How I Seduced And Fucked My Maid 8217 s Daughter
- 4 years ago
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When we rose the next morning we had the result of Mary's efforts, a thin grain soup with chunks of meat. Even after boiling all night many of the grains were still firm but we didn't care. It was something besides broiled meat!
We restarted the fire again and threw on more green wood. Soon the column of white smoke rose again and we waited. I checked the water bottles and saw we would have to return to the water hole tomorrow even if no one showed up. I have to admit I had lost hope. Suddenly Jerry spoke up from his perch in the tree where he stood watch, "I see a group approaching this way."
We began celebrating and Mary called out, "Can you tell what they are?"
"It looks like several women and at least two men and a couple of children."
I felt better when I heard that there were children with them. They couldn't be too bad if they had children. Suddenly I heard something I hadn't ever thought to hear again. The sound of a gunshot! I heard something hit the tree and Jerry scrambled down.
"They shot at me!" He sounded almost indignant.
We had already made plans if they had proved hostile. We ran toward a brush hut we had made within eyesight of the wreck. There were several brush piles around and we figured that another wouldn't be noticed. In it we had placed several containers of water, figuring that we could wait for the people to leave or escape during the night if we had too. If they didn't see us they would probably assume that we had run away.
When the group arrived at the fire the men looked around the tree where Jerry had been. I guess they were looking for blood. When they didn't see anything they looked around for a while then gathered around the fire. I could see two men gesturing and arguing with another who was carrying a rifle.
Mary grabbed my shoulder and directed my attention toward the rest of the group. The women had dropped like they had been shot. I could see why when I saw what they were carrying. They were heavily loaded up with a miscellaneous collection of items in makeshift bags. Even the children were carrying loads that would have been hard for me to carry. They looked thirsty and hungry but none made any attempt to drink from one of the bottles they were carrying. I also noticed that several of the women were looking at the men but made no attempt to go near them. The man with the rifle looked over at the women and pointed at one of them. She struggled to her feet and ran over to the men. He gestured and she quickly gave him a bottle. When he finished drinking he gave it back. She said something and he suddenly backhanded her, knocking her down. The other men didn't act like it was anything unusual. She slowly got to her feet and limped back to the group of women.
The men sat around and watched the women gather firewood and brush to make a barricade. One of the men looked around and spotted an antelope about 80 yards away. He pulled the rifleman's arm and pointed it out. The rifleman looked at the antelope and argued about something for a while then braced the rifle on a branch and shot. He must have missed because the antelope looked around at the sound of the shot. It had never been shot at before so it didn't run. He shot again and this time he hit it. With two women he headed toward the antelope and had them drag it back. Once it was back at the fire the women skinned the animal, and cut it into pieces with several knives which the man handed to them. When they finished he took the knives back. Two women began cooking it and when it was done took the first pieces to the men. The men also received the second and third pieces that were done. After that they must have been full, because I saw them wave away another piece. Only then did the women and children began to eat.
The women made two beds up and the men went over to the group of women and pulled two of them up. I could see the men laughing as they dragged the women toward the beds. They began roughly removing the women's clothes. I could see one man sink to the bed dragging one woman down with him; while the other pushed the woman he was with down to her knees and made an obvious show of unzipping his pants. The other man watched them while holding the rifle. I didn't see any other guns around.
The actions of the men and the condition of everyone else added up to a situation that I had been afraid of. It appeared that someone had taken advantage of no law to gather goods and force other people to do what he wanted. I found it ominous that there were no more than three men and it appeared to be eight or nine women and children. I would have thought that there would have been more men than women that managed to survive. Like it or not, men were stronger and the situation that we were in would favor the physically stronger person's survival.
Mary started to say something, but I held my hand to her mouth. Jerry looked like he wanted to say something as well but he saw my action and kept silent. Mary snatched my hand from her mouth and then frantically looked around for a stick. She began to write on the ground.
"We need to rescue those women!"
I shook my head in disagreement. I grabbed another stick and wrote, "How do we do that without getting shot?"
Mary looked at me and her eyes filled with tears as she wrote, "We can't just leave them."
I looked at her and shook my head. I didn't like the idea of leaving the women with the men any more than she did. I stayed silent and she looked at Jerry in appeal. He looked at me and then looked away. Damn it! I was responsible for deciding what we should do. I didn't see any way we could rescue the women safely.
I continued to watch and I noticed something. The men traded off holding the rifle and raping the women on the beds. Their attention appeared to be more on the women than any external threat. I noticed the man holding the rifle would look around every so often but his attention would return back to the men who were with the women.
Jerry must have seen my concentration because he grabbed Mary's arm and she stopped crying. "Look at the men and tell me what you see them paying attention to", I wrote.
Both looked at the men and Mary saw it first, "They're guarding against the women moving, not against animals." Jerry nodded agreement.
I wrote, "Let's see if they do the same thing at night. If they are then we might have a chance to do something. Did either of you see any more guns?" Both shook their heads no.
As it got dark the men released the women they had been abusing. They ran back to the other women without putting on their clothes. I could see them gathered into a cuddle with the other women while the men sat together and talked. They kept looking at the fire and I noticed that while they did look around the outside more often they still paid more attention to guarding the women.
I whispered the idea I had developed to Jerry and Mary. I didn't like the idea of being away from fire at night, but there was no way we could handle three alert men. There was a full moon tonight but it would be gone by two AM. I told Mary to sleep and Jerry and I tried to plan the best way to the group. At ten PM Jerry and I tried to sleep while Mary kept watch.
I don't think I had ever been more keyed up. I was sure I'd never get to sleep, so it was a surprise when Mary shook my shoulder to wake me up. It was one thirty and the moon was setting. We crawled on our back out of the opening of the brush hut and stayed down. Using gestures I directed Mary to the back of the barricade while Jerry and I crawled toward the other side. By the time we were within 20 yards the moon had set completely. We got within 5 yards of the barricade and waited.
On the opposite side of the fire from the guard Mary was going to poke the barricade with a long stick. The man with the rifle turning toward the fire was our cue to stand and throw a rock as hard as we could at his head while his night vision was lost. While I threw rocks at the other two if they tried to get to the rifle Jerry would run toward the barricade then jump on top of it. I would be following behind and run over the top of him to use my spear against anyone who offered opposition. Mary would knock the barricade apart on her side and join me to help.
To my surprise the plan went just the way we'd planned with one exception. When we threw the rocks I hit the rifleman in the temple with my rock while Jerry hit his throat. Either one would have been fatal. The other men attempted to untangle themselves from the covers they were in but Jerry threw himself on the brush and I was there before they managed to get organized. One man tried to run around me to get to the rifle but came too near the women. That's where something I hadn't anticipated occurred.
There was a surge from the group of women and he was engulfed by what looked like all of them. I could see them striking him with anything they could find. When I returned my attention to the last man I found Mary had her spear at his throat. I looked back at the man in the group of women and swallowed. He looked like a piece of meat on the ground. One woman was still stabbing him with a knife again and again. The rest held knives, pans and sticks in their hands looking like they didn't know whether to attack me or not.
I honestly think they would have attacked me and Jerry except for Mary. "Are you two all right?" she asked in a concerned voice. I think the tone did as much as the words. I could see the women begin to relax.
From somewhere in the group a voice rang out, "If you plan on taking over I'd rather die now." I could see a woman of about thirty pushing forward to the front of the group. In her hand I could see a bloody knife.
Before I could answer Mary did, "We only wanted to help you. If you want to try and make it on your own you can leave. I'd like to talk to you before you do though. My brother and Mike are alright but they're just men." The woman gave a snort of laughter then turned serious.
Pointing the knife at the man that was still standing she asked, "What about him? Are you going to let him go?"
I spoke up then, "What should we do with him? You're the ones he hurt."
She glared at him, "Kill him! I just wish you'd give him to us."
Mary looked at me. I nodded my acceptance of her judgment. Mary then looked at the man. With a thrust she sent the spear through his throat then turned and vomited, leaving the spear standing upright in the ground. The woman looked disappointed for a moment then walked over to Mary with the knife still in her hand. She began to reach toward Mary then realized that she was still holding the knife. She dropped it and began to hug Mary. I could hear the thud of the weapons hitting the ground and the women came together in a group hug and cry.
Well almost everyone. One woman remained mindlessly stabbing the man on the ground. The woman who had spoken left the group and headed toward the woman on the ground. She held on to the woman's hand and allowed her to stab the man a few more times then gently held it still. She whispered something in her ear. The woman released the knife and held on to her sobbing desperately.
The other women tore into the bundles they had been carrying and dragged out bottles of water and packages of snacks. The children I could see were all older girls and they had remained in their own small group during all this. Two of the women went to them and led them over to the women's group. Every so often I would see the women look at Jerry and me with hostility. I would have just as soon approached a lion as any of the women right then. We stood watch and kept our attention on the outside. Mary talked to the women and I could feel the tension slowly lowering. I think the thing that did the most good was when Mary picked up the rifle and gave it to the older woman.
By the time it began to get light many of the women were sleeping. Three were still awake; Mary, the woman who spoke to us and the woman who continued to stab the man. Mary waved at me to come over. Carefully I approached, leaving my spear on the ground behind me. "This is Susan", she introduced the woman who had spoken, "and this is Ann."
Susan spoke up, "What are your plans for us?"
"We just wanted to help. You can leave whenever you want. We are living near a water hole near here and plan to move toward the ocean during the rainy season."
She sniffed when she heard this, "There's no way you're going anywhere during the rainy season around here. The rains are so strong no one moves around. Even the animals stay in one place until they stop."
"How long have you been here and do you know where here is?"
"I've been here the longest, about a month. And we are in what looks like the African highland savanna."
I must have looked like I was wondering about her mental state. "Not the savanna of the twenty-first century, the savanna of about forty to one hundred thousand B.C." she told me.
"How could you know that?"
"I am or rather was an anthropologist before I got here. I recognize the plants and the animals of the savanna as being almost what we are used to seeing but not quite the same. There are enough differences to tell that they were or will become the animals we knew. The weather is much wetter than it was in our time. The only time this happens is immediately after an ice age. Man made enough changes to the landscape in our time that I would have seen some signs of mankind's presence if this was the future. People were widespread in Africa after 40,000 BC. I haven't seen any people wandering around. Therefore we are in the past and probably in the era I told you."
"What about an alternative dimension?"
She snorted, "Don't be ridiculous! There's no such thing!"
"Do you know how we got here?"
"God sent us here for some reason."
I knew the type of person I was dealing with now. She had made up her mind and that was that. Silence was the best way I could see to avoid an argument that I really didn't care about. I tried to find out if we shared any common characteristics that might explain why we were all here.
Susan had been on sabbatical in Africa on Wednesday, March 15, 20XX. She had been part of a group excavating a dig when she suddenly found herself kneeling among trees with her brush and trowel in her hands. Ann had been going to school with her brother in Missouri when they had found themselves driving in an open field. They had stayed at the car for two days before leaving to find help. Instead they had found the three men we had killed. They killed her brother and had been raping her daily for the last two weeks. Susan told us Ann's story, as Ann remained silent staring out at us with frightened eyes.
Apparently the others came from different places, had different backgrounds and were doing different things prior to arriving here, but all remembered the last day they were home was March 15, 20XX. That seemed all they had in common. Three others had male family members who had come over with them but they had suffered the same fate as Ann's brother. Apparently the three men we killed were all members of a prison crew that had been clearing brush with a guard in Arizona. When they came through they had managed to get the gun from the guard and kill him. They had planned to find a good place to settle with them as the only men. They had been killing any men they found and taking the women with them as slaves. Any resistance was met with blows and other abuse. One woman had been killed for causing too much trouble.
"You're safe now. You are welcome to stay with us. We plan on going toward the coast when we can and seeing if we can find more people. I don't know why we are here, but we have to support each other to survive", I reassured them.
I could see by looking at the women that we weren't going to be able to go anywhere today. Mary began going around the women and encouraging them to let her check them out for injuries. She told Jerry and me not to come near them until they had begun to believe they were safe again.
"Bring back some water and we'll try and get them back to camp tomorrow. We have the rifle here so we should be safe."
Jerry and I had been given our orders and we left to carry them out. We had managed to pull off the gas tank and after emptying it out had been using it as a water tank. It still tasted somewhat like gasoline but it was the biggest container we had. We placed the tank on the cart after we filled it at the well and began to take it back to the women.
We had gotten about half way back when we suddenly heard several shots. Abandoning the cart we ran toward the sounds of the shots. When we got there we found several women dragging something back to the barricades while Susan stood guard with the rifle. Mary was assisting one of the other women back to the barricade, while blood dripped from the woman's shoulder.
Jerry ran over and picked up the woman before anyone could say anything. He ran back to the barricade and set her on one of the beds followed closely by Mary and Susan. The women were dragging a lion, possibly the same one I had seen the first day. Apparently it had attacked some of the women gathering wood. Susan was standing guard and shot it as it attacked. She had killed it, but not before it had managed to claw one of them.
Mary took charge with Susan assisting. Susan boiled water and began to clean the wound while Mary tore up cloth to make a bandage. The woman had two lacerations on her arm where she had thrown it up to protect her face. The injured woman insisted on holding on to Jerry's hand while she was being treated.
Mary sent me back to get the water with two women. The two women she sent back with me were nervous about going with me until I gave one the spear to carry. When we got to the cart I began pushing it. The woman without the spear took one of the poles and began to help me.
When we arrived the women had begun making a meal. Mary came up to me excitedly, "Mike, Susan told me this is pearl millet! She also showed me some root plants we can eat and promised me that she'd show me how to tan skins." She handed me the seed head of one of the grasses and something that looked and smelled like mint. She continued, "She told me that we can use the roots just like potatoes and dry them and use them for flour." Next she handed me a round furry looking nut like thing. "This is a baobab and we can use it for juice and roast the nut inside and even eat the leaves and..." I put up my hand.
"Settle down! It seems that Susan knows a lot surviving in this area." Mary nodded happily and headed toward the other women. Susan approached after Mary took off. She looked after Mary with approval.
"She's a good woman. Do you know she's in love with you?"
I had to confess this was a shock. I hadn't even thought about romance since I got here. I was too busy trying to survive and keep the others alive too.
"We need to find more men. There are going to be some children born of the rapes and I don't think you'll be able to support all of the women with just two men", Susan commented as she watched the women around the fire.
"I agree, but what if they are like the three we killed?"
Susan looked at me, "Most people are good if given a chance. Actively evil people are rare individuals indeed. There are too many women and not enough men to make a viable society in any case."
"You are a stronger person than I am if you're willing to risk meeting more people like them."
"We have learned the cost of giving in to people like that. I think that all of us would rather die than allow ourselves to be enslaved again. We can't let our fears rule us though."
"Before we relight the signal fire, I'd like to get the weaker women to our other camp", I told her Susan nodded thoughtfully.
"There are some that will panic as soon as they see another man until they are sure they're safe. You should keep the rifle here with someone who can shoot so I need to stay here with you. Jerry needs to stay with them in case we run into more than we can handle so there's at least one man."
I gave her a dubious look, "Could you shoot someone if it's necessary?"
She snorted, "Mike, I may be a woman, but that doesn't mean I won't defend myself or other people if I need to. Would I shoot someone like those three? In a heartbeat."
Susan was a tough bird. I had a hard time with the fact I killed the one man, even though I knew what sort of man he was. Susan must have noticed my feelings because she attempted to comfort me, "Mike, I'm not going to tell you not to feel bad about killing that man. You wouldn't be human if you didn't. They never expressed any remorse about killing. That means they weren't human, just animals in human form. Besides nowhere in the bible does it say "Thou shalt not kill!" The correct translation is "Thou shalt not murder!" and what you did was justice, not murder."
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The Matinee God how Steve hated the snow! It made it difficult to go anywhere and now he was probably going to be late for work. Again. He almost wished his boss would fire him for being late so often, but he couldn’t afford to lose his job this close to Christmas. It’s just that the job was so damn boring. Day after day of running the movie projector at the local movie theatre, seeing the same movie repeatedly. It got tedious after a while, especially when the movie was terrible. The current...
I did… in fact, I would leave work some days leaking with precum from the various exchanges I had and my mind running wild there are so many private spots that I would love to take advantage of with the right person but let us leave those fantasies for another story… This situation was different. The fact he started flirting with me almost right away just made the whole idea of hooking up with him even more enticing. It’s not like I was lonely, but my situation as a trans woman in the office...
A true story, she says. She’s a friend of a friend, names changed and all of course.I guess by letting my sexual urges just go, little by little they made my sexual desires grow. I liked this a lot. It was so intensely exciting, it makes me wet, just talking about it. Jamie got the benefit of a 24/7 hot and horny girlfriend, and I was constantly made hot by what was happening. It started after he and I had intense good sex. As we lay in bed in the afterglow, I said: “…I hope Tina finds a man...
‘Mummy, let’s go.’ The kids were getting restless. As much as they had enjoyed the party at Sharon’s house, they were looking forward to the trick or treat bit. Sharon smiled somewhat exasperated. I suppose she was happy that her contribution to the day was coming to a close now also. It had been a long day already, a long week for that matter. Halloween was an imported holiday I still couldn’t relate to properly, but of course the kids loved it. It had been not been easy to make a proper...
After your lunchtime affair with me, you had to go home without your knickers. I let you clean your face with them and kept them! And when you were typing the last letters from me, you also saw great stains of his sperm on your skirt! You couldn't go home like that. You went to the 'Ladies' to clean it, but you had to use so much water the skirt was soaking wet. Lucky for you, you came to work dressed in a long leather coat. You whipped off your skirt to see how exposed you'd be without it. It...
Great concert. My boyfriend had taken me out for drinks before this show at a medium sized place with a stage and large dance floor. In the back of the room where booths and tables. We had a table, but when the band started we got up to the "mosh pit". I felt very happy after all the drinks. We danced and had a blast. The floor got more and more people on it. I bumped into a lot of people while dancing. A couple of times I felt someone grope my ass, I guess that it was the alcohol, because I...
Dear Reader, This will help you understand what is behind the bad news to follow. Rick’s dad is a senior lawyer in a large Chicago based firm. His firm is also in finance and real estate. He came to our island to become licensed to practice law here. His work was 50% Island/US law related, 30% Island local, and 20% Island/ another country. The latter via his firm’s lawyers licensed in other countries. Rick is now a sophomore in college. It’s a pity Fran and I have run out of ideas to get...
Hi guys, I am back with another story – this time about a . I have known Neha since my school days, and she is 3 years younger than me. She is in her final college year. Her friends decided to go on a trip to Manali. I was chatting with Neha casually, and she mentioned it. Then she asked me what I would be doing around the New year. So I told her that I didn’t have any plans and honestly didn’t even want to go anywhere. She asked me to come with her. I refused at first, but she insisted. I...
"Don't AUNT HAZEL! You little panty sniffing sissy slut. How did my soiled panties smell? And did you stick your tongue out and taste them too? I didn't see any cum stains or tissues. I am assuming you eat cum!"I was flabbergasted by her appearance and by the harsh words she spoke as she shook a leather strap in my face. The strap was about two feet long with a hard, round handle. Her eyes were on fire; shiny wet eyeballs, blackened large eye lashes, black/red striped mascara applied heavily,...
Kimmie's Emergence, Part 2. The next morning I made breakfast for my wife as usual, kissed her goodbye as she went off to work and went to my computer to try and get some work done. After an hour there was a knock at the door. I knew it had to be Seth. My hands were shaking as I opened the door. "Good morning, Kimmie. I hope you slept well with visions of being a fairy dancing in your head." I let him in, and looked up and down the hall, hoping nobody was out there to hear what he...
For most of my life I never knew exactly what my mom had done for work, neither did I know who my dad was. As such I just continued with life and thought to myself that I would find out what she did in time.My curiosity first peaked when I was 16, I was looking for my moms purse so I could exchange some of the money I got mowing lawns for people around my neighborhood for different bills. My search eventually leads to her underwear drawer where I do find her stash of extra money so I can change...
CrossdressingMargaret was down on all fours not far from the fire. The mountain man called Kit was a dead weight on her tail bone and he was humping her about as hard as she had been humped by a non-Indian male to the best of her recollection. His juice flooded her down below giving her the energy she needed to fall asleep and charge up her battered body for the trials and tribulations of the next day’s stress. She was unable to see it in the dark, but his cock must have been overly large because her...
As soon as the front door closed behind them they fell into each others arms. Lottë clung to him like a limpet. "Oh Uncle Rob, I never thought you would ... would..." "Nor did I, my Lottë. Last night ... I was still all over the place. It was madness for us to be husband and wife and yet I knew that if you ever left me I'd be miserable but I thought I'd get over that. And then when you said goodbye and left me at the bus stop this morning it hit me. I ... I realised that I couldn't...
Helen was surprised to find Eric less interested in sleeping with her. Although she had decided to control their sexual explorations, her resolve weakened as opportunities failed to present themselves. He began staying late after school, and when he finally got home her son would act too tired to respond to her subtle suggestions that she was interested in continuing the games they played one morning not so long ago in her big bed. Helen was too shy to try to entice her son more openly....
The day I met him was a big day. It was the day I moved out of my parents’ house and into my college dorm. The first week at school was only freshman, so that we could adjust to college life before the upperclassmen moved in. Having always been interested in older guys, I assumed it would be a dull week in terms of meeting hot guys. That day we had to attend a mandatory ‘alcohol awareness seminar.’ The girl in the room across the hall and I walked to the campus center and found seats in the...
It was still in the middle of the afternoon when Susan got back to Spearfish Lake, but she didn't go by the paper to tell her parents the news. It was paper day, and all her life she'd known that Tuesday afternoon was the time that things were nuts around the Record-Herald. It was always very busy around the paper on paper day, and not the time to bother them unless something really important happened, like, say, the house was on fire. It hadn't caught fire yet, but if it did they'd be...
Part four,There was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone in particular, so I hoped that our little exhibition at the church had finally worked its magic. You see the thing is, I knew my ex-wife better than anybody, better than her pathetic husband and far better than that priest pervert who was probably wanking every day, thinking about Cindy's body, wishing that he was her daddy.No, I knew that the sight of a stunning woman on my arm (even if it was my daughter) as well as feeling my...
I'm sorry it has not posted when I first submitted this part of the story so I'm trying this again.I Help My Aunt, Who helped Mom (part two)The next morning I woke up to a nice warm wet suction feeling on my dick, and a warm wet nose, and in opening my eyes, I see this bald wet pussy lips lightly grazing my nose, and the lower half of a sexy round butt right above it, in a bent over position, mixed with the smell of a pussy needing some attention, so I stuck my tongue out and gave that pussy a...
"LYDIA!" "Ohhhhh my god mom!" Lydia said while finishing her last orgasm. "Go clean yourself up and get ready for school we will talk about this later!" Said Brenda. Lydia embarrassingly went to the shower to clean herself up but was also kind of turned on by the fact of her mother walking in on her. She took her shower got dressed and ran downstairs. "Happy Birthday sweetie." Said Lydia's father, Mike "Thanks, dad" "Happy bday sis," said Lydia's very...
Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - S.H.E.I.L.A. Looking back even as we were moving away, I saw a fully outfitted assault team. Swiftly they entered the building even as we went through the back wall accelerating rapidly. ‘Damn it,’ I thought, ‘what had happened that they had found us this fast?’ Then as the building receded in the distance I realized that we had been there for over a day. “I am scanning for another location as we move Doctor Gance. I regret...
Charlotte finished showering and wrapped a towel around her wet, naked body. She fluffed her hair and left for the kitchen, starving for some food. Sucking Khan had given her a ravenous appetite. "You look delicious in that towel," Felicia said, looking up as Charlotte padded into the kitchen. "Doesn't she, Craig?" Craig's smile widened. "Fantastic!" He set his coffee down to admire her. Charlotte basked in their compliments. She felt wonderful, excitement coursed through her...
We had worked out the plan together to every detail and it was flawlessly in its simplicity. With any luck at all tonight, I would finally be able to catch my darling husband of over 8 years in one of his little lies and expose him for the cheat I knew him to be. Dave Stewart, the Downstream Marketing and Sales VP had been coming on to me all week and telling me all about Michael's little lies, the constant little "emergency trips" fix this or that production problem somewhere. Lies, all of...
Hi there. my name is Sajan, and I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. this time I wanted to share my once in a life time experience I had about six months ago, with my nineteen year old cousin. I lost my virginity on that fateful day, as did she. about me; I am a twenty two year old male, reaching to about six feet in height. I have got a particularly well toned muscular frame, and, well, not bad to look at either. it all began when Saranya, the cousin I above mentioned, came to my home...
About a year ago she started hanging out at the house next door where about 14 old people live. It’s a home just for older people who can take care of themselves. So Josey hangs out there playing games and talking with the old folks to keep herself busy most of the time. The old men, about 12 of them are always having her sit on there laps. One day while walking upstairs through the house she saw Dan. Dan’s always been real nice to her and so she stopped at his door and...
I hope that you enjoy this real life adventure story about my wife's introduction to being a fuck doll for a group of guys. She loved it!! We had all sorts of nasty adventures like this one. These events occurred more than five years ago. It was the first time we ever did anything like this.... it was such a blast for everyone! _______________________________________________________ There was always some pretty wild going-ons at the huge cocks, too.. Our housemate was also going to the party....
Group SexHelo friends, Payar hota nahi buss yoh he ho jata hai or phrr payar hamesha he zindagi k sath sath rahta hai jo kabhi b bolta nahi or na he sath chorta hai magr jis se hota hai woh shayd ap k sath nahi hotaaa …….. I am new here. Yeh web kamal hai un k liye jo kuch personal sex realation ko sekhna chahte hain. Main b kafi arsay se is ko read kar raha ho tha is amazing. Socha apni b a real love story post karo jo haqeqat k sewa kuch b nahi.. Mera name shehriyaar hai or main sialkot main rahta...
TRIO PART TWO. A dinner invitation and a guided tour.Mistress Agnes.When I sent her off on that Monday morning I was immediately full of doubt. What if it all went wrong? What if this Marie girl was the office gossip and word got out about our lifestyle? As you might judge I was anxious to find out. When I got home from work that Monday evening Sherri was already there, her car parked in its usual place. It had been a hot day, it was already one of the hottest summers on record, and I was...
I was remiss in not mentioning at the beginning of Chapter 1 that I had a plethora of great help from readers who volunteered to edit my stories. This story was edited by six wonderful folks living in the USA, England and Australia. I only know their emails and not their Literotica member names, but they know who they are and I appreciate them. However, I was changing and, hopefully, upgrading the story after their editing so there may be a typo or small error still in this 95,000 word story. I...
We decided to go for a weekend down the coast,all we had to do was book it,but i said what about Lauren we cant really leave her home on her own,she not long got out of college so a break aswell might be what she wants,Allie says "you think she will want to go on holiday with mum & dad "? ,i thought to myself well she is 18,i agreed with her and that we can both talk to her tonight. While sat with my wife Allie just chilling watching tv,i couldnt help but think if Lauren would go...
A couple of years ago we were sharing a villa in Spain with my Wife's parents. The holiday was fairly uneventful until the start of the second week.We had all decided to go to the beach and after an hour or so, my Mother in law, Laura and I went for a swim in the sea. Once we got out and were getting dried Laura said she was going back to the villa for a quick change so she would be ready to go for lunch. I decided soon after that she had the right idea and set off back to the villa.I let...
A short sketch Connie had been told what to expect. After all, she was the one who requested the device and laid out some of its specs. But for all her experiences as a enthusiast of odd bondage scenarios, she was still unprepared for the sight of the globe standing in the middle of the spacious empty hall. From a distance it looked something like a glistening ball bearing resting on a small dais. "Whoa. That's... strangely beautiful." As she drew nearer, she observed in its sheen her own...