An ClochánChapter 79 free porn video

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It was the 22nd clock cycle of their trip when Lanoize’s Atewa Task Group and Dóchas exited FTL near Atewa 5th Fleet Headquarters. Sarah’s Clan listened as Captain Laonize on AHCD47 contacted System Control to identify the group.

After an acknowledgment there was a delay of several minutes before they responded again, “AHCD47, our system indicates that you are not scheduled to arrive for another two days.”

“That was our projected ETA. Is that a problem?”

“Not that we are aware of, it is just unusual. We see that one ship and its escorts are using temporary ids. Do they have permanent ids?”

“Yes. They are Órarduine ships. The prime ship is Dóchas. Her escorts are DBM01, DBM02, DBM03 and DBM04. They are monitoring our dialog.”

“Thanks. Dóchas, initiate your ident beacon,” requested System Control.

“Initiated,” replied Joyce.

“Dóchas, who is the ship’s Commander?”

“Sarah’s Clan commands Dóchas.”

Laonize said, “System Control, this is ADHC47, you should have received this information from Operations. If not either of us can provide it via encrypted transmission.”

“Operations notified us of your pending arrival accompanied by a group of non Atewa ships. It did not include all the details and some of the information was incomplete, such as who was in command of that group of ships.”

“Ah ... their command structure is different than ours. Considering the roles they fill on the bridge list Admiral Sarah and Admiral Rusty of Sarah’s Clan as the ship’s commanders. Joyce’s primary role is navigation. Maeve and Aoife’s primary role is communications.”

“Thanks. What rank are they?”

“In our terms, they are all Admirals but they seldom use the title.”

“Understood. Use approach vector 43b. At the outer boundary Approach Control will give you pier assignments and vectors. We were just notified that you didn’t receive the packet at JP3. A courier will bring a replacement to you in the next couple of hours. It contains correspondence for Dóchas.”

“Fine. We will transfer the information to them.”

The ships were about halfway to their destination with Briana’s Clan on the bridge when Cass said, “Star, initiate a voice connection with AHCD47.”


A few moments later, “Dochas, this is AHCD47, Communications Officer Lentz.”

“Good evening, Office Lentz this is Cass. Could you connect me with Security?”


A few moments later she heard, “Officer Nilmnote here.”

“Good evening Nilmnote, this is Cass of Briana’s Clan.”

“Good evening, how can I assist you?”

“We’ve detected several small ships pacing us. There isn’t any indication of hostility so we’ve held off scanning them. Are you aware of them? If so what is their purpose?”

Chuckling he responded, “Snooping.”

“Is this normal?”

“I’ve only seen them on the approaches to our bases. I suspect it is something they do at many locations, but in a more circumspect manner. I’ve inquired and was told I didn’t need to know.”

“Which is an answer. Thanks. We’ll keep an eye on them.”

“Would you like us to show you around the station once we have moved to our new ship?”

“Thanks. Let us know when you’re available then we can sort out a time.”

“Will do. Out.”

Cass contacted Dóchas Security and said, “Your impression of those small ships pacing us was correct. They are remotely controlled.”


At the Approach Control boundary, they were directed to their respective piers. Their locations were such that AHCD47 and Dóchas were on either side of AHCF19, Laonize’s new ship. The moorings for the other ships were only a short walk away on adjacent piers.

As soon as their ships were connected to the station’s piers Laonize contacted Sarah’s Clan. “I’ve been advised that in an hour or so the Fleet Operations Commander, along with several other officers, will visit you. Besides coming to welcome you they have an itinerary for your visit. Also, I would like to drop by tomorrow afternoon to go over our to-do list.”

Sarah replied, “Thanks, we will be ready for our visitors. As we’ve said before, you are welcome to visit anytime. Once on board our Security will let us know that you are here and send you in our direction.”

“I know you’ve said that before but I am not really comfortable with just showing up and walking in. Also, in 3 days’ time, on the 6th, the Admiral is hosting a reception in honour of your visit. Besides ship’s officers the attendees will primarily be his direct reports along with some of their immediate staff.”

“We will let everyone know.”

It was mid-afternoon the next clock cycle when Sarah’s Clan greeted Laonize as she entered Dochas’ bridge. After exchanging greetings Laonize was in introduced to Aine, Morrigan, and Ariu.

Laonize said to them, “It is a pleasure to finally meet you as I’ve often seen you at Tara Ardchlár.”

“That is true for us as well,” responded Morrigan, with Aine and Ariu nodding in agreement. “Sarah’s Clan has spoken highly of you many times.”

Laonize said to Sarah’s Clan, “It amazes me that you let me walk around your ship unaccompanied.”

Sarah’s Clan smiled as Sarah said, “You are among the few that have that privileged. Besides, you’ve been to the bridge and several other locations often enough that you don’t need an escort.”

“Thank you for the honour. Do you have all the dock services you need?”

Claudette replied, “So far yes. This is the first time we’ve been in this position so it is a new experience for us.”

“So how did you build your ships?”

Claudette gave her a brief summary on how their ships were built then said, “We haven’t decided on the approach we will use in Celia System. Observing how you build your base and what we see here should be quite a learning experience and will provide us with ideas. We expect to learn even more now that you’ve asked us to monitor construction of your space station.”

“Well you all monitoring the construction benefits us as you will be looking at it with a different point of view. As to building ships, would you like to visit the ship yards here?”

“Sure. If we can then there are several other Órarduine we should include.”

“Let me see what I can set up. One of the reasons I wanted to come by this afternoon was to make sure you were still agreeable to having our crew members’ families return with us.”

“Yes. When we last discussed this you weren’t sure of the numbers, so it could be pretty crowded at Tara until we begin occupying the permanent residences.”

“Crowding shouldn’t be a problem. First, the head count is about 2100, including children. Second, the bulk of their possessions will be on a Fleet Cargo ship that is returning with us. It has the same cruise capability as our warships so it won’t delay us. The primary reason for the additional ship is that it is carrying some special equipment for our base. Its cargo also includes temporary shelters, along with their support units, like those we brought before.”

“Great. As for the trip, we can accommodate significantly more than half of the dependents. Does that leave you enough room to operate effectively?” asked Sarah.

“Yes, that would help a lot. We could accommodate all of them but it would be at a level we only use for an evacuation.”

“As soon as you have the list of families and their sizes our staffs should get together to sort out who goes where. Our Staffing group is responsible for assigning compartments.”

“Thank you. Intelligence seems to think our trip back will be more problematic but I don’t have details yet. Oh, I almost forgot, the group that was spying on us has been transferred to another unit assigned to this station.”

“Not detained?” queried Sally with a puzzled look.

“Not officially. That will occur after we leave.”

“How is the transfer to the new ship going?” inquired Joyce.

“Very smoothly. The interfaces for the new ship’s systems are almost identical to those on AHCD47 as the improvements are in capability. I have moved and most of the crew will be transferred before tomorrow. This will give us more than enough time to evaluate our equipment and prepare for departure, even with making room for the families.”

“This won’t sound right, but don’t overcrowd your ship, especially since it is new to you,” said Jill.

“I understand your concern and with your assistance neither of us should be too crowded.

“The Commanders of this Fleet for Operations, Intelligence, and Strategy want to meet with you all the day after the reception, on the 7th.”

“Topic?” queried Rusty.

“A general discussion of issues in the area surrounding Celia System and how to handle them. As we alluded to before, the commercial traffic in that sector will increase. Due to the increase there are expectations of problems arising.”

“So they want to know more of our capabilities?”

“It is more likely to confirm some of our observations, and learn more about your tactics. Law enforcement here was very pleased with the data we provided on our spies. There were times that it seemed like they were more interested in how we obtained it than the information. Apparently our answers satisfied them. After we left our head of security told me he was glad that I was there. He was of the opinion that my presence discouraged them from being more persistent.”

“When we met the Operations Lt. Commander we expressed an interest in learning more about what was involved in building a station like this one. He seemed very pleased to hear us raving about what a nice operation he had here.”

“Good. From what I’ve heard about him your trolling for information will be well rewarded.” Sensing Aine, Morrigan, and Ariu’s surprise at her openness Laonize said to them, “I feel that I can speak as frankly here as you all do, besides, we all know the limits of what we can share. While it is something I can do with a few fellow officers, it still has to be done cautiously.”

Smiling Aine replied, “We know. We all realize that even when being frank with us you won’t share privileged information, which is a talent in and of its self.”

“Are you able to join us for dinner Laonize?” inquired Sarah.

“I have plans for dinner with my family.”

“They are welcome to join us as well.”

“That is an interesting idea as it would give them a chance to visit the ships. Let me check to see what they have planned. How soon do you need to know?”

“Any time is fine.”

Three days before their scheduled departure the Atewa Fleet dependents began boarding the Atewa heavy cruisers and Dóchas. The activity on the pier was carefully monitored by Atewa and Órarduine security. Sally suggested to Fleet Security that the apparent increase in Órarduine security was due to it being an active work area and because there were children present. To further reduce the impact on operations each family had a specific boarding time, thus there were fewer people on the pier at any one time. The number of dependents traveling on Dóchas had increased, but was still well within their operational limits. At first the reasoning raised a few eyebrows but it only took a few hours before the benefits were obvious.

It was late on the afternoon of the second day of boarding when Maeve approached Múirne of Ursula’s Clan. “Are the boardings progressing as planned?”

“So far. We’ve had a couple of people try to con their way on board. We informed the Atewa and they came and got them. It was all very pleasant.”

“We suspected some would try. The Atewa Task Group has had that issue as well. The people concerned were detained pending document verification. I am glad Laonize accepted Sally’s suggestion to include our people in monitoring boarding.”

“To change the subject, I’ve noticed that the woman with Aine is always touching her in some way. When she was out here with Morrigan she did the same thing. However, when I see her on Dóchas, or when I’ve seen her at Tara, she doesn’t do that.”

“Very observant. I’ve noticed that as well. Perhaps it is because of where we are.”

“Good point. It is different, not bad, just different.”

When Maeve saw three people storming down the pier she said, “Sally, Cathan, we may have a problem at the boarding door.”

“Aye, we noticed.”

After a moment Cathan added, “The one in the dark clothes is the administrator for the civilian area. We believe the other two work in off-base housing. We’ve advised Laonize of their presence.”

At the entry to the ship the administrator growled, “Who is in charge here?”

Múirne looked at Maeve and smiled causing Maeve to shrug. Maeve replied, “In charge of what?”

“Of these people boarding this ship, what else?”

“What concern is it of yours?”

“Don’t get smart with me. Where are they going?”

“To a new location.”

“Where is it?” he demanded.

“It is my understanding that that detail is restricted, and since I don’t know your security clearance status you will need to speak to either Fleet Operations or the Fleet Commander.”

Captain Laonize walked up just as Maeve finished responding. “Gentlemen, you are not authorized to be in this area so please return to the unrestricted area.”

“Not until I know what is going on. These people have abruptly departed their accommodations leaving them unfit for use. They have to pay for the damage before they go any place.”

“If that is true why did you ask where they were going?”

“So we would know where to send the bill.”

“A marginal reason as Fleet personnel could forward it for you. Where is the documentation for the damage? Before you answer I will point out a few things. First, each family has video documentation of what their accommodations looked like both when they moved in and as they left today. Second, the next billing period will start in 2 days and everyone has already paid for the next period. Third, they all expect to receive their deposits back.

“So should I contact the Legal Adjutant?”

The administrator’s face turned red as he growled, “You’ll hear about this.” The three then stomped off glaring at those in line as they passed.

When the three disappeared into the building those in line started applauding.

Maeve said softly, “I gather they aren’t providing suitable accommodations.”

A woman in the line said, “This is likely the worst off-base housing that we’ve experienced. Living in tents would be nicer, just a bit hard to do on a space station.”

“True. What about those who haven’t boarded yet?”

“They are all in either transit quarters or base housing,” replied Laonize.

“Well rather than sticking to the current plan we could just continue boarding until everyone is on board.”

Another woman in line suggested, “The transit accommodations are presently pretty full.”

Múirne said, “We are willing to resume boarding after dinner; however that presumes we can let the people know of the schedule change. If I remember correctly there aren’t very many more, well not nearly many as today.”

After a few moments Laonize said, “Okay. Plan on resuming after dinner, however I need to speak with the other ship’s Captains before we commit to that. I expect they will agree. Departure date is still the 12th.”

“That is your call,” responded Maeve. “We will follow your lead.”

“As to contacting those scheduled for tomorrow, it won’t be a problem although some arrivals could out of sequence.”

Maeve added, “You know, once everyone is on board we could move our ships away from the piers. The piers look pretty full so Control might appreciate the offer.”

“That is a good idea as I understand that there are some ships waiting. Let’s wait until we have everyone on board before we say anything.”

“Okay. Joyce will figure out a reasonable rendezvous point for us to meet up.”

They had just resumed boarding those waiting when Múirne saw Fleet MPs accompanying several people, who appeared to be reporters, approaching. She said, “Sarah’s Clan, Chloe, Finnian, there is a group coming toward us. The group includes several Fleet MPs and, based on their appearance, a bunch of reporters.”

“Aye, we’re on our way,” they replied.

A few moments later an MP said to Múirne, “These people would like to interview you. Is that okay?”

“Several people who can answer your question will be here in a moment.”

A reporter asked, “Where are these people going?”

Before the MPs or Múirne could reply a person in line said loudly, “To be closer to our spouses.”

“Where is that?”

Sarah replied firmly, “Is knowing that really that important? We think it is great that they have the opportunity to move closer to their spouses. We are pleased that we were asked to assist.”

The senior MP said, “Are you willing to give these people an interview as none was scheduled?”

“Depends on the topic. We will not respond to any operational questions. Any answer to that type of question requires clearance by the Fleet Commander. That also includes attempting to ask those waiting to board similar questions.”

“The MPs have made that clear, but it seems some of those with me are slow,” joked another reporter with a smile.

The Senor MP sternly noted, “Well slow or not, you’ve been warned. Another mistake and the person concerned will be in need of a lawyer.” To the Órarduine he said, “If you don’t mind, we prefer to remain close by as this is a restricted area.”

“We don’t mind at all, this is your facility,” agreed Sarah. Then to the reporters she said, “Ladies and gentlemen, who has the first question?”

“A couple of days ago we saw a news brief about an Órarduine choir. Is that you?” asked a female reporter.

“Well we do have several small singing groups on our ship, and several larger groups at home. Could you expand on the news brief’s contents? That information would make it easier to answer.”

“Here, I have it on my epad,” the woman replied handing it to Sarah.

Sarah and those around her looked at it then smiled. Sarah still smiling said, “It is the image of our choir performing at Tara Ardchlár on Ananu. Based on the background this performance was likely several months ago. I suspect some of the performers could be members of our crew. I am puzzled as to why this appeared in a news brief on your space station?”

“It was in the entertainment section of the news feed we receive from our home World. The article was a review of an album that had just been released and the reviewers were quite impressed with the music. After hearing that there were Órarduine here we came to see what more we could learn about the choir.”

“So you haven’t heard them?”

“No, although the article indicated that the music would soon be available. However, it is likely to be some time before it gets here.”

“Give me a moment while I check a couple of things.”


Sarah said, “Shannon, is the choir singing this evening after dinner?”

“We’d discussed it as we thought it would be a nice way to welcome our passengers. However, there are only 12 of us on the ship.”

“Can we make that a definite?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“Well, we have a group of Atewa reporters on the dock following up on an item in their news that referenced our choir. I thought we could invite them to dinner and they could see the show.”

“Fine. I’ll let the others know. Right after dinner?”

“Yes. Also, it looks like boarding will resume after dinner. I’ll fill you in later.”

“We heard part of it. It sounds like our Atewa agents are moving forward with their plan.”

“Yes, it does.”

Looking at the reporters Sarah said, “It seems that the choir members with us have a performance planned for after dinner this evening. In light of your interest, you are invited to join us for dinner and to stay for the performance afterward. If you want to do this you will be required to be accompanied by one of our crew while on the ship. There are places you cannot go. If you violate that rule, you will be thrown off the ship via the nearest exit. Dinner will be in three hours. You are welcome to wait here or you can leave and return, presuming the MPs are agreeable.

“Senior Sargent Meynote, would you advise your OIC that you’ve been requested to remain here while the reporters are here? It will probably be around six hours until the performance is over.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Aoife,” said Sarah, “would you contact the Fleet Admiral’s Adjutant and extend an invitation to Admiral Pentalia to join us for dinner and to hear the choir?”

“Sure. Why didn’t we think of that before? Should we include his staff?”

“Well I think some of us did, but felt we ought to hold back as this is Captain Laonize’s operation. The reporters nosing around sort of changed that. As to how many, let’s limit it to just his direct reports.”

Sally said, “I’ll contact Captain Laonize and make sure she knows.”

When Sarah’s attention returned to those around them, Sargent Meynote said, “The OIC approved your request.” His eyes clearly expressed his thanks. “I suspect he will be along to check on the situation.”

“Fine. While on the ship several members of our Security will be with you.”


The woman reporter said, “Admiral Sarah, my apologies for not introducing myself when we arrived, and for not recognizing you.”

With a smile Sarah responded, “You are forgiven, provided you don’t use the title.”

“I will try. My name is Anaonize.” After she introduced the others she added, “I know that our Fleet has worked and socialized with you all and has a high regard for you. We’ve heard many individual Fleet members make similar comments, but that is about all we know of you. A few moments ago you had a far off look before you extended this evening’s invitation. Are you wearing some kind of communicator because I don’t see one?”

“Good observation as I am not wearing one. For the most part we are telepathic, which allows us to easily communicate with one another. However that is not necessarily true between us and other species. We have an introductory video of ourselves that we can show you before dinner. Interested?”

“Yes,” responded the group.

Anaonize said, “I’ve never heard of any other group doing that.”

“We do it with the goal of minimizing misunderstandings due to differences in culture.”

Seeing Alena approaching Sarah stated, “You came to assist Múirne?”

“Yes,” agreed Alena. “Aoife will join me in a few moments.”

“Okay,” replied Sarah. Turning to the reporters and MPs she added, “Follow me.”

As she led them through Dóchas’ hanger toward a conference room she pointed out different aspects of the ship. Sargent Meynote noted the two Órarduine joining them and nodded. He immediately recognized them as the Security people Sarah had alluded to.

In the conference room Sarah said, “Please have a seat. There will be refreshments available in a few moments. As soon as the video starts I am going to leave, but I will see you at dinner. Samantha and Melinda will be here momentarily and will be your escorts. While safety is not a big concern while attached to the pier, things can happen. If you need assistance at any time, simply yell ‘help’. If there is an emergency there will be announcements made and if you follow your escort’s directions you will be fine. Questions?” When no one responded she said, “See you all at dinner, and enjoy the video. If you have questions just ask your escorts.”

Later that evening Sarah’s Clan accompanied their guests to the pier outside of Dóchas. Sarah said, “Admiral Pentalia, we hope you enjoyed the music and the tour.”

“Yes. It was a very enjoyable and relaxing time. The music was great. You all have an impressive ship. We are very pleased with the relationship we have with you.”

“Thank you. We have found that our interaction with Captain Laonize’s and Captain Reyonte’s Task Groups has been very rewarding and look forward to it continuing.”

“They are excellent leaders and have mentored quite a few officers for which we are grateful. An announcement will be made shortly designating the Captains as Sector Commanders.”

“Great,” responded Sarah’s Clan.

Aoife added, “They will do well in that role. We think you’ve made a great choice.”

Joyce said, “We have a few gifts for you. On these memory sticks are the songs you heard this evening, along with a few more.”

“Thank you,” replied Admiral Pentalia and the officers with him. “Have a quiet trip home.”

“Thank you. We hope to.”

The Admiral’s group was near the entrance to the concourse when Anaonize said with a smile, “Did we dally long enough?”

“Don’t know?” replied a smiling Sally. “What was your intent?”

“An opportunity to thank you for a very interesting evening.”

“Where are your associates?”

“After the show they decided to rush back to the office. They are starting on a story about our visit. I will be joining them as we’ve decided to write the story jointly, just how that will work out remains to be seen.”

“We would like to see it when it is released,” commented Jill.

“I’ll make sure you are sent a copy. We will also send a copy to the people you hired as they may find it useful.”


“Would it be possible for me and my photographer to travel with you?”

“It is possible. You realize that it will be at least 60 clock cycles before you will be able to return here.”

“Clock cycles?”

“Basically a clock cycle is a day, or the time from sunrise to sunrise. We use clock cycles because when ‘days’ is used in a conversation it doesn’t necessarily mean the same elapsed time to everyone. For example, Ananu has a 30 hour clock cycle while another location we visit has a 24 hour one.”

“And the one here is 28.5 hours,” added Anaonize smiling.

“Our visit here is in support of Captain Laonize’s Task Group, so we will discuss your request with her tomorrow. We think she will agree. How soon can you be ready?”

“At the latest, two mornings from now.”

“If you are running late, let us know.”

“Thank you. I will.”

As Anaonize started briskly down the pier Sargent Meynote said softly, “She is a very honorable person. I think you all will get along just fine.” Before they could respond he hurried along the pier to catch up with her.

“Now that was an interesting comment,” said Erin.

Keri was waiting for them just inside Dóchas along with Ariu. She said, “All four are freelance journalists. Anaonize and her photographer are well thought of by the MPs.”

Ariu added, “The Admiral and his staff were very impressed with the ship. They will probably want to discuss ship design with you at some point.”

“Great. Did you enjoy this evening?”

“Yes. I find the passengers interesting as well.”

“I expected to see a line,” said Alison.

“We made a couple of adjustments in how we were doing things so this evening went faster than expected,” said Maeve. “Múirne said that there are only about 100 or so left to board and they are expected to be here before noon tomorrow.”

“Good. I am ready to get some rest,” said Alena.

“Let’s do it,” beamed Joyce.

“Not tonight, I am too tired,” laughed several of her clan.

While Sarah’s Clan was doing their morning exercises Cathan said, “We’ve discovered a few bugs that were left by our visitors last night. We are doing a sweep now and we’ve released spiders.”

“Have you figured out who?”

“We think it was someone in their Intelligence group, but not the senior member. We are waiting for the biological analysis. We will let you know when we have the results.”

Sally said, “If they left a bunch of bugs then it likely means there is at least one transmitter on the exterior. We need to add this to our task list while we wait for Laonize to join us.”

“We need to shift to telepathy for all sensitive comments,” noted Rusty.

Sarah added, “We need to quietly advise Admiral Pentalia that we know of the bugs, and who we believe left them.”

“Yes. The report needs to be neutral as we don’t know if he was involved in this.”

“Let’s plan on departing shortly after Anaonize boards. We can leave a package with Laonize to have delivered to the Admiral’s office on their departure.”

Maeve noted, “Sargent Meynote might be a good choice to deliver the package.”

On the morning of the 11th Captain Laonize stood on the pier watching as Dóchas began her departure moves. In many ways she would have liked to depart now as well, however there were still a few issues with her new ship that her crew needed to resolve. One of those was the new automatic distress beacon that seemed to be more than as described in the manuals. As she turned to walk back to her ship Sargent Meynote saluted and said, “Good morning, Ma’am.”

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Another Saturday Night

It's been a while since I put anything out, so I thought I'd whip out this quickie. I'm always trying different things, so this one's all dialogue. It's not much, but I hope you get a chuckle or two out of it. This story may be archived on any free site. Another Saturday Night By DanielSan59 *Attention Guests, Tonight only at the Southside Mall, we have the official pace car of the Indy 500 on display tonight at the West entrance, right Next to Sears. Cruise on by to see the...

3 years ago
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Smoke Rings

Smoke rings. She could blow them perfectly now. Six days spent practicing and she finally had it down pat. Ensconced in her stuffy apartment for nearly a week and this is all she’d accomplished? No. She’d slept a lot too. Irregularly for hours at a time, day and night, causing her to lose track of time. Mostly she slumbered on the overstuffed corduroy couch, but four days ago, before the liquor had run out, she’d awoke from a drunken stupor to find herself on the floor of her huge walk-in...

3 years ago
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Episode 21 School Sports Day

Hi my name is Jasmine; I’m in the IX th form at school and into running. [ Just add 'V' to get my age: IX + V = XIV]. My parents moved from North Africa just before I was born, so I have short wiry hair, a big grin and deep chocolaty brown skin. Oh except for the pink bits which my mate Billy loves to stroke and lick. I've got small high tits; long fast legs, a permanent big grin, a tight pussy, but I think my bum is a bit too big. In the last story you might remember his mum seduced the pair...

2 years ago
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So ConfusedBut I like it

Alright well I was about 16 years old when I started having these really crazy thoughts about having sex with this guy i knew.his name was wolfy well his nickname anyway. He went to my school my freshman and sophmore years then transfered out begining of junior year. He was about 5'10 very overweight some say obese and i guess I felt really bad for him since he was getting absolutely no action from any girl anywhere. One day i started talking to him on facebook just normal conversation and then...

1 year ago
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Accidental Nude Day Noonie

Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck, unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed poolside seat.Two hours earlier:Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the foothills. Though...

3 years ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Four Episode One The Audition

The Lesson Plan -- Part Four Episode One: The Audition Chapter 1 I'd forgotten what it was like to audition for something. Not the preparation, the worry and anxiety, the learning the pages, the decisions about how to do a scene. That I hadn't forgotten. But the act of walking into a room, facing two strangers and being on, transforming instantly, delivering everything you've got and then, just as quickly, it being over. That I'd forgotten. How fast it is. How quickly it seems...

2 years ago
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the best 3some i ever had

this is a true story happened with me last yeari had chat with one Arabic lady with no pic online, who was so shy and reply a very short answers, and all my try to see her picture or meet her in personal has failed and she was just say ( am ugly and fat, you will not like me ) and i kept telling her its not after few months of our chat which started to be a voice calls through the app, and we begin to talk about the sex she was so hurney girl and i knew she is so younger than me (...

2 years ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 2

RACHAEL STRETCHED OUT ON the bed, staring up at the ceiling in the dark room. The open window let in a lazy breeze that felt nice after the heat of the day. Anger still burned inside her. As much as she liked Grandpa, she was pissed that Mom had banished her to the middle of nowhere, and for the whole summer! The whole effin’ summer! She fingered the ring in her eyebrow, felt it tug her skin. She was beginning to regret getting it. It was ugly, but it had done its job by infuriating Mom....

3 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 17 Road Trip Part Two

Mary Ann said, “Wow this place is amazing. I didn’t think breweries were this nice.” “There are so many of them these days that they need to have this kind of atmosphere to enhance the experience and remain competetive.” She said, “Ah, that makes sense,” as we sat at the bar. The barmaid came up to us and said, “How are y’all doin today? My name’s Melissa and I’ll be taking care of you.” I said, “Well hi Melissa, I’m Tony and this is my girlfriend Mary Ann. Nice to meet you.” She did a...

1 year ago
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Vide King! If you fucks are anything I think you are, then you probably love jerking your dicks to amateur and professional videos of Desi whores getting plowed. I’m right there with you, fappers. These babes know who to suck and fuck like nobody else. Unfortunately, there are only a few places on the internet where you can find a treasure trove of Desi content. But these underrated sluts need some attention too. So, I went out looking for a new, hot Desi porn site that featured horny Desi,...

Indian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Man Of The House

January 2015. I got a text from my wife saying that Robert was going to be at our place after work that evening. They had been seeing each other for a few years. She wanted me to be there because she might be a little late. When he got there I made him a scotch on the rocks and sat down to talk with him while we waited for her. We were kind of just shooting the shit. Almost guy to guy. At some point, he said, "Our girl better hurry up or you're going to have to suck my cock for me.”Although I...

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My Photogenic Mom Chapter 3

Susan woke up in the morning with a terrible headache. She did not realize where she was at first but then recognized Michael's bed-room. She suddenly realized that someone was sleeping with her and was holding onto her breast. Suddenly parts of the night before tried to work their way into her fuzzy brain. She looked behind her and it was her sleeping son that was holding onto her breast. Susan could not believe that she was naked in Michael's bed with him. She quickly moved his hand from...

1 year ago
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A day at the hotel with my bestfriend Part 2

After she said that she stood up, “I’ll only be a minute, and I have a surprise for you.” She giggles and ran to the bedroom. I hear her unzip and open her suit case. My ears were on alert hearing everything she was doing while I look all around the room excited, and a little nervous. I heard her run back out and their she was standing there with a hand behind her back biting her lip. She looks so cute doing that. I looked at her and wondered what she was hiding. “Teagan what are you not...

4 years ago
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The Party2

Not wanting to miss what could be my only opportunity, I grip my hands around the waist of your panties & yoga pants and rip them down to the point where they are just below your ass and I can just see the top of your bald pussy. Expecting you to stop me any second, I forcefully move my hands up your sweater, feeling your soft skin. It’s smooth and sexy – like I remember it being. Right before I get to your chest I look up at you: “Why aren’t you stopping me?” To which you begin to reply...

2 years ago
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Becoming Daddys BoyGirl

Becoming Daddy's Boy-Girl Feeling sexy and looking pretty is what I have so come to love and is my basic and number one goal as a transvestite. I spend many a weekend night enjoying my life as a hot looking elegantly transformed - feminine gal while visiting the local transsexual bar in my home town of Boston. Short skirts, high heels, and stunning make-up turn me into what I think can be a rather attractive feline looking bar fly. I frequent the transgender friendly clubs and must...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 14

Well, I decided I needed some more money. I had gotten a trifle crazy with my bank account. In 1956 the interest rate on savings was a little more than five percent but I'd managed to make a hole in my principal. I knew about Bill Buffat in Nebraska. I also knew he was going to go into business for himself very soon. I called ... and actually spoke to the man, "Mr. Buffat ... I have a million dollars I'd like to invest in you." "David Austin, sir." "I'm 14." "Kentucky Derby,...

3 years ago
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home maid

Hello friends, hope u all would like it. Well first let me tell you about my maid, her name is Renu age 20 a village girl. She is a simple girl and has a homely look. Her face is beautiful and she has got a very cute mouth, which is very small, and I would doubt whether her mouth would accommodate a morsel of rice. The palms of her hands were also small. Her tummy is very slim and her breasts size would be around 28-30, with the nipples pointing out straight at us. She has got a very long...

1 year ago
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Hharki agg 2

To day I want to tell you about my fucking experience with my daughter I am 43; wife died 15 years back after giving birth to my daughter. Since than I have been taking care of my daughter for last 15 years. I have seen her naked when she was a child and there was no hair on her pussy. But I have never thought of fucking her till last year. When she was only 12 years, once she has cot me fucking my maidservant. I got the chance of fucking her last year when I have taken her to Calcutta for...

4 years ago
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Actual CFNM from college days

I was friends with two roommates, Katie and Laura, who had an apartment in a building I lived in my sophomore year. I’ll be honest, neither of them were very attractive. So I never made a play for either of them, but in frank conversations as college students often have I revealed that I had a large penis. (They didn’t believe me (or claimed not to) because I was then, as I am now, a skinny guy.) We all know it’s not the case, but they insisted that a guy as thin as me could not have as thick...

2 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 44

“Rick, Kalita wants to be sitting on you when she gives her cherry to you,” Brandy told me as we walked back out of the pool. She grabbed a condom from my shorts pocket and rolled it down over my dick, then kissed the slick head. I was ready too, I looked at Kalita and Ms. Kellisen as they came out of the water, their braids were dripping, their nipples were dripping and their pussies were too. I lay back on the same lounge chair and smiled as Kalita stepped her long leg across me to sit on...

3 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 99

“Helen – I need your help with something personal.” “Sure, I’ll be glad to help. What’s the problem?” “Hannah and Mary Ellen want me to fuck their mom.” “WOW! I would love to watch you getting your big cock in her pussy.” “You would?” “Sure. I love to watch. Lately, that’s the only satisfaction I’ve been getting – spying on my friends when I catch them fucking.” “Then you wouldn’t mind helping me fuck Hennessy and Allison’s mom too?” “Josey, I would love to help you. I would love to...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Chanel Grey Ashley Lane I Hate My Boss Vol 1 E3

Since they work together, Ashley (Ashley Lane) and Chanel (Chanel Grey) are soon sharing their secrets about their dickhead boss (Jake Adams) and how he used and abused them with the empty promise of a raise. Well, you know the old saying: Hell hath no fury, yada-yada-yada… You guessed it… Ashley tells Chanel of her plan to setup their sleaze ball boss and exact payback. The two vengeful sluts lure Jake into another afternoon of raunchy sex in his office. He pounds every hole and gives Ashley...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 21 Mary

I talked with Aunt Bessie for a long time Monday night. I told her about the stables, The Bay, and all the rest. Along with all the chatter, she said one important thing to me. "Mary, you follow your heart. Don't forget to think first; know what the risks are. But if your heart says go, do it." She had some things to say about the stables, too. "This Sarah lady is sharp. I did teach you to ride using Western Pleasure Riding methods, because it's so efficient. She saw it. I always...

1 year ago
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African Prince 3

Chapter 3Mikey sat on the couch watching TV. He heard a car doorin the driveway and he looked at the clock. It was10:00pm. His Mom was back already? He got up and walkedto the front door. Just as he was reaching for thehandle to open the door, it turned; the door opened;and his Mom came in. The look on her face was nothappy. She said hi matter-of-factly and walked pastMikey. He wasn't sure what to think."What's the matter Mom? He wasn't good-looking afterall?" Mikey asked, not sure if joking...

3 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 23

The rest of the week drug by, I was still somewhat sore by the time Friday rolled around. We had practiced hard that week we would be playing Kansas City at home this Sunday at noon. We were favoured by six points, it was a game that, if we played well, we should win. I got home Friday after practice, showered then dressed to go downtown. I left the condo about four o’clock, then drove downtown to the hospital. I had a rough time trying to navigate the parking area, I finally made my way into...

1 year ago
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Private Verona Sky Enjoys Anal By The Pool

Verona Sky is one of our Sensual Summer Babes today on, she’s gotten horny sunbathing out by the pool and she’s in need of some attention from her man, Tommy Cabrio. He may be distracted, but a mobile phone is no match for the sexy body of Verona and soon enough Tommy’s attention turns as she treats him to a phenomenal blowjob in the water. Then watch and enjoy the rest of the action unfold as this incredible babe offers up her tight little ass for an outdoor anal pounding as...

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Weddings and Reunions Part 5

Chapter 25 The following morning the family went their separate ways. David, Emma, Jaimie, Miles, Cat, JD, Ethan, Nichole, Nigel, Karen, and Nigel Jr. made the trip north with Ophelia and Reardon while Bradford stayed behind in London for Michael's interview. John was stern in his warnings to JD and Cat, but both got the message and neither wanted to anger their parents or grandparents. Reardon was pleased to have the near legendary Jaimie joining them and immediately treated her as...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 5

Two weeks to the day of the original summons, the secretary knocked on the door of first hour English. "I need Wendy Austin ... for the next four days. She will need all her assignments for those four days. She will receive special dispensation and hand in her homework and any projects on Friday. I'll be back for the work later today. Thank you." She walked out with Wendy in tow. The English instructor hadn't a clue what was happening for the next four days. Usually he'd go home and...

2 years ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 8

…It was about 9am when i closed my books and looked for him. He was looking at the laptop. I thought he was watching porn or something. Because of his highly sexual behavior this was nothing impossible as well. I went behind him and looked at the screen. I was surprised to find that he was typing a lecture note to upload on an educational website. -imad… -ah…hey my horny beauty… -stop saying that! I no longer liked him to do that. I wanted him to call me in more lovely words. -sorry my...

1 year ago
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A Nice Warm Bath

Snow days sucked. At least that was how Patty felt after spending the entire day listening to her two children bicker and complain. She’d woken at five that morning to three inches of fresh snow, with more falling, the morning news had informed her that both the district she worked for and the one her children attended were closed due to the weather. Naturally, on a day when they didn’t have to go to school, her children were up by five-thirty. When they had school, Patty struggled to get...

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The Toy Shop

Roxy hated having to get out of bed and get ready for work. It was cold and snowing outside. All she wanted to do was stay in bed with a warm cup of cocoa. She would much rather be watching a good porn, with her new vibrator she nicknamed Bruno. Bruno was one of the newest models out. It was guaranteed to have power, like no other. She longed to have a big dick pounding away inside her tight pussy. However, she had no man in her life. So Bruno would have to do for now. She had just purchased...

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breakfast and dick

I stretched again and opened my eyes wider with a groan before slipping from under the sheets onto the cold floor, shuffling my feet until I reached the bathroom to relieve myself and brush away the night’s dirt from my mouth, today was supposedly Sunday otherwise my alarm would have woken me up much earlier for work as it was my only day off not including certain holidays meaning I could get away with not fixing my bedhead for a few hours more, I didn’t have anywhere to be. Brushing my teeth...

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Jack and Diane Ch 1518

As you may be aware, I lost the original ending to Jack and Diane in a bluescreen of death. I have rewritten the ending. This takes up at the end of Ch 14 and replaces the epilogue. If you haven’t read Jack and Diane Ch 1-14 you will need to, in order to follow this. TTB. Jack and Diane Chapter 15 Whilst things settled down at home, we were still subject to visits from Child Protection Services. However these were carried out by Zoe Aristedes and one of her senior case workers. They...

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The lady from the elevator

I’m Don, I’m 28 and I have brown hair and eyes. I’m about 6 feet tall and I like to think I’m fit too. I’ve been with a few ladies in my time, but not enough to be considered a player or a ladies’ man. I live in an apartment building that has eight floors and every weekday morning I get in the elevator at about 8:05 and come back in the elevator around 5:45. I would say I have a strict schedule, but if I do than this woman that lives in my building does too. She is about 6 foot and also has...

1 year ago
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Summer Fun

It was summertime and mom had decided that we would go in for a holiday away from the city. I can't remember the last time we were away, so I was glad.She had gotten us a villa for two weeks, the only snag was, we had to share it with two other families. I didn't know them and didn't really want to, I just wanted the chance to laze about by the pool. Naked if possible.Mom packed our bags and more or less shoved me into the car, hurrying us out before I changed my mind.The car ride was pleasant,...

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My night of first times

I was sitting in the bar with my friends when she walked in. Black short dress, low cut neckline. I can see the garter straps holding her stockings. I think that is what caught my attention first. I had seen garters and stockings in movies but never in real life and her legs looked great. I couldn't keep my eye off her all night. I had to seem like a stalker with my eye's, I wasn't paying much attention to the conversation at the table with my friends she was lust at first sight. I had to make...

3 years ago
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A Piece of Ass

I woke up with a headache. Where was I? There was a little light coming from under the door and I could hear lots of cheering coming from behind the door. I was in a small concrete block room on a wooden bed with no sheets or covers. And I was naked. I sat up on the bed trying to focus on my surroundings. In the corner of the room was a little sink and next to it looked like a toilet without a seat. How did I get here? Think Debbie. I left my husband months ago to be with this hunk of a guy...

1 year ago
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Amnesia Virgin Again

I walked into my apartment for the first time in nearly four months. My husband dutifully escorting and helping me walk, along with my crutches. My left leg was still broken from the accident and the doctors said I would still need them for another week or two. Most of the rest of my injuries had fully healed, only a handful of scratches and bruises remaining, aside from my leg, indicating the horrific car wreck I was lucky to walk away from. I looked around the living room seeking out the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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I Found My sister Stripping Ch 4

"We have a problem," Amber told me as she walked into my bedroom. Looking up from my laptop, I had to smile. Even at seven months pregnant, the woman was beautiful; her long red hair framing her small face, her pale skin glowing with the radiance that only pregnant women seem to possess, and her blue eyes always twinkling with some sort of mischief."What is that?" I ask. I can tell from her look that she isn't angry with me, something I try to avoid at all costs, since our one and only fight. I...

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A Fresh StartChapter 49 Bachelor Life

The 82nd is unique in its structure, which is organized around its equally unique readiness system. Alone among all the divisions in the Army, the 82nd is tasked with being able to send troops anywhere on the planet within twenty-four hours. The average division can take weeks to get ready to move. We do it in hours. The heart of the division consists of three brigade combat teams; each brigade basically consists of three battalions of parachute infantry plus an Airborne field artillery...

4 years ago
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 21

The next mail from Fareeda to Qamar: Lemme explain to you how I was physically changed. Once, Mr. Thomas had called upon all his girls to show up at his place, in the morning. We all were there, seated on the benches around the hall, waiting for him to come around. He came around, greeted us all and said, – Well, this will sound strange for you. One of my old friends in this industry from Japan, Mr. Okinawa, is coming here today and he said to me that he wanted one of you to come with...

1 year ago
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Part 28 Time Apart

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 28: Time Apart Holly had the chance to study abroad, and she took it. She was going to be gone for a month in Europe. This was our last night together before she left early in the morning. We were sitting at the table, having just finished dinner. “I have to go a whole month without you?” I asked her, still coming to terms with her impending absence. “I know baby, I’ll miss you so much” Holly said. “I don’t want you moping around wishing I was...

3 years ago
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Rendezvous IIChapter 12

Hairy We landed safely in Denver, Stapleton airport. I found a free locker ... not that the locker was free ... it cost a quarter for the day ... but it was empty and there was enough room for the duffle. The duffle wasn’t a modern duffle ... room enough for a towel, flip-flops, shorts and a tee shirt. No. This was a seaman’s duffle ... enough room for the world and three teenage girls. Two million in straps of 100’s weighs pretty close to 44 pounds. Oddly enough ... used bills weigh more...

3 years ago
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My Always Perfect Family Part 3

My Always Perfect Family-- Part 3The summer was upon us as I prepared for my senior year in high school then, and with it warm, long nights and less clothing. I enjoyed showing off my new body, with its curves and perky nipples. Things were great between Daddy and me, his Kitten, and becoming more adventurous with each month.My mother had begun to miss work days due to “sickness” and those days were spent in misery for my father and me. She roamed the house, she went on drunken rampages, and...

4 years ago
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Moni trained part 2

The following day after our little episode with Lamont and the guys Marc and I went for lunch from our hotel. All was OK but the black waitress was eying me giving me some dirty looks. I had no idea why. She came to give us the bill and said you the bitch Lamont fucked last night aren't you. I looked at her in surprise and looked around and saw him sitting in the far corner and waved at us. He got up and came over and sat next to us. I see you met my girl here he said. She is a little upset at...

1 year ago
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To Russia filled With my Love

I had the most amazing encounter at the end of this last Summer. There was thisattractive & chatty Russian bird (in the U.S. on some kind of college exchangeprogram) who had a summer job at a convenience store near my home. Both my wife& I got to know her a bit as the store is a regular stop for us.Whenever I was in the store without my wife, she (I'll call her "Sasha") got abit flirty. I never really thought a lot of it, but I did flirt right back. I've never really thought of myself...

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Greek Dessert

After graduation, I rented an apartment from an octogenarian couple, the Williams’. They were a family of breeders, as I will explain. Mr. and Mrs. Williams had five children. Their eldest daughter who had married a Greek had five children. Their eldest son had three kids that were all grown up but had recently remarried a woman his daughter’s age, and a second baby from this union was already on the way. Their middle son was gay and lived with a partner a thousand miles away. Their younger...

Gay Male
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A Bitch and Her Boy

I fell through the cracks in time before I was finished with my training. I was, as every other E-Dog destined to be a combat specialist. The main reason for that is that ever since the big crash the world has been at war. I don't mean just in some far off place but nearly total war in all nations at all times. Of course there are places that are reinforced where research takes place, and things like myself are created. I suspect that it was in some one of those labs that someone came up with...

1 year ago
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Sleep over

A few months had passed since my first encounter with Aaron,we had exchanged numbers and had exchanged a few messages about the night I had made the decision to get nude for him to see and he had since asked about meeting up again however I had chickened out and put the experience down to curiosity fuel by a few too many beers. I heard nothing from Aaron until a few days before his brother’s birthday. We had all planned to go out for the day and have drinks back at his and stay over, this...

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Ill Make A Girl Out Of You

Here is a bit of trivia about this particular song I wrote. You will notice I give names to the individual girls singing. Ronnie is the very same Ronnie that posts on the Hyperboard, Elizabeth is a character from my story "Pharaoh's Curse." Hillary is also from "Pharaoh's Curse," Holly, Becky and Draco are all from "Holly Potter." Of course, you'd already know that if you read any of my stories. "I'll Make A Girl Out Of You" Let's get down to frilliness And let's have some fun. Did...

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