More With My Cousin Jacqui free porn video

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“Let’s go,” she said, smiling sweetly before reaching to kiss my lips. As she sat up her tits stood out firmly and swayed slightly with her movements. The olive tone of her skin glistened with an imperceptible beading of sweat. Her long, dark hair cascaded around her shoulders. We stood together and kissed again.

We left our clothes but slipped into our shoes and walked to the Jeep, taking bottled water from the ice chest in the back. I asked, “Are you hungry?”

In true Jacqui fashion, she replied, “Why, you want me to eat you again?”

“Well, you need your strength, we still have a couple of hours before we have to head back. We can have a lot of fun in that amount of time,” I shot back.

“I’m a little hungry, but I’m also very sticky. Let’s go for a swim before we have lunch,” Jacqui suggested.

This was just what I had in mind and we headed toward the metal tank and windmill. The tank was about 25-feet across, the water crystal clear. Jacqui walked in front of me, and I watched as her naked ass swayed with her steps, her pelvis rocking from side to side. She was so sexy, and I felt my cock begin to grow watching her beautiful body in motion. A metal ladder was built into the side of the water tank, and we used this to climb over into the water after I splashed the rungs to cool them. I then helped Jacqui in, holding her hand and feeling her up in the process; she just felt so good to touch.

The water was about four-feet deep, and we swam around for a bit, enjoying the water and playing grab-ass all the while. Jacqui showed no inhibition and it seemed we might have been lovers for years rather than a mere 24 hours. I couldn’t get enough of the touch and feel of her. I suddenly realized that what we were experiencing together was emotionally deeper than the casual couple of trysts I’d had up to this point. We were cousins, and she would be 350 miles away before I could blink . . . and no one would accept or excuse what was happening between us.

“Austin, what’s wrong?” Jacqui looked into my face, placing her hand on my cheek. “You’re not having second thoughts about any of this are you?”

“No, of course not,” I quickly replied. “I just didn’t expect to be feeling what I’m feeling toward you. What will happen after you go home?”

We stood at the shallower end of the tank, the water just below her breasts. I reached and drew Jacqui close to me, caressing her face to my neck and running my hand down the wet hair draped over her back. Her firm tits felt good against me, and my cock was nestled between her legs.

“Well, we’ll make the most of the time we have together until then. And, we’ll find a way to see each other soon,” Jacqui consoled.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I smiled down at her, “Ready for that sandwich yet?”

“You bet!” she said.

Through the clear water I watched as she lowered her hand to her pussy and inserted two fingers swishing them inside, rinsing. She then reached down and ran her hands up and down along the length of my shaft. She pulled my foreskin back and rubbed her hands around the exposed mushroom head. She caressed my balls, running one finger all the way to my hole and swirling it around there.

“There now, all washed up for lunch,” she giggled.

We climbed from the tank and the sight of Jacqui’s tight pussy from behind as she climbed over the side took my breath away. As she bent, her lips were spread slightly and her pink inner labia peeked into view. She dripped with water and looked to beautiful to be real. She went to our blanket to shake it out, while I retrieved the ice chest from the Jeep and carried it over, my erect cock bouncing all the way. Inside the chest there were sodas, chips and sandwiches. Setting lunch at the edge of our blanket, I leaned on one arm reclining at one side. Jacqui reclined in the opposite direction a couple of feet from me. The sunlight that filtered through the canopy of the cottonwood leaves above felt awesome on our naked skin. A slight breeze rustled Jacqui’s damp hair and I marveled again at just how beautiful she was.

Even watching her eat her sandwich was sensual. As she parted her lips to take a bite I thought of how my cock had looked sliding in and out of her mouth. My prick twitched at the thought, and the movement did not escape her notice.

My mind drifted to what I was feeling emotionally. The incest was exciting, the sex incredible. But, where could this go, really? Jacqui interrupted my thoughts, “I know what you’re thinking,” she said.

“Oh, what’s that?” I replied, blushing.

“The same as me, that this is too cool, and will soon be next to impossible to continue.”

“What can we do though?” I pondered.

“Well, for starters, we are going to really enjoy the rest of today!” Jacqui said, reaching across and playfully tugging at my cock. He responded nobly and went almost immediately to full attention. “Cool,” Jacqui smiled, licking her lips deliciously. “Roll over on your back.”

I lay my unfinished sandwich to the side, and happily complied with her request. She sidled over and placed her knees at either side of my head, raising herself onto all-fours. She leaned forward, resting her breasts onto my torso and placed her elbows at my sides. She slowly lowered her mouth onto my now throbbing pole and suckled the head into her sweet lips. I gasped in pleasure and she giggled around my meat. I reached and gently pulled her hips downward until her very moist pussy was just above my face. I rocked my head forward and lapped softly at the downy mound of her cunt. She tasted so good. Her fluids were virtually dripping into my mouth, and I had to constantly swallow to keep up with her flow.

Her attention to my prick was fluid and wonderful. She sucked me with impassioned hunger, no hint of hesitation or reluctance. I tried to match her passion in my assault on her snatch, making it my purpose to please her. As I felt her warm mouth and throat engulfing my rod, I lapped at her pussy like it would be my last meal. I had shot my wad so many times in the past few hours that I knew I’d have no trouble lasting for a while. Even as this thought crossed my mind, Jacqui began to buck and whimper, convulsing and thrashing as she held my hard cock in her lips. She came hard, extending her legs straight out behind her and grinding her pussy roughly into my face. She shuddered as deep moans escaped around my cock still buried in her throat.

As her orgasm subsided, Jacqui didn’t release her hold on my dick, though she did slide out to the very tip. She rotated off my belly and lay beside me on the blanket, with her head extended across my thigh, her breathing revealing how hard she had cum. Her left hand gripped my cock, and her right went to my balls. She resumed sucking me, her head bobbing up and down as she jacked my rod. I had no idea where she learned to suck cock, but she was incredible. As she toyed with my nuts, she pressed her fingers below and grazed across my sphincter. I responded by opening my legs and raising my backside slightly. Encouraged, Jacqui began to draw slow circles around my hole and probed slightly at the opening. She pressed her finger into me lightly, and the sensation sent waves of ecstacy through my being.

Sensing the effect she was having on me, Jacqui increased the pressure of her finger until she had slid just the tip inside my ass. She kept pressure there, without losing a beat in her mouthy assault on my dick. As I relaxed my opening, she pressed her finger deeper inside me. I’d never experienced anything remotely like this before, and couldn’t believe how incredibly wonderful it felt. She continued deeper, until I felt her knuckles tight against my ass, her finger extended fully inside. I expected her to finger-fuck me; instead she began to apply pressure against my prostate gland and wiggled her finger against me there. The intensity of these feelings threw me over the edge quickly. I felt an orgasm begin to send shivers throughout my body. My legs tensed as never before, and I felt my ass convulse around Jacqui’s finger. Sperm began to boil out of my cock and flooded her throat in long, hot streams. With the number of times I’d come recently, I couldn’t believe how I just kept shooting streams of my seed into my cousin’s mouth. She swallowed, but couldn’t keep up as my overflow ran down her chin and pooled around my cock. As my climax began to subside, aftershocks of pleasure continued to cause waves of convulsions; I felt almost possessed. I grunted heavily and fought to keep my breath.

Jacqui sucked and licked my spent dick as she pulled her lips off of me. With a slurppy plop, my cock fell to one side. I’d cum so hard my breath was ragged and I felt weak all over. Aftershocks continued, and I just lay still, basking in the glow. Jacqui slowly pulled her finger out of me, and that sensation sent new thrills across my body. “So . . . how was that for you?” she asked demurely after a moment.

“You couldn’t tell?” was all I could muster, still shuddering in ecstacy.

“When you get your breath back, let’s get back in the water for a while,” Jacqui offered coyly, “you look like you need a break.”

I raised up on my elbows and could just reach her pointed nips. I kissed one, then the other and reached to toy with her breasts. Jacqui sat back and enjoyed this for a moment, smiling at my affections. “So, you’re a big ‘titty-baby’ too!” she exclaimed laughing. “Come on, let’s go for a swim.”

She stood up and reached to pull me to my feet. Her lips, chin, and upper chest shone with remnants of my most recent explosion. As I stood, I leaned in and kissed her fully and with passion, little caring that I received a mouthful of my own cum in the process. Our tongues entwined and circled as our mutual fluids were exchanged. My hands quickly found her firm breasts and I played with her little buds as we continued our embrace. We slowly made our way back to the water tank, and I pulled her to me and held her tightly, our bodies melded as if one. “I don’t want this day to ever end,” I whispered into her ear.

“Well, don’t waste any of it wishing then, come on,” Jacqui invited.

She stepped to the second rung on the metal ladder and leaned forward across a small platform at the top. Her ass-cheeks were spread and I found myself at eye level with her tight little puckered hole. Below that, her outer labia, slightly darker and swollen, opened into a pink slit that beaded moisture. The downy patch on her mons was neatly trimmed. I placed my hands on her ass-cheeks and spread them slightly further apart. Extending my tongue, I lapped around the small circled spot, slowing working my way inward. Jacqui drew in a deep breath when I finally made full contact. The texture was smooth, and there was nothing unpleasant at all about what I was doing. I probed gently, applying pressure and pushing with my tongue. She opened to me, and I penetrated her ass, slightly at first. I pushed my tongue as deeply as it would go, and Jacqui moaned in pleasure. I tongue-fucked her and alternated by pulling out and rimming around her, then penetrating again as deeply as I could go.

“That feels fucking great,” Jacqui exclaimed. “Eat my ass baby! Yes!”

Jacqui arched her back to raise her ass, meeting my assault with gusto. With the improved angle of her now upturned cunt, I was able to lick both her openings and preceded to lap at her clit and raising my face, dragged my tongue just inside her pink flesh and reinserted into her ass at the top. Jacqui’s legs began to tremble as she continued leaning across the ladder. I kept working her pussy and ass together with my tongue. As I felt her tremors become more intense, I reached and pressed my thumb against her sphincter, easing gently inside her. I pushed until my thumb was buried and began to slowly work it in and out of her. This produced grunts and moans from my lover, and I redoubled my attention to her dripping pussy.

Bending lower, I pulled at her clit with my lips and sucked the little button into my mouth. Holding it there, I worked my tongue around the tip like a piece of candy. All the while, Jacqui’s trembling legs grew weaker until I was literally holding her in place as I ate her out. When she finally came again, she thrashed about on the platform and cried out, “Oh, fuck! Yes! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Auuugghh!!! Eat me baby! Eat my pussy! Fuck my ass! Oh, yes - yes!!”

Her legs bucked and she repeatedly slammed her ass into my face as I finished her off. When her orgasm calmed, she collapsed weakly where she lay draped across the ladder. To my relief, my cock was rock hard and ready for action. Before this, I was sure he’d been done for the day. I stroked myself as I waited for Jacqui to recover enough to climb on over into the water.

She half climbed, half rolled across the platform and let herself fall into the tank. I had to turn to the side as I climbed over, my throbbing pole bobbing with each step. The water enveloped me as I fell in beside Jacqui, her skin bright in the sun-drenched pool. She looked at my engorged cock and reached to stroke me with her hand.

Insatiable, I saw raw lust in her eyes as she toyed with my prick. More than that, a fiery passion burned, not just for a lover, but for me. The chemistry flowing between us was tremendous. Towing me by my cock, Jacqui lead me to an area of the water tank that was less deep. Overflow plumbing allowed her to lean forward and rest her hands on some piping. This postured her ass at the perfect height for me to take her from behind. Leaning there, her head and shoulders just out of the water, she looked over her shoulder to me and whispered, “Come and get me.”

I stepped forward and placed the pinkish-purple head of my dick at her swollen slit. Through the water, our bodies shimmered in the sunlight. Even there, in the coolness, heat from Jacqui’s pussy radiated onto my erect prick. I pushed forward and felt her lips spread to engulf me, the heat even more intense. Slipping through the outer surface of her cunt, I felt myself drawn inside her flesh. She was tight and quite hot. I held myself deeply inside for a moment, relishing in the awesome sensation of her sex. Pulling back, it felt as if Jacqui’s pussy was drawing me inside and preventing my withdrawal. Just as the tip of my cock pulled from inside her, I eased forward and entered her again. If it were possible, she was even hotter inside than before.

I slowly pulled out of her again, and as I rocked my body forward, Jacqui reached back and lifted my cock to align with her ass. I felt slight resistance as I pushed against her flesh, and the slow relaxing of her opening. As the tip of my cock entered I paused, but Jacqui pulled me forward by my hip. “No, don’t stop, I’m ok,” she moaned to me.

Still, not wanting to hurt my lover, I eased into her slowly and sank myself to the hilt in her equally hot ass. Giving her a moment to adjust, I began to slowly piston in and out of her hole. Our movement in the water made it difficult to hold very stable and on one backstroke, I slipped from her ass and impaled my cock back into her pussy before I could readjust. Jacqui turned to look at me and moaned her approval. “Fuck yeah!” she said.

For a few minutes, I continued pumping her holes, alternating between her hot cunt below and tight ass above. I felt my balls begin to tighten and knew I’d get at least one more blast today. Wanting to cum with her, I watched Jacqui respond to my fucking and waited until I heard the tell-tale gasp and stiffening of her shoulders that indicated she was going to cum. I stayed in her pussy and hammered against her, the water between us splashing noisily. Jacqui screamed as she came, “Oh, fuck! Oh, shit! Fuckin’ shit! Oh, fuckin’ shit! That feels good! Fuck me, yes, fuck me. Hard, hard, harder!”

At her first climaxing convulsion, I released my seed deep inside her. With each thrust of my hips I shot another stream into her womb. I’m certain there was not much cum, but what I felt was as intense as any of the times we had coupled since the first time the night before. As my orgasm concluded, all I could do was stand, half leaning against Jacqui’s ass. We were completely spent. I even wondered how we would be able to climb out of the water. Her legs were trembling as badly as mine.

I reached, taking her shoulders in my hands and pulled her upright against my chest. My cock dropped loosely out of her, and we just stood catching our breath.

It was getting late, and we’d have to leave before very long. We washed each other in the cool water and prepared to go. As we stood, naked together at the steps, I pulled Jacqui to me and held her in a tight embrace. She turned her face upward and we kissed a deep and passionate kiss. The look on her face as we stood in the water said as much as the words she spoke, “I love you Austin. Always have–always will.”


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Depressed cousin lusts for sex

I am Shyam. I am a regular reader of indian sex stories. I am 35 years old now.I want to share with you the nice experiences I had in my joint family. My mother tongue is Telugu. I am writing some of the lines in Telugu with english translation for authenticity. I had earlier detailed my first sexual experience in ‘Pinni (aunt) asked to explain Masturbation I had also detailed by lovely relationship I had with my maternal cousin, Usha. Thanks to my readers for the very positive feedback I got...

3 years ago
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Fucking the cousin and her friends

A few weeks in and things were going well, Naomi was helping out around the house and doing more then her fair share of chores to keep in favour with her new landlord. We soon built up a friendly rapport, and were getting on like a house on fire, which is why I agreed to take her clubbing tonight with her boyfriend Scott, and her best friend Sasha. Scott was eighteen and seemed a decent enough fella. He was the usual sporty type but seemed to have a good head on his young shoulders. He was...

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Wild Sex With My Big Boobs Cousin Sister

Hello everyone, I am Deep (name changed). I am a tall, dark, handsome and horny guy. I always find a way to touch my cousin and flirt with her a lot. And because of how good I am at flirting, any girl will fall for me and loves to have sex! Without wasting time, now let’s move to the story. This story happened after the death of my cousin sister’s husband. Before the death of my jiju, my cousin sister and jiju were a happy couple. They have had lots of sex and fulfilled their hot fantasies...

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Cousin Ke Mote Lund Se Chudi

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur call center me job karti hu. Main bahut sexy hu aur meri chuchi aur gand bahut badi h aur mera figure 36 30 38 h aur main bahut hot hu aur bahut sexy hu. Main apko apni sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise cousin ke mote lund se chudi ye kahani kuch din pahle ki h main shadi me gayi huwi thi aur waha mere cousin bhi aaya huwa tha aur hum sab family wale shadi atten kar rahe the. Meri mummy papa bhi sath me gaye the aur hum log...

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Mom My Cousin and Me

My cousin and I room together at school, and thanks to hanging around with him I’ve had some wild experiences with a lot of women. But this last summer on vacation, I had an experience that I never thought would have been possible. It all began on a Friday night at a dull party put on by my cousin’s parents. The people there were all family and friends of our folks, and my evening started out really dull. Thanks to my cousin, however, it didn’t stay dull for long. First, my cousin told me...

1 year ago
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Feelings On My Baby Cousin

Hello, Greetings!! ISS and Readers, Sub: Feelings On My BABY (Cousin – who is 8 months elder than me) Ref: Hemo, I’m back with another story, those who not came across with my stories for them I’m going to introduce myself. This is Hemanth from Hyderabad if you want to know more about me then back to my previous stories (I don’t like to waste your time so that I said like that), I hope you like them please give feedback on those stories. Please forgive me if any mistakes are there, I’m not a...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter With My Cousin The Weekend

Friday 10th – Saturday 11th One Friday morning, I woke up to the sound of my mother yelling for me to come down for breakfast, I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 8:09. I got up from my bed and noticed a raging hard on poking through my underwear. I couldn’t understand how I’ve been waking up for the past few days with a boner. Lately I’ve been feeling hornier than usual and today I didn’t have time to relieve myself so I just put on a shirt and some shorts and went down. I went...

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I fuck my girlfriend and her cousin

How are you? I m f9 and hope you will be f9. I m 23 male from lahore. My name is kamran. I read many stories on this site. Today, i m presenting my own sex experiance. I shall told my story in urdu. Ajj jo kahani mai app ko bata raha hoon yeh kuch aik saal pehle ki hai. Yeh kahnai mere girlfriend aur us ki cousin par hai. Jab mai 22 saal ka hua tou mere koi bhi girlfriend nahi thi mai kafi sharif kisam ka larka tha. Phir aik din jab college ka last day tha mai ghar se college ki taraf gaya...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 2

Hello everyone, this is Diganth and I am 24 years old. Readers, this is a continuation of the previous story. Those who have missed the earlier part please read it. I am 5 feet 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently, I am working in one of the reputed companies. About my structure, I am a medium built guy with a 6″ sized dick. So, here is the continuation. After two minutes, my cousin Manu came inside the room and asked about our decision. He said that he has another plan to...

2 years ago
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Watching Mallu Mom Having Sex With Cousin

Hello readers. This is my first story and it is also a real incident. I am Alan from Kerala and I am 21 years old. This is about my mom who is 45 years old. She is slim but has an amazing ass and perfect boobs. She is fair and very beautiful. This incident happened 8 months ago during the last Christmas vacation. I always had a sexual feeling towards my mother but I was afraid to take the first step. She is an orthodox lady and was not so modern. But all these changed during the last Christmas...

3 years ago
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Cousin with benefits

So, my cousin and I have known each other our whole lives. We live about 1000 miles away, so we see each other every few years or so, weddings and occasional funeral. We've always had a crush on each other and flirted when no one was looking. We were caught a few times 'flirting' and in a family where humor is crass and frequently embarrassing, we were often called kissing cousins. That probably helped us behave when we were in our teens and twenties but now that we're in our mid thirties, we...

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The Cousin Trilogy Part One

The following story is 100% true, as I remember it. There is no embellishment whatsoever. This all happened. Jill is my oldest cousin, clocking in at 14 years older than me. She's on the shorter side, being only 5'4. However, she's by no means petite. I don't mean to say she's fat. In fact she's always been in damn good shape. She just has larger-than-average breasts (36DD), and a larger-than-average butt. She has a perfect smile and gorgeous eyes. Everything about her is just...

3 years ago
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Erotic Encounter With Cousin Akka On A Rainy Night

Hi ISS friends! I am back again with yet another episode of my sexcapades which I am sure all of you would like. Your valuable comments and suggestions are solicited for future guidance. Here is the episode: Post-summer vacation, I became a day scholar as my parents had relocated to Trichy, thus totally missing the hostel life, especially my friends and Rajan sir. My cousin, Anu akka (dad’s sister’s daughter) joined us to work in a school nearby as Hindi/Music teacher. She was almost 10 years...

4 years ago
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First Time With My Cousin

MF oral inc cousin Summary: Well, his dad had just fucked me for the first time a couple of days before so why not the son? The only potential complication was that the dad was my uncle and his son was my cousin! Table of Contents: Chapter 1 i****t in My family Chapter 2 Seeking My Mom?s Advice Chapter 3 My Mom?s Puts Our Plan Into Action Chapter 4 Sucking My Cousin?s Dick Chapter 5 Paul Eats My Pussy Chapter 6 Paul Finally Fucks Me Chapter 7 My Mom Surprises Paul Chapter 8 Paul Fucks Me Again...

2 years ago
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Christmas Candy Cane Cocked Cousin And Mom

"He's an absolute asshole Aunt Bridget," were the first words I heard when I barged into the kitchen after I'd got home from football practice. "Hi mom," I said with a big smile as I reached to grab a couple of cookies from the pan that had just been pulled from the oven. It was their aroma that had drawn me unerringly to the room. After giving mom a quick kiss on the cheek I turned to Rosie and asked with a twinkle in my voice, "Got a kiss for your favorite cousin beautiful?" "No!"...

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My cousin and her first cheating gangbang

First of all this is not a true story and it's my fantasy about fucking my younger cousin and having her gang banged or me fucking her really hard.So all started when I was 16 years old I was at college and so was my cousin we were both on vacations and we went to my aunts place so it was pleasant she had a big house and as her husband was a manager at a firm and her elder son was like 2 years elder than me my aunt also had a daughter who is not the one I wanna talk.We were quite happy there we...

4 years ago
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Cousin Danny Takes Care of Me

"Incestuous relationships are illegal in many places around the world - the following story purely fictional." Cousin Danny Takes Care of Me Three days before my seventeenth birthday, my great grandma died in her sleep. She was the last remaining matriarch on either side of the family so the funeral was massive. Hoardes of relatives flew in from everywhere. I was super shy around all of them especially because I'd finally begun to develop. Just last summer, I was still a chubby nerdy girl with...

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Cousin Ke Sath Jamkar Chudayi Ki

Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main ek acche se company mein job karti hu aur meri job cousin ne lagwaya tha. Main apne cousin ke bahut kareeb thi aur usne mujhe job lagwa diya aur main uske sath job karne jaati thi. Mera koi kaam office ka mera cousin kar deta tha. Main usko ek accha dost maanti thi aur hum dono log mein bahut accha dosti tha. Main company mein sabhi ladies se sexy thi kyu ki main apne aapko bahut maintain rakhti hu aur main thoda fashion mein rahti hu. Main company mein...

2 years ago
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Holiday Awakening Hiking with my cousin part 2

Introduction: This is the follow on. I strongly suggest reading the first part to fully enjoy/appreciate it. This has a bit of a leadup but I feel it both necessary and worth it. I awoke to the sound of birds chirping and laughter outside. What time of the day it was I didnt know. For a few seconds I didnt even know where I was. All I knew was that I was well rested and deep down, happy. I looked around the room I was in. A medium sized room in a wooden summer house. Thats right. It all came...

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With My Pregnant Cousin

Hey friends, this is Shahif and now I am here to share my feelings that I had with my cousin before starting the story. This is my first story this not an frictional story or a story this was a feeling and pleasure I had with her. It ‘s an 100% true story. My mail id is In the if any spelling mistakes are there I am sorry for it. Now coming to the story and it starts from few months back. First of all I tell you about me I am shahy now of age 22. I am average looking guy of fine colour with 5...

4 years ago
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Holiday Awakening Hiking with my cousin part 2

Shayla, my cousin, a few years older than me. A long-time family member and very close friend of mine. We used to always hang out when we were younger. Even in the last few years we used to keep in touch. We were very open with each other about our lives. We trusted each other fully. But last night, I had slept with her. I had slept with my cousin. I instantly snapped my head sideways. Shayla was gone. Panic set in quite quickly. Shayla was probably out now telling our family’s what had...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Sofia

(MFMF, inc, intr, oral, anal, 1st, swingers, orgy)When Sofia found out that I often wrote sex stories, she wouldn't leave me alone. I'm almost 30 and Sofia is my cousin, barely 19 when this relationship began, petite and quite a doll. I guess most people would call her "cute" because of her looks. But she has always been a precocious k**, graduating at the top of her high school class, getting scholarship offers galore. ***1: SofiaA few weeks ago, I answered the door to find Sofia, wearing...

1 year ago
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Bisexual Me And Hot Male Cousin 8211 Pt 2 Erotic Shower

This is the second part of my story were I had fun with my male cousin in the shower. If you haven’t read my previous story, please do read it. I was overwhelmed by your response to my first story. Thank you all very much. When I was 18 years old, I found out that I am attracted to both men and women. Since then, I was eagerly waiting to get into a sexual encounter with either men or women. It was men first and luckily, it happened when I was 19 years old with my cousin. His name was Sid (not...

Gay Male
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Cousin brittney 1

Revised Hi, my name is Mike. I use to live in a small town, and I am currently looking for another small town to move too. The reason  for my decision to not go home will be explainable once you read this story. It all began when I first met my 12 year old cousin Brittney, and again you're about to see why.  Growing up in a small town was actually not to bad. It had its ups and downs. The worst of it was the fact that is was so boring. As a result I got into my fair share of trouble from...

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Threesome With Aunt And Cousin

This incident happened a few months ago when I went to my cousins place for vacations. We were of the same age and had a liking for women. My cousin had fucked many girls and women before but I was not very lucky. He used to stay with his mom while his dad worked abroad. His mom worked in a nearby company I have always had a thing for mature married women and his mom was no exception. A nice plump lady of 45, she had nice breasts and a huge ass which would swing to and fro as she moved. I...

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My Cousin Terri

The nature of my relationship with my Cousin has just changed forever. Terri and I have always been very close.I am only six months older than her and I won't lie to you. Ever since we were teenagers I have dreamt about fucking her.When we were growing up my family lived in Waterbury and she lived in Naugatuck which is the next town over. We would see each other on Holidays.Our families would get together on Christmas Eve at their house, they would come to our house on New Year's Eve, and we...

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The way I met my husband and found out my cousin d

Me and my cousin are seven years apart and we are related cause my dad and my uncle are brothers. Well my cousin was dating my husband when I was 12, she was 19 at the moment. My husband was 23 at the moment they were dating but, I never met him at the time. So they dated for like 2 years and of course they fuck each other. So my cousin had to move due to her parent move to another city but kept communicating each other but then they just stopped. Well seven more years passed i turned 19. I met...

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Cousin Khushi Has The Last Laugh In BDSM

Hello guys. I am back again, with another real incest story. The hero in this story is Armaan and the heroine is Khushi. This is a slightly long story. So, guys and girls, it’s time to give your hands a task which you won’t regret! I won’t waste a lot of time and shall come to the story directly. Brace yourself for the adventure! Armaan :- 6′ cock, 6.5″ height (dude), athletic body. Khushi :- 5’6″ height, 38-28-38 stats, curvy body and an ass to die for. This story goes back 4...

2 years ago
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Cousin Khushi Has The Last Laugh In BDSM

Hello guys. I am back again, with another real incest story. The hero in this story is Armaan and the heroine is Khushi. This is a slightly long story. So, guys and girls, it’s time to give your hands a task which you won’t regret! I won’t waste a lot of time and shall come to the story directly. Brace yourself for the adventure! Armaan :- 6′ cock, 6.5″ height (dude), athletic body. Khushi :- 5’6″ height, 38-28-38 stats, curvy body and an ass to die for. This story goes back 4...

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My Big Ass Cousin Sister Adrija 8211 Part 1

Hello, this is Shubh and I am going to tell you a story that happened in 2015. This story happened between me and my cousin sister who is one year older than me. I was a first-year college student back then. Let’s just say that her name is Adrija Datta (not her real name). My cousin is very beautiful and has a very good figure with nice boobs and a big round ass. Her figure is 32-30-34. I have always fantasized about my cousin sister’s big ass many times and masturbated a lot thinking about it....

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Sex With My Cousin8217s Wife Bhabi

Hello readers I am Moh and 33 years old currently living in Canada. This story is about sex with my cousin’s wife in 2004 when i was in college. I regretted for almost 3-4 years after that incident as i thought it was not appropriate. Now let’s get the ball rolling. I was 24 years old and was in college in 2004. I had my long term GF as we were dating for almost 5 years. However, because of our family problem we used to see each other once in a while; sometimes, once a year or twice a year. She...

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Meine Cousine und Ich

Wieder so ein langweiliges Treffen, denke ich mir, als wir gerade bei der Verwandtschaft ankommen. Alle lächeln sich an und grüßen sich, doch im Grunde sind wir uns doch fremd. Alle paar Monate trifft man sich mal, doch da jeder von uns in einer anderen Stadt lebt, ist es immer wieder wie ein neues kennenlernen. Auch ich spiele den Lieben, lächle, begrüße alle schön, um mich dann zu meinem Cousin zu setzten. So läuft das meistens. Erst ein freundliches Hallo und dann setzten sich die älteren...


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