Mrs Armstrong
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
I first met Shelly Armstrong after Emily had agreed to take the case. Em explained that it was a chance to gut shoot a sitting judge. No other PI in the Triangle Area would touch the case. Of that I was sure. They had no desire to piss off a sitting judge. One who might rule on a case they had worked. It was a quick way to end up on the unemployed line. Since we had no business yet, and our rice bowl didn’t depend on the PI business, Em had decided, for us both, that we would take it. Her visit to Siler City was to give me the chance to back out. I knew I should, but I didn’t. His lawyer wife wanted some heavy dirt when she went into the custody and assets negotiations.
“You know when we go into this, even if he has hidden a secret life, assuming he even has one, there may be ways he can lie his ass off to get away with it. If it goes before a sympathetic judge, it may still go all to shit,” I suggested that to the thirty five year old divorce attorney. While she thought it over, I took a good look at her. I admit I looked at her body and skipped her mind. I already knew that her mind was twisted. Her body was not terrific by any means. She had the kind of body you pass or the street. That was the important part, you would pass her without noticing her. Her hair was a mousy brown. Her faced showed the extra thirty or so pounds. The ones which skipped her breasts, and went right to her hips. She probably had thick thighs. Which explained the baggy men’s cut pant suit she wore. She was, to put it simply, extremely forgettable.
“You get right down to the bottom line,” she said to me. “I like that. I know it’s an uphill battle, but I expect that you can find enough dirt to hang his ass.”
“Let me see if I got this right, you want his balls on a skewer on your barbie?” I guessed.
“That’s an original way to put it but I guess that’s accurate,” she agreed.
“We will be doing a lot of gray area investigating on this, so I assume you will defend us, should we need it,” I suggested.
“I will of course,” she said.
“I am recording this conversation, would you like to change your answer?” I asked.
“Not in the least. I do not want to know the details, just don’t go too far of the reservation,” she demanded.
“Okay we have a simple contract written by Addie, so I’m pretty sure it will be binding, lawyer or not,” I said sternly.
“You remind me of my dad,” she said and signed it without reading.
“You didn’t bother to read it, any particular reason,” I asked.
“Addie sent me a copy as a professional courtesy,” Shelly said. “I had her change a couple of things otherwise it was fine. Most of all, I trust you Sarge.”
She used my nick even though I never gave it to her. It showed me she had done at least a simple background check on us. If she had, she knew we didn’t need the money, only because we spent very little. For both Em and I, it was simply a case of postponing ‘death by boredom’.
“I would like to be kept informed of you progress,” Shelly pointed out.
“Every Monday, we will apprise you of our progress, and you will pay your bill up to that date, or we will withdraw from the case,” I informed her.
“That is satisfactory,” she said.
“Of course it is,” Em interjected staring hard at Shelly. Shelly just let that comment slide.
I didn’t let it slide. “What was that all about back there?” I asked as I took a seat in the Cyber Cafe. We were drinking disgusting coffee while I keyed up Lillian at the same time.
“She is obviously attracted to you. I guess it was the little green eyed monster peeking through,” she suggested.
“Well control it,” I said. “Believe it or not, there are some women her age who loved their daddy’s. Not in an unhealthy way.”
“She is young enough to be your daughter alright,” Em continued.
“Yes she is,” I admitted. “Now let’s get to work on her husband.”
“Lillian, we are still in Raleigh. How about running the credit check plus,” I requested. What that could have meant was a simple credit check. The kind any member could get from a credit bureau. Addie was a member of a couple of them. So was Shelly, I expected. The credit check was our code for a complete financial background. I was looking for hidden assets. Something we could use to raise the value of the divorce settlement.
Usually Lillian gave me a hint about something more hands on I could do. I spent the downtime deciding what I could do next. I read through the information packet Shelly provided. The judge had one reoccurring suspicious activity. He participated in a revolving poker game, or so he said. It was a perfect cover for a piece on the side. Any PI could have come up with that by reading the fact sheets from Shelly. Most likely they feared the wrath of Judge Armstrong. Em and I had no such fear.
I wanted a listening device in his chambers, and a directional mic while following him. That was as a replacement for a tap on his phones. If he was smart he would talk in code, but men tended to get sloppy after time passed with nothing happening. Women got sloppy when they got angry, at least it seemed that way to me.
I called Shelly’s office. “Shelly, I’ve been reading your husbands sheet. How would you like to help us put a nail in his coffin?” I asked.
“You bet your ass I would,” she said.
“Good, have you ever been in his chambers,” I asked.
“On several occasions,” she said.
“Cool I need you to deliver a present to his desk,” I said. “Think of a place where a cockroach might naturally hang out.”
“Oh god a cockroach bug, I love it,” she said.
“I’ll have to go back to Siler City to arrange it, but I’ll be back here tomorrow with it. When and where do we meet?” I asked. Em sat glaring at me.
“Can you meet me tonight?” Shelly asked. “I already have a sitter for Michael.” Michael was obviously her son.
“Sure when and where?” I asked.
“Saint Michael’s on Church street. It is one of the big downtown churches. I attend a support group,” she said.
“I see. So you weren’t always a good girl?” I asked.
“That is none of your business,” she said with a conspirator’s smile in her voice.
“Oh but it is. Emily may be risking life and limb. We need to know everything, in order to be safe,” I admitted. “So what is the support group.”
“It is for victims of family abuse,” she said with a little attitude in her voice.
“Fair enough,” I said. “Church parking lot it is. What time?”
“About 9PM,” she suggested.
“Done,” I said and broke the connection.
“I’ll bet you ten bucks, she was abused by her daddy,” M said.
“You are on,” I said in agreement. “But her prior abuse is not my problem.”
“Of course it is. Have you no shame?” Emily asked.
“Of course, the shame for what I did takes up all my time. I have no shame for what my sex in general did. If I were going to do that, I would do it by finding, and beating the crap out of your ex.” I said.
“Why,” Em asked.
“He turned you into a nymphomaniac according to you,” I said.
“Hell, I expected you to thank him, I do sometime. I haven’t been able to find a support group for my problems,” she said. “We should probably begin a group. We could call it ‘nymphomaniac and the men who screw them’,” she said with a laugh.
“Just have to find a sleazy motel to host our meetings,’ I suggested. “I’m going to go home and ride my trike. Do you want to come on my date with Shelly?”
“Hell no, you can fight her off if you want, and if you don’t, you can handle her alone,” she said.
Emily got up and left the Cyber Cafe. I followed a discreet distance behind her. I arrived home at 2PM on the last school day. I was just in time to follow a school bus from one of the county’s middle schools. It was a pretty good ride actually. I used the motor to start rolling, then shut it off to pedal most of the time. When I came to a steep incline, I started the motor before I lost all momentum. It went right up the incline at a little greater speed than I would have ridden on either the mountain or folding bike. It was an hour before I turned around at the county trash collection point.
The ride home was filled with peace and quiet. The ride to the trash point had been filled with screaming kids happy to home for the summer. I couldn’t remember those days, but I was sure I was equally enthusiastic back in the day.
I ate alone that night since Lillian and Addie had plans. I was invited, but since I had a meeting later I passed. I needed to check out the roach I planned to have Shelly plant inside the judge’s office. After I finished checking it, I made sure I wiped it clean before I inserted it inside a tiny plastic zip top bag. I spraying it all with a bleach solution. I wore rubber gloves during the inspection and packing of the baggy. Only after all that did I drive to Raleigh.
The church was built with granite blocks it appeared. It certainly looked old enough. Too bad it isn’t Halloween, I thought.
Several minutes later I watched Shelly come up from the basement stairs. There were several men and an almost equal number of women. I blinked my lights when I saw her scan the parking lot. When she came over, I remained seated in the car. There was no sense in taking the risk of us being seen together, even though the risk was small.
“Hello Sarge,” she said with the first real looking smile I had seen on her face.
“Hello Shelly, are you okay?” I asked.
“I’m fine. I’m just glad to be doing something. I am not going to allow him to turn me into a victim. I decided that when I met with your Emily,” she said. “She has real courage.”
“That she does,” I replied. “So here is your new best friend. I call him Robert the Roach. When we talk about him, it will always just be Robert. We can never discuss anything that you can’t independently verify. You are an officer of the court. You can’t risk knowing too much.”
“I understand,” she said. “So where do I install Robert?”
“Somewhere he won’t be noticed. Remember this, do not handle Robert without the included rubber glove. That is just in case someone finds him and figures out what it is. Odds are very good if anyone finds it, that it will be a cleaner and they will toss it in the trash. In which case I will bill you a hundred bucks for it. That’s a lot I know, but I’ve never lost one yet. We have walked away form a couple of Roberts, but that is the cost of doing business,” I explained.
After a few seconds of silence she asked, “You don’t want to know about the abuse?”
“No, I figured, if you want to talk about it you would have,” I replied.
“Maybe on Monday after your briefing we could go somewhere for coffee,” she suggested.
“Maybe, but there is one more thing, I have a GPS tracking chip. I need you to put it on his car. I assume you do have access to the car.” She nodded with a smile. “Stick it under the wheel well. I’m sure you have seen someone do it in a movie, or on TV.”
“I know what to do. I’ll put it on when I know he is in the shower,” she said getting into the spy game.
“Good, now go home and get these two things done, then leave it all to me and M,” I said.
She reached over and kissed me on the cheek before she removed herself from my car. I was a little disturbed but only because of what Em had said. Still it wasn’t my problem. When I returned home Addie’s car was in the parking lot, but Lillian did not appear to be in her guest house. So I watched a couple of things on the computer, then went to bed.
When I got up the next morning it was 6AM, and it was still an empty downtown. I decided to hell with it, I would ride around the loop then to Tonya’s Diner. When I sat down the boss lady actually stopped by the table to talk to me. She asked about Tiger and Lillian. I thought that was nice. After I updated her, she updated me on her kid whose name I never could remember. The Brat was out of school and looking forward to band camp. I didn’t tell Tanya, but I had read somewhere that a large number of girls lost their V at band camp. I had no idea where I read it, or why it happened, so I kept it to myself.
After I left I rode the short ride back to my lock shop home, I found Tiger waiting on the porch. He had become bored with my ride less than a mile from home, then he turned tail and headed home. It didn’t surprise me that morning because he did that often when I let him run with me.
I unlocked the door and allowed Tiger inside. I fixed his breakfast and sat at my desk while he ate. After he finished I allowed him to go into the back yard for his morning dump. I kept an eye on him so I knew where to look when I cleaned up after him.
I had decided to raise worms in one of the concrete surrounded plots of grass. I tossed in my morning coffee grounds and Tiger’s crap. The worm farm had grown from a tiny cardboard box of worms, which I ordered wholesale through ebay, to a well stocked worm farm. It was strictly a hobby. The farm require almost no work. Every couple of weeks I turned the soil over. That and throwing the food in was my total involvement.
If I ever decided to take up fishing, I would have plenty of bait, I told myself. I hadn’t yet made that decision, but I could see it coming one day. Like everything else in my life, I wanted to be prepared for something that might or might not happen to me.
Lillian came by on her way to breakfast with Addie. She wanted to invite me. I agreed to tag along for a cup of coffee. I wanted to talk to Lillian. She gave me a list of all of the Judges holding and I mean she had at least 99% of them. I didn’t have Shelly’s list, but I could tell that Lillian’s list was much longer than Shelly’s.
Alicia & Shelly, 04, Swinging An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. Your comments are welcome and desired. I use them to fine-tune my stories for better reading. *** I'm Alicia. I just turned eighteen a few months ago. My very best friend, Shelly, is five months older than I. Not only have we been best friends since the fourth grade, we also became...
BisexualA few weeks had passes since our initial encounter. Shelly and I had exchanged texts on when we might be able to get together again. Finally the chance came on a weekend that her parents, my buddy and his wife, would be out of town for the long weekend. Shelly messaged me the details and told me to be ready. She also said that she needed a favor and had a surprise for me and that I needed to keep an open mind. That made me very curious, but Shelly assured me that I would enjoy it. So finally on...
Diane felt Geoff tense in her mouth and then felt a warm stream hit the back of her throat; then a second. Using her tongue to massage his shaft as it rested inside her mouth she swallowed and then she sucked on his hot cock pulling it slowly from her lips. Looking up at him from between his legs, she smiled and licked the tip of his manhood for the last time. She slid up his body and kissed his lips, her hand grasping his cock, giving it a playful squeeze. He kissed her back and smiled. ...
Group SexALICIA & SHELLY, 01, the Cabin An original work by HappyPappy aka simaddict. This story is fiction. Any resenblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or over. My name is Alicia. That's not my real name, I've changed the names in this story to protect the guilty. I'm eighteen, my girlfriend Shelly is five months older than me, and we are very close friends, we have been since the fourth grade. It seemed as though we shared the same interests through...
BisexualHello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...
In the evening at dinner John showed up. We ate together and as we finished up Shelly invited him to our room. I was a tiny bit surprised, but not against his being with us. I had figured that she would want to spend the time with just me. We got to the room and John produced a bottle of wine. We got some glasses and then sat and talked for a bit. The wine went very fast. I looked at Shelly and John and realized that we were probably going to be in sexual overdrive again tonight. After...
Me and Shelly had been best friends since we first went to school, and as our parents always said we were inseparable. Throughout our lives, when one of us ended up in some sort of trouble, you could be guaranteed the other was close by. We both lost our virginity on the same night to 2 college guys at a frat party we gate crashed, Shelly was on the bed while the other guy fucked me on the floor. Shelly is a gorgeous looking redhead, she always keeps her hair quite short, she has large breasts,...
ALLICIA & SHELLY, 02, New Friends An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. **** A few weeks after the big snowstorm my best friend Shelly and I were in Gym class one afternoon. As usual, we showered after class in the girl's locker room. We had plenty of time because the class was small in size, our town being a small town with about thirty senior girls....
BisexualShelly and Matt By SpectreOfHell It was, in Shelly’s opinion, the most boring party she’d ever gone to. There was no one there even close to her age, just adults and little k**s running around making noise. The food was bland and the music was driving her nuts. And it wasn’t like anyone really wanted her around in the first place. The relatives had made all the expected comments about how much she’d grown, about her becoming a “little woman,” and now they ignored her. No one even noticed when...
Shelly and MattBy SpectreOfHellIt was, in Shelly’s opinion, the most boring party she’d ever gone to. There was no one there even close to her age, just adults and little k**s running around making noise. The food was bland and the music was driving her nuts. And it wasn’t like anyone really wanted her around in the first place. The relatives had made all the expected comments about how much she’d grown, about her becoming a “little woman,” and now they ignored her. No one even noticed...
Dear friends, gar yaad ho to main woh hi chodu hu jisne likhi thi. Aaj main batane ja raha hu kis prakar maine Shelly ki chut ki saltanat mein apna jhanda fairaya. Ye mat bhuliega ki Sandhya meri personal randi thi jo chudne se mujhe inkaar nahi kar sakti thi. Uski zindagi ka sabse bada dukh pichle mahine tak sirf main hi tha. Aapki jaankari ke liye, Sandhya ki umar 40 kareeb, sundar, chuddakad aunty hai. Shelly unki virgin beti hai. Woh bhi sundar hai aur uske average boobs hai. Wheatish...
We had been married for eight years. My wife Shelly was just as beautiful, if not more, as the day I first met her. Her long blonde hair almost reaches the small of her back. I help her brush it at times and I am always amazed at how silky soft it is. Her tight, toned, and firm body always turns me on too. Our sex life, while not wild and unusual, was good. We had sex about every day unless one of us was sick. She had many times sucked me until I almost came in her mouth, but usually, if it...
I went by a buddy’s house to borrow a drill. Dave had told me that no one was going to be home, but that the back door was unlocked and to just let myself in. I walked into the house and found the drill on the counter just where Dave had said it would be. I went to use the bathroom and while standing there, I noticed a pair of silky black panties. As I finished up, I could not resist the temptation. I picked up the panties to have a closer look. I noticed they were slightly damp. I put them to...
This story is an homage to Matt Moreau. Well, kind of. None of the characters in this story are based on any of his. KingBandor kindly gave the story a read, and pointed out a few mistakes that I corrected. “Danny, this isn’t something that needs to affect us. Not in any real or meaningful way. It’s something completely outside of us.” You’re probably wondering why my bride of twelve years just made that statement to me just now. Thirty minutes earlier I had walked out of my office...
I went into the bathroom and took my shower. I was in there for longer than either of them, wanting her to have some time with John alone. I thought that when I came out I would get to see the real passion on her face again. When I got out, they were sitting on the bed dressed. As I got dressed Shelly filled me in on the plan. 'John and I were talking and he came up with an idea. He wants us to go to this little place he found the other night and dance a bit. He said he wants me to act...
Akash! Akash! shouted the school cleaner after knowing that he is sleeping in the school store room. Akash wakes up and sees that he and asleep in the store room and will now have to hear the scolding of the old and ugly school cleaner but he listens it quietly and walks away because he has just had the BEST EXPIERIENCE of his Life by sucking his computer teacher Mrs Shelly’s milky and oversized boobs.Ok,FLASHBACK: The Story starts with Akash masturbating in the room by fantasizing about...
Sam led the way to his place, which happened to be in a pretty nice neighborhood. As we all walked up the sidewalk to the front door, it opened. A young woman was standing in the doorway, dressed in only a mini-skirt and very tight halter-top. Sam held out his hand and introduced us. 'Julie, this is James and Shelly. Julie is my permanent slut. As you can see, she is properly dressed as a slut should be. Julie, why don't you show James your assets?' Julie, without a hesitation at all...
© 2003 Kenny N Gamera I looked at my watch, but Shelly still wasn't due for another ten minutes. I released the latest in a chain of sighs at the thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar alone. It sent shudders through me. The thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar with Fred in was even worse, but I intended to wait for her even if it meant watching him chase nineteen-year-old girls. I could have done without having to watch him make out with the...
Series 4, Episode 9: SHELLEY We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Now we’re on the windswept sea-front of an old fashioned English resort town. Out of season and on a windy, cold and rainy day, the place is virtually...
Shelly is clothed not below her hips, except for a pair of nice, tight, slutty red leather high-heeled boots which come halfway up her calves. The rest of her legs are smooth, and pink, and shiny. Her nice round butt-cheeks are all uncovered and vulnerable upon the moist leather seat. Before her is a very big plate of paella, it is the Master’s special paella made of slime and robomeat and special lobotising rice. It rises from the plate in a tall, glistening, juicy, smelly tower. It rises to...
ShellyShelly and I had known each other in High School and would see each other here and again afterwards. We partied with the same people and once or twice fooled around, but never really had sex. Lots of making out and petting was the extent of our fun. Years went by and we shared info on social media, but I lived up near Houston and she was down in Corpus Christi so actually meeting up was not possible. I decided to make a trip home and posted to social media and was surprised how many old...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 03, the Club An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. ***** I was soaking in a tub of bath salts and hot water, trying to calm my excited feelings about the coming night. I have never been to an all female sex party so big, and was both eager and apprehensive about it. Brea's mother, Madeline, had invited her friends, Jaquline and Yvonne,...
BisexualHello, friends main raj apki seva main apni gasti behno ko lekar apke lund ki seva main fir hajir hua hu per sabse pehle main or meri gasti behan shelly ap sabko thanks karte hain jo apne humari stories ko passand kiya or hamain mail kiye to dosto aj main neha ki vo chudai le kar aaya hu jo us din adhuri rah gyi thi or isse ped kar pehle meri randi behano ko yaad karke muth mariyega or fir muje mail jarur kariyega to dosto ap meri id to jante hi hain meri id hai Ok main ab story per aata hu...
Getting all the stuff together I sat her down in a chair and with a towel under her, I lathered her up and began to shave. As I shaved her tender pussy I noticed that she was very wet. I could tell that my touch and the razors edge was having an effect on her. When I finished shaving her she took a look through a mirror. Her pussy looked so soft, smooth and sexy that I couldn't resist and began to lick all over and around it. I concentrated on her clit and lips. Those soft smooth and wet...
I was out one Saturday night hanging at my favorite club. I was in the back half of the club where the lights were dimmer and they played a different style of music than the front half of the club. I was standing in a dark corner checking the scene and trying to see who was coming home with me that night (if I was lucky). I started a conversation with the females closest to me to but no one was biting so I moved to a different location. I met a girl named Shelly and we just kind of hit it off...
It is late evening; Eric approaches the hotel room door, key in hand, and opens it into a lit room with Shelly passed out on the bed. An empty bottle of wine and a glass are on the night stand; Shelly is half under the covers with her legs sticking out and her shod feet hanging over the edge of the bed.“Holy fuck!” Eric says under his breathEric ducks back out of the room, closing the door gently, and retrieves his cell fone from his pocket. He dials Jim on the phone and says, in hushed...
Shelly and Selena Note: this is based on a chat I did with my friend Selena on IG a few weeks ago based on a manipulated image I produced. It's a straight up sex romp with no apologies. The two models looked amazing on the copied balcony. Built to look like an Italian Villa, it just was a set up for photo shoots like this. The two tall, dark haired women, looked at each other, both feeling more than the feigned affection they'd been putting on for the camera. It wraps, and they...
another..She had a son that lived with her and, I had always heard she was fucking him...I didn't care one way or the other. If she was, that was great, and if she wasn't, hell maybe she should be....It didn't matter to me....I knew someday if she was, she'd tell me.. What we were talking about now concerned putting out the fire, that we'd kindled between each others legs, from all the fuck stories we'd told each other. One such story that really turned me on, that she had told me...
I'm not sure if this blog post will be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm going to share an eye-opening experience that I had a weeks ago. Maybe some of you enjoy this "flavor" of kink. I'd never been in to the Sub/Dom scene -- it wasn't like I wasn't aware of it, I just never had much exposure to it. Then I hooked up with Shelly and Mark, a mature couple I met on a swingers website. She was 57, tall, slim, with graying brunette hair, glasses -- she was attractive and hovered between MILF and GILF....
I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...
Shelly is such a fucking tease ! She never takes her panties down to be fucked , teasing us poor males with the shape of her little sexy hot ass with her panties on tight , so so tantalising !! Tonight we are at a mutual friends place for a party and she suggests we (myself and 3 of my mates) sit bound on chairs while she does a sexy teasing act . So we agree and sit on the chairs bound up . She undresses nude except for her sexy teasing tight pink panties and a flimsy piece of material...
Shelly Part 2I woke up before and quickly dressed and drove to the Scout Came to visit it as it was in the middle of the week and off season. I had made arrangements in advance and the drive was under an hour. I joined up with the Camp Ranger and parked my vehicle and I had unfettered access to the camp. Walking around the acreage and remembering my past there as a youth was a trip down memory lane. I took a lot of pictures for later and when done the Ranger and I sat in the shade and we talked...
Shelly looked at herself in the mirror as she applied her lipstick. She smiled at what she saw, "No wonder the guys have been hitting on you girl" she thought to herself. She stood five feet one and had one hundred and five pounds distributed on a 34-22-32 frame. Green eyes and long brown hair completed the package. She took one last look at herself in the mirror and thought, for at least the tenth time, "You shouldn't be doing this girl" but then she shook the thought from her head and...
Introduction: Shelly is a teen tart As we walked to the park I made no shame in looking up and down Shellys young body. She had pretty green eyes and a cute young face which was styled like a whore I liked her style I liked young whore looking teen girls. I said to her do you like Billy not really hes a bit of a prick, she replied you been with him two weeks I said yeh she replied Fuck him your with me now I said good she said Lets go to the shop and get some drinks what you two drinking?...
Wednesday I woke to soft lips slipping along my hard shaft. Shelly was looking at me as I woke up, her mouth working over my cock. I could feel her tongue caressing my shaft as she sucked me. I laid there and let her bring me off, shooting my load in her mouth. After cleaning me up good with her tongue, she moved up to kiss me. Opening my mouth I felt her tongue slip in and then a salty taste soon followed. She lifted off of my lips and I saw that she had kept some of my cum in her...
I went into the shop and got 8 Bacardi breezers and 4 cans of Stella to go on top of the 4 I had already necked down me. I also bought 40 malbourgh lights and gave those 20 between them. I also got some fag papers as I had about £10 bag of weed left super skunk from earlier on. I was feeling pretty good about myself the weather was great and here's me good old Joe got myself a new hot young piece of teen ass into the mix and had a few hundred in my pocket and Shelly and Gina seen this too ,...
In the summer of my Sophmore year of High School my dad got remarried for the 4th time. He was living in LA county and I didnt see him very much. During the summer I went up to spend a week with him and meet his new wife. I really could care less. I was a surf k** who loved the beach and spending one week in Riverside was a version of hell to me back then. Anyway, He and I pulled up to the house and went in. He showed me a room where I would be staying. I asked about a room closer to the...
Shelly On The Farm by Kent Collins Chapter 1 All I could smell was Frank's liquored breath. All I could feel was his callused, rough hands making my skin buck. It was awful. My own father. Well, really he was my stepfather, but that didn't make it right. I pulled at the waistband of my long-legged silk pajamas to make sure they were still snug. Keeping them on was part of the bargain and so was the tightly buttoned top that I'd fastened at the neck with a safety pin...
It was just another day when I, my girlfriend and few of our common friends decided to hang out at her place. The time was set to 6 in the evening. Everyone gathered around 6 and as usual, I was late. “Where are you? We are all here” said Shelly, my girlfriend. “I am almost at your place, get the gate open”, she came down and opened the gates and gave me a tight hug. We both were virgins but we did stuff. As she hugged me, I hugged back and kissed her. We went to meet others. We talked,...
Shelly was at least half my age, but it did not matter to me when I saw her sweet apple ass wiggle, I felt a familiar stirring, and she carried a majestic rack up front that made me want to unbutton the men’s shirt she wore. Every time she walked by me I sucked quick my breath, I wanted to grab her butt or embrace her. Her mouth had the perfect, huge pout that I wanted to lick so bad and it made me think that she might have had thick sweet pussy lips as well. Her body was nothing but feminine,...
January 2, 1969 The station reopened on Friday, January 2, 1969, at the normal time. Mike was out of school until the following Monday, so I gave Shelly the day off while Jurgen would have Saturday off. Mike would work from ten am to nine pm, Friday, with an hour for breaks. On Sunday, Mom and I huddled to discuss the manning and expenses for the station. We had added some costs with the car and hiring Mike. My concern was over how much staffing we could take on and stay profitable. It was...
I was living in London 27 yrs old drinking and doing drugs and petty crime on a Daily basis . I didn't have a formal address was sleeping on friends hostel floors and friends sofas . I was on benefits and could be regarded as underclass of society one level bellow the working class , my friends also were also all in the same boat , i knew all the local junkies and alkies dealers and pimps i suppose you could describe me as "chav" scum . I was the oldest of our group of no-gooders. We...
Shelly had worked in the fertility clinic for a year before meeting her husband-to-be. The engagement was short but a bit tumultuous. Scott, her fiance, wasn’t happy with her chosen career and she refused to change something she’d trained for and enjoyed. She had a very special job at the clinic, one that few women were capable of. Her management believed that the best semen samples for fertility determination, artificial insemination, or putting in the sperm bank were collected as naturally...
The hospital kept me for one more night. Rachel biked over from the campus after her last class to visit me that afternoon, and Megan showed up soon after and drove all of us home. They didn’t talk about what had happened and I was grateful for it. When I walked into my room, Kim was seated at her computer. She said “Hi” to me only because I said it first. I don’t think she had even noticed that I was gone the night before. Part of me wanted to tell her what had happened just for the pure shock...
LesbianI've had the hots for Shelly since we were twelve years old and playing 'doctor' in her dad's garage. We dated, off and on, all through junior high and high school, but for some reason or other I was never able to get into her pants. Others did - lots of others, but not me. I almost got there once. We were in her basement and my finger was in her pussy and she was stroking my dick. In another couple of minutes I would have been in her, but the front door slammed and her father, who had come...
The next morning at breakfast I didn't say much. Jason kept his eyes down in his plate too, and though Uncle Nat and Aunt Linda didn't notice how uncomfortable we were, Billy Joe sensed it right away. Jason had to go to town for some feed in the pick-up so Uncle Nat gave Billy the keys to his old Buick and told him to take me down the river for a little outing. It was easy to see that Billy Joe was glad to have a day away from his usual chores. Before we left, I slipped into a pair of...
I slipped two fingers between Linda's full thighs and found her sex arch. The thick, dark hair of her pubes was like a lush jungle as I forced my way through it and searched out the beginning of her crack. Her sex place was bigger than mine--the lips fuller, the slit deeper. When I pushed up against her risen clit, I could tell it was longer and stood out more than mine. Linda's soft pumping motion against my slickened knuckles told me I was doing it right. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"...
Shelly’s First All Girl PartyThere she was, sitting on the other side of the backyard. They told me that they had invited her but since we didn’t know each other very well, I didn’t think she was going to come. If I wasn’t freaking out earlier, I sure as hell am now. We had seen each other once before when I had seen her out at out to the club we both had attended with our swinger friends but nothing happened between us; that was going to change today. I couldn’t help but stare at her, she was...
Shelly stared at herself in the mirror and shook her head in disgust. How could she have been so stupid as to let it happen? She took the pill, she used a diaphragm and it happened anyway. Six months pregnant and ready to scream because of it. As each month passed by and her hormone levels changed she got hornier and hornier. She wanted a cock so bad that she was contemplating grabbing the paperboy when he came to collect. No, not a good idea, the kid was all of fourteen and he'd blow before...
The truck coming to a stop awakened me and when I sat up I could see the whole line of the Rockies spread out on the far horizon. The setting sun was making the clouds all orange and red and purple. I rubbed my eyes and smiled over at Thad. "We'll be in Denver in half an hour," he said, rubbing the nape of his neck, "Just stopped to pick up a hitchhiker." I looked out the rear window and saw a lanky girl with jet black hair done in pigtails running toward the truck. There was a...
ALLICIA & SHELLY, 02, New Friends * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. ***** A few weeks after the big snowstorm my best friend Shelly and I were in Gym class one afternoon. As usual, we showered after class in the girl’s locker room. We had plenty of time because the class was small in size, our town being a small town with about thirty...
Hello, readers main apka raj apki seva main apni behan ko le kar fir hajir hua hu lekin usse pehle main ap logo ka thanks karna chauga ki ap sab ne meri behan ki sab stories ko bahut passend kiya or muje mail bhi kiye lekin kuch esse bhi haib jinhone meri behan ki sachai pedkar muth to maar li lekin mail nahi kiye to dosto main ap sabse yahi kahta hu meri behan ko yaad karke muth jarur maare or muje mail bhi karre ap sab ke mail ka jawab meri behan shelly hi deti hai ap chahain to usse nangi...
Megan gunned the accelerator and whipped the car around to the opposite side of the road. She was upset, but I didn’t know if she wanted to talk about it. I couldn’t think about what I had said without a terrible weight of loss pressing against my chest. But what else could I have done? “I’m sorry,” I ventured, and touched her arm. “Don’t be,” she said quickly, shrugging off my fingers. “I understand.” I sat back and turned to watch the house lights flicker past. “I think I’m a little...
LesbianAfter that first night, Rachel and I developed a bond that was closer than the loose friendships among the rest of the group. We began to meet at least once a week to study for Calculus together and would often have lunch after class or simply sit and talk. I learned that she was a Biology major. She took it upon herself to be my mentor, to help me avoid or at least get through all of the mistakes and missteps that everyone made in their first year. There were nights when we would just the two...
LesbianAlicia & Shelly, 04, Swinging * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. * Your comments are welcome and desired. I use them to fine-tune my stories for better reading. ***** I’m Alicia. I just turned eighteen a few months ago. My very best friend, Shelly, is five months older than I. Not only have we been best friends since the fourth grade, we...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 01, the Cabin An original work by HappyPappy aka simaddict. * This story is fiction. Any resenblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or over. My name is Alicia. That’s not my real name, I’ve changed the names in this story to protect the guilty. I’m eighteen, my girlfriend Shelly is five months older than me, and we are very close friends, we have been since the fourth grade. It seemed as though we shared the same interests...
It's been all good lately and Shelly and I are comfortable with our lifestyle changes that we have started to push the limits. Right now, she's laying across her desk with a blindfold on and her wrists are tied in the front. I am about to slip her headphones over her ears when I see you pull up in the drive - your timing couldn't be perfect. I left her shoes on just for you, and as I peek down into her arch cleavage my cock gives a little nod of approval. I'm still fully clothed when I wave to...
So Shelly leaves me a priority message at work, saying I need to be home by 1PM to get a delivery - figuring she'd ordered the boards for the porch that need replacing I thought little of it. There was indeed wood delivered to the house, but it was not what I was expecting.I pulled into the drive and there was a champagne colored Escalade parked, and as I parked and got out, a series of large black men exited the Escalade. I recognized Mitch, and said "Do I have to ask?" to which he replied,...