The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 21 Summons
- 2 years ago
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“Okay,” Jim said as the cast stood to leave after Friday night notes. “We’ve got it pulled back together. Good rehearsal.” The cast cheered. “Don’t forget the reception Sunday afternoon. Dr. Crowell has gone to a lot of work to get us funding for the tour. It’s only right that we show our best side to the patrons on Sunday. Be there at 12:30 for lunch in the Lilly Room. Anything else?”
“Party tomorrow!” yelled Steve. “Spring tour of Brown County. Meet in Nashville at the town pump at two o’clock.”
“And drive carefully,” added Jim. “We don’t need any accidents at this stage of the game. Stay sober.”
The cast filed out of the auditorium with various hoots of freedom. Rebecca stopped Wayne with a hand on his shoulder.
“Well, coach?” she said. “How’d we do?”
“You heard him,” Wayne answered. “Right on!”
“Yes, but how did you feel?”
“It’s going to be better than it was in the fall,” he smiled. “And it was all pros then.”
“Good! I finally feel like it will be fun.”
“Are you going to the party tomorrow?” he asked.
“I hadn’t really thought about it.”
“I’d ... uh ... pick you up if you want to go,” he stumbled. She thought for just a moment before she responded.
“Well, I am part of the cast. I suppose I should act like it. What time?”
“How about nine. Take a spin through the park and poke through the shops in Nashville before we meet the group,” he bubbled.
“You’re on,” she said. She walked out the door toward home. He looked after her as she disappeared down the street.
“Judith’s going to kill you.” He turned around to see Lena, the assistant director standing behind him making notes on her clipboard. Down the hall he heard Judith’s voice and looked up to see her talking animatedly with the actor playing Hamlet. They left together. He smiled sheepishly at Lena and backed toward the door at the opposite end of the hall.
“What a way to go,” he said.
Saturday, 31 May 1969, early morning“No, seriously. It’s supposed to fill itself with water?” Wayne asked Lissa late that night. “How am I supposed to believe that?”
“Did you call wind with your blade?” she asked.
“Well, a wind blew each time I did a ritual. The last one was more controlled than the first. I guess I must have been responsible. But that’s just moving air currents. This is actually drawing water from someplace it is to someplace it isn’t.”
“What is so different?”
“It’s ... I don’t know.”
“Each tool has its own element that you tune it to. Your Athamé is attuned to air. Your cup to water. Your pentacles to earth. And your wand to fire. In order to work the spell, you have to work with the tool, practice with it the same way you do with the woodworking tools in your shop.”
“May I have another cup of coffee, please?” he asked. She reached for the pot and refilled his cup. “It worked!”
“Smartass. Still ... in a way you got it right. You fully expected the cup to be filled. Not only do the tools represent an element, they represent a power ... a personage that has power. There are different traditions. Some practitioners use angels—Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel. I always name them clockwise from East to North. Some practitioners use demons, Native American spirits—Raven, Coyote, Beaver, and Badger—fairies, Celtic gods, Norse gods, Greek gods. It really doesn’t make a difference whom you choose. In fact, I suspect they might all be one. So, when you cast a spell, especially an elemental, you invoke the name of the power for that element and ask him or her to serve you. Respect them because they are powerful, but be firm. You have to be in control.”
“That’s what Dad says. Like a motorcycle, it’s only dangerous when it’s out of control,” Wayne mused. He neglected to add that his dad was talking about women.
“Smart man.”
Wayne pulled up in front of Rebecca’s house promptly at nine o’clock Saturday morning. She was sitting on the front porch with a cup of coffee and a newspaper, but scarcely glanced when he pulled up.
“Rebecca?” he said, stepping up to the porch.
“Hi!” she said in surprise. “Oh! My God! That was you?”
“Were you expecting someone else?” he asked.
“I wasn’t expecting...” she stared at the street, “ ... a motorcycle.” Wayne burst out laughing.
“I thought you knew.”
“I knew you rode one, but I didn’t know that was how you intended ... Oh, my God!”
“Well, would you like to try it out?” he asked. “If you’re really uncomfortable, we could still catch Glenn and hitch a ride with him.”
“It’s ... I...” Rebecca stammered. “Do you know how old I am?” she said finally.
“A gentleman would never ask, but I have to assume you are over eighteen. I hope.”
“I don’t believe I’m doing this,” she said, walking to the motorcycle with him. “I’m a mature, stable, responsible adult and I think I have just lost all my marbles. What do I do with Pele?”
“Who’s Pele?”
“My walking stick.”
“You can put it here,” he said, showing her how to strap the stick into place.
“Her,” corrected Rebecca.
“Okay,” responded Wayne. “Put her here, but don’t try to swing your leg over the back of the bike or you’re likely to get a good sharp poke.” He mounted the cycle and kicked it to life, then assisted Rebecca with her helmet. “Climb aboard,” he called to her. She slid easily into place behind him and he felt her arms lock firmly around his waist. He accelerated away from the curb.
“This is crazy,” she said and he felt her bury her head against his back. Fifteen minutes later they were cruising south on Highway 31.
“How’s it going?” he called over his shoulder.
“I love it!” she yelled into the wind.
By 10:30, they were in Nashville and entered the gates of the state park a few minutes later. He parked the motorcycle and they got off to stretch.
“Well?” he asked. “Like it?”
“Other than being passed by semis,” she answered. “It was wonderful. But parts of my body may not stop tingling for a while. Is it always like that?”
Wayne laid down his helmet and reached both hands behind him to rub his seat. “Every time I’ve ever ridden it has been. But it’s worth it!”
“A girl could get to like that too much,” Rebecca muttered as she unstrapped her staff. They walked along the trail through the woods and fresh greenery a while in silence. Finally, it was Wayne who spoke.
“So, are you glad you joined the cast?” he asked.
“It’s had its little trials and tribulations, but yes. I’m having fun.”
“I wanted you to know,” he said quietly, “that I’m really glad that I’ve been able to work with you. I mean, getting to know you as a person instead of a professor has really ... I mean you’re a neat person.”
“Thank you, Wayne. May I say that getting to know you as a person instead of a somnambulist has been a treat, too.” They laughed and walked on in silence for a long way.
“Say, what’s Serepte doing today?” he finally asked. “I haven’t seen her in a while.”
“She’s been around, but since school is out now, she’s visiting her godparents. I told you he was ill. There’s been some trouble around campus this spring and I don’t want her here when we go to England.”
“I didn’t hear about trouble, except the damned theatre break-ins. One of the frats getting high?”
“No. No. It was a personal problem.”
“Gosh, I’m sorry,” Wayne said. “It must be really difficult being a single parent.”
“It’s not between Serepte and me, Wayne. I really can’t get into this...” They were cut off by a voice not far away.
“Bloody, bawdy villain! Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!”
“Someone’s rehearsing,” Wayne said. They shared a surprised glance at each other and proceeded forward into a clearing. They stopped just at the edge beneath a large tree to watch. There, Judith stood with her back about three-quarters to them. Beside her stood Chuck, the actor playing Hamlet.
“No!” Judith said. “You’ve got to know precisely where that throne is. You can’t turn around and hunt for it. Mark the spot. Now watch.” They all watched as she raised the knife in both hands in a self-sacrificial pose. She drew her first syllable out over a full range of emotions from self-pity to a roaring inferno of rage. “Oh, Vengeance!” she shouted. She spun toward Rebecca and Wayne. He saw a flash in the air and shoved Rebecca to the ground.
The knife hit and stuck in the tree under which the two had been standing. Wayne scrambled to his feet swearing at Judith. He could hear her equally uncouth reply. He helped Rebecca to her feet and apologized for the roughness. Rebecca, however, seemed totally absorbed in the knife that protruded from the tree. Wayne laid his hand on the hilt and worked the blade free.
“Damn it, Judith!” he shouted. “Who checked this out to you?” These props are all supposed to be crated and ready to ship now.”
“T-take it easy, Wayne,” Chuck said. “We looked for you last night, but you were gone already. I n-need the practice and talked her into bringing it down.”
“It wasn’t made to be stuck into trees,” Wayne lectured the two. “You’ll split the handle off, throwing it around like that.”
“I’m supposed to throw it on stage.”
“Into a beadboard-backed throne, not into a chunk of wood.”
“Wayne,” said Judith next to him. Her voice was low but edged more sharply than the knife itself. “Give me the fucking knife. Take your lady friend and get lost. Or did you forget that this was supposed to be our date today?”
“It looked like you already had an alternate plan,” Wayne said, matching the edge in her voice. “If you’d spoken to me anytime in the last week it still would have been our date.”
“Give me the knife!”
“Hell no! This is going into my bag and straight to the props chest.”
“What are we supposed to rehearse with?” she demanded.
“Here,” said Rebecca. “I’m sure you can use this one. And I don’t think I’ll be needing it anymore.” She produced the flat steel blade from her bag that had landed in her circle a few days before. She laid it flat in her hand and held it out to Judith. The younger woman looked startled for a moment.
“You’re going to replace it,” Judith said in disbelief. “After all the warnings, you’re still going to do it.” The two locked eyes. “Don’t do it, Huntress,” Judith whispered, her back to Chuck. “Please, don’t do it. I love him.”
“The task has to be completed, Swordmaster.”
The words hardly reached Wayne’s ears. His attention was captured by the blade being passed between the two women. In his mind, he saw the drawer in which he kept steel blanks for swords and knives. Of the two matched blades he ordered, was one still in the drawer with the other blanks? He wasn’t going to fight them for that one right now. His stomach was churning so hard he felt like throwing up. Huntress. Swordmaster. It should mean something to him, but it was as if it were behind a veil. Another of his elusive dreams.
“Just be careful, would you?” he shot across to the two. “That scene’s too damned dangerous on stage anyway. Get in lots of practice, okay, Chuck?”
“Sure. Look, would you just let us get on with it?”
“Yeah,” said Wayne. He looked into Judith’s eyes. They dropped slightly and he shook his head. Why was it so difficult with them? “Enjoy yourselves,” he said shortly. He led Rebecca out of sight. They stopped at a picnic area where Wayne worked vigorously at a pump and took a long drink. He kept pumping long enough for Rebecca to drink before they sat at a table.
“I’m sorry,” he said at last. “Things have been up and down between Judith and me lately.”
“Dating can be like that. I’m sorry I’ve come between you.”
“It’s not like that, exactly. I mean ... I hope I didn’t hurt you when I pushed you down.”
“I learned how to fall a long time ago,” Rebecca said. “You have good reflexes and reaction time. You just need to learn economy of action.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I’ve had some pretty good teachers—almost as good as Judith’s, though I’m not as skilled with a blade as she is. If a simple move of your head will save your life, you don’t need to roll on the ground. If you react as little as possible, you will be upright, positioned to defend yourself. You will be the calm in the midst of the storm.”
“With the winds whistling around me,” Wayne said. It meant something, he was sure. Rebecca looked at him intently. “You always expect to be attacked, don’t you? Why?” he asked.
“It’s a paradox. I was attacked several years ago and found myself defenseless. I swore I’d never be unprepared again. The more prepared you are, it seems, the more likely you are to attract attacks. It’s a hopeless circle.”
“Nixon should take lessons from you,” Wayne cracked. “How many times have you been assaulted?”
“Three, on campus. Four if you count the most recent. But I never saw the attacker that time.” A sudden moment of enlightenment struck Wayne.
“That knife you just gave Judith?” he asked.
“Arrived at an unexpected moment in the middle of the night,” she answered.
“It wasn’t Judith.” The idea was too diabolical to put into words.
“I don’t know.”
“I know where that knife came from,” Wayne said into emptiness. “It’s a perfect match for this one.” He held out the prop knife. “I buy them in pairs. I’m sure I’ll find the mate to this missing when I get back to the shop. That must have been what was taken in the last break-in. Only I know that it’s not Judith. I was ... with her then.”
“Regardless, it wasn’t meant to hurt me ... this time. Maybe it was a message. Maybe it was meant to scare me.” Wayne listened to the words, still thinking of Judith even after vindicating her.
“Away from me?”
“Or toward someone else. Say,” Rebecca broke the train of thought. “May I see the other knife?”
“Sure,” Wayne said, handing her the hilt of the knife. The weapon was smooth, shiny and very plain, like a key blank that was waiting to be cut. The handle was of ebony and reminded Rebecca of what her own Athamé had once looked like.
“Where did you locate this?” she asked.
“I made it,” he answered. “I like crafting things out of wood mostly, but some metal. Especially jewelry and that sort of thing.”
“Really? Where did you get the pattern?”
“My...” Wayne was suddenly confused. He felt like he should be able to talk to Rebecca about this, but something prevented him. When he tried to get to that part of his brain, it was all muzzy. “I found a picture that I liked. I have a favorite uncle who sends me stuff like that.”
“You must be very close,” Rebecca said.
“One of those weird things, you know,” Wayne said. “We write to each other a lot. I have all his letters. But we’ve only ever met twice. Or three times,” he added, thinking of that night in March. “Isn’t that weird?”
“Stranger things have been known,” she said, handing the knife back to him. Their hands touched briefly as he took the knife from her. Neither made any effort to hurry as they slid slowly apart. He tucked the knife away in his travel bag and coughed slightly.
“That sure is a beautiful cane you’ve got, by the way,” he said pointing at her walking stick.
“Cane?” laughed Rebecca. “No woman who rides a motorcycle behind a man for an hour and a half to take a walk in the woods and have a knife thrown at her is old enough to use a cane.”
“I didn’t mean that! I mean ... walking stick, then,” he spluttered. “I mean, I was just thinking that the first time I ever really looked at it, it was raised over my head like a club.”
“She’s very protective,” said Rebecca.
“You said ‘she’ once before.”
“Sure. Every walking stick has an individual personality,” she answered. “It retains a part of the character of the person who shaped it, held it and used it. I suppose there are ‘its’ in the world, but I’ve never met one. In my experience, they’ve all been ‘he’ or ‘she’.” This sounded familiar to Wayne. Something about the tool retaining the spirit of the maker. What was it?
The cheers died and the priestesses gathered beside Rebecca and Wayne. “We should take care of our criminal priest,” Judith said to Rebecca. “His presence in the circle is disharmonizing at best.” Rebecca turned her attention back to The Barber behind the altar stone where he was still held. “And what shall we do with him?” she asked as he was brought forward. “Geld him and send him ball-less into the night like Saturn sent Uranus and was himself deposed,” said the Priestess of...
There was nothing wrong with her doing this, Judith told herself. I love him. Well, I think I do. Even if I didn’t, finals are over and I’d do it anyway. Probably. She wasn’t completely convinced, but he certainly wasn’t going to argue about it. And she knew The Huntress wasn’t above using sex to raise power. Their climax together on Oester was evidence of that. And frankly she’d enjoyed it. That was refreshing. She applied her lipstick and looked at herself critically. Frosty pink lips....
The third arrow struck the target. It was wide of the center, but definitely in the target. Wayne turned to Glenn and smiled. “It works!” “Yeah. Congratulations. But why?” “Because I made it right.” “I know why it works. Why did you want it to work? It’s just a prop,” Glenn said shaking his head. He could be so dense. “Nothing is just a prop,” Wayne explained to his friend. “How many of us are guards on the battlements?” “Two.” “And how many bows did we have?” “One.” “So how can we...
Wayne remembered the kiss. But to his credit, he didn’t dwell on it when he saw Judith Friday morning, much as he wanted to simply crush her to him and passionately devour her. She came down at her usual time, though, and the two walked together to the cafeteria. “Are you feeling better?” Wayne asked. “Do you mean am I hung over?” Judith laughed. “Not too bad. Some American coffee should help. I’m not ready for steak and eggs.” “I’m glad to hear that. I suppose we shouldn’t make a habit...
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They had scarcely spoken offstage since Thursday night. Judith wasn’t avoiding him and kissed him warmly when she saw him, but each time he suggested they get together, she gave him a gentle shove and suggested that “Rebecca needed him.” He couldn’t figure it out. Judith had been ... well, a little jealous of his relationship with Rebecca, but now she was pushing him toward her. It didn’t make sense. Rebecca rejoined the cast for their last performance at Ambleside on Sunday night, which...
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“What a pit,” Wayne moaned as he looked around at what would pass for a theatre for the next four nights. The cast had moved to Ambleside on Thursday after a second and third performance in Keswick played to nine people—total. They’d had a day off, during which Wayne slept, and then a day-trip to Gretna Green and Hadrian’s Wall. That had inspired an entire first scene re-enactment on the remnants of the great wall. While Judith was friendly with Wayne, something had changed. She seemed almost...
Judith tucked her hair up under the short black wig until no blonde strands could be seen. She positioned the black broad-brimmed hat on her head and fastened the cape neatly around her black bodystocking, its red silk lining adding the only color accent to her costume. The cape also served to cover the black shoulder bag that was slung behind her. Finally, she fastened her rapier to the belt. This was her third date with Wayne in two weeks—a kind of dating speed record in her experience....
Rebecca Hart Allen, PhD, Professor of Sociology. The name was on the door in bold black letters. Wayne could no longer delay the dreaded meeting. He had not been Dr. Allen’s favorite student last term and he found that genuinely regrettable. His grade point average showed as much. At least he didn’t have to base his chances for graduate school on that single pass/fail class. He was generally a good student and enjoyed school, which was unusual for people in theatre. But it hadn’t shown in Dr....
At three o’clock Thursday morning Wayne lay in bed wide awake staring at the ceiling again. Production was running smoothly and everyone was catching up on classes. As much as they wanted to get together—and each made a point of telling the other that they did want to get together—Judith was unavailable this week as she finished a paper that was giving her more than her share of problems. His schedule was light this term and he had no classes that required lengthy research papers. Instead,...
When Wayne awoke seconds later, Judith already cradled him against her breasts, her hand stroking his hair. A bird chirped somewhere in the distance, the only sound breaking the silence, and Wayne’s first clue that the night was far advanced and dawn would soon break. He looked up, searching for Judith’s eyes, but found that they were focused on a spot beyond him. He followed her gaze to the broken cauldron and the fountain of steam that was still rising from it. It rose only some six feet...
Wayne and Rebecca arrived at the theatre an hour before curtain. Theatre, if you could call it that. It was the general assembly room of a school—a large empty room with a linoleum floor and carts of folding chairs waiting to be set up. The stage was slightly elevated at one end of the room with no curtains. Nor were there curtains on the twelve-foot tall windows that lined both sides of the room. Wayne surveyed the setting and stage as the rest of the cast and crew unloaded and unpacked the...
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GayI woke with a dull rhythmic pounding in my skull. My head wasn't sore though. It was the drums. Lifting myself up on my elbows, I looked around, stunned by the very different viewpoint I had of the cave. The ritual was always held here, and I'd been involved a few times before, but then I'd been one of the naked children, cavorting on the outskirts of the main event, buzzing on the aromatic smoke, and grabbing at the boys around me. Tonight, I was lying near the centre of the huge space,...
The girl in the dressing gown opened the door. She went in. The room was quite small, it was warm and well lit. There was nothing special about it. Just a room in a house. Could have been someone’s living room. If there had been living room furniture. But what had she expected? A secret society? A temple? Or a dungeon? Bizarre artifacts, burning candles? Sinister gowns and ceremonial masks? An ancient book on an altar? Spells and chants? Chains and dildos? None of that was here. Why did they...
First TimeHe came from the shadows, close by the tree line. His face was serious, His eyes alive with passion. In his hand He held the Collar, the leash hanging loosely into His other hand. I wasn’t expecting this – not now, not here in the middle of the afternoon, where the people could see. His smile grew as he approached me. All of my thoughts were gone in the instant I saw His eyes… bright with longing, desire and need. I couldn’t think, so I reacted… automatically kneeling to accept the Collar. I...
Love StoriesMarie gazed up at the red coloured moon glowing in the star-lit night sky. “All hail the blood-moon, portent of change and transformation.” She whispered. A gentle breeze softly caressed her skin and played gently with strands of her dark hair. She took a deep breath of the fresh air from the open window and closed her eyes. Everything was just perfect; so beautiful and peaceful. Just as things should be. Just as things would be for ever more. Marie opened her eyes and looked at the the moon...
The next morning, I was just finishing breakfast when Jessica wandered in, looking radiant. She kissed Priya on the cheek, and whispered in her ear, then glanced at me significantly. I raised an eyebrow, but she didn't speak. Suspecting what she wanted, I pushed back from the table, and offered her my lap with a glance. Jessica settled down in my lap, and I put my arms around her. "It's too early for a pregnancy test," she told me, "But the ovulation test was positive this morning, so...
This is the story about a peculiar male – me, a sex pig - who is now an extreme shit pervert. I am this male sex-subject, but consider me more of an "it," rather than a full-fledged normal man. And, continually keep in mind that it enjoys it’s extreme perversions especially when it can display them openly before other men – it’s primary sexual object of lust – the cock, and in particular, the male anus while defecating shit – is superseded above all else by my swallowing shit.It was born,...
Despite the late hours, I woke early the next morning, well before my normal time. I considered waking Priya for a little marital playtime, but rejected the idea. She was still running a bit behind on sleep, even with Jessica and Nadiya and the rest of the staff to help keep track of the babies, and she needed her rest. Besides, I'd just remembered that I needed to read the notes that Ambassador Monrill had given me. I got up and went downstairs to my office, where I retrieved my datapouch...
When Wesley awoke in the predawn light, he found the air as clear as on those days when they did not go to the city. He felt incredibly refreshed and invigorated. He helped make breakfast and drank of his freshly steeped coffee. He had become accustomed to the Greek method of simply putting the finely ground coffee in the little briki and heating it until the foam formed on top, just before the liquid boiled. He would then pour this into his small cup and sip at it until they were ready to...
During the following days, the story haunted Wesley. He questioned Pol more in depth about the story, the promised deliverer, the origins. He wrote songs and poems about the goddess, some of which he included in his weekly letters to Rebecca. She became his own goddess. The crew continued to meet each day at the central rostrum to strategize their work. A profusion of writing decorated the rostrum and this, Wesley was assigned to copy and begin translating. There was also writing on the base...
In the before-dawn blush of the next day, Doc sat on the ground with the family. They formed a loosely drawn circle around the well in the center of the courtyard. He had agreed to participate in the ritual without further thought after Andrew explained it. It was not unlike those Doc had participated in over the years in countless cultures, including at the stone circle in Northern England. Silently, they watched the old man in the center as he moved about the circle inscribing it with his...
A soft step on the gravel near Rebecca began to rouse her out of her sleep. She leaned back against the strong hand that lifted her hair to caress her neck. “Ah, Wes, you’re back,” she sighed. His lips irresistibly pressed against hers and she was locked in the embrace before she was fully awake. She opened her lips to accept the invitation of his tongue and their kiss rose in passion. How odd for Wesley to make such an open demonstration in the courtyard. He took her so much by surprise...
Rebecca awoke alert and refreshed. She’d had uncommonly restful nights for the past two weeks, possibly related to the exhaustion she experienced, first through her research and second through the instruction she had been receiving from Mrs. Weed. The sun cracked through the fog that seemed present every morning in this part of Edinburgh, and streamed through her window. The amount of energy she felt this morning crackled up and down her spine. The gift she had received from the woman...
Do I have the courage? “What must I do?” she whispered. Old Mrs. Weed patted her hand gently. “There are no observers,” she said. “If you would watch, you must join. If you would join, you must come as the goddess entered through the gates of death.” Rebecca caught her breath, torn between her own religious morality and the desire to know. To participate in a surviving witch cult, however, might be more than she wanted to know. She took a deep breath and tried to let it relax her. “You...
Rebecca! The voice echoed around her from every direction, but the darkness would not release her as she followed. This was insane. The camp should be right here. It wasn’t here. She was lost. She should sit down right where she was and wait for rescue. Every child knew that. But someone kept calling her name just over there. If she could only call out in answer, help would come. But her throat was too dry, her lungs ached, and her heart pounded. She could not answer. So she kept...
The staff in his hand was still alive, though it had never again burst into flames. Doc felt it vibrate with each step through the canyons of the Metéora, the fire of the Mediterranean sun beating on his back. He’d been back every summer since the war. Though the staff had never again called fire, Doc had found other uses for it and felt it resonate with the land around him. The goat track that locals called a road was as dusty as the foothills had been. A preternatural awareness of his...
Wesley watched from his hiding place as the argument came to an end with Pol leading a reluctant Doc and Margaret away from the rostrum into the West where they seemed to disappear into the sun. Had they realized he was missing earlier, he would never have been able to remain hidden in this small world. But Pol’s plea to Doc and Margaret was so insistent, and their memory of the warning against the night so clear, that they disappeared along the Aquarius Avenue with a pang of...
Even with the shock and daring of The Blade, Rebecca considered her first gathering with the full circle on Lughnasad to have been a high point of her life. There were more celebrations, dancing, and even couples slipping into the shadows of the huge stones to make love. After the circle had dispersed, Rebecca and Mrs. Weed made their way back to the Bed and Breakfast in Keswick. Breakfast Sunday morning was a typical English affair with boiled sausages, beans, soft boiled eggs, and dry...
Doc and Margaret ran up the avenue toward the rostrum. Pol moved more cautiously forward at a distance. Rebecca stood to meet them and began pulling her clothes on. Wesley blushed and scrambled into his own tattered clothing. “Rebecca!” said Margaret. “How did you ever... ?” “Wesley, are you all right?” Doc overlapped in the excitement. “Did you see them?” Wesley ignored the questions, he was so caught up in the experience. “The pillars arrived just before the sunrise. Did you see them...
At daybreak on Monday, Marcos, Pol, and the three Americans gathered at the common well to receive instructions from the old man. Besides the six of them, the family remained asleep and the courtyard lifeless. Wesley surprised himself when he realized he no longer considered them heathens. The old man was leader of a tribal sect, he thought. After all, a priest had been in the gathering the night before and had invited him to attend services at the monastery when they returned to the...
Rebecca Hart Allen, world traveler. She stepped off the plane to the glare of the afternoon sun, much warmer here than in Edinburgh. She shifted beneath the woolen sweater she wore over her plaid pleated skirt. Mrs. Weed had taken her shopping for tartans, a favorite souvenir of Americans who imagined they had some Scottish blood in their veins. Perhaps Rebecca did have Scottish ancestors. They had found a Hart tartan, though it was classified as Clan Urquhart. Nonetheless, Mrs. Weed sewed...
Dearest Husband Wesley, I hope you can read this. I’m on a bus. Such beautiful country here in the north. So unlike London. But then, we really didn’t see much of London since we stayed in our hotel room. I’m sorry the time of the month was such that I was likely not fertile on our honeymoon. I doubt there is a child yet in my womb. But, oh, my dear, I long to have you in me again. I want to bear your child. My adjustment to life in Edinburgh has been chaotic. I was thrust immediately into...
“I am happy that you chose to join me on this little jaunt, Brother John,” said Brother El. “I go by Wesley. No one has called me John in many years.” “Precisely why I chose to name you Brother John. Should anyone hear your name spoken, they will not relate it to the American explorers in the village. Are you doing all right?” Wesley glanced down at the sheer cliff beside him and the narrow stairs cut into it. For a moment, he considered that he might have been better being hauled up the...
The desert sun beat down as Doc climbs one dune after another—dunes that were in different places hours ago. That was before the sandstorm buried him and his fellow archaeologists in the Sinai. He has to get help. Any relief from the burning heat. More miles of desert to cross. In his Greenwich home, Doc snapped back to reality, staring at a carved wood panel in his library that replayed the event. Each of the eleven panels in the room showed a different expedition. His eye wandered back to...
Not everything went as smoothly as anticipated. Indiana required a blood test before a license would be issued and there was a three-day waiting period after they had a license. Rebecca broke out in tears when the county clerk refused to issue a license. “We leave on our cruise on Saturday!” she protested. “Have the ship’s captain marry you then,” the sympathetic clerk said. “You really should have thought about this before you decided to honeymoon.” A visit to the travel agent Rebecca had...
Pol met Rebecca and Wesley at the gate when they returned from their walk late in the afternoon. Even after the exertions of their open air lovemaking, they had continued on up between the two highest of Metéora’s monasteries and then followed the road back past yet another. Tourists had begun to arrive for the weekend in Kalambaka to tour the open monasteries on Saturday or attend Divine Liturgy on Sunday. “Have you been waiting for us, Pol?” Wesley asked. The boy nodded and...
Doc and Margaret boarded a train to Chicago with Milton’s notes safely tucked between them. The Chicago tickets, purchased by William the day before their departure, would postpone anyone following them at least a day. If they were lucky, it would send someone ahead of them to Chicago. When they arrived in Fort Wayne, Indiana, they got off the train. Wesley Allen was waiting to pick them up. The meeting was warm and cordial. The three-hour trip from Fort Wayne to Wesley’s home in...