AllisonChapter 8 free porn video

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Ginger was waiting for them at the security gate when Ali and Bill returned from Hawaii. She just stood and watched as they walked through and then shook her head slowly. She took Ali in her arms and kissed her and then kissed Bill. "I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Ali, you are absolutely out of this world! I can't imagine a girl looking more beautiful than you do now.

"You were right, you know. You have a deep golden tan, hair the color of yellow gold, and eyes the color of the Pacific. And joy? My God! I thought I looked happy when Charley and I returned. Looking at you, I'm going to ask him for my money back. Comparatively speaking, I must have been miserable!"

She smiled at them happily, then turned to Bill. "And Bill Clifford, you look younger than Charley. What happened to you? I know what happened to your wife. She's madly in love with you and really has that well-fucked look. What's your excuse?"

Bill just grinned and replied, "Ginger, I pulled the con job of the age. I was madly in love with an image on the screen: Ali McGrath. Then I hired her to pretend to be my wife. What I found was the image on the screen is just a pale imitation of the reality. In the flesh, she's glorious. Now I realize it was puppy love. I adore the person I conned into being my wife. It's absolutely the smartest thing I've ever done in my life!"

They went out to the waiting car, and Ali gave Fred a kiss which caused him to turn brick red and smile. "I missed you, Fred," she said. "We had a marvelous time, but it's good to be home."

They went back to the hotel and entered their suite. After Bill closed the door, he put his arms around Ali's waist. Her back was to him and she leaned back against him as he held her. Without a word, she stepped out of her shoes and started to slip off her clothes.

"What are you doing?" he asked softly.

"I don't want to ruin the lovely dress you bought me with our fluids when you take me here on the floor. Darling, I've been waiting for this," she replied. Her eyes were dancing with anticipation as she looked at him. Moments later they were naked and on the floor together. Ali now realized the extent to which their bodies had become attuned to each other. Bill entered her slowly and gently, and then they almost automatically crested together and exploded in unison.

Bill was lying on his back with Ali's head resting on his shoulder. "Darling, what more is there? Is there anything else you want?"

She turned her head to look at his face and nodded. He saw a wonderful smile as she whispered, "I want you to take me on the desk in my office with all the curtains open and in view of anyone who wants to look. Why do you think I rented that office, anyway? I was planning ahead. It will feel so wonderfully wicked!" She grinned, and added, "Darling, I'm afraid I have to get my poor overworked ass in gear. I have to put in an appearance with the troops."

Reluctantly, she got to her feet and turned to offer her hands to pull Bill up. He just lay on his back, grinned, and shook his head.

"I like it just fine right here. The view is spectacular. I see a golden girl standing with her legs spread above me ... whoops!" Bill moved and put his mouth on her cunt. Ali remained standing with her legs spread while he licked their mixed cum that was starting to drip from her vagina. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the wonderful sensation. When he finished, she winked and went down on him, licking his now-flaccid cock.

She went back on her knees and said, "Bill, this is so much fun! Are you sure it's legal?"

He winked at her and said he just wanted to admire the beautiful view.

Ali quickly showered, dressed and went down to her car. She glanced at her watch and realized she would arrive at the office about two. Reaching the building, she went up to the thirty-eighth floor. When she got off the elevator, she got the same thrill she had a month earlier seeing her name in brass letters. Clifford & Jamison looks good, she thought.

She walked in and was greeted by a young receptionist. For reasons she didn't fully understand, Ali was wearing her tight jeans and her chambray shirt with her hair back in a pony tail. Her shirt sleeves were rolled up because it was a very hot July day in Los Angeles. The girl looked up attentively when Ali entered and said, "Good afternoon, Miss. May I help you?"

Ali made a decision on the spur of the moment. "Yes, I hope so. I saw your firm name on the directory downstairs. I think I need a lawyer. Is either Mr. Clifford or Mr. Jamison available?" She gave the girl a very hesitant smile.

The girl replied, "Mrs. Clifford is out of the office, but Miss Jamison is in. Whom may I say is waiting to see her?"

Ali said, "The name is Allison."

The girl asked Ali to take a seat. She picked up the phone, buzzed Ginger and said, "Miss Jamison, there's a woman in the lobby to see you, a Miss Allison. She is looking for a lawyer and saw the firm name in the lobby. She doesn't have an appointment." She listened for a moment, smiled, and hung up. "She'll be right out, Miss Allison."

Ginger opened the door and came into the reception room. She held out her hand to Ali and said, "How do you do Miss Allison. I'm Virginia Jamison. Would you care to come back to my office?" Then she reached for Ali and the girls started to howl with laughter as they hugged each other. The receptionist looked at them as if they had lost their minds.

Finally they regained control and turned toward her. Ginger had her arm around Ali's waist and said, "Judy, I would like to introduce you to our senior partner, Allison McGrath Clifford. Ali, that was a dirty trick to play on a new employee. This is Judy Jeffries, our receptionist."

Ali turned on her brilliant smile and said, "Judy, hi! Welcome to the firm. And please accept my apologies. Actually, you were wonderful: both friendly and businesslike. I hope you greet all our visitors that way." She grinned at the girl and said, "I'm serious. It wasn't a test. I just got back in town and put on these clothes. When I came in, and you looked up with that bright smile, I just thought I would have some fun. I hope you don't mind?"

By this time the girl's mouth was almost agape. She looked at the two partners side by side and was stunned. They were both very tall, very slender, very beautiful women. Ali separated from Ginger and held out her hand to Judy. "Welcome!"

Judy took the hand and shook it. With a grin, the two partners went back to the office area. Judy just shook her head in amazement. She had thought that Mrs. Conrad was the most beautiful woman she had ever met in her life. Then Mrs. Clifford appears and is even more beautiful. She decided she liked the firm of Clifford & Jamison.

Ginger led the way into Ali's office and pushed Ali toward the chair behind the desk. She sat down in a very comfortable leather-covered client's chair and slowly shook her head. "Ali, I give up. I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen before you went on your honeymoon. Now ... Ali, words fail me. I am so happy for you! Married life agrees with you, is all I can say. Now, Boss, if you would be so kind, pass your telephone over here."

Ali slid the instrument across the desk. Ginger picked it up, pressed the intercom button, and said, "Kathy, could you come into Mrs. Clifford's office, please?"

A very pretty girl with brown hair entered the office. She was wearing a yellow shirtwaist dress and had a stenographic notebook in her hand. Ginger turned to Ali and said, "Ali, I would like you to meet your secretary, Kathy Carlson. Kathy, this is our senior partner, Ali Clifford."

Ali stood up and held out her hand to greet the girl. Kathy's jaw dropped as she took her hand. "Mrs. Clifford," she stammered. "I'm stunned. I knew you were beautiful, but ... but ... you're breathtaking!"

"Kathy, that's very flattering. You are very lovely yourself." She turned to Ginger and said, "Would it be possible to get something to drink?" She then had a second thought and said, "Kathy, to get the introductions out of the way, could we get the staff into the conference room? Tell Judy to just lock the front door." She grinned and added, "I'll risk the loss of a client."

Kathy smiled and withdrew. "Am I screwing things up, partner?" Ali asked Ginger.

"Not at all!" she exclaimed. "I think it's a great idea. What's your plan?"

"I don't have one," Ali confessed. "It just seemed like a good idea. Am I interrupting anything?"

"Ali, everyone has been on tenterhooks waiting for you to appear. Everything to be done has been done. We're twiddling our thumbs, is what we're doing."

"Mrs. Conrad, would there be anything alcoholic around this place? Or is there just a choice of selected spring waters?"

Ginger grinned and replied there was a wide selection of liquor; she had decided they should have a liquor cabinet. Ali checked the Yellow Pages and called a caterer who promised to deliver hors d'oeuvres platters in thirty minutes. Then the two women went into the conference room. Judy and Kathy were already there. A small dark-haired girl entered who Ginger introduced as Joan Fredrick. Joan was their computer specialist and an expert at using Lexis and Nexus for their legal research. The last person to enter was Sandra Harris.

When Ali saw the girl, her first reaction was that she looked like Barbara Jamison without the sense of humor. In spite of the very warm weather in Los Angeles, Harris was wearing a suit with a blouse buttoned high on her neck. It was severely cut and was not relieved by jewelry or adornment of any kind. Ali looked at her closely and smiled. She saw indications that Sandra used a certain amount of makeup to enhance the severity of her appearance and play down any hint of femininity.

Ali put out her hand and said, "Hi, Sandy, I'm Ali Clifford. Welcome to the firm."

Harris took her hand in a very limp grip. Ali just shook her head slightly and winked in the direction of Ginger. Going to the head of the table, she sat down and asked if anyone had bartending experience. Joan grinned and said she had been working her way through Cal Tech tending bar, but she didn't have her uniform. Ali raised an eyebrow and the girl said she worked topless: It paid more. Ali grinned back and said that wouldn't be necessary. Joan took orders from the others but brought Ali a Sam Adams, a chilled glass, and a basket of thick beer pretzels.

Ali pretended to glare at Ginger and said, "Someone's been squealing. But thank you so much, Gin."

Ginger replied that regardless of what else there might be at their apartment, there was always Sam Adams and beer pretzels, "For when the senior partner deigns to visit the peasants," she added with a grin. Ginger then told the girls about her first meeting with Ali and its aftermath. "Ali, I still thank God that we didn't run out of Sam Adams or beer pretzels." With a glance at Sandra, she added, "If we had, I would still be a tight-assed little prig working downstairs."

Sandra looked on with obvious disapproval. Ali noticed that the other girls were bright, eager, and all very attractive. She was also surprised to see that they seemed to hold her in awe. Turning to Joan she said, "Okay, I give up. What gives? I can't remember seeing a set of faces looking like yours do now. You're all looking at me like I have measles or something."

Joan shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Clifford. I don't know about the other girls, but I have never seen a person like you. I've seen several of your movies on TV, so I knew you were beautiful. But you made those films ten years or more ago. Honestly, you look younger now than you did then; you're more alive, more vibrant. And your appearance... ! I would bet my last dime you have no makeup on at all. Would I win?"

Ali nodded and smiled. "Thanks, Joan. But there's more to it, I think, isn't there?"

Now the younger girl reddened, "Yes, ma'am. You look like you ... like you just got out of bed with a man. I have never seen a girl look so ... so sleek. And you move like a cat. Anyway, I'm impressed. Whatever it is you've found, you can make a mint if you can bottle it!"

"Ginger, where did you find a girl with such intelligence, taste, good judgment and brains? Of course, she is laying it on a little thick, even to an ex-actress."

She smiled at Joan and said, "There's just one thing: the name is Ali, at least when there aren't any clients around. Particularly when I'm dressed like an urchin off the streets. Incidentally, Judy, thank you again for the very professional reception. If I had been sitting in your seat, I probably would have thrown me out. But in LA, particularly, you can't judge people by their dress." Then she said, "Ging, I was thinking when I walked in about your professional name. The name on the door is Clifford & Jamison. I was thinking about Clifford & Conrad, but Charley is downstairs. What do you think?"

"I think I'll stick to being Ginger Jamison in the firm, if it's all right with you, Ali. The Conrad name on the door could cause problems for Charley." The other girls all had their drinks — Ali noticed Sandra was drinking club soda — when the door buzzer sounded. A waiter brought in three huge trays of hors d'oeuvres which were put in the middle of the huge conference table.

Ali leaned back and put her feet on the corner of the table. "You know, this really isn't too bad," she said with a smile. "Now, what have you been doing while I've been off working so hard."

Ginger raised an eyebrow and said, "Working? My, what a strange name for it. But Ali, I've never seen you look better ... or any other human look better, for that matter." She turned to Sandra and said, "You have the summary, Sandy. Did you bring it?"

Sandra got up, grimaced at Ginger — obviously a reaction to being called Sandy — and brought a file folder over to Ali. She opened it and quickly went through the material. There were eight pages in the folder, but Ali quickly discovered that it was a very brief synopsis of a great deal of material in the firm's files. Of particular interest were over twenty sworn affidavits detailing the extent of Alliance Studios' vendetta against Ali. There were statements from former employees of the studio, and people to whom the slanderous information had been given. Most surprising were five from present studio employees. Then there were the papers to be served. Ali had made up her mind she wanted to do that herself. She asked Sandra, as the firm's litigation specialist, if there was any problem with serving the papers herself. "I'll need a witness, of course, but aside from that, what do you think?"

Sandra frowned but said, "It's not normally done, but there's no legal reason why you can't. Do you have a reason?"

"I have an idea, Sandy, not a reason," Ali said thoughtfully. "Si Goldberg is a hothead. Moreover, he's a hothead who's used to always getting his own way. I have a tiny recorder that fits neatly into my purse. If you and I were to go over tomorrow and serve the papers on him personally there's a chance he'll say something that will help us hang his ass. Of course, if he doesn't there's no loss. What do you think?"

"I think it's a fine idea, Mrs. Clifford," Sandra said.

"Sandy — and it has to be Sandy, I'm afraid — the name is Ali ... all the time." Ali turned on her smile and said, "I have two announcements: First, this being Los Angeles, am I correct in assuming you all drive to work?" All the heads around the table nodded in unison. "I thought so. Well, we now have another ten parking spaces in the garage downstairs. Each of you gets one."

The girls grinned, and Joan let out a low whistle.

"The other thing is there is a new health club that just opened in the building. We have a firm membership with all of you included. Ginger and I have husbands who like us sleek and we love them dearly. Therefore, we intend to use the facilities. It's very comprehensive, I'm told. In some offices there are scheduled coffee breaks which I've always thought are a bit much. So instead, we'll have fitness breaks. Does that cause any problems?"

Kathy was the first to answer. "I think it's great! Will we be able to watch you and Mrs. Conrad work out, too?"

"I'm sure you will. And, although I didn't ask her first, I think she would rather be Ginger. Incidentally, I can assure you she's in great shape." Ali sighed deeply and added, "Oh, to be fifteen years younger!"

Ginger grinned and then grimaced, "Get a load of our senior partner. I think she's at least three months away from a wheelchair ... possibly as many as six! Allison Clifford, I dare you to take off all your clothes right now!"

Ali frowned, but got out of her chair. In a moment she had her shirt off with her Levi's following a moment later. She stepped out of her moccasins and then slipped off her tiny bikini. Her entire body was a deep golden tan with her pubic hair now bleached almost white. Her belly was flat and her breasts were full with their tiny still-pink nipples. She looked at Ginger and said, "Are you sure I've got six months?" She grinned and added, "How about you, Partner? From what I hear Charley's been putting a lot of miles on that chassis ... hard miles! Let's see."

Ginger shrugged and undressed but it took longer because she was wearing a business suit. When she was bare, she, too, was tanned all over, although hers was a lighter tan. Her belly was flat, her breasts were also full, and her hips, thighs, and buttocks were perfect.

Same as Allison
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I used to be pretty good with money. That's why when I moved away, I thought I'd have no trouble with my finances. That was not the case. Instead, my job cut down my pay, and I was forced to start working from home in order to save money on gas. It still wasn't enough, and I was running out of time. I needed a new option, and now. I scrolled through the internet job-listing page. Every option was either not on my schedule or not even worth the money. "Fry cook... Temp Driver... Nothing again."...

3 years ago
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Loving Erica Mf fatdau rom PART THREE end

Loving Ericaby SpectreOfHellPart 3 Things were normal at dinner and the rest of the night. Except that Erica and I kept looking into each other's eyes and smiling like idiots. Was this really happening? Was my daughter willingly becoming my lover? Later, she got her bath and returned in one of her short gowns. Helen was starting to doze in her chair. Erica sat on my lap and I got instantly hard. Erica wiggled and giggled, and I realized she'd always known the effect she had on me. She...

4 years ago
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Id by Caitlyn Masked Dylan and I had been friends since high school. We both attended Harvard where Dylan got his degree in advanced psychology and I got my degree in business management. We used to laugh that I was going to end up running some fortune 500 company with a wife and family while Dylan would struggle to do his research and always be trying to land the right girl. Fortune played out a little differently though. After leaving the university I got a middle management job...

1 year ago
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Much Needed Sexual Release Through Phone Sex

I was looking for sexual release for some time now, but it was getting difficult to achieve that alone. I wanted pleasure but was apprehensive about a relationship. I had tried watching porn and masturbate to that but even that was getting old. So, one day I got bored and tried a phone sex portal to find a filthy slutty woman who could talk me and I could get a sexual release through phone sex. I dialed the number and waited for someone to connect. “Hello,” I heard a sultry voice at the other...

2 years ago
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Once inside, I start to shut the door, but there's man behind it. Seeing that I see him, he slams the door shut and steps forward. I step backwards and trip, falling on my butt as I ask "Wh- Who are you?" He reaches down and grabs me by the neck with both hands and lifts me up. I can't breathe. I'm used to having my breath held like this during sex with my bf, and can't help but be somewhat aroused by this. I struggle to pull his hands off, but with the lack of air and holding up the...

1 year ago
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Mooh Boli Behen Bani Girlfriend

Hello ISS readers, I have been reading stories on ISS since I was in 10th grade. I am from bhopal. And I m fair and 21. With 5’8 height.With good physique. So ab story pe atta hun.Ye meri pehli kahani h iss pe.Yea kahani 2011 ki h jab main 12th class mein tha tab meri mummy ki ek bahut achi dost thi jinke ghar humara khoob aana jana aur ghulna milna tha. Unki ek beti bhi thi , jo ki mujhse umar mein 6 sal badi thi uska nam pinky(fake name) hai,is kahani ki heroine h pinky. Toh bat uss time ki...

3 years ago
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My Moms Obsession with Me

I’ve never told this to anyone. I want to tell it now, and get it out. I’m sitting at my mom’s personal computer so I can write down what all happened. Sometimes I remember more things, and now I can go back and insert them in the story at the right time they happened. I don’t want my wife to know I’m writing this, so I’m doing this at mom’s house. Dad left her years ago. A lot happened. Mom and I had a personal secret. I remember it started. My mom started touching me. Just...

3 years ago
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Outwardly BoundChapter 3

Their clothes all off; she moved her bare pussy lips to his hard penis, the first penis she had ever felt. The touch was unlike anything she had felt before. She was scared, excited, and unsure of herself. She let her body and what her sister had taught her to guide her. No more cloth between them, only bare skin. She felt him against her. His body warm, muscled, his blue eyes comforting her, loving her. She wanted him inside her now! Push! Do this! Her mouth opened, lusting, desiring, as...

1 year ago
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Dark Room VR

DarkRoomVR might be what you think it is, but I guess it depends on what kind of pervert you are. If you’re hoping this is a photography-themed virtual reality game where you develop photos in chemical vats lit by a red light, well, you’re out of luck and also showing your age. Who the fuck produces film anymore? Certainly not the smut peddlers here, who are hawking premium VR pornos at up to 7k hasn’t been online very long at all, springing up in the middle of 2022’s...

VR Porn Sites
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VeronicaChapter 33

Thanks to the unfailing unreliability of the British railway system, whether "publicly" or privately owned, there was a hitch! The knight in shining armour and would-be rescuer of his beloved from the clutches of Satan and his loathsome acolytes - was a little late arriving. Veronica had been strapped down on the cold marble slab for fully ninety five minutes before the proceedings could begin and she was not in a good mood. This was no way to spend a weekend, no matter how rich the...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 32 Traceys Solemn Promise

Eventually Tracey, Vanessa and Max finished their dinner. Tracey started the clean up while Vanessa and Max climbed onto the sofa together to snuggle for a bit and watch some TV. Vanessa always loved nestling her head down between Max’s big round breasts while Max ran her hands through Vanessa’s hair and stroked her soft, pointy breasts. This often led to some serious love making sessions with both girls doing the sixty nine position on each other so they could munch away on each others pussy...

1 year ago
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DeepLush Judy Jolie Giving In

This scene features Judy Jolie and I having sex for the first time with natural chemistry and a lot of kissing. We make out and get each other’s clothes off before I kiss and lick her pussy. The energy picks up and we have rough and passionate sex as I go deeper inside of her. I use a Hitachi on her while fucking and she has multiple orgasms. There’s POV shot while she gives me a sloppy blowjob and rides my cock while facing the camera and with her butt facing the camera. She licks my ass and...

3 years ago
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Both Virgin Fucked

Hi readers, this is Atul once again with a new encounter with 2 virgin sisters and so without wasting any time and I will start my story for you all. During my earlier job tenure, I have to travel extensively all over India to develop the dealers and distributors network. Hence, very often I used to go to all parts of India. During those tours and I realized that we have not yet covered some parts of Madhya Pradesh. Especially the interior parts which were famous for dacoits once upon a time...

2 years ago
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CommuneChapter 7

Jack stood in line waiting to deposit his paycheck and the check that Abby had given him when she had moved in with him. He wasn’t paying too much attention to what was happening at the front of the line since there was a rather buxom young woman over by the loan officer. The line moved forward at an unusually slow pace giving him lots of time to watch her pose for the loan officer. Each time she leaned forward, he swore that he could see more and more of her breasts. He figured that she was...

2 years ago
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My Exs Best Friend

This is a true story that happened just over 5 years ago . Jenny is now my ex ,she was quite tall but fat with it . She was a lazy cunt who would just sit on her laptop all day and not go anywhere or do anything . She eventually decided at age 20 she would go to college and do a course . A week or so into her course I herd her key in the front door and some muttering a few seconds later she walked into the kitchen with a woman . I was instantly taken with what I saw , my loins and my heart...

1 year ago
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So Far Away

Stepping out of the hallway and into the busy airport, Lillian too a deep breath. She looked around and tried to get out of everyone’s way. Letting out the breath she looked down at her shoes. Perfect black pumps smiled cheerily back at her. They were a birthday present from an unexpected relative. She stared, purposefully engrossed in her shoes, trying not to look up, trying to not be seen. She knew she probably looked nuts staring at her shoes so intently. ‘I am nuts.’ She thought calmly....

3 years ago
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My failed attempt to stop it all part 7

When I awoke it was one of those didn't know where I was moments, I could hear my wife downstairs, radio on, kitchen noises, all seemed normal and well with the world, until I remembered. I was in a little bed in the nursery and it was that day, the day which I hoped would finally end my nightmare. I sat up in bed and the duvet slipped down off me and I realised in self disgust that I had worn the baby doll nightie last night. How bloody stupid was i? it felt as if I was losing my mind...

2 years ago
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The Odd One Out

It was the Friday night that the university was officially on spring break. I was only a freshman at the time. After the football game, we all went to Pizza Mimi's for our usual after-game tradition. Everyone from the university is invited but of course not everyone goes.I had eaten three slices before realizing I had to pee. Excusing myself, I got up and walked towards the restrooms. On my way there, I noticed Link Forrester sitting in a booth all by himself. Link was also a freshman at the...

College Sex
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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 7

Thanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. I will not bore you and will let Pooja continue with the next part of the story. Kishore curiously started watching me, biting his nails. I gestured him saying the phone is ringing. After pretending for a few seconds, I acted as if someone picked the phone at the other end and started speaking to him. Actually, I was not talking to anyone. I just pretended as if I am. I gave silence as if I am listening to other people over the call. I ensured that...

4 years ago
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A Night to Herself in London

DISCLAIMER: This is a fantasy story depicting sexual acts involving adults. The story is intended for adult readers only.-----------------------------She'd been working hard in the lead up to this night for months. It takes alot of planning and discipline to look and feel as good as she did as she began to prepare.The day had been spent exercising, fasting and hydrating. As she stepped into the shower after finally finishing cleaning herself out, she sighed deeply since now the fun could...

1 year ago
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06 HomeChapter 44

Flashback – Ben – With team Vympel The plane started its descent when the Captain motioned to Yuri. He walked over and as they talked they glanced at me and without hearing I could tell it was about me ... Yuri regained his seat beside me and I asked, "Yuri, what did the Captain want." Yuri shook his head and replied, "At first he wanted to leave you on the plane, but I persuaded him to let you come observe, but you have to remain with me." I thought to myself that there is no fucking...

3 years ago
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I was a MALE prison WHORE

I was traveling to Mexico with my parents and after several days of laying out on the beach, etc. I was getting tired of hanging out with them so I sneeked out of the resort and even though I was u******e, grabbed a taxi cab and went into this little town. I was trying to score some weed that I could sneak back into the resort and use after my parents had turned in for the night.I asked the taxi driver where I might get some and he took me to the shitty looking little bar out on a dirt road. I...

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Alexa Chapter 5 The Saturday Night Confession

Alexa Chapter 5: The Saturday Night Confession I don't know what was worse, the sudden blast of sunlight that seemed to hit me or Katie's saccharine voice telling me to get up. "Leave me alone Katie." I can't believe how bad I feel. My head is pounding from the worst hangover I have ever had in my entire life. I'm blaming Jenny for the condition I find myself in. I'm sure I had no hand in how bad I feel. "Get up Alexa," Katie says to me. "You are the one who thought...

2 years ago
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Kate becoming a bitch Pt2

During the following week Dave and I talked about what had happened and what Kate actually men't when she said “I’m yours to do what ever you want with and whenever”. So Dave suggested I talk to her and find out how far she would go I guess pretty far as we have a film of her fucking our dog and me eating dog cum from her pussy. So when Friday come around Dave went to the pub with Tyson as normally and Kate and I stayed in and chatted over a couple of bottle of wine. I built up the courage...

1 year ago
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Bald Headed Bumps

Baldheaded Bumps The sun shone brightly that summer afternoon in late July after several days of dark dreary weather. Zack hoped for nice weather as it was once again time for Vancouver Island’s Filberg Festival held annually in the Comox Valley. The festival consisted of ninety-six artisan vendors and various musicians. Zack parked his truck on a local street several blocks from the festival grounds. Along the route to the festival he encountered several groups of people. There was a young...

Straight Sex
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Mera First Sex Simran Bhabi Ka Sath

By : Sexyjattboy24 Hi I am Dilmeet and I am fron Amritsar Punjab meri age 27 years hai. Aje me aap ko apna frist sex ka bara me batana ja rah hun bat un dino ki hai jab mena meri 10th passe kar li thi. Mera papa ka dost city me rhata tha unka bar bar khana par papa na muja unka pase aga ki study ka liya city baj diya unki family me uncle, aunty, beta or beta ki wife thi unki beti ki shadi ho chukyi thi. Uncle bank me job karta tha, Aunty Houewife thi or unka beta army me tha. uski duty Assam...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Lexi Lovell G122

We’re back! It’s that same GangBang time, and that same GangBang place, and it’s time to watch out lovely Lexi get her world rocked and rocked hard! She’s just #GreetedtheMeat (which you’ll see soon) and now we have this cutie on the pedestal and she’s ready for an experience of a lifetime. The guys get to work quick fast and in a hurry. They yank that green dress off her. They go down town, returning the favor, eating and nibbling on her pussy. They all take...

2 years ago
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Camp the final chapter

Mysterious stranger:- "That was close, you need to be more careful when facing creatures like that, very hard to beat and very few weapons have the ability to stop them" Jonah:- "Yeah i already know that, still got to ask who you are" Mysterious stranger:- "Who am i, well that depends on who you want me to be, friend or foe, i'll let you choose" Jonah:- "Not what i meant but still, i guess right now i'd choose friend" Mysterious stranger:- "Friend i am then until you...

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A Simple Round of Golf

This story is fiction and all characters are over 18. Lucy and I went to a smaller state university located in a medium sized Texas town. Everyone knew Lucy and I was no exception. We had several classes together during our first two years in school. The first year she pledged a sorority and dated one of the stud athletes on the baseball team. The second year she didn’t date any one person regularly but went out with different people. I didn’t date much my first year as I was trying to adapt...

2 years ago
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The Real Me part 1

Introduction: From student to slave…. It seems like yesterday when I first began to email HIM. Feeling the butterflies in my stomach, when a message was in my inbox. Nervously typing my reply to HIM, making sure everything was perfect. It all began when I was at University and had access to my friends computer. I wasnt a virgin at the time, but sexually naive. I had blown a guy at prom, and later that night we had sex. Plus there was the guy from next door, whom I had sex with a couple of...

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Beginning With Younger Brother Part 8211 6

Hello, everyone!! Thanks for your feedback. Those who don’t know me, I am a 24-year-old girl from Gujarat. My figure is 34-27-36. This is my Sixth story. Continuation of the story “beginning with younger brother part-5”. Please read old stories to get the full context. This story has group sex, lesbian, incest between brother/sister, mom/son, mom/daughter. So guys take your cock out of your pants and girls put your hand in your panties and get ready for orgasm. Please give your feedback on or...

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