschenz, on the sideboard along with refreshments. Please help yourself at any time as there is no need to wait for a break.”

Nuqarz said, “Thank you. This is very nice. It should only take us a few moments before we are ready.”

Dutzcak bristled when he saw Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar sitting with a group of young Órarduine. From his perspective they were an indication of how far off course this move had gone. It just added to his displeasure as he hadn’t been pleased when he woke up and found the Órarduine on board and in control. Seeing those four helping the Órarduine just magnified his displeasure. It wasn’t how things were supposed to be. Waking up naked in the shower area had been a shock, especially with all the women around. Most of his colleagues saw the arrival of the Órarduine as fortunate; he didn’t however as it wasn’t what had been planned. For now he was stuck in a supporting role and it rankled him. He should be the one dealing with these people as he represented the largest family. With Parqz as their lead spokesperson he was certain that this meeting was well on its way to being a disaster. The situation would be much better if they had a single leader with the others as assistants or advisers, rather than acting as a group. They would be in much better position to deal with these heathens if he was the one in charge.

While he couldn’t find a flaw in the evidence the Órarduine provided them, he still didn’t understand why the ships they had been expecting weren’t waiting for them. Well there had been ships waiting, but they were obviously pirate ships not what they had been told would be there. The other issue that bugged him was ‘who was behind sedating them and the crew’.

Refocusing on where he was he scanned the faces seated across the table trying to get a sense of them. The Órarduine were certainly different to any other species they knew about. While they were fairly certain that the Órarduine had magic abilities, they hadn’t been able to determine what they were. Looking over the crowd again he noticed four sitting in the back row who were obviously different. While they looked familiar, he couldn’t place them. After a moment he decided that the familiarity must be due to them resembling someone he knew.

Chuckles across the room drew his attention back to Winz, Maz, Blee, and Jar. He didn’t understand why their ship’s AI chose to wake them. It rankled him that the Órarduine were going to them for information rather than the Elders. Since recovering from the sedative he had made several attempts to gain control of them. They didn’t respond to his nonverbal commands, which surprised him as they had always worked with others. After carefully scanning them he realized that it would likely require subjecting them to severe corrective methods. In their current situation he was limited in how forceful he could be in controlling them and correcting their aberrant behaviour. However, he was certain that after a few days treatment they would become model family members. His thought brought forth a recollection of other times that corrective measures were applied to troublesome family members. Afterward the person was quite willing to do anything an Elder asked them to do. Only a select few knew of the tools they used, or the extent of the pain induced, to bring about the model behaviour as there were never any visible scars.

Looking again at the four young adults he thought he would try once more to command them. When he reached out to them, he was shocked. Their paranormal blocks were gone. He knew they were there when he scanned them on the ship. While he could sense their mental activity, it was not the same as it had been. After several tries his frustration turned to anger and his thoughts returned to the corrective methods he would soon use on them. After a moment he realized that he could begin now and prepared to throw a pain inducing mental jab at them. He gathered the energy, but before he could release it his thoughts clouded up as his head began to pound and his vision blurred. The throbbing increased quickly and was so intense that he closed his eyes as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Aine, Brigit, Creidne, and Deidre were sitting in the back row monitoring all the passenger representatives. While they weren’t very impressed with several of them, it was Dutzcak’s actions that had drawn their attention. That was when they saw his plans for the 4 young visitors, and his previous actions to correct what he saw as unacceptable behaviour. Although their appearance did not show it they were angered by what he had done both to members of his family and to others in his group. It was clear to them that he got a considerable amount of satisfaction from administering the severe corrective measures.

“Aine,” said Morrigan, “are you all okay?”

“Yes. We just had a look into the mind of a very sick individual. It was almost like a fermenting garbage pit. Having said that, it is not the worst we’ve seen.”

“If you need assistance I can be there in a flash.”

“I think we will be fine. Besides, we don’t want to distract you as it will delay your return.”

“Aye, but we are pretty close to finishing up here.”

Victurcz said to Dutzcak, “Are you okay?”

“Except for having a throbbing headache, I am fine. Did you see our four sitting over there?”

“Yes, they look fine. It also appears that they have made friends with people their age. Seeing them there really answers the question we asked about them.”

“I wonder why they are sitting over there.”

“Apparently they’ve made friends and chose to sit with them. That would seem to bode well for us. Are you ready for the meeting to begin?”

“Not quite. It won’t take but a minute.”

Victurcz frowned as she watched him move with slow jerky motions.

The other Elders watched Dutzcak with concern as he arranged the items he had brought. When he finished Parqz looked at each of them before he stood and said, “I believe we are ready, so we can begin when it is convenient.”

“The honour is yours. Please proceed,” said Siobhan.

“First, on behalf of everyone on our ship, thank you for discovering our situation and the subsequent rescue. The passengers belong to five families and prior to beginning our voyage they chose us to represent their interests until they were released from hibernation. There are two of us from each family and we fill the role of Elder in our families. Since our ship can only support a limited number of active people during a voyage the majority of us were in hibernation. While there could have been a few more people not in hibernation we decided to limit those active to just us and crew. One benefit of having fewer active during the voyage was that it increased the life support reserves once at our destination. After our meeting we hope that we will have time to mingle.

“My name is Parqz.”

“I am Nuqarz. Parqz and I represent the same family. For us the word ‘family’ is often used in two ways, which I believe is similar to your usage. We use it to identify a large number of people who are directly related. At times it is also used to refer to the smallest unit which we normally refer to as a ‘pod’. The word ‘Sep’ refers to a grouping of pods. Thus a Family is a grouping of multiple Seps who are comprised of multiple pods. Members of a Family are related by birth or marriage.”

The Coschenz introductions went smoothly until it was Dutzcak’s turn. With an angry scowl and a red face he stood and said, “My name is Dutzcak.” Before he could say more, Victurcz stood and introduced herself. In response to this his face turned an even darker red. His posture changed as he turned toward her and his hands clenched as he stared at her. Everyone held their breath. When the two sat down everyone started to breathe again as the tension ebbed away.

---- ----- ----

During the time the Coschenz were arranging items on their table Cathan’s Team moved to stand along one side of the room while Zoe’s Team moved to a position on the other side. Both Security teams could sense that the dynamics of today’s meeting were vastly different than yesterdays.

Winz noticed Cathan’s and Zoe’s Teams and said, “Good morning, Cathan’s and Zoe’s Teams.”

“Is that you, Winz?” responded Sorcha.

“Yes, Sorcha. We were taught how to enable our telepathy last night. It was surprisingly easy once a couple of things were fixed.”

“Zoe’s and our clan noticed that you had a link with Sarah’s and Siobhan’s children.”

“Yes, we sorted it out this morning. We’ve really enjoyed our time with them and everyone we’ve met. This is so different to...”

“We understand,” said Zoe. “Dutzcak doesn’t seem too pleased to see you.”

“He is only pleased if he is treated as a deity and you do exactly as you are told. Some in our family avoid being anywhere near him when they can. This avoidance even extends too many of his own family. We try too, but it isn’t easy on the ship..”

Todd said, “Your feelings seem to indicate a stronger emotion about this than your words. As to his opinion of himself, that seems to be a trait for all of them.”

“Some are more human than others,” added Maz. “Victurcz is a nice to work with, especially when Dutzcak is not around.”

“It looks like all four of you are telepathic,” noted Blanche.

“We are,” they replied.

“Are they telepathic?”

“Possibly,” responded Maz. “After what we learnt about ourselves we presume that they have paranormal capabilities, and that probably includes a form of telepathy. To offer an opinion based on the little we’ve learnt about psionic and paranormal abilities, theirs may be different to those that your family has.”

“Thank you. That is what I was sensing.”

The confirmation of what Blanche had sensed regarding the representatives’ abilities was quickly shared with the Councilors and Mentors present.

Aine said, “Thanks. Dutzcak attempted to contact the four of you. He is now quite angry that he didn’t succeed.”

“So that is what I felt?” questioned Winz.

“Your shields are set to block external commands, and anyone you haven’t talked to since putting them in place. He was trying to command each you to join them. When he failed it made him angry, apparently angry enough that it induced a severe headache. However, remember that shields are never perfect, so be cautious.”

“Thanks,” replied the four.

---- ----- ----

When the Coschenz representatives finished their introductions Sarah stood. “We aren’t certain that you’ve had an opportunity to see the videos that describe our World, so I will now provide a few facts about us. Our World is governed by eight clans. They are elected by the citizens and serve staggered terms. We refer to them as Councilor, whether the reference is to a member or to a clan. Today only six Councilor Clans are here as two are visiting another solar system. Based on Nuqarz’s description of your social structure, it appears to be similar to ours. For us the smallest family unit is a clan which typically consists of 8 to 12 spouses, although it can be smaller or larger. Our largest clan is Sarah’s Clan which has 16 spouses. The children sitting with your young adults Winz, Maz, Blee, and Jar are from Sarah’s and Siobhan’s Clans. Also among that group are several very close friends.

Same as An Clochán
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Couples Sharing in the FaithChapter 11

1965 would be the happiest, most eventful Christmas at the Hargreaves residence in years. Paul’s wife Polly died in 1961. Penny graduated college in June 1962 and was married a week later. Paul married Alice Wilcox in October of the same year. Alice had lost her husband the year before. The Hargreaves, the Wilcox, and the Cosgroves were friends since college and had swung together since the War. But after a misunderstanding dropped Aggie and Corwin Cosgrove from the group the joy of Christmas...

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BimboTech Chapter 11 Bimbo Wife Kidnapped

Chapter Eleven: Bimbo Wife Kidnapped By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals I groaned as I sank my cock into Donna's wet, sultry pussy. My bimbo wife let out a moan around the senator's cock ramming down her throat. Around us in the small exhibition room in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Nicole and Veronica, two of my other bimbo wives, writhed as they were fucked by the collection of congressmen and senators, some of the most powerful...

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A Friends Help

I was watching the Atlanta Braves struggling to beat the Florida Marlins when the phone rang. I had just cracked a cold beer and didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I yelled to my wife, “Honey, can you get that??”It stopped ringing so I had my answer. A couple innings had past, and I was close to finishing my Mirror Pond Pale Ale, a local favorite, when my wife entered the room.“Who called”, I asked.“Sue”, my wife responded.“What’s she up to”, I said with a non-caring tone.“She wanted to get...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolEpilogue 25 years later

Robin - Memories. Robin was watching the Summer Olympic Games. For the first time, there were exhibition events for 'Neo Homo Sapiens'. Specifically they included three competitions for Mermaids and four for Centaurs. For the Mermaids they had 1600m and 3 km races and synchronized swimming. The competitions for the Centaurs used the same courses and rules of the equestrian competitions - Dressage, which is basically a four legged ballet, jumping, where the Centaur would have to jump...

3 years ago
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Opening up Getting back on the Wagon pt 2

Squinting into the thin strip of sunlight perforating the curtains, Andy wearily looked up at the familiar alarm clock. 6:45am. A quick strike of the snooze button, and fifteen minutes sleep would really help lift the fog of the night before. It had been a late one. The previous day still seemed a daze, almost a dream. A rather shy and cumbersome man, he was struggling to come to terms with just how much he had opened up in just one day. Or, for that matter, how worthwhile it had been. For...

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Helping a Friend Make a Baby Part 2

It wasn’t long before Taylor and Larry got back to the house. I had put my clothes back on and was waiting downstairs. I told them that Kim was up in bed trying to keep my seed in her as long as possible. Larry shook my hand and thanked me again. Again, I couldn’t help but think how strange this was that my friend was thanking me for fucking his wife and cumming in her pussy. Taylor gave Larry a kiss on the cheek as we left. As we got the car Taylor asked me how it was and told me to tell her...

Wife Lovers
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JapanHDV Nene Kinoshita In the back yard barbeque with the sexy Nene Kinoshita

Nene Kinoshita is your girlfriend. She is the kind of girl that enjoys doing what you do, so a backyard barbeque is perfect for the both of you to spend time together relaxing on the weekend. Having a sexy girl like Nene Kinoshita be your girlfriend is a dream come true. Many men wish they had a girl like Nene. She is very sexy and has a great body. She is also fun and kind and nice to be around. What is nice about Nene is that after eating meat she gets real horny. Today she had a lot of meat,...

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The Adventures of Cindy

The Adventures of Cindy By Cindy Johnson (CuteyPy) [email protected] Rating: X for adults only I wrote this story several years ago and recently I have seen different versions of my story, without my approval, all over the web. Seeing others take credit for my work is heartbreaking so I wanted to post it in its most current edition. Here it is and I hope you enjoy. Love; Cindy 2/27/2005 *************************************************************** My wife Sue found out about...

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Fucked My Best friend Her Mommy 8211 Part II

HI everyone I am new to ISS this is the most awesome site I have ever seen. I am a resident of Bhubaneswar (Orissa).I am very hot on bed and I like fucking girls of all age all. So any aunty bhabhi aunty or girl from Bhubaneswar who wants to have sex can contact me everything will be a secret it’s a promise. Contact me at let me come to the story. This is a real story. It happened 3 years before. I had a good friend named Priyanka. I used to go to her house and her mom and dad were cool about...

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What If Reading EroticaChapter 4

A note from Roger: I want you to know that I have gone through the whole realm of emotions, hate, sadness, pain, even love, to name a few. I have been offered advice from a lot of people. Everything from kill Marsha, to take her back and love her, from throw her cheating ass out, to forgive her. There is no advice that I haven't thought of. She was a wonderful wife and mother for twenty plus years, and a lying cheating bitch for six months. Once I finish this story I will walk away from...

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The Neighbours Birthday party P9

As the summer was almost finished things began to get a little quiet in our street, until my mother announced Mrs Honey was having a birthday gathering at the weekend."Who?" I asked"Mrs Honey, she's a widower living at the end of the street, in that little cottage" replied my mother "I said we would go, because she's all alone now, and I thought it would be nice to try and make her feel wanted. most of the street is going, me and Gloria have been trying to organise it for days now""Fine" I...

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Ann ndash At The Beach ndash 2 Sun Oil

(This story is the continuation of "Ann – At The Beach – 1. A New Bikini". Please do read that first!) girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers and Alex's younger sister Ann had just arrived at the beach on a gorgeous, sunny day during the summer holidays. Alex asked me to turn over so she could apply sunscreen to my back, and then asked me to return the favor. To my surprise, she'd brought sun oil instead of the typical sunscreen...

4 years ago
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Naughty boy

This is what I can remember from a meeting I had a few years ago. Some details are a little fuzzy considering how long ago this was but the other things are like it was yesterday.So a few years ago I downloaded the Whisper app after something pissed me off, think it was my ex girlfriend and I wanted to vent, to tell the world but without really telling anyone. Anyway after a few days I came across posts from people doing the usual.“I’m horny.” “Nude for nude.” and all that crap.I hadn’t...

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Happy Birthday Baby

I was searching the store with my best friend Lauren, for a unique birthday present for my husband's 40th birthday."What the hell do you get a guy who has everything?" I asked Lauren." I dunno" she answered as we sat at the table in the mall food court.     "Maybe you should do something naughty for him""Like what?" I asked. "We have a really great sex life. I may look like the sexy housewife, but behind closed doors the tiger comes out!"" Ooohh do tell. What have you two been up to?"   "We  do...

Group Sex
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Georgia on My MindChapter 16

The limousine had dropped Jamie at the Oglethorpe. Inside he spoke with a pretty young girl obviously new with the hotel but very well trained in customer relations. Jamie inquired if it would be possible to have food ordered from The Dolphin's Wing and deliver to the hotel to be served in his room. "Of course Mr. Lauderdale would you like to tell me your order and the time you would like it served." Jamie gave the list of things he wanted and added two bottles of white wine from the...

1 year ago
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My Daughters Seduction Part 2 Our New Life

"Mom?" sixteen-year-old Becky called as she entered the house, dropping her backpack to the floor with a thud, then kicking off her shoes. "I'm in the bedroom, honey," Connie called back. "Hey, Mom," Becky chirped as she padded into Connie's room in her stocking feet. She sat on the bed and watched as her mother, naked and still damp from an evening shower, briskly toweled her body. "Hi, kiddo," murmured Connie, hanging her towel on a nearby chair. "How'd the rehearsal go?" Becky shrugged. "We...

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Too Much of a Good Thing Ch 07

Too Much of a Good Thing: A Fantasy of Excess. Chapter VII A Lady of Surprises. I don’t know how long we lay there semi-comatose, but I regarded that interval at the time as the happiest moment of my life. The world was three people, the yacht the sea and the sky were their only companions, and the medium that bound them together was pure sex. Later, Heidi revealed extraordinary talent as a chef, preparing the most exquisite steaks over a barbeque that she simply swung out from the back...

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Jam and Jerusalem

Preface The Women’s Institute (W.I), a long established women’s organisation, made a valuable impact in the austere years of World War Two by promoting home-made preserved fruit and jam so that the valuable, healthy resource was not wasted. Huge numbers of jars were made by W.I. Members when the fruit was in season. William Blake’s hymn; Jerusalem has been adopted as the WI anthem and is usually sung at WI gatherings. In 1999 the ladies of the Rylstone branch decided to make a nude calendar...

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Our own personal voyeur

Window Watcher!After almost 12 years of living in the same house, we’ve only today discovered that we have our very own voyeur neighbour! Well, to be more clear when I say “we” I mean me. We live in a fairly quiet street full of old style detached houses, a couple of which overlook ours at an elevated angle. We’ve always known that a few of their upstairs windows overlook our downstairs sitting room and front upstairs bedroom, and although we’re into exhibitionistic fun, we’ve in the main been...

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Girls Night In

GIRLS NIGHTS IN Part One Two weeks had passed since that dreadful, wonderful, night at the pub, Melody'sbottom was back to it's original smooth creamy complexion. "They won't call me" Melody tried to convince herself as she satwith Steve watching the T.V.. She'd seen Sue in the supermarket and there hadbeen no mention of the happenings in the pub, "No they had taught hera lesson and were content" somehow her thoughts rang hollow. The phone rang.."I'll get it" said Melody rushing out to the...

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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 7

As Sam had peeked through the window and watched her lover stripped and abused, it was all that Sean could do to keep her from breaking the glass and rushing in to Amy's side. To do so would not save Amy, it would only cost them their lives, Sean reasoned. "Think Sam. Think of some other way that has more chance of success," He whispered into her ear as he held her down. Sam struggled for a short time longer and then relaxed. "I'm ok now. You can let me up," she whispered. "There is...

3 years ago
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just US

I walk into you office, but you are busy and tell me to sit down and wait. You don’t even notice that I am wearing a miniskirt and a tight little white blouse that lets you see my pink bra. I know that you are not supposed to look but I really want you to. Yes, I am hot for you even though you are my teacher and I am not supposed to, but you look so good all dressed in black and with that cowboy hat on that there is nothing that would stop me from having your dick inside my vagina, not even you...

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Second lesson with Carly

If you've read 'Carly, a Caravan and Me', you'll know what happened when my partner and I took her two daughters to a caravan holiday park for a weekend - a fantastic blow-job from 16yr old Carly is what happened!! Nothing else happened between me and Carly that weekend and we went home, and I thought everything was back to 'normal'. Carly had yet another boyfriend on the scene and I breathed a private sigh of relief...About three weeks went by, and one night when I was staying round there, my...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 7 Confrontation

Issue 7: Confrontation Swinging through the old neighbourhood of Forest Hills, the familiar streets and houses of Queens looked normal. Beguilingly so. I felt a strange pang of loss and had to blink away a sudden moistness in my eyes. I knew this wasn't normal now. This friendly neighbourhood would never be normal for me again. Not anymore. Spider-woman was an interloper here. I... had no home. Heh. No family. No friends. No old haunts. No school - damn. I was done with Mid Town High...

3 years ago
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About Time

Throughout our sophomore year of college, Eva had seemingly had a giant crush on me. As ignorant as I was to her charm, she never backed down. Eva was definitely the coolest girl I ever met, and we had instantly become best friends, talking about anything and everything to pass the time at our boring college. Everyday we used to hang out in each others' rooms. I wasn't anywhere near the partying type, but occasionally she would come back to me drunk. However, it would never fail that she would...

Straight Sex
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Sniffing The Cleaning Ladys Bum Pt2

I've gotten a lot of messages and comments about my "Sniffing The Cleaning Lady's Bum", and thought I'd share a few more incidents that's happened since. Her aunt is still off, although she does light cleaning sometimes, I've told them I'm very happy with Teadora, and that she needn't worry about comming to my place until she's fully recovered. Teadora on the other hand, put her hairstyling dreams on hold, and is cleaning full time for her aunt. I've told her if saturday's still work, that it...

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The Mistletoe

I wasn’t entirely sure why my wife Katie wanted me to go with her to this particular party, when we had both already gone to the official Christmas parties for our two offices. However, this being a festive and jovial time of year, and not wishing to ruin her fun, especially when she seemed so excited about it, I agreed to go with her, with the understanding that she would make sure that she got a reliable babysitter for little Tim and Kim, our fraternal twins, who were now three. When she...

4 years ago
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Holiday Time

The flight out had been shit... it had taken longer than anticipated, but then we had been delayed because of the fog, which meant we missed the connecting flight and had to wait for another flight to become available. We managed to get a couple of seats on the Milk Run... which took a lot longer than the normal flight... but heh, at least we arrived, a few hours late, but we were here in Honolulu. My husband John and I had been a couple of times before. I know some of our friends did not like...

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The Lady in BlueChapter 15 Where no man has gone before

After Hawk went into the bathroom, I sat down on the couch and ran my hands over my face. The last few days were taking a toll on me. My world was turned upside down and now my boss was somehow involved. There wasn't enough to go for a warrant without him pushing it, but he was part of it. I felt like pulling my hair out by the roots. I was angry, upset and wanted to break down, but that would gain us nothing. Hawk had a lead on the bomber, we had the old man and his link to the DA. If we...

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Bed and Breakfast

Note: How many of you have stayed in a bed and breakfast? Tammi and Ted found one that they loved so much they stayed. Enjoy. * It took Ted and Tammi almost a hour to find the B&B in old Savanna. It was at the end of a dead end street hidden by a series of old weeping willows. ‘Is it open?’ Tammi asked her fiancée after stepping out of the SUV. ‘I’m not sure,’ Ted answered. ‘Grab your bag and lets go and check it out.’ Tammi walked behind him as they curled around a bunch of rose...

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Her masters touch

Blinfolded and bound she waited for her masters touch. Her hard nipples tingled in anticipation of his strong hands touching them, pinching them, pulling them. She longed for him to squeeze her thrust out breasts, to feel his hands cupping them. She could feel her pussy juice beginning to flow and she both longed for and dreaded the...

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Movie Night

Movie NightIt had been a few months since our last major time together. I had moved in with the girls. We had indeed gotten a bigger bed, a king size, which we all three shared. On warmer days none of us wore clothes. On colder days, we still wore as little as possible; a blanket d****d around our shoulders, one of the girls in my flannel shirt (JUST the shirt), or we'd all three cuddle naked under a large blanket and find various ways of warming ourselves. Nudity became so common it was a part...

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Ultimate Interface 10 Chapter 20

I got changed into my swim trunks. My newly re-sized cock was dangling a bit low out of my shorts, with a simple thought, it began to shrink, only a little, I still loved to see it stretch a hole when I slide it into something. I walked downstairs, pleased to hear the shower still running and my mother humming from the cum bath I just gave her as I made my way outside. I passed my father in the living room as I went out. "You're going out to Mick's today aren't you dad?" He looked at me...

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Ms Landers Chicken Plucker Field Trip

By: Mr. Mongo Ms. Barbara Lander is one of those teachers male students dream about. She stands 6’ height around a respectful 120 pounds. Barbara likes to keep her sandy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. But what really catches the guys eyes are the breasts her parents bought her for graduating college they are a very “natural looking” C-cup. Ms. Lander was worse than her students she taught when it came for trying to get out of doing school work she took her students to whatever field...

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Fifty Strokes

Tracy Holmes stood paralyzed in the prisoner's dock, shocked into complete silence. She had heard the judge, in his slightly accented English, pronounce his decision:"Fifty strokes with the number 2 cane. Bailiffs! Take the prisoner down to the punishment room - I expect that room two will be free again now - and will the next officer available please administer the punishment directly. Miss Holmes, I trust this will teach you to obey the laws of our country. Assuming that it will, I am...

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I Is for Interstate 95

Irene was in her freshman year at Mount Alyson University in New Brunswick. A smart lass, she had graduated top of her class at the prestigious Havergal College Senior School for Girls one year ahead of schedule. So by the time she began her studies at Mount Alyson, she was only 16 years old, having already skipped a grade in elementary school. She was just a young nipper but sharp as a tack. Irene was cute but not flashy in any way. In fact, she kept an attractive and well proportioned body...

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Travelling On

Chapter 1 I'm pretty satisfied with my life and how I live. 35 years old, divorced, comfortably off and with no real responsibilities or worries and a job that I enjoy and get a sense of accomplishment from. Some years ago I went into partnership with a couple of friends and we operated a small but highly technical 'Machine Tools and Precise Fittings' workshop employing a small but highly qualified staff who are paid them well and rewarded for extra productivity and loyalty. I no longer...

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Little SisterChapter 30 Capital Capital

Decisions often simplify other decisions. Mine certainly did. Once I decided to let myself be seduced by the Republicans, my driving objective was to find a competent person to run the Concord office. Morgan Robertson was ideal if I could get her to take the job. In this, I had an advantage and a handicap. The handicap was that I was not going to offer the money others might. The advantage was that Morgan clearly thought my star was rising. She might want to hitch her cart to my horse....

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Vidhi bhabhi ki chudai jungle mein

To doston ye kafi pehle ki baat hei, tab mein College mein 1st year mein tha to January ke mahine mein apne cousin ke wahan gaya tha. Wah log village mein rehte hein to mujhe village ke life style ke are mein janne ka mauka mila. Shayad un dino college mein election ka time tha aur mein College polytics se door rehta tha. Mere Cousin log 4-5 brother hein aur wah sab combine family mein rehte hein. Uss samay mere 3 cousin ki marriage ho chuki thi aur 2 kunware the, iss tarah se karib 12-14...

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at my work 2

I said there had been other opportunities. A couple of months after Josephine and I had coupled, I was summoned by another single parent of a teenage girl. Charlotte Salmon introduced me to her daughter, Cressida, a girl of voluptuous proportions, marred only by thick lenses and black-framed spectacles, without which, both Cressida and her mother said she was practically blind.As stated, Cressida was a large girl. Well, all right: she was generously proportioned, almost certainly overweight, in...

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The cheated

Lucy only stayed at home for two days after the funeral and her boyfriend and I stayed there with her, and I assumed he would sleep in her room but when it was time to go to bed that first night I told him the thought of sleeping in Lucy's mom's bed kind of creeped me out so I said I'd rather sleep on the couch but he said “No, no. Go stay with Lucy. She needs you more than she needs me now. I'll take her mom's bed.”And as I got up to go upstairs he said “And the kiss... shouldn't have happened...

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Two Days Sex With Cousin 8211 Part I

Hi friends and I’m Riya wants to share my two day with my cousin. I am fair girl with 5’6″ and my figure is 32c 24 31 and I know everyone admire my body. My story begins when I came to my uncle house that lives with his wife and they had one boy name Mohit who is elder to me and after 10th. I was admitted to 11th class in my uncle’s town and started to live here. I also went for coaching and there I met Rahul who loves me and I also but I have to become doctor for that I don’t like all this so...

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Mom I Cant Help Myself 4 Surprises

Mom! I Can't Help Myself - Surprises By Jennifer Allison Chapter 4 - Dearest Mother: It's Friday already. This last week has gone by so fast that I can hardly believe it. To me it is still Monday morning and I just left Miss Lynne's office for the first time. I want to thank you again for this wonderful surprise. I never dreamt that being a girl could be so much fun, and work at the same time. School is tough, I mean the instructors are strict but with a gentle...

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Introduction: sorry about the story set up, I don't like giant walls of text. “Knock it off already.” Cassie had the remote control firmly entrenched in her hand and was doing her best to keep it out of reach. The TV was stuck on basketball, which sucked. I knew that there had to be some combination of leverage and brute force that would cause my sister’s fingers to open and let me gain command of the remote. Getting up and walking to the TV was simply out of the question.“Knock what off?,” I...

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milky tits

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!I’ve mention in another story Steve, my workmate and Chris the young apprentice. Well this story goes like this.We were all sat one wet Friday in the works shed down on Cardiff...

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Life After Death ndash A Lovable Sonrsquos Duty

Our family is one happy family me, my dad and my mom, he cared us like no one ever he just like friends to us his name is raghunandhan and his age is 54 , my mom name is Lakshmi her age is 40 and my name is rathode and my age is 20.BEFORE DEATH OF RAGHUNANDHANRaghu my father he is in hospital , mild heart attack gradually lead into sever heart attack doctor as said that “ we did everything but there is no chance for him , I am sorry ”. Doctor informed us that he had hole in his heart and there...

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The Blue Dress Pt 02

This is the second part of my story about Kyle and Becca. If you haven’t read the first one, you can find it in the Romance Section. ***** Becca’s Revenge Becca woke from a deep sleep and found Kyle laying at her side. She enjoyed a full stretch and the constriction of fabric on her shoulders reminded her of the dress she still wore. Staring at the man sharing her bed, Becca tucked brown hair behind her ear and smiled. Kyle lay on his back with one arm curled above his head. His face...

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Chanel and Eugene 14

Eugene? I send a text to the number Eugene called me from before. We agreed on Saturday for our date, but with my aching insides, I’m not so sure I want to wait to see him. I set my phone on my chest and close my eyes. When my phone quietly beeps, it’s up to my face in a flash. Chanel? he replies, and I grin. Did I wake you? No, just lying down. Everything ok? Yeah. I can’t sleep. Me either he replies, and I bite my lip. Why? I ask. Had a good day, a lot to think about. he replies, and...

Straight Sex
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I was seduced

  This is a story I think every guy should read. It is a story of how close you can come to really fucking your whole life up just for pussy. My name is John and I’m a pretty successful guy. Successful in business just not with the ladies. I just turned 29 and have had some long term relationships. I just haven’t found anyone that I thought could be the one. I’m in good shape, I work out a few times a week and I bike and swim too. I just moved back to the neighborhood I grew up in. I bought...

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The Royal Hotel Pt 2

CHAPTER 10 A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE: We settled into the little room. ‘What would you like to drink Baltimore?’ I asked. ‘That be some real good Scotch there. I don’t get a chance to afford that. ‘ Baltimore pointed to the bottle of Cutty Sark. The old man knew his liquor. ‘Let me pour one for you my friend,’ I said. ‘Thanks sir’ Baltimore replied. ‘You don’t have to call me sir. Just call me Nick, and this is Beverly,’ I said as we reached for some glasses. Beverly and I sat at the little...

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