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"Dammit Chung, this is the third time this month they've sent us in here. I don't give a damned what HQ says there are no hidden bases in the middle of this swamp."

"How you know Sarge, you telling future now?"

"Very funny you sawed off comedian."

I listened to the quiet laughter among the team and was glad to hear it. I looked over at Jenkins and he was shaking his head and smiling at the exchange between me and Chung. Finally after working together for so long he had finally accepted my weird sense of humor and by coming out on the short end a few times I found out his was worse than mine.

"I may be short to you, but when I hide in grass my butt no stick up like target."

"No your big head does."

"My head smaller than your butt."

I looked at him with a grin and gave him the finger much to the other Yards delight. Jenkins was holding his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud at our antics.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I have had my fill of this swamp. Let's move up to higher ground and dig in for the night. Tomorrow we will take to the ridges where we can see down into this sea of mud and grass. Maybe we will find something interesting instead of being wet and miserable all night. Chung, lead out and find us a safe shelter for tonight. I want some coffee and a hot meal for a change."

"Ok Sarge."

I waited for five and we moved out with the flankers splashing through the water and mud, following the mud trail Chung left as he moved through the swamp we had been in all day. This shit was getting old as far as I was concerned. From what I had been able to find out some Kit Carson had told a Colonel that the VC were building a big supply base in the middle of the delta and they had sent in teams to check it out from several different outposts. Our insertion this time had been from the back of several Marine supply trucks that stopped for a break to let us slip into this mess again. We ended up walking through the mud, grass and water for several extra miles because the Chopper that was supposed to drop us had engine problems at the last minute. When they couldn't find another one on short notice it was decided we would hitch a ride with the supply convoy and come in from the road. This wasn't the mission we were supposed to handle but the Captain had ordered us to go again, and since I didn't have rank I had to go. I made it very clear that if we didn't find anything this time I wasn't coming in here again because someone was trying to impress HQ. To my surprise he just laughed and said that's what the General said I would say.

We walked taking short breaks for most of the day and it was almost dusk when Chung came back saying he had found us a small cave to stay in for the night. He said no VC use it cause brush hide entrance. We followed him into the dark for about an hour or so until we came to a slanted hill that we all had to help each other to climb. It was about a hundred yards from the water and our exit would never be seen by Charley unless he was following us. Since there hadn't been any sign of any VC in the area I figured we were pretty safe. When Chung showed us the entrance I immediately wondered how he had found it. The brush covering it was so thick we had to squeeze in from the side between the hill and brush to get in. once we were all inside I broke out my light shining it around. The chamber we were in was about six foot high and was small. I walked to the back looking for a safe place to have a small fire to dry out when I discovered it wasn't a blank wall as I had thought.

The cave was in an L shape and the passage continued as far as I could shine my light.

"Sarge, I no like this. I think it just small cave not big like this. That go far back under to the mountain. Maybe we stumble on something we not supposed to."

"Take my light and scout ahead but be quiet. I want to know how deep this is, and where it comes up at Chung. You be careful of traps in the floor. We will follow behind but slowly."

He took off and I gathered the men around me in a circle. Jenkins dug his light out and I looked at my map but could find no reference to the hill we had climbed or this cave. I didn't figure the cave would be on the map but it was vexing that the hill wasn't shown either.

"Ok, heres how we're gonna do this. We will split up and Jenkins will walk one side with half of you, and I will walk the other with the rest. Stay close to the wall and watch out for booby traps. Since we don't know what this was used for, or how long ago we need to be extra careful. Chung is scouting ahead so make sure you don't open fire until one of us gives the word. Whatever all of you do, keep your eyes open and let me know if you see something that's out of place or don't look right to you. Got it?"

We split and started in. It seemed like we had been walking for hours when soft whistle came out of the dark. I stopped and waited warning the rest Chung was coming back. He must have been a half mile off when he whistled because it took awhile for him to show up in front of us.

"No traps Sarge, but you not gonna believe what at the end of this tunnel."

"Well don't keep me in suspense Chung, what did you find?"

"Better if you see for yourself Sarge."

This kind of cryptic remark was a little strange coming from Chung, so we all followed him into the darkness. We didn't have to use the lights because there seemed to be some kind of glow on the walls that furnished enough light to walk by, once our vision adjusted to the darkness. I kept glancing at my watch and exactly twenty minutes later we came out into a large chamber. The sight that greeted me for a moment made me think I was having a nightmare or something. I turned my light on and shined it on the structure and heard several of the men including Jenkins gasp in shock and surprise. Facing us seeming like it was built to be part of the wall was a small church. I looked at the entrance and immediately recognized the symbols above the small archway. The symbols were in Latin and said; "In God We Trust" or at least I thought that's what it said.

"I am going to look inside. There's a small stack of wood to your left, get a small fire going so we can all dry out. As soon as we dry and eat we will put the fire out again. I don't want the smell of smoke leading Charley to us. We should be able to get a good night's sleep if the dust on the floor means anything. I don't think anyone has been here in years. Chung, when the fire is going check it out and see if there's another way out."

Jenkins said he was going with me so we both headed for the front door which was closed. When we approached it the door wasn't locked and we went inside. I stopped just inside the door and shone the light around to see if there were any hidden traps in the aisle way between the pews. I didn't see anything but about three inches of dust on the floor. I looked ahead and saw a typical lay out for a church of this faith. There was a large cross at the back behind the pulpit and a small set of benches where the choir would sit if they were still here. There were candles set up on the left side but they all looked new to me. When we got to the front I stopped and looked around a little more and heard a sharp gasp from Jenkins. I turned the light to where he was standing and saw the skeletons sitting together on the front pew in front of the cross.

The two were priests and the collars on their cassocks proved it to me. One was leaning against the other and both of them had bibles clasped in their hands.

Surprisingly they were both almost perfectly preserved with the dry skin giving them a skeletal look as they sat peacefully on the pew like they were supposed to be there. Checking them closer both had a perfect round hole between their eyes. I knew then that they had been executed by someone before the church had been buried inside the mountain for whatever reason.

The VC just usually burned a catholic church, but for some strange reason this one had been left undisturbed all these years. From what I could see by the light there were no other marks on them, but I knew I had to look at the bibles to see if there were any names in them. I told Jenkins what I was going to do and to my surprise he asked if he could do it. I went blank for a minute and finally remembered he was catholic. I just nodded and went to check out the rest of the church, and left him in peace to do what we both knew had to be done. We couldn't bury them, but if we could find out who they were we could give the church the names and maybe give them some peace. I wandered through several small rooms and stumbled into the priests sleeping quarters. The beds were neatly made and above each bed was a framed seminary graduation certificate. The small closet just had several robes and there was nothing else in the room. I took both of the certificates to turn in when we got back. While I checked out a couple more rooms I discovered a small pantry off the little kitchen. The whole thing was stuffed with can goods from the states and all of them were like new. I casually picked a couple of them up and they both had expired several years ago, 1965 to be exact. Since this was almost the end of 69 it at least gave me a time date when these men were killed and buried here. Sometime before 65, probably around 63 or 64 when the VC took over this part of the delta.

I was still thinking about it when I heard Jenkins calling my name. I went back out through the little kitchen and into the main church. He was sitting on the opposite pew from the priests reading a small book. When he looked up at me I could see tears in his eyes.

"Sarge, there were no names in the bibles, but I did find this small journal in an inside pocket. You're not gonna believe who did this to them."

"I have their names Jenkins and I already guessed what happened. I think the VC gave them an ultimatum and they refused. Does that journal say anything about what happened?"

"That's almost right, but it was a Colonel Soong Yu who gave the orders. Isn't he now the head General of the North Vietnamese Army?"

"Sounds like the same man Jenkins, but why I wonder did he bury the church instead of burning it?"

"Here, take this, and maybe it will give us both some answers. Sarge, since I am catholic I don't think I should be the one to read this. It would probably be better if you did since you will be writing the report. Besides there may be some things in there I don't want to know. He may have written their last confessions, and since I am not a priest I wouldn't feel comfortable reading it. How did you find out their names Sarge?"

I handed him the framed certificates, and he carefully took his headband, and wiped the dust from them both before reading them. When he finished he looked at both of them and clasped the frames to his chest.

"Sarge, can I have a little time to myself?"

"Sure Jenkins, when you're finished come out and eat and get dried out. This place is chilly and both of us are still squishing when we walk."

He smiled at me sadly so I headed for the front door. When I got outside the men were all looking at me as I walked their way? I sat on my pack with my hands over the small fire getting warm. It felt like the temperature in this area had warmed up considerably since we arrived. I looked up at the ceiling and didn't see any sign of smoke so it had to be escaping somewhere. This worried me since I didn't know where the VC were and how blatantly the smoke would show up outside or wherever it was going. If Charley got a whiff of it they wouldn't quit hunting for it.

"Sarge, what you and Jenkins find in small house?"

I was stripping my boots off and froze for a second before answering him. These men were superstitious to the max and I knew I would have to be very careful with my answer. I finished taking my socks off and wrung them out hanging them by the fire before I answered.

I explained what we found and who had shot them leaving out the fact that this was a church. These men weren't dumb and I could see Chung and Ling both had already figured it out. To my surprise it was Ling who asked the next question and it was a doosie.

"Will we be safe here or will those ones poison our souls?"

"We will be perfectly safe Ling. Those two have departed to the sky many years ago. What is inside are just the husks of the men they used to be. If it were not safe I would be the first to leave this cave. We are safe here for the night and all of us can get a good night's sleep for a change."

"Ok Sarge, I know you not lie to us, but dead sometimes do funny things. I think it be better if all of us sleep with Buddha in mouth just to be safe."

"Good idea Ling, but first let's get dried out and eat. I want one man halfway down the tunnel just to be safe. We can pull two hour watches for this so we all can get some sleep."

"Ok Sarge."

We all got fed, and a good night's sleep and was all up early. Chung hadn't found another exit so we headed back to the one where we came in. To myself, thinking about it, I was glad to get back out in the air. For some reason, that whole place gave me the creeps.

Looking at my team I think all of them felt the same way I did. I felt the tension ease as soon as we saw the opening to the outside. I think even Jenkins was glad to get away from that place. I sent Chung out to scout the area before we went out and while we waited for his return I had a chance to speak to Jenkins a little.

"You ok?"

"Yea Sarge I'm fine but I wish we could have buried them."

"Jenkins that is the biggest tomb I have ever seen. I think if they were able to speak they would have chosen to be just where they're at. How many priests do you know that get to be buried with the church they all love so much."

He looked at me intensely a moment before he started grinning.

"Only you could say something like that and make it seem like a compliment Sarge. I know in a sense you are right but I want a favor from you?"

"Name it Jenkins."

"Don't mark the location of the tunnel on that map of yours. I think it would be better if they were left in peace right where they are at. Even though I am not a priest, I gave them both the last rights and to me it seemed like they were finally able to leave that place. I don't want a bunch of treasure hunters looting the place years from now when the war is over. I am going to give the certificates you found to Gunny and let him make sure they get to the church. I will write a letter of explanation to go with them but I will let him make sure they know how they both died."

"What do you want me to do with the journal?"

"Read it to make sure there's nothing in it that will harm their reputations, then turn it in with your report. You can just say you found it on a body or something."

"I kinda figured you would want it that way. I already told Chung to tell the men they are never to speak to anyone about what we found. Other than the two of us no one will ever know about it."

"Thanks, Sarge."

Little did I know at the time my promise would cause all kinds of trouble for me, when I read the journal and turned it in? Chung came back saying the area around us was clear and we could move out safely. We did and spent another day hiking the ridges looking for VC activity or any sign of a buildup. We didn't find a thing or even any fresh tracks the whole day.

When we stopped that night I set out perimeter guards and we ate with Chung saying he was worried because of no VC activity in the area. I knew he was right because the whole area was saturated with VC and the fact that they were invisible was bothering me more than I wanted to think about.

The next morning we set out and I had the men set up in our typical marching formation. We walked for about two hours when Chung came back and I whistled for the flankers and tail cover to stop and freeze.

"Big trail near where we march. Have lots of new tracks on it, I think large patrol go through this morning early. Sarge best if we stay off trail since we not wearing sandals. They all headed in same direction and trail well traveled. Maybe you need to check map and see if this one marked."

I immediately got the map out and spread it on the ground with the three of us trying to find the trail from the readings I was taking. We gave up after about ten minutes without finding any sign of it on the map.

I did finally figured out our location by taking a reading on the mountain in the distance. At least it was on the map but there wasn't any name for it under the drawing. From my readings we were about five miles off the search grid we had been assigned to. I had just stood up when the danger whistle sounded and we all went flat in a circle looking for the patrol the flanker to our left had spotted. We never saw any movement but the all clear sounded after about fifteen minutes and we got back up with me putting the map away.

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The September heat had been oppressive all afternoon, even along the PCH. They'd met at Beau Rivage. Met for the first time, as they had become acquainted online, and living a good distance from one another, it had taken awhile before they could arrange a meeting. Then too, both had reason to take precautions; discretion was important. They each had no desire to change their life substantively, just to spice it up a bit. While it had been full daylight when they arrived, twilight had come and...

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SheWillCheat Jamie Michelle Jamie Michelle8217s husband forgets her birthday so she celebrates with the boy next door

Jamie Michelle wakes up to an empty bed and when she phones her husband, she finds out he’s at work on her BIRTHDAY! She is pissed but when the guy Lucas who’s renting her guest house comes over to use the shower since his water is busted Jamie knows just how to celebrate. She waits in her lingerie for Lucas to get out of the shower and when he does, he is in for a surprise of his own. He doesn’t want to jeopardize his living situation, but Jamie makes all those worries go away when she strips...

3 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 14

68. The dresses are here. On the fifteenth of August, Dycke received a phone call, from U.S. Customs, to advise him that six very large boxes had arrived from Paris, and were waiting to be picked up. The boxes were inspected and approved and all customs duties had been prepaid. Dycke asked the agent, ‘Would they happen to be dresses?’ The officer said, ‘Yes, very expensive dresses.’ Dycke said, ‘Thank you. I will have a truck there to pick up the boxes, shortly’.’ Dycke called Payne and...

3 years ago
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Just A Little Orgy

Ah to be young again! To be able to get a hard on without even thinking about it or waking up with a real stocker just doesn,t happen at 74! On the rare occasion wife Sarah feels in the mood to give me a hand job or reminds we of what a waste of cocksucking talent she once had even then I need a tablet to boost my “old soldier” but he can still do his duty and shoots just as heavy a load as he always has! My memory works much better than my cock and I often reminisce of my security life way...

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My Dad the Soldier

It was November 6th and I just got home from take my mother to the airport. She was flying out to Florida on business, she travels a lot all over the country so in turn I spend most of my time with my dad. I really look up to him and respect him. He is a very down to earth man so I hang out with him more like he is my best friend. I just turned nineteen a couple mounths ago, but unfortunately never had a really good relationship with other guys since we are moving all time. You see, my...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kenzie Reeves Postcard Secrets When Wrong Feels Right

Kenzie Reeves has been seeing Damon Dice, who is married to Kenzie’s aunt. Kenzie couldn’t care less. She wants Damon and his big dick, and she’s not about to take no for an answer. After receiving a series of increasingly sexy chats from Kenzie, Damon comes over with the intention of breaking it off with his step-niece. Too bad that Kenzie isn’t ready to let Damon go. Once Kenzie has made it clear that their fling is still very much on, she pushes Damon onto the bed and...

2 years ago
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Attitude Adjustments

Kim was now a dark soul. How that could happen to a twelve-year-old, I’ll never know. She was a loving child until her father lost his job at the factory he had worked at since leaving high school. I chose to leave for the service, choosing the Air Force over making envelopes, packing bacon, soldering condenser coils, or any number of other dead-end manufacturing jobs available. I don’t even know if the two events were related, I mean the job loss and the personality change Kim underwent....

3 years ago
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Meeting Alyssa

It was a number of years into my marriage and my wife just was notsatisfying the "darker" sexual urges of mine. As I had grown sexually overthe years I came to enjoy being the dominant partner and my wife had arather vanilla and puritanical view of sex that I hadn't fully recognizedwhen we were dating. Eventually I decided to look online for a submissivegirl to chat with and maybe meet. This is the story of my first meeting with "alyssa", a woman I ended uphaving a relationship with for...

2 years ago
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Jessicas NipplesChapter 4

We walked from the mall and went into the woods. I said, "Sluts, get naked." All three girls stopped. Jess immediately started removing her little bits of clothing. Leslie and Edwina did their best to catch up. I walked over to each girl and bundled their clothes under my arm. "Newest slut, bend over and suck Jeremy's cock. Swallow. Stay bent over." She bent at the waist. Jess, get her virgin ass wet for my cock. Ron, fuck your sister's pussy. Chase, you can have her ass or do one of...

2 years ago
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The Dirtier The Better

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to find a position in the hard wooden desk that wouldn’t cause my ass to go numb. Just five more minutes. Five more minutes and then my weekend could begin. I hated Friday classes. They always seemed to drag on, and this one was no different. And to make matters worse, this particular lecture took place in the oldest classroom on campus, complete with hard wooden chairs circa 1904. I put my pen down, clenching and unclenching my tired fingers as I...

2 years ago
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Female Anatomy ClassChapter 7

Richards was feeling ruthless. He wanted to get right into it and take in her totally nude form. He was beaming on the inside. This young woman was going to be given the most personal exam of her life- with a live audience present! "We are ready to begin, Miss Yoder. I want you to remove all of your clothes and sit back on the table. " There was no "please", he ordered her like a warden searching an inmate. She began crying harder and her make-up smudged a bit. She started stripping-...

4 years ago
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SRU Coming Clean

SRU: Coming Clean ElrodW Synopsis: A boss has a problem with a lecherous employee who he also suspects frequently masturbates in the restroom. When he bumps into the SRU wizard, he finds a special toilet cleaner that the wiz promises will fix the problem. [email protected] ********************************************************************** SRU: Coming Clean John Fielding sighed and shook his head sadly as he zipped up his pants. It was quitting time, it...

3 years ago
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D baby sitter has a group fuck on her own

We still met her between the orgies, then she changed jobs, and worked for a retail outlet in our city, so week nights were harder for her to spend a lot of time away. Then one weekend, she rang to say she was going to see a band that was playing in town, they had seen her in the shop and given her free ticket to go, so we wouldn't see her this weekend. The pop band was from America and was four guys, which at that time would have been mid 30 or 40, and a good group. The next week she...

1 year ago
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Anyone at home

Sophie knocked on the door and opened it. “Hi, it’s me” she called. Susie didn’t answer, but she could hear the TV on in the lounge so she went through to say hello. They had been friends for years, and it was nothing unusual for either of them to pop round to the other’s house uninvited for a coffee and chat. Feeling slightly mischievous Sophie decided to sneak up on her friend under cover of the sound of the TV. Gently pushing the lounge door open she tip toed into the room, only to be...

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Act Like A Boy Or Else Part 4

Act like a Boy or else ... by Lesley Renee Charles Chapter 4 My male escorts arrived at the Salon and were very pleased with the start of my transformation. They were starting to treat me more like a woman than before. "You are coming along quite nicely and are quite beautiful. Now it is time to start getting you a wardrobe more in line with your new look, Princess." I wish they would stop calling me that. I was starting to think that they meant more by that than I could...

2 years ago
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A 4some Lunch Date

This was wriiten for me by a guy who wants to get into my knickers ...............what do you think should I saty or should I go and try it out ............... please post your comments I pick you up from work at lunch time , you have on a pretty mini skirt and open Blouse. Before meeting me you went into the toilets and took of your panties ( and rubbed your cunt just to get your juices flowing a little even though you where already soaking wet. You see me waiting in the car and as you...

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The Seduction

My name is Jennifer and I write erotic stories as a past time. I write these stories from my experiences over the years. I was a wild-child artist I suppose, and fell in love with exhibitionism and sex and sometimes both at the same time. I don't why, I wasn't brought up badly or abused or even poor and down on my luck. I just like the feel of a man's eyes on me, it makes me feel sexy. I suspect a lot of women like that too or they wouldn't dress as they do. I just take it a bit further...

3 years ago
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Rape Bait

Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayor’s Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous and scantily clad, while they strive to make...

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Let the good times roll

Introduction: A chance encounter at the grocery store led to a grat gang-bang Voulez la bon temps roulez (Let the good times roll) in Louisiana It was a warm summer morning already on the way to being hot when I was getting ready to go to the local supermarket to get a few things while my husband, Jerry, watched our toddler Saturday morning. I stopped to check myself out in the mirror before leaving in my new pair of hot pink, satiny, skin-tight short shorts. I was trying them out for the...

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Private Performance

Private Performanceby Ashley ZachariasThe Commission:Catherine was trying to give Adele’s work the consideration that it deserved, but failing. Her attention was distracted the inane conversation behind her.?What does it mean?? a man’s voice asked.?It doesn’t mean anything,? a second male voice replied. ?It’s abstract. It’s just a design.? The second voice had a whine that grated on Catherine.?The tag says that it’s called A Cry in the Urban Wilderness. That has to mean something.? The deeper...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 33

Damn this bed was comfortable, Vicky thought to herself. Much nicer then mine. Suddenly, Vicky fully awoke with a start. And all of the memories of the last three days came flooding back to her. She hadn't drunk much last night. Dinner was awesome, and she had gotten a chance to meet a whole group of people. It was like going to a new precinct and meeting a whole group of people at roll call and then out for drinks later. Evidently Candy was the barracks first sergeant here. Which was...

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The Boy DownbelowChapter 5

Cathy and I were both shivering by the time we arrived at the shore bordering Braka. The nightwinds had gotten stronger and colder as the night went on, and neither of us was properly dressed for the weather. The shore presented its own issues. For one thing, it didn’t look like there was any easy – or rather, dry – way to get into Braka. Almost all the craft neighbouring land had canvas walls preventing entry, and those that didn’t were at best half-sunk and at worst nothing other than a few...

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Lady In Training

Lady in Training By MichelleA Edited by Misty Dawn My name is Mike. Well to follow Mom's latest rules, its Michelle Elizabeth Williamson. Life has been kind of weird lately. Mostly, Mom has been acting really strange. Not that she can be considered normal by most standards, but that is another story. Let me start at the beginning, to explain why I am concerned. As long as I can remember Mom liked to dress me in frilly girl's clothes. No one else dressed like that. Dressed that way...

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Alices Son

After the best sex of my life with Alice on our first date, I was totally in her power. I was 'cunt struck' as they say, and nothing she could do would drive me away as long as she allowed me the pleasures of her sweet cunt and beautiful ass. As a spoiled rotten, natural bitch she tested me many times over the next few years, but it was her son who finally broke the bond. Ned was 17 and entering his senior year at the best, most expensive prep school in town. When introduced, he was barely...

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we needed the money so Sue went out and got paid for sex pt 1

Introduction: Sues night out, as she told me This is an account of our hard times years ago, we swung, but only normally for fun, Dave was wroking hard, We had kids so I was stuck at home most days, this is one way I could help out,, I tell Dave about all my fun , and we wrote this together, Many years ago, things were very tight, we had to sell things to make ends meet and the kids needed clothes and shoes etc, but money wasnt coming in, my husband was working but his new job didnt pay much,...

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Pandemic and a croptop ndash Hedonism

Like presumably all my readers, Paul and I were fed up with the pandemic restrictions. Luckily, business wasn't bad, neither in the international company I work with nor in the enterprise my husband runs. I tell this for one reason since the jobs prevented us from thinking about too much what's going on in the world.The months of September and October welcomed us with warmth and sunshine. Midweek, early September, I skipped my lunch break in the canteen, walked to a nearby park instead, and...

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summer fling with babysitter part 1

The Summer fling with the babysitter Part 1Im the average guy who gets his weekly fuck on Saturday nights and maybe a good blow job on his birthday . I work a busy job and travel quite abit . Life is great and marriage is enjoyable but it would be great to get some excitement into the bedroom once in awhile . I have had my share of thrills wth women and I can jeck off like anyone else watching porn in a hotel room on the pay per view . But this all changed last summer when a new family moved...

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Alex and Vicki Table Talk

It was almost four p.m., and I was on my way home from a long day of meetings. Since traffic kind of sucked, I called Vicki to let her know I’d home in about an hour. I love my wife! She knew my day was going to be a tough one, so I was thrilled to hear that she was making her tasty spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. She also let me know that it would be ready when I returned home. With a little luck traffic cleared up nicely, so I was home in forty-five minutes. As I walked in my wife gave me...

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Lee Returns

Introduction: A dear friend returns. LEE RETURNS Its been a long time since weve seen Lee. He moved away a few years ago and until today has not been able to return. In that he has come to town for a conference, he has arranged to stay with us. He and his gigantic rock hard cock will be very welcome. Lee arrives, rings our door bell and we invite Lee in. As you may remember, Lee is a very tall, very handsome black man. He and his wife have been our friends for a very long time. Unfortunately,...

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