LostChapter 2 free porn video

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When we rose the next morning we had the result of Mary's efforts, a thin grain soup with chunks of meat. Even after boiling all night many of the grains were still firm but we didn't care. It was something besides broiled meat!

We restarted the fire again and threw on more green wood. Soon the column of white smoke rose again and we waited. I checked the water bottles and saw we would have to return to the water hole tomorrow even if no one showed up. I have to admit I had lost hope. Suddenly Jerry spoke up from his perch in the tree where he stood watch, "I see a group approaching this way."

We began celebrating and Mary called out, "Can you tell what they are?"

"It looks like several women and at least two men and a couple of children."

I felt better when I heard that there were children with them. They couldn't be too bad if they had children. Suddenly I heard something I hadn't ever thought to hear again. The sound of a gunshot! I heard something hit the tree and Jerry scrambled down.

"They shot at me!" He sounded almost indignant.

We had already made plans if they had proved hostile. We ran toward a brush hut we had made within eyesight of the wreck. There were several brush piles around and we figured that another wouldn't be noticed. In it we had placed several containers of water, figuring that we could wait for the people to leave or escape during the night if we had too. If they didn't see us they would probably assume that we had run away.

When the group arrived at the fire the men looked around the tree where Jerry had been. I guess they were looking for blood. When they didn't see anything they looked around for a while then gathered around the fire. I could see two men gesturing and arguing with another who was carrying a rifle.

Mary grabbed my shoulder and directed my attention toward the rest of the group. The women had dropped like they had been shot. I could see why when I saw what they were carrying. They were heavily loaded up with a miscellaneous collection of items in makeshift bags. Even the children were carrying loads that would have been hard for me to carry. They looked thirsty and hungry but none made any attempt to drink from one of the bottles they were carrying. I also noticed that several of the women were looking at the men but made no attempt to go near them. The man with the rifle looked over at the women and pointed at one of them. She struggled to her feet and ran over to the men. He gestured and she quickly gave him a bottle. When he finished drinking he gave it back. She said something and he suddenly backhanded her, knocking her down. The other men didn't act like it was anything unusual. She slowly got to her feet and limped back to the group of women.

The men sat around and watched the women gather firewood and brush to make a barricade. One of the men looked around and spotted an antelope about 80 yards away. He pulled the rifleman's arm and pointed it out. The rifleman looked at the antelope and argued about something for a while then braced the rifle on a branch and shot. He must have missed because the antelope looked around at the sound of the shot. It had never been shot at before so it didn't run. He shot again and this time he hit it. With two women he headed toward the antelope and had them drag it back. Once it was back at the fire the women skinned the animal, and cut it into pieces with several knives which the man handed to them. When they finished he took the knives back. Two women began cooking it and when it was done took the first pieces to the men. The men also received the second and third pieces that were done. After that they must have been full, because I saw them wave away another piece. Only then did the women and children began to eat.

The women made two beds up and the men went over to the group of women and pulled two of them up. I could see the men laughing as they dragged the women toward the beds. They began roughly removing the women's clothes. I could see one man sink to the bed dragging one woman down with him; while the other pushed the woman he was with down to her knees and made an obvious show of unzipping his pants. The other man watched them while holding the rifle. I didn't see any other guns around.

The actions of the men and the condition of everyone else added up to a situation that I had been afraid of. It appeared that someone had taken advantage of no law to gather goods and force other people to do what he wanted. I found it ominous that there were no more than three men and it appeared to be eight or nine women and children. I would have thought that there would have been more men than women that managed to survive. Like it or not, men were stronger and the situation that we were in would favor the physically stronger person's survival.

Mary started to say something, but I held my hand to her mouth. Jerry looked like he wanted to say something as well but he saw my action and kept silent. Mary snatched my hand from her mouth and then frantically looked around for a stick. She began to write on the ground.

"We need to rescue those women!"

I shook my head in disagreement. I grabbed another stick and wrote, "How do we do that without getting shot?"

Mary looked at me and her eyes filled with tears as she wrote, "We can't just leave them."

I looked at her and shook my head. I didn't like the idea of leaving the women with the men any more than she did. I stayed silent and she looked at Jerry in appeal. He looked at me and then looked away. Damn it! I was responsible for deciding what we should do. I didn't see any way we could rescue the women safely.

I continued to watch and I noticed something. The men traded off holding the rifle and raping the women on the beds. Their attention appeared to be more on the women than any external threat. I noticed the man holding the rifle would look around every so often but his attention would return back to the men who were with the women.

Jerry must have seen my concentration because he grabbed Mary's arm and she stopped crying. "Look at the men and tell me what you see them paying attention to", I wrote.

Both looked at the men and Mary saw it first, "They're guarding against the women moving, not against animals." Jerry nodded agreement.

I wrote, "Let's see if they do the same thing at night. If they are then we might have a chance to do something. Did either of you see any more guns?" Both shook their heads no.

As it got dark the men released the women they had been abusing. They ran back to the other women without putting on their clothes. I could see them gathered into a cuddle with the other women while the men sat together and talked. They kept looking at the fire and I noticed that while they did look around the outside more often they still paid more attention to guarding the women.

I whispered the idea I had developed to Jerry and Mary. I didn't like the idea of being away from fire at night, but there was no way we could handle three alert men. There was a full moon tonight but it would be gone by two AM. I told Mary to sleep and Jerry and I tried to plan the best way to the group. At ten PM Jerry and I tried to sleep while Mary kept watch.

I don't think I had ever been more keyed up. I was sure I'd never get to sleep, so it was a surprise when Mary shook my shoulder to wake me up. It was one thirty and the moon was setting. We crawled on our back out of the opening of the brush hut and stayed down. Using gestures I directed Mary to the back of the barricade while Jerry and I crawled toward the other side. By the time we were within 20 yards the moon had set completely. We got within 5 yards of the barricade and waited.

On the opposite side of the fire from the guard Mary was going to poke the barricade with a long stick. The man with the rifle turning toward the fire was our cue to stand and throw a rock as hard as we could at his head while his night vision was lost. While I threw rocks at the other two if they tried to get to the rifle Jerry would run toward the barricade then jump on top of it. I would be following behind and run over the top of him to use my spear against anyone who offered opposition. Mary would knock the barricade apart on her side and join me to help.

To my surprise the plan went just the way we'd planned with one exception. When we threw the rocks I hit the rifleman in the temple with my rock while Jerry hit his throat. Either one would have been fatal. The other men attempted to untangle themselves from the covers they were in but Jerry threw himself on the brush and I was there before they managed to get organized. One man tried to run around me to get to the rifle but came too near the women. That's where something I hadn't anticipated occurred.

There was a surge from the group of women and he was engulfed by what looked like all of them. I could see them striking him with anything they could find. When I returned my attention to the last man I found Mary had her spear at his throat. I looked back at the man in the group of women and swallowed. He looked like a piece of meat on the ground. One woman was still stabbing him with a knife again and again. The rest held knives, pans and sticks in their hands looking like they didn't know whether to attack me or not.

I honestly think they would have attacked me and Jerry except for Mary. "Are you two all right?" she asked in a concerned voice. I think the tone did as much as the words. I could see the women begin to relax.

From somewhere in the group a voice rang out, "If you plan on taking over I'd rather die now." I could see a woman of about thirty pushing forward to the front of the group. In her hand I could see a bloody knife.

Before I could answer Mary did, "We only wanted to help you. If you want to try and make it on your own you can leave. I'd like to talk to you before you do though. My brother and Mike are alright but they're just men." The woman gave a snort of laughter then turned serious.

Pointing the knife at the man that was still standing she asked, "What about him? Are you going to let him go?"

I spoke up then, "What should we do with him? You're the ones he hurt."

She glared at him, "Kill him! I just wish you'd give him to us."

Mary looked at me. I nodded my acceptance of her judgment. Mary then looked at the man. With a thrust she sent the spear through his throat then turned and vomited, leaving the spear standing upright in the ground. The woman looked disappointed for a moment then walked over to Mary with the knife still in her hand. She began to reach toward Mary then realized that she was still holding the knife. She dropped it and began to hug Mary. I could hear the thud of the weapons hitting the ground and the women came together in a group hug and cry.

Well almost everyone. One woman remained mindlessly stabbing the man on the ground. The woman who had spoken left the group and headed toward the woman on the ground. She held on to the woman's hand and allowed her to stab the man a few more times then gently held it still. She whispered something in her ear. The woman released the knife and held on to her sobbing desperately.

The other women tore into the bundles they had been carrying and dragged out bottles of water and packages of snacks. The children I could see were all older girls and they had remained in their own small group during all this. Two of the women went to them and led them over to the women's group. Every so often I would see the women look at Jerry and me with hostility. I would have just as soon approached a lion as any of the women right then. We stood watch and kept our attention on the outside. Mary talked to the women and I could feel the tension slowly lowering. I think the thing that did the most good was when Mary picked up the rifle and gave it to the older woman.

By the time it began to get light many of the women were sleeping. Three were still awake; Mary, the woman who spoke to us and the woman who continued to stab the man. Mary waved at me to come over. Carefully I approached, leaving my spear on the ground behind me. "This is Susan", she introduced the woman who had spoken, "and this is Ann."

Susan spoke up, "What are your plans for us?"

"We just wanted to help. You can leave whenever you want. We are living near a water hole near here and plan to move toward the ocean during the rainy season."

She sniffed when she heard this, "There's no way you're going anywhere during the rainy season around here. The rains are so strong no one moves around. Even the animals stay in one place until they stop."

"How long have you been here and do you know where here is?"

"I've been here the longest, about a month. And we are in what looks like the African highland savanna."

I must have looked like I was wondering about her mental state. "Not the savanna of the twenty-first century, the savanna of about forty to one hundred thousand B.C." she told me.

"How could you know that?"

"I am or rather was an anthropologist before I got here. I recognize the plants and the animals of the savanna as being almost what we are used to seeing but not quite the same. There are enough differences to tell that they were or will become the animals we knew. The weather is much wetter than it was in our time. The only time this happens is immediately after an ice age. Man made enough changes to the landscape in our time that I would have seen some signs of mankind's presence if this was the future. People were widespread in Africa after 40,000 BC. I haven't seen any people wandering around. Therefore we are in the past and probably in the era I told you."

"What about an alternative dimension?"

She snorted, "Don't be ridiculous! There's no such thing!"

"Do you know how we got here?"

"God sent us here for some reason."

I knew the type of person I was dealing with now. She had made up her mind and that was that. Silence was the best way I could see to avoid an argument that I really didn't care about. I tried to find out if we shared any common characteristics that might explain why we were all here.

Susan had been on sabbatical in Africa on Wednesday, March 15, 20XX. She had been part of a group excavating a dig when she suddenly found herself kneeling among trees with her brush and trowel in her hands. Ann had been going to school with her brother in Missouri when they had found themselves driving in an open field. They had stayed at the car for two days before leaving to find help. Instead they had found the three men we had killed. They killed her brother and had been raping her daily for the last two weeks. Susan told us Ann's story, as Ann remained silent staring out at us with frightened eyes.

Apparently the others came from different places, had different backgrounds and were doing different things prior to arriving here, but all remembered the last day they were home was March 15, 20XX. That seemed all they had in common. Three others had male family members who had come over with them but they had suffered the same fate as Ann's brother. Apparently the three men we killed were all members of a prison crew that had been clearing brush with a guard in Arizona. When they came through they had managed to get the gun from the guard and kill him. They had planned to find a good place to settle with them as the only men. They had been killing any men they found and taking the women with them as slaves. Any resistance was met with blows and other abuse. One woman had been killed for causing too much trouble.

"You're safe now. You are welcome to stay with us. We plan on going toward the coast when we can and seeing if we can find more people. I don't know why we are here, but we have to support each other to survive", I reassured them.

I could see by looking at the women that we weren't going to be able to go anywhere today. Mary began going around the women and encouraging them to let her check them out for injuries. She told Jerry and me not to come near them until they had begun to believe they were safe again.

"Bring back some water and we'll try and get them back to camp tomorrow. We have the rifle here so we should be safe."

Jerry and I had been given our orders and we left to carry them out. We had managed to pull off the gas tank and after emptying it out had been using it as a water tank. It still tasted somewhat like gasoline but it was the biggest container we had. We placed the tank on the cart after we filled it at the well and began to take it back to the women.

We had gotten about half way back when we suddenly heard several shots. Abandoning the cart we ran toward the sounds of the shots. When we got there we found several women dragging something back to the barricades while Susan stood guard with the rifle. Mary was assisting one of the other women back to the barricade, while blood dripped from the woman's shoulder.

Jerry ran over and picked up the woman before anyone could say anything. He ran back to the barricade and set her on one of the beds followed closely by Mary and Susan. The women were dragging a lion, possibly the same one I had seen the first day. Apparently it had attacked some of the women gathering wood. Susan was standing guard and shot it as it attacked. She had killed it, but not before it had managed to claw one of them.

Mary took charge with Susan assisting. Susan boiled water and began to clean the wound while Mary tore up cloth to make a bandage. The woman had two lacerations on her arm where she had thrown it up to protect her face. The injured woman insisted on holding on to Jerry's hand while she was being treated.

Mary sent me back to get the water with two women. The two women she sent back with me were nervous about going with me until I gave one the spear to carry. When we got to the cart I began pushing it. The woman without the spear took one of the poles and began to help me.

When we arrived the women had begun making a meal. Mary came up to me excitedly, "Mike, Susan told me this is pearl millet! She also showed me some root plants we can eat and promised me that she'd show me how to tan skins." She handed me the seed head of one of the grasses and something that looked and smelled like mint. She continued, "She told me that we can use the roots just like potatoes and dry them and use them for flour." Next she handed me a round furry looking nut like thing. "This is a baobab and we can use it for juice and roast the nut inside and even eat the leaves and..." I put up my hand.

"Settle down! It seems that Susan knows a lot surviving in this area." Mary nodded happily and headed toward the other women. Susan approached after Mary took off. She looked after Mary with approval.

"She's a good woman. Do you know she's in love with you?"

I had to confess this was a shock. I hadn't even thought about romance since I got here. I was too busy trying to survive and keep the others alive too.

"We need to find more men. There are going to be some children born of the rapes and I don't think you'll be able to support all of the women with just two men", Susan commented as she watched the women around the fire.

"I agree, but what if they are like the three we killed?"

Susan looked at me, "Most people are good if given a chance. Actively evil people are rare individuals indeed. There are too many women and not enough men to make a viable society in any case."

"You are a stronger person than I am if you're willing to risk meeting more people like them."

"We have learned the cost of giving in to people like that. I think that all of us would rather die than allow ourselves to be enslaved again. We can't let our fears rule us though."

"Before we relight the signal fire, I'd like to get the weaker women to our other camp", I told her Susan nodded thoughtfully.

"There are some that will panic as soon as they see another man until they are sure they're safe. You should keep the rifle here with someone who can shoot so I need to stay here with you. Jerry needs to stay with them in case we run into more than we can handle so there's at least one man."

I gave her a dubious look, "Could you shoot someone if it's necessary?"

She snorted, "Mike, I may be a woman, but that doesn't mean I won't defend myself or other people if I need to. Would I shoot someone like those three? In a heartbeat."

Susan was a tough bird. I had a hard time with the fact I killed the one man, even though I knew what sort of man he was. Susan must have noticed my feelings because she attempted to comfort me, "Mike, I'm not going to tell you not to feel bad about killing that man. You wouldn't be human if you didn't. They never expressed any remorse about killing. That means they weren't human, just animals in human form. Besides nowhere in the bible does it say "Thou shalt not kill!" The correct translation is "Thou shalt not murder!" and what you did was justice, not murder."

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Truth or Dare 69 Questions

01: Where was the last place other than in your house that you had an orgasm?02: How often do you masturbate?03: Where is the strangest place that you have ever had sex?04: What method do you most often use during masturbation?05: Have you ever had sex with more than one partner at the same time?06: Have you ever tasted yourself?07: Where, when, and how did you have your first orgasm?08: What is your most embarrassing sexual moment?09: Who was the first person outside of your family that you...

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The Body Guard Book 2Chapter 5

“Virgil, Virgil! Are you listening to me?” “What is it Connie?” “I just found out some distressing news.” “And what would that be?” Virgil asked. He had assumed the dual role of Barzin and Sollozzo and nobody was the wiser. He had money and power now. Connie was at his side. Although she didn’t know he was Barzin, he hoped that she was loyal to him. “I just heard from a friend of mine that Kay isn’t dead.” “What?” “Yes, a friend of mine who has a boyfriend and he worked at the...

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actress asin

Actress asin was staying next to my apartment everyday i used to masturbate by seeing her face in pic or through window i cant go and fuck her too much of security. one evening the securities got a call and everyone left so asin was all aloneshe took a night bath before sleep as usual. this is my day i slowly jumped inside the apartment and took entry from background.asin was wearing saree and she was combing her hair now i gave the entry and she was shocked screamed who are you get out...

3 years ago
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Seduction by crash

I want you to pose naked for me.’ ‘I’m sorry. Did you just say. ‘That I want you to pose naked for me, yes.’ I looked again at the rather elegant woman in the business suit standing before me, and tried to make some sense of the situation. ‘But I just crashed into your car, and you have no insurance, yes, you just told me.’ She smiled at my obvious confusion and discomfort. ‘You’ve told me how sorry you are and that i’ll pay for the damages. And that you’ll pay for any damages. I was just...

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The crowd stood and applauded this very talented seventeen-year-old, with his full baritone voice. The whole solo cast came out as I started “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” I asked Stuart to be piped through, “Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. That’s it for tonight. We have an evening of John Williams’ music coming up in September and a concert of the teachers of both schools in October. Coming in November is a co-production of both schools putting on a concert of LES...

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The Cafeteria Mgr

Where I worked was fortunate enough to have a small cafeteria. The female manager was about 10 yrs younger than me. We were friendly to each other but that’s about it. As I’ve said earlier it starts with eyes. I began noticing her looking at me while I was at lunch. I smiled at her and she smiled back. While waiting on line to order she would do the same thing. This went on for a couple weeks. Sort of flirting but not. I knew she was married from the ring on her finger. Then one day,...

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Naughty Stepdaughter p3

"I've got it" whispered Stacey, my hot blonde eighteen year old stepdaughter as she sat down beside me."What?" I asked curiously."For my next web cam show, I'm going to invite Kelly over" she whispered"Whose Kelly?" I asked "You know, she's tall, has brown long hair, really hot, and does some modelling for catalogues and stuff!" replied Stacey."Okay" I replied still not sure which of her hot brunette friends she was actually talking about.Then she quickly headed back up to her room, and as...

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Ericas Prom Night

Erica's Prom Night Erica sat on top of the picnic table on the patio behind her home. She stared off into the clear, full-moonlit night sky, as she often did, contemplating life. The clean, fresh scent of an early summer rain shower, somewhere off in the distance, filled the air. It seemed so ironic that the clarity of the night was in stark contrast to her feelings. She wished life did not make her feel so shameful,alienated, ans scared. Erica could she that the lights in the...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 5

A new character introduced in this chapter: Sonsri Daughter of the Governor of Korat Province, 5'-0" tall, 98 pounds, 32B-22-32, 18 years old, long black hair, brown eyes, cute On leaving Muak Lek, we had ridden for over two hours without much talk. Chanthra had purchased two large conical hats made of straw and bamboo before we left the village. I had wondered why at the time, but the reason soon became apparent on the ride. "Here put this hat on," she told me handing me one of the...

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Lynn Saturday Cumming Out

It was Saturday before the holiday. It was going to be slow. Lynn’s boss had pulled her in to his office two weeks before he left on a cruise with his wife, had sat her down and explained that the plant had to close down for inspection. The state inspectors needed to see it clean when they came in the following week. Seeing as she was manager of system maintenance she would have to oversee it. She was told Steve, the foreman would be running things but she would be in charge. She had been...

Group Sex
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 21

Chapter XX I   Mike having recovered from his sexual bout with Janice went looking for his wife. Upon entering the master bedroom he was greeted with the sight of Carol, naked on all fours with Ed, who was propped up against the headboard with a pillow behind his head and Terri laying next to him with her eyes closed. Carol was giving Ed one her best blowjobs as she knelt between his strong black legs sucking his cum coated cock attempting to bring life back into the thick black member....

4 years ago
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Signed First EditionChapter 2

October 26th, 2011 I had often heard it said that the older we get, the milder the effects of a hangover. I wasn't sure what that ripe old age was supposed to be, but I obviously had not yet attained it. I awoke early to a horrific headache, and I just sort of existed for the next few hours. Elaine didn't help matters, as she simultaneously hovered over me like a mother hen and accused me of attempting to sabotage my improving health. By noon, however, I was beginning to feel somewhat...

3 years ago
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The mom

She was a very sexy mom. Her hubby had died and she was always horny. Her handsome son was away at college so she started going to the clubs to dance. The young guys at the clubs had no clue she was a mom. She looked young and dressed very sexy. One night after dancing every dance the boys asked her if she wanted to go to a party. She agreed. She rode in their car to the secluded house. Once inside they turned on music and started dancing with her. She was the only female with the group of...

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My Sister And I In Chennai

Hello everyone I’m jack. This is my first post, so if you find any mistakes please correct me or for any feedback please send me an email to I currently reside in Chennai, TamilNadu. If any aunties, housewives, couples who are interested please contact me through my mail id. The story is way too long and I thought I can split them into different episodes. I wish to narrate it slowly so that you can actually feel the situation so please be patient reading this story. Now coming to my story it...

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The return of Sir Roger

** This was written as a follow-up to another story – which was a memory of some of my time living on St. Croix. I was in my mid-twenties then, lived there for five years and, mostly slutted around or, made money by being a TS prostitute. A few weeks later, on a beautiful Sunday morning, the girls and I were having a late breakfast on the veranda of the good old King Christian. Molly was sitting directly opposite me at the table. Suddenly, she looked up, directly behind me, gave a twisted...

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Susan JenningsChapter 7

It was mid December now, and Susan's bandages had long since disappeared. She was moving freely now that the pain from the embedded bullets was gone. Moreover, she and Ginny had continuing competitions in everything from weight lifting to tennis, to swimming, to golf. The love and mutual respect between the two beautiful young women was a delight both to them and to everyone with whom they had contact. All of Ginny's friends knew the story well and they all rejoiced in the way Susan had...

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Grocery Girl

Met a sweet younger lady in the checkout line.... TITLE: Grocery Girl Well another of my travel adventures was in the line at a grocery store, I was behind a young lady (I was 45 she turned out to be 31) in line, as she checked out I saw her watching the total, when it hit a number she told the cashier, ok I need to put these back okay, She had maybe 5 or 6 more items, I told the cashier to just ring them up, I'll pay the difference. The girl turned and looked at me and said oh no you don't...

1 year ago
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Be Sarah Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Cara woke up Saturday morning feeling so safe, loved and refreshed. This was the third night she shared her bed with Sarah and it was one of the three best night of sleep she ever had. The other two were the two other times she laid her head down next to her girlfriend. Cara smiled as she watched the woman of her dreams visiting dreamland. Cara could not believe how quickly Sarah has taken up permanent residency in her heart. Her feeling for Sarah were beyond, just...

3 years ago
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Snake Part 4

Snake 4 ? by: Beverly Taff Jack Bentley considered himself a very successful realtor. In the two years since his buddy's unexpected death from AIDS, his little empire had expanded tremendously. He was now considered to be one of the more prosperous icons of the local business community. Jack Bentley also considered himself to be something of a 'Ladies man'. He looked after his lean tall body and worked out regularly. He looked good for his thirty years and noted with no small...

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Fucked accountant in office

Jagat (name changed) and 38yrs married regular reader of this site and today I like to let you know my real life story at my office in Patna . Also I’m not good writer so if any wrong in my wording please ignore this. Dear friends this is a story which happened with me about a month back with Shephali (name changed here but something like that) my accountant. Let me tell she was abt 27 yrs and 5ft 5” tall with sexy personality of 364 C. This happened after she joined my office abt 4 months...

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Mere Haseeen Din Kabhi Socha Bhi Nahi Tha

Hi friends This is Aryan again from Delhi.Mere bare me to aap jaante hi he , but fhir bhi ek baar bata deta hun , i belongs to Delhi , married guy , average body , fair complexion , brown eyes , 5.11 inch height , 7 inch long and 3 inch thick dick . So guys agar aapko meri story pasand aaye to reply jaroor karna or haan is story ko tassalli se panda . now i narrate my story in hindi , ye baat abhi kuch hi mahino pehle ki he , me apni dauter ko morning me school drop karne jaata tha apne two...

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Didi Ki Kunwari Chut Phadi

Hi, mera naam h mai 21 yr old hu or Delhi me rehta hu . Meri family me hum chhar logh h. Papa h or mom housewife h. Or mai student hu.Last i have one elder sister. Uski age 24 h .Abhi tak uski saadi nahi hui.Rang sanwla patli kamar normal size boobs or gaand halki bahar nikli hui h.Uska koi boy friend bhi nahi h .Kyuki wo saara din ghar par hi rehti h because hamari family me ladkiyo ko jada chhut nahi h bahar jane ki. Hamare ghar me sab ke alag alag kamre h .Papa or mom ek kamre me sote h jo...

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MyDirtyMaid Berlyn Toy Blasian Maid Swallows my Cock

This week we order a cleaning service. This hot Blasian chick named Berlyn arrived at my crib. As she cleaned, she was so fucking talkative that I couldn’t wait to shove my cock in her mouth. After cleaning for a bit. I asked her if she would clean in her underwear for a bump on her pay. She was hesitant but eventually agreed after. She continued to clean the house and she continued to talk. Now in the bathroom, I asked her to go completely nude for double the original offer. She now snatched...

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Pamela Likes Boys

Pamela donned her sexiest baby doll nightdress and lay on her bed, waiting for her husband. At 30, she had an extremely stunning figure. Most would describe it as an extremely voluptuous figure. A round lovely face with succulent lips, twinkling eyes and curly blonde hair made her very attractive. Her body defied her age; narrow waist and supple round cute buttocks tapering into full shapely thighs. Her biggest assets were her huge round firm boobs that stood upright in spite of age and...

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Rental Agreement Chapter 1

Melanie Chambers was not having a good day. When she got to work, she found out that the restaurant had hired two new girls. Ordinarily, that would have been good news except that Melanie was counting on some overtime money to help her make her bills. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Melanie as one of the senior waitresses there at Martha's Restaurant was going to be the one to get these new girls trained and brought up to speed on how they did things there.Melanie hated training new girls....

Straight Sex
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18 the floor housekeeping closet

The 18th floor:These pass events happen during the recent New Years during the time of Nov and Dec 2019 while I was working a huge amount of time at work. I kind of fell into it with a manager from one of the departments. During the time I was having the hots for her I unknowingly spark the hots of one and possibly my only actual friend “Subby’ for short. His a flaming queen stands about 5’8 clean and shaven cut he keeps a very nice clean look sometimes I think his a undercover cossdresser. His...

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Like A Virgin

My husband thinks I was a virgin when we got married, everyone does. The answer is really yes and no. It all depends on how you look at it. I prefer to think that I was like a virgin. I had never had sex with a man. But, I had been penetrated with a cock though. But it wasn't real and it was by a woman. A woman that I respect, fear, and love. She's was my school real sexy if you look close or catch her off guard. I thought she hated me at first, the way she'd punish me so often. That was until...

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Private Jenny Manson Gorgeous Redheaded Christmas Surprise

Today in Private Specials, Rimming Ladies with her incredible body, tits and tattoos is the stunning redhead Jenny Manson, and she has decided to give her man the perfect gift for Christmas, herself! After masturbating in the shower Jenny surprises her man Chad Rockwell with a bow on her naked body and things soon heat up. Jenny gets on her knees and shows off her amazing cock sucking skills before heading down further and demonstrating her equally amazing rimming talent, then watch as she...

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Be Your Own Hero

Welcome The Protector. You have been given the unique opportunity to recreate yourself as a Superhero in the universe of your choosing. First, please select a universe...

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Learning CurvesChapter 102

The fundraising dinner was almost at an end when a face Phil hadn’t seen in close to seven years stopped by. She wasn’t one of the guests but instead stopped to pick up the water glasses from the table. “Amberleigh?” Phil asked when she turned his way. “It is you, isn’t it?” Hailey knew she had heard the name before and she searched her memory for why it was familiar. “Hi, Phil,” she said. “You’re looking well.” “You, too,” Phil replied. Indeed, Amberleigh Hayes was looking magnificent...

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Wife Fucks my Ass Pegged

It was hard, but I knew I should be honest with my wife. I told her that I had a fetish for 'chicks with dicks'. Although it made me nervous, I felt like I had to admit that sexy girls wearing strap-ons got me very horny. She was an amazing woman, so that information didn't faze her at all. In fact, she started wearing a strap-on that I had bought her. She let me take some pictures of her. Those pictures replaced any other porn that I could ever need. I found myself jerking off to the sexy...

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University Life Part 4 The Initiation pt1

My heart was hammering in my chest as I was led away from the Kitty Litter to a place unknown. I did my utmost to keep track of my progress as we left behind the warmth of the morning sun and into the coolness of the University interior. I could hear the sound of other people nearby as I was led along, the fact that nobody commented on my condition (with a bag over my head) implied the belief that my ‘initiation’ was something that came to everyone.Certainly, Wendy (aka Mrs Murdoch) had made no...

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Heart of the MountainChapter 8 Choices

The shepherd stumbled out of the tavern, closing the heavy wooden door behind him, his feet slipping in the ever-present mud. The village was overcast by dark clouds, an eerie mist clinging to the ground like a carpet. He flipped up his tattered hood to shield himself from the light drizzle, setting off home, his path lit by the yellow glow from the dirty windows of the adjacent buildings. As he stepped gingerly around a particularly deep puddle, he heard something behind him. He turned to...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 7

[Janice] We were airborne again after lunch and flew to Oklahoma City for the evening. We found the airport and landed. I taxied to the general aviation section. We were getting good at this. We left the plane and found fuel and refueled. Then, we looked around to figure out where we would eat and sleep this evening. We found a lounge and put the cushions on the floor and rolled our sleeping bag over the cushions. There was an attached café and the natural gas worked. We would have an easy...

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The Job Interview Part II

All weekend, I fantasized about my job interview from Friday. I had applied at a modeling agency and the interviewer had been more than gracious in the initial interview. I had the job and I was happy. Actually, I was ecstatic! I called Jill, a close friend of mine. I couldn’t wait to see her to give her the good news. Jill, like me, was an aspiring model. Where I was the shapely one, Jill was rail thin and had huge boobs. We had met in a modeling class at a local community college and we hit...

4 years ago
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Teachers CandyChapter 4

Friday afternoon as Valerie put her clothes back on, she said, "Master?" "Yes?" "My father has requested you to join us for dinner tonight." Her father? Did Valerie talk to her dad about me? "My father says it's very important, Master. If you can't come tonight perhaps tomorrow night." "I will come tonight." I wasn't sure what to think about it. The way Valerie said it didn't have the feel of a father telling me off. So why? "Father will be most pleased, Master. Thank...

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