Grandpa's EducationChapter 7 free porn video

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Poor Joe Traynor sat at the kitchen table looking like he'd just lost his last friend. The impact of our mutual realization was still sinking into his overloaded brain. All that was left to decide was how we'd cope with the reality that, in one way or another, all of us were somehow related.

"God, Roger, how the hell did we get ourselves into such a god-awful mess?" he wanted me to inform him.

"Just one of those things, Joe," I tried to ease his personal guilt. "You and Jeanette have managed to keep control of your situation for years now. I'm still working on keeping my ass out of the fire. Angie and I have only been together for a little less than a month now. I'm going to have to pick your brains for strategies to keep my little corner of the world from falling down around my ears, aren't I?"

"Might be an academic conversation by the sound of things," Joe commiserated. "Hell, if we get busted, you think they'll let us share the same cell?"

"I doubt it."

I hated to burst his bubble. Joe and Jeanette were cousins, specifically first cousins. The circumstances that they'd created after the death of Jeanette's first husband might have made people think they were married, but in reality, that was still something that was outside what the law would recognize

"Besides, you're not my type anyway," I tried to joke.

But Joe Traynor had reasons to feel frightened. Where we lived, he and Jeanette weren't far enough removed from each other to be legally allowed to live together in the kind of relationship they had, any more than Angie and I were. And from the little I knew of the law, the penalties were pretty stiff. Adding minors to the equation only made things a lot worse. Hell, even I was scared, and I'm usually a born optimist...

"Dad? Can I talk to you?" my daughter pleaded as she came back in from the patio.

"Sure, Sweetheart. Joe, would you excuse us?" I set the stage for my daughter's enquires.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure. How about the living room? I'll go out and see if I can give Jeanette a hand," he excused himself. Angelina and I made or way into the living room, sitting beside each other on one of the sofas in there.

"What the hell's going on, Dad? I go out for what's supposed to be a friendly supper, and my whole fucking world comes crashing down around my ears! Jeanette's my aunt? Why didn't you or Mom ever tell me I had an aunt? And how come I had to wait until now to find out? Jeezuz, what other secrets am I going to have to tackle?"

"Sweetheart, we never told you simply because we didn't know where Jeanette had moved to, or what she'd done with her life. It was only when Joe walked through that door tonight that I put all the pieces together myself. How in the hell was I supposed to know? I haven't heard the name Traynor for over thirty years. Because I didn't know, I couldn't tell you. I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark, but I was there myself."

"So what do we do now? This whole thing is going to blow up in our faces, isn't it?"

"Angie, they say that the best defense is a strong offence. With that in mind, maybe we should all sit down and get everything out on the table. That includes the kids too. They're entitled to know the truth, and they'll be a lot better equipped to handle things if they know the whole story. Sound like an idea?"

"I don't know, Dad. Does Mr. Traynor know about us, about you and I?"

"He knows now. I figured there was no sense hiding the truth from him, so I told him. Angie, I knew Joe Traynor for a lot of years when we were growing up. With where he and Jeanette are at, it's pretty obvious that he hasn't changed much. He won't say a thing to a living soul. Trust me. I know you won't say anything either, about them or about us. So all we have to do is explain things to the kids, and pray like hell that they have the brains to keep their mouths shut. With Jerry being my nephew, he and Fancy might split up, but I'll bet they become a part of what is starting to look like a family tradition. And even if they do split up, neither one of them are malicious enough to jeopardize their own parents. From what I've learned about Jerry, he's got a strong sense of family loyalty, just like Fancy seems to."

Angie gave herself time to let my logic sink into her head, and I waited for her to get as comfortable with the knowledge as she could.

"Tell me we're going to be alright, Dad. I've waited almost twenty years to be with you, and I'm not interested in losing what we have. If things got messy, would you move to keep us together?"

"Sweetheart, I'll do anything I have to in order to keep you and Fancy safe."

"So what about the kids? What do we do about Jerry and Fancy?"

"Nothing. If they build a life together, that's fine by me. Even if they go their separate routes, it's still their choice, and we have to allow that. But something inside me says that they're a lot closer to each other than we realize. I'm ready to do whatever I can for them, and I think you'll find that Joe and Jeanette are thinking the same things."

There was another long pause as my daughter struggled to assimilate all that I'd put before her.

"I'm trusting you here, Dad, but I'll be honest. I'm about half scared out of my panties that this whole thing's gonna blow up in our faces. Shit, I thought living with what Darren dragged us through was bad enough, but now I've put my own daughter in jeopardy! What have I done?"

"Angie, have a little faith, would you? You're making a mountain out a mole hill. Just trust me on this. Okay, Sweetheart?"

I could see her attempts to accept my analysis. Now all I had to do was successfully convince myself that things really would work out. I suggested we go out to the patio and join our host and hostess.

The mood on the patio was about as much fun as having a party in a funeral home. Everyone looked like they'd just been convicted of the most heinous crimes known to mankind.

"Maybe we should have waited until you and Angelina were out here," Joe let me know, "but we told the kids about Jeanette and me. I guess we should have been more honest with Jerry from the beginning."

I took it upon myself to do whatever I had to, to return us to a mental state that precluded looking like death warmed over.

"Look," I started," we're here to enjoy ourselves. We're among friends and family. So would the rest of you please lighten up? This – problem – is a bit of a bump in the road, but it's not insurmountable. After supper, we'll all sit down and go through it. Until then, I'd like to see some happy faces. There's a lot of love in my house after a four-year hiatus, and I'll lay odds that there's just as much in this one, too. I can't speak for the rest of you, but that counts for a lot to me."

I must have hit the right nerves, because my daughter swallowed her fears and stood close beside me, the love in her heart for her old Dad percolating up through the doom-and-gloom atmosphere. Jerry and Fancy were the next to surrender to the warmth of their love as my granddaughter reached for her boyfriend's hand. It was only a minute or two later before Jeanette sat on her cousin's lap.

"So what do we do now, Roger?" Joe took our discussion to the next level.

"Same thing we've been doing all along, I guess. You and Jeanette built a life for yourselves, and it looks like it's working. Just keep living it. Angelina and I have started a new life that includes Francesca. Unless someone has a really good reason, I'm not about to change that very damned much. Jerry, you live in this home, and from what you've told me, it's been good for you. I can attest to the results from personal observation. Joe's proud of what you've become. I don't think you want to see it ruined now, do you?"

Jerry kept looking at the tabletop, but shook his head which told me that he agreed with my claim.

"And you, Fancy. You've found a guy that you love dearly. Just because he's your cousin, are you going to walk away from that?"

Just like her boyfriend, my granddaughter shook her head to let me know that she wasn't prepared to abandon her cousin, although she did grant me the courtesy of looking into my eyes while she answered.

"Okay then, about the only thing that's changed since this morning is that Jerry now knows a little more about our family's background, and Fancy knows a little more about her boyfriend. I think you two can learn to live with that. Am I right?"

"Grandpa, you're not going to ask us to split up, are you?" was Fancy's first question.

"I won't," I let her know, "but I can't speak for Joe and Jeanette. You'll have to ask them, and I suggest that you get Jerry's opinion on the whole thing while you're at it."

"I've already told you how I feel, Mr. Hamstead. Just because it turns out that Fancy's my cousin, it doesn't change how I feel," he adamantly expressed himself. In return, I could see Fancy grip his hand a little tighter in a show of solidarity between them.

"Joe? Jeanette? That only leaves you to tell us how you feel. Unless I miss my guess, Angie here feels the same way I do. Don't you, Sweetheart?" I gave her the opportunity to either agree or disagree with my position. She took the time to thoroughly weigh her decision before replying.

"Yeah, I do, Dad. My daughter's been happier in the last few weeks than she's been for years. I'm really reluctant to see that go down the drain. Baby, whatever you want, we'll support you. I love you, Francesca Marie, and all I want is for you to be happy."

"I love you too, Mom," Fancy quickly responded. "I really want to be with Jerry, if no one has any objections."

Some of that missing twinkle in her eyes came back. When she shifted her gaze to her old grandfather, her eyes got a little brighter. It was when she finally looked at Jerry with real love that I saw her light up like a Christmas tree. And in that one moment, I knew that we'd all be fine, as long as we were open and honest with each other.

"Jerry," Joe took the lead, "now that you know a little more about your mother and me, how does that affect you?"

"Dad," Jerry began to explain himself, "you've been more of a dad to me than my own father was, and I'm not about to lose Fancy just because society has some stupid rule. You and Mom have put a lot of love in this house, and that's special to me. Mr. Hamstead and Mrs. McConnell seem to have done the same thing in their house. Even Francesca will admit that she's happier now than she ever was where she moved from, and I see it in her most of the time we're together. I've even felt that same comfort around Mr. Hamstead when he confronted me about some things that happened between Fancy and me. He accepted both of us for exactly who we are, for what we'd done, and for how we feel about each other. A guy would have to be a complete asshole to screw that up. So whatever you, Mom, Mr. Hamstead, and Mrs. McConnell think is best, I'll go along with it. Anything that keeps us all together."

"The boy doesn't mince words, does he?" I made my observations known. "You should be proud of him, Jeanette."

"Thanks, Roger," my sister-in-law told me with a smile on her face. "We are. Do you think my sister would have approved of all of this?"

"Fay? Yeah, she would have," I tried to reassure her. "She was a pretty open-minded woman. A family united in harmony was always one of her top priorities. We tried to bring Angelina up that way, and I think we succeeded. By the looks of it, she brought her daughter up the same way. So, unless anyone else has something to say, how about we get our butts out of the doldrums, enjoy supper, and have some fun?"

"Just what did you have in mind for fun?" my daughter teased me quietly as the entire mood lightened. In response, I gave her a light swat on the backside. We'd finally swept away the gloom that had tried to ruin our evening.

Traynor's barbeque supper was one of the best meals I'd had for a while, although I think it was the company we kept that made the difference. Afterwards, Jerry and Fancy took charge of putting stuff away and washing all the dishes. The two seemed to work well together.

Once we'd finished, Jeanette mixed us another drink while Angelina, Joe, and I sat and talked, mostly to reminisce over our high school days. A lot of the information was for Angie's benefit. Most of it she already knew, but there were questions for which she wanted to find answers. By the time the evening was over, we all knew a lot more about each other.

It was almost eleven o'clock when Joe mentioned that as much as he'd love the evening to go on, he had to work the next morning. I gathered up the girls and started heading for the door, thanking our hosts profusely.

"Roger," Jeanette pulled me aside slightly just before I opened the door, "I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, but I had to find out. Thank you for coming over, and for helping us clear some things up. I miss my sister, probably as much as you do. She'd have been proud of you tonight. I know I am."

"I appreciate that, Jeanette," I let her know. "After we got married and you disappeared to the East coast, we both missed you. I just wish Fay was still here so we could all be together again. But life goes on. We were the best of friends, thirty-odd years ago. I'd really like to see us rekindle that."

"I think you will," Joe eased into the conversation, "especially if the kids are going to be seeing each other still. That's something else I'd like to talk to you about, Roger. What you mentioned earlier about Jerry and Fancy, I mean."

I knew exactly what he was referring to, although bringing up the kids giving each other their virginity in front of Jeanette didn't seem prudent. I knew Joe would eventually share what he'd been told. He and I discussing it could wait for another day. And in the meantime, I was looking forward to getting home

"I think I'm going to turn in," Fancy advised as soon as we walked in the house. "It's been a long and busy day, and I've got some things to think over. Night, Mom. Night, Grandpa," and she kissed her mother appreciatively. I expected the same kind of kiss on the cheek, but was surprised when my granddaughter wrapped an arm around my neck and pressed her lips solidly to mine, then held me there for several seconds.

"I love you, Grandpa," she murmured as she released herself. "Umm, is it really okay if Jerry and I keep seeing each other?"

"Why wouldn't it be, Princess?"

"Because he's my cousin, maybe?"

"So? I'm sleeping with my daughter, and that doesn't seem to bother you. Why would Jerry being your cousin make a difference? You love him, right? Only a blind man could miss how he feels about you. All you two have to do is keep the rest of the world from finding out about our secret. I think Joe and Jeanette will be the people to talk to about how to keep things quiet. Your mother and I could use some pointers."

"I'm worried, Dad," Angie let me know when we were alone again as I sat beside her on the sofa. "There's too many people that seem to know about us, about how we're living together, I mean. I can see our little house of cards falling down around our ears. But what really worries me is the possibilities of you and I going to jail. Who's going to look after my little girl if that happens?"

"The only people that know are Joe, Jeanette, and the kids. They're not about to spill the beans. That would leave them vulnerable, and Joe's not about to let that happen. As for Fancy, she probably knows the risks, and Jerry will definitely make sure she's aware of them. Think about it, Sweetheart. If you were in their position, you'd do everything you could to make sure your daughter's safe. We both need to have a little faith in the kids. It's not just our future at stake here, but theirs too," I reminded her.

"Yeah, you're right. Doesn't change the fact that I'm worried though. I sure hope you're right about this, Dad. Half my life feels like it's been a total screw-up. After putting Fancy through Darren's version of Hell, I'm not about to put her through any more pain and hurt if I can help it," my daughter expressed.

"Sweetheart, you need to step back and look at the bigger picture. Fancy needs us both, and I won't let anything ruin things, any more than you would. But I also need you, and you need me. My granddaughter needs the two of us to show her that same kind of legacy. We need to work together. Joe and Jeanette are a resource for us. They can teach us how they kept their secret so well."

Angelina sat back and looked deeply into my eyes as she gave herself the time to digest that information, finally acknowledging her understanding of the concept.

"Well, at least I told my daughter the truth," my daughter gave me her impression. "You are the wisest man on earth."

"Not likely, Sweetheart, but I appreciate the compliment. If I was the smartest man on earth, I'd know better than to fall in love with my own daughter, wouldn't I? But then where would we be? Hmm?"

"You mean my father is admitting that he might have made a mistake?" she teased me with a soft yet knowledgeable tone.

"Heavens no! All I'll admit to is being human. And I'll admit that I'm very much in love with you."

Angie pulled me to her lips and kissed me deeply and passionately as her answer. By the time she was ready to tell me how she felt, I'd almost forgotten the question. So just to refresh my memory, I returned her kiss with one of my own, just as deep and just as passionate.

Without a word, my daughter got to her feet, then reached back to offer me her hand in a request to accompany her. I happily accepted, knowing that I'd follow her to the ends of the earth. The look in her eyes let me know that she'd do the same thing, and for the same reasons. We were a team, a couple, a united front against the challenges of everyday life.

Laying in our bed later with Angelina curled up in her favourite position on my chest, all our concerns seemed to swim through my head. My daughter's finger, slowly circling around on my chest, told me that she couldn't sleep either. I leaned forward and kissed the crown of her head.

"You can't sleep, can you?" she enquired of me.

"No. I've got too much going on in my mind right now, Sweetheart. I've got those same worries that you have about what we're doing. Did we make a mistake, Sweetheart? Did we let our hearts overrule our heads?"

"Dad, are you saying that you'd rather we parted ways again? Because if that's the case, you're going to shatter my world and break my heart, and God only knows what it'll do to your granddaughter."

"No, Angie, I'm not saying that. I definitely want you here beside me, because I'm in love with you. Right now, I'm trying to take my own advice. I'm desperately trying to hear what my heart is telling me."

Angelina lifted her eyes to me, looking deeply into my very soul, almost searching for her own truth through me.

"What's your heart telling you, Dad? What are you hearing it say?"

There was a real note of fear in her tone, as though what she wanted to hear and what I had to say might be complete opposites. It was at that moment that my feelings came through to me, loud and clear.

"It's saying ... it's telling me that I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Sweetheart. It's saying that I'll do anything to keep you and Fancy safe, protected, and loved. Unfortunately, it's not telling me how to pull that one off. But I'll find a way, I promise you that," I gave her my vow.

"That's what your heart is telling you, Dad?" she softly asked, and seemed to know the answer without my confirmation. Before I could say a thing, she kissed me with a warmth that almost defied description. It wasn't a kiss of deep lust and passion, nor one of duty. It was soft, gentle, almost a caress, but filled with more love than I'd felt since my wife had passed away.

"Mine's telling me the same thing," she let me know. "For as long as we can, I want to be here beside you, to love you, to care for you when you need me. You may be my father, but you're also the light of my life. I love you, Roger Hamstead."

Silently we made a pact to each other, and sealed it with a kiss that threatened to burn the skin off our lips. As tightly as I held her, my daughter held me even closer.

"I want you, Angie," I murmured as we let each others lips go.

"I know, Dad. I want you too."

Now gently caressing her one exposed breast, I flicked a finger lightly and slowly over her nipple, feeling it becoming erect and rubbery for me. Angelina moaned with delight at the attention I paid her, giving me all I wanted, and offering even more. The warmth of her body seemed to permeate my very existence. And when it was time, I entered her softly like a young child searching a mysterious place, curious of its contents, but ready to face the monsters if necessary. In that same vein, Angelina took me inside herself with a warm and gentle welcoming that called to the very centre of my soul. As we continued to make love to each other, it was all about giving more pleasure than we received. I wanted so badly to feel her cum, to give her the pleasure that she so richly deserved. My own orgasm was almost inconsequential in my mind. And yet, Angelina was more interested in pleasing me than being pleasured herself. When she finally came for me, it was a long and warm orgasm, one that sent the shivers of her body into the very core of my being as we shared our ecstasy. She stayed like that until she took me over the edge, moaning and groaning at the wonder and beauty of her taking my seed. I came hard for her, showing her my love. It may have been one of the most intimate acts I've ever experienced, equaled only by the love my wife and I had shared.

Afterwards, I rolled onto my back, taking my daughter with me and laying her on my stomach while we were still joined. Despite losing my erection, I did everything I could to stay inside her, and Angie held me with her muscles clamped tight for as long as she could. I was completely soft and spent when she finally had to let me loose. And until that moment, not a single word was spoken, for the songs in our hearts were all that we needed to tell each other of our feelings.

"Dad," she finally broke the silence, "I know that I said it was alright if you wanted to make love to your granddaughter. But after that, I don't want to share you with anybody. Maybe Fancy wants to know if Jerry is her second best, but you're my very best. I know I don't have the right to tell you that you can't make love with her, but I'm asking you not to. I need to feel like I'm the only woman you want, need, and love in that special way. Am I being selfish? Is it too much to ask? Am I overstepping my bounds?"

"No, Sweetheart, it isn't selfish or too much, and you're not overstepping anything. It's the same promise I made to your mother when we got married. For thirty years, I lived that promise every day of my life, and was proud to do so. Maybe you and I can't legally marry, but the commitment between us is just as strong, and as sacred to me as the one I gave your mother. Now do you understand why I've been so reluctant to make love to Francesca? That same vow that I gave Fay is a part of what you and I have together. I love you, Angelina Danielle, and will for as long as I live."

She kissed me deeply, her tongue capturing every part of me that I had to give her, and I was held like that for several minutes. I could have stayed in that embrace for decades and it still wouldn't have been long enough.

"Fancy still wants you, you know," she murmured to me when we finally released each others lips again.

"I know, and it's going to be tough for her to let that go. But she has no choice in the matter. It's not that I don't want her, because I love her dearly, and always have. I just happen to want you more, to the point that I'll happily forsake every other woman there is. I made that same commitment to your mother, and for the same reasons, I'm making it to you now."

"Were there any other women that you wanted, besides Mom?"

"Not really, although there were a couple that seemed to want me, I think."

"Like who? Jeanette Traynor?"

"Yeah, Jeanette was one. Before your Mom and I were engaged, Jeanette came on to me quite a few times. I turned her down every time, and she seemed to get the message. I think that if I'd pursued it, your mother would have let me make love to her sister once or twice. But I couldn't do it. Cheating on your mother was something that I knew I couldn't do and live with myself afterwards. Cheating on you, even if it was with Fancy, feels just as wrong, and for the same reasons."

"If you'd had the chance after Mom died, would you have made love to Jeanette?"

"That's a question we'll never know the answer, and I'm not interested in finding out either. Your Mom and I always wondered if Jeanette disappeared because she'd been turned down and needed to get away from the memory. But she and Joe were always close, even as kids, and now that they're together again, I think she's found the happiness he wants to give her so badly. He always did, even back then. Maybe she still wonders if she settled for second best with Joe, but he's made her happy. She'd be a fool to throw all that away, and I think she knows it. I'd have been a fool to throw away everything your mother gave me, if you'd asked me to be your first and I'd gone through with it. Fancy's in the same position. Maybe Jerry's her second best, in her opinion. But she offered him every part of herself, and he took her on that basis, giving her his own pledge in return. The question may burn in her mind for the rest of whatever, but she needs to understand that she made a choice, and has to live with the consequence of that decision. It's a part of growing up."

"So if she comes to you, what are you going to do?"

"I'll tell her the same thing I just told you. She might want me, but she can't have me. Just like Jeanette couldn't have me thirty-five years ago, and can't now either. I'm yours, Sweetheart. Spoken for. The only woman that can have me is my own daughter. Fancy is just going to have to accept that."

"Dad, what if I had sex with another man? What would you do?"

"Why? You planning on having an affair?"

"No, but I'd like to know, if only for the understanding of the man I love."

"Angelina, would you be able to live with yourself if you sunk to the same level as Darren? Because that's how you'd feel about yourself if you did have an affair."

"No! Never! Shit, I'd rather kill myself than become like him!"

"Then I don't have a thing to worry about, do I? Sweetheart, if you cheated, you'd hurt yourself a lot more than you'd ever hurt me, and you damn-well know it. If I had the chance to make love to another woman and took it, would you trust me afterwards?"

"Probably not. And just for the record, I already knew that I'd never cheat on you, you old goat. I think you did too. But thanks for the reassurance. It's funny, because I always thought that what you and Mom taught me was something that everyone believed. I guess Darren's living proof that it isn't. I know how much it hurt me. I could never do that to you. But I'm going to leave it to you to teach that to Fancy. You're better at it than I am. The teaching part, I mean. You're not worth a shit at hurting people. All my life, I saw the way you treated Mom. You couldn't have hurt her the way Darren hurt us if your life depended on it. And that's another reason why I love you."

We ended that subject with another kiss, and a lot of love in our hearts that we shared, both physically and emotionally. It wasn't too much longer before I heard Angelina's soft and gentle breathing that let me know she'd finally found the sleep that had eluded us. A moment later, I found it too.

The next thing I remembered was waking up with Angelina's head still on my chest and the warmth of her arm and leg on my body. What was different was that I was hard, and there was something warm and wet sliding down the length of me. It took a moment for my fuzzy brain to comprehend, and another moment to understand what was happening.

Lifting my head revealed the sight of my granddaughter's head slowly bobbing up and down over my groin. My first reaction was to yell at her to stop. But that would wake my sleeping daughter, and probably bring on a confrontation that I had no desires to go through. Instead, I lifted my hand and grabbed a hank of Fancy's hair, holding her at the top of her stroke before she could take my cock back into her mouth.

There was almost a look of panic in her eyes as she suddenly shifted her gaze to mine. I shook my head while making it imperative for her to either release me or suffer a bald spot on her head. Without a word to her, I indicated that I wanted her to leave the room, and tried to tell her that I'd meet her downstairs at the kitchen table. She obeyed my command, albeit with noticeable reluctance. Once she'd left the room, I extricated myself from under my daughter's body, trying not to wake her. Finding her daughter sucking her grandfather's cock was not how I wanted Angie's day to start, especially after our conversation and pledge of the previous evening.

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Grandpa Jackie 4

Introduction: Grandpa helps Jackie seduce her dad Ok folks, part 4 here. If youve read this far youre about done. I finish it here. Oh yea I hope I am not too late here. If incest, slutty girls and dirty old men bother you, you should not read this. Well the rest of this story seems almost academic. Ellen finally, for the first time in her life began to trust, depend and lean on her sister Margarie. After stealing Margaries potential boyfriend, marrying him, ignoring him and then enlisting...

2 years ago
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Grandpa Jackie 4

Well the rest of this story seems almost academic. Ellen finally, for the first time in her life began to trust, depend and lean on her sister Margarie. After stealing Margaries potential boyfriend, marrying him, ignoring him and then enlisting Marge in helping her to divorce him, she finally found betrayal. Probably worse betrayal then she has ever given to anyone in her life, but that is probably because no one trusted her enough to let her that close. Ellen began calling her...

4 years ago
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Grandpa DanMy Neighbor Part One

Every neighborhood has at least One. Do You know what I'm talking about? It's that,"Old Guy",some people wonder and gossip about. Well,Mine was Grandpa Dan. He was my friend Sherry's Grandfather,and He lived just down the street from me in the the trailor park that I grew up in. I knew from the start that He and I would be great friends because when we were introduced,Grandpa Dan got down on one knee and gave me a great big hug! It was nice having his strong arms wrapped around me,and I didn't...

3 years ago
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Grandpa and the twins

Introduction: We go to visit Grandpa and he helps us grow up The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. _______________________________________________________ Mom and Dad and my twin sister and I had gone to visit Grandpa about six months after Grandma had died. It was about a ten-hour drive to get to his house. We were going to stay for five days. Grandpa had a pretty large...

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Grandpa Made My Mom Happy And Pregnant

Hello everyone, Shawn here with yet another incest story. Now, I am getting few requests from my readers to write a story in English, so I have tried the same. This story is from a fan named Nikhil. So here goes: Hey readers, it’s nice communicating my real story with you. It’s about my Grandpa and my mom. Let me tell you about my grandpa first. He was 62 when this happened. In his youth, he had natural muscles and a nice big mustache (as in his early photograph), he had a fashion sense exactly...

4 years ago
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GRANDPA TAKES IN HIS GRANDDAUGHTER The initial characters:Grandpa: Dan is 68, a widower, very healthy and alone for several years.Granddaughter: Jane, 18, a pretty, very beautiful teen, unmarried with anew babyGranddaughter's best friend: Misty, 16, petite but very pretty, Asian,High school student Misty's friend: Lisa, 18, cute, very petite and also Asian, High SchoolStudent CHAPTER ONE: At first, when Dan found out about his Granddaughter's pregnancy, he wasshocked and a bit angry,...

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I was 23 years old, this story happened in June of 2016. After many years of me having sex with old grandpas and grandmas, almost everyone in the village knew that I liked old cock and old pussy. Sometimes grandpas and grandmas would just come up to me and ask me for sex and then I just would have sex with them, it was just that easy. I had nothing to hide, I was open to all of the old people in my village. Old men at the bar would always talk about my ass, I could just walk into the bar and I...

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grandpas farm

Sue had a mom that was a whore. Her mom was very popular because she had huge tits and a big ass. She also loved anal sex. She was a sex freak. She loved gang bangs, stripping, deep throat, and loved women as well. She did a strip tease for a bachelor party and then fucked every guy there. She sucked the groom to be cock while the men lined up and fucked her cunt and ass. It was at this party that she got knocked up and had no idea who the daddy was. Even while she was huge with c***d the men...

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Grandpa Takes Beth to Bikini Beach

Some readers may recall sick Beth mentioned a couple times in "A Bikini Beach Summer". Unfortunately, Grandmother's solution to everything wiped out Ruth's attempt to get information about Beth's sickness to her parents. This is a side-story to the sequel, which is still being written. It occurs a few weeks later, and Beth's condition has consequently worsened. As usual, thoughts and statements about Bikini Beach are potentially wrong, being made by persons with imperfect knowledge....

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While I was a senior in high school, grandpa offered to pay me to clean his house for him once a week, which I happily agreed to. I needed the money, didn’t mind the work, and I got to spend more time with my grandfather. So, every Thursday after school, I’d stop by grandpa’s house and clean for him, then I’d cook us a meal and we’d eat together while we chatted about our week. About two months into our arrangement, I was at grandpa’s house doing my weekly cleaning while he sat on the sofa...

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Grandpa and MeChapter 5

Grandpa drove with me by the window and Mom in the middle. As soon as we buckled up, Mom slid her hand over his crotch and began to gently stroke his cock. “You’re a very handsome man, Karl,” she said lovingly. “I’ve always known that. I didn’t realize what a stud you were until today.” She sighed. “Think of all the good fucking I’ve missed.” “We’ll make up for it, sweet pussy,” he answered. “I’m glad to hear that,” she said, squeezing his cock. “But I want to fuck Rick, too.” “Only when...

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Grandpa and the twins

_______________________________________________________ Mom and Dad and my twin sister and I had gone to visit Grandpa about six months after Grandma had died. It was about a ten-hour drive to get to his house. We were going to stay for five days. Grandpa had a pretty large four-bedroom house with a pool on the edge of town. We had always had fun visiting him and Grandma as we grew up. The last time we were here was about a month after the funeral and things were still pretty sad...

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grandpa grandma and me

same as other story just titled for better search results!please comment and provide feedback!The story sounds better in first person and in a perspective of past tense. I have changed it a few times to make up for tense problems and fluency, so please do not criticize the verb and tense agreements as I am sure that I have missed more than a few mistakes. this is my first story and it is fiction Character description I am a twenty-one year old male living in Oregon. I am 5’8” and have muscle...

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“You have such a nice pussy. It’s so soft,” he moaned into my ear. “Let me taste you, sweetheart.” He lowers his mouth to my cunt and pulls aside my panties. His tongue licks over my folds and laps in between my cunt lips. Grandpa’s lips work over my clit sucking. His tongue swirls around my sensitive bud making me moan. He moans delighting in the taste of my pussy. The old man finished tasting me. He moved back up to face me and he kissed me. I taste myself on his lips. It made my...

1 year ago
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Grandpa Catches Me Naked Part 1

100% fiction! My name is Michelle and I live in South Alabama, near the coast. I am a light skinned (yellow) black girl who is 5ft tall and curvacious. I have a big firm ass, tiny waist and perky B-cup breasts. My aereolas are large, brown and puffy with nipples made for sucking. I have a flat tummy that leads down to a shaved pussy. One day I was home alone when a dress I had ordered online was delivered by UPS. I was super excited and I ran upstairs to try it on. It was a blistering hot day...

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Grandpa teaches me about sex

I learned about sex from my grandpa in my preteen years by sneaking into his bedroom where he slept naked and I would look and play with his penis. Once, when I laid on top of him in bed, I began humping him and we both had orgasms. It was after this time that we began to talk about sex and he told me that I could ask him anything and he would give me a straight answer. When I became a teen, I began to have sexual feelings (a tingling between my legs). In school we also had a health class that...

3 years ago
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Grandpa and Me

Introduction: How I saw my first penis This is not a very erotic story, just some memories of my childhood, lets say 18 for legal reasons, when I was just getting interested about sex. I was about 46 and weighed about 80 pounds as best I can remember. I had no breasts or hips and my mound was bald. My favorite time was when I went to visit my grandpa about once every month or two. We would go to the zoo or aquarium, ice skate, or just play games. We played hide and seek, board games, and, my...

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Grandpa and his goodgirl

My world was turned upside down. Grandma and Grandpa were here for the week, and I had to stay at home to spend quality time with them. It’s tough when your teen to take time out from your busy and important teenage duties. My parents decided to take a couple of days off just for them and head to the beach. Grandma and Grandpa were left in charge. I had noticed something different about Grandpa when he was down to visit when I was young. We had been playing a game of cards...

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Grandpa Jones

1 - Visiting Grandpa Jones 2 - The Secret of Life 3 - The Secret of Death 1 - Visiting Grandpa Jones "Hi, Grandpa," Brie called in greeting as she pushed her way into the hospital room. Ben Jones looked up at the movement he caught out of the corner of his eye, and smiled. Brie was the youngest of three grandchildren, and the only one he seemed to have a connection with. She had turned eighteen the month before, and was looking forward to her high-school graduation in a few short...

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Mona lost her parents in a car wreck when she was sixteen and was sent to live with her grandpa who lived alone on a small farm. He had a one bedroom home so he put a rollaway bed in his room for Mona. Grandpa was a handsome energetic man and happy to take Mona in. The first night Mona was there grandpa heard her crying. He got out of bed and went to her bed and hugged her telling her not to be sad that he was going to take good care of her. He held her tight and kissed her on the cheek. She...

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Grandpa and Me

My favorite time was when I went to visit my grandpa about once every month or two. We would go to the zoo or aquarium, ice skate, or just play games. We played hide and seek, board games, and, my favorite, card games. I would sit on the couch on one side of the coffee table and grandpa would sit in his lazy boy chair on the other side. It was a hot summer day when I first saw a penis. We were playing cards, sitting across from each other. Grandpa usually wore shorts in the summer and...

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Grandpa and MeChapter 3

Mom was naked on the bed. Her eyes were closed. Her legs were up with her feet planted firmly on the mattress. Sweat sheened her skin, which had a faint red glow. Her left hand held open the lips of her pussy and her right middle finger was sloshing in and out. She was moaning softly and her muscles were tightened and relaxed rhythmically. Grandpa stopped in the doorway to stare at her. “Isn’t she magnificent, Rick? God, what a woman. I’ve always thought she’d be a hot, squirming creature...

4 years ago
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Grandpas birthday party

Mom said, "Silva don't forget we have to go to Grandpa's birthday on saturday".Sila didn't answer, the last place she wanted to be on a saturday was at a party with all the family. Oh yes she loved her Grandpa very much, when she was younger she would spend every summer with him and Grandma. Silva been the only Girl in a family of five all her brothers much older than her, made her, her Grandperents favorite.Grandma thought her how to bake and Grandpa would bring her fishing out on the...

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Grandpa was my first

I was lying on my bed with my boyfriend, I was a junior in high school and he was a freshman at the local college. The most we'd ever done was give each other hand jobs. I wanted him to fuck me but he refused saying he wanted to wait till I turned 18. He wouldn't let me suck his cock for the same reason, I wasn't yet legal in the eyes of law. I didn't care but he wanted to get into politics, he had big future plans. So I made do with letting him finger me while I gave him hand jobs.We were...

2 years ago
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Grandpa what are you doing

One day i asked my grandpa to go see a friend since i was done with work. I ended up staying late at his place. I reached Dans house pretty late. I guess he thought i was going to end up having a sleepover at my friends but i didnt. I entered the house and on the way to my room i could hear sounds coming out of Dans room. His door was open too and i went to see if everything was okay. What i saw i couldnt comprehend. Dan was on his bed and stroking his cock. His cock, i cant even tell you how...

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Grandpa and MeChapter 6

Red-skinned and sheened with sweat, her pussy wet from her orgasm, her legs splayed, her wrists tied to the headboard, her nipples hard with ongoing passion, Julie was a carnal vision. As she watched me undress, her face reflected her needs, which made my need for her even greater, if that was possible. When she stared unabashedly at my cock as it popped into view, she licked her lips. “Rick? Are you going to rape me now?” “Yes,” I replied. “It’s about time,” she whispered in a low,...

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Grandpa and MeChapter 7

“Wake up. Look alive. Breakfast is in fifteen minutes.” I opened my eyes to see Patty smiling down at us. My arm was asleep because Julie was lying on it as she curled against me. She yawned, looked at her mother, and gasped. “Mother,” Julie said, “You’re naked.” “How about that?” Patty quipped. “Why don’t you come down to breakfast naked, too, dear?” “But Rick’s mom and grandfather are still here.” “That’s all right. They saw you last night. Remember?” “Yes, but I want to wear...

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Grandpas birthday gift

OK this is just fantasy, not real, but intended to appeal to some My wife Linda and I were making our regular visit to her grandpa in the nursing home. But this week was special though, as it was his 85th birthday today. Bill had Alzheimer’s and remembered little and almost never recognized us. Every visit he would call us by someone in his history's name. Sometimes it was funny as he often mistook Linda for his deceased wife Betty or some old girlfriend. I would giggle when he would do this...

1 year ago
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Grandpa and MeChapter 4

Grandpa didn’t bother dressing and neither did I. As I followed him out of the bedroom, I looked back at Mom. She was already asleep. My cum was dry on her face and Grandpa’s cum between her legs. There was a smile on her face. Damn, she looked good. “How did you like that?” he asked. “It was as good as I imagined, but I want to fuck her,” I replied. “You will in good time,” he said. “Can we talk? I’ve got a million questions.” “Start,” he said as he plopped down in Dad’s old easy chair...

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Grandpas birthday gift

Melinda and I were making our regular visit to her grandpa in the nursing home. this week was special though as it was his 85th birthday today. He had alzheimers and remembered little and never recognized us. Every visit he would call us by someone in his history's name. Sometimes it was funny as he oftn mistook Melinda for his deceased wife Betty or some old girlfriend. I would giggle when he would do this and grab Melinda's ass or boobs or make some lewd suggestion. Today was one of those...

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Grandpa and the Gang Bang Grandson

Grandpa comes to me one night after a hot and steamy love making session and asks me if I would be interested in having sex with multiple guys. He said he had joined a private club a few years back where he and a few other older gentleman,some still married but most widowed or divorced,get together and have sex or sometimes just hang out and drink. He said he had already spoken to the other members and told them about his crossdressing grandson and they were very excited to meet me. He said...

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Grandpas Lessons Part One

Sara stood at the bus stop holding her suitcase and waiting. At sixteen Sara had been expelled from the last of a line of schools and her parents had enough. Her father had died when she was lttle and her mother had remarried and with her stepfather had several small c***dren. They decided they no longer had the time or patience to del with her disobedience and had arranged for her to live with Grandpa Mike in Kansas. He lived on a farm outside of smll town and he was willing to take her in.It...

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Grandpa Teaches Young Granddaughter

Tom was in a deep sleep when his phone rudely woke him up. He glanced at his clock as he reached for the phone and wondered who in their right mind was calling him at 2:13 am. Lifting the phone to his ear, he heard the voice of his youngest daughter, Renee. As his sleepy mind began to function, he asked her what was wrong. She told him that she was at the emergency room and they were getting ready to admit her. He continued to listen as she said they were going to do surgery to remove her gall...

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Grandpa Dicks Dick

One day, when I was about 18, my grandpa called and invited me to a football game. Being a big football fan, I decided to go with him. However, the day of the game I woke up and it was about 30 degrees outside. After putting on 2 shirts and a couple coats and pairs of pants, I drove out to meet my grandpa. We met in a parking lot to take the bus to the football stadium since it was faster and cheaper. Well we got there, and it was still freezing outside. My grandpa repeatedly told me how cold...

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Grandpa and I

Grandpa and I - A new love I had been orphaned when I was only 16 and my grandparents had taken me in. It was quite a different style of living for me. I had been brought up in the city where everything was literally at your fingertips. Gran and Pa lived on a hobby farm of about 20 acres just outside a small town about 300 miles from my original home. As I said, I was 16. I had a trim curvy body and pale skin. My hair was a chestnut red and my eyes green. Grandma and Pa were in their late 50s...

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Bev was leaving her daughter Lily at her own fathers house so she could spend time with her grandfather. He had raised Bev and she knew what would be in store for Lily. He loves young girls and even his own daughter. He had fucked her all her teen years and shared her with his friends. When she took Lily in he looked at Bev and smiled and said "Are you staying for some of my cock too? I know you must miss me fucking you." He then sat Lily in a chair and took Bev to his bedroom and pulled her...

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Grandpa Jackie 1

Introduction: Grandpa helps Jackie seduce her dad This is a VERY bad story, you should not read it. If perhaps you like incest, slutty girls, horny wives, revenge and the occasional big cock. Well go ahead, but for the rest of you, especially if you are under age then GO AWAY My story starts a few years back my wifes cousin and her husband had stopped by for the holidays with their daughter Jackie. To say she was an oops is an understatement. While her mom and dad are almost our age I was...

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Grandpas teen has a friend

For those of you that havent read This teen loves her Grandpa then here it is woke a few times in the night to find Jack cradled in my arms, her tits were pressing into me and I could feel her hairy bush on my stomach. I still couldnt believe what had happened last night, however when I woke up in the morning Jack was gone. Gone from my arms, gone from my bed and indeed gone from my house. I had a quick look in her room, at least...

1 year ago
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Grandpa Jackie 1

My story starts a few years back my wife’s cousin and her husband had stopped by for the holidays with their daughter Jackie. To say she was an oops is an understatement. While her mom and dad are almost our age I was introduced as Grandpa Bob. Jackie certainly seemed to have no problem with it though. Ellen and her husband appeared to be getting "frazzled" with keeping up with their younger girl and talked at great length about the problems they had with raising what appeared to be a good...

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Grandpa Goes Blind Temporarily

I turned sixty years old this year and I started having some problems with my blood pressure, my cholesterol, and just plain growing old. Then I lost my vision. My granddaughter Eleanor was visiting me at the time. She had just turned sixteen and I had taught her to drive. In fact she was here celebrating the fact that she had just passed her driving test. Now Eleanor is a cute little shit. I had enjoyed teaching her to drive because my car is standard and she has to shift and push in...

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Grandpas Lessons Part Two

Sara woke up the next morning praying it had been a horrible dream but as she laid in bed she knew even though alone she was naked under the blankets and her body was cramping. She barely made it into the bathroom where she took a long hot shower trying desperately to feel clean. She noticed as she dressed she had bruises along her breasts and her body. As she dressed she desperately hoped if she continued to be good it would not happen again. She knew if she told her mum she would be locked up...

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Grandpa and I Ch2

Grandpa and I Ch. 2 A fulfilling loveA couple of times over the next few months, Pa encouraged me to go out with other guys. As much as they tried they couldn't match the feelings I had for my darling Pa. As our relationship became more intense over the next few months, Pa suggested that I move my things into the master bedroom, which made me very happy. After about 6 months, I started to get nauseous each morning. I realized that I was pregnant with Pa’s baby. When I told him, he was so proud,...

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Grandpa Jackie 3

Introduction: Grandpa helps Jackie seduce her dad Part 3 of the story. The next week started off with a bang, that much is for damm sure. On Sunday morning my wife received a call from her sister, I could hear Ellens ranting and screaming in the background so obviously something had happened. When she hung up my wife said better get dressed, theyre coming over. Naturally I prodded her with questions, she finally revealed all she knew. Somehow something had happened and now Ellen was calling...

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Grandpa Jackie 2

Introduction: Grandpa helps Jackie seduce her dad This is part 2 of this story. I am pretty much writing it all at once. Just breaking it up to make it easier to read. I am hoping that I did a good job of feigning surprise the next day when my wife got a call from her sister telling her that Jackie had been sleepwalking again. My wife mentioned that to me and I immediately suggested that it may have been because of the change in home routine. That since her parents had not gone out together...

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Grandpas Treat

I am a retired gent, fairly fit for my age but due to a few health issues I didn’t get out much. My usual summer wear for indoors consisted of an open front shirt and baggy shorts, I never was a fashion icon.My days usually consisted of a short walk to the paper shop to get a paper and then lounging about watching TV or a bit of gardening, nothing that would make a good story until today.The sun was shining and I had been for my short walk to the paper shop, I settled down with a cup of tea and...

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Grandpas naughty

This story is fictional and is only used for entertainment only.My wife Patty and I finally got to retire and move into our dream house in New Hampshire. Everybody else goes to Florida or the Carolina's when they retire, but we already came from the south, and having a home on the lake in New England seemed a lot nicer. Plus, it was very quiet and tranquil. There weren't many houses,and the few neighbors we had, were friendly and caring, but left you to your own business.It was our first summer...

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Grandpa Joe

One day i was told by my family to go and stay with Joe. Joe was getting old and needed some help around the house, since i was free for two months they wanted me to go. Joe lived alone. My brother dropped me at Joe's. I hadnt seen Joe ever since he got a divorce from Grandpa. It had been years. I knocked the door and he opened the door in his towel. I never liked Joe to be honest, he always scolded me and was very intimidating. He showed me around the house, explaining the chores that need...

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Grandpa and Me

This is the story about when my grandfather and I had sexual relations. It kind of just happened. We had an amazing evening, but it was one of those once in a lifetime situations. My mother is a single mother. She said she never even told the man who got her pregnant. She only dated him a little while. She wanted a baby and once she found out she was pregnant the relationship ended shortly after that. My mother was twenty-one when she had me. She is now 38 and I am eighteen. I am a small...

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Grandpa made a woman of his granddaughter

It was shortly after midnight. The New Year had just started few minutes ago and a lonely girl was laying in her comfortable bed, unable to fall asleep, thinking about her sexual life. To say the truth, there was none. She'd been still a virgin and there seemed to be no man who would be willing to make a woman of her in the closest future. She was desperate. She wanted someone to make love to her. Or rather to fuck her to unconsciousness. She'd longed for the great feeling of a big cock inside...

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Grandpa Jackie 3

The next week started off with a bang, that much is for damm sure. On Sunday morning my wife received a call from her sister, I could hear Ellen’s ranting and screaming in the background so obviously something had happened. When she hung up my wife said “better get dressed, they’re coming over.” Naturally I prodded her with questions, she finally revealed all she knew. Somehow something had happened and now Ellen was calling Jackie a slut and a whore and that they were sending her to...

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