AllisonChapter 14 free porn video

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Ali and Bill were back in Los Angeles. Bill was meeting a banker downtown and Ali was going over her investment portfolio. She had just given Barbara Jamison some stock trades to execute when the phone rang. It was Jennifer Clifford. "Ali, welcome back! I just got a letter from my brother, Brian. What did you do to him? The little kid seems to be floating in the clouds. All he could talk about was Karen who, I gather, is a Swiss girl you introduced him to. Who's Karen?"

"Your little brother found an angel! Karen is a wonderful girl who's the daughter of a Swiss friend of mine. She also seems to be madly in love with your brother. She's a gorgeous blonde who was on the Swiss national junior ski team. Anyway, that's the story. But what are you doing?"

"That's really why I called. I'm still working on the Strip and the manager has decided I should get rid of my pubic hair so I'm taking you up on your offer. I guess it includes bringing my father to see me dance, if you really insist. Believe it or not, I'm the headliner now. Could you help me? I guess it's something I have to do, but I just can't bring myself to do it."

Ali agreed and said that she would come right over. She ordered her car out and drove to her old apartment that she had given to Jennifer to use. When the girl greeted her at the door, Ali was immediately struck by how different she looked. The first time Ali had met her she had been grim and antagonistic. The second time she had been distraught. This time she was smiling and relaxed.

She invited Ali in and they had coffee. Then Jennifer said, "Ali, could we just forget about the hair? Since we talked, I realized how disgusting the whole thing is."

Ali smiled softly and said, "Jen, I want to see you dance. It's the price of admission. Let's do it!"

"Thank you, Ali, very much. I read the directions for the infernal machine and already cut my hair short the way the directions said." She smiled wryly at Ali and said, "I thought the kitchen counter could serve as the operating table. The directions say I need something firm under my ass."

With that Jennifer slipped off her shirt and shucked her jeans. Ali saw the girl had a magnificent body. Her breasts were larger than Ali's but perfectly shaped. The rest of her body was slim, supple, and muscular in a very feminine way. Her pubic patch looked odd — almost as if she had a short crew-cut. While Ali examined the electrical instrument, she saw Jennifer take a piece of hard rubber and put it between her teeth to bite on. She slid up on the counter with her right leg dangling over the edge to flatten the pubic area as much as possible.

The instrument was all ready for use. It was a strange thing that caught a hair between rubber teeth and pulled it out by its roots. Ali started to work. Jennifer remained perfectly still although the process seemed never-ending and was obviously very painful. Once Ali glanced at the girl's face and saw tears of pain streaming from her eyes while she could see the girl's jaws locked on the hard rubber. She was about to stop when Jennifer signaled her to keep going. Finally it was done. Jennifer had her head propped up against the wall of a closet at the end of the counter and had been watching the whole process.

When Ali finished, Jennifer took the piece of rubber out of her mouth and said huskily, "Thank God!"

Ali looked at her for a moment and then helped her off the counter top, into the bathroom and ran the bathtub. After Jennifer gratefully lowered her body into the warm water, Ali used the washcloth to wash off the sweat that had been streaming from her body. Finally she helped the girl out of the tub, dried her off, and lay her on her back on the bed. Then she took a painkilling ointment and spread it on Jennifer's pubic area and started to massage the girl's body. There was not an apparent ounce of fat on the girl — just smooth skin and supple muscles. As she worked, she saw Jennifer drift off to sleep. When she finished the massage, she covered the girl and darkened the room. Several hours later, Jennifer emerged from the room looking angry.

Ali was startled and asked, "Jen, what's wrong?"

"You're what's wrong, Allison Clifford! I ask you over here to do me a favor. Not only do you handle an impossible chore — my God, if a girl asked me to pull out her cunt hair, I would die! — but you bathe me, dry me off and give me a massage to boot. Damn it, the only thing you didn't do was kiss me good night!" At that Jennifer bent over and kissed Ali sweetly on the lips, whispering, "Good night, Mom!"

Then she grinned at Ali and held out her hands saying, "Come on, Mom. I've got to work on that decrepit body of yours and try to keep it going for another couple of days!" With that she pulled Ali to her feet and led her into the bedroom.

Then she did for Ali what Ali had done for her: bathing her in a scented bath, drying her, and then massaging her body with oil. As she did she said, "Mom, I was pretty proud of my body until I saw yours. No wonder Dad is so happy! You are out of this world!"

As she massaged her muscles, Ali was moaning with the pleasure of it. She said, "Jen, where did you ever learn to do this? You're marvelous!"

Jen replied, "I'm a dancer, remember? We have more aches and pains than we can count so we always need a massage. The only way you can get a massage, though, is to be able to give one. But I'm only an amateur compared to you, anyway." She finished the massage leaving Ali asleep. Then she pulled the covers over her and kissed her sweetly again, whispering, "Thanks, Mom."

Later Ali was awakened. As she opened her eyes, she found Jennifer putting musk oil in her slit and between her breasts. The girl smiled and said, "Mom, it's time to go home. I thought I would set you up to be raped by Dad as you come in the door. Your glorious body is my gift to him tonight." She grinned and Ali grinned back.

When she got back to the suite Bill had just returned. He took her in his arms and kissed her softly. As he did he whispered, "My God, Ali. What are you wearing? You smell heavenly — and very exciting!" He continued to kiss her. Soon they were making love on the floor. Their lovemaking was exquisite.

Ali knew that Jen was off that night. The next evening she told Bill she wanted to go out to a nightclub. He looked at her strangely but agreed. Ali told Fred the name of the club on Sunset Strip and timed their arrival for Jen's last show at midnight. Jennifer had made sure there was a table for them in front next to the stage.

As they entered, Bill recognized the club immediately as a strip joint so he looked at Ali strangely and said, "Honey, are you sure this is really where you want to go?"

She said it was and they walked in. A stripper was ending her act as they were seated. There were the usual ribald yells and catcalls as well as a host of lewd suggestions aimed at the dancer. Bill started to redden about the ears and glanced at Ali. She appeared to be oblivious to the whole thing — she was not disturbed a bit. She even ignored a couple of low-voiced comments obviously aimed at her.

After they were seated and ordered beer, the MC came out and introduced the featured act at the club, Jenny. When she first came out on the stage, Bill partially rose from his chair. Ali took his hand in hers and squeezed it as he said softly, "It's Jennifer!"

She nodded and whispered, "I know, darling."

The music changed dramatically from the traditional stripper's beat to music that was slow and melodic. Jennifer came out wearing a white terry cloth bathrobe and sat at a mirrored dressing table. Then she took a letter from the table and read it. As she did, she allowed her robe to fall open and then slide off her shoulders. Now she was completely nude and fully visible to the audience in the mirror. It was obvious she was expecting her lover to arrive after an extended absence. First, she carefully applied lipstick to her lips. Then she quickly fixed her hair and applied rouge lightly to her nipples and her nether lips. As she did, she spun around so the audience could have a full view of her cunt as she spread her legs wide to apply the rouge. Then she rose from the chair and began to move as if she were in a dream.

Ali thought she was extremely good as she moved with grace and feeling dreaming her way through a seduction. She lay on the floor and ran her finger up her slit while spreading her legs wide to welcome her lover inside her. Ali noticed that the club was very quiet with the music setting a mood rather than a beat. Looking around, she saw the club was packed to the doors but the audience was mesmerized watching Jennifer on the stage. Finally, she reached her orgasmic peak and her loins seemed to explode in a frenzy of motion.

At one point in her dance she was close to the edge of the stage directly in front of Bill and Ali. She went to her knees, spread them as wide as she could, and leaned over backward, arching her back as her head touched the stage. Meanwhile her slender fingers were stroking her loins and her now-bare mound. When she jumped to her feet she gave Ali a quick wink.

The number concluded with door chimes ringing. Jennifer seemed to awaken, grabbed her robe and disappeared from the stage. There was thunderous applause that continued as, now wearing her robe, she came back on the stage to take her bows. Now there were cheers and shouts of approval as Jennifer smiled, waved, and left the stage. Since hers was the last act in the show, the house lights came up and the crowd noise started to increase in volume. Clearly, many in the audience were talking about the performance they had just witnessed.

Then Bill looked at Ali and tried to glare at her but without success. "You knew she was here, didn't you?"

"She had a problem that I helped her with, Bill. In return for the help, I told her I wanted to bring you here to see her perform."

Ali smiled. "Bill, when I learned she was working as a stripper I wasn't happy. But she is absolutely outstanding! She had the crowd in a trance. You saw the difference yourself: The first girl we saw was treated the way you expect a stripper to be treated — shouts of 'take it off'. Of course with Jennifer, since she started without clothes there wasn't anything for her to take off, but she had the audience absolutely mesmerized."

A few minutes later Jennifer joined them. She was wearing a very conservative sweater and skirt. When she sat down, the waitress was there immediately to take her order. Jennifer ordered a ginger ale and looked at her father. "Hello, Dad," she said quietly.

Bill looked at her and smiled. "Hi, Jen. You looked very good up there, although it came as a hell of a shock to see you. But why did you ask us to come?"

Jennifer smiled softly and said, "Because Mom wanted to see me."

"Mom?" Bill asked with his amazement audible in his voice.

"Mom," Jennifer repeated even more firmly. "Dad, there's something I want to give you. I gave it to Mom, but I'm sure she didn't give it to you." She took out a copy of the letter the lawyer had written for her renouncing her inheritance and giving any money due to her to Allison McGrath Clifford or her estate.

Bill looked at it and shook his head. "Jen, I didn't even know you were in Los Angeles. When did you leave Texas, and why? What are you doing here in LA?"

She smiled and said, "I'm still in school. This is how I support myself."

Her face turned solemn as she said, "Dad, when you cut me off it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was such an unmitigated little shit! I think working as a stripper started off as a form of penance. Mom already knows the story and I guess you should, too. I was so certain I was right and you were wrong! I went to USC and UCLA and talked to the kids about Ali McGrath. I would order a beer about noon and not get out of the Student Union until closing time. It was a game of Can You Top This? with Ali McGrath stories. The more I learned the worse I felt. Then I got this job.

"Incidentally, Dad, I got down on my knees in front of Mom to beg her forgiveness. I did it, not because you told me to, but because I wanted to. I told her there was no reason on God's earth why she should forgive me, but I learned that Ali is Ali. Dad, she helped me up and kissed me and just held me close. God, it felt good! Dad, believe it or not, I've reformed. I accused Ali of being a whore. Then I learned at the trial that Ali had been with two men a total of three times in her life ... and I believe her. She was virginal when you and she were married, wasn't she?"

Bill just nodded and said, "Jen, you can't believe how much I love Ali. Let's just say I couldn't imagine being with another woman. By the way, I fully expect Ali to replicate your act for me alone some day. It's just the sort of thing she would do. She claims it keeps me interested!"

Jennifer smiled warmly at her father and said, "Dad, Mom came over two days ago to pull out my pubic hair. It's a lousy, disgusting job. Yet she was as tender as she could be. When she was finished and I was in tears, she took me into the bathroom, bathed me, gave me a massage, and tucked me into bed. I told her later that all she didn't do was kiss her little girl goodnight. So Dad, I kissed her. I insisted on giving her a bath — I have never in my life seen a more gorgeous body, by the way — giving her a massage and tucking her into bed."

Ali interjected, "Bill, that was two nights ago. When I got home you smelled the musk oil our daughter poured in my slit. You took me right on the floor. Remember?" She smiled and gripped Bill's hand.

Just then a tall young man came over to the table. Ali heard Jennifer mutter, "Oh, shit!" A club bouncer moved to head the man off, but Jen motioned him away.

When he got to the table he looked at Jennifer and said, "Jen, is it really you?"

"I'm afraid it is," Jen said. "Steve, I would like you to meet my parents, Bill and Ali Clifford. Mom and Dad, this is Steve Chapman who is also a student at UCLA with me."

Bill rose and shook Steve's hand. Steve was very tall — about six feet three — with light hair and blue eyes. He had a very athletic build.

He took Ali's hand as well and his grip was firm. Ali said, "Jen, you're finished for the evening, aren't you?" Jen said she was, and Ali said, "Let's go somewhere then. Steve, would you care to join us?"

They agreed to meet at the Beverly Wilshire in the coffee shop downstairs because Jennifer said she hadn't eaten dinner yet. When Ali asked why, she smiled and said, "They don't like strippers with protruding bellies."

When they reached the hotel, they found that the coffee shop was about to close. Jennifer had made it ahead of Steve, providing Ali the opportunity to try to find out who he was. Jen said, "He's a guy I see at school. I guess he's in the graduate business program. We started to talk in the Student Union one day. I've never told him where I live, my phone number, or even my last name. He only learned that my last name is Clifford when I told him at the club tonight. He probably won't even show up."

A few moments later Steve appeared. Ali said, "Steve, it looks like we'll have to go to our room. Do you still want to join us?" Steve agreed with alacrity.

As soon as they entered the suite, Ali saw Steve's eyes widen. He immediately recognized it as the top suite in the hotel. Ali asked him if he would like to join Jennifer for dinner. When he immediately agreed, Ali ordered steaks for the young people and a platter of hors d'oeuvres for themselves. Bill made drinks for everyone and they sat down.

Steve was looking at Jennifer and said, "Well, I finally found you! And I finally learn your last name is Clifford."

He looked at Ali and Bill and said, "I met your daughter about a month ago and wanted to get to know her better. I meet her at the Union — in fact we had a couple of dates there — but nowhere else. Then, completely by accident, I find her dancing on the Strip. In some way, I guess it's her fault, though. I was feeling so frustrated because she would never go out with me, I wound up in a strip joint and then find she's the star there." He looked at Jennifer and said, "You were absolutely spectacular tonight. And your body is spectacular, too!"

Jennifer looked at him closely and said, "Thank you, Steve. I'm glad you like it. You really liked my dance?"

"I've never seen anything like it," he said. "Where did the idea come from? And the dream sequence: Unbelievable! How do you do it?"

She smiled at him and said very softly, "I think about you."

"You what?" he exclaimed.

"I think about you. I think of getting a letter from you saying you're coming to visit me after we have been apart for a long time. Then I think about how I would act, and that's what I do on stage."

Same as Allison
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The early Christmas party was going on and everyone was having a good time, even the conservative Rene accepted a beer to celebrate the festivities. The only problem was that they were running low on beer, so a beer run was necessary so Bruce and Rene took off to the liquor store. The drive was mostly uneventful. Bruce, for the most part, contained himself and Renee was able to keep her clothes on, but did flash her boobs as they got into his car. Their problem came about a block before the...

4 years ago
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ScarredChapter 3

It was six in the morning when Charlie woke me up. Slipping into a pair of shorts, I went for my early morning jog. Charlie, running next to me as I jogged along the beach. Finishing our half-hour run, with a sprint back to the apartment. Preparing some dried dog food with peanut butter for Charlie before jumping into the shower. After having some fruits for breakfast, myself, we were ready to go. Turning the ignition key to fire up the engine, I looked at Charlie next to me. “Let’s do this...

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Close Friends

I still remember the first time I had ever had sex with Kevin. It was a Friday night and we were in his basement swapping stories and a few smokes as well. We had just finished watching a porno and usually at this point we would excuse ourselves and go whack off in the bathroom under the guise of having to take a leak or something. before we got to that point though we were talking and drinking a beer when for some reason I decided to admit to him that I had been having sex with another friend...

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My wonderful neighbor SHIKHA

It was summer vacation. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to pune. My mom requested our neighbor Shikha to give me food for those 15 days. Shikha was a very good lady, by nature as well as by looks. She came to live in the flat next to ours couple of months ago. She was divorced. Her husband went to USA seven years back and got married to another lady there and gave divorce to Shikha. She had a son who was in 3rd standard. Her husband had given her enough money so...

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Sarahs Stallion Ch 04

I want to thank LadyFalcon for her assistance by making constructive comments and editing this story. * * * * * * Now that we’d had sex, I found myself thinking about Sarah during every waking moment. When she wasn’t with me, I felt like part of me was missing. God, I was in love with this woman! I’d savored being near Sarah before, but now I wanted to be with her all the time. It seemed I was a moth and she was attracting me to her flame. It was consuming me. She caused my hormones to...

4 years ago
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Mothers Love A Goddess Awakens

A mother begins to feminize her son who was always feminine and beautiful. She instills upon him the want, the desire to become a woman. He, later on she, loves this and gives into his unknown desire to be a vivacious, sexy and beautiful lady. He will become the perfect proper daughter, a powerful woman and a true Goddess. Mother's Love: A Goddess Awakens My father had left my mother when I was a child. I know he caused her a great amount of pain when he left. Since those days I...

1 year ago
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On The Job Sexual Encounters part 3

While we were embracing each other in bed, relaxing, we were chatting and laughing, she had admitted to me that it was her first time ever with another woman, I was shocked asking “and how long have you been working here?” She said “I was the last to be hired, don’t get me wrong, I love sex, I was first fucked by Julio and that was when he interviewed me to be hired” I smiled asking “and that was it?” She said “No, he has been fucking me every time he is here” I said “I meant the...

2 years ago
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The Birthday Present

The Birthday Present By Freddie CleggThe JewellersWell, this is what started it. My ?interest?, I mean. Being in the wrong place. At the wrong time.It would never have happened if I hadn’t had the bright idea of buying my girlfriend a birthday present from the most up-market jewellers in town. The way I figured it was, no matter what I chose, the name on the box would give me a few good points. So that was why I was in the wrong place. As for the wrong time? Well, I’d meant to go at lunch time...

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Never say never

I am waking up, my head feels like its ten times bigger than it is. My mouth is dry and the desert at mid-day. I cannot remember when I ate last, well ate food anyway. My room is still dark, but it has been dark the whole time. Nothing in here but this double bed! It has just the two sheets, a wool blanket and two pillows. Nothing more or less really. The room smells of pussy and sweat! There is a light, up on the ceiling but she only turns it on when she is in here. The rest of the...

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Housewives of Valley County Ch 04b

“Mrs. Wells.” Patricia, naked, and in a somewhat of a hurry, gave chancellor’s Glover’s secretary a pleasant nod on her way past.“Professor Walsh.” Louise returned the courteous gesture. Again, when she noticed all that delicious cum on the professor’s face, she felt her bare nipples aching to be touched. For a quick moment, Louise closed her eyes and imagined the sensual feeling of Chancellor Glover shooting all his thick, chunky cum all over her face.“Oh…” A wonderful sigh of desire left...

1 year ago
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Training Course 1

Training Course – Part 1A true story by jeni45, though the names have been changed. Thanks to davylad1234 for the inspiration to put pen to paper (so to speak).My night of excitement and naughtiness started at the end of a four day training course. It had not been an interesting course but I met some nice people from across the region. Most left for home after class on Thursday, though a few of us were staying over until Friday. Along with two guys from the course, we decided to go out for...

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Your Guardian AngelChapter 3 Seasons Are Changing

Devon was right -- I had plenty of time to get better and I did. It started when Devon woke up. She had ideas on how she could help me get better. The training program started with a shower; it let me explore her body and have my body explored by her hands. Devon was a tiny female. She didn't come to my shoulder and I outweighed her by at least seventy-five pounds. She was not lacking in curves though, especially since her breasts were a little too big for her frame. They were incredibly...

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Dear Mother Finding PennyChapter 3

I knew I could take a chance and not enlist in one of the services and if luck was with me, I wouldn't be drafted. On the other hand, I had a burning desire to learn to fly and I was determined to do whatever it took to realize that dream. The services were the only realistic chance I had to fulfill that ambition. In addition, I felt a moral obligation to serve my country. I just didn't want to end up getting killed in some foreign country if I could avoid it. I decided to join the Coast...

2 years ago
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Neighbour8217s Young Son Fulfills Housewife8217s Wild Desires

Hello readers, my name is Pramila and I would like to share my real-life sexual encounter that happened a few years back, as that incident changed my life completely. The incident happened a few years back, and at the time of the incident, I was in my late 20s, enjoying a happy married life with my husband and a 4-year-old son. I have a short figure and bell-shaped breasts that would easily raise many dicks. I have always had wild fantasies and unfulfilled desires that I had kept hidden deep...

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River 2425

Chapter 24 and 25 Chapter 24 So far: The events in Stone Ledge reach a conclusion, and not a happy one. However Marilyn receives a treasure, and the flotilla heads back to the reserve in record time. The suicide of Virginia Audette is not yet a completed story, however. -------- ------- ------ As Marilyn and Nick admired their tiny new baby, River came over. "It isn't over," she said. "The river said that there will be a hearing the day after tomorrow, before Ginny's funeral....

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Wrecked Ship

Wrecked Ship Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson Knowing that you are in a ship that has just struck one of those errant mines from the second world war of nearly half a century earlier, is bad news. That is enough trouble to deal with, is it not? But, suppose that by some circumstance of fate, you were to find yourself in that kind of a situation, but you are not who the passenger manifest claims that you are? What kinds of problems arise? I know all about those...

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Cum For Cover, sounding like some warfare cry from Shaving Ryan's Privates! I don't know why the pages come up with such crappy names, but there is something about that cracks me up. I guess I am in a good mood, and that's one hell of good news for the page that I am about to review. is a premium joint, meaning that the bar in my mind is set very high and that I am gonna use every opportunity to shit on stuff I don't like. Let's see if I'll dig up some dirt!Who...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 34 Post Bowling Surprises

"That was incredible Brian, real fucking good." Sarah looked up at her boyfriend Robin Ottoman, at Mum who was dressed again after Vikki's mum had cleaned her up, Vikki and her mother, both of whom had covered up their breasts and finally at Madeleine who had also dressed before joining us after being 'cleaned up' by a volunteer from the audience. "Just think," she giggled, "I've got Brian Hacker cum in my pussy." She kissed Robin. "What do you think Rob? Should I get some tissue...

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Anas Betrayal

 I was so excited when I found out that I'd be returning home a day earlier than expected from my first business trip as a junior banker at Martin Keller Group.  It was early April, almost nine months since Ana and I got married and moved to Los Angeles.  I started at Martin Keller about a week later, choosing to spend my first week back from our honeymoon in an effort to extend it.  I bet we made love at least three times a day all week long!  It got to the point that we'd have to slather...

Wife Lovers
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Bossing the Boss Ch 05

Author’s Note: To get background on the characters, please read the previous chapters. Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments I’ve received so far. Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, or if it is offensive to you. All characters are fictitious. All events are fictional. Any similarities in this story to real events or people are unintentional. * * * * * Suzanne glanced at the clock when she ended her cell phone conversation with Tom. Damn! It was only 2...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Brother And Best Friend

Hello ISS readers. I am Saba, back with the continuation of the last part. In the last part I told you how my brother Amin and my bestie Riya had sex. If you haven’t read it, please read them by clicking on my author name and read it from there. Coming to the story, I and Riya started getting ready for lunch. I asked Amin to take a quick shower and get ready. I wore a fancy red top and shorts and Riya wore a yellow top and shorts. We were looking like two hot sisters. Amin wore a t-shirt and...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 407 Letrsquos Party

Now, this is a birthday party that I will be able to remember fondly. “Everyone that wants to swim, into the pool. You know where to find bathing suits if you want one. It is clothing-optional for people under twenty. Everyone older can swim nude if they wish, but do it inside. Somethings kids don’t want to see,” I joked as I carefully took off my clothes, put them on the chair, and grabbed an already nude April. “Throw me, Day-id,” she giggled. I watched as those here who didn’t know...

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Kinkiest Sex

This story goes eight years back when I had just complied my graduation and joined my father’s business. At that time I was not married and naturally was having deep interest in sex like any boy of my age. Before beginning my story I think I have to start with my background. I belong to a conservative family in Gujarat where talking about even friendship with girl was seen as taboo. I studied in a boys’ school. Then went to Ahmedabad for further studies. There I had a complete freedom to make...

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Facebook Friend Turned Into Bed Partner

Hi, guys, I’m Wade,19 years old from Chennai,5’7 fair complexion with really hard 6.5 inches dick.I know four languages namely English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil. My native is Kerala, and anyone can email me.Any single girls and aunties who are desperate for sex can contact me. Privacy is assured.this is my first story here. Post your feedback at OK let’s go to the story. Hi, I’m Wade and I’m from chennai.I’m pursuing my engineering degree here in Chennai.I have a lot of interest in sex but...

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Ama Bitch or in other fucking simpler words Amateur Bitch is one heck of a picture porn site that has exclusively features young, nubile girls who aren’t professionals when it comes to getting downright naughty and indulging in all sorts of nasty action. By nasty action I mean; rubbing their clits, fingering themselves, taking topless or nude selfies, upskirts, lingerie among many more or should I say that anyone with a taste for youthful flesh will be well taken care of.The site just has a way...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Waxing into a New Me part 1

Waxing into a New Me part 1 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it may not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. It starts with a real statement; however, it becomes the life I wish I had after the first page. Comments or ideas may be sent to: [email protected]. Jane said, "What did you do? You look more like a woman than a man." James: however, most of the time he used Jimmy, had just taken his clothes off and he could clearly see his...

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Cousin RemovedChapter 8

I put in a solid week. I kept my morning workouts shorter than normal and worked until dusk Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday night, I had work lights out and didn’t finish until 10. Satisfied I’d remained on track, I hit the sack, ready for some help the following day. Thursday morning, my crew showed up right at 7, ready to go. I had roofing supplies waiting for them, and while they began on that, I started on the siding. With them on the roof and me on the side, we were able to stay out of...

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Ginas Life Ch 07

By the middle of the month mum and Andrew were arguing again, she was off in a few weeks to do another 3 week cruise. But more importantly my school skirts didn’t fit anymore. I had moved the buttons several times, but now I was reduced to wearing Lucy’s old skirts. I mean me, in someone else’s clothes! Even fat Gloria was sniggering at me, the fat ugly twat. Still, it gave me an excuse to bunk off school now and then. Martin and I agreed on our next step, and then we went to see his mum and...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 13 The Rakshasarsquos Hot Gaze

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I finished dressing after fucking Lasla at the bow of the Treasure Box. The ship was coming into the dock. Thick mooring...

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Orgasmatron II

 At one time, Brad and Jenny had enjoyed a life full of stimulating eroticism. Several years prior to the virus they had an open marriage that rejuvenated their passion when things started to get a little stale. They discussed the possibility of using the Orgasmatron to recreate that lifestyle again. However, after discussing this, they decided their marriage had been through enough challenges and going down that road had too much risk. They needed something that provided more structure and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 12

The first of the evening had been one hot lusty experience for all four members of the family when Sue had announced that she was going to be having a baby. And when her son Tim had come around the table to where she was sitting and began to strip her and fuck her right there on the table, the daughter-in-law, Cindy, had also announced that she was pregnant again with her second baby and her father-in-law Chuck had proceeded to fuck her right there as well. It had been one of the sexiest...

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