- 4 years ago
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Linnet woke as Jeremy left the bed; she heard him move through the cabin, then the sound of him peeing over the stern. It was quiet, the storm having passed, and the day was just dawning. She got up herself and made use of the sea-toilet, not bothering to dress, then went to the sink to clean her teeth. Jeremy beat her there, though, and she smiled at him as he turned to face her, toothpaste round his mouth.
"Great minds think alike," she said, "kissing you is going to be much nicer when we go back to bed."
As they couldn't leave before high water, after mid-day, they had plenty of time to explore their new relationship. The last few days of the cruise, they only needed the one bed.
Linnet wondered what would happen when they returned to reality. In fact, what happened was that once or twice a week they would go out together; a meal, a film, a concert, and she would spend the night with him. It wasn't usually at the weekend because she was getting more weekend work. But after three weeks she had a call from Maldon, asking if she was available to sail as mate for Topsail Charters. She agreed, but was worried about how Jeremy would receive the news that she would not be seeing him much. As it turned out, she need not have worried.
"Linnet," he was obviously reluctant as they enjoyed a curry at a local Indian restaurant. "I ... I ... met someone at work. Well, not met, we've worked together for years, but..."
Linnet smiled, "What's her name?"
"How did you know... ?"
"I couldn't think of anything you might be embarrassed to say to me in public."
He thought about that before responding with a simple, "Oh." then, rather later, adding, "Fred."
"Fred. She's called Fred. We got talking, and we've had our lunch together a few times. Went out for a walk last Sunday."
"That's wonderful, Jeremy. Need I ask if she's nice? You wouldn't be going out with her if you didn't like her..."
"She's great. A bit like you, really, just ... not so sure of herself. Just as comfortable in cargoes as a dress, likes wind-surfing..."
"Well, Jeremy, that makes my news a little easier. I'm off back to Maldon this weekend. It wouldn't have meant losing touch completely, but I'm going to be very busy until the Autumn."
He breathed a sigh of relief. "I ... I'm ... glad it's okay. You ... you've been ... incredible. I ... wouldn't have been able to even talk to Fred without stammering if it hadn't been for you. I thought all along, though, that you weren't for me."
"I'm curious, though – is she really called Fred?"
"Frederica. But she found it was easier to get work if people didn't realise immediately that she was a girl. She is, though. Definitely. Oh, yes." His eyes took on a dreamy quality.
"Well ... I'm delighted. Very happy for you."
Over the remains of their meal Jeremy proceeded to tell Linnet all about the girl – not that there was much he had to say though she actually enjoyed the enthusiasm with which he detailed the minutiae of their developing relationship. At the end, instead of returning to his flat, he took her back to Felixstowe. They kissed, a bitter-sweet, farewell kiss, and parted.
She rode with Jenni back to Maldon Friday morning, Jenni to command Reminder with Tom Carmichael for a weekend cruise, Linnet to join Thistle with Skipper Bert. She looked for Serendipity, noting that her berth was empty, and shrugged. It was some time later that she heard someone comment Ted had a charter to Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles. Some young woman had hired him to tour the Scottish Isles.
'Hm. I wonder if he'll have her in his bed. I still miss him. Jeremy got pretty good, but it was never quite like Ted. Perhaps it would be worth the heartache just to have him make love to me again. Just to be near him.'
Her Coastal Yachtmaster qualification ensured she was kept busy, and it was late July when she saw that Serendipity had returned. She had no opportunity to see Ted, though, being out, often away, sometimes in London, sometimes Ipswich, or Mistley, until late August, when she happened to be there when Serendipity returned on the tide.
'What the Hell, I want to see him.' She hailed, "Ahoy Serendipity!" and marched over and picked her way aboard along the slightly wobbly plank. Ted appeared, tanned, weathered and somehow different to how she remembered. "Well, Ted, aren't you pleased to see me? Here and I was hoping for a bed for a night or two..." 'not to mention a few orgasms'.
"Hello, Linnet ... how are you? What have you been up to?"
"I'm good, thanks. You're looking well ... weathered?"
"I had a long charter."
"Aren't you pleased to see me? Don't I get a kiss?"
"There's someone you need to meet, Linnet..." He called below, "Grace, love, we've got a visitor." A very slim, pregnant woman emerged from the cabin.
"Grace, this is Belinda Masters, who was my crew for some months last year until she got tired of me ... Linnet, meet Missus Grace Quinton."
Any hope Linnet may have had of continuing a relationship died as she looked at the other woman. Not just because she'd been introduced as Ted's wife. Grace Quinton was very slim, apart from the small but apparent baby bulge. Her hair wasn't blonde, exactly, more light brown with a hint of red; she had a wide mouth, a largish nose and enormous eyes; definitely not centre-fold material. But that was exactly the point; Ted had to have fallen in love with her, there had to be more there than just physical attraction. The way they looked at each other merely reinforced the conclusion.
The two women spoke together; "Married?" "Why do you call her Linnet?"
Ted blushed, remembering, and both women giggled. "Two months," Ted said, "we've been married two months."
"It doesn't look as though you wasted any time," Linnet hoped she'd kept any bitterness out of her tone.
Grace caressed her bulge, "Oh, this isn't Ted's..."
Ted's face darkened again. Linnet thought it was anger rather than embarrassment this time. "Hey, don't say that. I don't want him-or-her to doubt I'm the father in every respect that matters. Don't even think it."
Grace looked up at Ted and moulded herself to him, their eyes locked together, an expression of ineffable love suffusing both faces.
Linnet sighed, "Oh, wow, you lucky c ... I mean, you lucky thing."
Ted tore his eyes from his lover's and looked at Linnet. "As you can see, while I don't at all mind you using a bunk aboard Serendipity, it will have to be alone, I'm afraid."
As they left, Grace caught Linnet's eye ... and winked ... and smiled.
Linnet collected her kit from S.B. Wivenhoe and settled herself in Serendipity's single cabin, though she wondered why.
Over the next few weeks the pace of work was such that she was away as often as not. From time to time, though, Grace Quinton would call and find her there. They talked, shared, and found out about each other. Linnet found that she liked the older girl. She thought she had guts, in view of what had happened to her and what she'd set out to do, but she also found that she was empathetic. Towards the end of the summer, Grace managed to shock Linnet.
"You love Ted, don't you?"
Linnet stammered and shook her head uncomfortably.
"Come, on, Linnet. You know me by now, don't you? I'm not going to explode. I've seen you look at him. He said you left because you were fed up of him, didn't he? But it wasn't that you were fed up, it was that you loved him and he wasn't able to return that love."
Linnet noisily let out a breath she was holding, nodded and shrugged. "What can I say?"
"You don't have to say anything. The day we met, I told Ted I didn't see you as a threat, that I didn't doubt his love. 'Specially when I get near term, I won't mind if ... you know ... you two want to ... get together." She blushed. "I can hardly believe I'm telling you this!"
"Well ... I can hardly believe I'm talking to a man's wife about having sex with her husband. But really, Grace ... now I know you better, I think I can see why you two are meant to be together. I don't think I'll have sex with Ted again, but I might tease him from time to time."
Time went on and Linnet attended the wedding of Jim Preston (proprietor of Heritage Sailing Holidays, who had arranged Grace's charter of Serendipity) and – a very pregnant – Eva Doherty in September. Although invited, she didn't feel like going on to the reception but rather bought a burger at one of the kiosks on the prom. Perched at a picnic bench, she drank her tea and ate her burger, whilst watching with a professional eye the comings and goings of boats around high tide. She didn't really register that one of them was familiar.
Returning to Serendipity, however, her eye was caught by a sloop tied up at the visitors' pontoon, or, rather, by the legend 'Zephyr, Ipswich' on the transom; there was a woman busy in the cockpit and a couple securing and covering the mainsail. She made her way down to the pontoon.
"Hello, Cara," she said quietly, standing next to the cockpit.
"Linnet! It's good to see you. Jeremy and Fred'll be pleased too. Come aboard?"
"Thanks," Linnet stepped over onto the side-deck.
"Fred, Jeremy! Look who's here!"
Two heads turned, there was a brief colloquy and the young woman made her way aft as the man finished putting the sail cover on the mainsail.
Stepping down into the cockpit, she held out a hand to Linnet. "Hello, I'm Fred. May I call you Linnet, too?"
Linnet smiled, "Of course."
"I wanted to thank you for what you did for Jeremy and, well, for me too. He was so shy and, well, so was I. We'd never have got together if it wasn't for you. And there were other things too... " she blushed hotly and didn't say any more.
Still smiling warmly, Linnet squeezed her hand gently, "I'm happy it's worked out for both of you."
She spent the rest of the afternoon with them and they treated her to supper at the Jolly Sailor; finding out in the process that Cara had earned her Coastal Yachtmaster qualification and Jeremy his 'Competent Crew'. He assured her he thought he would get the Day Skipper qualification the following year. Cara and Linnet then left them in the the pub to return to Zephyr.
The season for heritage sailing is fading by October and largely finished by November, but there are many tasks that need to be completed to ensure the vessels are safe for the winter and are going to be fit for use come the spring. Such duties, and study, kept Linnet occupied. As the days shortened, the temperature dropped and the weather deteriorated, Linnet kept Serendipity snug by scavenging scrap wood from the boatyards, rarely having to resort to solid fuel. She considered calling Jenni, but to her surprise found she was content with her situation. If she felt lonely, she called upon Grace and Ted, or Eva and Jim, perhaps Phil and Carmen Morton. It was a happy enough existence and she was content. Then Grace went into labour.
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Hi All am Kaviraaj from south India. Here am sharing my experience with my lovely aunty. This is a real incident, hence no exaggeration. Please give your feedback if you feel hotness is missing. Her name is Swathi (name changed). This has happened in Dec’14 when I was in Bangalore. Her name is Swathi (name changed); I met her on social network. She was already married and her age was 36. She is so beautiful, bit chubby. Her measurements would be around 36 30 38. Am normal good looking guy of...
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I was intrigued by a message I got from an African man, here in the UK and coming to visit my local City. He was very flattering saying he had never seen such a lovely white booty before as mine?I nearly deleted the message as it started with enrich your life by offering me the chance to help you and was from a gent offering me this in Africa. He went on the say he was a wealthy man in a high position of office who traveled to the UK in his position. You know the type of Spam mails we get that...
[Consequences are the results of actions taken or not taken. They can be intended or unintended. This story is about both kinds. I hope you enjoy this story. If the response is such that a follow-up is wanted, it will be submitted. Your votes and comments will determine if there is a follow-up. The original story got 210 votes in the first month and 15 comments.] ‘Sandy, Could you come here for a minute? Please?’ I released the button on the intercom and waited. A few seconds passed and her...
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The days are so good when you’re young, hot, beautiful and sex-hungry but they can also get boring. Stunning dark-haired hottie relaxes at the outdoor pool when she realizes she is bored and no entertainment comes into her mind. So in order to feel herself alive and hot again she plays with her stunning body, rubs her long legs from hips down to her toes and spends a lot of time inside her sweet pussy. Finally she walks through the house doors to get into her lover’s arms right...
xmoviesforyouMy boyfriend found a couple online who wanted to do a couples' thing with us. He made hotel reservations at a large hotel here, and we agreed to meet in the bar. On a Sunday afternoon, we walked into the hotel sports bar to find a very nice-looking couple waiting for us. I couldn't help but think that she looked familiar, and, danged if she hadn't been in high school with me! She was a couple of years younger than me, but she remembered. I asked her if she was comfortable going through with the...
We went back to Harry and Eddie now sitting at the bar, they both smiled as we approached. Harry said "We need to get on the road are you ready to go with us or will you be staying here for awhile? I said "I think I'm ready, this is one very wild place, I had the most wonderful time but I need to get on to my Sisters." Walking back to the truck I felt a little weak and tired, I could feel a little tingle in me of some desire however my body was giving into the long hours of sex that I...
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Amy and Brendan laid in bed, sleeping soundly as morning broke and Brendan held his college girlfriend tightly in his arms. They had been going out for about two years now, and both were absolutely in love. Brendan loved Amy's sweet blue eyes, her wispy blonde hair, and a smile that melted him every time he saw her. Amy loved how safe she felt with Brendan, and she loved that although she had made a commitment to wait for sex until marriage, Brendan accepted this and never pushed her. Brendan...
Love StoriesBillie felt the hand slide along her side and across her warm tummy to cup her breast. The hand played with her nipple for a few seconds, and then a rough, early morning, male voice said, "Honey, are you awake?" "Mmmph," was all the reply she could manage. The hand squeezed her breast and the voice said, "How about a little morning fun?" Billie didn't bother to answer. She rolled on her side and pulled her up her knees. She felt the bed bounce and heard a drawer open and close. There...
Over the last two weeks, Jim and Anita's life had developed a routine that included oral sex for breakfast and as much sex as their bodies could stand for dessert after dinner. Anita was pleased that her continued attentions to her Dad's libido was extending his stamina. It wasn't breaking Jim's heart either as he found the ability to love his daughter gave them both that much more delectation. As they sat down to dinner one evening, Jim opened the conversation by dropping an unexpected...
With the spring semester, which began on January 4th, David was once again taking the Ministry/Leadership course, rather than the standard Religious Education course. The rest of their classes remained the same, with the only other big change being they both landed spots, again, on the basketball teams. This time, Meri pursued a place on the Lady's Varsity team and made it. She was coming out of her shell more and more. David had advanced at this point to Cadet Ensign (C/ENS) and it looked...
MF f-solo voySummary:My new neighbors liked to host parties and usually they just kept me awake at night. Then one night I watched the "after-party" events and suddenly my interest in their parties changes considerably! Table of Contents: Chapter 1 – A Bit of Voyeurism Chapter 2 – New NeighborsChapter 1 – A Bit of Voyeurism==============================Although I was only f******n when I lost my virginity, I knew from the very first time I felt the warmth of a boy’s cock in my pussy that I...
James was sat at the desk in his study, staring vacantly at the fruits of his morning labour on the computer screen. With a contemptible glance towards the computer screen, he rose from the desk intent on taking his mind away from work for a little time at least. He made towards the kitchen, intending to grab some food before going to speak with his girlfriend, Tori, whom he presumed would be in the lounge relaxing. However Tori was already in the kitchen, stood behind the counter baking a...
(Just a Fairy tail Everyone is over 18 years.) We were coming home from church one day and mom just invited her 2 best friends over for dinner to hang out and talk. I wasn't feeling to well for some reason and I became light headed, dizzy, and really hot I told mom as she was sitting at the dinner table with her friends which are all divorced Hispanic Milfs. One of her friends was a woman from panama, pretty face, small titts, but a big ass to make up for it. The second friend was a small 5...
Thursday Morning I roll over and shut off the alarm. I roll back and look at you. Blonde hair covers the exposed side of your face. I brush it back and kiss your cheek. You try to hold back the smile, but it escapes. You keep your eyes closed and pretend to sleep as more kisses find their way to your face and neck. Finally you start to stretch, accompanied by a feline growl. You open your eyes and whisper. "Good morning. Feeling any better than last night?" "I'm still tired, but I feel...
Lunch was very good. We were served a half chicken per person, something like scalloped potatoes but better tasting, green beans, and a salad served with a dressing that had to be tasted to be believed! Conversation was polite during lunch and I was asked about my life. I gave them the fifty-cent tour of my life; without the time travel capabilities, of course. They expressed sympathy for me when I had mentioned my mother's recent death. I had the feeling they already knew. "So you're...
The plans had all been made, hotel and dinner reservations set. My wife and I were meeting a couple for dinner with hopes that she could experience some adult fun with another woman. Dinner goes well and we continue the evening at a strip club. The ladies have a great time watching the tits on the beautiful women bounce around on stage. They are also the focus of many of the ladies. We have a few more drinks and decide to take the party back to the safety of the hotel room. We get back to...
When you see a site calling itself Taboo Porn, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that it's all about incest porn. That's right, fellas. Here is another chance for you to live out your dirty little fantasies. After all, you've always wanted to fuck your stepmom, haven't you? This is an incest themed site that promises you taboo family fuck sessions with brothers banging their stepsisters, horny and naughty stepmoms romping away with their equally horny sons and all that shit you...
Incest Porn SitesThey could get a lot of good from bronze, if they could just get enough tin. Copper was no real problem, since there was a convenient location a reasonably short distance away, certainly closer than the impact crater where they were getting iron. The only source of tin known to Doug was a bit farther away than the copper, but could be reached. Zinc was available for making brass, but it was located too far east to make it practical. The best solution was definitely to stick with tin to make...
January 22, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “I think you should,” Kara giggled. “She fits the bill perfectly!” “I agree,” Elyse said. “Young, your type of figure, and sweet. I don’t think she’s innocent, but you can overlook that failing!” I chuckled, “It’s not a failing! You know that I don’t put any particular value on virginity.” “Except when it’s on offer to be taken!” Elyse giggled. “Did you really not know that Jen and Josie were gone?” I asked Kara. “Honestly, I had no idea,” Kara said....
Little Reese likes to get spanked until her butt is red. This guy obliges her, the sting of the impact and the smacking noise driving her crazy with lust. He exposes her tiny tits by tugging open her snap-button top. Reese responds favorably to his assertive nature, showing her gratitude with a hungry blow job. After sucking him to full stiffness, Reese is eager to feel his throbbing man-meat inside of her. She rides him, her slender figure a sight to behold as she bounces up and down on his...