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Fall arrived and Ali and Bill Clifford went back to Hawaii for three weeks. On their return in November, they planned to go to Austin where Bill's eldest child, his daughter Jennifer, lived. She was a graduate student in political science at the University of Texas. When they arrived and cleared security, Bill was annoyed that Jennifer wasn't at the airport to meet them. He had given her their flight information and the connecting flight down from Dallas had been on time. However, they were met by Fred who had driven the limousine over from Los Angeles. He took their baggage checks and made arrangements for their luggage to be brought to the hotel.

Meantime Bill called Jennifer's apartment. When he returned, Ali's eyes widened. She had never seen him look the way he did now. He appeared both angry and apprehensive as he gave her a weak smile going out to the car. When Fred pulled out on the highway, Bill looked at Ali and said, "I've got a problem, I'm afraid."

Ali looked concerned and felt a sharp pang of fear. "What's wrong, darling?"

"It's Jennifer. She didn't want to come out here and then didn't want to meet us in our suite at the hotel. She wanted to meet in the restaurant downstairs. Something's very wrong," he continued, "and I think I know what it is: I'm afraid Jennifer doesn't like you."

Ali did not reply. She just looked at him.

Finally, he continued. "Jennifer and her mother were close. You probably noticed I don't talk about her very much. The reason is my first wife and I weren't very close at all. Ali, if I seem utterly ecstatic when I'm with you, it's only because I am. I have never been so happy in my entire life." He looked at her and tried to smile but failed. "It's possible the reason I was so successful in business is because I was so unsuccessful everywhere else."

Ali took his hand and just held it in both of hers. She still hadn't said a word. Then she moved over close and gave him a kiss that was loaded with all the love she felt for him. Then she just held him tightly.

They had just settled into their suite when the doorbell rang. Ali moved to answer it but Bill motioned her to remain seated. He went to the door and opened it, returning to the sitting room followed by a girl Ali guessed to be his daughter, Jennifer. She was a tall girl with sandy-blonde hair about the color of Bill's. She had a beautiful figure and very lovely features but now her face looked grim.

Ali rose as she entered the room. She had intended to take the girl in her arms but quickly rejected that idea. Instead she held out her hand and said, "How do you do? I'm Ali, your father's wife. I'm delighted to meet you."

Jennifer looked at Ali's outstretched hand and then ignored it. She went to a chair and sat down still without saying a word. Ali looked at Bill who was red in the face and looked like he was about ready to explode. He looked at his daughter and said, "Okay, Jennifer. What's the problem? Aside from the fact you have clearly forgotten any manners that you may have ever learned."

Jennifer glared at Ali and said, "The problem is this dumb, cheap, gold-digging whore! That's what the problem is!"

Before Bill could say anything — and he appeared ready to explode — Ali said, "Bill, try to relax." Turning to the girl she said, "That wasn't very flattering, Jennifer. First, why do you say I'm a whore? You do know your father and I are married?"

"Because you trapped him with sex! I'll bet you did something quaint to get him to marry you, like telling him you were pregnant or something!"

Ali kept her face passive and quietly replied, "That's not true, Jennifer. Actually, your father and I were married almost four months before our marriage was consummated. Before that, all we ever did was kiss. I guess it's fair to say that I was unsuccessfully trying to seduce him, but we were married. Then I think you said I was a gold digger. I can see why you might say that. Your father and I do have a business arrangement. Maybe you're right, though. The arrangement was for me to play the part of his wife for one year for a fee of $1 million. I didn't ask for it; he offered. The fee may be excessive. In fact, I'm sure it is, but it could be revised downward. What do you think would be fair?"

The girl was glaring at Ali with hatred showing in her eyes. Finally, she said venomously, "The only thing that would help would be for you to get out of my father's life! This instant!" she screamed.

Before Bill could say or do anything, Ali got up and went into the bedroom. A few minutes later she reappeared with a suitcase. Bill's jaw dropped and he jumped to his feet. "Ali, where are you going?"

"Bill, I think it would be better if I got another room. I guess they can find a room for me in the hotel somewhere. I'll call you later." She quickly kissed him and left.

Bill wheeled on his daughter who was sitting open-mouthed. "Why you ungrateful little bitch! Do you know what you've just done?"

Jennifer had regained her composure and looked at her father with a self-satisfied smirk. "Yes, I do! I just got rid of a worthless piece of trash!"

She recoiled as it appeared Bill was going to slap her across the face. Then he relaxed a little and sat down. He shook his head in sadness and frustration. "Jennifer, you have just destroyed my life! That's what you've done. That woman who just left is the finest person it's ever been my privilege to know. She's also the most loving, the smartest, and the most capable.

"You said she's a gold digger? Let me tell you something! In the six months or so since I've met her, she's generated about $150 million for me. That's made, not spent. You won't believe this either: She was the purest, most virginal woman I've ever been with! A whore!? Ali McGrath is the farthest thing from a whore imaginable. When I first met her she was literally starving to death. Why? Because she wouldn't sell her body even if the alternative was starvation.

"I think I heard you say dumb, too. Ali is a Phi Beta Kappa and graduated summa cum laude from the University of Kansas. She was first in her class in UCLA's MBA program and later at its law school. She is the senior partner of the very best law firm Boeing has ever worked with. It's an all-female firm, by the way.

"I won't go into our personal life except to say she is the warmest, most loving person I could imagine." He frowned and shook his head. "That's wrong. I could never imagine anyone like her. Now what do you have to say for yourself and for your actions?"

The girl had been recoiling but she was not prepared to admit she had made a mistake. "That's okay, Dad. You're well rid of her."

"Jennifer, get out of here! Now!" he screamed. "Get out before I do something I could be prosecuted for. Consider yourself cut off. There will be no more money for you — ever again!"

The girl recoiled in fear and fled from the suite. Bill waited awhile in order to calm down enough to talk. Then he called the front desk. "This is Mr. Clifford. I believe my wife engaged another room. What is the room number, please?"

"Sir, we can't give out room numbers, but the hotel operator will connect you."

He heard the phone ringing and Ali immediately answered it. "Darling, it's me," he said. "What are you doing?"

He could tell there was something wrong with her voice. Then he realized what it was. She had obviously been crying and still was. "Honey, I got another room," she said, "and I'll send a bellman up for the rest of my things. I've made a reservation to go back to Los Angeles tomorrow. I'll be out of our suite at the Beverly Wilshire by the time you get back. I love you, Bill Clifford," she said very softly. Then the phone went dead.

Bill looked at the instrument and called the operator asking to be reconnected. He was told Mrs. Clifford had asked not to be disturbed. He was frightened. He could feel all of his happiness disappearing down a drain. Then he picked up the phone and called Ali's law office in LA. The receptionist, Judy Jeffries, answered immediately. Bill identified himself and asked for Ginger. Judy said she was unavailable.

Bill said, "Judy, this is a matter of life or death. I must get in touch with Ginger immediately!"

He could hear Judy's sudden intake of breath. "Would you wait, please? I'll try to reach her."

There was silence on the phone for a few minutes. Then he heard Ginger come on the line. The connection was not good. "Bill, it's Ginger. What's the problem?"

"Ginger, the problem is Ali ... and my idiot daughter. My daughter, Jennifer, started to insult Ali. She called her a dumb, cheap, gold-digging whore! Then she really let go. Ging, Ali's left the suite and took her clothes. She has a room of her own and she won't even tell me the room number. Ginger, I need help ... and I really think she does, too. Where are you?"

"I'm in Seattle with Sandy. Look, Bill, I'll come right down. If it's okay with you, I want to bring my mother, too. Ali refers to her as her best friend, and I think she is. I'll see you as soon as I can get there."

Bill paced the floor of the suite. Bellmen came up and he gave them the rest of Ali's luggage with the greatest reluctance. He tried to read but couldn't. Then he turned on the TV but couldn't stand the noise. He thought about eating, but the thought of food turned his stomach. Finally the phone rang.

It was Ginger. "Bill, Mom and I are downstairs. Can we come up?"

Bill's jaw dropped. It had only been three hours since he had spoken to her in Seattle. "My God, Ginger, of course!" He gave them the room number and a few minutes later the doorbell rang. He opened it and saw the mother and daughter. He kissed them both and they came into the suite and sat down. Both women looked somewhat bedraggled.

"My God!" he exclaimed. "How did you get here so fast?"

Barbara gave him a tired smile and said, "Blame Boeing. In addition to their commercial aircraft, they make a few little jewels for special purposes. Anyway, I called Bob after Ginger called me. He called Homer Cumings and one of their special birds was immediately made available to bring us down here. Unfortunately, it's built for speed, not for comfort. Bill, Ali rates very high in Seattle."

Barbara's face turned serious as she added, "Now tell us what happened."

Bill began to recount the events of the morning. He stressed the fact that Ali couldn't have been nicer or more reasonable to Jennifer. As he was finishing the story, the doorbell rang. He opened the door for a bellman with an envelope. The boy looked embarrassed. "Mr. Clifford, I need you to sign this receipt, please."

Bill scrawled his signature and gave the boy one hundred dollars. He had immediately identified the handwriting as Ali's. "What room did this come from?" he asked.

The boy turned red and looked into Bill's tormented eyes. Finally, he said, "It's suite 700, sir. But please don't tell anyone or I'm history!" Bill smiled and assured him he would not.

The boy left and Bill took the fat envelope back to the sitting room. He opened it and emptied it onto the table. Then he looked at the contents and started to cry. Spilled out on the table were Ali's American Express card, MasterCard, Visa, and personal check book. All the things he had given her were being returned to him, even her jewelry. He idly looked at the check register in the check book. When he looked at the last entry, he grabbed the phone and called Morgan Guaranty in New York.

His account officer checked and verified that $600,000 had been put into the account by a Federal Reserve wire transfer from Bank of America. "Bill, there was something odd about the transfer. It's why I happened to know about it. There was no indication of the originating account and B of A refuses to release the information."

Bill sat on the sofa stunned. Tears were running down his cheeks. "My God, it's over! What am I going to do?"

Ginger was sitting next to him and took him in her arms. She just held him and listened to his sobs. Barbara had heard Ali's suite number and took her suitcase to the elevator. She went to the door of suite 700 and rang the bell. Hearing Ali call out, she waited. Barbara guessed Ali was washing her face to eliminate some of the signs of tears. Awhile later the door opened.

Ali gasped in surprise as she saw her friend. "My God! Barbara! What are you doing here?"

Barbara smiled although she had nothing to smile about. Ali looked terrible; the worst, by far, that Barbara had ever seen her. The most noticeable thing was her eyes: they were dead. Barbara wanted to cry but forced a smile. "Hi, cous! You forget I'm a Texan. I do get back home every once in a while. Can I come in?"

Ali stepped back quickly and invited her friend in. They went to the sitting room and Barbara could see the signs of Ali cleaning things out. Bill hadn't exaggerated one bit: she was leaving. Barbara looked at her friend and said, "Ali, what happened?"

Looking into her eyes, Barbara wanted to cry. Ali was tormented and looked it. She said, "Barb, I have to leave Bill. His daughter hates me and I will not come between a man and his children. I won't!"

Barbara spoke very softly. "Ali, shouldn't Bill have something to say about that? I thought you loved him?" As she said it, Barbara Jamison was frightened. It was obvious that Ali was only hanging on by a thread. She was only moments away from a complete breakdown.

"Love Bill?" Ali looked at her friend with her tormented eyes. "No, Barb. I don't love Bill Clifford. I adore him. I would cheerfully sacrifice my life for him. In fact, I guess that's what I'm doing." She broke down in tears and huddled in a small ball in the corner of the sofa. Watching Ali's misery made it the very worst day of Barbara Jamison's life. She went over and held Ali in her arms and just listened as she cried her heart out.

The next day Ginger got a call from Sandy Harris while she was in Bill's suite. Barbara never told Ali that Ginger had come down to Austin with her. Sandy said, "Partner, I got a call late last night from Ali. She was unable to reach you so she called me. She wants to file for divorce against Bill. Actually, first she wanted to go for an annulment but I eased her off that. You can't contest an annulment but you can contest a divorce. Ging, this is the most contestable damned divorce I've ever heard of. What do you think?"

Ginger said, "Sandy, I have an idea. Here's what it is..." She then proceeded to outline in detail what she had in mind. She ended by asking Sandy, "If you called in every chit we have in the Firm, how soon could we get a trial date?"

Sandy immediately endorsed Ginger's idea. "I think I can get us on the calendar for the end of next week. Good enough?"

"Partner, that's great! You know what? If we weren't playing for such incredibly high stakes, this could be interesting!" Ginger continued with sadness becoming evident in her voice, "I guess you know that even if we win, we lose. We both have to leave the firm."

Sandy replied quietly, "Of course. But we don't have a choice, do we? If we don't win, Ali dies and the firm dies anyway. Ginger, that woman saved my life! At any cost, I must try to save her."

Ali flew back to Los Angeles with Barbara and Sandy met them at the airport. She had borrowed Jack's car so it would be big enough to handle Ali's things. When she saw Ali come through security Sandy was shocked. My God, she thought. She died! Her eyes are absolutely dead. Sandy felt her heart knot up as she felt the pain Ali had to be suffering. Ali gave directions to her old apartment in the Valley where she had continued to pay the rent rather than give it up. On the way out she asked Sandy what was going on and was told that the process was being rushed. It would be completed by the end of the following week.

The case was called for Thursday morning at nine-thirty in Family Court. It was to be heard by Judge Helen Carter. After Sandy escorted Ali into the courtroom and up to the plaintiff's table, Ali paid no attention to her surroundings as their case was called. The judge asked if the plaintiff was ready and Sandy said the plaintiff was. She then asked if the defendant was ready and Ginger said the defendant was. Ali heard Ginger's voice and looked across at the defendant's table. Ginger was sitting with Bill Clifford.

The judge asked the counsel to approach the bench. She glared at Ginger and Sandy and said, "What is this, you two? Is this some kind of sick joke? Your senior partner is sitting at the plaintiff's table and you, Miss Jamison, are defending the case ... against your own senior partner?"

"Yes, your honor," Ginger said quietly.

"Young ladies, I'm warning you! I am going to watch this very carefully. I am fully prepared to move for disbarment against you both! Is that clear?" They both said it was perfectly clear and returned to the counsel tables.

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----TOTAL FICTION---- I was no virgin at 16. With shoulder length huge tits, how could I be? I was always very sexually aware, and a lot of my knowledge came from the crack in the door between me and my brother's bedroom. My brother was 18 at the time this took place. He bullied me quite often, he would mock me, make me do things for him, threaten to tell our mother what I did after school with some guys. One day, I was sitting in my bedroom when I heard grunts and moans coming from next door....

4 years ago
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I cant Believe Im Doing This

"Babe... Why don't you head down to the convenience store and buy some condoms. Magnums please. I'm gonna start getting ready for tonight." She closed the door behind her again.My mind exploded, and I stood still for a moment. When her words registered with my brain I rushed to the bathroom door smashing it open. Vanessa was naked, heavy tits hanging with one leg on the counter, shaving her legs."You're going to fuck him?" I asked, breathing heavily, panicked, stunned, aroused.She glanced over...

3 years ago
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Destinys RoadChapter 27

With all the excitement from the previous few weeks, I was happy that the week following our mini-vacation was fairly calm. Coach was really pushing me in practice, to get me up to speed with the rest of the team. Honestly, I was looking forward to playing in my first real game, that weekend. It did help to keep my mind off the fact that Mrs. Bell and Doctor Chang would be sitting down with me and the girls, to go over what they had learned over the weekend. That isn't to say nothing...

1 year ago
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The Evil Twin

Twin girls, identical in nearly every way except one. One was good, the other bad. And when she was bad, she was really bad. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old. Any...

1 year ago
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Nadine Part IV

After our rather wild holiday together, including the climactic shag in front of strangers, we had a brief spell of not seeing each other quite regularly. I hate to say it but work got the better of both of us. Nadine had been promoted to assistant manager and I was usually pretty busy anyway; taking a week’s holiday obviously hadn’t helped and I had so many emails to deal with that I was afraid to open my inbox.This brief spell was interrupted by my using said inbox to send Nadine the pictures...

2 years ago
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To start of with I'm a 19 years bi white male from london I'm a crossdresser t,girl fem boy what ever you want to call it and i loveto dress as a sexy girl/women wear womens sexy clothes skirts stockings panties thongs heels wigs makeup purfume the hole lot.anyway i have had a black cock fetish for a few years now i have never been with a black man and have only ever watched video's andlooked at pictures on porn sites i love the look of a black cock hot big and fat they are and how they so sexy...

3 years ago
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As usual, don't read this if you shouldn't, or if you fear it compromises your virtue, or if you don't find it fun. Comments to [email protected] are always welcome. Any kind at all. Cruise by Vickie Tern 1/3 i. "Honey, what's this?" I was fresh home from the bank, looking forward to putting my feet up and stretching out, checking the day's...

3 years ago
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Heath and Damon

Heath and Damon - A Tale of Two AdversitiesEmile, 2009Usual Caveats Apply---Heath's StoryIt was Sunday night at the Downtown, and the place was packed.  It feels like every gay guy in the city is here.  A latino guy muscled past me - arrogant model type with his beefy arms in the air, sloshing drinks on the rest of us.  I backed out of the way to avoid getting soaked, and ran into a table, and heard a bang and growl behind me as more drinks spilled.  I turned around to apologise, coming face to...

1 year ago
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Kenny Jacobs stood in the shade cast by the detached garage in the door yard for a brief pause. Nine in the morning and already a sweltering summer day. Insects broke the calm silence as the heat of the day mounted and already the humidity had caused his shirt to become nearly soaked through.He pulled the leather work gloves tight on his hands and went back to clearing out the side yard of the house. Years of neglect had left the patch of earth devoid of grass but completely overgrown with...

3 years ago
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Double TwistChapter 164

15 “Governments have always tried to crush reform movements, to destroy ideas, to kill the thing that cannot die. Without regard to history, which shows that no Government have ever succeeded in doing this, they go on trying in the old, senseless way.” —Emmeline Pankhurst, My Own Story WE GOT TO THE THEATER at ten and set our charts on the stands that were in the middle of the space with a couple of chairs and stools. The audience risers had apparently been pulled out by a night crew...

1 year ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 35

The four of us had fun together, during Roland's five days on the Island. We spent evenings in the best restaurants we could find -- on either half of the Island. The Dutch side even had a southern-style barbecue rib joint, and it was superb. North Carolina barbecue -- the vinegar-based kind -- is loyally supported by many, but give me Southwestern style, anytime. Sint. Maartin -- as the Dutch called it -- had to be the easternmost outpost for barbecue going in the New World. We sailed, we...

1 year ago
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A Cry for Help

I got out of the hospital six months ago. The doctors had stopped the bleeding and wrapped my wrists in bandages. When I recovered the doctors wanted me to see a shrink. My mother had no insurance to pay for that and she didn’t want me to see one anyway. I suppose she was afraid I would tell him how she had abused me, degraded me and wanted me out of her life.” You’re 18 now, little bitch, and as soon as school is out I want you out of my house.” I could hardly wait. “ And I’ll give you some...

4 years ago
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He fucked my bf while I slept pt2

" Fuck me baby!Cocks so fucking good!" Tammy is was a little out of control. She didn't think she would be back for her bestfriends man's cock,but she couldn't help herself. EVer since that day she left them alone and he fucked the living shit out of her.......... visions of his thick cock danced in her mind. She was bending that ass over to receive every fucking thrust that he was shoving inside her tight lil asshole. She remembered it was only a few days ago that she felt so guilty about...

3 years ago
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My first wife Part 4

My wife was still all over Tanya.... Kissing her, fondling her... I had never seen my wife so horny in her life!"Easy Babygirl" said Tanya, "you'll have your time with me later, but let's both enjoy your hubby first, okay?"My wife seemed to ignore Tanya's request and kept kissing Tanya's neck and moaning. Tanya then took one of her hands and clasped my wife's chin and with Tanya's other hand, twisted my wife's left nipple."I said, NOT YET!" Tanya said in a very controlling voice. "Wait until...

1 year ago
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The Beach House

Autumn 2000 Jackson Hunter awoke to the sound of the alarm clock going off much to his announce. He grumbled under his breath and pulled the pillow over his head and reached over hitting at it or at least trying to hit it blindly as he groaned lying on his stomach. After several seconds of touching every spot on his bedside table but the alarm button he groaned and rolled over to turn it off only to fall out of the bed. “Ouch.” He grunted and reached up and turned the alarm clock off finally...

3 years ago
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Recently I have been meeting guys on line and arranging meets. Theres nothing better than being fucked in the ass and tasting another guys cum. I have had a fantasy for a while to be wanked over by lots of guys. I love the idea of having sticky cum sprayed all over my face and naked body. I have been fucking a few guys who were up for this. I managed to arrange 5 guys to meet with me to fulfill my sick fantasy. We all agreed to meet at Rich’s house. As I walked up to the front door I felt...

2 years ago
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Hot Cousin Sister Ko Family Member Banaya

Hiiiii friends rohan is back here with my 10th story, aapne meri saab stories ko bhot like kiya is liye thanks. Aapne meri mom ki last story to padi he hogi ki kaise mene ek lady ko hamari family mein joint kiya or wo story mene hee mom ko likhne ke liye boli thi, hamari family mein kisiko bhi pata nhi hai ki hamari ek bra and panty ki bhi shop hain kyuki kisiko esa na lage ki hum log kuch galat kar rhe hain, now to story. Last month january mein meri cousin sis jo jalagon mein rehti hai wo...

2 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 35

Richie could not keep to a single coherent train of thought as he pedaled home. It did not help that one involved a nice hard fuck with Heather whose big boobs were pressed into his back. He tried not to resent Diane or Debby for depriving them of their opportunity. Richie wanted to get over it, but the more he tried to push the desire away, the more stubbornly it remained. His cock had hovered at half-mast since leaving Debby's house, flirting with all-out erection when his thoughts...

1 year ago
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ClubSandy Jillian Janson Chance Reunion

Tommy Gunn hires babysitter Jillian Janson who suddenly recognizes him as being her ex boyfriend’s father. She confesses her lust for his cock and seduces Tommy by tempting him with a salacious treat of anal sex. Tommy tries to resist, but Jillian’s round ass is too much for his already hard cock. Tommy pumps her asshole hard as she moans and begs him to fuck her ass harder until she spills her juices from her tight little pussy. Tommy destroys her tight asshole until she...

1 year ago
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Hot Encounters Part 1 and 25

The following is the first submission of a continuing story which chronicles an 18 year old around the 1980 time frame who, by his own choice, is introduced to sexual adventures beyond his wildest expectations. The events continue well into his early 20s. The sexual encounters are true; however, the character names have been changed and most locations and dates noted are intentionally vague as to not directly reflect any historical or geographical reality. This is about sexual encounters not...

1 year ago
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Wife cheats outdoors

My wife and I were spending a long weekend camping with a few hundred other people at a campsite used for outdoor pursuits . There was a challenge run over the week end for each area taking part and our area consisted of about thirty people. On the Saturday evening my wife suggested she could get one of the items required from a hotel which was about 15 minutes walk away and then said to me Chris a young man in early twenties would go with her. Knowing my wife I was sure she had something in...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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A Perfect CrimeChapter 11

It had been almost two months since my last sexual escapade with the gorgeous hookers Jenny and Annie. Not a particularly long time in comparison to being in jail, but then again I thought, I wasn't actually restricted any longer and was free to seek out as much pussy as I wanted to. Maria was off-limits- although she may well have been up for it judging by the lustful looks she had been giving me as she watched me cavorting about as naked as a jay-bird. I really did like her husband though,...

1 year ago
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Fucked Friend8217s Girlfriend

Hi guys, my name is Kush (name changed). I am from Mumbai. And I am 20 yrs old. I am 5ft 10 and have an avg 4.5 in dick. I am fair and thin.The girl involved here. Her name is kareena (name changed). The girl is about 5ft 3. Very pretty and big boobs. These boobs were the best i had seen. She had an awesome figure. her stats are 34 32 32. She is my best friends girlfriend. Coming to the story. It was the month of January. My friend had gone to lonavala for one day. He had emailed me some...

3 years ago
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Before the Weather BreaksChapter 2

I enjoy my job. It’s satisfying to see kids come in broken and go out, weeks or months later, if not whole then with most of the pieces and a big old pot of glue. I see the abuse victims, the kids who are getting a hard time at school, the depressed and the anxious. Pills help some, but you got to be careful with pills and kids, and anyway that’s up to the family doc or the psychiatrist not me. When I’m talking to the kids I need a way in. With boys it’s oftentimes the same things - sports,...

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Janie and Brandon

Let me tell you about my new girlfriend, Janie. We've been going together for a couple of months now, and I think I'm falling in love with her, but at the same time she scares the hell out of me. She has the sweet, innocent face of an angel and a hot, athletic body. Her breasts are nice sized, not huge, but firm and perky. She has a smooth, flat stomach and a nice round butt. Her long, straight hair is a beautiful, natural strawberry blond. Her personality is warm and charming, and...

1 year ago
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A Grocery Store Adventure

Me and my wife have been married for ten years. We are still very much in love with each other. That is because we are very compatible with each other, and we have a fantastic sex life. Me and my wife are very opened minded about sex and we are not afraid to experiment with and try new things. Now my wife is a very beautiful women with long black hair, big luscious tits, offset by a slender lean waist, and a fantastic ass that sways seductively when she walks. Me and my wife believe that sex...

4 years ago
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Holidays with Peggy my wifes sisterpart2

So nothing else happened that night between me and Peggy, and I needed the rest so my sore cock could heel. The next day was Thanksgiving, spent with the whole family, again pretty tame day, no sex. On Nov 25th, the day after Thanksgiving, I had to be in work early, but also got to leave early. I got home and as I walked inside I heard the shower running. I went upstairs and figured it was my wife, it was. I stripped down and hopped in with her. We started messing around and eventually ended up...

2 years ago
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Sasuraal Mai Bani Randi Bahu

Hi friends mera naam radha hai meri age 22 years hai mai bahout gori aur sexy figar ki ladki hu. Mai rajasthan Mein ek chote se shahar bhelwada se hu. Mere pita bahout hi garib the. Ek saal pehle unhone meri shaadi paas ke gaon ke zamindar ki 30 saal ke bete se kara di.Mere badan ko dekh ke Shaadi mai zamindar ne mere pita se koi dahej nahi liya bas ye kaha ki shaadi ke baad ladki kabhi apne baap ke ghar nahi jaayegi. Meri shaadi ek aam shaadi ki tarah hui. Aur aage ki kahani pe aap yakeen nahi...

3 years ago
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Born to serve

My nerves were on edge. The waiting and the anticipation had me completely a mess. My palms were sweaty and my breath was short. I was on my hands and knees lying prostrate on the floor as directed by my Mistress in her instructions I was completely naked and was waiting for her to make her entrance. My nervous energy had me trembling not just because I knew I would be punished but also because I wanted to be punished. I wanted to see her. I wanted to serve her. I wanted to be hers. I wanted to...

1 year ago
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Guilt.That's what you saddled me with, David. Guilt. It's your fault. It doesn't matter what you call it, regret, ruefulness, shame at doing things that cousins should never do, it all boils down to guilt, and I feel it deeply. It shakes my soul. You wonder why I feel guilty? Let me tell you. You probably have no idea how it all started, so I'll tell you. Remember that summer we spent together at Grandma Reese's? The summer when the thunderstorms never came and the heat just built, day by day....

4 years ago
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Your Trip to the Mansion

Outside of a glittering city down a long winding road is a brightly lit mansion with expansive gardens and access to a large bay. The Mansion lit up with multicolored lights shining brightly in the darkness. The mansion is a place conceived only in the wildest of dreams and d**g fueled hallucinations. Men and women from all walks of life come to fulfill their deepest hunger for the lustful things in life. The mansion is a place of little judgment when it comes to sex and pleasure, all fetishes...

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